Fuck this green retard

Nostaliga faggots should KYS asap. No one gives two shits or knows about some faggot gator from 1935 when your parents weren't divorced.

Literally should have never got in smash. Bayonetta got in because she was relevant and a recent game release, not some literal who green shit.

>inb4 muh rob muh pacman muh duck hunt
Icon characters of different eras or mascot characters. No one gives two shits about literal who the gator

Attached: 1536674363243.png (1500x1500, 2.24M)

Other urls found in this thread:


So you got JV4ed on quickplay by a K rool.

Did you just lose to someone who used K.Rool?

>getting stomped on by the Reddit Gator
>getting stomped on by the worst character in the game

kys nostalgia faggot, your gator shit was never relevant

>that smashified render
God, does the Ultimate one look miles better.

nothing makes him look better, he still looks like retarded ass super nintendo shit that only faggots still care about

fucking bump

thread not fucking bumping
fucking paid shill mods trying to defend the dignity of some stupid ass fucking aligator character in a forgotten nintendo game

I'll bump for you.

>yes and my butthole and i are very sad

Keep posting memes nostalgia faggot, it's all you got ;)

>the worst character in the game
Not even close. Zero has him at mid tier

I agree that K. Rool is a fucking meme character that shouldn't have gotten in and should have been Geno in his place instead but did you have to project so hard with that divorce comment OP?

better and more relevant than green shitter

t. someone who just got 3 stocked by a k rool with his fire emblem main

Smash needed more sexy villains desu.

Attached: kkr13.jpg (830x868, 84K)

only "argument" you niggers post lol

Idk man. He's easy to stomp online, and that one time a kid tried in locals. F to him.

They should have put in Leo Luster instead.

A lot of the renders have aged horribly

Attached: Inklingsmashified.png (509x409, 226K)


Attached: 1534401544331.gif (478x350, 84K)

was irrelevant then, is irrelevant now

if he's so irrelevant, why can i play as him in smash?

Attached: Smug Honk 2.png (357x357, 180K)

>still being a relevancyfag

all hail the beloved winner of ballots

Attached: 997a790f3b3fa355efe8b73e78b3b76e.png (800x446, 724K)

because retards meme'd him in despite no normal people even caring

Why does Yea Forums hate him?

Attached: 1552799216.tanoshi_kroolflation_gold.png (657x503, 143K)

No shit does the million dollar budget one look better than the one some Youtubers made in their spare time.

literally better than any dumbass shit for brains anime swordsman you can think of

>me and my ashleyfag discord don't care about k.rool so nobody does
whew, pedos everybody

green nigger is not a noteworthy piece of nintendo or video game history, he has no place being in the game

game history, pokemon are instant popular, fire emblem is a thing in Japan.

Don't even try it, gator literal who should have never got in. No one gives a shit, no one knows who it is, 0% chance.

I could ask like 10 people if they know who dr.mario is and then ask the same 10 shitty gator and easily no one will know him, but they will know mario

fuck you OP
he's already one of my favorite husbando's

Attached: 121221.png (1432x957, 783K)

bestiality faggot

Keep seething faggot
You can bet your ass K Rool will come back in the next Donkey Kong game and this will solidify his position in Smash even if there are considerable cuts to the roster

Yeah, I also think Porky should be in Smash

Attached: porky_minch_by_eureka_herald-dcfy70d.png.jpg (1095x730, 97K)

my favorite character isn't in yet either, i get it.
But chill out man damn


Attached: 1548285330689.png (624x589, 288K)

>K Rool will come back in the next Donkey Kong game
never gonna happen so kill yourself

he's cute so no

>icon characters of different eras
>k rool was the main villain in the dkc trilogy, one of the most successful and iconic series of the snes
>the original main villain of the dkc series that shaped donkey kong to be what it is today

oh, but he's a literal who and not iconic

come on. this argument works for geno (and i say this as a genofag, he's definitely a huge literal who for casuals) but you'd be a fucking idiot to think k. rool doesn't have importance. also i see a lot of casuals and zoomers love the guy, even little, little kids. he's back with a fucking vengeance.

it does my kutthroat heart so good.

yeah fuck this green retard jihninj

Attached: JPJIOPHPOIHPOPOHPO.jpg (360x270, 35K)

Why do you think Bowser and Ganandorf are in?

becase people WOULD recognize them, not literal who gator.
People also played super castlevania and castlevania n64 (sadly) and I don't see dracula in smash? No one knows who the fuck castlevania dracula is, they only know the movie persona.

Same deal. 0% chance for the count and gator

>despite being in the game
How's the first stage of grief going?

nostalgia fags and that's it.

>no one recognizes dracula or k. rool
>everyone and their mom lost it seeing castlevania get so much rep (including dracula and alucard) and seeing k. rool
>august direct is considered the last great smash direct

gr8 b8 m8


Attached: DkakxZ9UUAEDxv3.jpg orig.jpg (1736x2000, 254K)

even if this was true, that alone would put his chances above 0% you absolute brainlet ashleypedo

I bet you said he'd never be in Smash, too
Why were you wrong about that? Where was the mistake in your thinking?

>gator is nintendo history
It was some villain in an old ass game, sure you could count it as "history" but if they wanted to dig into the history pot they'd pick out shit like castlevania characters over some literal who gator any day. There's a billion others above him that would get the "nintendo history" slot

He's the best Smash newcomer, though.
He's also fun to play.

Attached: k rool is busy dont bother him.png (1920x1080, 1.57M)

>0% chance
0% chance of what now?

>theres a billion others above him that would get the history slot
evidently not user, did you see the final roster?

>a billion others who would get the history slot

barafags need to fuck off


Attached: leon laugh.jpg (709x538, 64K)

I actually love how they rendered the Inklings. Their render for Klonoa also looks freaking amazing. Ridley's was probably their weakest.

Attached: Klonoa.png (409x409, 153K)

>nintendo gave k rool one of the most overproduced trailers
>was on the high end of most smash ballot result charts.
>people played donkey kong country
literal who gator

>Dixie Cranky and Funky have been in more and more games
>K. Rool hasn't been the villain in any for the past decade
>Sakurai goes out of way to defend clones as echoes
>Dixie and Funky don't get to be in
>K.Rool get's one of the best trailers

I love K. Rool and I like that I have him but this all seems so confusing.

Attached: 0181a816b3b1ba0c2f04003588814d5dd9cdbc2cr1-457-321_hq.gif (457x321, 1.48M)


Attached: AAAAAAAAAAAAAA.jpg (960x540, 300K)

Attached: kkr12.jpg (800x753, 66K)

Funky's inclusion in Tropical Freeze as a playable character was done after Smash Ultimate had started its project plan, so he probably wasn't on the table for this game.

Dixie is truly a mystery. People thought she had more than deserved it by Smash 4, so I'm not sure why she didn't get in Ultimate either.



was relevant then, is still more relevant than your autism puppet.

Attached: 1545003332938.png (582x600, 312K)

Attached: 1552783190791m.jpg (1024x576, 57K)

This will age horribly when he's revealed as DLC.

Ashleyfags. When will these pedos ever learn that their shitty character is one of the lamest, most boring choices for Smash?

Attached: 1552844907736.png (2304x1080, 1.68M)

Go on...

Attached: 4624566.png (481x273, 103K)

I've always loved K.Rool and I love watching OP's autistic flailing over his inclusion in a video game.

I don't play Pokémon, nor do I care much for them, but I'm not going throw a tantrum about them being in a video game. There are ~75 other characters to use.

>fucking spirit

Attached: 1542293110190.jpg (400x400, 38K)

Attached: D1NRy8kVYAEMvaU.jpg (2000x1708, 240K)

I wanna kiss and rub his belly!

that's fucking gay though

Attached: DkctzwIVAAEzaHz.jpg (1179x1272, 125K)

There is no concrete proof that spirits deconfirm characters. At the very, very least Geno's Mii costume will return. Geno's "irrelevance" isn't the reason he wasn't added to the roster, it was Square's stinginess. Heck, even Cloud barely made it back.

Why do smashfags make up retarded nonsense terms like this and "messy guessies"? Just say "destroyed" or "bodied" like a normal person, you fucking faggot.

Attached: 1552536481580.png (2000x2000, 1.28M)

It's yet another Pepe Feelsguy edit. It already hasn't aged well



can you imagine being a fan of only modern nintendo

Attached: 1479667796085.jpg (512x384, 48K)

Love this artist.
Me too.
I could be gay for K. Rool.

Attached: krool25.jpg (1711x1359, 197K)

Attached: download.png (240x210, 4K)

cuz they all want to be famous so they make up their own smizzack trizzalk

keep talking like that and i'll have to play you in friendlies

You seem mad.

Attached: DZt8qn7UMAAMfFq.jpg large.jpg (239x263, 16K)

Attached: Dv9mKsUUwAAQOo8.jpg (1200x992, 113K)

>There is no concrete proof that spirits deconfirm characters
Why were all those Mario mooks spirits, but no sign of Piranha Plant?

Attached: 389462283932893.png (733x660, 754K)

Still sounds like something a nigger came up with.

Attached: Blank+_ceedddbdebc6a3652f49d026bb1bf3a0.jpg (783x680, 134K)

are the FE fags seething again?

Attached: krool28.jpg (1183x1200, 306K)

the best smash husbando

Attached: Dvo7vXYV4AELKG5.jpg (1100x1100, 221K)

I agree, fuck k.rool and that dumbass pointing picture that all those nintendies spammed for like 3 months, get a life douches

Piranha Plant isn't part of the Fighter Pass and was definitely meant to be in the base roster, but couldn't be added in time due to time constrains. Why would they have added a spirit for it when they already knew in hindsight they would be adding it early in development? If you want to bring up Piranha Plant in DLC-related discussion, you definitely have to acknowledge the fact that its circumstances differ vastly from Joker's and whoever the remaining 4 characters are.

Attached: krool27.jpg (1177x1200, 750K)

Attached: DyH1fu2X0AUlV0b.jpg (3978x3746, 629K)

Attached: krool23.png (650x820, 351K)

I want to be crushed under king k rool's massive belly

Do these K Rool hating dumbasses have ACTUAL arguments for him not being in the game, other than calling the people giving solid good arguments "Faggots" and calling K Rool just a "Literal-Who Gator". Real mature OP. Do you kiss your mother with that basement dwelling, seething mouth of yours?

Can mods come and ban the guy spamming bara and fat shit in this thread, they over stayed their welcome.

Attached: krool10.jpg (1451x2048, 412K)

Attached: Dx2ihdSVAAE8qyt.jpg (680x650, 84K)

Based furry fat fetishists.
Keep on improving this garbage thread

I don't see any furry porn here.
I don't even see furstuff.

there isnt really anything furry here

Attached: krool2.png (1000x1000, 342K)

but K rool has no fur

Attached: 1536890664810.jpg (1024x1024, 131K)

Attached: A137757B-B805-4867-A49F-2DA331815FAB.jpg (1260x1886, 727K)

>K. Rool
Not happening.

Attached: kkridle.webm (570x572, 2.91M)

>Getting mad you got bodied by a nostalgia character in a nostalgia game made by the nostalgia company
sounds like your just terrible at the game if your this bootyblasted to make a thread

>when he's revealed as DLC.

Attached: 1551390679254.png (368x447, 385K)

He has to it he'll get too fat.

>implying k rool getting fatter is a bad thing

The more of him the better.

Attached: viktory.webm (800x450, 2.86M)

Shhh the king is sleeping

Attached: zzz.gif (316x296, 2.98M)

WAKE UP!!!!!!

Attached: 1541889723961.gif (447x407, 3.3M)

i made this in sfm, does Yea Forums like it?

Attached: fat2.png (1000x1465, 1.68M)

belly needs to be bigger (much bigger) but other than that yes is good

delete this

Attached: 1538624625255.png (574x417, 193K)

unga bunga

Should be more pleased.

Attached: smugrool.png (1500x1500, 1.9M)

>Not even close
>Can literally count the number of characters considered worse on one hand

Attached: 10_zero-tiers01.jpg (1360x768, 138K)

i'll try and make more but hornier

Attached: boxxxing.png (1442x1080, 1.31M)

>DDD at the bottom of mid
>DDD below Jiggs
Zero has no idea what he is talking about

And you, random nobody on Yea Forums, do.

Tourney results directly contradict that claim

>nostaliga faggots should kill yourself
what did he mean by this?

>Ridley that low
My elite status says otherwise.

Attached: 4c3.gif (1280x693, 1.05M)

The tourney results of DDD not doing shit?

Reminder that the only reason that King K. Rool wasn't in DKC Returns was because of Tanabe and Miyamoto's interference.

Attached: kroolfate.gif (600x338, 2.58M)

>Japs live and work forever

We'll never be rid of him

ZeRo is a bottom tier player

Ashleyfags still SEETHING I see

Attached: 1533751397508.jpg (1200x673, 96K)

fuck green nigger

SEETHING and COPING ashleyzoomer

I'll never stop drinking your tears

Attached: 1533750203162.png (711x660, 806K)

Please Retro let it happen

Buzzwords: the thread


Attached: ignorance is bliss.png (850x439, 280K)

Attached: E76B937E-3EE1-41EB-8730-B0AA1BCD0968.jpg (208x271, 29K)


When I land attacks and perform well online
>pure skill
When I get hit or lose the match
>fucking bullshit

Attached: 1552166192186.jpg (232x185, 13K)

Attached: loadsamoney-o.gif (320x257, 1M)

players who main heavies in a nutshell

You actually want this thread to stay alive so people post more K. Rool, don't you

Attached: hahahaha.webm (936x888, 1.79M)

>that belly jiggle

Attached: D1hbAbUUkAAmWQ9.jpg (368x246, 9K)

Attached: win.webm (1280x720, 2.59M)

Dixie got fucked over since Brawl. She was supposed to tag team with Diddy but that never worked out. I don't know why they never just threw her in as a semiclone.

no it's because more people need to know that this faggot doesn't belong in smash

Attached: 1548217442256.jpg (657x527, 29K)

Someone post more cute Rool art.

Attached: pewpewpew.png (431x411, 96K)

but user that's ALL k rool art

>Try to make positive vidya threads where people talk about [insert vidya related topic here]
>Dies with barely 9 replies
>Make negative thread with lots of bait and controversial opinions
>100+ replies
Meh, it's sad that this is the way things are.

Attached: 1548917994463.png (315x227, 146K)

Attached: krool21.png (540x540, 186K)

Fucking obsessed.

Attached: kkr13.png (744x677, 266K)

Attached: IMG_20190214_204133.jpg (636x900, 68K)

That's because tiers are relative.
Ridley being "relatively low tier" does not mean "bad". It just means other characters are more versatile or have better chances.

The only true trash tier characters in Ultimate right now are Bowser Jr. and Lil Mac.

Attached: kkrddd.jpg (1000x1000, 99K)

Attached: krool24.jpg (1280x1010, 210K)

You received one of the biggest BTFOings in the history of the entire human species. It's hard to forget something like that.

If you were hoping to ever live it down, you can let go of that dream now.

Attached: 1517518094061.jpg (710x588, 24K)

Attached: kkrbows2.jpg (1000x1280, 283K)

You DO main K. Rool, right Yea Forums? If not, what's your excuse?

Attached: IMG_20190317_164233.jpg (481x680, 43K)

Tbf most of Smash roster are literal who's to the kids.

Attached: 1550519840260.png (1032x729, 809K)

He fucking sucks. Fun to play though.

Attached: docdontcare.jpg (736x671, 67K)


Not really my style. He's cute and fun when you're just fucking around .

I’m not even into bara, but how is this obese crocodile man so handsome?

I do just got into elite smash

Attached: 1543105979882.png (1500x1820, 2.35M)

Dickheads, that shit happen 7 months ago and you're still obsessed over a literally girl. I don't even have the new smash bros to give a shit yet here you are thinking you won the finally laugh. I don't even care what happen in the game or who get kick or put in. 7 fucking months, you guys are the new Eric because you won't shut up.

No excuse, you have to get better with our boy to show he isn't low tier as everyone says he is.

Being so absolutely BTFO by K. Rool that the had to racial slurs. LMAOING at you, kid

Yeah but our first two known Fighter Pass characters are Joker and "Brave", presumably a Dragon Quest rep. They both don't have any notable presence in the base game, which doesn't paint a pretty picture for anyone who's a spirit.

I just like bullying the small child wouldnt mind if she gets in

Attached: d155233e65947e9f5bdcb976805f644c.png (540x646, 222K)


you're a faggot that likes to fuck animals, gator fag lover

For sure, but the fact that we have spirits of things like Classic Link and Classic Pit leads me to believe that they don't deconfirm anyone in a surefire way.

>Likes to fuck animals
Whoa dumbass faggot, chill out with the projection.

>called him attractive, says others are projecting
faggot animal fucker, go back to fapping to your irrelevant shitty character

There's nothing wrong with thinking K. Rool is handsome.
He has a regal appearance that people like, that doesn't mean they want to fuck him.

>Complementing someone means you want to fuck them!
You are retarded. I bet you think saying somebody looks good in an outfit means you’re trying to take them out on a date or something.

Damn, you’re assblasted


>Fuck this green retard

I want to.

Attached: DzhdeOiUUAAC-4d.jpg (950x1350, 156K)

sick fuck with shit taste, what you are.

Why are there Daisy, K.Rool, Luigi and other spirits yet they're already playable

I'm not sorry.

Attached: DkctzwIVAAEzaHz.jpg (1112x1200, 121K)

Not irrelevant anymore as of 8/8/08

Attached: DvnWokJWwAAQdJn.jpg orig.jpg (1905x1481, 404K)

K.Rool is the best thing ever happened in Smash
I love how much fan art he's gotten
Glad to see people like him

Attached: 1535833268756.jpg (800x437, 90K)

Get fucked pedophile :^)

Attached: krool15.jpg (1228x868, 243K)

Post more

8/8/18, my bad

DKC died after 3. Fight me. Also K Rool deserved to be get it.

Ok, now you're trolling

I want Dixie to be Diddy's echo (which seems so likely it's pointless to campaign for it) but I think K. Rool desperately needed this more. He wasn't even in the Returns games.

Hello Stevergins! This is your reminder that Banjo and Kazooie, yes, THE Banjo and Kazooie will be the Microsoft rep and not your ugly generic pile of pixelated Roblox pieces who not even Phil Spencer much less the Minecraft team themselves have gone to bat for when asked if its possible that Steve could join Smash Bros. And when the bird and bear are revealed later this year, tell your false prophet VirginBen to suck dried shit chunks out of Banjo's ass fur. ;)

Attached: 1550247714274.jpg (1024x642, 72K)

>the DKC3 is my favorite still

It just makes me feel like I'm at summer camp. Like Donkey Kong Goonies vibes.

I don't have a lot of K. Rool images that Im allowed to post.

Attached: DzGE4a7X4AMBUMZ.png (697x568, 292K)

I don’t like the implications of this post

Ridley got very little fanart and it makes me sad

Attached: 1550012535239.png (784x675, 432K)

My favorite part about Rool is how much of his moves really parallels DK's. It really highlights the idea that they're rivals trying to prove who's the strongest.

It's kinda like Wolf and Fox's relationship but less gay.

Why will the Jap's never accept our edgy boy?
You'd think hentai artists would love him.

Attached: Ridley's Tier List.png (940x1360, 948K)

The implication is that I like monsters and big things, yes.

Attached: D1jrn2RU4AAM9eQ.jpg (1508x1123, 206K)

>That DeDeDe
user, this a blue board.

you know what I meant

Dedede doesn't wear pants in the anime.

Attached: be71ba43.jpg (400x1000, 153K)

Cool princess thread, is there more like that one?

Attached: 1545971795820.jpg (1000x1000, 112K)

Attached: D1r-dVjUwAA-Ljh.jpg (600x851, 157K)

Attached: D1r-fvZU0AE1gx9.jpg (600x851, 117K)

I’m aware, it’s wrong and non-canon. But that much exposed DeDeDe doesn’t belong on a blue board.

I'd give K. Rool a hug.

Attached: krool26.jpg (2048x1940, 490K)

I disagree, I say the anime is 100% canon.

Attached: c5AosQ2V0H.webm (806x454, 2.44M)

But he's too big to hug.


Attached: D1XDGzIVAAY5OkT.jpg (1485x2048, 896K)

I’m sorry user, but no.


No such thing as too big to hug.

Attached: krool14.jpg (800x895, 121K)

K. Rool says Dedede should get a hard plated belly like him. Bowser says fuck that and that Dedede's belly being incredibly soft and bouncy is fine the way it is. Dedede asks if he's being complimented or insulted, and the last little* box says complimented.

Go die Rare Furfag.

Attached: dedede_s_belly_jiggle_gif_by_esecutivewatcher-dbdnsp8.gif (358x308, 1.35M)

Is hard plated belly or soft belly better, though?

Obviously soft is better. It absorbs punches.

>animal fucker
I find it hilarious people use this “““argument”””, but then some will let others who openly want to fuck pic related go scott free.

Attached: 9DE8EBF1-EECA-4C13-A862-616602DCD876.jpg (461x550, 179K)

>K.Rool Thread

Attached: jazz.jpg (800x800, 140K)

Can someone give me a cute k rool request?

Him snuggling with Donkey Kong

K. Rool petting one of his minions.

Attached: 1403145590338.png (485x527, 152K)

K Rool and Ridley dressed up as Wario and Waluigi

the artist, user

>he thinks the whole fucking company wasted all their budget doing this instead of a couple of guys rushed by their deadline

Imagine being this mad and this zoomer at the point your assblast for losing in online makes you write like this.

Attached: 1547504351045.png (1200x1200, 1.15M)

Never ever

Attached: lizardchads.png (767x431, 124K)

K. Rool eating bananas.

Maybe not cute but I'd like to see K. Rool dressed as Robotnik

Attached: request.png (2052x1672, 1.88M)

Already done by at least two artists.

Attached: 1544913448158.jpg (1200x926, 138K)

Replace Banjo with Geno. Banjofags despite their delusion don't try to ride coattail with Rool and Ridleyfags.

Attached: kroolwarioridleywaluigi.png (1200x600, 458K)


Attached: 1550100984439.jpg (553x585, 33K)

>ridley worse than rool
>isabelle next to villager
Into the trash. Stick to sm4sh, zero.

Rool is better though.

No fuck you

>you will never be one of K.Rools underlings and serve him

Attached: Dznk4SQUwAYy5Yh.jpg (600x851, 161K)

K. Rool standing on the King of Red Lions like Washington wearing the sail as a cape while Too Link rows

k rool getting his belly fondled haha

Attached: D1JaRHAUwAIHLA1.jpg (600x851, 125K)

Attached: D1JaSVdUwAAD5_n.jpg (600x851, 141K)

Nearly every player rn puts those characters in the same spot. I don't think there's anyone rn that doesn't think Ridley and Kirby are bottom barrel.

Attached: DxAE0EKXcAMEK1s.jpg orig.jpg (837x1200, 282K)


I was honestly hoping someone in the thread could translate it.

By who though?

*ting ting*

Sorry porkybro but it's my time.

Attached: 1543513953046.png (680x680, 120K)


Nothing particular amusing.

>Hey whos that
>That's K. Rool hes King of the Kremlings
>In battle he was ruthless
>Oh my oh my, how unexpected that the pretty little princess and goddess would fight so earnestly
>Hes a King, but he doesn't hold back huh

Well thanks anyways, glad to finally know what they were saying.


Attached: mlady.png (401x455, 207K)

Attached: tipscrown.png (521x464, 244K)

Attached: tumblr_pcicowoqNd1tbamaco1_1280.png (1252x1160, 116K)


K Rool rips people's assholes to pieces, man. I've played against people in discords that get salty and start telling me he's needs to get nerfed in an upcoming patch.

Attached: 1548456908757.gif (227x161, 907K)

Post your K Rool stats.

I don't play tourneys if thats what you mean. Idk what stats are. But i got some footage of me butt fucking people in Elite if you wanna peep that.

If normal people didn't care then why do so many people play him?





K Rool is hilarious to play.

Attached: 1547611818352.gif (119x91, 12K)



Attached: DkG3IsgX4AIVBIg.jpg (1200x773, 165K)

He’s better than throwing another generic anime swordsman from Faggot Emblem

We want crazy mismatched Nintendo characters beating the shit out of eachother, not BlazBlu

Attached: krool11.png (849x1057, 496K)

I wanna squeeze this part.

Attached: file.png (177x220, 45K)

Seething stevefag.

Attached: IMG_20190311_164508.jpg (1000x500, 96K)


Attached: D0yMtVSUcAAoDIU.jpg:orig.jpg (1100x1100, 126K)

Saved for later.

Who's the right guy?

Attached: Dzsn1RMU8AA5PA4.jpg (768x1024, 88K)


Just share your whole folder.

Attached: D1ATNpEU4AAFsEo.jpg (800x872, 90K)

some of it is porn tho

Attached: D0wCtGCVsAEgc50.jpg (1500x2300, 723K)

Then make a Mega link or something.

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люб on pixiv. Sadly he doesn't have much other than than

Damn. But still, thanks.

>At the very, very least Geno's Mii costume will return.

i'm a genofag and let me tell you, i don't even have hope left for that. he's just gonna remain a png. square is too buttfuck stingy to give a shit about an irrelevant, 20 year old character with no legacy.

>not a literal who

Really gets the noggin joggin

Wtf does that even mean

fucking DK secondaries, get off my board

Attached: 1wY9gxkWkAAHHev.jpg (1200x675, 106K)

what is he looking at?

So is there an actual divison in Square Enix between the guys who run Final Fantasy, the Geno/Mallow/RPG characters and Dragon Quest. It just seems so weird that Square who has already been so fucking tight-fisted about their IPs, would just give Nintendo a DQ rep too.

this thread

Hey, I played a decent chunk of 1 and 2. On an emulator. A long time ago.

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why are you so mad? k rool is easy to beat. i love when i get matched up with him.

also, he was a great add to the roster desu


DQ is mainly enix. they're all under the same company, but it was enix's property originally.

Attached: DkNbjswVAAATrZa.jpg (3300x2550, 408K)

So Enix can basically give DQ to Nintendo for Smash and bypass whatever the Square half of the company feels?

Wait, canson has a twitter? Wish I knew that earlier.

yeah he had one for a while

Attached: file.png (629x364, 358K)

Patrician taste.
t. big monster



What said.


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>Members only
I dont wanna sign up ):

I just checked, its on e621 too anyway.

How did he manage to be the worst heavy in the game despite having projectiles, a counter, and an excellent recovery? I don't play competitively, but I just wanted to see him with a tournament someday.

He's not the worst, Incineroar is.

Who cares, rosterfag, stop filling this board with meaningless smash threads

At least there's that, then.

>recovery goes down instead of up
absolutely brilliant

In fact, stop bringing up smash in the first place. The series is getting tiresome of seeing now that autistics like you are caring about who's in the roster

>this sub 1 million GSP play

Attached: 1552542658241.jpg (304x320, 28K)


Im gonna play as Rool in Smash right now.

Attached: DkFoFmaU8AATfqZ.jpg (1200x641, 208K)

>sub 1 million GSP
>Elite Smash

>Im gonna play as retarded green nigge in Trash right now.

Garouzuki is one of the goat artists

He's cute but just not my playstyle.




You're on Yea Forums. Go fucking hog wild user.

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Yep, no other fighter feels "right" anymore.

Attached: baited.webm (854x480, 2.85M)

fuck ness mains

i've been a ness main since the beginning and nothing else feels right anymore.

This also my exact reason too

But I'm a Ness and K. Rool main

>this shitty bait thread got over 300 replies
Why is this board so fucking retarded?

Can you really be a pedo for liking fictional characters. You can easily say w.e you want a character to be. I mean you can draw a loli and say shes 20 and you can create a some milf lookin character and say shes 7 years old. Like idk how you dorks take drawn/animated stuff so seriously its fucking fake.

There's something about his floatiness that is oddly satisfying. One of my favorite things to do is short hop fair to grounded short hop fair through them and drift backwards bair with your second jump to catch their attempted punish.

He doesn't not belong in Smash just because you're an autistic retard with a throbbing hateboner for him.

>implying you wouldn't get butt fucked by this K Rool too

when will non-K Rool mains ever learn?

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How do we buff him from shit tier bros?

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If you only like fictional characters that way, I'd say no, but I always worry they aren't limited to drawings when they shitpost about c*nny and whatever else.

>Playing Brawl SE for the first time
>Beginning of the game, Mario running to turn off bomb
>Ends up getting shot in the face with a cannon ball from a hidden figure in the smoke cloud.
>Oh shit cannon balls, is it K. Rool?
>mfw it's just fucking Petey Piranha
>He doesn't even use any cannon ball attacks in the fight.
Better late than never but fuck, I'm still ticked that he wasn't a part of Brawl's story mode.

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What do they think of each other?

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I want a game about the Koopa Troop vs the Kremling Krew.

Less startup on...everything. He has a problem with needing to 100% commit to any movie and it's generally just far too predictable what he's going to want to do at every given moment.

According to Sluggers, they don't get along very much at all. Could be they see each other as rivals. Funny enough, Slugger's also states that King K. Rool and King Boo get along pretty well actually.

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Me in the middle.

I want King Boo in Smash.

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Bowser thinks K Rool is a huge annoying faggot

K Rool thinks Bowser is a weak fraud and push over

In my Smash headcanon, K Rool winds up having to take care of the kids like Lucas and Ness and acts like he doesn't like them and is mean to them but over time their relentless optimism and kindness to him makes him secretly come to care about them and want to protect them and in the final battle against Galeem and Dharkon he uses his belly armor to shield them from attacks to save them.

>buff him
We'll be lucky if he doesn't receive a second round of nerfs that completely and permanently destroy him. Most characters who receive minor nerfs due to complaints end up getting a fatal follow-up in a later patch. That was when Sakurai balanced by himself, though.

This thread reeks of seething zoomer, lmao.

Sorry your Le EPIC ugly pixel block man didn't get in, but you don't have to take it out on Gatorchads.

If it wasn't for Rare Donkey Kong wouldn't even be thriving at all right now, they completely transformed the series into what it is today. You wouldn't know that though because you are an ungrateful soi baby faggot that whines about things he wasn't born for. Keep wahing; we love your tears.

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remove all of his endlag and give him a tiny bit more startup on his hits

Well Sakurai already stated that he is aware of the complaints and that he decided to ignore them because according to his data, K. Rool was fine. Since then, I can only imagine that both his usage and win-rate has gone down from then, since people have finally figured out his gimmick, it's not too out of the question to think he might get a buff at some point.

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>just sucking and blowing non stop
Godamn I despise shmucks like you. At least TRY to have fun you boring fuck

What did Sakurai mean by this

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I like this.

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>Pichu went from being the shitty joke character to actually good
I don't care how 'good' he is, I hate him and will forever view him as a bad character audition

>OP's face when Geno is DLC

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TMW you supported all three of those characters....

Bowser likes to bully K. Rool.

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>when Geno is DLC

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Bowser's Inside Story was basically an entire game about Bowser being in K. Rool's position in this comic, so I can't say I find it to be especially true to these characters.

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Shut up. Just shut the fuck up about this fucking nobody already.

Bowser wouldnt do that. Hes nice.

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enjoy your spirit!

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sauce please.

These will look great in the compilation!

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My head canon is youre probably a fag

you mean the cringe compilation from when you thought the reddit logo was getting into smash?

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Waluigi will get in before geno.

You don't even care about Geno. You just use him as shitposting fuel because you know it triggers people.

It does seem like it would be a bit reversed huh. K. Rool in DK64 and DKC2 was a fucking insane murderous dictator but Bowser has consistently been portrayed as a bit of a goofy yet lovable brute but almost never out-right evil or cruel.

Attached: K.-Rool.png (580x417, 237K)

He's a pushover. But a cute one.

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>stands in your path

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LMFAO as if that means shit in the terms of actual competitive play

>Geno/Steve/Banjo/Erdrick shitposting
>K. Rool/Bowser bara
What a thread.

I'm really tired of most Smash arguments consisting of people vying for who they personally want and not who's objectively the most deserving.

Better than rosterfagging!

Rosterfagging is not a thing

>objectively the most deserving

Silence, rosterfag.

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You're delusional if you think we can't gauge how much a character deserves to get in Smash.

Rosterfagging is not a thing. People play Smash to play as their favorite characters. Talking about the roster in Smash is like talking about the guns in a shooter or the cars in a racing game, people play those games because they like to use guns or cars. There's nothing weird or wrong about it. "Rosterfag" is just a buzzword Yea Forums came up with because they're tired of Smash threads.

No fictional character “deserves” anything. Cut this bullshit.

It's hard to define "deserving" depending on your point of view and what matters to you, for example.
>Minecraft is the second best-selling game of all time and the first major break-away hit Indie game.
>Banjo-Kazooie is an old-school and beloved Nintendo IP that has been away from home for fourteen years, one of the few original second-party IPs to break the top-ten in sales which is impressive when you consider it was competing against stuff like Mario and Zelda.
What is more deserving in a predominantly Nintendo IP based cross-over game? The character that will bring in more sales, or the character with actual history with Nintendo? It depends on your perspective.

Attached: aaa.jpg (1024x788, 129K)

No u

This is the best thread on Yea Forums I've seen in years.

Mutual respect but would never admit it to each other

Attached: krool and bowser.png (2087x1135, 2.35M)

there's caring about the roster, and then there's rosterfagging. those are two different things.
if you spend the better part of two years spamming Yea Forums's catalog with "HE'S IN, SHE'S IN, HE'S DECONFIRMED" threads, if you believe every fake "leak" you read on the internet, if you believe sakurai is personally insulting you by not putting in your obscure literal-who character of choice, if you pretend to want any character that is mentioned in "leaks" or being circlejerked on smashboards/reddit/discord - you are a rosterfag and a manchild.

Attached: yourtears2.png (1280x768, 302K)

I don't think K. Rool is the pocky eating type.

Attached: AH.png (700x476, 169K)

bowser brought it with him from japan and you really don't think k.rool would turn down free food would you?

Attached: krool and kremling.jpg (1280x1199, 307K)

shh it's secret

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He has standards.

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Somehow I missed the watermark.

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Please, I need sauces


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exhentai.org/g/1284744/0303a38f0d/ for one of them.
The comic has an obvious watermark I missed.

user please

Replace the x with a - stupid.

Thanks, missed the watermark too somehow.

There's only the 3 pages.


cephalo and aokmaidu on fa

get a fucking life

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Banjo doesn't need to ride K.Rools coattails to get in. It's just a nice bit of reality to shove at the Stevefags. Then again any Crocbro that posts this is an obvious falseflagger. Every Crocbro knows that they were in this very situation a year ago. Not all Crocbros are required to support Banjo, they just need to remember that they were treated the very same.

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Cloud and to a lesser extent Snakr fucked everything up and now with Joker there's literally no rules. So at this point Steve sadly makes sense. And I'm an admitted Minecraft playing autist (or was at least)

Can't forget this gem. Triple shilled by the big Phil.

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Would you guys fuck?


Into the trash it goes
>actual competitive play
Nobody is going to have sex with you because you can dash dance and shorthop nair

I'd do a lot of things with him.

Exactly, people who push this tri-force of "never-evers" are memers but Banjo might as well be K. Rool junior so I support their desire for vindication, you guys just need to find your own "Ridley" to pair up with.

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Some day this image will be completely unpostable.

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I want to see Banjo and Steve become the new pair to shit on Geno and Ashley


Not happening.

>when all you do in Smash is take lewd pictures of K. Rool in single player

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The fact that they didn't bring Wart back for a Mario and Luigi game all about dreams makes me think he's gone for good outside of spirit tier references.

He's coming back in the Link's Awakening remake though.

At least he'll be in the Link's Awakening remake.

Ah fuck, I jerked it to all 5 of these this morning

>DK beating Zelda and Yoshi

Shoulda know that couldn't be the real DK

No one should care about Wart.

As should everyone.

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it's hot as hell

I want Wart to come back. Just let him come back Nintendo.

enjoyed it earlier in the day

But K.Rool is one of the most fun characters to play rn

No! Shut up!

K.Rool and K.Rool anons are based

Attached: 1548122465998.jpg (329x406, 17K)

There is only one reason that anybody cares about Wart.

Attached: Wart.png (765x643, 152K)

you mean DDD



Tom should've been in Smash, not Isabelle.

Gordo shenanigans are much more entertaining than the few tricks you can do with the cannon on top of DDD being not terrible
1v1 me faggot

I don’t even care about the barashit. I just want him to start reappearing more, even if just in spinoffs.

fuck you, dededefag

Fuck you. Seriously kys

Nah boring. K. Rool is just more fun

1v1 me

Fair enough.

I care about Wart because I'm tired of all of Mario's non-Bowser villains being one-game wonders.

Triple D is the worst character in the game though

How about you fuck off dumbass faggot? Off yourself.


He's a fucking nobody shithead character with zero personality whatsoever and a completely forgettable design
Stop trying to bring him back fucking stupid retard

Attached: D0QsKSOU8AEreOa.jpg (2048x1739, 353K)

I wanna drop some eyedrops in his eye

You don't get to decide who's relevant or not : if enough people have fond memories of a character & Sakurai can create an interesting moveset, The character is in.


You should grow up dumbass kid. You don’t dictate what I should or shouldn’t care about, hop off your high horse on a Chinese slideshow hosting site.


Attached: king_boo__by_thepoecatcher_d7kze2v-250t.png (250x250, 80K)

>Mario's villains

Wart is cute.

i assume he meant mario's villains as in the mario series and not mario himself

Lmao, imagine losing to a low tier

Wart's exclusion from Dream Team was less "We excluded Wart from a dream-based game" and more "We most likely didn't even think about Wart because we never tied this game's specific lore into the whole "subcon" thing in any way, shape, or form to begin with; the Mario series is middle-aged and accidental, unintentional similarities to older games is unavoidable."

Yet, they bothered to reference Wart in Color Splash of all things.

Wait, what?


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if you don't want to be called a rosterfag, stop screeching like a manchild over a party game's roster. simple as that.

>5 seconds of the actual Wart reference and 7 minutes of fucking nothing

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It already is since Wart isn't even a reptile.

Attached: xPU5K7cWYc.webm (954x534, 240K)

Reminder that the Broodals were supposed to be crocodiles until the developers collectively suffered brain damage.

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I do play K. Rool, and I'm in Elite Smash. Feels good.

I am pretty upset by this.

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They look so much cooler as crocs, what the fuck

The only good thing about the bunny Broodals was that Harriet got some decent porn. I’d have taken the crocs over the bunnies though, those designs look pretty cool.

I don't necessarily think crocs would be a good idea when there's so many reptile enemies, but the rabbits are fucking ugly as hell. Especially Harriet.

If it's porn you want, another rejected concept was that they were all going to be royal Koopa bridesmaids.

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I'll take the crocodiles.

Not the user you responded to, but you probably meant to reply to the post above his. But I’d still take the crocs over the Koopa bridesmaids, despite the lewd all of the Koopa girls would get, the crocs look cool, and my dick doesn’t control me.

no, it's not gonna age well because it's a smash meme about someone not getting in

They automatically age like milk the moment the character gets in

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why does this look like porn
also post more k rool boy

Maybe because of Bowser's big thick key.

You can't really fault it

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Ikr? I don't even play smash but somehow Baynoetta gets in and our boy Dante, more relevant than ever, can't? Fuck off.

I agree

Attached: D0KAu8iV4AAh4VW.jpg (1527x2048, 508K)

Pipe down, Kamiya held a Twitter poll during Smash's development asking which version of Dante should "collab with Bayo" and there's nothing else that could have meant. He's coming.

Its mainly because Nintendo started funding Platnium Games and therefore Bayonetta. Dante would he icing on the cake.
I just hope Nintendo does the same for Grasshopper Manufacturers

Petting Bowser!

Attached: pet.png (600x626, 509K)

Shin Megami Tensei: Liberation Dx2
A mobile game

A more important topic.
How come straight-up hood-niggers know so much about fighting games? Seems like every livestream has AT LEAST 4-5 blacks screaming random shit.

Because fighting IS all they know

Based K. Rool working OP into a shoot

This fucking thread is still up?

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Its devolved into a K. Rool fan thread
Its magic

Fingering Bowser!

Attached: oof.png (650x657, 535K)

Is this a crop?


He hasn't even touched DMC in years

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Bowser is never lewd, he is pure.

how come k rool is so fat?

He's a King.

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why is this picture making my heart beat faster

That's called having taste.

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