DMC thread
Other urls found in this thread:
FUCK furies and FUCK Kyrie literally to both
does Dante in 5 have the greatest moveset of any video game character ever made?
I can't wait for all the Days Gone threads to annihilate DMC
how does that even relate to it?
Just found out there's unique dialogue for getting a tie during the ending credits.
Dante says: "Look at that, a tie. Are we ever gonna settle this?"
that's pretty fuckin' neato
Goblina begone
there, I said it.
Thanks lads. H-here we go
Now if only this faggot would do a Griffon announcer
Go to this thread, leave this one.
De*d w*ight
How to I control the motorbike?
>posting in V thread
No thanks, it'll be full of fujos.
Oh yeah, let's have multiple DMC threads and go to /vg/ faster!
That one was made earlier than this one.
t. OP of V thread
/vg/ should have never existed
No, I just don't want multiple threads at once and that one was made 10 minutes earlier.
>that one was made 10 minutes earlier
It doesn't work like that in Yea Forums, retard
Okay user, if you want these threads to move to the containment board faster please post in this one more.
FUCK mission 8 it is actually impossible to get higher than 3500 style on any of these fucking encounters and ESPECIALLY fuck furies
Dmc threads will die in a month anyway, there's no point in moving to /vg/
Just charge the buster arm bro
People say Rawhide works well on Fury, haven't tried yet.
>completely different games and genre
>somehow thinks you can compare both side to side
fuck S ranking SoS
just finished the first two missions on DMD
Do you ever see Kyrie in 5?
just started playing how do you have your controls bound? Default ones seem autistic
you're insane
got any tips for mission 18 on SoS?
I can't get higher than 5k there
>capcom characters
>dying on Yea Forums
KEK, this isn't Square Enix. Capcom characters are the chads and stacey's of Yea Forums year round bitch.
Default for gamepad
>days gone
>zombie game 214045
the sonyfags cant stand a chance if nobody is talking about their shit
Do you not need to S rank each characters mission for the trophy or can you only play 1 character for the multi character missions?
As much as I would've love to agree, they're slowing down already and become filled with blatant waifuposting and have less quality content than before. This isn't a good sign.
Usually I use double kalina ann to force them into their downed state with the laser RB + Forward + B and cheese the fuck out it.
same thing works for Shadow, although I also use RG on her so I can farm style points on her fight before fighting griffon and her again.
Also clean up all the pools of that thing that regenerates nightmare, ignore every fight beside the forced ones, againts the trio, focus griffon and shadow, nightmare will be forced to waste alot of hp resurrecting them and while he is doing it, none attacks so you can shit alot of damage on him while doing it.
That's how I did it, and it worked in both DMD and SoS
>day gone
Literally WHO
That's how little hype that shit has. Another fucking Sony exclusive trying to bite off the success of TLOU by being the same goddamn cinematic game BOOOOOOOOOOOOORING.
Daily reminder, Uncharted 4 will always be shit compared to 2 and even 3. The day Sony wanted all their exclusives to be walking simulators, is the day good gameplay died for Sony.
How do you tie? Doesn't one of you have to run out of health first?
Everytime I refresh Yea Forums I see Nero face.
I hate furies so FUCKING much
I'd rather play a whole run against a hundred Blitz at the same time
I am going to mod these fucking annoying pieces of horse shit out of the game
I don't know yet, the only time I got the get a full difficulty on S I did all the missions with everyone before advancing.
Best boy
>againts the trio, focus griffon and shadow, nightmare will be forced to waste alot of hp resurrecting them and while he is doing it, none attacks so you can shit alot of damage on him while doing it.
that's an amazing tip, thank you, user
and congrats on your S ranks
>Ladies Night, replace Nero with Lady and V with Trish for their missions using weapons from DMC 1, 3, and 4
>Trish uses Devil Arms from the series like Alastor, Nevan, and Lucifer with her lightning powers and time stop powers from her time with the Geryon
>Lady uses Guns from the series, dualwielding them in any order and has both Kalina Anns, the Grenadegun from DMC1, Artemis, and Pandora
>Uses alternate cutscenes where Lady and Trish escape instead of Nero and V and go raid Dante's stash for his old weapons and team up with Nico to save the bois
I'm here. Now what?
Has anyone actually fully finished H&H with all S ranks?
I can't even figure out how you would beat Vergil
What Trish is going to use now since DSS is gone?
the thought of Trish with Alastor gives me a slight boner
I just died on Mission 5 because Nightmare blocked me off in the tunnel and I couldn't see shit that was happening lmao.
He's a big guy. For you.
Plenty of Devil Arms out there, user. Although I'm gonna miss her using Sparda, this is the perfect opportunity of making her own personal weapon.
>Nero Vs. Vergil on Sos
Literally went out of my last red orbs having to refill my equipment every time after losing
What is this
I don't even know what the fuck that is.
It's a pretty annoying fight. I'm not sure how to do better than I'm currently doing.
>Days Gone
where can i look at the pictures that you get after beating the missions
Nice, she looks female now.
Still needs work. This version looks fat.
I want to pirate this but everything has such low seeders.
>Behemoth DT
>one single shrug takes out 2/3 my health bar
Are ya winnin' so--
Who decided to lock the one character with the weakest defenses (V) in a small tunnel on DmD with fast bunny hopping enemies.
It really fucking easy are you kidding, just use punchline and keep charging blue rose, buster him during openings. Nero vs any boss is piss because of how much air mobility he has and how the scoring works.
>tfw fujo but V does nothing for me
I'dd get inside he cunt, if you catch my dick,,,
Christ that must feel like an orgasm
>imagine Trish getting pinned against a gray wall, that's the same color of her fucking boring bitch-ass character who imperonates moms becuase she's literally an unholy wretch with no dignity whatsoever, while at the same time the demon-whore who suckled Mundus' big red tri-balls and had so much piss-stained demon cum splurged all over her hair, it got dyed blond, is being fisted with pizza up her matrix-2000 black fetish pants ripped apart, so hard the term yeast infection gets a new meaning, and with her last whoreish, skanky, breaths she coughs up the crusty, hell-cum out her ps2-octagon mouth, leaving her dark soul unfilled, yet her ass stuffed to the brim
Why is the porn taking so long
Which ones were those again, the butcher knife demons?
In the gallery under the bosses tab
big red lizards
which btw are still better than the tentacle commanders... fuck those guys
What could pawsibly go wrong?
One can only dream, i like cavalier but in general ifeel weapons are lacking in 5
And here I thought overture was bad all game
>disgusting underworld
>horrible ennemies
I have to sell this game fast before my 8 yo kid gets his hands on it
Did Vergil really not have a clue that Nero was his son? I mean who did he think he was, wasn't he surprised this random kid was able to wield his yamato and devil bringer before he tore it off him
Cavaliere feels too slow for the damage it does, I always feel like I could do stuff better, faster and safer by using Balrog.
Also, what style should I use with Cavaliere?
Royal guard seems useful but not being able to cancel animations whenever I want kind of hurts it.
Is swordmaster the only viable way to use it?
The back to forward triangle move that gets you to the enemies is too slow to be useful, but then again I guess I could use Trickster to get to the enemies or go full on tank with double kalina ann gunslinger.
Really, Cavaliere is a weapon I don't know how to feel about.
>mfw bustin the charge attack in mission 20
give me ideas I'm an artist too broke to play the game and I don't wanna spoil myself with youtube cutscenes
Until his DMC6 iteration yes.
Lady and Morrison, Dante's desk.
If you just hold B and forward in swordmaster you ride it
And with Swordmaster Lv4 you can do a wheelie out of that which launches enemies
Nero is in the van with 3 girls throughout the game. Nico, Lady and Trish. Two of which are constantly in the shower or half naked.
>Not wanting your kid to emulate a badass demon slayer and have the power of anime and god on his side
His hand
Just use the girls models with random floating dicks and I'll be happy, I like Lady the most.
DON'T use Morrison
>buster him during openings
Wow all 1 of them
Nero v vergil is easy, only took me a couple trys on dmd lol
Is it normal to have 13k style points for mission 20 (DH)? Like does beating the credits sequences give massive bonuses or did I just inadvertently break something?
Trickster and Swordmaster but honestly the movements all fell mostly the same, Sword master B combo can be fun and air B combo gives you a shit ton of style. But i agree balrog its way better, i only miss the Ora Ora movement of bewoulf but the kick and punch concept its really cool. Also:
>Cavaliere R has an exclusive extra move.
Fuck that honestly.
>mission 05 waiting screen
>lady is in the sofa in a towel
>nico goes over to her
>reaches her hand out
>pauses with hand out for a sec
>pulls back
What's going on in this scene. I swear Nico is a lesbian.
>tfw no goth sister
dmd was fine until i got to mission 10 and onwards, holy shit what garbage missions to s rank
Every time he falls to one knee
If he's DT'd and tries to block the grab with Doppelganger just DT and Buster again and you instakill Doppel and do a ton of damage to Vergil
You can suplex him during the jet dash but I assume that's what you were referring to.
literally who
you're just having a kill competition in the credits, I don't even think you can die
..............................................Yea Forums...................................Yea Forums........................... Yea Forums................
How salty do think i am right now?
Should I switch from Devil Sword Dante to Rebellion/Sparda for SoS?
My wife wants him to stay in the white side and know I have lot of influence on him. I didn't know the game was this chaotically dark, she'd allow BB but not this one.
Is this a political compass
lmao if you are sodiumfilled now, just you wait untill dmd mode where you need 6k points
My condolences.
2012 was 7 years ago.
He might have thought he was Dante's bastard or something.
Where DOES the time go
is it just me or does vergil have DSL?
Reminder that clearing a mission with no damage taken gives a x2 multiplier and you can get that sweet S rank, now stop asking how to get S on any mission, fuckers
Have you read her entry on Kyrie?
Don't you dare to lose your motivation.
In mission ten you can finish EVERY and i mean EVERY FUCKING FIGHT with an SSS rank and still get an A.
I keep having anons tell me after i get the SSS i need to sit around with royal gaurd blocking bullshit and hold it for the last enemy.
Every time i do this i mess up get hit an lose my SSS and now i have 0 enemies around to rebuild it back up with
>Nvm found the fix lol
Devil Sword Lucia?
it was really brave of them to add that kyrie striptease easteregg
So would you guys like DMC3 or DMC4 style bloody palace? I personally think DMC4 is better in concept, but some floors were just plain infuriating and Black Dante was fucking bulllshit to deal with after slogging through 100 floors for 2 hours.
Finish without taking damage dude
You can have like a C average and if you take no damage and use no continues you'll easily get an S
I seriously can't tell if this is a man or a woman.
>western gaming
Are you a retard?
Which version of DMC 5 should I buy? PC or PS4?
i want less autism and more challenge
aka i want to be able to start from certain floors without being punished for it and in exchange for that harder or even double bossfights.
4 less thinking and more styling.
>he doesn't know
your average yokel who goes into threads for games he hasn't played and can't recognize photoshop
SM is definitely the way to go with Cav, since most of its evasive moves are there and you'll want to be able to gear into them whenever needed. Even if you're not good at style switching you can still go to trickster and back for distance closers. This all being said I still haven't found it at all useful for anything other than wrecking crowds. I can see it being king of LDK when that comes along, but otherwise it's definitely my least favourite of the new weapons.
the fuck did you do to her eyes m8
she looks like a soft-skinned worry wort
go away avril lavigne
she was the original trish
How the hell do you S-Rank Mission 10 on Devil Hunter? The enemies are too weak to style them.
Give me
So what the fuck is the difference between charge shot and color up? I figured CU outright replaced it until I beat the game and went to start SoS.
You can store color up charges but not charge shot. It's an even bigger damage boost
>days gone
Never heard of it boss
The PC version is fine if you grab the non-Denuvo.exe
you mean
>uncharted vs the last of us
>but with zombies
one of the most linear game that will ever be
It's just a blend with lighten. I'm not taking 30 minutes to do balance shit out.
>open world zombie game
you should say Sekiro and autistic soul "fans" shitting on the game
Color up is multiple "medium" shots, charge shot is the one huge unga-bunga shot that also consumes the first CU shot
>You can Jump Cancel V's Cane attack
Nice, it gives a ton of DT too, reading rendered useless
I want a completely overhauled Bloody Palace complete with
>Semi-randomized enemy spawns
>Bosses and enemies used in conjunction (e.g. you fight a goliath + two sin scissors, or artemis + cavalier)
>Arenas that ACTUALLY HAVE GEOMETRY instead of being 100% flat circles
>Temporary self-deleting saves so I don't have to play the whole two hour thing in one go and can save and quit
>Option to change character and loadout every X amount of floors
>Difficulty options so I don't have to play for 50 floors before the game becomes challenging.
>Co-Op bloody palace option which works like this: If you are without a partner, you will match up with someone if they're on the same # floor and are about to/just entered a new floor. If your partner dies, they're gone, and you have to wait for a new one to appear.
>Optional modifiers such as Must Style, time limit, etc
You know, I never figured out how to store color up charges. At this point, I'm still learning the ex/max-act timings.
>*sees you doing well and having fun on DMD*
>*smooth criminal starts playing*
Nero's air taunt is the most reliable one I know of. For more practice, Red Queen Combo B is a pretty good one to Max ACT
punchline or rawhide
dante cerberus back forward tiangle or just royal guard
you just hold the shoot button and you see the bullets on the top left get filled
He looks like he has a bad case of diarrhea
>+ two sin scissors
I found that Cerberus does well against him.
Lady/Dante drunk at the DMC office since it seems like they both have drinking problems.
I like Balrog for the furies. Jump attack upgrade with a quick one-two stuns them mid air pretty good whenever they're flying around
Well yeah, it's the cancelling the shot part that I haven't gotten down yet.
I haven't messed with his alternate combos too much, I should really use them a bit more now that SoS seems a little more strict with the style requirements.
>yfw Balrog will never call you Dead Weight
Reminder to never bully your gf
Is it a drinking problem if Dante can't even get drunk? We know for a fact that he can resist lethal poison. I doubt drinking does shit to him.
V is actually boring
Just taunt or streak and let go of the shoot button
Since we're on it
>tfw Capcom knew they couldn't do Kyrie justice, so they didn't even try to model her
How can one woman possibly be this perfect?
Even myself, a brainlet, can deal with your shit since I always bring rawhide and balrog when you show up.
>still has big man feet
The last missions on higher difficulty is wher the line ends for us boomers
Girls with big feet is goat
Yea Forums is a containment board
The air animation for the Buster vs Fury is the coolest shit
Cerberus Revolver is also very useful against them and generally for parrying anything
>DT/regular Bringer on Fury
Anything with Nero
I didn't hate him at first, but now that I'm on DMD he is fucking terrible. Thank god he only has 4 missions.
So Nintendo Switch warriors are now creating false shit from completely unrelated genres huh
why is this game so terrible
And I also forgot to change bg color while photoshopping this. Fuck, 2.0
still needs work, getting there though
looks pretty good
Nero, I...
>it's a drunk Lady tries to sexually molest Dante episode
Autistic things you do while playing DMC5.
When i exceed i rev the prong on my controller.
Women think it's okay to have fat asses because of people like you.
This photoshop is great. Could easily fool anyone unfamiliar with DMC4
Heard you bitches talkin shit about me.
>Swap from Nero to Dante
>Swap my guns like 10 times in a fight before I cut that shit out
>mfw still can't get a grip on the gorillion options for Dante and finish every fight at A rank while tripping on the buttons like a retard
I wasn't like this in 4
See Vergil, this is what happens when you leave your kid without a father figure
Nothing personel, kid
>You listen, dead weight.
Meanwhile, in Nero's mind...
>the kiddo grew strong and he has the power to protect himself, his wife and his retard uncle
I bet Vergil is pretty pleased with himself.
So wait, Vergil actually wants to make the Yamato seal the underworld again which means he will not be carrying it anymore. That really does lock him and Dante in hell
>Switch from Dante to Nero
>Explode my whole inventory of devil breakers because I keep wanting to change styles
Dpad was a great choice to explode breakers in theory for nero
It's great to have fat asses if they're shaped well. Child-bearing hips are the best.
>Spend an hour dying to Vergil as Dante from trying too hard to style on him while he's in DT
>They throw you straight into a Nero fight
>Completely fucking forget how Nero works
But he also fights like a caveman
holy fuck mod when?
She looks like she had too much plastic surgery. That kind of nose only look god from the front, she would look completely fucked up and uncanny valley in other angles
As well brother. It's disheartening seeing DMDfags rev about but when i see posts like yours i am re-heartened
>ywn get to fuck Kyrie's brapper
Ladz, it hurts.
I like you better than Blitz. Blitz is a cunt.
There's quite a bit of Nico stuff up on r34 right now
>not bf
fuck you
Between this, his buster comment and nailing exactly what the player is thinking when fighting these "DONT HAVE ALL DAY" and his "OH HELL NO" comment when Vergil stabs him. Nero has the best taunts against and one liners against enemies in the game.
Imagine getting stabbed in the stomach and your immediate reaction is not "ohh ahhh ugggh", but "Oh hell no". Fuggin love this guy.
Is Nero's model single? Asking for a friend.
Remove Cavaliere. It makes matter easier to swap around weapons. Focus on just one ranged weapon for range support and forget about it.
I never figured out how to properly play with Cavaliere. The attacks takes forever to end and leave you open for long periods of time.
Shut up dead weight
>go into SoS
>break two arms and chump to urizen before i remembered the dpad, which doesn't do shit for nero normally, is what triggered dt
oh shit I'm sorry
He probably spent the whole month coming up with that comeback
Sorry for what
>people hate DmC Dante
>Nero is literally DmC Dante
Really makes me ponder
Gun only runs are actually pretty fun this time, shotgun stinger dodging is kinda unwiedly and will take some getting used to and bosses are basically fishing for mega cascade, Dr. Faust's turret and shield disappear if you switch gun which is kind of a bummer since aside from just outright raping everything with orb beams and meteors he doesn't synergise with it a lot, but it's a lot more enjoyable than I found it in 3.
good bait
>didnt play 4
>Nero is super alien to me
>V is not that bad when you stop smashing buttons
>quickly get used to Dante
>suffer alot with Nero all game
>Vergil fight
>somehow now he seems very natural now
>even grab Vergil out of his jet attack and slam him NMH style
>2 furies in mission 12 dmd
what were these fucking nips thinking?
Imma gold orb this shit
except he has directional inputs and weapons that don's suck hot shit
>>Nero is literally DmC Dante
Not really.
You can switch to Swordmaster while charging the meteor strike to keep easily staggered enemies away from you
he's mine
I meant character wise.
This attempt at critique didn't work before the game's release and sure as hell won't work now that people have actually played the game
try again never
Nero and Kyrie being cute together, I need more cute stuff in my life at the moment. Or cute things with Dante and Vergil being bros.
>Just the way I practiced it in the shower
>I was hoping for a bigger audience, though...
t. Nero buttboy
>donte fans still seething over nero
Wrong, DmC Donte is try hard Nero. Tried to copy his personality, bants, and his move set. Only his voice actor didn't have the talent to make any of his line non-cringy and forced. Jonny's a pro.
Why is it so shocking that people prefer the original to the poor imitation?
oh shit nice, I was asking for this edit a while back
That's even less accurate.
How the fuck do you beat the part with two teleporting lizards as Dante on DMD? I can use the cerberus spin to parry but then dont deal nearly enough damage to kill both.
I'm glad he lost the IP, fuck him
Not wrong. Character wise they are the same edgelord faggots with the same one liners.
Reminder that Reuben and Itsuno hate DmC. Resetera will NEVER get over this.
Hey can someone post that image of V being tsundere for Dante and drawing a picture of Dante senpai noticing him in his book
He's a good christian boy user
>I meant character wise
Great, you're still wrong.
Prove it by sending dick pics.
>Great, you're still wrong.
He obviously still has Yamato in the credits after the portal has been sealed
>Gun only runs
why tho
Yes wrong, I don't cringe everytime Nero opens his mouth. Meanwhile every scene with Donte.....yikes
Keep seething over Nero's popularity and acceptance, and Donte's early grave.
Naw, if you poke through his instagram he has a GF.
so, when I get to choose a character on Mission 13, does it actually matter? can I replay these missions once i've finished the game?
Based Kamiya, blocking insects.
Do you like gay porn? There has always been a lot of that.
mine or his?
I want a full fledged El Donte like game. With DMC5 combat, but in the old spaghetti west/Mexican slums fighting against the cartels which are demons.
You won't get near any asses if you write shit like brapper
Literally the same as Nero. Stay mad Kyrie.
I didn't see Nero getting into a swearing match with any of the bosses, did you?
you can replay them right now if you want to
>nooooo stop sewaring i'm Christian
Kill yourself.
For fun, for a challenge, to switch things up, to learn about weapons and a style I don't often use normally.
Yeah, but you can call me donte the demon killer, stop I can't take it.
Nero is just a retard who hasn't figured out Vergil can cut portals open. Dante and Vergil don't correct him since that means answering questions and that is what unstylish people do.
Truth hurts, huh?
>get through all of M12 DMD without getting hit, consistent SSS ranks, Furies are no problem with Royal Guard and can be skipped anyway with Cavaliere
>die in .5 microseconds against Urizen and his bullshit tentacles
The only level I've had to use Checkpoint on, I can't stand going through that level multiple times only to get raped by that fucker. How do you avoid those, it feels like even Trickster doesn't help.
>mfw this level is now the only level I've ever got below an A rank on
Actually her feet seem smaller than they should be in comparison to her arm's length.
thank you man
I wasn't even him, just hate normalfaggots.
because it's fun. have you never seen this ?
>fuck you
>fuck you
>fuck you
>fuck you *puke*
but yeah, tell me all about that shakespearean writing bro
>reforms with urizen
>remembers Dante being an asshole to him
He should've given him shit for being a bad parent in the final fight only to have Dante turn it around on him
You are one though
Thanks for sharing what a bitter loser you are
Just did this, I activated my DT right before the impact so Nero says "FUCK YOU" right before Vergil explodes and dies. Absolute kino.
Mission 12, right? In the room where you encounter them for the first time on DH? If you can build up your Royal Guard gauge to max, you can kill them in one shot with Royal Release. Then it gets easier because it's a 1v1.
Mexican Donte was too good for this world and for that shitty game user. Allow me to remind people why Mexican Donte>>>>DmC Donte
>Create female character romanticized features
>"Too plastic. Uncanny Valley."
>modestly reduce proportions and outfit
>"Goblina begone"
Sometimes it feels like you can't please anyone.
How bad of a dad is Vergil though if he had no clue Nero was even conceived?
SDT L2 or
Hope you are pretending to be retarded. DMC has always had anime tier writing, the whole series is literally anime tier. Yet you shit on DmC which overall was way less anime than any of the DMC games with bla much better written story.
Enjoy this (you) fag.
Must be like looking in a mirror.
I'm neither of the other guys replying to you btw..
Kek, there was a video when this scene was shown where someone actually did this. I’ll try to grab it
Thanks for piping in, incel
Dad, please stop you're scaring the kids
No not literally the same, DMC5 has the usual campiness and quips the series is known for. All the characters. Not even Nico's "That's why I built him that well functioning arm" line, was as cringe as Donte every other line. Nigga came off as one of those losers who isn't really a hero but tries extra hard to make the audience believe he is one. Donte performance was Captain Marvel tier.
>Days Gone
blatant bait but I'll bite
BLITZ has a cookd down period where you can fuck his ass up
Fury has no such thing and keeps phasing like fag that he is till hes dead
>everyone says El Donté is Mexican even though the Spanish dub is used
It's the RE4 Ganados all over again
She looks... weird now, something definitely feels off, but i can't put my finger on it.
I think it's something about how the face shape, mouth, nose and eyes fit together that sends uncanny signals.
Here's the thing though.....most of DMC's more "questionable" lines, are the results of things lost in translation. DmC's....there wasn't anything lost in translation from Japanese english, that's what they actually wrote lmao
Found it. Both of them actually
And when this scene was 1st shown
>DMC4 model swapping barely worked and required heavy modding
>DMC5 model swapping just fucking works
>campy anime-tier writing = juvenile-tier edge/muh contemporary political commentary to be taken seriously btw
I don't accept (You)'s from retards, thank you.
His, why the fuck would I care about yours?
I wonder how he felt about being the model for a dude from a video game that's all about demons.
I'll send 5 to your paypal of choice if you prove you can say that without lisping.
Just at mission 13 on my second playthrough (and also a couple of hours in the void) am I feeling like I'm starting to get a decent grip on his weapons and can switch them frequently while getting the inputs I want. Getting decent at switching back and forth between Trickster and Swordmaster as well. So now I just need to work more on the guns, gunslinger style and royal guard. I'm making progress though and it sure feels good. I'll be ready to give DMD mode a shot after I'm done with Sekiro and Bloody Palace is out.
Nah, I'm the one who said the edit looks weird and uncanny valley, I think the original looks very cute.
Ok Shakespeare
Nah they know it’s Spanish and not Mexican. The joke was during the beginning of when DmC was released, they should of made it a Mexican folktale because a video surfaced of how to say fuck you in many languages, using the DmC Scene as promotion
El Dontes origins began here
No bro I don't want to take any money from you, I'm sure you need it for condoms. OH WAIT
Rawhide and Cerberus can fuck his shit up.
>Nelo angelos
Na buddy
if you use the regular cavaliere, not the DLC one, it has huge hyper armour during all of your attacks. Fun as fuck combos on both the ground and air which last a long time and rack up big style. my favourite weapon in 5 hands down
>Decided to go fishing with Junior
parry, then follow up with double kalina's fuckoff move forward+B
>if you use the regular cavaliere, not the DLC one
What does the DLC one change about Cavaliere?
>what is Spain
>pandora needed to fill a gauge for a missile storm attack
>with double kalina ann i can do it at any moment
How do you guys manage Nero's breakers? The fact that you can't switch them bugs the shit outta me. I decided to just unmap the destroy button due to fat fingering it too often. I feel like that button should have just been the switch and you should just use them to break.
Calm down, incel
I haven't used it much but I believe you get faster attacks but hyper armour taken away
John Romero and Tom Araya are Christians and it doesn't clash with their artwork. It's really not a big deal.
I mean Vic Mignogna is a Christian, and his creeper crusade doesn't seem to put a dent in his conscience or self-image.
mod when
>campy anime-tier writing = juvenile-tier edge/muh contemporary political commentary to be taken seriously btw
You should accept my (you).
Anime is juvenile-tier edge. You just keep pretending DMC is anything other.
Omg i was doing my nails while my chad friend was fixing my bike and my mother called me a loser
but i might have convinced him to finally play through dmc3 and buy 5 so I win
>'Literally' means anything I want
>Why won't anyone respect my critiques?
The problems happens when use these" romanticized features" in tandem with high poly-count meshes, hyper realistic skin textures and lighting.
While we know it's just a render, It looks human enough on the surface that our brain gets confused, and it low-key tells us that there'something wrong. It didn't happen in past gens, because there was no way a plastic doll with marble slab of hair pass for a human to our brain.
different engine
I didn't notice it was an edit. Side by side, I see it now. Carry on.
I usually un-equip ones i don't need at checkpoints.
I also switched gun and destroy so there less of an input error.
As a bird to air or a fish to water, so is contempt to the contemptible.
any tips on learning jump cancelling 5? I could land it 90% of the time in DMC3 with beowulf, but I feel like I can't land it with anything except sometimes foot-form balrog
El Donte is literally Mexican soap opera, thus El Donte is mexican
The 2 Fury room is tough but doing it with no damage taken is absolutely doable
Nelo Angelos are a joke, they're slower than his original boss fight was and you've got 4 games worth of added options on how to deal with him
I don't know, I guess it's because in Europe being Christian is so normal that nobody mentions it, and iirc all the models are British. So I guess he was way more religious than average, since usually if someone mentions their religion they say they're Catholics or Protestants, or whatever else.
>Nelo angelos
parry them with Cerberus spin2win and then murder them with 2kalina forward+B
seriously it's not that hard.
>That thread full of tiny brains complaining they couldn't decipher the meaning of the poetry lines
*in 5
You know if Nero defeated Doppelganger I wonder whether his copy would also have the Bringer wings.
Oh shit this autoplay knows what's up.
It's a sign, i must go.
If Vergil had done a sick backflip or something stylish before pulling a double abortion, you'd have a point.
If you breakage the buster arm you'll do 10x damage and practically 1shot virgil.
Someone gifted me DmC years ago, but the only reason I'd ever play it is if we had a mode which replaces Donte with El Donte and has all his lines in Spanish but keeps everyone else speaking English, so he's just babbling away with his stupid moustache whilst everyone else is being serious. Tell me, anons, if you can, does such a thing exist in 2019?
>get close to enemy while in the air
that's it. It's much easier than in 3 so I don't know how you can possibly fuck it up. The lack of turbo and generally slower startup on on moves may be messing up your timing
Just use RG dude
I love these
How are you this retarded
Literally just spam Summoned Swords and Royal Guard if you're too much of a brainlet to get used to not needing to switch to Swordmaster to air rave anymore
So I've modified V's control scheme from the default, but I can't figure out the most comfortable changes to make to Nero's from default. Dante default is fine. Anyone have suggestions?
>[wubbeth increases in volume]
Bros, why is quadruple S so fucking fun to use? Just cap off a sick air juggle with the three hit, then triple-afterimage teleport and turn back human, ride motorcycle through them, set up the kalina ann laser, cancel the horrid endlag with SDT, give 'em the Luce (or whatever RT is called) for a second or two, ANOTHER TRIPLE AFTERIMAGE TELEPORT IT LOOKS SO FUCKING COOL back to human, fuck around, whatever.
I wish other characters had more incentive to get SSS, other than rank and healing drops obvi. Feels so good flipping in and out of demon god mode.
no im not cheesing the fucker
The whole game is more enjoyable in Spanish honestly
Just pretend it's a Mexican fangame
Hey kid, remember you're only a casual if you give up.
swap break away and gun
>His, why the fuck would I care about yours?
wow, that was so rude, user
Where are the orb model swaps?
Spam him down to 1 life using projectiles, then use the EX Taunt during a lull in the battle before finishing him off.
>and healing drops
That's based on style rank? Huh, neat.
I want to play as Nico though
That's fair. I just feel like it'd be hilarious to have other characters all speaking in different languages. Majority of NPCs in English, Donte in Spanish and Vergil in Japanese or something because he's a weeaboo. In theory it doesn't sound too hard to do if the files are already there
>Lost a limb in a fight but don't worry she'll be cool.
I know I'm a bit late, but I wanna let you know that I like your reference.
Shit taste honestly, and that couldn't be possible since she doesn't have a NPC model.
It takes some getting used to, but
>gun on L1
>exceed default
>breakaway on dpad
>DT and buster knuckle either on R2 or Square
seems to be general consensus.
Makes me feel better about utterly jobbing to him on SoS just now
>Playing a Lady mod without unbinding melee
He gave me a lot of trouble but with Trickster spam I did it. I am too bad at timing to even attempt royal guard. Hang in there user.
I actually tried that, but charging shots with LB and using exceed with LT felt incredibly uncomfortable. I have breakaway bound to dpad now and devil trigger to lb.
>I wonder how he felt about being the model for a dude from a video game that's all about demons.
>since she doesn't have a NPC model.
She does in the first stage after the Prologue
She drags Crew Cut behind a concrete barrier and then gets back into the van
Still think Nero should be able to switch arms under SSS, it would make for some amazing combos
When is Reuben gonna make an ET action game?
If I could somehow raise the damage of guns I'd 100% do a playthrough with only guns, I think missions will take me way too long with only guns.
Honestly, i'm just assuming. In every other DMC game, you got more/bigger red/white/green orbs based on your style. It SEEMS that way RN, but i haven't done rigorous testing. Also orbs are hella small in this game. It's really obvious in DMC3 when you smash a hell at triple S and two gigantic glowing green orbs, a fattty bright white orbs and tons of big red orbs drop out.
I put the Breakers on R2 so I can still attack easily while charging the Breakage
Buster on Circle works fine unless you're trying to add it to every attack like Exceed, in which case god bless your crazy ass
I pretty much beat the fight with Balrog and the Coyote. You gotta trickster over to him whenever he does a ranged attack or finishes a move and slam him ass. Don't forget to charge SDT.
>there will never be lady gameplay like this but with all guns instead of melee weapons like her DMC3 cutscenes
It hurts lads, like the revolver spin could be done with a shotgun.
Cute! I love Nero so much
Just random theory crafting, but maybe even more punches? Like you already get 2 in DT, but how about at SSS you get two out of DT and four during DT? Also i'm going on record on the side of "I don't mind that you can't switch breakers". I like that you have to plan out for a mission, feels like S-ranking a fresh DMC1 DMD run, what with planning what you buy based on encounters. Also if you could switch whenever i feel like i'd hardly ever use Giga Drill Break or Tomboy.
I wish there was a way of having one-armed nero on new game plus. The only idea I have is playing up to mission 19, then going back to prologue to unlock higher difficulty by beating urizen, but not sure if I want to delete my save file for that
>implying lady won't be playable in the next dlc "Ladies Night"
>Nero's model is a good boy like Nero
Jesus Christ Nero is top tier.
What language do you think mexicans speak?
I can't find the non-Denuvo.exe anywhere, am I retarded?
I know the steam command thing doesn't work
wow you showed me
I get to his doppleganger phase without getting hit no problem, then he just whacks me in 10 seconds
Post her then.
Yes she will be playable, with that horrid gameplay from DMC4 instead of a gun happy version of Dante.
is ladies night real?
Any idea where? I found a Google Drive link on the Steam forums, but I'm more than a little leery of utilizing an exe file found on the Steam forums, and I can't find any corroboration.
>masturbating to v
Did you watch the last cutscene? It's pretty much confirmed.
I love it.
So does Super Dante have any other bonuses?
Is Balrog constantly ignited for instance?
If you could convert DmC's dialogue to this, i'd be tempted to play it.
The revolver spin could be done with submachine guns. I remember Jill in UMVC3 having a similar move.
I will never not love Quad S, it's the most prima nocta mechanic I've ever seen
It is actually really easy compared to 4, just be point blank and slightly above them, then practice the individual move timings in the Void and you'll be good to go
IMO the hardest part of dante is keeping in mind the moves of all 8 of his weapons spread out across the 4 styles, and using the appropriate move at the right time. I have almost never used Drive, Dance Macabre, Swords Formation, Welter Move, Balrog Combo B, Flint Wheel, Idling, Hysteric, Magic Hat, and almost all of Cerberus for that reason I just don't know what exact roles the moves fulfill
One DT Stinger will take out the doppelganger then you're back to normal
Did Nero literally sit in a hospital for nearly a month going "REEEEEEE he called me dead weight" in his head?
Overture is fucking great. No frills, just a big fat bitchslap on demand. Probably my favorite arm next to rawhide.
>not changing Dante's lame new theme for Taste the Blood
I shiggy diggy
Just focus down the Doppleganger and then you're in the clear. It doesn't have much health
That honestly was my first thought funny enough I only switched it to shotguns because of the stopping power and the sheer absurdity of doing such a move with such a weapon, although you're probably right it would make more sense with machine guns.
I get you man. even if you want to do the reverse and play without breakers nero has a weird looking human arm that looks like a prosthetic.
I wish I had a high end pc and not a console.
Not Spanish from Spain, that's for sure
>die a lot in Dante vs Vergil
>like a lot
>finally barely defeat him
>get an S rank
Just hit it until it dies
You know, i've seen images of donte before many times, and i'm just now noticing his dumb hair cut for the first time lol
>friend brought his 6 yo girl over to our house
>sees me playing DMC 5 and asks to try it
>she's playing as V ("the pet guy")
>she's absolutely steamrolling the game by button mashing
>beat mission 5 and only had to use a gold orb at the very end of geyron fight
I think people shitting on V might have a point
are the only alternate announcers, Morrison and Nico?
>Get my shit stomped by that one fur(r)y that shows up early as Nero on SoS
>Decide for the first time in my life to autistically pactice an enemy in The Void
>Spen the first ten minutes or so just grinding my teeth as he effortlessly disembowels me over and over
>Eventually start to learn the parry timings on some of his swings
>Mfw landing my first buster
>Mfw parrying him with a fucking shuffle
>Mfw using Buster Arm Breakage to just break that red rocket in half
>Mfw this fucking enemy is the most fun I've had with vidya in a long time
Fury is underrated, my god. The buster animation just serves to drive the point home that this isnt some unga bunga brute you're fighting, this a real-ass no-nonsense demon.
I've got a 750ti and a shitbox cpu, but I run the game just fine
I use the DMC1 music
now try V on hell and hell or DMD
>hold r3
>open up book
>call down big boi from time to time
>collect free SSS rank
He shits on Devil Hunter but becomes the hardest character in DMD because of how hard having to avoid aggressive enemies fucks up his offense
>Also i'm going on record on the side of "I don't mind that you can't switch breakers". I like that you have to plan out for a mission, feels like S-ranking a fresh DMC1 DMD run, what with planning what you buy based on encounters. Also if you could switch whenever i feel like i'd hardly ever use Giga Drill Break or Tomboy.
In combat might be too much, but out of combat magazine management seems like a given. The spare arms visibly hang on his belt even, instead of being carefully loaded inside the prosthetic by Nico in the van. There's no reason he couldn't grab and organise/swap them while there's a moment to sit down and catch a breath.
There are already flags in the game that check for being in combat, since things like V's book and sweet surrender don't work outside of it, so why not something reverse.
Rawride or spam Combo C. They always attack in the middle of the combo and I parry them.
Or if you are feeling balsy just DB them on time.
Even SoS has them. You can kill one before the other appears
I agree, I just wish it bounced things up off the ground more often. Helter Skelter is also really good since you can mash the hell out of RT and get a ton of Knuckle hits
what's good about rawhide?
Still kind of wish we got something like Kyrie Angelo.
Anyone got the mod file? Been looking for it forever.
I wonder if it's more efficient to read the book rather than attempting to do late dodges to build DT.
It would be great if you could pick between no arm, human arm and devil bringer from the flashback, would be a fun unlock
>this bland animeshit is what DMC5 would've looked like if they didn't opt for realism
Honestly... I'm happy about the style change now.
Not him but you can feel like Star Platinum by spamming the Devil Knuckle while using it
>Trish loses Sparda, left with
>generic Lightning powers
>Artemis (unless it is canonically destroyed after Urizen turned the weapon into an artificial demon)
>One of the many weapons Dante used to have in his office, but probably sold all of them off for pizza money
Demon Weaponmaker Machiavelli when.
It is cute that she is playing and getting into the game.
Detting an SSS rank doesn't make you truly stylish.
Do both, since reading makes enemies target you.
>hold R3
why on the living fuck Leader angelos have like gazilion hp on DMD? they are not even that hard they just take a ungodly amount of damage
It's a solid AoE. Felt like I was getting SSS every time I used it.
The most efficient thing is to Jump Cancel the cane attack, you can do that and build DT FAST
>the most prima nocta mechanic I've ever seen
I don't think prima nocta means what you think it means user
Rawhide is great for juggling, parries everything with no effort, and the improved Snatch can be nice to get some enemies that are hard to launch off the ground. And its breakage is basically an AoE Buster
that doesnt look half bad
Nuke them with 2kalina or RG just releases
>that music sync up and 0:55
Damn what a wild ride
It's combo juice, more or less
>alternating between rawhide and buster knuckle on more than 1 enemy = free SS
>keeps you in the air for a really long time, basically like E&I but better
Tell her this game is as Christian as it gets with the Doom reasoning. Your characters are good guys who smash evil devils in the face and this one specifically is about the importance of family.
Can someone make a webm with DmC's fuck you scene and insert Nero's fuck you?
asking for the third time
Anyone have the Jackpot image in a good resolution? I want to make it my desktop BG
that will probably be the plan with Dante but with Nero even 2 DT Judgement cut finishers dont do the trick even while masshing Buster for extra punches
Vergil jobs to round trip. Also if you beat him you can unequip DSD for Sparda or Rebellion.
They're pretty easy to fuck with, the ones I really have an issue with are the nobody while playing as V. It feels like they take zero damage
I want mods. Where can I find mods besides nexusmods?
>is what DMC5 would've looked
It really wouldn't. This shit was outsourced.
use charged breaker buster for ungodly damage
Thought this was a FFX 2 edit at first
change the subtitles to Spanish too
Not him but
Auto mode
>Dante wanted so much to not go to Patty's birthday he went to get trapped in hell with his autistic twin brother
Is Dante autistic?
this is how i usually deal with them with Nero
>when they spawn, launch with back Y this gives a free buster
>parry the attack where he slowly walks with the blade, launch, Buster
>every other move, pistol until the explosion caughts him up and buster
rinse and repeat until death
died like 15 or more times to him, I decided to take a break and use my head a bit and beat him first try, I'm not very good at these games, but somehow I managed
it's kind of bullshit really, I had like a magic pixel health and still got an s rank
It's finally up lads
Learn to do it yourself or pay someone to do it for you, you dumb bimbo.
Does Sin Devil Trigger need to bee full beofre you can activate it or can you just use up what you have built?
How does sin devil trigger work and whats the best way to build it?
It's shit
Lady doesn't need changing. She looks fine. Great in-game.
This looks generic as fuck and genuinely worse.
I want Vergil to bully me
Has to be full
any place to find mods other than gamebanana?
>Make it to chapter 12 on DMD and im gonna try to clear 12-14 tomorrow and 2-3 more the day after because off time
Im so scared. A Jewdicku and 3 fucking Furies atleast the solo one gets trapped in the cage so I can laser him but the two at once imma need Sin DT to fuck over probably.
Can anyone red pill me on how much more life/damage Urizen has? Because fuck on SoS it felt significant. Im probably going to need to Balrog shin dp him all day if its a lot more.
Why everyone keeps saying that, her birthday was a month before that
long hair nero a cute
Nexusmods and ResidentEvilModding
Use quad s and ssssinfuck the tits off them
I remember using this rationalization with my turbo christian parents when they got all worked up about me buying the first devil may cry, I'm killing demons ma, it's a good game!
When is Woolie releasing more DMC5, his reactions gives me life
fuck me I meant nexus not gamebanana lol
looks like an annoying street performer from california
How do i deal with furies and behemoths on dmd as nero?