I've got one of these things for my PC and everything about it is a big step up from controllers I've had in the past...

I've got one of these things for my PC and everything about it is a big step up from controllers I've had in the past but I am frankly sick of the d-pad on it. I play a lot of games with heavy d-pad usage - any recommendations on a controller I might like, or other controllers worth considering for other reasons?

Attached: red ds4.jpg (3537x3200, 1.58M)

I had one of these cheap bastards in the past and it held up for a while but I got tired of calling Logitech for a replacement when the elastics wore down (though to their credit, any time I needed a replacement under the 3 year warranty they just sent me a new one). I also never realized how shit the analog sticks were until I got the DS4.

Attached: f310.jpg (425x279, 16K)

The d-pad is gold on the ds4. The rocker inside has 4 independent tensile legs which gives it a nice feeling. The only ones better are the DS3 and the Vita and maybe the Saturn and xb1 pro (in my opinion). The Vita is far and away the best d-pad ever made desu.

>30$ gamepad completely outperforms your 70$ds4 controller
nothing personal

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He said he wanted a good d-pad user

Woah look at those epic red outlines, you just know its a hardcore controller perfect for a master pc gamer such as myself.

If only a controller would use the NEO-GEO Pocket's pad. It is the absolute best option for a dpad ever, with light, arcade stick-like clicks for a perfect tactile feel.

Attached: 1200px-Neo-Geo-Pocket-Anthra-Left.jpg (1200x853, 147K)

been enjoying my 8bitdo on PC myself

some people do think the d-pad's diagonals are too sensitive, but I like it this way personally (I was using a DS4 before, and I prefer it over it anyway)

Attached: .jpg (1394x1092, 97K)

>batterie holds 7 days on straight usage
>has turbo button to create macros etc.
>comfi grip due that hit on its sides, feels extremly comfy in your hand
>play for days nonstop without pain in your fingers
complain about the looks all you want, meanwhile i enjoy playing games

>tfw your favorite d-pad ever is the vita's and it'll never be on a proper controller
and I think this despite having used controllers since the nes/snes/genesis

shame the rest of the buttons on the vita are pretty shit (especially shoulders)

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Came to post this.

The sticks are shit if you're playing shooters but work well enough for everything else. And the D-Pad is plenty good for such a cheap controller.

It sucks that Logitech refuses to change the F310's deliberate cross-shaped deadzone because they are mimicking some old xbox controller stick design.
Although, that cross deadzone makes its analog sticks strangely really good for fighting games and other 2D games as the cross makes it easy to hit cardinal directions.

Attached: 626x0w.jpg (960x640, 81K)

this fucking guy right here gets it

whose dick do I have to suck to get a controller with the xbone layout (or switch pro its starting to grow on me), neo-geo pocket pad in d-pads spot, responsive triggers that are as comfy as the ds4, and if I'm not being too greedy maybe 2 smaller extra buttions on the right side similar to the xbox HUGE controller.

just tell me and I'll get suckin

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I have a ds4 and the Bluetooth reception is terrible. I have to sit with the controller less than a meter from the back of my pc where I have a usb Bluetooth dongle. Any further away and I can frequent (Like once every minute or two) input lag.
What's going on? Is my Bluetooth just shit? I have a bluetooth speaker and it works fine from like 5 meters away and through glass. I'm considering buying an Xbox controller and seeing if that works any better.
Also I have tried connecting through ds4windows and steam and I have this issue with both.

Is there any controller with a D-pad that "clicks" like an arcade stick ? I'm kinda shit a fighting games and I feel it would help me to get better with 623, 41236 and the like.

Maybe after Zowie is done making meme monitors with no-screen-peeking blinders and pink Girls' mouse peripherals, you can suck them off for the ultimate controller.

cheap bluetooth dongles are usually garbage (glad I got proper integrated bluetooth on this new PC, my old one gave me a lot of trouble)

...and a wireless controller will typically try to save on power unlike a speakers that's plugged in, meaning weaker signal

I haven't messed with DS4 wireless much though, the battery runs dry so fast that I gave up and used it only wired. Or was anyway, I use a 8bitdo wirelessly now

I sometimes play at 4-5 meters from my PS4 and I never had a problem. Try to borrow somebody else Bluetooth dongle to see if it resolves the problem. I try to avoid dongles as much as possible since I often find them buggy, I had issues with USB wifi dongles myself.

I have tried three different bluetooth dongles myself and my mobo's onboard bluetooth, I have the same trouble and have relegated my old DS4 to connecting with that flimsy microUSB port.
If you have an older model DS4 (the one where you can't see the lightbar through the top of the touchpad), then it may just be the controller being shitty.
If you have the newer model (which has doubled the wireless transfer rate), it should fare much better.

Attached: dualshock-4-light-bar-light.png (555x328, 192K)

>tfw literally taped the wire to the controller (the old type)
whenever I moved it'd sometime randomly disconnect because of that microusb port, was such garbage

more controllers need to use USB-C, that thing is solid as fuck

I've been thinking about trying to solder a USB cord to my DS4. I wish there were an official dualshock 4 with a permanent hard wired connection.
Hopefully the next gen controllers will see significant improvements in connectivity and transmit speed.

Well, I'm not against being able to change the wire easily myself. Lot of my older controllers I have issues with come from the wire having minor internal wear while still being in perfectly good shape. Of course I could still change it but it's such a hassle.

But no more micro usb please.

Legit good d-pads are only found on old or retro controllers.

The DS4 d-pad is not so bad, just plain uncomfortable. Quick maneuvers are not so great there, and for cardinal directions the xbone controller has a better d-pad overall due to its feedback.

The DS3 d-pad was better. It was sort of mushier but not as uncomfortable, while still being precise.

Xbox one controller d-pad is plenty clicky, so much it might annoy some people. The neogeo controller has a weird mini stick that's also digital and does exactly what you're saying.

I liked original PS1 controller d-pad best for those

DS2 "looked" the same but just didn't feel the same, likewise for DS3

Vita's d-pad was amazing though, I was hoping it'd be on the DS4 but that ended in disappointment

I have a PS1 dual shock (not sure if you're talking about the classic controller without the analogs) and honestly I couldn't get used to it. Pretty hard to press, diagonals are only registered if you really try. Which is not the best thing. It's bad to constantly hit diagonals by mistake, but it's also bad when you have to press hard. Maybe it's this particular controller, which was refurbished and it looks basically new, but still.

I have no idea if the DS1 was different, I never had one. So yeah I'm talking of the original non-DS.

I don't remember having any issues with diagonals anyway.

There are dpad hats that you can buy under 1$ on ebay or aleexpress to stick it on your PS3/4 Dualshock.
Improves the gamepad dramatically.

Attached: 39_82_dpad.jpg (500x500, 104K)

The M30 has a great d-pad. It's somehow mushy with a slight click at the end of the press, you tilt the d-pad around instead of pressing in. I'd use it more, but a lot of newer d platformers like dead cells need both sets of shoulder buttons, which is a shame, but with 6 face buttons you can make it work if you really wanted.
It's my goto for emulation though.

forgot the pic

Attached: m30.png (400x300, 28K)