This game was 11 years ago

>This game was 11 years ago.......
Why haven't graphics progressed much?

Attached: 1516547605395.jpg (220x254, 20K)

Other urls found in this thread:,review-29779-10.html

this game runs at 20fps and the textures are often ps2 tier

>implying it even looked good

Law of diminishing returns.

>11 years since MGS4
Jesus Christ where did the time go

>laW Of dIMinIsHiNG reTurNS

Attached: 1509469561343.png (1006x1007, 492K)

Graphics have progressed a lot, but now it's not too noticeable.
I wouldn't use MGS4 as a point of comparison though.
We already reached a point where some games look like real life, but those results aren't easy to get.
I've noticed a lot of graphical improvement now is about the accuracy of lighting.
so I think in the future graphical development will focus on optimization.

This game was ugly as fuck. Not technology wise, but it had an eyesore art style/aesthetic. Everything was brown, bloom, grim but not even in an interesting way, just in that boring grimdark style that plagued that era of the 2000s.

Pretty much. Also a lot of the animations had a very stiff feel to them, that was acceptable in the ps2 but the way this game handles cover mechanics is laughably outdated even on it's release date.

it was fine on release because it was called "metal gear solid 4" and was going to finally save you from feeling like you wasted your money. the best game the ps3 had at the time was uncharted 1 and it was alright but kind of jank. uncharted 2 was way more polished. i don't remember what year that came out. 2009 probably.

Because you are blind and tasteless. Any game made past 2015 looks better by default, we have seen numerous technological leaps since then.

MGS4 looked like dog shit compared to Crysis and that game came in 2007.

Technically they make bigger and bigger and bigger worlds which is progress, but they don't look good.

i'm thankful every day to be past the brown n' bloom era

The game looks like shit today

crysis didn't really run on anything at the time. you needed like sli 8800 gtx which were $600 each.

Crysis was impossible to run at max settings when it came out. There was no gpu capable of running max settings.


This thread is full of poorly thought out posts. Have you faggots even played the game?

i was running it on ultra using 8800gt
in 1024x768
and with hacks that enable dx10 effects in dx9
it looked glorious anyway

Yeah i have, dipshit, it's the reason i bought a ps3. The game looks extremely dated today with its poor textures, non-PBR lighting, flat non-dynamic lighting, stiff animations, low shawdow quality, etc. It's not a bad thing, retard, the game is ancient.

Go fire it up right now. MGS4 looks better than 5.

Just a series of norms. That's all they were.

Attached: 1547597865218.png (750x747, 796K)

You need to get your eyes checked. The photorealistic object based lighting and reflections in mgs5 make it look 100x better than 4

Graphical fidelity simply peaked. Everything since has been about smoothing the edges rather than integrating the increased performances back into the gameplay itself.

Such a retarded example. More polygons doesn't mean more visual definition, he's basically saying the opposite.

A ball is only ever a ball when you really need it to be.

I think it was after or around MG4 when I knew things would never get better.
I wish I was young again.

Attached: 3c9dde4f4042308f44b56d5e0f8877ec.jpg (680x680, 62K)

Buzzwords: the post
MGSV was downgraded, it doesn't use the fancy lighting that was advertised. MGS4 on the other hand was carefully crafted to many every area look how it does, it's far more consistent and looks good. There is a difference in resolution but if you play MGS5 on PS3 it will look a lot worse.
Also reflections? Really? There are some fucking puddles, pretty sure only GZ had them too.

Attached: next gen.jpg (1920x1200, 422K)

I dont care what anyone says. I still liked this game. MGO2 was awesome. You can still play it tho ya need an old copy of the game pre trophy patch.

too right, 7th gen will be right behind 5th gen in terms of games that age terribly.

>this game is now older than MGS1 was during the release of MGS4

Why are you wasting time lying about how MGS4 looks good? Don't you have anything better to do

a rerelase with everything as is would be fine with me.

I'm not, I took a good look at it after I played 5 because of how disappointed I was in the visuals.

Attached: image_metal_gear_solid_v_the_phantom_pain-26334-2584_0030.jpg (1920x1080, 639K)

Holy shit. Time flies when you get old

>MGS5 came out in 2015

I've always wondered this.

Nowadays, games pay 0 attention to shit like NPC, unless they're major characters.

Games like The witcher 3, Deus ex and dishonored all have absolutely shitty looking NPCs, like miles away from the rest of the game. Every single enemy soldier in MGS4 was incredibly detailed

Pic related is an NPC from deus ex mankind divided, a 2016 game

Attached: deus-ex-mankind-divided-where-to-find-edward_1200x500.jpg (1200x500, 241K)


you mean movie

>Games like The witcher 3
>have absolutely shitty looking NPCs
Wwhat the fuck are you talkinga bout?

>Every single enemy soldier in MGS4 was incredibly detailed
They all wore masks.

Attached: witcher3 2016-12-26 22-41-08-70.jpg (1920x1080, 174K)

Why compare open world games and MGS4?

>mgs4's npcs were incredibly detailed
You couldn't even see their faces, moron

That's not a random NPC, why don't you show how random npcs look like. There's also like a grand total of 10 models per sex.

and some mercenaries didn't wear masks

Deus ex is hardly open world

Attached: 377891564.jpg (640x400, 54K)

>That's not a random NPC,
Yes it is.

Ah I see, you're playing on PS4 Pro.

Attached: witcher3 2016-08-24 02-20-20-20.jpg (1920x1080, 154K)

Also I'd really like to see your collection of random MGS4 faces.

Attached: witcher3 2016-08-28 00-50-44-42.jpg (1920x1080, 283K)

even with their faces obscured, the entire model has more detail (and also better animations) than the npcs from those games

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>facial hair and hair is literally floating over the character's head.

lmao yes, good example m8

Africa was a mistake. At least Afghanistan had a reason to be barren, its a fucking desert.

MGS4 remaster when?

Attached: easterneuropemidtownsse.jpg (1024x576, 262K)

>Crysis is 12 years old

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You're a funny guy.

Attached: witcher3 2016-08-28 02-22-34-45.jpg (1920x1080, 318K)

>haha his hair sits on his head lol
Wow... just like real life

Attached: witcher3 2016-08-28 02-46-26-33.jpg (1920x1080, 278K)

my hair doesn't floats on top of my head, it has a base there in my scalp.

The hair in the models of the witcher 3 has a visible vacuum between hair and scalp

mgs4 is dogshit

If you say so.

no you didn't,review-29779-10.html
an average of 23 fps is not running the game, that's practically unplayable

Yes he probably was.
1. at a low resolution
2. likely at a low frame rate

we weren't so autistic back then, no one was talking about frames much.

The middle one unironically has the most soul