Well that backfired on them quickly, they even unlisted the video.
Well that backfired on them quickly, they even unlisted the video
Is that the game that looks like a Xcom 2 asset flip with new textures?
I don’t get why people are so mad. It’s their game they can do what they want.
Ye, even the interface seen so far resembles nu-XCOMs
Yes, fuck them in the ass with their stupid greed deal alongside the chinks.
Yeah taking a shit on the people who got their game off the ground I don't get it either lol.
it was unlisted from the beginning
I despise what actions they took to be timed-exclusive on Epic Games Store, but the developers have already stated if you backed/funded during Kickstarter, you will get a Steam/GOG key no matter what.
If the same backers have the principles e.g. hate their business decision, they can also email the developers and get full refund. Back to the point, fuck them either way.
>get funded on kickstarter
>screw them over by going exclusive because a publisher gives you money
Sure it's their game, but it's my money.
It was unlisted from the start, retard
>you will get a Steam/GOG key no matter what
Yeah, a fucking year later. If it was at least reasonable, like a week or month max, I think there'd be a way less harsh fallout.
It'll be interesting to see what state Epic will be a year from now when the first wave of timed exclusives will hit multiplatform. Will they still be paying for exclusives? Will the sales be there? Will the sales be higher on other platforms? Will devs still be taking the money if they're still offering? Will devs decide the venture wasn't worth it and go multiplatform at release? Will they be discounted when released a year from now? Will people see Epic Launcher as beta hub for games which will then get released a year fully patched with DLC?
you donated money, you didn't invest.
They will renew the exclusive year and start to pay for longer exclusivity time until people sees themselves forced because normies are weak willed faggots.
Take the little yellow dick out of your mouth.
I'm not defending Epic, you dipshit.
You're a moron for backing shit on scamstarter
>unlisted the video
To what end? Just disable comments and voting.
Otherwise you might as well just delete the entire video.
the one possible silver lining about the egs is that maybe it'll convince some people to stop preordering after getting burned over and over
I didn't back anything. But I'm not ignoring the fact that when people financially support something they don't appreciate having the rug pulled out from under them as the things promised to them in return for their support are changed after the fact. Your reluctance to acknowledge this literally means you're trying to gloss over this clear anti-consumer decision. The only reason you would do this is if you are trying to defend Epic from criticism for coercing these developers to betray their supporters.
Do you need an analogy to understand the point? Do you need a diagram? Do you need to actually experience the same thing they are experiencing in order to understand why it's wrong to do this to customers and still expect their good will?
Keep sucking on that dick, retard.
It was probably meant to be linked to kickstarter supporters to inform them of the situation and not really a public announcement. Course that doesn't stop the supporters from spreading the link.
>"Hey you guys are indie developers who've been making a game for two years on a less than million budget. If you release your game exclusively on our store for a year we'll give you a couple million dollars and a better deal than Steam, AND you can release it on Steam/GoG next year."
>"Okay wow that sounds like a great deal and we can make the game way better and not worry about starving."
I'd accept that in a fucking heartbeat. What's Valve doing to get games on their service? Fucking nothing, that's what. All they've got to offer you is the install base. Phoenix Point devs literally said that they could sell 0 copies on the Epic Store and STILL be in the black on production of the game. It sounds like Valve needs to step the fuck up and incentivize devs to continue to use their platform or Epics going to eat their fucking lunch
>B-but muh Fig backers!
Protip, you're not owed a game when you back on Kickstarter/IndieGogo/Fig. You're not owed anything. You're giving a company money and HOPING that you get a decent game in return. If you're stupid enough to give people money for empty promises then you deserve to be taken for a ride. Fucking hell people act like securing the financial stability of your employees and guaranteeing a year of DLC for players is spitting in the face of your fans because they can't use their personal multi billion dollar video game client to play it.
>Phoenix Point devs literally said that they could sell 0 copies on the Epic Store and STILL be in the black on production of the game.
then what motivation do they have to make a good game
Difference is they took money from people after clearly stating it would be on a platform. Then after receiving the money they changed what platform it would be on. They took money from people on bad faith.
Every single Kickstarter game takes on funding from other sources and those sources dictate the course of the game, not the original Kickstarter backers.
This happened with that hell game, as well - Agony? The one that was advertised as having succubus who rape you and shit. So, after a very successful Kickstarter campaign, they took on private funding, and those funders made them remove everything sexual and prevented them from releasing a decensor patch.
Anyone who contributes to crowdfunding is a literal fucktard.
>negoiate a deal with Epic where they will still turn a profit even if 100% of the initial backers refunded their games
>"dude but we gave you the option to refund so it's fair, thanks for getting our project off free of charge with zero interest :)"
kill yourself chink bootlicker
Wow the steam shills are back at it again defending the 30% cut.
But it's still coming to Steam/GoG like the Fig says, it's just showing up on Epic first. If somebody really gives enough of a shit they can wait a year for a Steam/GoG key.
>charging interest
this should be a crime against humanity
Imagine if a sports team threw an important match and later issued a statement for their fans and said "We didn't make the decision lightly, but we made a lot of money. You can also always cheer for us next year!".
Reminder the devs stated Epic didn’t approach them first. THEY crawled to Epic and asked for exclusivity dosh and were granted it. These people do not care about making good games or catering to an audience. They are only in it for the money.
They never took money from people. People donated money.
Shame there's no more thread on /vg/, the salt would have been glorious. Phoenix Point was what a few of them were hedging their bets on for a return to a traditional X-Com game instead of this board game shit Firaxis is pumping out. Anyone with half a brain knew this was gonna be more nuCOM garbage, though, so nothing of value has been lost.
Just play mods using Open XCom.
>shitty xcom asset flip sells out to chinks
wow i am shocked
but "muh people are retarded", "banks, loans, kikestarter is retarded anyways", "stop sucking steam's dick!"
watch them as they pussyfoot around the subject, I can't believe there's a platform out there that's worse than Origin.
at least the keys they gave out for the backers are platform/DRM-free right?
Doesn't matter. When the game was being crowdfunded this information was not given to potential backers even though it would have definitely influenced their decision to back the game. It's a bait and switch, and a case could be made that this is actually illegal to do. BBB and the FTC have pretty strict rules about false advertisement. Your bullshit mealy mouthed cowardly excuses open up the door to the idea that people who take money for crowdfunded projects never need to meet any of their goals. This is not ideal. This is not what should happen. You should not be defending this outcome. It only hurts consumers if you allow business promises to be abandoned without consequence.
>get full refund
>thanks for the interest free loan until we got that sweet Epic money, suckers!
if steam took a reasonable cut instead of 30% developers would use them. shills actually calling the devs greedy instead of valve are retarded.
>Say they anticipated this backlash and made the decision with this in mind
>Still backtrack when people react negatively because of this decision
Jesus fuck, for all their bravado in going for the Epic exclusivity despite knowing people's reactions beforehand, they sure backtracked on the decision fast. These guys have zero balls.
what a fucking coward
They can do what they want, nobody claimed otherwise. Its just that people will shit on them for things that dont please them
It has nothing to do with developers choosing to release their game on Epic. It has everything to do with developers saying they'll release on Steam FIRST, taking money, and then telling everyone who wanted to play the game on Steam that they'll have to wait.
Doubt it. The games themselves have already been out for a while by that point, so there's no need for them to hold them hostage anymore by that point.
>still avoiding the fact that the developer abandoned their original promise
just chinkshill things, did they inject gutter oil into you to make you a subhuman like them also?
What's stopping them from giving Steam keys ONLY to their backers?
thanks for the free interest loan. Now fuck you.
Cunts like that user will keep defending it, because they're fucking blatant Epic shills.
It's someone's right to listen to nightcore. It's everyone else's right to stare at them like they're in need of mental help.
Valve probably would tell them to go fuck themselves if they wanted to do that. No money in it.
see dont pretend chink money simple fell from the skies right into their lap, they went after it
>there are people actually defending decisions so jewish it outjews the western jews
I hope that dirty chink money is worth it, you will be the first one up against the wall.
>Your bullshit mealy mouthed cowardly excuses open up the door to the idea that people who take money for crowdfunded projects never need to meet any of their goals.
Don't blame me retard, blame Kickstarter/Indiegogo/Fig for stating in their ToS that you technically don't have to actually deliver a product, just show that you gave it your best shot. AKA, "We'll determine when you're scamming people but we can't put it down in writing because people would sue us all the time."
Again, your fault trusting people with your money; there's no guarantee that a product will be delivered
And somehow, people supporting them think this isn't going to kill their reputation in the long run. I'm not sure who's the bigger scumbag: The devs, or Epic. The devs for taking a payoff to say "fuck you" to their backers, or Epic for being scummy shits and scooping up games with "sweet deals", thus fucking over the people who got the game off the ground.
Epic's always been a bunch of cunts, ever since Cliffy "I'm a NEXT GAME GOD!" Blezinski was in charge.
why are you involving interest in this?
Yeah obviously it's worth it, they've made back the cost of production and much more. Fuck your fans, 95% of people buying Phoenix Point will say "Oh I guess I'm getting it on Epic with free DLC".
lol is that the new angle? steam is AMERiCAN!! go back to /pol/ faggot. if they are going to take 30% no good dev will support them if there is an alternative. its not like console or mobile where you HAVE to use the store provided.
30% was a fucking relief when Steam came out and nobody gave a fuck until Epic started to push the PR. Epic already said that the split they're giving is too low to support the store on its own so they're doing typical Chinese shit. Enter a market, pump money into it and sell at a loss, and force other competitors to degrade their services by running razor-thin margins or just go out of business completely. Fuck off chang
I'm curious, considering that 30% is the industry standard... Why is Steam the only platform that gets treated as bad for taking a 30% cut? No seriously, last I checked, Uplay, Origin and GoG also take 30%, so do Sony, Nintendo and Microsoft on their consoles, so why is the 30% rate only bad when Steam does it?
And consumers can buy and dislike what they want lmao
Because if the devs didn't turn to kikestarter they would have to approach a bank/publisher and ask for a loan like everybody else, they might not get the same amount of money because suits are not diehard fans and won't shower the devs with free money with no strings attached.
Isn't that what happened to Metro or what not? i didn't bother to follow the developments on that front.
whats the problem? you'll just get your product but on a different store
why are gamers such babies about non issues?
From what I remember, the devs begged for that instead of being offered it by Epic.
Fuck em
The deal with Epic, You're not very smart are you?
>Saying "fuck you" to their backers
They're still giving backers the game on their platform of choice, they just have to wait a year. Or they could get it on Epic now and also get a year's worth of DLC.
pretty sure it was unlisted from the start since you're supposed to see it from their website
>the chink lost his ability to comprehend English
back to training camp with you.
>you didn't invest.
Funny enough Fig actually does allow investing, and some people did invest in Phoenix Point
epic store for china backers
so if you want to consider this an investment, clearly the payoff someone gets is the product which they were interested in
why does someone need to collect interest you jew? they literally gave money to something they wanted to see get made and its getting made, what is the issue here again?
>replying seriously to trannies/chinkshills
it was unlisted from the get-go you dumb double-nigger
Didn't they do their campaign on Fig? They specifically call backers "investors" in there and you get part of the game's revenue after release just like, you know, investing.
the same recycled non-arguments like gutter oil, like clockwork.
wanna answer like a big boy? who cares if something is on the epic store for certain backers? you are still on pc.
I hate how this is a legit form of advertising now, outrage advertising is ruining our fucking society. Epic know this will make people mad, they know all the media will report on it an they want that.
He knows.
Hopefully they get enough of that dirty chinese money because they won't be getting any of mine.
>People on Yea Forums are unironically defending paid timed exclusives to significantly worse platforms and devs lying to their customers who already bought the game (and it wasn't just backers, they've had pre-orders open for a damned long time now)
What the fuck happened to this place? Why is Yea Forums taking the corp side over the consumer side?
>people give valid reasons and arguments why something is bad
>ugh so entitled!
>stop being babies!
>ugh gamers!
therer are a lot of china man in china
Go back to Fortnite. Maybe take a few classes and learn about ethical business practices, zoomy.
they likely thought it was going to be a split, a bunch of people bitching, but half of them being ok with it. when the video hit, last i had checked they had a huge amount of dislikes and less than 500 likes. keep in mind this is also coming out on the heels of finding out that epic was copying your personal information from steam and storing it with a poorly encrypted method for later retrieval. that has kind of tipped the scaled from half are ok half are pissed about exclusive deals with epic, to outright a lot of people being pissed.
first of all, learn to reply, second of all, why not try addressing the argument? I'm genuinely trying to understand what the issue is here and you arent providing any counter argument so I have to assume you're just in the wrong on this
>Epic know this will make people mad, they know all the media will report on it an they want that.
The fact that Epic nor any of the exclusive companies have been bragging about sales numbers, I really doubt it's been working that well for them
im still struggling to see the problem here. Are people mad that chinese people have shown an interest in the game? are people mad that chinese people are getting this game on a different arbitrary store platform?
The different store has connections to the Chinese government, which is not a good thing.
Metro was a different case in that they were already taking pre-orders on Steam before they switched to ebin so they had to honor them. Phoenix Point wasn't taking pre-orders on Steam afaik so Steam isn't going to host the game for download for the fig backers while not being able to actually sell the game.
Just pirate the game. Epic will cover every lost sale.
Has anyone made a tactics game with destructible environments since Silent Storm?
Nobody ever seems to be able to argue against all these negative points against Epic and their storefront. It's not 'just another thing to download'
>No cloud saves
>Only basic controller support
>No modding platform
>Ironically, actual Chinese customers can't buy games on Epic's store
>No Linux support whatsoever
>No free key generation for publishers to sell to third-party distributors which will result in competing prices (and it won't ever happen given that someone directly asked Tim about this and he dodged the answer)
>Scrapes your Steam data without your permission (which is a violation of GDPR) and claims that it's for if you ever want to link friends lists even though Epic takes all of your games played data as well as your wishlist too (and other things)
>Instead of using its vast Fortnite money to directly fund new studios and produce new games that wouldn't have existed otherwise, Epic moneyhats already existing games to take them away from other storefronts
I’m not defending jew devs
I’m attacking braindead customers who willingly donate their money to a corporation and then act surprised that the corporation stabbed them in the back. And I’ll keep attacking them until every single person on the planet realizes corporations and businesses are not your friends.
to be fair shills was always a problem for a long time on Yea Forums but they were never as blatant as this (outside of the self-proclaimed shill andromeda).
There has been a huge increase of "posters" shitting on people trying to protect their own consumer rights are popping up everywhere ever since 2016.
>first of all, learn to reply
not giving someone a (You) because the post they are replying are considered shit is a common thing on Yea Forums ever since the (You) was a thing on Yea Forums, but of course you wouldn't know about that Mr. Zhang.
No one ITT bought a copy. So just pirate it like you planned on doing anyways.
Okay so you're an indie dev with a game you crowdfunded for Platforms B-Z and you've got a choice of platforms to release on:
Platform A: 2-3 million upfront, 88-12 split, exclusive for a year, then you can release it on Platform B-Z
Platform B: 70-30 split
Platform C-Z: Who cares?
The Phoenix Point devs would need to sell 50,000 of the cheapest version of the game on their site. 10,000 people gave enough of a shit about the game to back it. Again, fuck your fans, the devs want to pay their rent.
Is it just me or consumers are waking the fuck up?
I've been waiting for this for more than a decade
what happen rundown
>consumers are the problem so I will attack them solely instead of the corporations that employs scummy practices
what a based centrist, I am sitting next to this kid.
>want to give my money to developers
>they running away screaming bloody murder
The current year is dumb.
not a single one of those points matter because customers have no advantage from buying on epic instead of anywhere else. if epic offered those games at a nice 15% discount it would be objectively better, but they don't. their bullshit exclusives strategy only takes away options from customers, that is all.
>What's Valve doing to get games on their service
Better options for the consumer? Why is this such a foreign concept to chinese bootlickers
I did, and I'm none too happy about Julian selling out the people who supported his company for the last two years through backing and pre-orders. Here's to hoping Jake (and 2K) doesn't fuck us too
Once you get the benefits from Epic, you are forced to comply to their rules which means that the game is an Epic exclusive for about a year or so. However, I am not entirely sure how this case will be handled with those who kickstarted the project from the very beginning but I imagine that they'll be cucked to forcing them to either install epic launcher or wait a year for a Steam/GoG/DRM free version.
>Protip, you're not owed a game when you back on Kickstarter
Actually according to the rules of kickstarter, you are owed a finished product. If not, the developer has to refund your money. It's not patreon, you're actively investing towards a game's completion.
You didn't really think people could just take the money and run, right? Scams don't reflect well on kickstarter as a whole.
>Is it just me or consumers are waking the fuck up?
the last time consumers woke up GG became a thing, they were killed by falseflags and the mass media though and to this day there are legitimate people out there who thinks devs and reviewers being in bed together is totally not a valid issue.
Guys take money to maek game.
Maek game.
Go to epic store and ask for publishing deal.
Tell backers that literally everyone could refund and they would still be in the black.
digital stores ripping devs off is "industry standard" therefore its ok
and? what is the worst case scenario here? that the chinese government censors the game for chinese people? how is this a problem for you?
>have an opinion that isn’t “corporations are god made flesh” nor “corporations are literal evil”
>i’m a centrist
based extremists
>Again, fuck your fans, the devs want to pay their rent.
if the devs say "fuck the fans", why should the fans support them
not to mention the devs already got free money from the fans to make the game
now they just want more free money
fuck the fans
fuck gamers
and most of all fuck drumpf
>backing double fine after 3.3m
>backing PoE after the first trash fire
fucking yikes
Please tell us how you came to the conclusion that 30% is a ripoff with the services that Valve provides
I got Metro Exodus for 50 instead of 60, so it already benefits me. If you buy Phoenix Point on Epic you get a year free of DLC that originally people had to pay for. Games are cheaper on the Epic Games Store
>it's ok to exploit people with scummy practices as long as they are stupid
keep trotting on your high ground.
>Implying Psychonauts 2 is gonna be bad
Rhombus of Ruin showed that Tim is still capable of writing a good Psyhconauts game, no matter how insufferable he may me. Mechanically looks a hell of a lot better than the first, and Erik Wolpaw came back to write too
In case you missed it, Yea Forums has been le ebin contrarian board for the longest time. Sony censors vidya? Based Sony! DMCfags enjoy talking about their video game? Back to /vg/, retards! There's a new online store that wants to compete with steam? Oh no no no! Get the wojaks ready, we gotta pretend we were always on Epic's side!
>Platform A: 2-3 million upfront, your first 2-3 million in sales goes directly to Platform A, after that you get a 88-12 split, exclusive for a year, then you can release it on Platform B-Z
Fixed. People keep forgetting that part for some reason.
Worst case scenario is the Chinese government uses it to collect information about me, and I don't want that. Look up what's happening in Australia.
For example Huawei being forbidden from selling 5G services since they have gotten caught spying for the Chinese government and being a security risk
>I got Metro Exodus for 50 instead of 60
>Games are cheaper on the Epic Games Store
Only if you're American and buying that single game. Also if you're not a savvy customer and already buy your new games from third-party sellers like GMG who will commonly have discount codes allowing you to pre-order new $60 games for $45. I'm a Burger and I have to now pay more to play games exclusive to Epic's store because they don't allow free key generation and likely never will
And you could have bought it off GMG for 45, like all new releases, until Epic made the deal to kill all 3rd party key sellers.
we arent talking about a company that has a monopoly on water you fucking brainlet. These are luxuries, and when it comes to luxuries consumers are ALWAYS at fault.
Not trying to defend them but it's a non-issue at this point due them allowing refunds.
It literally is my dude.
You can do what you want with your money, as can they, and the second you clicked that “donate” button, your money is no longer your money, it’s theirs.
You did not invest. There was no written, legally-binding agreement on what they can and can’t do with “your” money.
You want this to stop happening? Grow a fucking brain and stop donating like this.
They can, and I can dislike them for any reason I want. I choose this reason.
>claims to attack consumers because they needs to be educated
>only time they use their argument is to defend Epic/Phoenix Point but people who are actually backing corporate entites on funding platforms are untouched
really, REALLY makes you think
Yep, this is definitely an Epic shill
The epic money does factor into the investment calculations, at least.
lmao, I'll gladly pirate user-sama.
Eat shit
Well when you take a giant bloody shit on the entire pc community... no shit the reaction will be beyond negative! like how are people this fucking stupid?! Old people none the less. You’d think an ancient fucker would understand basic human behaviors by now.
>Huawei being forbidden from selling 5G services
I don't like chang spying either, but this is more of a US power play than it is a bugmen spying thing
pretty simple: epic store has enough critical mass because all the fortnite players use their launcher, they have a better cut. there is now a reasonable alternative to steam.
nevermind that blizzard and ea never used that shit. minecraft launched independent. and the real big games that do use it get sweetheart deals that aren't 30%
this, they literally did nothing wrong. Not to mention that the whole thing is a retarded reason to have a shitfit over.
Good thing Jesus already told us that it is.
stop coming up with original ideas bugman, you are messing up your already pathetic skills in English every time you try to have original thought.
>Only if you're American
I don't care about other countries, fuck you I got mine
and obviously valve doesn't take a 30% cut from their own . games
>because all the fortnite players use their launcher
and those fortnite players only play fortnite
>backing kickstarters to begin with
>the chink actually deleted his post when he realized his baidu-translated English is incoherent
loving every laugh
>take funds from people using kickstarter with steam and gog release promises for backers
>funds are enough to make your game and start getting backed by a multimillionaire firm
>get into the epic store, high revenue assured and loss proof guarantee
>"lol sorry we can't keep our backing promise, here you can have the money back like if it was a loan without interests"
It was borderline criminal
China man get very angry, threaten to take Phoenix jew to Tiananmen Square if refuse
guess what
devs need people to buy their games
if you only put your games on a platform that is proven to have spyware, people arent going to buy your game
if people really want to play the game, they will just pirate it
This. Epic is just subsidizing piracy.
You need to look at it differently. NO ONE is being honest here. Not the ones shilling for epic, not the ones shilling for Steam. There is one thing in the center of this, and that's the (You)s you get.
What the fuck does that mean?
Here's to hoping this actually hurts the sales. Everyone bitched about Metro and then it sold like hot cakes.
steambots are merciless
>and then it sold like hot cakes.
Are there any sales figures?
"proven" in the same way 9/11 conspiracies are "proven". people that were going to pirate will pirate anyway. in any case more and more devs will use epic store and i will laugh as u steam shills cry more
Who cares if it sells? They made more profit than they did on kickstarter with the exclusivity deal alone. If zero people buy this game, they made bank.
>"Here's the game, user, as promised"
>"It's not on steam"
>"So what, you wanted to play the game, right"
>"No I want more icons in my steam library"
Fuck this gay faggot earth.
or you just don't play it. I must admit that I am excessively lazy so I probably will just forget the game exists. Xcom 3 is coming anyway, what do I care?
>George Bush admits to doing 9/11
>but it was only because he wanted your friend list and didn't want to use the api made just for that
That whole 9/11 conspiracy shit did ultimately allow me to look at the facts of that attack and ultimately the official store does not make sense to me, same with that vegas shooting. Anyway, I agree.
Dirty, dumb frogposting scum.
We've missed out big time with /xcg/ gone during this glorious shitstorm, I always love me some doomposting
Good to see the gamers rising up for once.
I wanted to download the game without additional useless bloat. You know, like the GOG version they promised to customers.
>frogposter AND animeposter acts like a retard
Couldn't have seen that one coming.
dont worry its not real people complaining, its paid valve shills
>the game can be played if you install this spyware that spys on your computer
>wtf stop complaining!
I remember when Origin was collectively shat on by the entirety of Yea Forums.
>what is the issue here again
That you are ignoring that the og backers are being taken for a ride, and these are the most die hard fans that the devs could have and they are being treated poorly.
You can play semantics as much as you want, and you would be technically correct, that they are receiving what they were paying for but you would have to be purposefully dishonest if you say that you can't see why people would find this frustrating.
Just figurative here-say. I believe it did much better on consoles, but from what I found it didn't suffer much on pc, either. But again, this is talk without hard numbers.
If it doesnt sell then it will hopefully kill any hope for the developers future. Epic needs to make money, not hemorrhage it. If it sells poorly they will see a net loss and likely drop any support.
Doomposting isn't supposed to be this real...
>they even unlisted the video
its been unlisted since it was published
>did much better on consoles
hmmm. Makes you think.
Tiananmen Square 1989
/xcg/'s UI text mod was too good, a real damn shame LW2 was never a thing for the expansion.
>People on Yea Forums are unironically defending paid timed exclusives
I wouldn't call chink shills "people" desu
>epic needs to make money, not hemorrhage it
They're in walmart mode right now. They don't care about making money, that's what fortnite is for. They're out to disadvantage steam and if they do, will raise their prices to be in line with steam and the industry standard.
-10 good boy points for user
>You can play it on Steam, or GOG - the choice is yours!
>lol jk epic exclusive for a year!
Yeah, they're dickheads desu
A fair point. I fucking hate that we're experiencing this right now.
haha stupid Western cuck this shit doesn't work nothing gonna h
>backer tiers on fig says you'll get steam keys
another broken promise
-20 points, this is the end of the line
Line ends here
They never said when :^)))))))))
>put game on epic store
>get more revenue share
>no one buys your game
not him but honestly it's a legit business tactic and normally I wouldn't mind someone doing it.
The problem here is Epic is owned by the chinks, no sane person would want them having a big share in a hobby like gaming if you have paid any attention to international news, would legit take a 100 kikes over a single chink.
>epic gives you the lost money
>win anyways
hope they go bankrupt for this shit they pulled. and just imagine the alternative
>rejecting the deal
>making a blog post about how tempting epic deal was, but they had to refuse because they made a promise and oppose the anti-consumer exclusive practice
>end up heroes of the web, endless free PR, backers triple over night
>end up selling on both steam and epic more than they ever dreamed
could have been reality.
>customer loses
all these third party big game distributors need to fuck off
>used like a piece of cumrag in the Chink v Valve conflict
>nobody buys your game anymore because everyone knew your true colors and Epic abandons you because there are a hundred more devs out there willing to die for their chink cause
"the hunting dog is cooked after all rabbits has been hunted"
It's a legit practice in a market that allows flexibility. I certainly agree that businesses need to be greedy fucks sometimes to survive and shake up the market but as you said this is just chinks taking the entire horde as well as the peasants shillings.
>about how tempting epic deal was
Julian and Snapshot management outright approached Epic with the idea, which is the worst part
How are the platformwars going, PCfags? I thought you were the master race and together on this?
>Anyone with half a brain knew this was gonna be more nuCOM garbage, though, so nothing of value has been lost.
>time units
>free aim, with the ability to aim at body parts
>no pod system
>abilities use a limited resource (will) rather than cooldowns
>inventory system
>actual meaningful strategy layer, with multiple factions and the ability to build different bases
At least do your research.
>I've been eating shit for years, how does it feel to eat shit now, too?!
You quite literally have nothing to lord over PC. I'd consider suicide.
>How are the platformwars going, PCfags?
Would be going great if Epic hadn't decided to shake the boat and do what no other storefront ever did, pay third-parties to make their games exclusive even though they had no hand in development
>xenonauts 2 delayed again
i guess on the bright side they care a lot about the quality
I forgot about Psychonauts 2.
Holy shit, the absolute seething within this man is astounding.
>Proof that chinamen are here shilling their shitty launcher and store.
Holy shit. saved.
>Julian was supposed to be the chosen one to save XCOM General
>Betrays everyone for that sweet dollar
Sorry to say but the guy is right. Kickstarter is not a site where you sign a contract and the person/company is obligated to give you the product they advertise. You donate the money to the cause and hope that the company sends you the thing it says there. There is no contract,there is no eula, there is nothing. You just donate for a cause
He's right though, console peasants suffered this shit since day one, now pcfags taste a tiny bit of it, after years of being glorious. You could tease and say 'welcome to the club' but you got nothing to feel proud about here
Yeah, Im sure Epic will continue paying them money and throwing away millions to get games that don't sell. Im sure that's a completely sustainable business decision they won't stop doing when the Fortnite bucks dry up.
Please cleanse the gene pool
Thy approached Epic, not the other way around.
it got deleted what was it?
You also forgot
>A need to spend resources for ammo and grenades
>Multiple transports for global map
>Enemies can also panic from the loss of will points
>Terrain is WYSIWYG meaning you don't have to clinge to covers in order to hide from bullets
>Im sure Epic will continue paying them money and throwing away millions to get games that don't sell.
They probably have set aside hundreds of millions in disposable income to throw at exclusivity to try and gain relevance for their store. That shit could last years
>Im sure that's a completely sustainable business decision they won't stop doing when the Fortnite bucks dry up
eh, in Epic situation they are probably not going to just rely on that money, chinks like to throw money at something until it works so even if the funds from Fornite were all gone they would still throw an insane amount of money at Epic if they are determined to make it their first outpost in the Western gaming market.
tl;dr kill chinks
>Tim Sweeney said they aren't actually taking the data, honest.
Tim Sweeney also thinks Steam only carries Valve's own games. He unironically thinks he's competing against Steam as it was 15 years ago. I wouldn't trust a damn thing that comes out of his mouth.
Why did Julian have to fuck up such a glorious return with exclusivity garbage? Especially when Epic's store has zero modding support
Jake will show us the way. He will save /xgc/. He was always the one.
use Yea Forums X
>donating to kickstarters
when will you learn that your actions have consequences
>geoscape bullshit that isn't confirmed
>confirmed for not playing the dev releases
It's nuCOM.
>unironically not wanting a competitive market
Kids are fucking screwed in the head, man
thanks for the cap and tip, I heard about Yea Forums x but don't use it because that would be admitting to myself I love being here, and currently I'm in sweet denial
What the hell is Sweeney even on.
>geoscape bullshit that isn't confirmed
You DO know there is a backer alfa version of the game where all of this is working, right?
You do realize epic is not going to make a profit off of this? Valve doesnt have a game like fortnite to start a dev welfare program.
Reminder that this game is drm free dispite the epic store. So you can pirate day one and its OK because Epic's picking up the tab with a number of guaranteed sales.
>they have to wait a FULL FUCKING YEAR just to avoid installing chink spyware
>What's Valve doing to get games on their service? Fucking nothing, that's what.
Which is great. Retailer exclusivity is a fucking awful idea.
>yeah sadly we don't sell milk here anymore. Honestly it's not just us, you can't find milk in any convenience store anymore. In fact Walmart made a deal with all dairy farms and now they've got timed exclusivity on all milk sales for a whole year.
PC gaming would have been fucking terrible if Valve, GOG, Ubisoft, and EA all acted like Epic does.
>Have to put bank and personal data to get money back
Wonder how risky this is
The worst part is like Walmart it affects smaller stores the most, gog already has to remove their fair pricing program
If you want a link to the game, google it for yourself on torrents.
Remember how epic went console with gears of war? They probably still think of gaming hasn’t changed since they left.
I sincerely hope you don't ever run a company. You'd destroy it.
>Epic abandons the PC space, calls everyone pirates
>Valve brings the space back to relevancy again in the eyes of publishers
>Epic returns and wants to take over
Who wants to bet they'll fail spectacularly and blame piracy again?
It's not about competition though, what's good for the developers, is not always good for the consumers. Steam currently takes more from the developers than Epic, but their storefront is far superior and thus the consumers benefit from Steam, however moving to Epic is a benefit for the developers as they will retain a larger percentage of their profits. The best thing for consumers to do now is to hold out and stay on Steam, which will mean that developers on Epic will see less revenue and therefore move back to Steam.
>Steam currently takes more from the developers than Epic
GOG also takes more
And Origin
And Sony
And Microsoft
And Nintendo
And Apple
And Google
The fact that Epic was able to convince people that Valve is 'greedy' for taking 30% (when their store does a lot more for users than say Google's, Apple's, Nintendo's, Microsoft's or Sony's) is amazing
>"Here's the game, user, as promised"
>"It has spyware"
>"So what, you wanted to play the game, right"
>"Yes, without spyware"
Genuine question, what do you benefit from sucking off chink corporations?
>The fact that Epic was able to convince people that Valve is 'greedy' for taking 30%
They convinced the developers, not the customers. That's all they need to do in a three-party system consisting of the developers, retailers, and consumers.
social credit score, duh.
Link the video.
Who do you think you're directing the question towards? You're preaching to a choir here.
Sure, Kickstarter couldn't care less. See the amount of games/products and all the other shit that they didn't deliver what people gave money for (if they release something at all in many cases) and kickstarter will rarely lift their finger to do something.
Epic has the minimum sales guarantee, so even if they don't sell a single copy they still make money. People can pirate all day and it wouldn't make a difference
>Just play mods using Open XCom.
>missions with +30 enemies on maps that always overwatch you.
>missions with +30 enemies on maps that always overwatch you but with boobs
I thing, the only good mod out there that I genuinely enjoy is Final Mod pack
I don't get why devs are so mad, it's my bandwith and torrent client, I can do whatever I want.
Literally all these stores except maybe GOG are ripping devs off. Epic is offering an actual fair deal and the corporate shills are going ape shit. If the best argument you have is "don't do business with them because they are asian" u belong in /pol/
>Epic is offering an actual fair deal
Exclusives are only fair to the developers, it is completely unfair for the consumers and the retailers and to be against such practices is in essence the opposite of shilling for corporations, who would otherwise be happy for a monopoly.
>Epic is offering an actual fair deal
You need to explain how Valve is 'ripping devs off' with the services they provide on Steam for users and developers
>If the best argument you have is "don't do business with them because they are asian"
How about this?:
>fair deal
for the low low cost of all your information :^)
>Epic literally says their revenue split is not sustainable
>Fucks over every other store like GoG
>Actually defending Chinese businesses
News flash it’s not pol to hate the Chinese, ask every other Asian or even Chinese from Hong Kong or Taiwan. I hope you do business with them someday.
Why are people mad about this? You'd rather they lied and said Epic was the one who approached them instead? At least they were honest.
da fuk cares about retailers
well FMP lasts enough to entertain anybody until you get your fix of these kind of games, the only thing i wish is that there was a FMP for TFTD
>At least they were honest.
>At least they were honest that they didn't give a fuck about their fans
That doesn't make it better
>resorting to semantics
Why don't you try pointing out some typos while you're at it?
Quick, guess Lefay's ethnicity.
>here is the game, but on a far less functional platform than the one we had promised you when we were asking for your money
>wtf, I gave you money to fund a thing and then you didn't do that thing you said would do, this makes me feel cheated.
What part of this is so hard for you to grasp, you fucking retard?
imagine if valve actually had to make games again instead of taking 30% from other devs
"Why can't I play CS 1.6 Valve?"
"Oh we created this handy dandy service called Steam where you can download updates for your games!"
"That's fucking retarded Valve."
"Hey I bought Half Life 2 and it says I need to download something called 'Steam'? What the hell is that?"
"Oh that's our digital distribution service we're forcing you to download"
"This fucking sucks Valve"
The only reason Steam got off the ground is that Valve put their games exclusively on the service. They forced people to use it for exclusive games, got a huge player base hooked on it, then expanded to other publishers/developers. HMMMM, that seems really familiar somehow.
you need to reevaluate what competition is. hogging exclusives is not consumer friendly neither.
This is the only one I can see a legitimate gripe from. Since they promised a DRM free release via GoG on day one. And I am going to assume the EGS will not be DRM free. Though I am sure most the QQing is still steamfanboys.
people who preorder games before they even start development are not very bright. Crowdfunders think they are "owed" something cause they threw away their money like retards.
>They forced people to use it for exclusive games
>HMMMM, that seems really familiar somehow.
Oh you mean games Valve themselves made, perhaps like how Epic has Fortnite which nobody has ever bitched about being exclusive? Weird that people see first party games that wouldn't have existed without the investment by that storefront and third party games as different
You children are fucking moronic.
Yes. See:
Yeah, and it's my keyboard so I can type and call them faggots if I want.
>do not pay any attention to the man behind the curtain
What is worse. This situation or the metro one.
I never knew Epic funded from the start and was involved in the development of Metro and Phoenix Point. Fuck off chang, no one cares if epic games like fortnite are exclusive, it’s third parties where epic had no part in development or funding until the very end
Backers aren't happy about getting cucked.
the average bandwagoner outrage faggot does not know or care about all of those
Winnie the pooh
yeah tianamen square? so what faggot? your chink radar is off, eat shit
>far less functional platform
It's a fucking single player game, not a MMO that needs powerful servers.
What can happen from all those "less functions"?
>people don't care about this because i say so
whatever you say, user
This is worse because at least with Metro people who preordered still got the game on the storefront they preordered it from
Oh boy is this the pretend to be a shill to le epic troll people thread?
Getting all you shit data mined by the chinese
People tend to get antsy when developers backpedal and tell them
"H-hey, actually, even though you paid for this, you're gonna have to install some spyware on your PC first! H-haha!"
they probably make enough on hats and cards that they'd never have to make games again regardless of their store cut.
Nice argument, pedro.
See this , nigger
Still gonna play the game
Really? The whole "controversy" is about which third party client you need to have installed to play the game?
Petty first world problems.
EGS is spyware though.
The obvious solution is for steam to lower their cut to remain competitive but the shills wouldn't tell you that.
But in unity.
>for steam to lower their cut to remain competitive
They already did that. Did it possibly occur to your that the 12% take Epic claims to be in full support of isn't actually sustainable with a fully featured games platform like Steam and what Epic claims their store will eventually be?
>No cloud saves
Who cares?
>Only basic controller support
Xinput is baked directly into the DX API.
>No modding platform
No workshop!? I will have to use Nexus Mods? the third party who never tried to sell me mods then have them taken down from other mod sites and makes sure mods don't work with GoG versions of games!?
>Ironically, actual Chinese customers can't buy games on Epic's store
I thought this was a good thing? The Epic= Chinese government ebil shills people told me Chinese people using the store woudld be bad.
>No Linux support whatsoever
Yes, welcome to PC gaming. Dualboot, get a VM, or pick another hobby.
>No free key generation for publishers to sell to third-party distributors which will result in competing prices
This one is kind of annoying. With how little the margins can go on games, especially UE games, I can understand this. And it makes no sense for Publishers since they don't get the extra margin from it. But they need to translate this to lower EGS prices which is yet to be seen. Still that won't happen to the same scale, because having Steam prices higher, then having key site sales was a good way to essentially price discriminate in a mutually beneficial way. I wish we could just have price competition between say EGS, and Steam. But I know it wouldn't work, and business would never let either company allow such pricing schemes.
>Scrapes your Steam data without your permission
Source? how does it even go about this? please don't tell me "without your permission" means if you click "link my account" or some bullshit.
>Instead of using its vast Fortnite money to directly fund new studios and produce new games that wouldn't have existed otherwise,
Like valve right? Origin confirmed best games store. Cause technically they already do this.
Yo what game is that dude playing.
Looks like Daggerfall but the UI is all wrong from what I remember.
proof that epic games store is spyware?
found the valve employee
Here you go.
Blame pcbros
pretty sure that's ulillillia's own game.
>They already did that. Did it possibly occur to your that the 12% take Epic claims to be in full support of isn't actually sustainable with a fully featured games platform like Steam
Imagine being this dumb. With Steam volume it most certainly is. Steam takes the same cut as entire platform holders user. That is the reason we are in this damn mess. Anyone and their mother can put up a videogame storefront, for fairly inexpensive.
doesn't allow you to sell key via third parties
>it's ok to exploit people with scummy practices as long as they are stupid
yes, it is.
user, chinks aren't the corporate bootlickers, those are americans.
>donates to Kikestarters
>surprised when fucked over
They said multiple times they were expecting a backlash. They knew very well what was going to happen
I know. That is the one legitimate gripe I found on the list.
>all of that fucking user data from a proclaimed "competitor"
holy shit that has to be illegal
>Source? how does it even go about this? please don't tell me "without your permission" means if you click "link my account" or some bullshit.
It automatically scrapes data from Steam's files when you launch the Epic Games Store. Doesn't ask you about it beforehand and stores it locally in Epic's store files. Epic claims this is necessary for them to link friends lists in the event that you want to, but there's no reason to preemptively do it, as well as the fact that the file contains a hell of a lot of other information including your games played, games owned, your wishlist and others. How convenient that Epic takes data from users that would be useful to them in figuring out how to best fight Steam. This is doubly suspect given that Steam has an API to already do something like this (and have it be legal) and somehow Epic was able to make the claim of how many people who own Fortnite use Steam
Competition is when companies are kept in check by their desire to please the consumer, the logic being as long as consumers complain it'll naturally cause companies to police themselves. Paying developers with already developed games enough money that they can get 0 sales from their product and still be well off is not competition but a form of corporate and competitive espionage and adaptive of high level business, Hollywood and Asia level insider contracting which never benefits the consumer and is a long game setup to fuck the consumer ie take loss and brute force markets to create a non competitive situation.
It's the reason nations even capitalistic have certain regulations or protections in areas where a company could brute force and gain a temporary economic boom but long term economic damage risk. Look at what happens in the airline industry and why no new airlines has entered the market or die upfront, we're not talking about publishers funding their own games and add value to a market here, we're talking crony protectionism.
Let's not even get into the fact that Epic is a company with a lot of high profile investors who'd have no interest in benefiting consumer or developers, and that as soon as they cut enough market share their "generous" sales share will slowly creep up to the industry standard of 30% to maintain "profits and infrastructure for a growing customer base" because no investor is gonna want them to operate at a loss.
There's a reason to take that 30% cut. Steam offers nothing novel but their market penetration. It's cost/volume, and I assure you nobody would ever publish with Valve unless the deal was good.
All Epic is offering is a quick cashgrab to stupid devs. It'll be temporary, their fees will increase.
I should also mention that Epic claims the data never leaves your computer until you link friends lists and they only use the relevant friends list data, but then they need to explain how they know things like how many people who play Fortnite also have Steam
Just play Xenonauts 2 when it comes out
>to stupid devs
Noted ignorant indie studio Ubisoft. Those guys just have no business sense.
>Steam offers nothing novel but their market penetration.
I would say Workshop support and their new multiplayer API for pisseasy setup of dedicated servers through Valve are novel benefits to devs and publishers
wow valve employees keep reposting that fake image that has already been refuted.
*dabs on buyfags*
Ubisoft have their own store. They'd rather Steam die than have to deal with Epic.
Where the fuck have you been for the past week?
Epics store didnt even exist back when the kickstarter was finished and their own page says that it will be available on both steam and gog which they have been taking money for years
This is 100% scummy in every single shape or form and there is no way you can defend this
Market was already competitive, idiot. Valve hosts pictures and game files on a storefront with a charge system. You could do this with a Wix page and a GoDaddy account. It's all about saturation and the proven reliability of Steam and its backend, along with the convenient clientside that's been developed over the last 15 years.
>Yes, welcome to PC gaming. Dualboot, get a VM, or pick another hobby.
Weird how the open-source Proton that Valve's worked on fixes the need for a dual-boot
user. You can literally test it out yourself. What the fuck are you talking about.
In fact, this user just PROVED that the picture is legitimate and correct.
Tends to go unused and existed prior to the 30% cut, no?
>valve employees
do you really think that? lmao
True, but when you beg for money, receive it, and act in a way that is perceived to be ungrateful, don't be surprised when people resent you for it.
It was unlisted from the start you retard
Based Chinese exorcism pasta.
This, it’s just fags dude. Granted some valve employees are totally cringe tier all day but in this case here on 4channel it’s just some fags
Post the refute then
i didn't save the image, but someone showed point by point that everything is normal about that. the only spyware thing epic does is copy your steam friends when you explicitly give it permission to.
i don't even care if epic store succeeds i just want steam to quit jewing devs
I like that Discord comment that said if literally 100% of people requested a refund, they'd still be in the black because of this deal
Holy shit
>the only spyware thing epic does is copy your steam friends when you explicitly give it permission to.
The goddamn file is created the moment you open the EGS, not when you link friends lists. It also contains a hell of a lot more information than just your friends list
jesus christ
Reminder: Epic is as much an enemy to your hobby as EA and Activision are
> We use a tracking pixel (tracking.js) for our Support-A-Creator program so we can pay creators. We also track page statistics.
The launcher sends a hardware survey (CPU, GPU, and the like) at a regular interval as outlined in our privacy policy(see the “Information We Collect or Receive” section). You can find the code here.
The UDP traffic highlighted in this post is a launcher feature for communication with the Unreal Editor. The source of the underlying system is available on github.
The majority of the launcher UI is implemented using web technology that is being rendered by Chromium (which is open source). The root certificate and cookie access mentioned above is a result of normal web browser start up.
The launcher scans your active processes to prevent updating games that are currently running. This information is not sent to Epic.
We only import your Steam friends with your explicit permission. The launcher makes an encrypted local copy of your localconfig.vdf Steam file. However information from this file is only sent to Epic if you choose to import your Steam friends, and then only hashed ids of your friends are sent and no other information from the file.
Epic is controlled by Tim Sweeney. We have lots of external shareholders, none of whom have access to customer data.
Daniel Vogel VP of Engineering Epic Games Inc.
>The goddamn file is created the moment you open the EGS
Except for the fact that the bottom of the image I posted has a pastebin that shows that it's not only looking through your friends list, but your game library, hours played, and wishlist among other things.
Fucking cringe and bluepilled.
I'll say they're worst
Epic Games? The same Epic Games that had a hand in developing the Great Firewall of China so that competitors couldn't enter its ecosystem, allowing it to grow to the giant it is today? The same Great Firewall of China that blocks citizens from learning unwanted truths about their evil tyrannical government, like the muslim concentration camps, and organ harvesting?
Very cool, Epic!
>he doesn't know that the majority of chink posters are from the land of the leaf and that the copypasta does nothing
Theres literally no evidence that it sold well.
>The launcher makes an encrypted local copy of your localconfig.vdf Steam file
Pretty shit encryption given people were able to read those files and figure out what Epic was saving
I couldn't give a shit about the Steam V.S. EGS drama. It is all the same shit to me. And I don't even care about this game. But something about watching retarded crowdfunders is always great to me. Whether it is MN9, Star Citizen or this shit. They just never learn.
Right, and how many of those are Steam keys?
shills will say that all this is just how all software works
Bubsy 3D
Australia, New Zealand, Canada -- they're spreading out all over the place, and bringing their "China did nothing wrong" mindset with them. They're all fucking brainwashed, apathetic, or afraid of their government, and if you say the wrong thing, then WHOOPS there goes your, and your family's good boy points! Now you can't travel, now you can't send your children to good schools, now you're a non-entity, haha!
keep supporting the companies that we parasitize, though!
Show me the same thing with Steam and we'll see.
Look at this weasel squirm and writhe after user stuck a pin in his ego-balloon
Why would two of the largest publishers to my hobby be the enemy of it? i get a lot of people don't like their games. But this makes them your enemy now?
I would imagine they unlisted it because of the sheer amount of retards like you who were spamming downvotes and making asshole comments when it was made for backers and not the public at large.
This. Fuck China. I will only support game stores that are banned there and do no business in the country. Like EGS.
I am so incredibly mad that a game I have never heard of will be sold exclusively at a retailer other than my preferred one.
The shill activist "media" is going to blame it on an "organized online harassment campaign" ie consumers voting with their wallet
>actually taking epics word at face value when they were called out in the vet next response
Let me guess, you also trusted Zuckerberg when he said Facebook didn’t abuse customer data
> Donates 5 dollars
> Tells everyone how he helped build a video game
> Game developers get backed by epic
> Refunds people money
Cries bloody murder on 4channel
Those poor devs. They just want to fuck you in the ass and you toxic entitled gamer incels won't let them.
The webm clearly shows that Epic is LOOKING THROUGH STEAM
Steam doesn't look through any other programs
Are you just pretending?
Because almost every major issue with games right now was either invented by those two or popularized by them
>74 special editions
>Pre-order incentives
>"Battle pass" jew shit
>Generally cutting content out and re-selling it to you in some way
>Cash shops in full priced games
>Cash shops in single player games.
>Cash shops in general.
>Daily log in bonuses to keep you signing in every day
You name a predatory exploitative practice and EA and Activision are behind it, EA of course being reknowned for all the studios it murdered. Epic is right up there with them when it comes to scummy business practices.
Just another reason to never back a game on Kickstarter.
>screw over backers
WAOW why are we getting so much backlash
I'm saying that the video proves little unless you also show how other comparable programs are different.
Get a load of this Gamer Gate TROLL
*deplatforms you for racism*
Its fig, don't they buy shares in the game or something and get dividends in return over there ?
Did they somehow lose the email addresses and contact information of their backers? Did no one think to just personally reach out to them only rather than make a PUBLIC youtube video?
>make video public on youtube
>surprised when the public who can view this public video arent a fan of whats happening
they should have made it an unlisted video and linked it to the backers from the start, you dumb nigger
Are chinks really this retarded?
They claimed to have lost their payment information when they started asking for refunds though kek
The message was meant for backers only, but you people keep inviting yourself in where you're not wanted. You have no business talking about it.
>videos that people dislike get many dislikes
The picture I posted is exactly what you asked for and you're still saying it proves little?
You have to be pretending.
This is how I feel about it. He had an opportunity to return to form and he blew it with a shitty business decision. Nobody is going to care to wait until the platform exclusivity is up and they can start modding the game freely.
You're so fucking agro it's unbelievable. If your case is so good as you want me to believe, you shouldn't have to be so defensive and angry. In fact, you should be eager and happy for the opportunity to show your shit.
The most retarded thing to me about the Epic game store is the "developers opt in for user reviews" shit. Like sure, 90% of steam reviews are just memes and shitpost, but some of them actually do serve a purpose.
>thinking epic games store is some big brother shit when at best they might be mining data to sell games to you
>thinking that epic games store is the final straw that gets your not the thousands of undetectable 0days governments have
>continuing to shill for valve so they can do nothing and get rich off other developers
No, these fags just donate like this for example.
Hey faggots, heres what donating gets you for this awesome piece of shit we are thinking about creating!
> 1-10$ sparkles next to your name
> 11-25$ unlocks a giant tit fury female skin
>26-50$ A mystery box of shit you will never use
> 51-200$ A emoticon of a jew rubbing his hands and all the prior shit before
> 201-1000$ The devs will autograph your facebook and stick your faggot virgin ass in the credits at the end of the game
I very much did "show my shit".
Are you really going for the "ur so agro >::(((((" approach just because you don't have a counter-argument?
>its okay for epic to have spyware because x has spyware
>everyone who dislikes epic is a valve shill
Its like putting a want add in a newspaper ie(epic store) or craigslist (steam)
> Imagine how much bandwidth steam uses
> imagine how much that costs them
Now cry more faggot about the 33% they charge for their awesome based service
>Again, fuck your fans, the devs want to pay their rent.
What company do you work for? :^)
>shows steam accessing steam data
Holy shit, chinks are fucking retards.
>actually defending that epic is taking you up the ass
Goddamn are there really people out there that defend this shit?
I'm on your side, the user's saying that "lol so what you showed Epic spying on you lol show what Steam is looking for and it'll be a good case" and despite how much I show them, they'll keep being dishonest
Epic looks through Steam
Steam looks through nothing but itself
got btfo
you retards need to follow context
it's obvious that I'm on your side
Holy shit, I'm fucking retarded. I thought you were being sarcastic the first time.
Valve doesn't own the video game market.
Never mind it being the biggest and most notable store for PC games
>They'd rather Steam die than have to deal with Epic.
they DO deal with Epic. See the division 2?
valve being the best digital game storefront is not a problem for customers, only devs
Tiananmen Square Protests 1989 Beijing, China
>Not knowing who that is at all
>Fund a kickstarter of an interesting not!XCOM from the creator of the original game
>Choose to ask a shady store that currently has bad rep for a whole lot of things (including being a spyware that copies your Steam data) because it offers them a lot of money and takes a tad less percents of money from the devs
And the worst part is that it was done by a dude who was trustworthy. Literally Top 10 Video Game Dev Betrayals.
Normally I agree and I usually make fun of anyone that whines about Metro's decision to become Epic exclusive. But this is very different thanks to the whole situation with kickstarter backers.
(that's what market penetration means)
>Can't post it in chinese any more because the mods finally treat it as spam
another EPIC thread where chinks, bugs, shills and useful idiots are splattered on the walls and floor bros
Based on the bazillion competitors popping up and all the big publishers leaving I do not think this is true. they don't publish there because the "deal is good" they do it because it is the most popular platform. I think Steam had a lot more of a compelling case when it was basically marketing your game for you. There was a time at PAX, when "available on steam" was a mark of approval of your game. Where you could legitimately discover games browsing steam. But now to get on steam you just pay $100, and maybe in a few months if it gets enough attention they will take down a fake game. So being able to say you are on steam has no value, and being on steam does nothing for visibility. Don't get me wrong people always reply to this reality with "hurr not steams fault your game is shit and nobody wants to buy it" or whatever. I am not saying steam has to go back to this, or that it is steams fault. I am saying why should devs/publishers care, or value steam at that cost? If the most popular games on PC are not even on Steam? Fortnite, ASSFAGGOTS, Apex Legends, Overwatch, Battlefield, The Division 2, all not on steam. So why give them 30% when it seems to have no correlation with popularity or sales?
>announce that you chose to put your game exclusively on one platform for a big payout roughly at the same time people found out it collects data about your steam account without your permission
bad luck
What can't I post mr. bug?
You mean this? 天安门广场1989年北京,中国
>Fortnite, ASSFAGGOTS, Apex Legends, Overwatch, Battlefield, The Division 2 are the most popular games on pc
imagine typing this entire shitty post
>The Company that is majority owned by founder and CEO American born Tim Sweeney, known industry vet. That does not operate in China is just Chinese government shilling because it is minority owned by Tencent, who have their own equivalent that is completely unrelated.
>valve, the company sucking every cock in Beijing to get their hands in that sweet PRC approved sales pie is totally not.
What do valve shills mean by this?
Any thread shitting on chinks is a good thread to me
I'm just here to watch Epic burn.
>chinks are phone posters
They are though. There are some incredibly popular games that compete with those, that ARE on steam. But there seams to be no correlation. We did the math a few threads ago and BF1 sold more on PC than any fully priced game released to steam that year by a decent margin. (yes I know BFV doesn;t have official numbers and probably didn't do well, but I dont think it is because of a newfound rejection of Origin)
Yea Forums is banned in China. Why do people keep thinking this works?
No one is claiming they're legally liable for anything. It's a shitty thing to do though. Do you only operate on technicalities? Some things are blatantly fucked up to do but aren't ethically wrong. He's not an investor but yes there is an assumption made when you crowd fund that you're doing it so you can work for the people, not for corporations.
Hey fag we're still waiting for that refutation.
every major developer know that an image link on steams page doesn't mean shit, the only thing that could help is indies
Why is it always rent or starvation with these shitty arguments? I want to believe these posts are made by non-bad faith actors but the verbiage is so similar every time I'm starting to wonder.
listen, stop posting
battlefield games have miniscule population on pc nowadays because they made the same mistake cod made
the most played mobas and that sort of genre of games are on steam and the biggest one is dota 2 which is a valve game
the division 2 is nothing. you can see how many players the first one had on steam. nothing of note
overwatch is absolutely nothing in europe and north america
apex legends is most likely nothing and its just been three weeks
who cares about twitch views, its just the streamers themselves that are popular
fortnite? 90% of players arent even on pc
your whole original post is
>the only thing that could help is indies
But they rarely get it anyway. All they get is buried in a catalog that is overflowing with shit.
what the fuck
>posts literal PR speak
>ignores the rebuttals
go away bugman
>refutation of something which people even in this very thread have shown through analyzing the data the epic launcher takes is a PR statement from Epic themselves
Next time Goldman Sachs says they didn’t do anything I’ll take them for their word
Because overseas insects using hauwei-spyware ridden chink shit will have their browsing information scoured by the Chinese government, and upon noticing their foreign plants are visiting sites laced with wrong-think, they will realize their agents are compromised, and dock their social security score.
duh :^)
Doesn't explain why the EGS checks your Steam library, hours played, and wish list before you even log in
Yea Forums is not banned in China. Google is however and that's why you don't see many Chinese people on here, they can't post anything since Captcha is a Google service and therefore they must buy a Yea Forums pass to post.
I am an Overseas Chinese and I do not support the CCP nor am I an insect. If you really want to get rid of the corrupt practices you think we are committing, then you should be angry at our government, otherwise you're just like all the other NPCs out there on the mainstream media.
ur mistake is thinking i give a shit about epic games store reading steam data, if they were reading my emails or tracking websites and key logging that might actually matter. the comment by the epic engineer seems reasonable enough even if they copy a bigger chunk of data than they need
>What's Valve doing to get games on their service? Fucking nothing, that's what.
You say this like its a bad thing.
As a consumer, I want platforms to compete on their own merits.
Read my entire post, specifically, the last bit, and then delete your post because you're a retard that can't understand a joke.
>battlefield games have miniscule population on PC.
Again, BF1 was the biggest selling fully priced PC game of it's release year. That is irrefutable. And you are welcome to look up PC player base. It certainly was not "miniscule PC week"
>the most played mobas and that sort of genre of games are on steam and the biggest one is dota 2 which is a valve game
This is factually incorrect. In certain markets Dota competes or even does better. World wide LoL murders them.
>the division 2 is nothing. you can see how many players the first one had on steam. nothing of note
And now the second one has more players despite not being on steam. So why should Ubisoft give them 30%?
>overwatch is absolutely nothing in europe and north america
Hyperbole will get you nowhere. But yes it is more popular in places like Korea, that don't count because "reasons"
>apex legends is most likely nothing and its just been three weeks
Yes, a game that exploded into popularity overnight, despite not being on steam is just nothing.
>who cares about twitch views, its just the streamers themselves that are popular
Who said anything about Twitch? though it does seem to be a more effective way to market a game.
>fortnite? 90% of players arent even on pc
being popular on PC doesn't count, if you are also popular on console. Got me there. Epic should start giving Valve 30% of their revenue. Maybe that will help them, you cant possibly be one of the most popular games on PC, if it is also on console. Surely steam would save them!
I am sorry, but to deny the popularity of these games just because you are a fanboy of a store unwilling to accept consumers are willing to use other stores is just fucking retarded.
>tries to distance himself from the Chinese government
>immediately groups himself with them in the next sentence
You're not very good at this, Liu.
How does sewer oil taste?
You're an actual programmed NPC drone.
"Dude this program is spyware"
>"Dude it totally isn't look at this PR slime speak"
"That doesn't address why it's looking at stuff it shouldn't be looking at"
>"Lol I don't care anyway"
Why do you people do this
Why do you fucking bother if you don't even want to stand by what you're saying
>Tencent’s most recent financial report gives details of the Chinese company’s June acquisition of a stake in Epic Games, and the appointment of two of its representatives to the Epic board of directors.
>TenCent dropped about $330 million on Epic Games shares, which is 48.4% of the company’s “outstanding shares,” Mark Rein told VG247. “This equates to 40% of total Epic capital inclusive of both stock and employee options,” he added.
>The acquisition gives TenCent the right to make appointments to Epic’s board of directors, something it has taken advantage of.
>“As part of the investment, two Tencent representatives joined Epic’s board of directors, in addition to the three directors and two observers appointed by Epic,” Tim Sweeney told Polygon.
48.4%, huh? Two seats on the board of directors?
Sounds thoroughly compromised to me
No, Tencent isn't a "majority shareholder", they just own 48.4%! lol!
Are you angry with the Chinese or our government? I grouped up with the regular average Zhou's that you retards group up with the cartoonishly evil Chinese government.
It's difficult to spot the one sarcastic post when it's among 100 other genuine posts.
How does it feel to parrot the exact same things that pretty much everyone else on this godforsaken thread has already said? Your programmers must have reused their scripts quite a few times by the looks of it.
This is gonna just be like riot or blizzard isn’t it? Take a stake then eventually consume the entire company
haha look at this post
fucking LEAVE and FUCK OFF
I'm sorry you're fucking retarded
also didnt read your dumb shit rambling
I figured the obnoxious emoticon would be enough to convey the sarcasm, because nobody uses those things seriously.
>No, Tencent isn't a "majority shareholder", they just own 48.4%! lol!
This would be compelling, if it wasn't a single man, the fucking founder and CEO, who did, infact own the majority.
Question though. Why aren't you mad about the Tencent gamestore or Steams partnership with Perfect World? I would imagine Steaming partnering with a chinese company to get their product beijing approved, would raise tonnes of alarm bells. Maybe even more than a multinational investment company investing in a company whose store doesn't even operate in China?
Valve isn't going to give you keys if you aren't selling your game on their store.
You kinda just proved him right. You're NOT owed a finished product, you're only owed a refund if a finished product is not delivered.
Back it up and make me, faggot.
If tencent asked for information to send to the chinese government then timmy would have no choice but to tell them to fuck off or risk getting ass raped in federal prison. By bitching about chinks instead of the real problem you fuck everyone over by letting people paint everyone against epic as racists.
doubt it. Blizzard wasn't majority owned by one dude at the time was it?
Wasnt it like Activision---Vivaldi---activision again?
I think you take this too seriously. The legitimate complaint people is toward Tencent with connections to the Chinese’s government , and the Chinese shills is a jocular argument against them, although the shit a lot of mainland Chinese do doesn’t help their image that much does it? Do you also not realize Xi is the one most parodied?
look at this chink bug still attacking steam
you need to go back
nope, epic store only. But you can delete the epic launcher after they've alreayd scraped your data, personal info, and sold your cc numbers to the chinese, no problem!
Someone link the vid, I haven't seen this shit
>Will people see Epic Launcher as beta hub for games which will then get released a year fully patched with DLC?
Bannerlord is gonna be the test case for this.
Apologies, I've misinterpreted what you've posted. I still stand by my point however, your post may not be who I intended to reply to but it sure as hell makes for a good representation of it.
It should be to the average board user, but I guess Liu didn't get the new memo from his ching chong overlords.
>I am sorry you are so fucking retarded.
You are correct, I forget everytime someoneplays fortnite on Console, -2 people play it on PC, so console popularity means it cant possibly also be popular on PC. or that being more popular with you and your friend Gabe is more important than actual global market penetration than actual player count. Thus making Dota more popular than riotgames. I am sure all publishers will concede your point going forward and make sure to pay valve 30%. so their games don't end up like noted financial failures, The battlefield series, LoL and fortnite.
Sweeny owns 45% of epic, and besides I don’t hold him in high regard after this shit to not ever cash out when the money is right
Okay, but can you answer my question?
They literally said "on release"
What does steam partnering with a Chinese company have to do with people’s worries over the huge stake he Chinese have in epic? Or are you only capable of deflection?
I do take this seriously, usually I'd avoid these type of threads but after a couple of years the pressure has really built up. I'd take a break if this wasn't the only place I frequent, every other board has the exact same bugmen mentality so I don't see the point anymore.
According to valve shills accessing unencrypted steam data to copy a friends list after explicity told to do so by the user. These same shills never want valve to make another game again and would rather they coast on profits from their 30% cut for collecting credit card details and hosting an autoupdater. Can you make it any more obvious ???
>when it shows it explicitly viewing your steam information
I will only pirate Epic Store exclusives, seeing how devs are getting payed anyway. Thanks for my free copy, Epic!
ni hao
please free tibet
none of the games you mentioned are the MOST PLAYED GAMES ON PC except maybe league of legends
go drink and eat your sewage
I will never install or use the epic gaymes launcher
It is a worthless store and none of this (awfully executed and laughable) concentrated effort to stain valve and steam and promote your terrible chinese gaymes launcher will make me ever have it on my hard drive
it will die like the worthless thing it is
>using Kickstarter in the 2020 post-Trump era
you deserve to be robbed
Man the fuck up, what do you think every europoor or burger get triggered when someone makes a fat or truck joke?
This, the devs said they would be in the black if every kickstarter refunded their support, so it's clear they have stable platform from Epic Games. Why do they need our money?
>What does steam partnering with a Chinese company have to do with people’s worries over the huge stake he Chinese have in epic?
because the partnership, was for the explicit reason of making the product Beijing approved to they could capitlize on the lucrative chinese market. This would seemingly make them more at the whims of the Chinese government, of whom they needs approval to do business in China. Then a company, that does not operate in China, because the multinational that invested in them is located in china. Especially when Bejing has made it clear they don't really give a shit about Chinese companies operating outside of China following their inside china rules. As evidenced by NA and Europe versions of Chinese android phones with full google services for example.
Except it doesn't just access your friends list after being told it'd do so. It starts all that (including more, such as your game library, hours played, and wish list) before you even log in.
It's shills versus shills user, just try to keep a critical mindset and come to your own conclusion.
How can ANYBODY defend this for free?
It's still on PC you whiny incel PC gamerbro. Cry more.
>none of the games you mentioned are the MOST PLAYED GAMES ON PC except maybe league of legends
Sure they are. What steam game beats them? My entire point, you complete and utter fucking retard. Was that being on steam seems to have no correlation with the actual sales or popularity of a game. I was not making a selective list and pretending no games were popular. Simply listing some of the most popular games rn. (even if BF has waned a bit with BFV)
The worst offence is that it takes your fucking login tokens too
I suppose you could say I'm triggered, there's no point in denying it. Laughing at insectoid jokes as a Chinese is cucked as fuck though.
where's ur proof? are they even separate files? how does knowing what games i've played violate my privacy, isn't that public on the steam profile anyway? if it doesn't access the list beforehand then it can't know the list exists and wouldn't prompt you to use it.
>It's shills versus shills
I didn't know that GOG users who hate what Epic is doing to the space are Steam shill too. Neat
>I will never install or use the epic gaymes launcher
That was not my question.
hahah stop posting you complete retard
go back and get a real job
DOTA 2 and other valve games already get separate Chinese releases which even segregate the play based. And again I ask, why is this relevant to concerns of Epic having the Chinese own a large share of them beyond deflecting to another topic?
was not making a selective list and pretending no games were popular
*pretending no steam games were popular. They are. Some just as popular. But it is clear there are tonnes of just as, often times more, succesful games coming out of every other launcher.
Yes but the games selling better on uplay than epic. Those French Jews knew what they were doing.
I shit on your question and I take a huge shit on the epic store little shill
Everything you say and post here is multiplied by zero by everyone else.
>already get separate Chinese releases which even segregate the play based.
Which all flopped I am sure because paying valve 30% is the key to success. Regardless, some of these games arent even available legally in the PRC.
>why is this relevant to concerns of Epic having the Chinese own a large share of them beyond deflecting to another topic?
It's not. I have no interest in that dumb shitpost/talking point. Learn to read a Yea Forums thread.
My post was in response to . lurk before you post.
>Yes but the games selling better on uplay than epic.
Sure. I am not pretending like EGS is the best thing every. But if anything that is just even better for Ubisoft/publishers looking to leave steam. I think EGS is only attractive to companies who don't have the means/size to make their own launcher.
The proof is in And it's your privacy being breached because it doesn't have any right to look into your profile on a competitor's storefront without proper consent. If it stopped at just friends list after logging on that'd be a different story, but it doesn't, it looks at everything before you can even say "Oh shit Chang Tibet'd my data"
>I think EGS is only attractive to companies who don't have the means/size to make their own launcher.
The EGS is only attractive to devs who are afraid their game won't sell so they take the large moneybags option instead
>my post was something that wasn’t even in the response chain
>no that topic which was the original post is irrelevant
Maybe you should lurk, or I guess learn how to read
We'll have to see if epic stops compensating for low sales.
>I think EGS is only attractive to companies who don't have the means/size to make their own launcher.
And the millions of dollars of 'investment' from epic
Huurrr durr program copied a couple of files with nothing personal in it.
Shills: How dare they, arrest the chinks
>storefront competes with Steam by demonstrating consumer-friendliness is a non-starter and it's better to be publish friendly
ching chong xing zong my fellow bugman
It's against the law to analyze a competitor's data without proper user consent.
Eat shit, Jiping.
>Do something blatantly illegal by EU law
>'Dude it doesn't matter'
>the emails and logins you use in games
>name of any devices linked to steam
>your entire friend list
>t-there's nothing private in there!
metacontrarians will kill Yea Forums
Thread should've ended here.
u have no proof they did anything with the data or even copied it on purpose. keep shilling, shill.
In that case mind posting your steam name, email, and location?
>or even copied it on purpose.
>'We just accidentally programmed this to scrape more data than just your friends list, trust us'
>We also just happen to know how many people who play Fortnite have Steam installed, don't question it
lol "games played" becomes "emails and logins" get ur story straight
>copied it on purpose
>"Haha woops! I ACCIDENTALLY wrote a program that copies data from the company I'm trying to compete against, WOOPSIES!"
>dumb retard that hasn't looked at the file in question
Might want to try that sometime.
>u have no proof they did anything with the data
>"Dude I totally stole your money but you have NO PROOF that I was going to spend it"
Excellent one, Chang
When did it demonstrate that? It's too early to say if these business practices will build a healthy long term standing.
lol the epic shills are so retarded
>dude I just copied these files no reason to be upset
>or even copied it on purpose
>The launcher makes an encrypted local copy of your localconfig.vdf Steam file.
-100 social points
>Phoenix Point devs literally said that they could sell 0 copies on the Epic Store and STILL be in the black on production of the game
protip: not only is this about how much money they made, they traded it for goodwill, positive news coverage and fans, which they lost on all fronts. and this is something you can't just buy. do a google search for the name of the game or the devs. the internet never forgets. worth couple of million? sure. but they paid a price for that too.
>Protip, you're not owed a game when you back on Kickstarter/IndieGogo/Fig. You're not owed anything
holy fucking shit how can you 50 iq niggers be so fucking stupid and not understand this isnt about any legal "right", its about how morally fucked up it is to ebeg for money, then turn around and change the deal after you have been funded because some chinese shmuck on a pcmarket-destruction-tour blows you money into your anus. Yes its legal, no its not moral
Nigger the data is still fucking collected even if you didn't click that shit.
Fuck off.
>Takes all that data anyway even if never link accounts
I’m glad epic has such shills
It just happens to only copy from Steam too lol how silly. What a coincidence!
>proceeds to collect all that data (and more) even if you click no
Local copy. not uploaded. probably so if steam fucks with it later to be anticompetitive and protect their lockin monopoly they can still copy it
>if steam fucks with it later to be anticompetitive and protect their lockin monopoly they can still copy it
That's highly illegal, retard.
>holding an AMA after you pissed off all you backers by selling the game their money backed out to Tencent to be an Epic Games Exclusive
yeah if I was that guy I would've cancelled the AMA the instant I got my fat sack of yuan deposited. There was no way to spin doctor that positively.
>not uploaded.
>Believing Epic even though they've shown they have data they shouldn't
>protect their lockin monopoly
do you even know what a monopoly is? please go educate yourself
its actually amazing how many of you can't get gabes dick out of your mouth lol