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Other urls found in this thread:


are you ok?

This is vidya related, mods fuck off

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Hee hee


Michael is innocent y'all. Him sleeping with kids in a hallway guarded with alarms isn't suspicious at all. Neither are the books with naked boys that were made by nambla members and convicted peods.

>people are still touting the HE SLEPT IN THE SAME ROOM AS KIDS line
MJ's bedroom is bigger than your fucking house.

He specifically said they slept in his bed with him you retard.

dios mio...

MJ's bed was probably like 20 feet wide.

GOTY incoming lads youtube.com/watch?v=ZaPUvzs7PeQ&t=

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Reminder that MJ did nothing wrong

Other than suck little boy asspussy every night.


That doesn't automatically connote pedophilia, otherwise thousands of parents would be locked up.


The inner me wants to think he's innocent but all the suspicious as hell things says otherwise

he's not innocent, is he Yea Forums?

I actually don't give a fuck either way,
his music is still based

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That song had no right to be so good on that shitty soundchip

No, he's guilty as fuck. Still did nothing wrong, though.


he slept on the floor and "shared" aka gave the bed to the kid. get over it roastie. you're never gonna be his lover billie jean

Literally what did they even hope to accomplish with the documentary. The guy has been fucking dead for 10 years. What more blood are you hoping to spill? Just to turn everyone against a beloved entertainer who preached love and friendship between all people?

How long until we get the Mr. Rogers documentary saying how it was reaaaal suspicious how much interest he took in the lives of children?

>rapes you

We'll never really know, but regardless he was an extremely weird dude and parents should've never allowed their children to spend time with him like that.


i'm weirder than him and i'm normal. the fame and eccentric stories he planted himself in the media made him look weirder than he was

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The boys in the documentary defended Michael in 2005 during his trial

JEW me, sue me
Everybody do me
Kick me, KIKE me
Don't you black or white me

All I wanna say is that
(((THEY))) don't really care about us

killing him wasn't enough, (((they))) also need to destroy his legacy

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>Have greedy people around you milk you to create money since you child
>Have greedy people milk your name after your death
Being MJ suck.

Wow ps3 sure had shitty graphics huh?

That's a Dreamcast game. Here is your PS3 game.

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Mental gymnastics. Not surprised so many people here are willing to excuse his behavior.

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Was he bogpilled?


It's Space Channel 2 on dreamcast

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You post here, you're not better than anyone

He a good boi

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personally, i don't think the accusations will hurt him in the long run.

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I'm not defending an obvious pedophile who slept with little boys at night and paraded them around like his lovers during the day.

El ayuwoki...

It's suspicious but he was fucked in the head. His head didn't work like yours. If you invite someone to your bed, both parties know you probably want to fug. If a kid invites you to a bed, he means nothing by it

What clears MJ of suspect for me, is that some of the biggest whistleblowers and actors that were abused by the Hollywood pedo jew machine all say that MJ was innocent and actually one of the only adults that treated them well. That, and that the FBI taped all of his life and never found anything


No, however you do post on Yea Forums, which makes you even more vile

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>jews rape kids
>muslims rape kids
>white(black) man is suspected of abusing kids, but FBI found no evidence of it even after 10 years of investigation



>all the mental gymnastics to defend diddling kids in your bedroom
his music is the most overrated shit of all time, more overrated than the fuckin beatles. kys your'eselfs fags

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ayuwoki hee hee


>no actual arguments

that's funny coming from a jew who rapes kids

Yes, dajoos made him rape little boys.

>is another ayuwoki and EO thread

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I hate how only some copies got thriller for the graveyard stage.


Batman is even more overrated


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no u


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Watch Razorfists eries on MJ and tell me its all "mental gymnastics"

Michael is innocent
It's his body double Ayuwoki that's doing all this shit


>some youtuber


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and your source for all of this is...?

MJ's music sucks but he's clearly innocent

real life


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>mj is innocent and framed (by jews)
>mj is guilty and his music should be banned
why do people only take extreme sides, jesus christ. its pretty obvious to anyone with a brain that mj was a kiddie diddler but the dude is fucking dead who cares just enjoy his music

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>MJ's music sucks

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so you have no source then

MJ wanted to out the jews in his new album so they had him assassinated.

Literally no one in this thread has said his music should be banned, retard.


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His videos on MJ are filled to the brim with empirical facts, Leaving Neveralnd only offers 4h of lies and emotional manipulation, like every MJ documentary before.

>it's been proven in court

>he was killed because (((they))) didn't care about him anymore

>It's pretty obvious
Just because you read it in the newspaper doesn't mean it's true. Show me the proof.

tell me dude, how many sheckels are they paying you?

Imagine being this brainwashed by a fucking pop star.

Centrist retards at it again


^Literally MJ
His autism and mentall illness from being scared from his dad has made him socially retarded. But he was candid as fuck and didnt know that society apparently jumps to conclusions if you wanna hang out with young boys and invite them to your mansion, thats covered in alarms cause of said mental illness. Only to be discovered that in their bedrooms they were discovered to both be in onesies and playing sonic.

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Finding Neverland was the biggest pile of crocodile tears bullshit I've ever watched. People are so gullible.

>MJ's music sucks

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>some youtuber

they found cp retard, didn't read the rest

>even Michael Jackson being a creep is now a Jewish conspiracy
At least come up with something plausible.

He literally went to trial and was found innocent. Don’t see why people need to spit on the mans grave anymore.

>they found cp retard
who is (((they)))?

They didn’t

How did he became white?



>people are so gullible
Michael certainly proved that over and over.

>years if not decades of accusations and scrutiny where even the FBI was involved yet he was never proven guilty
>MJ definitely diddle kids because this incredibly biased cashgrab documentary said so


Again, there is no valid evidence of MJ molesting anyone. All the 110% PROOF MJ IS DIDLER shit could not stand up in court, only in tabloids and popculture.

For some, it's for the money. For others, to satisfy their over inflated sense of moral outrage.

because he was based.

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ethan klein relax, you goofed on twitter just take the L and move on

serious question, would all this shitshow happen if MJ stayed black instead of "becoming" white?

The most telling thing about MJ is how he went on to forgive Joe Jackson, and even had a day to celebrate him.
Doesn't seem like something a secret monster would do

I haven't seen anything that definitely proves he's guilty but if he was a molester it wouldn't completely surprise me.

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They should re-do the MJ documentary and use the soundtrack to Unsolved Mysteries to better illustrate how creepy and evil he is.

>it doesn't count because I say so

court documents

>There was no reason why [Jackson] had to stop calling me ... I picked the nastiest son of a bitch I could find [Chandler's lawyer Barry Rothman], all he wants to do is get this out in the public as fast as he can, as big as he can and humiliate as many people as he can. He's nasty, he's mean, he's smart and he's hungry for publicity. Everything's going to a certain plan that isn't just mine. Once I make that phone call, this guy is going to destroy everybody in sight in any devious, nasty, cruel way that he can do it. I've given him full authority to do that. Jackson is an evil guy, he is worse than that and I have the evidence to prove it. If I go through with this, I win big-time. There's no way I lose. I will get everything I want and they will be destroyed forever ... Michael's career will be over.

In the same conversation, when asked how this would affect his son, Chandler replied:

>That's irrelevant to me ... It will be a massacre if I don't get what I want. It's going to be bigger than all us put together ... This man [Jackson] is going to be humiliated beyond belief ... He will not sell one more record.[13]

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There are no 25 year old cumstains, sure. But any reasonable human being knows he's a creep who shared his bed with little boys.

Not only was he found innocent, he was found not deserving of a legal indictment. In America where you can fucking indict ANYONE for ANYTHING.

he was a literal Peter Pan.
a 13yo gay kid in a body of an adult

he took the redpill

Every single MJ accuser has been caught lying on more than one occasion. End of story.

Depends what you mean. Was he a pedophile? Without a doubt. Did he diddle the two in the doc? Who knows. But he was DEFINITELY a pedophile. And not some 'oh I like 14 yo cunny that's legal in Europe' kind either.


>mj's a pedo because i say so

>they found cp
CP that's apparently in the Library of Congress

This. People have been rolling bank on the idea of prosecuting him on such a serious accusation that was never proven and debunked multiple times in court. People even had books and movies lined up for the moment the verdict came through. Thank god people had some common sense at that time.


>at that time

Pity about today.

Could Eo beat el ayuwoki?

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[kills himself]


even if the accusations turb out to be true, MJ's too based for people to hate.

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In court no. But in reality life that admission would be damning for anyone else. Would would your family say if you told them you shared your bed with random little boys?

>legal art books and magazines
So its nothing then?

no because at the time there would be nobody to defend him for just being black
if all of it happened today tho...

It says right there that it's legal pornographic material. A man can't fap now?

The alleged victims wanted to finally tell the truth after truly coming to terms with what had happened to them. The one victim tried to make it public (+ bonus of getting mad money) by suing his estate, but it was dismissed due to statute of limitations. Since they couldn't tell the truth via trial they agreed to do documentary, HBO didn't pay them. Maybe they'll make some money off the situation, probably not much, while also having to go thru mad user hate.

If you look at all the known facts and video of MJ, it's impossible to deny the strength and likelihood of their claims. The fact that they the 1 doc guy previously defended him can be easily explained in that MJ was jesus on Earth and these guys literally loved him until his death. He starting touching the one dude when he was 7 and they basically dated for a decade, that'll understandably fuck up your memories and viewpoint for time. Now that they are dads and have sons they realize how fucked it was.

Repressed memories are totally a thing and if you look at videos of MJ around kids, the setup of his house, and his overall behaviour patterns, they all scream pedo. Not only that, pedos have way higher rate of being gay, and MJ was obviously a fag, which I think is pretty indisputable. The fact that he had these obviously phony straight marriages for the press is further evidence he was deceptive regarding his relationships. He was also basically cucking those women, even if they were down for it at the time. Also there is much higher rate for pedos amongst those abused as child, such as MJ. Neverland Ranch staff had previously testified under subpeona to having seen MJ do crazy shit. That one boy of his 5 accusers perfectly described his oddly patterned genitals to police. The evidence is overwhelming.

The most generous you can do is give him an extreme benefit of the doubt and think he was just fucked in all these ways and just never looked to satisfy himself sexually. Way more likely he did it.

Michael Jackson was too good for this world. He was going full supernova, brighter than any star could ever dream to achieve in a lifetime, and it was unfortunately only natural for people to want to punch up in hopes of bringing a living legend down.

Even in death people are still trying to smear his legacy.


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No one fucking cares about EO, trilernay in the other hand...

Can someone explain why calling MJ a pedo makes you a jew? Don't really follow this whole ordeal.

1-9 and everyone in this thread gets raped by Michael tonight, including the jews and the guys behind the documentary

fapping to underage naked children makes you a pedo friend, sorry to tell you this


Don't mind me. Just posting the only correct way to experience this game.

>MJ, Mercury and Bowie are dead

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Yeah, how about no:
>that part where Dan Greed got BTFO by Pierce Morgan

>including the jews and the guys behind the documentary
oh, dang

What they didn’t want you to see: youtu.be/EBFhQzV9tM8

We need a tier list now. trilernay in SSS

>the dance-off with MJ in yakuza 0 is unwinnable because MJ is fucking perfect at it
based nips

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thats ignorent. ur been ignorennnt!

>coming to terms


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He was pretty against the music establishment, to the point the present-time Sony Music was more MJ's discography than Sony's
the guy also backstabbed McCartney with The Beatles' royalties(MJ's kids still get Beatles' royalties and not McCartney)

Holy shit lads look at this video. All those shots of those kids.

Clearly signs of a pedophile how can anyone in their right mind willingly defend this man?

>this boy is not my son
What did he mean by this?

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>the setup of his house, and his overall behaviour patterns, they all scream pedo
yeah, he acts like a pedo
that'll hold up in court

Posting the KINO.

>doesnt even get the line right

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This isn't court you flaming autist.


el ayuwoki...


That's not a very progressive thing to say.

Did humanity deserve MJ Yea Forums?

>she’s just a >girl

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He was fucked hard by the music industry jews, but in the end MJ had the money and fame to take it all down if he wanted to. And he was going to.

So they killed him and smeared his legacy with fake pedo accusations

There are also way more pedophiles in the high spheres of hollywood and the music industry and paying a fucker every few years to spew shit about MJ and divert everyone's attention there is a legit tactic.

wtf guys he was obviously a pedo just look at him how can you not believe me?? y-you want evidence? what are you a pedo apologist?

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Hell no, look at this thread.

Judging by how quickly the masses have decided to throw him out over false clains, no we didn't deserve him

Exactly. So I can call you a gay retard jew faggot and it will hold up as much as the garbage you call "argument"

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I hope someday they stop smearing his name for a quick buck and just appreciate the legend for who he was.
A man more based than any of us who even though he had it all, lacked love and a normal human life and lived a terrible childhood.


This. The people dumb enough to believe this doc probably watch shows like Sightings or Ancient Aliens and believe it's fact.

C-Can you tie with him? And then he puts his hand on your shoulder and says you're really good?



Shit like this and capeshit, im convinced that peoples brains have become pudding

Autopsy confirmed vitiligo, a rare genetic skin disease

whichever psyop company MJ's estate hired to shill for him on Yea Forums isn't doing a very good job. these posts r too much and just making me despise him more.

begone jew.

facts>feelings you stupid low IQ subhuman

That has more to do with your personal hangups than anything else, user.

I bet you think fapping to shota or loli is pedophilia

>people are listening to two completely different families that have never met having the exact same experience with michael jackson? lol they're just lying
>im just going to believe he's innocent, the trial said so.

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the Pepsi ad accident didn't help with his vitiligo as well

you are going overboard with the lingo and it just makes you stick out like a sore thumb, sorry senpai. maybe wait a bit longer between posts too.

Everytime Michael Jackson gets discussed on Yea Forums he gets a "based" veredict.

No pedo-scare jew shilling tactic shall change that. This board may be a cesspool but at least it respects MJ as much as I do

> facts>feelings
The facts that Michael abused children mean more than your feelings that he didnt.

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Mj had to invent a shoe to pull that off. What a madman.

>every single accuser has been caught lying over and over
>im just going to believe he's guilty, my sjw buddies on twitter said so

>listening to people who only came forward when they were having financial problems

>i love mj, he was such a good human being. he sung about equality and loving all mankind. he clearly wouldnt do something so evil.

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He means that if his son didn't buy Skyrim, then it's not his son

A fact is something that can be proven with actual evidence fuctkard.

based and Ayuwokipilled

Facts don't lie
People do

>The FBI has monitored MJ for over 10 years and they haven't found anything suggesting child molestation
>They didn't even find anything that would make him look like a bad influence whatsoever
>No porn, no mistreatment, no videos, nothing

>Safechuck one of the two guys accusing MJ of molestation claims that he had a wedding ceremony with MJ in Paris Disneyland in the 80s
>Paris Disneyland only opened its doors 1992
>the wedding story itself isn't even his story - He stole it from a book written by a scam artist who fled to Chile
>Safechucks mother said that she celebrated the day MJ died and that "Her sons molester is finally in hell"
>Safechuck himself said that he only revealed his story to his family after MJs death

>Wade Robson was THE FIRST DEFENSE of MJ in the early trials
>has been defending MJ for all of his life and only stepped back after the Jackson Estate refused to hire him for their circue du solais MJ event in Las Vegas
>suddenly claims that he got molested by Michael
>says that Michael maybe did not molest all children but that he definitely molested him and Safechuck
>"Why would MJ pick a kid he molested as his first line of defence when he has 1000 kids to choose from"
>Robson lost the first trial against the Jackson Estate because mails revealed that he offered other people to twist "his backstory" in order to fit theirs so everyone can cash in on it
>now owes the Jackson Estate 100k dollars because of this trial
>makes this movie and opens a donation platform for his family with the node that this is going to make him rich and relevant again

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>not a single shred of proof ever posted

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>Courts proved nothing
>Feds found nothing

>A cashgrab documentary full of lies, questionable testimonies, out of context circumstantial evidence and that tries to appeal to feels instead of facts should prove something


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>couldn’t even get him on s misdemeanor
that’s not how it works retard. you don’t get charged for something and then come out charged with something else

the difference between MJ and that OJ is that proof of OJ doing it was found and still the jury cared shit. He also was filed as guilty two years later in a goddamn lawsuit.
the MJ trial was a farce with nothing to prove him guilty.

except the accussers had their cases thrown out of court and one of them has been caught multiple times changing his story. along with multiple contradictions in their stories.

Micheal Jackson couldn't be a pedophile, he makes good music.

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He could be a pedophile. But he didn't touch any of the men accusing him.


I don't know what it is about them, but I love spanish language memes.

The retard is you that doesn't know how the law works. They charge you with multiple crimes in a single trial.

>Michael Jackson is a pedophile because this documentary that everyone talks about and the late night talk show host says so!

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>NPC meme
Its le NPCs who ignore the facts and just parrot what their favorite tabloid and emotional scam artists told them was truth

Even if he was, what are you niggers going to do? Dig up his corpse and put it on trial?

no retard, he beat 15 charges several of them were misdemeanors. the grand jury did not find enough evidence to even charge him on ONE of the several misdemeanors.

Except normalfags are all shitting on MJ because the documentary touched their fee fees

You're a retard and you're saying fucking nothing. Either post proof of your claims or fuck off. Making a strawman and attaching a NPC.jpg to it isn't an argument.




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youtube.com/watch?v=iRZiQmKlaaU JAM

The real question is why did parents let their kids stay with MJ? Isn't that the more fucked up issue?

Well, it's not like his music was inspired by raping little children, quite the opposite in fact. His legacy remains intact for me.



never proven guilty

he also made a lot enemies who get rich slandering him every few years with new documentaries while still selling his music

It unironically is, so yes, I do.

Okay, so let's say MJ diddled your kid and robbed him/her of his/her innocence

What would you do as a parent?

1) Press criminal charges to get the guy arrested so every kid can be safe with the dude getting locked behind bars

2) Throw everything into a civil case in hope to press money out of the guy which is basicly you putting a pricetag on your sons/daughters virginity

3) Go to the press and cry demanding money and attention

Note: Not a single accuser went with the first option

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>The documentary Leaving Neverland has led to an outcry against Michael Jackson, with radio stations banning his music, and The Simpsons pulling an episode he featured on from all platforms.

>However Macaulay Culkin - known for his unlikely friendship with the pop star, which began when Mr Culkin was nine - has consistently spoken out in defence of Jackson, and denied there was any sexual contact.

>Most recently, he spoke about the allegations on Michael Rosenbaum's Inside of You podcast in January 2019.

>'We're all worried' - Michael Jackson's son Blanket goes 'mute' after Leaving Neverland airs
Michael Jackson albums defy controversy, fly up the charts
>'They're in denial': Sean Plunket slams Michael Jackson abuse doubters
"For me, it's so normal and mundane... I know it's a big deal to everyone else but to me, it was a normal friendship," the now-38-year-old said.

>"It's easy to say it was 'weird' or whatever, but it wasn't, because it made sense. It's one of my friendships people questioned, only because of the fact he was the most famous person in the world."

>However Culkin did admit he and the singer used to sleep in the same bed - but reiterates the relationship was never sexual or uncomfortable for him. He says his parents were aware of the sleeping arrangement.

>"They never really saw it as an issue," he said in court.

>However, he did corroborate part of the accuser's testimony - in Leaving Neverland both men speak about the corridor towards Jackson's bedroom being alarmed.

>"There was like a walkway kind of thing, where if someone was approaching the door, it would kind of like 'ding-dong ding-dong'," Culkin said in court.

>"When anyone would approach the room you'd hear this kind of... soft kind of alarm."

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I know these are puns on Michael's most popular quotes ayuwoki = are you okay/hee hee

Can someone spoonfeed me on the others?

>*Cums in your mouth*

Jews arent human

mfw all the faggots in this thread ignoring the piles of circumstantial evidence and supportive facts because they need to see absolute hard 'evidence'. you faggots are wanting to see vids of child molestation you sick fucks, since no other evidence would be good enough for you. thank god these autists aren't judges or else no child predators would get sentenced for anything ever except that ones that livestream it on youtube.

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Billy jean
Thriller night

Please provide your sources.

I get you. If they lie for michael, they're saints and telling the truth. If they tell the truth, they're lying and they're snakes out for money etc. Good logic
>the man who directed the two of the biggest acts of the 00's
>"financial problems"
Imagine being stupid enough to believe this
Evidence Item #508. Book with images of ‘nude teenagers and/or young adults’
Evidence Item #509. Book with pictures of nude children.
>Counts found nothing
Character witnesses paid with houses, shopping trips and vacations vs a child
>Feds found nothing
But yeah, you knew Michael Jackson more than two families that are confirmed to be a part of his life for at least 15 years
>MJ trial was a farce
It sure was. Character witnesses paid with houses, shopping trips and vacations vs a child
>case thrown out
Because he waited 20 years, has nothing to do with the claims

>thank god these autists aren't judges

Funny you say that, because he's never lost a case either.

Fuck evidence, facts and logic.

Muh fee fees are more important.
MJ was a pedo because i say he was.
Give me my money now!

>Good logic

Yes. Proven liars should never be trusted. If you don't see that as logic then you're not very smart.

So you're unironically a retard. Gg

mfw all these faggots need are sad music with crocodile tears an inconsistent story from the accusers and they will believe anything

A Micheal Jackson game made by Platinum would be one of the greatest games ever made. You would have a wide range of dance move attacks, but about 80% of your massive skill ability list would be nothing more than kicking sparkles, spinning around, moonwalking, and other harmless, non-offensive, beautifully flashy shit. While you can damage and stun enemies, you can't actually defeat anyone, the goal would be to mesmerize them into dancing with you while very stylistically evading their attacks. There's a dedicated HOOOOOO button which ends combat once everyone is dancing, with a big firework flash, and a variety of climactic poses you can pick from, then everyone scarpers off. The game would take 'showing off and being stylish while fighting' to a whole new level, because ideally you would not hurt anyone at all. You would be fighting over the top drug dealers with wierd punky designs. The world would be based in reality but with a weird, abstract twist, just like his music videos. Boss battles would be massive dance offs against hordes, based on his most iconic music videos, like Thriller and Smooth Criminal. You can choose to play as Kid Jackson, Classic Jackson or Neverland Jackson. And naturally, the combat music would pump up as your style rank increases, with MJ scatting his own weird noises as the power of music courses through him at SSS.


Hey, maybe there is no hard evidence and we cannot prove that MJ was a pedo but can you MJfanboys prove that he wasn't a pedo?

You can't.

Let's go to your arcade!

boo hoo boo hoo the dead celebrity touched my winkie boo hoo boo hoo

i can has moneys nao?

Can someone legit answer me what Shamone means and why Michael Jackson always shouted in between songs all the time while dancing?

So you're saying they should have been honest in the first trial and ruined their own lives?
Yes, michael really was just a 180iq genius that brought and appreciated fine art. Its not like he was objectively mentally slow due to his abusive childhood.

>I know better than the FBI!

>who cares about innocent until proven guilty, I feel like he did something so he must have done it

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the burden of proof is on the accursers and not the accursed

>mfw im speaking to a faggot who thinks the legal system is flawless

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Yea Forums, sometimes you're alright

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Are you saying that underage depictions of children are not that if they're cartoons? Not that this is relevant either way, since MJ wasn't fapping to loli or shota, but to little boys aged 5-10.

Innocent until PROVEN guilty.

The accusers are the ones that have to provide evidence not the MJfanboys.

MJ was a genius, a musical/marketing genius and a legally sawwy one. No one claims he was an angel. he was pretty shrewd in manipulating a private doctor with financial troubles to get him all the "medicine" he wanted. You only see Neverland and think he was just a manchild though.

>gets dick sucked


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>spends hours on the phone arguing with a mother trying to convince her to let her precious shota son come live with him for a year.
What a chad.

An ancient egyptian word for Canaanite people

A corrupted pronunciation of the word money

It means don't let jews get your money

he was a star witness for michaels defense that as a child was supposedly coached and held up for hours against good prosecution. again his story never changed while being questioned in court.

as an adult his story changes and has multiple contradictions and incorrect info.

>who cares that two completely different families share the same story of abuse despite meeting eachother once before, i want evidence lmao
>should have just collected that cum lmao

This era of people on social media being the judge, jury and executioner is the scariest thing ever. Imagine just being a little famous, not MJ famous and all of a sudden a woman you've never met before screams on Twitter "HE RAPED ME!" without any form of evidence and somehow you're still brought to the courtroom.

fuck off back to resetera, Krejlooc.

>"The legal system is broken - MJ paid his way out of the courts!"

>MJ paid the judges, the jurys, the cops, the FBI, the 1000 other kids that visited Neverlands and their parents and everyone else involved and nobody revealed anything about it

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If anyone wants to experience Space Michael, post your Steam ID and I'll give you Space Channel 5: Part 2.

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>even the fucking FBI spent years on MJ and they got nothing off him
Wait. The next you're going thing to tell me is that MJ paid off the god damn government to save his pedo ass.

not to mention the Santa Barbara DA, Thomas Sneedson, had an axe to grind and fullblown vendetta against Jackson,and ended up humiliated when Jackson was acquitted, so did MJ pay him off too?

>Share a story
>Both stories are different
Dude, my model T is the same as a mustang muscle car! Why? Because they are both cars!

>The same story

They've changed their story multiple times faggot.

>mfw i get to watch a handful of losers spend their free time vicariously defending one of the most successful child molesters of modern time

what a time to be alive

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Musical? Yes
Marketing? No
Legally "sawwy" one? No
>No one claims he was an angel
Except all the shills in this thread?

>"star witness"
>Able to repeat "No, never" when asked if Michael had done anything inappropriate after being coached, stick with that story
>Receive the attention from Michael you've been seeking for the last 5 years since he left you for new, younger boys and get a house as well
Feel free to point out the "incorrect info"

13 years of monitoring and they didn't find anything suggesting that he is a pedo

They didn't even find anything that would give them a reason to forbid him to get into contact with kids

Shut the fuck up, its clear as day MJ paid off all those people. Fucking brainwashed MJ cultists

Regular people think they're better than the FBI. If they're better than the feds, can they figure out who killed Tupac and Biggie?

>No evidence

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He literally held of on the moonwalk, one of the greatest dances ever conceived, until it was the perfect time to show it off and blow everyone out of the water. If that ain't genius, I don't know what is.

>michael meets child/family of child
>michael becomes a part of that family
>parents see him as a son, children see him as a father and mentor
>michael showers the family in attention, shopping sprees, vacations all over the world
>michael gets closer to the child as the parents pity him due to his circumstances
>michael gets attracted to the child
>michael eventually does sexual acts with the child
>michael stays a part of the childs life, still giving the family money, fame and oppertunities
>michael finds a new child/family, breaks off from the old until needed to act as a character witness in his molestation case
What changed besides "No, he didnt" to "Yes, he did"?

>has magazines of naked boys
>not evidence

Even if MJ never acted on it, he was definitely a groomer
>let kids sleep in his room
>Often threw slumber parties NO PARENTS
>Had tons of Prodigies.

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>mfw FBI agent
>mfw instagram whores, twitter idiots and Oprah think they are smarter than me and know more than me even though i have worked on this case for over 10 years while they did nothing
>when i point this out they call me a pedo defender and say MJ bought me

I made that gif like 10 years ago, holy shit

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Culkin and Feldmin both said the same thing. That not only did Michael not sexually assault them, but that his home was like a safe place for kids. Child actors who were going through similar shit as he did. If Feldman of all people, who is vehemently against pedophilia in Hollywood, says Michael is innocent? Yeah I'd take his word over some twat making a movie for attention with a lot of false information.

Emotional evidence is still evidence

He had Viltiligo, a skin condition in which melanin is lost from the skin over time.
However, it typically is random and patchy so he probably bleached his skin to get rid of any remaining melanin.

>artist and richest most famous individual person based on performance art has an avant gaurde art collection and eclectic taste

>pop and rockstars fuck underage groupies 24/7 365, have been forever
>MJ likes some of his sex partners a bit younger than most
The fact that so many people have a hard time wrapping their heads around this is pretty crazy.

What the fuck do you think the rockstars are doing with the underage groupies and fans in their hotel rooms? Playing solitaire?

>no evidence
>documented meetings with jackson
>extensive family photo collections featuring jackson
>faxes from jackson personally
>voice mails from jackson personally using personal nicknames with the accusers
>enough of a personal connection for the child to be brought on stage on multiple michael jackson tours
You're right, they clearly werent paid off and had no connection to Michael Jackson what so ever.


>this is still all they have since 1993

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article from 2009 right after he died


>Police concerns that media-hungry terrorists would attack Michael Jackson's trial as a "soft target" led to a request for federal help, according to FBI files kept on the late pop star.

>The documents also show that the FBI helped facilitate interviews in the Philippines by California authorities investigating Jackson over allegations that he had sexually abused boys.

>The FBI monitored Jackson for more than a decade, but the files contain no major revelations about his private life and the bureau apparently never developed any solid evidence against him.

Then I notice around 2016 or so a ton of trash tabloid articles came out revealing SHOCKING discoveries from Neverland the police neither confirmed nor denied they released to the public




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MJ wasn't a child molester.

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Oh my god, MJ had friends that were not buttfucking rich! PEDO!

Basic question to all the MJ cult fags shilling in here. Do you guys just think MJ lived his life with 0 sexual relationships? He was obviously a fag, the mother of his two children admits they never banged. Yet he was always seen around young boys, never men.

Most of his songs are about passion and love. Seriously, how do you retards mental gymnastic around this blatant perception?

Theres a fairly large difference between fucking 16 year olds and fucking 7 year olds



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Did he still have sleepovers and stuff when he had his own kids? I’m thinking part of it was some kind of wish fulfilment, like he never had a childhood of his own, his relationships were weird and never lasted. Maybe all he wanted was to have a family and kids to spend his time with. I have a nephew who’s great fun to be with, they just live in the moment and wouldn’t have all the expectations and adult has of him.

Or he was just a pedo.

three words
Peter Pan Syndrome

Shitty game.

MJ was known to bring women to his bedroom. All the women, even his wife defended him being straight till he DIED

We all agree that he was fucked in the head. You don't get talent like that without getting screwed some way.

Now the question is if he's a kiddy diddler or not? If the FBI couldn't find anything how are cashgrab tabloids and documentaries going to prove shit?

>What changed besides "No, he didnt" to "Yes, he did"?
Safecucks mother knowing Safecuck was molested in 2009 even though he himself says he told her in 2013

MJ had a relationship with Diana Ross and spent most of the 00's trying to fuck Beyonce.

No, they're magazines that were known in pedophile circles as being legal due to some loophole. Not only that but Michael got one of his "friends" to pose in one. Nah, not shady at all.


It was MJ's way of saying Come on.

Okay. It's still legal art and he wasn't tried for it. It was legally owned and being a pedo isn't a crime. Molesting a child is, which is something he never did.

>25 years later still no definitive proof



>It was legally owned and being a pedo isn't a crime.
You're right, it's worse. You can kill a nigger and come out of jail and lead a normal life. If you're a pedo in America you life is pretty much OVER. FOREVER.

Come on guys it doesn't matter if he was a kiddy fiddler or not. If you were close to that rich motherfucker, you'd say he raped your asshole to get millions of dollars.

>take families from bum fuck nowhere
>elevate them into the good life
>expect them to testify against you in court
Yeah you're just so right, they clearly werent paid off they were happy to go back to having absolutely nothing.
>tell your mother that someone that was a father figure/mentor/an older man that you spent time alone with at night is "not a good person"
>implying that means anything other than sexual abuse
You're fucking retarded if you didnt catch on.

Okay. It's still legal art and he wasn't tried for it. It was legally owned and being a pedo isn't a crime. Molesting a child is, which is something he never did.
Yes, actually, he, I, as well as the United State and Japan are saying that. The funny thing is, if you ever equate fiction to real life, that's YOUR problem. People who have a problem distinguishing games from real life are the mentally sick ones, and if you shoot up a school because of fortnite, or think 2D images are equatable to 3D kids, then you're dangerous.

People who say MJ wasn't a pedo

>the judges
>the jurys
>the FBI
>Macaulay Culkin
>Corey Feldman
>John Ziegler
>The Jackson Estate

People who claim he was
>Every tabloit paper under the sun
>Ben Shapiro
>Robson and Safechuck
>The modern Simpsons creators

The FBI just provided support on two individual cases. History is filled with criminals who had previously been looked at by the FBI but were never formally accused of anything.

Maybe instead of blindly shilling for a side you could watch the documentary and give what is presented an honest assessment.

No, it's not. It's only over if you molest a child, in which case, yeah, that's kind of on you, buddy.
Also sorry for the double post, internet is being fucky

Lmao. Imagine defending someone based on this technicality.
>It was legal CP
>He's a pedo but that's not illegal
>pedo slept in the same bed as little kids but it was totally kosher
fuck off you pedo scum.

MJ was probably straight but had weird projection fetishes like Yea Forums.

>Yes, actually, he, I, as well as the United State and Japan are saying that. The funny thing is, if you ever equate fiction to real life, that's YOUR problem. People who have a problem distinguishing games from real life are the mentally sick ones, and if you shoot up a school because of fortnite, or think 2D images are equatable to 3D kids, then you're dangerous.
Not really, I love huge tits in 2D for example but hate them in 3D because they're gross. At the same time, to say that I am not into big tits is disingenuous. Just like you saying you are not a pedophile is objectively wrong. You're just a pedophile that wants to fuck 2D versions.

They did? Where is the evidence then? Why didnt it convict MJ?

He obviously did both. Men, women, of age, underage. Pretty sure he went through everyone.

Not saying that all he did was eat 9 year old ass all the time, but he enjoyed that ALONGSIDE other activities.
It's the naivety that I don't get. If he was bringing 15 year old girls into his bedroom at night no one would question what was going on.
>But some of them were young boys!
Yeah, and some people like young boys. A lot.

>no, it's not
You're fucking retarded, honestly. In most states you can be listed as a sex offender for being a pedophile, even if you did nothing. You have no idea what you're talking about. Let alone the public backlash.

It's funny how people are comparing this to the R Kelly case, where there's no rock solid smoking gun with MJ, there's an entire tape of R Kelly having sex with a minor and pissing on her. And for some reason, R Kelly got away with that and continued to make music and even collaborate with others up until 2017.

gentle reminder that virtue signalers are always guilty of the very thing they accuse others of


Fucking kike, kys

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>You're just a pedophile that wants to fuck 2D versions.
That's some serious mental gymnastics just to avoid the word "lolicon".

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Even if he was a nonce, why are they going after MJ 9 years after he died instead of going after one of the many pedophiles that are still in positions of power right now? Is it just because MJ can't sue for defamation?

>you are the chosen Ayuwoki
>drink pepsi perfect for health
>little chained boys instead of bonfires
>moonwalking is powerful but drains your health
>the final boss is your dad

Okay? That's an extremely roundabout way of agreeing with me. Keeping 2D limited to 2D isn't only not a crime, it's sort of the entire point. Most publicly admitted 2D lolicons swear off of 3D, and by most I mean a landslide estimate of at least 99%, and while you could assume some, most, or even all of them are lying, I implore others to consider the possibility that people constantly chomping at the bit to equate 2D to 3D are instead the very demons they're looking to defeat.

You ever wonder why anti-loli groups are always infiltrated/led by ACTUAL Pedophiles? Like that anti-gamergate guy? Shit's bonkers. Chances are if you ever see someone that's anti loli;

Going to be unironic for a second, if you're anti-loli, you're PROBABLY a pedophile. That is my ultimate, most truthful argument.

Anyone think it's ironic that MJ is attacked for supposedly being a pedophile when the rich jews he worked with are all likely the same shit as Weinstein?

>the mother of his two children admits they never banged
>the mother of his two children admits they never banged
>the mother of his two children admits they never banged

reminder that these are the kind of people that accuse MJ.
cause i mean like ew, he totally looks like a pedo right

It isn't illegal to defame the dead in the USA

They can't sue you for slander.

Money. It's also the perfect time for it with outrage culture at its peak.


>the judges
No judge has ever ruled on whether MJ is a pedo.
>the jurys
Wrong again. No jury has ever ruled on whether he's a pedo. The case was whether he molested kids. A lot of the jury actually said he DID molest kids but just that the prosecution didn't prove it with the evidence.
>the FBI
More lies. The FBI has never passed judgement on whether he was pedo.
>Macaulay Culkin
literally who? a junkie that was abused as a kid. Who the fuck cares what he has to say.
>Corey Feldman
another mentally ill abuse victim that keeps saying he was abused but wont name anyone.
>john Ziegler
>The Jackson Estate

so he never actually had sex with any of the kids and didnt kiss them on the mouth

Beat me, hate me
You can never break me
Will me, thrill me
You can never kill me
JEW me, Sue me
Everybody do me
Kick me, KIKE me
Don't you black or white me

All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us

It's not a mental gymnastic at all, it's the literal definition of what you're getting off to - fucking children.
>Keeping 2D limited to 2D isn't only not a crime
Did I say it was a crime? No, I just said it makes you, objectively, a pedophile.

This is the part where you post even a single example of someone who has performed no crimes has been given a sexual misdemeanor on nothing but an admittal.

>saying owning cp makes you a pedo is "virtue signalling"
yeah you're a confirmed pedo.

Michael Jackson was a 10 year old in a 30 year olds body. He didnt live his life lusting after children, he just wanted friends he connected with being other children. Sexual encounters with other male children during sleep overs is apparently common in the world, Yea Forums used to have threads about it constantly whether or not they were real or fantasies. For 99% of his life, he was a legitimately good person, he cared for the children and he cared for the families, he gave them all a slice of the good life that they would have never been a part of, and he inspired one to become a part of showbuisness and direct two of the biggest acts of the 00's, which then in turn inspired even more children. For every child Jackson sexually abused, theres another 100,000 he inspired. He legitimately was one of the greatest people we'd probably ever see, but what he did with children was objectively wrong and shitty regardless of his prior circumstances.

People need to stop being so fucking blind and accept this, he wasnt a monster but he clearly did fuck up at least three people emotionally. If you want to argue that they're the price of having someone so influential and kind as michael, you can go ahead but you need to accept that what he did was wrong. The other side needs to stop acting like this is news and that his name needs to be dragged through the mud and that his music needs to be banned, this has been obvious for long before the documentary and people have come to terms with it.

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Wade needed the money and with MeToo on the rise and MJ being dead, it's the best time to strike.

>Is it just because MJ can't sue for defamation?
Its exactly because of that. Reminder that everytime the law got involved and an actual investigation took place that went beyond "did you hear what he did?", he was found not guilty.

This docu is mainly made for people who were too young to remember the lawsuits and hearings, and how the whole ranch was searched by the FBI, 100 boys got interviewed, etc. only to be found out that its all just a lie.

we've been here before, but kids of course don't know that so they go "oh man that guy was a pedo!" based on what the docu guys wanna tell em


I would bet any amount of money in the world your hard drive is filled with illegal images. Any amount of money in the world. People like you always do.

>Is it just because MJ can't sue for defamation?
Yes but also presumably to make his music licenses cost fuckall so they can buy it out

No it, objectively, doesn't, or anyone who has ever masturbated to any hentai ever is objectively a pedophile. By what metric do you dare tote objectivity? Are there DEFINITIONS in the fucking webster dictionary supported by FBI spies monitoring us fapping to 2D images that give us extremely hardcore definitions?

We already HAVE a word for this shit, and it's called Lolicon. You can't just use a completely unrelated word and think it works.

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MJ wasn't part of their cult.
Neverland was a safehaven for kids abused by Hollywood producers and childstars in general.

MJ knew how shitty life can be and how parents tend to abuse their own kids for fame and money promises that's why he offered protection.

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Can "El Ayuwoki" beat el imayin (coming from John Lennon's "Imagine" )?

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The kids are his janitors, the Daily Mail said so

>He didnt live his life lusting after children
He owned multiple "art books" that had full front naked pictures of kids that was published by convicted pedos. fuck off.

So he also paid FBI the three times they raided his house right?

So the janitor suffered from vitiligo as well?

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I cannot believe they chose THE most stereotypical Shlomo Goldstein rabbi kike to talk to, /pol/ couldn't make this shit up

If you are getting off to a character being underage then yes, you are a pedophile. Age is certainly the most important aspect. If what turns you on about lolis that they're small but age plays no part in it, then you're not directly a pedophile, though it could lead you to pedophilic acts.

considering the fact that he had no real sense of what's acceptable, I find it possible that the pattern description could come from something like taking a bath/shower, which wouldn't strictly be abusive, just another bizarre behavior.

>not only thinking this guy didn't diddle kids but literally spending your free time defending him with all your might.
we get it, he was an amazing entertainer. now literally kys

>projecting this insanely hard
>recoiling this badly after been outed as pedo that defends other pedos
pedo scum

My dad has a stash of gay pornography and likes visiting bathhouses with his buddies an awful lot. That doesn't mean anything!!

Man, Spike Lee hasn't changed a single bit in 23 years

>believing everything the media tells you

you're the kinda person that unironically thinks pewdiepie and spyro the dragon caused the NZ shooting aren't you

You do realize that whatever alternative media you used to form your autistic opinion is also the media?

Holy shit, this level of delusion from rightwing retards. Yes, this nigger that got abused his whole life and then grew up to own tons of hardcore porn and pedo magazines was only "protecting" the kids. Jesus, get a brain, faggot.

Nobody said Pewds called the shooting. They said the shooter correctly identified him as a dogwhistler. Which is true. The shooter despised him because Felix is at heart an insincere cretin who understands neither memes nor politics.

>to own tons of hardcore porn and pedo magazines

Here are the lies again

>That song had no right to be so good on that shitty soundchip
It had the best sound chip of its generation though?

So if all media is biased then that means we can only trust the court of law then? Good. Because they already deemed him innocent.

it's a coping mechanism freaks like this use. It's never their fault, it's always the jews, muslims, blacks etc...MJ wasn't a pedo, it's the jeooooooooss!!! they made him buy CP!!!!!

legality doesn't mean shit you fucking retard do you take all your morals from what is and isn't legal?

He had over 1800 pictures of hardcore porn. He had multiple "art books" that had full frontal naked kids that were published by convicted pedos. FULL FRONTAL NAKED KIDS. stop being a pedo apoligist.


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Michael Jackson was a vile, disgusting child molester. My heart goes out to Robson and Safechuck. Now gimme those PR points :)

Nigga I love the genesis but no it absolutely doesn't. The only thing the genesis soundchip is good for if you aren't a fucking master of the craft that is chiptunes is buttrock.

why are you denying facts?

Fuck outta here twitter Jew.

>this is the truth because I've made up my mind about it

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You can literally go look at what they found in his house as it's mentioned in the court documents.
It's the truth because we have reports of those things being found on his estate and he never denied that they were his. That wasn't the line of his defense lawyers.

There’s no getting around the bland muffled sound on SNES though, at least on Genesis the masters can make insanely good shit.

Holy fuck bud your IQ is in the gutter. Courts don't find people innocent, they find them guilty or not guilty. And no that does not mean 'we can only trust the court of law' lmao, we trust things off a variety of factors. The problem is you have a disability that makes your reasoning out of whack, so stuff like this is hard for you.

>legal Amazon topseller book which sold millions are hardcore pornography because i say so

So by your logic me having an ar15 means im a mass shooter?

source:trust me dude