ITT: boss fights women will never understand

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I'm a woman (female) and I understood it.

>woman (female)

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I'm a FTM and I understood it.

sorry but april fools is in a few weeks, bud

Then explain it.

I know this is bait but why wouldn't you just say you're a female?

What's to explain? He had to put a shit kicking on his mentor while she actively took the fall.

Then you truly dont understand.

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Because most ((("""females""""))) on Yea Forumsbare trannies and traps.

Go on, I'll wait.

I still have my penis, hee hee

Women can hardly understand anything.

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Boiling it down to simply kicking his mentors ass and her taking the blame is to also completely ignore the themes of what it means to hold loyalty in a nation and what the concept of "enemy" entails on a logical and philosophical level.

Beyond that, its also the point in which Naked Snake stops being a Cold War american hero and becomes Big Boss, the iinternational nuclear terrorist. Killing The Boss shattered his belief in the concepts of America and what it means to hold loyalty to a nebulous constantly shifting nation state, filling him with bitter resentment towards the treatment of the greatest person he ever knew, which eventually resulted in Outer Heaven. Both he and The Boss were manipulated and used by their nation not as a human or as a soldier but as a pure blunt tool, a thing to be used up and thrown away, a purely replaceable object with no value, and its this exact moment that makes him resent that system and the government, its this exact moment that causes Metal Gear 1 and 2.

And the player is the one forced to pull the trigger and make this all happen, putting the onus of the entire rest of the series on you for making him go through with it.

>I'm a woman (female) and I understood it.

well you know the rules
tits or GTFO

I boiled it down for simplicity and it's not incorrect. Everything you added after in your autistic screed has nothing to do with the actual fight and is instead fallout.
Anything else to add?

nice deflection but nobody is buying it. you're a simpleton.

Based and redpilled

It has everything to do with the fight you idiot. Its the entire POINT of the fight.

Literally nothing about this makes it exclusive to the male understanding. Something only a man could understand are things like getting kicked in the dick, being inside a vagina, getting a blowjob, etc.

That's literally a point that's shown AND described all the time in the games, it's not that deep and it's so obvious that it shouldn't even be talked about. Everytime I see threads like that I imagine virgins who never had any sort of real problems or significant relationships in their lives.

Why do men think they're intellectuals when they just happen to be slightly less retarded than the average man (which is not even an accomplishment)? You just said the same thing she did but with more useless words.

People who feel the need to describe things with big words and lengthy unnecessary explanations are more often than not the least intelligent types of people.

Except the whole thing is about motherhood. Incels on here won't get it since they hate their mothers.

makes no sense, how can we hate the one who provides us with food and shelter?

True, the Boss is his mother figure and seeing nerds here not being able to word it and having to write paragraphs to explain why Naked Snake cares so much about her, but not in a romantic way, is hilarious and kind of pathetic.

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Both The Boss and Big Boss are shit characters and Kojima is way too obsessed with these shitty characters shitty relationship. MGS 3 was a mistake.

>Truly does not understand.

>Why do men think they're intellectuals when they just happen to be slightly less retarded than the average man
Women do the exact same fucking thing but they usually end up being just as retarded.

nice post, user.


They don't show off as much as men from my experience at school, at work, in personal relationships, etc. At least on average.


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>woman is added to videogame discussion
>contributions include nodding and saying "yeah" or "mmhmm".


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The Boss having her womanhood/femininity carved up and hollowed from her by her loyalty to her country is a crucial part of this scene though.

Plotfags are cancer. Go back to high school literature class

Men try way harder to seem superior than those around them than the average woman.

Because women don't need to aspire and aren't encouraged to. Men have to be competitive or they won't get anywhere.

also superior doesn't equate to intelligent, one can be competitive without trying to seem like the most intelligent, such as athletic ability or courage

>to understand all of this you need to complete peace walker and listen 6 hours of optional monologues of people masturbating on "OH BOSS WAS SUCH SUPERUBERWOMAN"

Completely depends on the environment. No one gives a fuck about your athletic ability in an office.

>he actually fell for Kojima's drivel and thinks it's super deep

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That's because the male ego is incredibly fragile.

Yes I agree it does depend on the environment

This post was about when one tries to appear more intellectual than the other

this post instead used the word superiority, to try to bring in all examples of men vs women, not just Intellectual.

I was pointing out NOT EVERY example of men trying hard to seem superior is an example of men trying to be intellectual.

Well yeah, no shit. But that's because it's it's a byproduct of societal norms towards men. Men aren't supposed tobcry. Men are supposed to provide. Etc etc. When you've been fed that your entire life and has been a huge part of societal norms for over a hundred years, it's going to take a while to break away from that stigma.

>wanting to be the best and having a constant desire to improve means your ego is fragile
Women everybody

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Is that norm a bad thing?

Is it? There's arguments both ways.

Yes, it is. People should be allowed to behave as they see fit without having to think it goes against something. The world is constantly changing and evolving. Making two sexes be held down by arbitrary bullshit is dumb.

Its a joke you shmit.Theres a part near the end where Eva says to Snake she doesnt understand the relationship Snake and The Boss share,thats why these threads usually start with something from MGS3,also women in general are pretty vapid to be quite honest.

All the angry roasties replying to this post will never understand the concept of loyalty and patriotism like a warrior does. The choice to widthstand emotional pain for a greater good and not just personal profit.

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Loyalty? Comradery? Actual earned respect? Love? All things women will never understand. Even the gayest fucking trap understands these notions better than any woman.

What would women know about sacrifice?

>also women in general are pretty vapid to be quite honest.
Am I supposed to take you seriously or laugh at your jokes after you say shit like that?

Have sex.

>guys are told to take a backseat to let her make a point
>she makes a fool of herself or reads from a teleprompter/script

>when faced with a concept and feeling they could never comprehend, the retard goes "muh sex muh pussy"

with you? ok where to?

Just nod and laugh, sweet cheeks.

Big Boss didn't understand it either. That's why he became Big Boss


Every time lol. Pussy is worthless in todays society, try harder babe.

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If anyone would, it's her. She's not real obviously but she definitely sacrificed.

Just have a better sense of humor and make me genuinely laugh, dumb slut.

Let me rephrase that, what would REAL women know about sacrifice? Sorry to dis the Boss.

>Based on the Cold War
>Has female soldier literally called the Mother of the Special Forces and the Legendary Soldier
>gave birth while on the battlefield with bullets whizzing by
>this is fine
>has a female soldier
>this is unrealistic and disrespectful to WW2

You're a fucking retard if you think anything about MGS is realistic, it's military scifi. Fucking dumbass.

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Women give up a lot of things. For example, your mom gave up on you.

I sacrificed my happiness and party life for my kids and my husband

BFV (and Battlefield in general) isn't realistic either

My mom was never a part of my life, she was too busy partying like this worthless whore wants to be doing.

Women aren't good parents.

>Me big dum dum retard no understand context, concept, and execution

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So the what was the issue with Battlefield, other than a bunch of reactionary retards trying to make misinformed claims about historical accuracy over a fucking Battlefield game?

gay post

You will never truly understand.

ok but why did you post a pic of Hila Klien?

>muh execution
What was poorly executed about the BFV female soldier? All she did was show up in a trailer and people got butthurt for the mere fact that a female soldier existed. But when the Boss is a woman that's perfectly fine.

When I saw the trailer for Battlefield I legit thought it was either

>alternate history
>on some low tech scifi world

and only found it they were selling it as a historical game later when I came to Yea Forums. If that was their intention I would have been fine with it but they tried to sell us a historical accurate game, they billed it as such. It came off as revisionist sjw garbage. I'm glad it failed.

Cringe and blueballed

Bitter incel has mommy issues, who could have ever guessed.


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bend over and i will.

Try and be a decent mother and maybe your son won't shit post all day on a Chinese girl cartoon forum.

My mom is a monster and I have no respect for her, but even I don't just throw that shit at every woman I see. Leave your mommy issues with mommy and you'll waste less time cursing the world for not recognizing your brilliance or profound angst.

>he thinks the writing was not super good in MGS 1-3
>he thinks it was written by Kojimbo
Funny how the only good MGS games Kojima wrote the story with Tomokazu Fukushima, and after 3 when Tomokazu disappeared from the company, every single Metal Gear made by Kojima had terrible writing.

Tomokazu was always the true writer in MGS 1-3, and Kojima took credit for it as the CEO of Kojima Productions.


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ebin benis :DDDD

mommy boy detected

Statistically women are worse parents and do worse than single fathers at raising children.

The context of Battlefield is similar to Call of Duty, an action themed variant on a real world historical event with some attempted measure of accuracy or at least some attempt at suspending disbelief.

The problem, you see, is that the character is fucking stupid in concept. A british amputee lady in the front lines on the western theater? Charging into battlel with a fucking scottish weaboo?

Thats fucking stupid. Especially when its being done purely for patronizing pandering brownie twitter points. There were ACTUAL WOMEN IN WORLD WAR TWO, but not like that, and just shoehorning them into a purely fictional scenario like that just to have women when there WERE real women involved, you simply dont want to go through with the effort of having the actual women who fought represented properly, is stupid beyond measure.

The Boss works because of the way Metal Gear works. It uses historical events to help setup and stage entirely fictional events completely independent of those historical events, and is blatant about the fact that its a farce. MGS3 is a bond movie with supervillains, the main villain has lightning powers, you fight a giant robot, it allows you to suspend your disbelief that in the 1940s they allowed a pregnant woman to fight on Normandy, because theres also a man who spits bees and another who can talk to ghosts, it isnt out of place.

You just confirmed that you are a woman, Tiffany.

>And the player is the one forced to pull the trigger and make this all happen
The game doesn't give you any other choice though?

It was showing off multiplayer customisation you twat

The game will wait until you pull the trigger, you have to end it yourself.

Yeah just like black women SS officers, that doesnt make it any less retarded.

But you have to do it to continue, so it's not a real choice.
>Hurr you can just turn off the game
Bravo Kojima

>Gergoth in the village
Hold the fuck up

We're talking about these games with psychics, a dude with telekinesis, a dude who can shoot thunder at people, cyborgs, etc.

I'm a transwoman and I uunderstood it OP....

There were actual women in the Cold War, too? But Kojima shoehorns in ultra-badass lady of war in a completely fictional scenario and it's okay when he does it. The trailer literally just showed a female soldier to show off the fact that you can play as one and everyone goes apeshit and whines about how disrespectful it is.

>I uunderstood it OP....

Yeah, because you're a dude

>so it's not a real choice.
yeah you brainlet that's the point. she has to die and you are responsible

We're talking about a game where you can use a bazooka to leap across the map, leap off a jet mid-flight, shoot someone in the head with a pistol, then land back in the jet, turn the jet upside down, jump on the belly of the jet mid-flight and bazooka another jet, etc.

no i'm a woman


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Leld at this one

You were born as a dude, you are a dude



The entire point is theres no choice. Its not a half-baked shitty guilty trip moment like Spec Ops that tricks you into doing something cartoonishly heinous because of contrivences, the entire plot of MGS3 is built towards that one single moment of player control where you HAVE to execute the boss.

>user brings up setting and character based precedent for something not adhering to reality when it comes to certain characters and them acting in defiance of historical standards

>based retard moron points out how you can bug battlefields shitty engine to do dumb shit that clearly has nothing to do with the setting it takes place in.

engage in recreational coitus

This isn't 2008 Yea Forums you fucking faggot.

>the hole argument


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Yeah it is

If you don't pull the trigger the game pulls it for you.

You were born young
does that mean you'll die young?
see your logic makes no sense
I have a vagina therefore I am a female

You cannot become a woman, even if you do surgeries you'll become some atrocious mix of a human. No man will ever think you are a woman. Maybe in 200 years it will be possible, now it is not.

>age = gender
By your logic the 98% of the non trans community is not the gender they were born