>some stuff coming to the Switch 'at least one' ... i mean ... it wasn't even possible years ago, cant wait to see the reaction here.
>It wasnt possible, like seeing Mario in a PlayStation console.
>some stuff coming to the Switch 'at least one' ... i mean ... it wasn't even possible years ago, cant wait to see the reaction here.
>It wasnt possible, like seeing Mario in a PlayStation console.
idk why some people in the thread are saying playstation franchises, its def xbox related
>Halo on Switch
>Chief in Smash
I want to live in the hype timeline
I'd be so happy.
Makes you wonder if the Japanese guy that leaked the smash roster, confused Masterchief with Doomguy.
>linking directly to resetera
When will you people learn?
>Listening to King Zell after his newest info was saying Pokemon Gen 8 was going to be BOTW tier
>retardera link
>caring about LITERALLY baby's first FPS
>believing resetera "leakers"
remember when king zell said that pokemon gen 8 would be "botw tier," and then game freak showed an upscaled 3ds game instead?
>The only info he got right in the direct was Mario Maker 2
>No Prime Trilogy, No Pikmin 3, Link's awakening after Vergeben said it wouldnt be
>>>>>>>>>>>Pokemon would be BOTW tier
You guys should have standards and not listen to any leaker of the week