The Great Debate

Which one did you prefer, and why?

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an actual rpg like fallout

Oblivion main story was awesome also shivering isles and kights of the nine

maybe i just liked it more because I was younger when I played it and didn't even have high speed internet

With TES the further you go back the better, with the exception of Arena.

also the arena in oblivion was awesome


no comparison imho, skyrims writing sucks compared to oblivion, see dark brotherhood and thieves guild.

also i found skyrim to be way less enchanting than oblivion, it seemed like oblivion was full of all these secrets that had a lot of care put into them, skyrim seemed much more like a theme park

skyrim cause it didn't age like milk. although oblivion has its moments it's models and textures are too shit. also skyrim is much more comfy

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Are you serious? I'm not going to pretend that the main story in Skyrim is anything to write home about but in Oblivion it's literally just generic dungeon crawling and fetch quests with Sean Bean voice acting occasionally interspersed, it's far and away the weakest quest line in a game known for great quests. Also the arena is terrible, you can walk over and beat it in the first 20 minutes of the game. There's nothing to it but Oblivion's awful combat. There are so many good quests in Oblivion and you just happened to pick the two lines that are horrendous.

What are some examples of those secrets in Oblivion?

Morrowind is such a fantastic game.
People shitpost it endlessly, and there's plenty of things in it that can bug a modern player, but it has something special that no other game does.

Just to prove I'm not a blind fan/contrarion, Daggerfall definitely does NOT have it and is only lauded by hipsters who haven't played more than a couple hours.

why do people always complain about these twos when games like elderscrolls redgaurd and battlespire exist

Oblivion combat was way better, faster, and you had more freedom. I had way more fun with a Light Armor/Acrobatic character in Oblivion than with any character in Skyrim

Oblivion, it looks terrible but Skyrim completely torched the magic system.

Oblivion was the dudebro's first RPG, and Skyrim was your grandma's. They don't know what an NGage is.

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It's story was better. Even though the conversation system is pretty shitty, a lot more interesting quests were written for it. Voice acting is too hyped.

Best solution would have been to go wall-of-text for unimportant NPCs and full voice acting for important NPCs, NWN2 style.

Would also make mods stand out less as voice acting isn't required, just good writing.

Recently spent 6 hours modding it and now playing it. It's still a blast. Use magic early-game to avoid shitty combat system. Only use weapons after training your skill up for a load of cash (or 1g a piece if you cast a spell of reduce attributes to -100 on yourself before you ask for training).

It was, and still is, great!

Same reason they don't complain about how crap Arena and Daggerfall are. They never played them.

Also don't forget to grow your own mushroom wizardtower.

Skyrim, at least it was pretty and somewhat interesting
I was a sucker for the northern setting too. Oblivion looks like generic fantasyland #54000

I prefer oblivion, but I don't hate skyrim or anything
>the main story is much better than skyrim
>also a lot of great quests
>better cities
>better levelling system
>better armors and weapon variety
>going through and closing oblivion gates was kino
>bonus points for shivering isles and knights of the nine

This is also true, unfortunately the graphics of oblivion look like shit and also most of the voice acting sucks. Also skyrim exploration and general atmosphere is far better simply due to not been ugly as shit

I disagree. Oblivion had a slew of interesting quests and to say it's on the same level or worse than Skyrim is simply untrue. Oblivion is definitely plague with technical issues and deaign choices but at the end of the day it offers a more novel and captivating experience than Skyrim, which is just a terrible fps dungeon crawler with shallow rpg mechanics stitched on top.

How about that new mod. Enderal? Any good?

Apart from having more "gritty realistic" graphics, Skyrim is inferior to oblivion in every single way IMO. Quest just few so bland, cities are not as interesting or populated, there isn 't much incentive for me to explore that much. Said that, i'd be lying if I said i didn't enjoy skyrim as well. But playing that after playing oblivion does feel a bit soulless.

Oblivion has better quests and that feeling of comf but Skyrim is better overall.

This thread has actually gotten me in the mood to replay oblivion. I own it on xbox so I think I'll be firing up the bone, but I'm wondering if its worth pirating on pc, and why?

modded Oblivion > Skyrim > unmodded Oblivion

Oblivion because I still haven't played Skyrim.

I never crawled dungeons in oblivion, only did quests, as I never saw a reason to; dungeon crawling isnt fun even in Morrowind, not much interesting ,easy gameplay, same setpieces, never understood the love for them.

I really just want skyblivion to come out.

The Leveling mechanics and the extreme level scaling make vanilla Oblivion unplayable unless you minmax, so Skyrim wins by default.

Skyrim due to Oblivions horrendous level scaling

>no Morrowind
Between Oblivion and Skyrim I prefer Oblivion. On the flipside Skyrim has a fuckton of well made original quest/new land mods and shit. Oblivion didn't need it although there were a few gems like that one sapient cursed armor mod... Malevolent that's the name.