Game has a magic system

>Game has a magic system
>Not everybody is using it.
This literally only make since if magic is genetic or ostracized. They don't need to be able to summon the storms of Zeus but a simple Fire, Water, or Wind spell can go a long way.

Attached: Fire 1.webm (960x1702, 1.25M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Working out improves your life drastically, but not everyone does it user.

>graphics upgrade makes boring game palatable

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we must execute the rich

just make them eat that ice cream. knowing china that sheet could be anything but gold.



>implying that shit is actually gold in fucking CHINA of all places

>Working out improves your life drastically, but not everyone does it user.
>Working out doesn't allow me to stay warm in the winter.
>Working out doesn't allow me to cook raw food.
>Working out doesn't allow me to water my crops.
>Working out doesn't let me summon semon demons form hell to Marry
>Working out doesn't let me have light in dark places
STRfags can get fucked magic and exercise don't even compare.

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>Working out doesn't allow me to stay warm in the winter
Well actually

I'm that guy who completely ignores all magic in RPGS. I don't care what cool spells there are. Anytime a game tries to explain magic to me and it's harder then just equiping a spell to a slot, I'm immediatly lose my interest and put all my points into attacking shit with a sword.


>Working out doesn't allow me to stay warm in the winter
Yes it does, or at the very least, you feel warmer for a short period.
>Working out doesn't allow me to water my crops
It will keep your strength up so you don't break your back at 80.
>Working out doesn't let me summon semon demons form hell to Marry
I see you are not yet in the know.

sounds not working for me

not really
i used to work out heavily during my late teen years and had a great body, now i'm a slob and i feel about the same
working out only feels good while you're doing it, it's not something you miss when you have quit for some time

Fire Nation was canonically Han Chinese

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>chinese company claims medical benefits
>same society that ingest horns of rhinos to improve performance of their penis
Sounds based on genuine research and not bullshit.

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literally 13 bucks its almost a weekly treat for the poor at that price point

you can get your own semon demons who are actually men

>be humble villager
>learn fire magic to keep warm and cook, even though I can do it without magic
>fumble spell one day
>accidentally burn down farm and half of the village
>cast out from village, which now is openly against magic
this is why most people in fantasy settings with magic are openly against it, at best its a convenience, at worst it can destroy lives

Fire Nation is a mixture of Japan and china, but it is mostly China.

it's more like an asian brexit

>x exists in real life
>not everybody is using it

if you guys are looking for an interesting magic system you should read the name of the wind, it had a pretty great way of working.

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Very enjoyable post

Hong Kong is not China, retards.

Real life sucks and not everybody has access to everything. Get fucked.

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Retarded ESLs

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>be humble citizien
>learn to cook on a stove to keep warm and cook, even though I can do it without it
>leave gas on one day
>accidentally burn down apartment and half of the commieblock
>cast out from city, which now is openly against gas stoves.

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>literally just foil on a regular vanilla cone

>missing what the post is saying entirely to instead make it a personal attack on you

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>>Working out improves your life drastically, but not everyone does it user.
>>Working out doesn't allow me to stay warm in the winter.
It actually does.
>>Working out doesn't allow me to cook raw food.
It gives you better arm strength to easily handle big boy pas as if they were paper
>>Working out doesn't allow me to water my crops.
It allows you to plow and water the land with out tiring and to do so till your elderly days.
>>Working out doesn't let me summon semon demons form hell to Marry
But user, they might not come from hell, but sure as hell it allows you to summon semen demons
>>Working out doesn't let me have light in dark places
You got me there champ.

>>Working out doesn't allow me to stay warm in the winter.
It helps your blood circulation make you warmer for longer.

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i love working out, and it it hugely beneficial, but cmon bro.

>pic related, a cute workout butt

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More blood circulating would cool you down faster.

That sounds like a personal problem. Being fit is objectively far better for people than being a fat shit.

>The only arguments STRfags can make are pedantic ACKSHUALLY hairsplitting.
Exercise the only muscle that matters, boys: The brain.

Are you retarded?

please dont mix Hong Kong with fucking disgusting china.

How the fuck does somebody think throwing shit in an engine is a good idea? That's some fucking common sense shit how retarded do you have to be for superstition to trump basic safety

And then your heart clogs from excessive cholesterol and you die. Or, you suffer a massive stroke from a weakened vascular system.

the thing is that fire is essential for life and even though its dangerous people will keep it around
if its a decision between the traditional, safer, and more controlled way of generating fire and a new, spontaneous, and volatile way of generating fire, then the safer method will always be preferred by the uneducated serf masses that populate most fantasy worlds

would fire magic help me get a gf?

Basic 4 elements are for fags, give me lightning, metal, light, and dark.

the brain isn't a muscle you crater headed brainlet

Perfect health is just the slowest way you can die. You'll join me soon enough, muscle-nut.

Not if you don't exercise it, loser.

You could threaten them into gfhood


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This kinda food usually tastes awful

Fuck fire magic, give me Mob's Psychokinesis

she probably didn't know how engines work? you forget that a lot of china is still rural and superstitious, the world isn't a very developed place

>Strand her on deserted island
>Provide fire
>Suspension bridge effect.

when is that fat fuck going to write the next part ffs? I am not buying your box of 30 wooden knobs for $55, faggot

very nice dog

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>accelerates the metabolism
that retarded everyone knows gold doesn't digest in your body so at the end of the day you just shit out the gold paper you ate. also gold is gaudy

>lord of the rings: wizards are an entirely different race of divine beings created by the gods. their power lies not in their conjurations but their worldly wisdom and knowledge
>every imitator: lol i want fireballs too. everybody can be a wizard!

It's China user. The same place where someone could get ran over and no one dares to bat an eye and help

>How the fuck does somebody think throwing shit in an engine is a good idea?
The same people that think that constructing a hole on every single building will bring them luck

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Is there a game that has magic, technology, and psychics in a setting?
No psychic powers are not just another form of magic, they're the epitome of true big brain

i only read the first book but it was a fun read

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alright Yea Forums
Would you rather have time stop powers or time rewind powers?

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Does working out help you study better?

star ocean

well if you apply the same discipline for workouts to studying then yes

It'll probably make you more disciplined

None of the wizards in LoTR are particularly smart or wise for literally being angels.

Looks like the chinese didn't learn anything from their countless emperors dying like bitches from mercury poisoning.

>Life has programming languages, musical instruments and women to fuck
>OP can’t do any of them

literally yes because it increases your testosterone and dopamine so you have more motivation

Phantasy Star is the only setting I can think of that does this. Even then there's still alot to be desired.
This too actually.

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Smartphones are ubiquitous in the modern world. Not everyone actually knows how to use them well. Some people refuse to use them at all. These people function better when the reception goes out than the people who rely exclusively on their phones.

The reason actual diversity of approaches to life is encouraged from a biological standpoint, even with the proposed addition of magic to the world, is to ensure that at least someone survives long enough to fuck. When the power goes away, do you want Spindly McWizardwrists, Jackass Of All Trades Bard, or Tim Woodsman What Never Learnt A Spell to be around?

they are for spirit dragons if there were no holes it will bring misfortune.

I could ask you the same question.

I feel like I retained information better when I was going to the gym than when I wasn't. Don't know if it's just placebo though.

We don't talk about Star Ocean anymore. Too many painful memories

for me i can't focus on shit if i haven't worked out. for instance, yesterday i ate like shit and today i feel bloated and gross.. despite working out really hard yesterday morning.. while today is a rest day, i'm sure i will feel better after the gym tomorrow morning

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Wait...THAT'S the fucking reason?!

no. fitfags are delusional and have sad lives who they base solely on the fact that they work out, so they try to justify their hobby however they can

ever hear the term "broscience"?

>programming languages
I can do this.
>musical instruments
I can do this too.
>and women to fuck.
F-fuck you.

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user gold is not toxic.

depends on what you can do when time is stopped, can you interact with things like open doors move people around or are they static

read the second one, it goes a bit too far with how awesome Kvothe is(kinda okay, since the whole series is based around that), but it is still enjoyable

Already backed up with multiple studies

If you work in a technical field, its a better idea to work out, just so you can outperform your co-workers.

i liked the checkered hot pants

how can you get rich with time stop though
aside from stealing from banks
time rewind lets you go for the classic lottery

>"Not letting through the spirits that come down from the mountains towards the sea will bring us bad luck, lets make a hole for them to pass and call it a day"
Pretty much

>balances ph levels in the body

My sides

Why are the Chinese so fuckin retarded when it comes to medicine and superstition? They make sky-daddy worshipping bible thumpers look like particle physicists.

ok i will, thanks, user. you happen to have a pdf link?

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I feel like time rewind has more utility than time stop. So time rewind it is.


Time rewind depends on how far you can go back.
If it's a few seconds, just give me time stop

Yes, actually. It's not because of the lame "motivation" reasons. More parts of your brain turn on while/after your body has been in motion.

there's more to life than money
like time stop rape

Mainland China, you know the people who mistaken a sex toy for a rare mushroom

And most of it getting raped by someone else.

Go read Earthsea instead.

you laugh but usually some money grubbing highchink is the one that convinces them to do shit like that for his own gain
Like how chinks tried to genetically alter fruits to make them better yield but got tiny fruits instead and instead they sold those to other dumbasses like flips and viets and claimed its lucky

>balances ph levels
I'm trying to think of the last time I saw the word "balances ph" in official medical advice. What mentally ill retard listens to this and takes it into consideration?

Now I'm kind of interested in what Chinese spirits are like. I know a lot of yokai, but not too many Chinese ones.

time rewind rape gives you more reaction and interaction

>make since
fuck you idiot

mega. nz/#!JYlwkSQD!ASl8VsVdHYHOshhgTmu0cfL-OWtttlqyz5lG6zN36Bw

what range does it have?

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>he doesn't have the multiverse at his disposal
lmaoing at you hylics

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It's just fancy vaguely scientific sounding shit to trick retards into thinking that they put more than an ounce of thought into it

I've got some Dextrose enriched DHMO to sell you, it's probably do something to you I guess.

that works too, thanks man. i just finished Welcome to the NHK's LN anyways so i needed something :)

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You have a limited amount of blood and a limited of energy.
If you have too much muscle and spend to much energy today on manual labor you will not have enough for your brain.
Toiling away doing meaningless manual labor will numb you and make you dumber.

That being said we live in a time in which air, food and water are poisoned and sweating hard every day helps getting the toxins out of your system.
Sedentary people accumulate toxins and become even more dumb than people that work out, as people that work out have a steady outflow and inflow of liquids.

have fun

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>when laws of physics go away, do you want McGyver's cousin the rocket science man or Tim Hick the uneducated ruralman to be around?
Call me when you find the switch to turn off the ontology of the setting. Meanwhile, I'll take McWizardwrists.


Even a few seconds of time rewind is still enough to make you rich, at least if you do options trading

not everyone has the int requirements to use it effectively so they focus instead on their str or dex or fth.

It's an issue, but only in situations like excessive CO2 buildup from poor Oxygen intake. Actual pH imbalances are immediately life-threatening problems that need to be treated by a hospital, not some fag trying to sell you vitamins.

>McWizardwrists only has knowledge about the physics that just turned off
>Tim Hick has never eaten a meal in his life he didn't hunt, skin, clean, and grill on his own
What is it, 3 weeks without food? Maybe you wouldn't even survive the 3 days without water.

>too stupid to even realize the whole point was that you can't turn off the laws of physics in the first place and the whole post is mocking him for his naivete
Sorry, I forgot lately people can't into even the most rudimentary abstract thinking

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>Doesn't know how to handle abstract metaphores
>"People can't into even the most rudimentary abstract thinking"

time rewind so i can talk to a girl and make her my gf

>What is a Silence status effect
>What is an antimagic zone
>What is basically anything that keeps a wizard from throwing his magic dick on the table

I get that you really want Intelligence to win out over Charisma in any way, shape, form, or fashion in this world, but you're as fucked as the Strength-oriented people on this one, man. We both got shafted here.

>can't read
>puts blame on the other
Sure if that makes you feel better.

True, I mean time stop always gives the option of rape but time rewind would let me finally have the confidence to actually ask one out

>What is a Silence status effect
>What is an antimagic zone
>What is basically anything that keeps a wizard from throwing his magic dick on the table
A nerfing/balancing deus ex machina mechanic designed so players that can't into magic (or newfags that can't into memes) don't get their panties in a twist.
Charisma bros are still cool tho.

I mean, you took a hypothetical situation that's analogous to the eventual death of all electronics and current technology and turned it into "turn off physics", so I dunno. You tell me who can't read, lol.

It would be a lot more effective to exterminate the poor.

But would it be easier?

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>In Korea your $13 ice cream is covered in gold
Where did America go wrong?


This VN was a good read.

>tfw i can finally pick the right dialogue options IRL

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For me, not even time rewind would give me confidence.
Why am I like this? Life is pain, I hate.

>Get rewind powers
>Talk to a girl
>We get married and die old and happy together on the first try
>Relize I never needed the time rewind powers to begin with.
>Use the power to do it all again.

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I would like to have the power of time stop just so I can say Za Warudo out loud

Games where my magic is unparalleled?

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The way Max's time rewind works, it has all the benefits of a time stop plus rewind.

it might not give you confidence but it will let you say the right things without having to worry.
you said something that pissed her off or turned her away rewind and say something different. it's op

how can that guy see what he is doing his eyes are closed

>In its metallic form, gold is not toxic and is often added to specialty foods and drinks. None of the body's natural processes can break gold down into its atomic form, and gold easily resists corrosion even by stomach acid. However, most gold compounds, such as gold salts, are toxic as they break down in the body, releasing a gold ion. These can damage the liver and kidneys. One of the most common forms of gold poisoning is potassium gold cyanide, which is used in gold plating. Both the gold and the cyanide are toxic and both must be treated separately.

For those interested eating gold is harmless. If you eat too much your skin gets yellow-orangish but its understanbly rare. Argyria is when you eat too much silver and makes you grey-blue

In my setting the only thing stopping that is the specifics of magic are well kept secrets.

>Game has magic universally
>Everyone uses it for most everything
>Summon fire for warmth or cooking
>Prepare water with a few words
>Just use wooden tools strengthed or sharpened with earth or wind magic to do all your tasks because it's easier to procure and produce and metal doesn't conduct magic well.
>Magicless reject shows up with steel sword and takes over everything
How could one man be so based?

New Phantasy Star or sci-fi fantasy JRPG when?

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>If you eat too much your skin gets yellow-orangish
is that orange man bad's secret?

What in the goddamn?

>Eat a shit load of gold and silver
>Become vivec

>game keeps using the same mechanic over and over again until it becomes a cheap gimmick

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This is the type of artsy bullshit that earns restaurants Michelin stars. Can't they just rate shit off good tasting food instead of weird artsy bullshit?

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>Anyone irl can learn to code
>Anyone irl can learn to speak multiple languages
>Anyone irl can get a driver's license
>Anyone irl can learn to draw
>Anyone irl can learn how to fix their possessions
>Anyone irl can get fit

And yet not everyone does

Why didn't they just have Gustave as the main character instead of that time scattered fuckery?
He's such a badass

The Succubus would chose to visit Chad over you, and thats because Chad is /fit/

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What makes Chad's soul better than anyone else's?

The poor works for the rich, so why would you do that.

Considering the rich can buy missiles, bombs and planes to deploy them - yes.

Chad's soul is healthier, if I were a succubus chick I would drain the soul that would last 80 years over the soul of a fatass who would die in 10 years

jesus christ, are you?
oh wait, this is bait.

we need different people doing different things.

Fucking chaotic evil chars, man.

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Oh heard about this
>not learning swordsmancy so you can summon swords like shirou, vergil or joachim

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I just noticed people don't actually eat eggs with ketchup
People have been looking at me weird and I hadn't notice

Does it taste good?

Thats why he doesn't want us to see his taxes. He has eaten all of his money.

>The poor works
I remember when I was 13.

I also noticed the yellow in the egg doesn't mix with the red ketchup to be orange

Hong Kong IS China and so is Taiwan. Don't make me tell winnie the pooh on you guys

Really ? I don't, my memory is really fuzzy between 11 and 16.

>muh rich
>13 usd
Get a job.

Wow, did was science it?

reminder that chinks are not people

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its funny how people think this shit is amazing.
edible gold paper sheets are pretty cheap.
i guess you just hear the word "gold" and you instantly think its high class or some shit.

there's nothing wrong with the first one at all. I cut my bagel like that just last week at Panera.

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everything will be fire

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That explains a lot

This user gets it

That part with the dish washer was just unnecessary. Is this video supposed to try and make fun of people with OCD? Because quite clearly, the people who do these irritating things just lack intelligence.

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But that's literally what happened? Why do you think glass top stoves are a thing

>Ant has a programming error

>mfw Maoists

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The only fire magic spell you need to cast is "tinder" and it's a low level spell

>Playing with fire


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no, Hong Kong has been BLEACHED

edible gold makes shit look incredibly gaudy and ugly, I don't know why people use it so much for expensive food

did they died

HK is slowly becoming China because China's just spiriting away everyone

>Is it hot in here or is it just me?

Check your sister John. She might need help getting the dog knot out.

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it's like in fire emblem the magic triangle it's really gets ignored cos most of the time you are going melee or bows against magic guys

also what's up with bows in fire emblem its like they have an advantage to other guys except when they have weapons that has range then they are uselesss unless it's a genral or a armoured knight

It would be better if Rothfuss left out those cringeworthy sex scenes and actually made his books have good pacing. There’s no reason why he had to stay in college that long. Boring as hell.

Don't google China Dog Skinning Alive


I hate poor people and I'm poor

I weighed 240 after high school and am 6'2. I was a monster and had xboxhueg muscles. Fucking was amazing. I could fuck for hours, rest for 2 minutes then fuck for hours again.

Now? I weigh around 270, lost all my muscle and am fat as fuck. I fucking miss it. Depression ruined me when my girlfriend of 6 years left me and I really let myself go. I'm getting better now but it has been awful. I fucking hate being fat. Anyone that is ok with being fat is retarded. This summer I'm gonna get at the very least partially back into shape or I'm gonna kill myself trying.

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All the poorfags in China become moderately wealthy, that's why there's such a big fucking demand for Rhino horns, Pangolin scales, tiger balls, shark fins, etc

Idiot. They're talking about the fucking nations, not the people.

I haven't read that but I've read The Demonata and the way magic works in it is pretty cool.

>compounds with gold in it
So it still stands, GOLD isn't toxic.

>$13 ice cream = rich

Second verse same as the first.
Also most of the things you listed aren't practical in everyday life let alone on par with magic.

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Hong Kong people are like white people compared to mainlanders when it comes to ethics and thinking

Why isn't anyone posting any chink webms? Don't let this go off topic, we need a chink hate thread.


Because it makes the spirits that lift the plane happy because they can use it to buy Kung Pao chicken in heaven.

What I'm the actual fuck

I got banned too many times for posting my chink webms that I'm too tired

>the virgin fire element
>the chad ice and electricity elements

>I'm too tired
Nobody gives a shit about your feelings faggot, post those webms of chinks getting ran over by a truck and a subsequent street lamp.

What if its accesible to everyone but very difficult to even learn the basics?

holy shit that's some hate for a pretty girl

I've literally never been as fat as you.

>tfw entered military 185 retired military 195 now 205 6' manlet

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That girl was pretty hot though.

Sounds neat, mind giving a summary of how it's so interesting?

Basic magic is pseudo-science transfer of energy shit

Real magic is knowing the true names of things and invoking their powers

>implying you wouldn't just fuck it up everytime
No amount of time travel can fix my life

Imagine if the mother series' PSI had moves based more around actual psychic powers like Mob Psycho 100 and not conventional RPG magic with a 'psychic' rebranding

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