With what console/pc and game did you start, Yea Forums?

With what console/pc and game did you start, Yea Forums?

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Is this the thread where so(n)yboys enter and act all creepy over pictures of kids again?

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Atari 2600


First one I played was my brother's NES, but the first I owned was Sega Genesis.

Why would you play basketball with a ball that doesn't fit?

First game I played was pong because there was a store with an arcade machine with it.

For first console/PC game, I'm not sure. Not even sure if I played my atari 2600 or my old tandy computer first (I had them around the same time).

PC - I remember scorched tanks, inner space, and motherfucking chex quest.
Also a green gameboy which I had donkey kong, donkey kong land, SML2, metroid 2 and Link's awakening for.

stop posting this shit
his face makes me feel sad

SNES, probably Cool Spot or Putty

Ps1/Gameboy pocket but they were my brother´s.
My first real own console was a Gba SP and maybe the ps2 cause it was bought for the 2 of us

Snes with Killer Instict

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The game is pretty impossible to remember,probably Tekken 3 ,Medievil or Driver 2

My parents owned a Gameboy and an NES when I was born. Games were just Mario, Tetris, Dr Mario and some other stuff, later Pokemon.

Mega Drive 2

Started on my bros NES with the first mario.
My first own console was the N64.

>this is your average Nintendo fan

I'm pretty sure the fan is his dad and he's forcing everything on the kid.

Nintendo 64, with my first game ever being Space Invader for that console. My mom and I would play together, and on rare occasions so would my dad and I.

A SEARS pong machine.

Atari 2600

PC, Age of Empires

You mean his wife's son, right?

Gameboy and either Pokemon Red/Blue, Link's Awakening or Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets


nes. I did play a lot of pc though, mainly on the 386. As for games I can't remember, probably the usual mario, megaman, ducktales etc. On pc I remember playing commander keen games, chip's challenge, jazz jackrabbit and a lot of shovelware shit

Original playstation, as for games it was either crash or spyro


I hope he has fun!

A 286 that had 1MB RAM if I remember correctly, no hard disk, a 3.5 inch and two 5.25 inch floppy drives and a hercules monochrome display.
Typing dir in DOS, the lines scrolled down at about 2 items per second.

>Space Invaders N64
Holy shit, my little brother and I would wake up early on school days to play that together and see how far we could get. I think we finished it once.

I think it was Pokemon Red on Gameboy Pocket

why do I have the feeling that this pic wouldn't be posted so often if he was holding a PS4?

>tfw parents bought the computer and they paid extra to get the latest BIGGEST RAM POWER (marketed by the guy working at radio shack) which totaled to 635kB

That was xbox one


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Nintendo 64 grape flavor with pokémon snap and stadium.

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My dad's NES, mid 90s. Born 93.
My first own was a blue Gameboy Colour with Pokemon Red.

Nintendo DS w/ Pokemon Diamond

Some cheap no brand consoles with pre installed 8-16 bit games that were keep breaking constantly but my first console was the ps1 that my father bought me in summer of 98 still remember my first 3 games that he bought me with the console tekken 3 gran turismo 2 and hercules

The NES Ice Climber bundle.

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Unironically PS3 Slim bundle with KZ3

I'm a PC guy and this shit kicks ass, my current PS4/NSW/2DS/gaming rigs don't do the same for me

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>Posting the edit
WOW Nintsoeyntendofags are really pushing their SHITch (because it's shit.)
Not even kids wanna play the BING BING WAHOO baby games.

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Why does OP keep pictures of children on his computer?

nice cropping, faggot


based and repilled. this is for the players. look at this absolute chad

Sega Genesis in like 96

super nintendo
donkey kong

Awwwww what a beautiful angel :3
My first game was sokoban or budokan on the pc around the year 1990. My first console was NES.

Sega Genesis with Aladdin and Sonic & Knuckles.
Windows ‘95 PC with Pitfall and a bunch of Jump Start games.

My first video game experimce was super Mario land on the original gameboy. I suppose my first ever console was a Mega Drive and Sonic the Hedgehog 2, but the megadrive was for certain times only whereas the gameboy was actually mine. This is what i thought Mario was.

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I played this, Tetris and Spiderman.

Never got past the 3rd level in Super Marion Land.

I had a few things in ‘96. My dad configured boot filea for DOS games, I had a SNES with SMW, a NES with CV3 and Solomon’s Key and a Game Gear with Wonder Boy, Sonic 1 and 2, and Star Trek. I don’t remember which was technically my first, but I played SMW a lot by myself and Sonic while running errands with my mother.

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Big ones for me were a crocodile pinball game and Kirbys dream land.

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Follow this up with contra on the nes (or in my region, probotector) and that was my childhood, tetris was the progenitor as I used to watch my mother play before I went to sleep, she was a night owl, took years to out score her though but mp is something she'll never get into.

Didn't become a "gamer" until super mario 64 on the n64 though years later, the gameboy and nes was just a kids toy that I rotated in and out of footballs and shit

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test drive on dos

Cute kid

You upvoted the reddit post, kill yourself you retard.

Seeth harder shitchfag. Children love ps4.
YOur demographic is DEAD

As a ps4 owner I'm disgusted you used such a shitty shop, like come the fuck on I'm using an old ass monitor and I can see the FUCKING PIXELS

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The first game I ever remember playing was Super Mario World on SNES. Dont think we ever had a NES.

Gameboy advance