Give me all of the reasons I should buy this over a PS4...

Give me all of the reasons I should buy this over a PS4? I have a switch for Smash and my PC is good enough to run the Source games.

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X360 and OGXbox backwards compatibility

why in the world would you buy xbox? just buy a new graphics card

>My PC is good enough to run the Source games
Any PC that's not an absolute toaster is good enough to run the Source games. The question is whether or not it can run heavy shit that's on xbone and runs ok. If you can't, go with it. The PS4 is not that great honestly. The Xbox One is a better substitute for PC games than the PS4.

The multiplatform games look and play slightly better than on the PS4.

That's it.

Backwards compatibility and better performance

Sony is unfortunately losing its way yet again due to its success. Censoring games is pretty bad the way I see it, but it's only one manifestation of a company that is losing fear and getting arrogant. MS was guilty of the same in the past (all 360 accessories such as HDD and network adapter are proprietary and expensive, due to the same type of arrogance), but they're being forced into a more humble position right now.
So go for the Xbox.

It’s more powerful but the performance isnt better usually and often even worse

Happened to every single company. Nintendo, Sega, Microsoft and Sony. Honestly for all that arrogance MS had in the 360 days, they weren't asking for 600 USD for a piece of overheating trash with literally no games worth a shit.

Right now they have a decent thing going, but they want the PC market hard.

>the performance isnt better usually and often even worse
Why are you lying?

>they weren't asking for 600 USD for a piece of overheating trash with literally no games worth a shit.
Instead they wanted you to pay 300 dollars every 6 months for when your 360 would get the RROD

Have you heard of performance comparison videos on YouTube?

>dumbass zoomer that only watches youtube and twitch streams instead of actually playing games

The X consistently has a higher resolution and framerate for multiplatform games compared to the Pro

>comparing apples and oranges

just see who has the best exclusives and buy that console

Is it really so hard for you to google those vids to see for yourself?

Which videos show the X performs worse than the PS4? I regularly watch Digital Foundry's analyses

Sorry user I’m too lazy to look for one since I’m on a phone right now.

But I feel like he mentions that the PS4 pro has better frames than the x very often

I love the X. It feels best gen already, 4k games, tons of tv/torrent features. Just a nice luxury console.

Has that whole no games problem however.

This is incorrect. The X beats the pro in every case except 1, and I forgot the game.

It's "The World's Most Powerful Console™".

Only reason to buy it is if you want to play multiplats, but can't afford a really good computer.

For me it simple, count the games you want that you can't get on your other systems and see if it worth it to you.

I got PS4 because I love JRPGs but if I love helo and GOW games or what ever Xbox have I'll get xbox

systems dosn't matter, it all about the games

but most xbox games are on PC, so there no point I think

jrpgs have been known to create autism

And the best JRPGs are definitely not on any console this gen.

I wanted to get it for the best multiplats (e.g. RDR2) and the few remaining Xbox exclusives but Halo MCC port killed this idea for me.


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What is Dark Souls Remastered?

A very poor remaster made as a cash grab because only one of every 3 games they release is worth a shit and they realized that? At the very least fucking name DQXI. Have some decency.

What's with autists and using abbreviations all the time. We're not psychic

Dragon Quest XI. There's not that many popular games that start with that.

doesn't matter, both are on PC

Ace Combat 7 I think, but the devs really don't care for the xbox.

And I don't disagree with you. I don't know why the fuck would someone buy a PS4 for fucking JRPGs of all things.

as far as I know the only way a pro can keep up with an X is if its running at 1080p

only reason to buy an xbox is if your pc is trash and you want the best console for multiplats. BC is a bonus but not all older games are enhanced so they run about as good or bad as they did on their respective consoles.

If you have a severe mental illness.