>try vanilla servers
>game is boring as fuck with all classes
it was never good
Try vanilla servers
Other urls found in this thread:
basically yeah, but nostalgia is powerful and some people don't mind spamming one button in raids with no mechanics so you know, people like garbage what can you do.
>it was never good
of course, it's a theme park MMO
Is EQ for casuals who never played a MMO. What did you expect?
>retail player psyop
except the whole wow team was playing EQ its why they wanted to make WoW basically they wanted to show the retards how to make a video game
dont @ me
nostalgia is a hella of a drug
>dont @ me
Don't worry, a retard like you don't deserve a (you).
seething retailfags
>try vanilla servers
>had fun with all classes
it was always good
walking until lvl 40, stupid fligh paths, leveling weapon skills..etc, etc.
It'll be as empty as silvermoon in a month after release
>"The game is not for me"
>veteran vanilla player
>try private vanilla server
>have amazing time, remember why it was so good and why retail is so shit now
cant wait to go home bros
vanilla isn't fun untill level 40 or so and that shit takes 100+ hrs to get to so no thanks
>I want everything NOW!
I doubt it will fail but the magic won't be there because I'm not in high school playing with my friends discovering a new world. It'll just be "I've done all this shit already and I'm with a bunch of randoms that have also done all this shit before".
Doesn't seem worth the sub.
Daily reminder that retailfags are terrified of classics success
looking forward to it alongside you, friend.
I want to see how long the authentic experience lasts before the QQ begins
Is there actually any bosses in vanilla that had even slightly advanced tactics required? I don't really remember any that required you to learn much more than one simple thing. Be it, remember to dispel debuff or dont stand in bad.
Eh, I had more fun getting from 1-20 on a druid on pservers than the entirety of my time on retail from WoD to mid legion. Retail is like wandering aimlessly in a hollow cardboard cutout of a world.
Who else is rolling Chad race?
wow bosses were never more complicated than that unless you're the raid leader that needs to coordinate everyone.
naxx is advanced dont stand in bad
It was great actually. Just like plenty of other games released then were great. It's called aging. I know it's hard for a zoomer like you to understand this
That would require people still playing BFA. So why are you lying about it? That nervous that your nostalgia goggles are going to fall off once you try it?
>It'll just be "I've done all this shit already and I'm with a bunch of randoms that have also done all this shit before".
For a lot of people that "shit you've done already" is a lot of fun, how is that hard to understand?
only one viable tank, spamming trade for two hours to get a dungeon group, carrying ammo, sould shards....Its just so fucking boring
I still can't believe how fucking terrible most of my guild was at the safety dance at Heigen. It was so simple.
exactly.. thats the thing retailfags fail to understand.. its not just nostalgia, vanilla simply works as an mmo, its fun to play no matter the year
we are going home bros
You're telling me something I already know OP. The delusional fags getting hype for Classic won't get that same feeling it gave them from when they started playing. They'll have to learn the hard way so you may as well let them.
I figured I'd heal in Raids and PvP as a paladin. Join some premade aiming for Rank 14 and once it's my turn to get it, I'll get full Grand Marshal gear and switch to reckoning in PvP.
Or I'll just roll a Warrior or not play at all. Vanilla WoW failed when it came to classes.
nonsense, mythic coven is very chaotic. most endgame bosses in modern wow require you to track at least 4-5 mechanics/timers, on top of your class role. vanilla was very simple compared
modern bossfights are bullet hell tier compared to vanilla
>Played Vanilla when released up until beginning of Cata and had a blast
>quit because of how shitty things got after Cata
>dont play for years
>decide to try retail
>uninstalled that same day
>try private servers
>feels good, but annoyed by glitches and buggy quests
>hear about rumors of Classic WoW
>decide to never play WoW again unless there was some kind of Vanilla server that wasnt buggy or filled with gold selling douches
Patience pays off. Even if i get bored or the nostalgia isnt enough to keep me hooked, I won. We won. We who refused to play that free to play garbage that is retail. There were enough of us asking for Vanilla WoW and dropping retail that it made an impact(it also helps that Blizz is incompetent).
THIS is how people impact the games industry.
Feral is actually a great off tank and they even do more threat than warriors. The only problem they have is that they can't tank the harder-hitting raid bosses unless they're geared as fuck.
>Why, yes I do play a Ret Paladin! How could you tell?
tried private server.. gives the same feeling like in 2004 u dumbo.. the game is still fun, even when i am older
>but now there are even more fires to get out of!
same shit, not hard unless you're the raid leader
I love how everyone is coming out of the woodwork, exclaiming that they were part of why Blizzard decided to make Classic WoW.
It's fucking hilarious how ignorant you are.
So go play on a private server
>meanwhile community complains about only 4 content classic phases
>blizzard makes it 6
I never understood clickers. Like why did you start by clicking skills instead of using the keyboard shortcut? Was WoW your first PC game?
>i can juggle one ball easily, therefore juggling 5 balls is also easy
retard alert ding ding ding
Nervous retailfag detected.
>modern bossfights are bullet hell tier compared to vanilla
if you think something like youtube.com
>playing on buggy private server mess that can go down anytime instead of waiting on blizz serviced classic
Let's be real. You'll enjoy the journey to 60 and maybe even the dungeon diving thereafter to get your pre-raid BiS, but once that's done the majority of you will slowly but surely shift into raid logging or trying to get anywhere in PvP but ultimately fail because you're not in a premade group. Once you inevitably give up on PvP and have all the gear you need from a tier or raiding grows too boring for you, you'll stop playing until the next phase.
Rinse and repeat.
i hadn't yet internalised an autistic obsession with efficiency because i didn't view the game as a competition. it wasn't until i started playing competitive pvp games that i started caring about things like that
How is this like juggling? We're talking about a video game. There's nothing challenging about moving your character when your timer tells you to.
you forgot *crunch crunch*
that's key to crunch-posting.
It was good because the people you played it were good. Now we have to play it with these /pol/ degenerates that are gonna spam general about based Trump. I can't wait to report every single one of them and get them banned, unironically. I will roll on an RP server and if anyone says a WORD about politics or even fucking real-world shit I will spam report.
All I want is to roll a female Nelf and ERP in the Deeprun Tram in peace. I don't ask for much.
Jaina has fuck all going on, its all numbers. Conclave is a better example.
she needs speech therapy
Healsluts are what I roll tank for. Every time.
>tfw alts exist
There is no saving her. Click around, it's iJustine plays Portal of modern times
don't worry, no normal person is going to play on an RP realm
>oh god please help there's a big circle under me and I don't know what to do
wowfags are fucking awful at games, jesus christ. none of this shit is hard.
>in classic
Allow me laugh at you.
v should have id like pol so we can track the trolls and discard their opinions easier
Oh, user~
Who needs alts when you have an open world? Like these zoomers have no idea how much fun it was to camp by the Barrens elevator with the min control cap, or just to kill fucking anyone that walked out of the Horde base in STV until entire guilds flew over to engage in PVP. That was what was great about WoW. Raiding is unironically the worst part about Vanilla, and anyone that plays MMOs for raids is a subhuman goblin that needs to fuck off back to APRGs.
I dropped this game after Cata because so did the rest of my friends. Believe it or not not everything is a retail conspiracy.
>I don't want an anonymous forum anymore!
if u ever get to stage of "raid logging" in classic as he said, alts might quite entertain u
Why insist that people play private servers instead of classic?
But everyone who played Nost objectively were part of the reason we're getting Classic. If Nostalrius were never a thing we would 100% not be getting it.
So then enlighten my ignorant ass.
you think there are videogames that are hard?
Except people that never touched Nost are screaming "We did it! We did it!" at the top of their lungs and they did nothing to get this going.
But you would still be anonymous
Because he's a shill. There's one in every Classic thread insisting you play on their third world-infested garbage servers because they get cuts from the gold/character selling that goes on.
it's still anonymous retard, it just makes it easier to maintain conversations without retard baiters derailing threads with bullshit
i, myself, havent alted much in vanilla too.. i enjoyed my main whole way through.. just replying to what that retard said about "raid logging"
and that's a good thing
Who cares
Having several healsluts fight over who gets to service me really motivates me to keep rolling tank.
don't forget to check out the donator vendor for the best items, user
>don’t stand in bad
jesus christ, you really do have to go back you tourist
People are forgetting how long it took to level in Vanilla. You could spend days just trying to get through 20-30, not to mention 35-50. And there were so many side-things to get distracted with and have fun with. Not that they want to have fun, they want to grind and speedlevel to 60 so they can sit in Orgrimmar and alt-tab to the forums and whine about how Classic is bad an has no content.
we goin home bros
>w-whatever nothing in any game is hard anyway
you struggle with moving out of a circle
I played WoW as a kid in like late 04. I didn't really get it I guess. I felt like the game was mostly about talking to people not playing a video game.
If I wanted to just talk to random internet losers with social problems I could just join a reddit discord
Such a minor thing to be butthurt about. You're like that kid in school who was into a show before it got popular and got pissy when the rest of the school started watching and talking about it.
Please list the MMOs and RPGs you played so i can accurately determine the correct bait image macro to use
I haven't raided since sunwell lad, seriously what fucking non-PvP videogame is HARD?
inb4 dork soles
according to google, friday 21st of june is officially day one of summer in burgerland. so that's when classic will release woo 3 months away boys get hype
Welcome to Yea Forums, rebbitor.
>You could spend days just trying to get through 20-30, not to mention 35-50.
Because you were a retarded child. It takes ~7 days played if you aren't rushing, 4-5 days /played if you're following a guide and rushing.
weird how bfa is the opposite of those and is infinitely more boring
I had the exact same experience and I am now convinced Classic will fail because people will leave it extremely quickly, then classic fags will have to do concessions and accept class balance patchs so people keep playing the game or else it'll be dead in 2 weeks.
It will be glorious can't wait.
>most endgame bosses in modern wow require you to track at least 4-5 mechanics/timers
Thankfully you have addons that does this for you, so all you have to do is follow what you see on the screen and thinking is optional.
6 days is the record, so no it doesn't take 4-5 days if you follow a guide.
The fact that you're a freak of nature is how.
>Because you were a retarded child. It takes ~7 days played if you aren't rushing, 4-5 days /played if you're following a guide and rushing.
I am still a retarded child, thanks. And It' not like I'll play more than 1-2h a day. It will take me months to reach 60, especially if I indulge in raising my professions.
>i could easily 1cc every shmup it's not hard
whatever you say user
All of vanilla’s mechanics combined equal one dungeon in modern wow
No it's not, 4 days 20 hours is the record on official servers and the guy who did it said that there's tons of room for improvement from that time.
>autistic obsession with efficiency
Wut? I just found it more relaxing.
none of my friends in vanilla hit 60 under 10days
the fact that people rush through it in less than 7 now just shows how the magic is gone
>4 days, 20 hours
Maybe in your dreams, little buddy.
every sub they started losing in late wrath/cata helped a little bit, don't get so full of yourself
Nope. Things didn't start to move until Nost got shut down.
He recorded the entire thing. Is it really that hard to google? Here, ill help you out, just type in "joana wow speedrun"
A private server is probably more stable than an official one because that actually have to maintain a good reputation and community standing to survive.
that was when things were already so bad that they had to do something, also ythisens confirmed they were working on it even before nost got taken down
I cant form my own opinions because I'm autistic can one of you please tell me what MMO I should play? I need a game I can sink all this free time I have into.
You're the retarded one if you think private servers are a good indicator. They fucked with spawnrate on private servers a lot to make it easier to level, it's very noticable if you play. For instance, if you go into a cave with mobs, you wont get far at all before mobs start spawning behind you on private servers. This impacts leveling speeds A LOT. Same with endgame, they made it so black lotus spawns like 5 minutes apart instead of several hours.
Wanna post proof?
Human Warlocks and Tauren Hunters
Fucking reply to this post
wanna know how I know you haven't played on a private wow server
Not him, but what happened was
>Nostalrius gets shut down
>Vanillafags throw a shitstorm
>petition gets started and signed by everyone
>Nostalrius guys say they're happy to share info with Blizzard
>they get invited up to Blizzard HQ
>Blizzard guys are super nice to them
>Nostalrius team convinces them the numbers for Classic could be huge by showing them the Nostalrius numbers
>Blizzard is impressed and super interested
>they go home, and we got Classic
That's the story. Ultimately what won Blizzard over was the Nostalrius guys presenting the case to them when they visited. If the Nost team went full retard and insulting Blizz we would've never had anything.
That's odd seeing as they brought the nost team in to talk to them about how they were going to do it.
That is not true.
Pets literally teleport around and walk off into space while hitting something their models aren't even close to on light's hope, and that's the most popular vanilla server right now.
yea and blizz doesnt have to maintain top reputation/stability/integrity if they want classic succeed :D
>meanwhile private servers full of chinks, crashing, bots and corrupted gms
>doing all the wings in scarlet monestary with the same group
>that sweet weapon you get as reward for the quest to kill all the bosses
it's just so good man
wait for classic, my dear autisto.. u ll have time of your life
I agree with the guy that said OSRS if you want a super hardcore experience. If you want to make a pretty waifu and explore you can either go for FF14 or GW2. GW2 has no real story but the environments are beautiful and it's F2P, and the combat is better. FF14 is a lot slower and story-focused, but amazing for a weeb game and full of content.
Also if you just want a great singleplayer experience, get SW:TOR and play an imperial Agent or some Sith. It's F2P now and you got nothing to lose.
Whatever you do, stay the fuck away from TES:O, it's such fucking boring cancer.
Joana taking 4 days 20 hours while optimizing his run does not mean that anyone following a guide will come close to it. There might be a handful of true veteran autists that will get close, maybe one or two that even break his record by a few minutes up to an hour, but even the vast majority of self proclaimed hardcore autists will not do it in lower than 5 days even if they do plan ahead and follow a guide.
>make character
>not told how awesome I am by everyone, they don't even call me the hero
>try to grind, the five level 1 enemies dont instantly die
>in fact they hurt ME
>I can't believe it! I died to regular enemies! This isn't suppsed to happen!!!
Did it go something like that, op?
start at 10:17
>vanilla wow was shit because it was casual as fuck compared to EQ
>but vanilla wow also sucked because you had to level weapon skills and wait until level 40 for a mount
uhhh.... retailbabs??
How quickly is the name YouThinkYouDo going to be taken when servers finally open?
No private WOW, but I've played on a lot of private MMO servers and the usual experience is much more stable than the official game, especially if it's run by the russian mafia or any group that bans chinks and BRs.
It's not a surprise for the most popular one to be run like trash, they can afford to do that if it's the first place people are coming to for vanilla, but I can't imagine all private WOW servers are shit like that.
>does not mean that anyone following a guide will come close to it.
He made a guide and videos detailing exactly how to do it. It's just doing shit in the right order and not wasting time. That's it. Anyone can do it.
I don't know man. The other day I joined a TBC private server and levelled a hunter some. I interacted with more players in 10 levels than I had in the entirety of levelling in BFA. Old WoW's world is dangerous: if you pull two mobs, you are likely fucked unless you are playing a tank spec. That's what encourages players to party up and work together. You just don't see that in retail.
I try to make enough money until release so I can quit my job and play Classic.
>anyone can break a world record
Listen to how dumb you sound.
We did it and there's nothing you can do about it
*McCuck voice*: TRUE
So you don't have any experience, but you must share your opinion anyway.
just as quick as "Legolas"
TBC is unironically the lowest point WoW ever was at for me. I understand that people enjoyed it for the raiding, and that's okay, even though you're subhumans I despise and want off my game permanently. But everything from the zone design, to the new shitty races, to the horrible armor sets, the godawful story... There is not a SINGLE good thing I can say about TBC. Not fucking one.
i feel actual anxiety about not getting my preferred name.. i need to figure out before hand exactly what i'm gonna roll
yea, the game started to go shit when TBC released
>A bunch of e-celebs/influencers
No, post an actual source from Blizzard confirming your claim.
What can you say that puts any other expansion above TBC? Wotlk added the LFG badgefarm, it homogenized all classes to where they can all do pretty much the same things and the class matters very little, cata started the pruning and after that it just got worse.
the guest is one of the canned blizzard employees.
I only have 4 fingers and there are like 10 buttons on the hot bar. I was always too lazy to reconfigure them to like Shift+key commands, that would just confuse me too.
>zone design
Zone design was miles above Vanilla
How can one opinion be so wrong
I tried levelling through outland on netherwing and the constant wandering mobs and mobs with short cooldown kicks/silences made me want to kms as ele shaman.
We have different priorities. I loved the zones, lore, and story in WOTLK. I have fond memories of riding around Grizzly Hills, not to mention the first time I entered Howling Fjord and saw that amazing landscape. Also, the armor sets looked great.
I have no problem if you want to play a game to farm loot, but that really shouldn't be an MMO, and I really don't want that kind of attitude in Vanilla.
>every other mmo ever: any elite can easily be defeated solo when you encounter them, even in retail WoW
>vanilla: you literally cant beat him at the level you find him without grouping up with others, which fosters cooperation and leads to all the features MMOs were once for like community, meeting new people and taking on challenges as a party of unique characters
>this is true from level 1 to 60
Tldr version retail is shit and this isnt even rose tinted glasses, classic fostered a community and nost proved that community still exists.
t nostfag
it is but as a kid i was dumb
Yes, but i'd put Pandaland roughly at the same spot as WotLK if not higher.
>Zone design was miles above Vanilla
>the guest actually from blizz
I would expect that most people hate what wow did to stream line aspects of the game overall outside of class structure. Flying and arena are usually the most quoted. Lore and blood elfs are up there as well. It would have happened no matter which expansion was second since its no longer Vanilla to some people
>the sheer number of retailfags and redditards who will roll a Paladin because they think they’re some special boy who can push the class past its limits and top raid damage
>mfw they will all fail miserably and be forced to heal my sweaty tank ass
Aside from the fact that he's fired and liable to say anything, a community manager knows just about nothing about what happens behind the scenes.
That's not human paladin but dwarfs are acceptable
>he can't defeat hogger by himself
Surely this is a joke? I mean, don't get me wrong, it's difficult, but certainly doable.
zone design was the same boring ass constricted small expansion bordered area.. no longer a large relevant world to explore and interact with + gay flying
Do it on a level 10 warrior you fucking faggot.
why are druids so underplayed, they seem great healers and have fast movement
>try vanilla servers
>realize i'm not 15 anymore
any fucking game you spend your life in around that age automatically becomes great, is my guess.
Some retard on Yea Forums knows absolutely nothing about what a community manager from a particular company does or doesn't know. Literally end your own life you worthless fuckface.
Private servers (and nu vanilla, which is basically just a private server) are not vanilla.
>the date he says is around the time nost got shut down
>says it was just a few guys to see if it was possible
>keeps saying that it's mostly a guess on his part
Essentially what your source is saying is that they started planning it a year after nost launched.
Not really, you're still a paypiggie with that retail sub.
Uh no. I'll make a new character because wow is about the journey not the destination and raiding/instanced pvp I'd boring as shit and only morons play them.
Once iv played for couple hundred hours then I'll quit knowing I wasn't a piss bottle fag bitching about minmaxing raids which are just shitty version of real RPG boss fights.
Retail is subsidizing Classic, kiddo.
So you don't know what a community manager from a particular company does or doesn't know and thus cannot use him as a source from Blizzard to back up your claim.
You don't have an argument anymore. I told you why anyone could do it and you can't even respond.
Classic Hogger was unbeatable at the level you usually find him. Either you overleveved or you actually, you know, played with others since it's a fucking MMO.
Even from TBC all the elites got nerfed and it was easier.
So we wont be seeing you on Classic this summer?
Thats great news!
Visually they were great but actually playing in them was not.
You're blizzards paypiggie either way, classic players pay for more retail content.
Have fun with wow classic bros im going to enjoy playing halo again soon
>nooooo more than 4 skills per class is too hard
>nooooo portals are too confusing pls remove
>horrible armor sets
So you're a zoomer who thinks all the gear in BC was le funny clown suit like that one Orc tank image? Nigger, the fucking tier/arena set was AMAZING in BC, shut the fuck up.
Doesn't mean much without purchasing those expansions, blizzard will be able to see that you ain't playing their new shit. If you have any post-cata expansion purchased on your account you're a retard.
>I only have 4 fingers
What happened to the rest?
I don't see any reason for an ex-employee who's still on good terms with Blizzard to lie about when a certain project started.
You cant even defeat 2 mobs your level at once with some classes user..
>they moved Dire Maul
Only two races could be druids in vanilla. If they had had more options, they would have been the most popular healer.
Don't worry, the current game only has 4 or 5 functional skills on the action bar.
Classic subs pay for the Classic team to backport BC/Wrath for at least the next few years, after that your argument will hold water.
>best dungeons
>classes are balanced but not homogenized
>great raiding
>bullshit tedium from vanilla like pvp rank grinding and endless consumables fixed
>great zones that are actually designed around flying
>only downside to any of this is world pvp being less common in outland because of flying mounts
tbc best expansion
In Vanilla you'd be level 12-13 by the time you got to Hogger, and if you were playing properly you should have a bunch of shit you got from quests, not to mention band aids, potions, etc. Also why bring up WARRIOR of all things, but you could certainly do it as a pally or mage.
Defeating 2 separate mobs can be harder than an elite.
I am not even talking about particular sets, but the gear you get as you level. I got to level 70 and uninstalled and didn't play until WotLK.
>enjoyed it for the raiding
user, people enjoy Karazhan. Not the other dogshit.
>most popular healer
Even back then people didn't want to play the worst class for its role.
God I can't fucking wait for retards like you to try and kill elites on their own. Cannot fucking wait.
>Why yes, I do believe that development of patch 1.13 is the best way to continue the lifecycle of WoW Classic and preserve it's unique charm
>BC? Sorry, I'm not into elves, horrible retcons and major wc3 characters being turned into raid fodder
>great zones
>"You think you want it, but you don't!"
>get proven wrong as private servers fill
>some praised for their dedication to scripting everything properly
>screeching retail fags keep saying 'never ever'
>Blizzard finally caves
>thousands happy and waiting
>naysayers keep making threads trying to call it shit
git gud
a skilled touch bypasses statistics
10x more health than a standard mob is nothing when ur gud
hi leddit
>which fosters cooperation and leads to all the features MMOs were once for like community, meeting new people and taking on challenges as a party of unique characters
Actually what it did in Vanilla was ensure most people ignored/skipped it and other group quests, because it just wasn't worth it.
this so much holy fuck, gear in tbc looks great, meanwhile in vanilla you have BIS bwl/aq gear that reuses the model from random greens.
the entire auchindoun instance set can fuck off. silence is the most irritating mechanic ever
>I am not even talking about particular sets, but the gear you get as you level
That's what I just said.
back then people still used the arrow keys for movement
This is like saying you can't wait to see someone do a Dark Souls run at level 1. Just because it's hard doesn't mean it can't be done.
Cool shit, now you do it
based as FUCK
>wojack poster can't even come up with an argument
>le feels because I have good memories of it when I was a kid
Westfall is ugly with shitty music and half of it is fucking empty.
>b-but it's not tank and spank like vanilla dungeons
Sorry vanillacels, but TBChads can handle more than one mechanic at a time.
Yeah, that gear was absolute shit compared to Vanilla. Colored armor is cancer.
>memories of when I was a kid
And yet I played it just last year, and this year again for the Blizzcon demo.
I don't know how any of my "A private server is probably more stable" post is invalid because you played on a bad WOW private server once
tirisfal is the best zone
>10x more health than a standard mob is nothing when ur gud
>a skilled touch bypasses statistics
Elites crit you for well over 1/3 of your HP and usually resist most stuns/slows you throw at them, you have no idea what you're talking about.
>you'd be level 12-13
10-11 actually. 12 if you grinded a lot. 13 essentially never.
>implying you played wow for the first time last year
Glad that we are of the same opinion.
It would be amazing if they filled in all the gaps in the old world with additional content updates such as Karazhan as another 20 man or the Dragon Isles.
going to happen either way
u want argument?
tbc as any other expac is small contrived area, not a large fkin world to interact with..
world pvp started dying, flying didnt help..
fkin casuals didnt have to earn pvp rank for gear anymore.
faggot elves for horde+faggot paladins for horde.. ruined faction dynamics.. filthy "i wanna look pretty" shitters started infesting horde
shitty raids
and i could go on and on
Do you have reading comprehension problems?
Depends on how much you did, really. If you are going to kill everything that crosses your path and spend your time in the zone until you get both prof to 50, you will very easily be 12. Not to mention if you did all those quests that sent you through Stormwind.
>want to play warlock
>but want to do blacksmithing
what do I do?
WOKE PILL right here:
Vanilla, TBC and Wotlk were all good, for various different reasons, one was better than the other in some way, while worse in another etc. But what made WoW go from "good" to "bad" was the revamping of the old classic zones in Cataclysm, that marked the beginning of the end of WoW, by making the leveling experience non-sensical from a story perspective, aswell as removing tons of gaming history from the game permanently.
Personally I played WoW and enjoyed it the most during TBC and Wotlk, but that's mostly because I stopped being a retarded kid around that point, but I still do think a super stretched out Vanilla experience would without question be superior to both TBC and Wotlk.
>he doesn't have the magical touch
There were plenty of them on Alliance side. Horde you had to be a cow which was mostly underplayed race. People were mostly orcs or UD with a smattering of troll and taurens.
They also didnt have a rezz and preist Pally and shammy did better since hots didnt stack
Play Warlock and take Blacksmithing. Just because something isn't efficient doesn't mean you can't do it.
This is correct.
Nah, Vanilla was objectively the best because the things it was worse at wouldn't make it a better MMO.
>enjoyed it the most during TBC and Wotlk
Dungeon-shitter, please go.
Still not proof that he's actually telling the truth. If you don't have a source to back up your claim, then this discussion is over and I remain in the right.
A shame, since Mulgore is the comfiest starting zone in the game.
>only good because age you played at
Games can actually be good and not related to the age you played them at. Like in life some times less structure is what people actually want as opposed to a guided cinematic
story driven experience. Some modern devs can do it but it seems most want to tell there story, or have you wander around an uninteresting world with random events.
somebody please shoot this motherfucker next door blasting his shit bass at 1 am
Until Classic launches and It subsidizes retail.
>Grim Batol
>Dragon Isles
>Mount Hyjal
>Kara 20man
A man can dream
>If you are going to kill everything that crosses your path and spend your time in the zone until you get both prof to 50, you will very easily be 12
I literally did this 2 days ago and hit 11. I even spent time grinding humanoids for cloth.
> Not to mention if you did all those quests that sent you through Stormwind.
There's one quest from elwynn that takes you to stormwind. No more. There are 3 quests in stormwind that you can do, however, these give you 400 exp total. 11->12 requires 8800 exp, so it's roughly 5%, equal to killing about 4 mobs.
Vanilla will never be good again. The community that existed back then was brand new, experiencing an unknown world together. It won't be replicated. It's over.
>not enjoying SSC TK BT Sunwell
Hyjal was a shit raid.
>>only good because age you played at
absolutely not what I said.
If you want to go full fledged autistic about some nonexistant remark, just samefag.
When was the last time retail WoW could deliver an experience like this: youtu.be
You still have to go to the old world.
There's still tons of room on TBC, just as much as you used in vanilla anyway. Don't act like you ever had to go to the low level zones.
The rank grind was cancer and anyone who disagrees never actually did it. The gear was also shit compared to raid gear.
Belves have god tier zones and the fact that they make edgy faggots seethe makes them even better.
WoW is, technically speaking, in a monolithic state as it is in 2019 compared to modern games. Add to that the decline in writing, IRL politics and agendas pouring in and a general lack of direction of what the series should be and who should cater too.
I really don't have hopes for this game anymore, and I'm sad for that. Was.
Classic won't change anything, it's essentially a resurrected corpse and a containment zone for nostalgic boomer oldfags. The way is forward, not backward recycling the same old shit.
Mcfucking kill yourself, fem belf pala
Yeah, I guess.
>absolutely not what I said.
yes it was. If this this is not what you meant. Then you shouldn't have said it.
>the group finder ruined the dungeon experience and community
>the raid finder ruined the raiding community
>mythic dungeons are the only remnants of the pre-cata community, and even that's shit
>lists shit no one likes
I feel conflicted. I like it once you get out of the very first starting area, but levels 1-5 are quite shitty.
Elwynn > Teldrassil > Tirisfal > Mulgore > Dun Murogh > Durotar
A bit of the 'ugh, why even play a hybrid' line of thinking, and most people who want to heal at endgame just going priest or shaman/paladin. There's also the bit where while druid is pretty fucking great for questing/leveling, people might want you to tank dungeon runs, which turns healsluts off.
>decline in writing
Get the fuck out of here Incel faggot.
BfA prepatch.
redpill me on killing every mob i run past. it feels incredibly inefficient, all i want to do is hand in the quest asap and get the next one. now i love grinding with a purpose, but the random mobs on the way to quests feel stupid to kill
You mean after they added war mode and all the alliance cucklets turned PVP off entirely?
Wait so are you saying you have no nostalgia for something you played as a kid?
It gives you more xp to kill the mobs on the way than doing the quest.
Not going to play the no-it-isnt /yes-it-is game with someone on the spectrum.
re-read my post, and if 'only good because of my age' is what you objectively seem to read there, you're truly autistic
No I mean when they added war mode and there were shit tons of full raid groups fighting each other. Alliance didn't start turning warmode off until like a month into the expansion when it wasn't worth dealing with the roving Horde raids.
So how exactly are we supposed to understand
>realize i'm not 15 anymore
I do, but many of those things turned out to be shit when I revisited them. For example, I thought Morrowind was amazing, and now I know it's a shit. Same can be said even for more recent releases like VTMB. But I played Vanilla on Nost and really enjoyed myself.
Fucking finally.
>lists TBC and Wotlk as positive things
Get fucked, belf
Class dependent. With melee classes you can just aggro a random nearby mob and kill it while you're running. Warlocks can dot stuff and have the pet finish it off. If you have to completely stop (mages, priests), it's not worth it.
I don't know how to respond to that comment.
Do you want to tell me how am I an "incel" for pointing out bad writing in WoW?
Remember when they said it would never happen bros? I wish I'd collected all those seething posts about how retarded we were for believing, I could probably make a 10000x10000 pixel collage of all those butthurt posts
No im telling you, you are a faggot if you think writing in WoW was ever any better than it is now. It was always just as bad.
I wonder what retailcucks will be doing and saying when Classic is still a booming success several months after launching.
What would work better? Karazhan as a 10man UBRS style raid, or as another 20 man? Or would you go balls to the wall and make it 40?
Blowing their fucking brains out when Blizzard removes factions and they all worship God-King Anduin and the Alliance
>I wonder what retailcucks will be doing and when Classic is still a booming success
Probably playing their game now with more content paid by Classic subs.
Make it 40 man
So much time has passed since I played it for the last time and it was still the most fun I've ever had.
The release can't come soon enough
mass suicides and permanent post traumatic seething disorder
>it won't be a female leading
>game of thrones won't end with a female winning
Ok, I agree that the writing in WoW was never particularly good, but I think that the game's writing was better before, offering us many nice and memorable moments.
You seem to believe otherwise, which is your opinion and all.
Again, how does that make me an incel though?
I feel like that is a weird trend with life. it's like when someone states the truth, an influx of retards come in screeching that's wrong. then later it turns out to be the truth and those people are nowhere to be found.
when someone states something that is a blatant lie, people just nod, agree and forget about the conversation.
Would you change anything, or keep it exactly the same? And if you did change, would it be minor changes, moderate (replacing some bosses), or total overhaul? Because I could imagine Chess Event would need some sort of change to accommodate 40 people.
Another 20 man would be pretty cool but I don't know that Kara would be the best fit for that.
based homeposter
>Probably playing their game now with more content
stay delusional bro, it's the only way to avoid madness
Because quality>quantity.
If they just rehashed the BC version I think 40 would be too many, there just isn't enough space in most rooms so you'd end up in a big clusterfuck of everyone standing inside each other so 10 or 20 would be nice.
If they went with the original plan of the raid being in the crypts beneath I have no idea how many would be appropriate, I can't really imagine what kind of bosses and mobs would actually be in that raid except ghosts and spiders.
Seethefags (both online and irl) rely on people not being confrontational and not remembering.
I wonder what blizzard is going to do when they eventually see the classic subscribers outnumber the BFA subscribers and they realize they're wasting resources focusing on a shit community when their old core fans are paying them a visit
Is the Paladin pvp set worth getting? the bonuses don't seem that good
>then later it turns out to be the truth and those people are nowhere to be found.
those people are called jews
Ghosts, skellies, spiders, zombies, maybe some golems or demons.
>they hire a low-poly artist to make new bosses for the karazhan crypt
>all of them are nightmare fuel
>upside down sinners room has an undead fish boss
In the original plan for ASOIAF when it was still meant to be a trilogy, it ended with Jaime becoming king with Arya as his wife.
based and redpilled gigachad poster
Based on past evidence keep going in a self destructive manner. Not sure why people think that classic will be saved be better with new content made by current blizzard.
Get some originality you fucking NPC imbecile. You make /pol/ look like damned geniuses.
Absolutely based
he cute
Dark Souls 1 is more skilled/knowledge based on any playthrough, where as vanilla wow you had to factor in enemy attack damage/armour and the amount of damage you do plus health in collaboration with armor. It's like saying you could kill hogger at level one with no armor or weapons but you would need that stars to align to make sure you dodge every attack which is pretty much impossible.
yeah even if classic takes off, what can this new team do with it? they fuck everything up.
retard, i call em like i sees em, and i see retards everywhere
Do you realize that you Classic boomerfags are but a portion of the fanbase? For better or worse. Most of the current WoW's subcribers, which are also zoomers yes, won't even touch Classic. Or they will just try it out, and quickly drop it off for having so many things removed compared to retail.
Surely you have to realize that you autists that desperately want only Classic to "relieve your teenage years" and other similar pathetic shit, are not the majority, right?
Blizzard will never give their shareholders or us an indication of how many people have come back purely for Classic. The most we're going to get out of them is something like "X amount of players logged into Classic" or they'll start reporting their overall sub count again which doesn't really tell you much.
For that reason retailfaggots will be able to continue to move the goalposts and claim the sub surge is because of BfA or some other garbage.
>eventually see the classic subscribers outnumber
Classic numbers will go down from release, not up. How do you idiots not realize that a massive part of the reason Vanilla was successful to begin with is that it was getting brand new, never seen before content every few months.
>Surely you have to realize that you autists that desperately want only Classic to "relieve your teenage years" and other similar pathetic shit, are not the majority, right?
We unironically are considering that WoW's audience then was 8 times bigger.
I think you underestimate the power of classic. there are videos on youtube being uploaded of zoomers who never played classic already stating it's better
The team working on classic isn't the same team that works on retail
Not only that, but there are literally TENS OF THOUSANDS of zoomers playing OSRS. RUNESCAPE FOR FUCK'S SAKE.
Yes, Classic is going to be huge.
>tfw already shaking with excitement but know I’ll get behind the curve quick because I’m autistic and can’t stink with a class
Horde. Because I always had a thing for "barbaric" factions in games, loved Horde since WC2, Stronghold in HoMM3 and so on.
Adding BE to the Horde was the biggest travesty in WoW history, although having undead in there is already kinda iffy. A perfect Horde would be Orcs, forest trolls (lanky jungle trolls are inferior), taurens, ogres and goblins.
You do realise that alliance used to massively outnumber the Horde before BE were added and took up like 60% of Horde population by themselves? It ain't humies who will be fighting against superior numbers in classic.
it could go up, if the word keeps spreading it's back and more people are interested. i think it's quite a stretch to say the ONLY reason more people were joining classic wow because of new content
When you talk about the "majority" of players, you realise 95% of WoW's overall players no longer play, yes? Dumb shiteating Blizzdrone faggots like you who have stuck around in the last few years are a tiny minority.
>majority of players don't play
then they aren't players
>has 2 concurrent servers up
>both have chinese players ruining them
How hard is it to make one chinese-speaking server and one english-speaking server? Is there a decent private server that isn't run by retards?
>retailcucks still try to argue
>when they will see their new horde warchief Baine give Anduin a blowjob and sacrifce horde children for the poor elves who lost their home
So you're operating under the assumption that none of the players who currently don't play will return for Classic?
Why would goblins be on Horde? But I agree, the Undead and Blood elves should've been their own faction. Not only do they have the same enemies but a lot in common.
Private server admins are probably getting paid off by chinese gold selling companies.
They should've had a third faction of Illidan's lads from Frozen Throne. Blood Elves, Naga, and then have them ally with the Forsaken as a "Fuck the Lich King, and fuck the Legion faction"
100% factually you mean.
yeah pretty much.
People are bitching a storm about the grind now, let alone whats going to be in Vanilla. What made Vanilla great was it was the wild wild west, no one knew what the fuck was what.
They added some appropriately chaotic industrial stuff to the horde in WC2, they are a nice counterpart to alliance gnomes and it makes sense for them to be in the game to keep the horde at least kinda on the similar technological level as Alliance.
Indeed. The whole Horde/Alliance thing really sucks. Current WoW is literally worse than anime, I hate it so fucking much.
>the original WoW playerbase fucked off to private servers shortly after TBC/WotLK, leaving the game to get invaded by zoomers and literal tumors
>WoW slowly starts going to shit and becomes the unplayable mess that is BfA
>the real playerbase just keeps having the time of their lives by playing on imperfect, although good, classic private servers
>classic WoW gets announced
>zoomers start seething that the original players are coming back HOME
Where will you be when retailfags get their reality check in summer?
>Reasons I liked vanilla WoW
It was difficult leveling up, took time, and discovery was new and rich, you needed to run to new places, you needed to visit summoning stones to go to dungeons.
>Reasons I disliked vanilla WoW
After doing it once, getting to 60 again on any sort of class is tedious and boring. No matter what race you start off as, it's a slow crawling start, doing repetitive fetch quests. The graphical integrity was just god awful, the art design by today's standards is just terrible and uninspired.
The world design was absolutely horrible, with some many god awful 'mountains' barring off advancing through areas to allow easier travelling routes, and terrible physics to which you couldn't even spam spacebar to climb up to get around.
I think nostalgia goggles are laid on heavily for vanilla WoW. Obviously it's a lot better than what WoW is right now, however I do like SOME of the systems they brought in.
Dual speccing, the advancement of graphics alongside actually wonderful, detailed zones, being able to just go straight to the dungeon instead of spending 20 minutes riding to BRD or Onyxia.. Ugh.
>be me
>quit game in early cata
>come back in mop
>roll an orc warrior thinking it's standard
>every group someone says "cool! a classic horde character :)"
they must be so saturated with elves
Who else here has a list of characters they plan on grabbing once the servers open so you can safely secure their names?
The focus on Red vs Blue being the primary form of conflict is dumb. It was better as "we have two different philosophies" and "some of our minor allied factions will fight over backwaters", but having it escalate into all out war is a death knell to a reasonable setting.
by todays standards, yeah, vanilla was trash. but we didn't have the luxury of streamlining today. id say the biggest blow to mmos/WoW today was exactly that, streamlining.
a lot of the fun for me was having a shitload of abilities to use, now they made most of the skills passive or tied into other talents/abilities.
also there is no more world in the game called world of warcraft. its "hit max lvl asap because end game is all that matters". im tired of end game shitters ruining everything.
this is why mmorpg genre is dying, you lvl up too fast or they make it super grindy, then once you do hit max lvl, its gear grind, daily grind, weekly grind, dungeon grind, raid grind, pvp grind.
the worlds don't matter anymore. when was the last time you fuckers actually read a quest in a mmorpg since now every mmo has quest tracking. you can play through an entire mmo and not even read a single quest. you used to have to read quests to find out where you were going, and in the process, you learned more about the story and what was generally going on in that zone.
legion was unironically the best expansion by far, and i played them all. nighthold is one of the best raids, broken isles is amazing, class design and balance were peak
vanila was only 'good' because of the community and being forced to know each other a bit just to group up for things.
The classes themselves were pretty horrible.
>terrible physics to which you couldn't even spam spacebar to climb up to get around.
Well technically you could back then, because of how jank the world geometry was, but they changed that at some point in Burning Crusade or Wrath I think. But back in Vanilla, if a wall had an angle, and you were dedicated enough, you could jump up it.
Yep. What I enjoyed most about Vanilla is that the Alliance vs Horde shit felt secondary to the world as a whole. Different zones had their own factions, conflicts, etc. It felt like a real living world. Now it's just a glorified theme park with a big bad.
>He doesn't even know about AQ40
Zoomers these days, I tell ya what
>the art design by today's standards is just terrible and uninspired.
I hear you fellow zoomer. Once they stopped being constrained by making an MMO to run on PCs in 2004 and having to actually stick to the art style of Warcraft 3 the game started to look so much better.
It isn't some secret underground movement. Everyone knows about it.
> it's quite a stretch to say the ONLY reason more people were joining classic wow because of new content
That's not what I'm saying. I'm saying the ONLY reason that it was retaining enough people to be a growing period and not a declining period is that it was a new game with brand new stuff coming out constantly, at a time where MMOs were approaching peak engagement. Now you are talking about a 15 year old game with content that was released 13-15 years ago that many people have already played significant amounts of time of, at a time where MMOs are struggling not to die out as a genre and the average person has zero interest in an extremely time consuming out of date experience.
You are not going to see growth. It might surpass live for a month or two based on novelty subs. After that it is going to do alright but not anything amazing for the content release progression, with numbers slowly dropping, and then 6 months after Naxx is out people will be clamoring for BC realms and Vanilla will continue to dwindle down to the small number of autists who can stomach doing the same thing ad nauseam. Meanwhile live will do what it has continued to do the past several expansions, go through waves of high and low activity as new content is released.
Regardless of what is good or bad, Vanilla wow is just not a game made for the current climate. You know you are fucked when people spend a significant portion of "discussion about Classic" is actually just complaining about retail, and even months before the game is out, you have Classic fans longing for added raids and shit.
soul / souless
>soul vs pixar
Belves are the number one Horde race, and the most played race in the game. It's cancerous all the Alliance refugees that hopped ship back in BC because Alliance HE's weren't ever an option for balancing reasons. Worst race with the worst fanbase, give me Worgen furries over weebs and edgelords any day.
Yikes! Back to Pandaria, Wrathbabby
That's also something I enjoyed about vanilla, it didn't have a large overarching villain. Just threats emerging throughout the world. Not to say BC and Wrath didn't have those, but they were always overshadowed by Illidan, and especially Arthas.
I've never played vanilla wow and I'm having a blast on private servers
How about you tell that to my face and not 500 meters above me, you fucking belf pala
>lack of quests in vanilla
I bought WoW on release and played in the EU beta, retard.
Yep. You're confronted with both as soon as you get in those zones. It's basically their game. Their whole focus on doing a story just backfired so fucking hard. Like leveling now is just insane since you're passing through these areas meeting all sorts of characters that are already dead. It's just horrible for immersion, what the FUCK were they thinking.
That's nearly 10 levels worth of quests. He'll be holding on to those for weeks.
The TBC raid sets looked great. Wrath sets were fucking horrid.
>abusing guild members to boost you throw SM over and over
>eventually get called out on it by GMs
>One non-gm starts tearing my shit and telling me he's going to look me up, shares his personal address and tells me to look him up so he can beat me up
It was a great lear experience, was a way to become self aware and less of a dick without the consequences of real life. Sometimes I wonder if I hadn't gotten in those circles if I wouldn't just be the biggest douchebag normie, I cherish it.
All tier sets in all the games are horrid. Aesthetics peaked around level 45.
Seething cancer zoomer retailcuck psychopath delusional eunuchs ain't got nothing on chad classic boomers
We're finally going HOME and there's nothing you can do about it. You are finished
>alliance is more comfy
>but those horde racials
how fucked are alliance warlocks on pvp servers?
The obsession with an story and raiding were the two things I think that hurt WoW in the long run.
Wrath had some pretty good sets. I always liked the Ulduar pally and hunter sets. And the ICC Death Knight set is pure.
I wish their moves were less overt and extrem and instead more stiff, the spinning attack with the arms out doesn't make me feel like a stronk dorf
Absolutely fucking based
I was talking about world design and the detail of new zones but ok, cherry picker
It’s your money not mine dude. I just don’t understand why you trust Blizzard so blindly after everything they’ve done
>tfw I think I'd probably be able to enjoy it at least at 70% original enjoyment if I just had my life put together
Almost heaven, Elwynn Forest
divide however many max level characters on retail you have by 3 or 4 and that's how many max level characters you'll have by the end of Classic.
i was in a kazzak group as a rogue and some item dropped, a neck i think, it was 100% a tank item. but i saw purple, and i wanted it. ended up cockblocking the whole group for ten mins while like 5 people traded me amounts of gold to get me to pass on it. still feel bad. i got known for that though, people gave me shit in orgrimmar and i learned from it. shows how different the culture is, nowadays they would kick me quick, back then everyone was more tolerant of bs cause it was YOUR server with your assholes that you knew
I don't understand why anyone would ever think that anyone on this board would want to relive their teenaged years.
No fair enough, the zone art is one of the last remaining good things WoW has going for it, although I can't say I've ever seen anyone say Kalimdor/Eastern Kingdoms have bad looking zones before.
wow based af
I'm just glad there is no more level scaling
I thought my life sucked when I was a teen, but it only got worse and worse with time. Now I remember those years fondly.
We're not trusting Blizzard to make a game, we're trusting them to port code from one client to another. Even then most people don't trust that they won't fuck it up majorly somehow.
>all these nostalgiafags who will cuck themselfes
kek, i didnt play wow ever but just like with every old game its mostly nostalgia
especially when its just a old version of game without any mods or updates to keep it fresh
literally how do you manage to be more retarded than zoomers that you laugh about?
seems so self-explanatory that the server and people existing in the same place is one of the fundamentals of making a good mmo, so strange to see that that actually was forgotten and not prioritized. Had you told me that then I wouldn't think they could be that stupid, watching those old blizzcon presentations it's like night and day.
enjoy having even fewer leveling options
my teen years were great compared to now
Ah yes you made me realize the fun I was having on pservers these past 3 years was just imaginary
Fuck me tier 5 was so good.
I hate current WoW, but I gotta say the level scaling is nice. Playing through the quests never having to worry about outleveling them is quite nice.
>he never experienced vanilla wow
I pity you
>roll dwarf warrior on a private server
>having a blast
>team up with paladin to fight wendigos in a cave
>we find a chest
>two wendigos guarding it
>he starts pointing and charge emoting
>I go in to tank them
>That motherfucker runs past me and loots chest
>I die to wendigos
>still had a great time
This type of memorable shit never happens anymore in retail WoW
cope harder retailfag
Maybe youre just a simpleton that doesnt need much to have fun, not everyone is like you user.
>never exprienced the mmo that casualized them all
Good 4me
Some zones, like stranglethorn vale, Swamp of Sorrows, Blasted Lands, Eastern Plaguelands, Badlands, Searing Gorge, Burning Steppes, Blasted Lands
Those were great zones for their time period filled to the brim with shit to discover, and filled with content. Though quests in some areas were really, really, bad, and drop rates were utterly terrible.
He pulled an Arthas on you, bro
it was the first fuckhueg mmo, with plenty of le ebin pop culture references, dumbed down to retards like us
It was sacrificed on the altar of convenience.
To be fair I am hoping for eventual patch 1.13. Even though Blizzard fucked up a lot over the last years some of their recent decisions like WC3 remaster and intelligent revision of content introduction stages in classic give me hope. Capcom managed to come back, so maybe Blizzard can do it too. I'd still take a chance of getting something good with patch 1.13 over guaranteed elves and other garbage in BC
>Surely you have to realize that you autists that desperately want only Classic to "relieve your teenage years"
Private servers have been widely available for years and the game is still way more appealing than nu-WoW had been for several expansions. Why do fags never seem to acknowledge this?
Will there ever be a good mmo? I wanna have fun with guildies, have different professions that we use to help each other out, go on fun raids or dungeons but they're all so time consuming and bland
nah, it's pretty dumb
Sorry Muradin Jr.
that's literally WoW classic
Current MMO? No. Why do you think so many people are hyped for Vanilla?
Why yes, I'll be playing demonology warlock. Can I see that photo you took of me?
I think this is it, the zoomers don't get the references and the boomers don't have the time to play wow.
because it takes away all sort of achievement or progression, literally the core pillar of any rpg
Im just not looking forward to paying $15 a month again for a game that's a decade old
>achievement and progression in nu-wow
At least t lets you finish zones, that's the most you can ask for now.
then have fun waiting for a game that's never coming
He's right about classic failing, blizzard is going to find some way to fuck it up.
Expect transmog cancer within a year.
>Zoomers being too lazy to grind
>Expect transmog cancer within a year.
There is nothing to suggest this
It will make plenty of money from people who have never played before but realise retail is garbage.
>level boost to 60
>wow tokens that convert to gold
>adding new class options to vanilla races
What the fuck would you even transmog? Your epic shoulders into some level 30 one or what?
>Im just not looking forward to paying $15 a month
Are you a third worlder or just 14 years old?
Daily reminder that most tier sets are not actually that bad as you think.
Is it really shilling when both sides are going to support the same company?
I'd rock Defias Leather for eternity.
Blizzard have indicated they're not putting many resources into Classic at this stage so don't expect them to change or add shit. Blizzard only care about money and the less effort they put into classic the less chance they have to fuck it up.
I'm not sure when Blizzard's endless pursuit of money meme translated into actively trying to fuck up their products, but there's no point wondering about hypotheticals a year down the line when all the information we have about the game's looking good.
>Developers can't update
hmm i think Yea Forums is full of brainlets
>low spawn rates encouraging people to group together to finish quests faster
>no dungeon finder encouraging people to add each other to friends
>decent open world faction fights
>world pvp wont consist of people flying next to you and sneezing you to death
>AV tug of war that can last for hours
>no fucking flying mounts at all, something even blizzard agrees was a mistake
objectively better.
>AV tug of war that can last for hours
maybe most excited for this. used to hang around towers on my rogue for hours
which gathering profession is most profitable in vanilla?
human warlock
The day they removed elite status from guards was the day it died.
Patrician tier: Orc Warlock, Gnome Warlock.
Faggot sissy boy that needs to look pretty for his daddy tier: Undead Warlock, Human Warlock.
Go back to your Belflocks faggots.
>Do Nothing
>Pretend to play vanilla servers
shitpost on Yea Forums
Two of them results in mats that allow you to make average gear for five classes and one of them results in mats for consumable items that are heavily in demand for hardcore raiders and will always sell.
necrophiles leave
Everyone and their dog will have skinning.
Unless you're willing to hoard vast amounts of material for when prices start to rise, I'd stick to mining/herbalism
WoW's art team is literally the only remaining reason to play retail. I don't think WoW has ever let me down aesthetically, at least until they added transmog and everyone started looking retarded.
herbalism is underrated as a moneymaker. Everyone will want potions, and rogues will want thistle tea.
I'm sorry, but playing an Undead Warlock is the only way I'm not going to be made irrelevant by rogues as a Warlock. Also, Gnomes are worse than elves. Fuck off.
Herb and Mining. Herbalism can require a lot of poaching to really profit from it, but everyone and their asshole is going to want pots so it will always generate at least decent income.
is alchemy/herbalism good for a mage in Vanilla?
>because that actually have to maintain a good reputation and community standing to survive.
So that's why Warmane, Wowcircle and Elysium are still alive.
it's great for anyone, good for leveling and goldmaking
Swiftthistle/swiftness potions is also valuable to every single level bracket, and it's one you can't reliably farm either.
You better have friends though, black lotus is gonna have a 2 hour respawn timer (instead of private server dynamic respawn cutting it to like 5 minutes) and that shit will be HEAVILY contested.
Damn I want to roll Nelf Warrior but Humans have the comfiest zones and I don't want to ruin my immersion by doing the pilgramage too early and dying a thousand times.
newer is better lol
Someone's gonna get their ass whipped!
i'll just farm at 3am while wagies sleep
>implying dying a thousand times in the Wetlands run isn't part of the immersion
I will play it if they actually make ret paladins decent.
I dont think node spawns work the same way in classic as they do on private servers so it shouldnt be much of an issue with people logging in at timers to immediately scoop up herbs then logging off.
spawn locations are random between a set of locations and timers are random within a variable i think.
Just do it nigga. First time I played I made a gnome mage, realised that my friend made a human warrior and we were in different zones. I proceeded to run all the way to the human starting zone without using the tram, because I didn't know it existed.
we proceeded to reroll horde next day
>all those non-tier items that still had shitty placeholder graphics
I hate that shit so much, couldn't they at least use recolored tier like in tbc?
ret paladins got decent in tbc
Only horde ones and only after they got buffed in the later patches.
this is the only thing I'll be missing in Classic.
Ret is decent in TBC but a lot of people still considered it to be a joke because of the stigma from vanilla. That, and since Paladins could tank and heal really well it seemed like a waste to be Ret. I'd say it wasn't until the WotLK pre-patch that they were considered taking, and that's because they were completely busted.
>wrath baby
Kill yourself
Which class has the least responsibility with the lowest skill ceiling that allows for decent solo play?
Hunter or paladin.
At least half of the leveling population will be Warriors, and none of them will ever want to tank.
"my tank gear sucks"
"im fury lol"
"i dont have a shield im dps"
They'll all be dpsing and competing for the same loot while I tank their dungeons as a Druid/Shaman all the way to 60.
I heard that hunters are really difficult to play well.
>ret pallies when 3.0 dropped
>Divine Storm melting everything
Christ that was a special hell. I still have a vivid memory of a belf nuking me down in a couple seconds in October 2008.
Depends entirely on what you want to do, really.
The biggest brainlets I've seen were always either warriors or mages, mostly because everyone wanted to be the top dog fotm fuckface.
Rogues on the other hand were always stealthed so I have no idea what they were doing.
t. non human
They’re incredibly easy, which is the problem. It’s not hard to play hunter, but it’s incredibly hard to find a player who isn’t an absolute moron.
Other classes tend to grasp basic things like “don’t stand in the fire” by the time they reach end game. Hunters can’t be relied on to know that.
You can get by just DPSing, but at 60 knowing how to kite will make you invaluable on certain fights. Also going engineering for jumper cables in case of a wipe also gives extra utility.
Hunter mains are literally mentally retarded, so seeing a decent one is extremely rare, that's it.
all that great zone art, and they do nothing with the quests to make it interesting.
>"im fury lol"
This actually fucking pisses me off since you can tank most raids as fury/prot.
Is this worth it for WPVP
so wait you ran through burning steps as a lvl
It doesn't matter, they're all retarded.
Why are there so many Warriors?
Aren't warriors boring as fuck?
People who think they want to tank
hunters have low skill floor. Really easy to play decently at a casual level. really high skill ceiling, hard to master.
Weapons and plate armor are cool.
someone told them they're the best class in the game
>make dungeon groups myself
>never specify how many people I need
>always reject dps warriors that don’t offer to tank
People think they're going to be like Pat or Monkeynews but then quit by level 20
Hitting things with a big weapon is really satisfying.
based verycoolguy poster
Level 1, I was very anal about having exactly the same experience as the friend I played with, whenever he grinded without me and pulled ahead I'd get into fits of autistic rage because that fucked up the pacing of the game, with one just carrying the other instead of doing shit equally. I still got level 2 just from discovering new zones though. In some places I only made progress by respawning a bit further every time and dying immediately after. It took me about 2 hours in total I think.
>while I tank their dungeons as a Druid/Shaman all the way to 60
im sorry what?
Have they announced when it's coming out or should I just play on a private server?
Nah bro theyre going to be all rogues and mages
Which class is the most fun
>That 8 lvl paladin video
This is why Classic is golden.
Earthshock, Rockbiter Weapon, a shield, and I think a totem helps with aggro too.
Warriors bring out the best parts of Vanilla. When people look back they think of things like how fighting too many mobs at once could lead to death, the need to take first aid and cooking for buffs and healing, and the slower but more deadly combat. All of these things are heightened while playing a Warrior. That's why I like them at least.
Also it's nice to not have to wait for a tank when you want to do a dungeon. Everyone wants you in the group.
Oh you little child, how wrong you can be. Here are the numbers for RS3 and Old School Runescape numbers alone, but expect even larger divides between Retail and Classic.
Probably early summer since they said we can look forward to a classic summer which would be weird if the game released in late summer.
>Play WoW after getting out of college
>Fuck year, electronics, which is super boring in the real world because all anyone cares about making are phones
>Find a new job offer for a company in Florida
>Mention it in guildchat
>Friend offers to let me stay at her place until I can get started on the job
>Company offers me a position so I take her up on it, because fuck yeah, saving money
>We make an odd pair
>I'm 4'8", because of a genetic disorder that makes me resistant to growth hormone, she's nearly two feet taller than me and on the heavier side
>Crash on her couch and await further instructions from the company
>Months pass
>Have been contributing to rent and groceries because I'm starting to feel bad about this
>She starts drinking pretty heavily, mostly gin and vodka
>More time passes
>My savings run out
>She's starting to get mildly irritable about it
>Summertime rolls around
>She's still drinking and has stopped wearing pants around the house, preferring to just hang around in bra and panties while we're raiding
>One day, she's exceptionally hammered and goes for a shower
>Comes back out without so much as a towel
>Decides to sit next to me on the couch
>Dealt with drunken women who get too handsy in the past, major red flags
>Usually, they try to be more coy about it, but she's apparently given up on playing games
>"Got an idea for rent this month, user."
>Grabs me by the wrist and starts walking back to her bedroom
>Object, but get roughly thrown onto the bed
>Start to scramble away, but she mounts and grinds on my crotch
>"Ssshut the fuck up and lemme have this."
>Stripped and made to penetrate, she rides for fifteen minutes before switching her position and planting her sticky puss in my face and getting herself off that way
>Nearly suffocated/drowned, but fortunately, she rolled over when she passed out and left me free to leave
>This proceeded to be a nearly daily occurrence for another month and a half
>Kind of miss her sometimes
classic isn't going to be as good, they shouldve went back to tbc or wrath.
its funny but those same fans are going to hurt wow so bad with classic that they could've been working on retail with the resources.
fuck classic.
What are decent private servers so I can try to remember what I want to play as when it comes out?
classic release date: September 30th!
>well we didnt lie did we?
Chinkdale is the only option really
nice blog fag, not reading that shit
/vg/ shows it as Northdale
retrowow has instant 60+dungeon gear with custom quests and enough players to group with. good for experimenting
>genetic disorder that makes you a permashota
keep going faggot
This looks like something meaningful happened 2 years in, it doesn't show steady growth for OSRS at all.