Dis warhammer thread belong to orks now WAAAAAAAAAAGGGHHHH

Dis warhammer thread belong to orks now WAAAAAAAAAAGGGHHHH

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How 2 get into series?

Warhammer 40k: Total War when?

Yes, I know there would have to be a lot of changes to the battle gameplay specifically, but it also has the potential to be a huge hit and I doubt they haven't been thinking about it hard given the success they've had with 40k's less well known counterpart.

After they are done with fantasy. So 2025 at very best.
>I know there would have to be a lot of changes to the battle gameplay specifically
Nah, not really.

I don't think there system as it stands right now is good for army's with tons of really long ranged firepower

We had Empire and Napoleon where most of the battles are ranged-focused. And TWW has a few ranged-based factions.

just play dawn of war I & II

I enjoyed eternal crusade.

>Three Chinkdoms in May
>Skaven/Lizardmen DLC some months after that
>Total Warhammer 3 in either 2020 or 2021
>Total Warhammer 40k in 2-3 years after that unless they have more history planned
Looking at about 3 or 4 years in the best case scenario

it's all just numbers, and they've had several games that extensively used ranged weapons

Fifty space marines against a hundred orcs, with a dozen vehicles between them, doesn't feel epic.

battlefleet gothic?
there was also a game (RO?) that got modded to have big battles with player control with a bunch of warhammer stuff

fuck off 40k manchild

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Dawn of War 2 is 10(or 8 if you count Retribution) years old now. Getting something new would be nice.

dawn of war III

40k is old news,fantasy is where we are at

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That abomination doesnt even count as a DoW game beyond its somewhat decent story

It lacks content.

Yeah. I guess that's why no one played fantasy so GW had to kill it.

>it's been 10 years
>and I'm still playing Last Stand

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reminder that archaon is a fag

not selling new models =/= not playing
even with the horde bloat towards the end of development, people could still use their armies from many years prior, plus the cost of entry is fairly high because GW didn't often encourage skirmish level games (thinking that it would detract from selling more models for high points games). It was a mess to be sure but it wasn't impossible to fix.

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Well sorry to dissapoint you then but you will never get a good 40k game that you want but us fantachads keep getting fantasy games.

Thats what happens when our universe has actuall soul unlike 40k which is just soulles

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It had next to no updates given to it so no one played. Genius decision by GW.

If it was actually given models that werent old as shit it wouldve done well. Look at how bad dark eldar were doing till they got revamped in 40k, same with SoB. Same with why no one played the old metal guard regiments.

In fantasy tomb kings and vampire counts used ancient models all the way up to and into shitmar. Not to mention the other factions like Bretonnia.

Play as Tomb Kings

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Not in a million years

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*pushes exterminatus button*

>still playing Last Stand
How? I only beat it once because of Chaos reveal. And I have 3000 hours in DoW2.
>not selling new models =/= not playing
Nah, from GW's point of view it's the same thing. Should've bought more miniatures if you wanted your game to be alive.

Bold words for someone in Dark Lance range

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New40k lacks soul. Old era and heresy have the soul.

Sadly GW wanting the lowest common denominator scifi crowd is ruining the setting. Just look at the new autocannon primaris which are souless as you said.

First and Only

Why would people buy old outdated and now trash looking models that are overpriced af and dont come with the weapon options they have in game?

It's fun?

The only thing missing from this is the Beastmen

But I'm fine.

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as it should be

But it isn't. It's way too easy and waves are not even randomized.

Mechanicus just looks like a narrower version of Chaosbane to me, assuming it's ever released
Is it worth?

>Mechanicus just looks like a narrower version of Chaosbane
What? You need to check your eyes.

>But it isn't
Don't you dare come up in here and tell me fun things aren't fun nigga
>It's way too easy
Bloodied Colosseum is actually pretty difficult if you don't have a chaos sorcerer, tau or necron on your team

Lances are for nerds. Real kabals zoom in and apply a blaster to the face.

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>tau or necron on your team
I played it all way before they were added. And yeah, there is definitely a lack of replayability.

seems like an isometric-y diablike to me, what am I missing?

>what am I missing?
The fact that turn-based tactics are not diablo-like.

Half your brain
Hell, maybe entire brain

Its more like Xcom but really easy even after the patch. Its still fun and has good fluff for admech in it.

It shows how they arent all toaster fucking autists and the dialogue is well written.

wow, I really should have said x com to start with

Im not that user who started the chat on it but its fucking obvious that its a turnbased grid game like xcom. I agree with them, you may be retarded

>I played it all way before they were added
Hence why I mentioned Chaos Sorcerer first, since all he has to do is have deathless robes and teleport in order to doppelganger the Chaos Lord and solo the wave
>And yeah, there is definitely a lack of replayability.
I dunno dude, you've got 8 heroes all of which can synergize differently with each other and each hero has at least 5 different builds to work with-- makes for a lot of replayability in my eyes

Horde defense doesn't need to be varied in order for people to enjoy it so long as you give the people partaking in the horde defense enough tools to work with
Although I do think it could have done with one or two more maps

>Horde defense doesn't need to be varied
It does.

Chadmarines in vidya when?

Read the rest of that sentence

Hell, maybe ask yourself why DoW2 is still alive after all these years


>maybe ask yourself why DoW2 is still alive after all these years
Because its multiplayer is (almost) perfect. I'm still playing it.

There's only ever a couple of games in the game browser at any given time (around 5-20 people)
Add to that the amount of people already in games (let's be generous and say around 100) and you've already got around 400 people that are unaccounted for, most of which are playing Last Stand

>There's only ever a couple of games in the game browser
You can't see games that are already going in the browser.
>let's be generous and say around 100
Based on what?

Not him but the steam community page lists the amount of player playing the game above a certain value.

That wasn't the question.

name 1 (one) other game where I can stelf atak gits with a power klaw

>You can't see games that are already going in the browser.
Yeah, hence why I added to that the amount of people already in games
>Based on what?
I don't know, based on the fact that people wanting to play a CoH reskin is already playing CoH2 and anyone wanting to play a 40k RTS is holed up in Soulstorm?

For what it's worth Dawn of War 2's multiplayer is very fun but there's no denying that Last Stand is a large reason why it's enjoyed such longevity and why people keep on coming back to it
Proof of that lies within the fact that it was so popular it got its own standalone

Is Total Warhammer 2 worth it for someone who has never played a Total War game?

i used to hate total war games but total warhammer 1 got me hooked and total warhammer 2 hooked me even more

it gets more intuitive with practice though you may not like the race lineup in the 2nd game compared to 1. Unfortunately 1 lacks a lot of features which aren't going to get added retroactively.
I have 1000 hours in each and it's my only total war series title

What total warhammer faction is the most unga bunga brainless? I want to get into the series but I'm a brainlet.

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>Yeah, hence why I added to that the amount of people already in games
Except that you don't even know that number. More than that, you can't even see games in the browser if they are on a different version of the game. And plenty of coprophages are playing Caeltos mod.
>people wanting to play a CoH reskin is already playing CoH2 and anyone wanting to play a 40k RTS is holed up in Soulstorm?
Those games are different.

>don't have a chaos sorcerer, tau or necron on your team
>tfw my fav is the ork because of tele+shoota
i think my highest is like wave 18 or 20

unironically orks, that doesn't mean they aren't based as fuck though

gameplay wise?
vampire counts in 1
lizardmen in 2, or dark elves
aesthetically? greenskins, lizardmen

>Orcs in Total warhammer
Maybe if you want him eating shit against Dwarfs constantly, not a good way to get into the game.
If you have 2 try lizardmen as they're probably the simplest faction in the game.

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if youve got 2 lizardmen are the most braindead faction in the game.

Shitty ranged units but the absolute most unga bunga tier 2 melee means you just moshpit everyone.

Their artillery is strapped to the back of giant dinosaurs so they're exceedingly tanky, which means you can fuck up and let something slip to the backline and not suffer too badly.

Finally while they have cavalry you can practice with dino's instead which are much easier to micro because you're not fucking around with cycle-charging.

It's about as unga bunga as you can get.

Currently Orks, but we should be getting Ogre Kingdoms in the third game. Ogres are pretty fucking dumb

Do you consider artilleryboxing unga bunga?

If so, Skaven

If you really try you can make lizards play less brainless, particularly with temple guard and skink skirmishers.

>artilleryboxing as skaven
>not as dwarfs
skaven are more "artillerymeatshielding" and summoning clanrats onto the enemy line from 1000m away while you pelt the blob with green lasers


>play another shitty TBS game which ruin the industry
Yeah no, give me actual good real time games instead.


There's only one army in the game that can survive against 5 doomstacks of gold chevron chaos units with ease, and that's Skrolk with 3/4ths of his army being artillery and a healthy serving of summon spells/menace from below

>shitty TBS game
No, I said Blood Bowl

Can i steal DLCs for warhammer TW? There`s so many of them.

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dead lore lmao

You're thinking of Inquisitor, not Mechanicus.

Has Mechanicus sold well? I'm really hoping we get more Mechanicus-themed games. Personally, I'm still holding out hope for a single-player Magos Explorator RPG that goes through all sorts of space hulks and ruins, looking for tech to salvage, as well as some decently written story to give it some purpose.

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And its turn based.
Case closed.

Warhammer Fantasy as it exists now is the ideal setting, because there is no longer any concern of trying to advance the plot.

The game that big wouldn't happen.

>too retarded for turn based games
lmao ok pal
go back to micromanaging

deathwing does the space hulk travel thing pretty decently

I hate Deathwing and Space Hulks game played that way.

Orks>>Empire of Man>Necron>Eldar>>Chaos=Tyranids>>>Trash>>T*u
Fuck the greater good

Why do ALL orks love fighting so much when they feel pain, fear and suffering?

>Empire of man

orks is made for fighting and winning you grot

But they don't even nearly always win. They even fear for the lives as they do take cover from enemy fire and whatnot occasionally.

it's not losing if you can come back and have another go, see?

What`s the best way to see Eldar suffering?
They are smug assholes.

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Orks aren't a hivemind. They die as individuals.

which scatters their spores and means that guy was probably a git anyway
the cowering is more for comic relief than anything

Reminder that
Magnus did nothing wrong
Angron did nothing wrong
The Emperor did everything wrong

Perturabo is the only 'traitor' primarch who did nothing wrong

rly makes u thnk

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Please tell me thats bait.

t. Perturabo

They feel pain, but it is much weaker, especially during battle.
Reports of orks using their own cut off limbs to beat an opponent to death are not uncommon.

They feel fear, but not to the same extent as humans, mainly due to cultural reasons.
Death is accepted as an end result of their lifestyle, and they know that their fate in the afterlife is good, which is not the case for most other races.
If they run away from fights, it's more of a logical choice, as if they die before reaching the enemy, they wouldn't get to fight, so why not run away to fight again another day?

For an ork to suffer, you'd have to really try hard to do so.
The worst existence the average ork would have would be a boring one.
Poverty and famine are literally almost impossible for an ork thanks to their biology and natural ecosystem.
Except maybe a squig brain transplant and other shit mad doks do, most orks aren't likely to perform truly torturous acts on one another.

Finally, they love fighting as a biological imperative.
They fight and win: get bigger and stronger.
They fight and die: release a massive amount of spores, and get more boyz for the fight.
So their bodies are wired to basically need to fight, in a manner how other creatures would need to eat/reproduce.

TL;DR They are literally wired differently to be that way

Fantasy > 40k cringe
Only 70 IQ retards would disagree with this.

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>liking both = ultimate chad
Fuck off and dont provoke wars between brothers. We have other franchises for this.

>not being /daemons/ and showing up anywhere you want

too bad fantasy is dead

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not in Yea Forums it isn't

>got one decentish game
I mean sure, total war is nice and all, despite whole series getting worse since shogun but can I get something actually fun?

Why are gue'la so fucking stupid, Yea Forums?

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Vermintide kind of fell off. Keep an eye on Chaosbane though.

Oh yeah, that actually does look good.
But I've seen that controls are utter shit and controller focused.

What`s with Inquisitor - Martyr? It seems to be a nice meaty grindfest, but i didn`t hear about it for a while.

Any good Dawn of War 2 single player mods?

Just a reminder.

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>Getting dicked down by Cato Sicarius of all people.

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I'm confident if only because they're remappable
I'd also be fine with using my controller for something after all this time

I guess, but kinda weird to play diabloclone with controller
still, will keep an eye on it

taller humans should have been implemented thousands of years ago. Xenos and Chaos are filled to the brim with large individuals.
Will non-primaris marines be phased out or are primaris a temporary addition?

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That Dark Crusade's commander shares a species with that is kinda surprising.

when primaris will turn to the chaos anyway

based Cato Sicarius

as far as i know from reading different books and rulebooks etc i think most of the existing founding legions are being stocked with primaris replacements. The blood angels as far as i know around fall of cadia stuff wee nearly wiped out and after saving were restocked by loooots of primaris. I think they are here to stay, and as the old marines die they will just make more primaris rather than regular marines.

And now theres even a proven way of turning regular marines INTO primaris. The way that calgar had done to him.

pretty confident its the aim fluff wise to faze them out or relegate them to being a minority of a chapters numbers filling specialised roles that primaris dont fit or fill

>And now theres even a proven way of turning regular marines INTO primaris.
I mean really all this primaris bullshit is retarded
some random faggot improved emperor work, yeah, sure
The best way to do that could be just new power armor stc or some shit like that.
Here, no one is upset, no dumb lore, and new overpriced models to sell for gw

i do agree its shoe horned in but according to the lore cawl was ordered to do that project around the time of the heresy and had worked on them for 10 000 years up to the modern 40k times. Technology and weaponry havent advanced in the imperium because its against the laws of the mechanicum to innovate. So cawl didnt have those laws and according to the wider mechanicum is considered heretical for having designed new things.

>some random faggot improved emperor work, yeah, sure
Why not?

Any dumb bullshit can be explained, but it doesn't make it less of dumb bullshit.
why not add female spacemarines while you are at it? double the recruits!
Because it's fucking dumb, that's why.

What's dumb about tweaking with geneseed? Imperium technology is far from DAoT, but it's not static.

Acting like Cursed Founding didn't happen.

the cursed founding didn't have 10k years of time in the oven

I want a new DoW that plays exactly like DoW1 and I want a playable adeptus mechanicus with skitarii goddammit

>new DoW that plays exactly like DoW1

Didn't Primaris slept most of that time anyway? Cawl literally got armies out of his ass.
Which did fuck nothing during all crisises Imperium faced for 10k years.

is that supposed to be Archaon? Why so cute?

Why not?

>warhammer thread
hahaha, wow, never seen that before
how do you come up with this stuff?

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The lemon is a mighty fruit

archaon deserves nothing

He did nothing wrong.

fuck off chaosfag

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are Chaos the bad guys?

Define 'bad'

Yes, they are bad. Chaos feeds on negative emotions and evil things. they don't do it for survival, they do it because they hunger for more.

nurgle is the best intentioned character in the setting