Well, it's St. Patrick's Day today. Time to post Irish-themed games!

Well, it's St. Patrick's Day today. Time to post Irish-themed games!

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Is this any good? I wanted to buy it but the enemies seem way too simple to be fun. Is it like in SSD where you just mash a single button and the boss dies within 5min?

Combat is quite simplistic. It isn't really that similar to SSD since like a lot of those early PS3 exclusives, it has the Sixaxis controls shoehorned in to its detriment. Though I guess you could say it is a bit like SSD in that it's a so-so game that goes some way towards making up for it with its excellent setting, art direction and soundtrack.

thread theme

>irish themed games
Fuck if I know. Thrones of Britannia, I guess?

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It's not great but still a comfy game. The gameplay gets repetitive and tedious after a while but give it a try if you can find it for cheap.

>tfw dicking around in africa as an ex-IRA

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Basically anything that involves Boston, then.

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One of those cases where the final look is so much better than the concept art.

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Mutts aren't actually Irish


comfy intro

I think it's great.

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Keats' VA did some very good Lovecraft audiobooks for the BBC a few years ago.


Is this the only good game to come from Ireland?

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I sure hope there ain't no GOD DAMN O'DRISCOLLS in this thread...

I don't think I can even think of a single game made in Ireland. Though isn't the Havok Engine from Dublin?

There's like two games taking place in Ireland (this and Folklore) and both of them are solid as fuck. If you haven't played Undying yet, do it.

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Definitely good, but nowhere near great. Deserved better than the perpetual clearance status it seemed to have.

I know it's pretty mediocre, but it's still a shame that Sony didn't bother localizing the sci-fi spinoff. I read somewhere though that it reportedly only sold ~3,000 copies in Japan, so I guess they knew they'd take a bath on it and likely lose money if they did bring it over.

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he was the best Far Cry 2 buddy

I want an Ulster Cycle game.

It was billed as an Arpg but its more action game than rpg.

Just a reminder to Irish and Am*ricans that Saint Patrick was English.

Those designs are pretty cool. How is the game?

No he wasn't. The Kingdom of England and the people it consisted of didn't arrive until centuries afterwards.
Saint Patrick wasn't Irish, he was a Roman Briton from the Cumbria area so if anything he was "Welsh."
However nobody claims he was Irish, he's just the Patron Saint of Ireland.

Mediocre. Basically just a poor man's Raidou that recycles 90% of Folklore's bestiary.

>just a poor man's Raidou

That's pretty damning considering how shitty Raidou's combat was.

Yup, Havok was made there originally.

Irish made games in recent times: Guild of Dungeoneering, The Little Acre are two I know of made here recently.

John Romero is based in Galway now, the original video for his kickstarted game last year had him walking round Galway city.

There is just very little in the way of a game dev scene here, no financial help from the Gov (AFAIK) for game development or tax reduction for dev studios (why Montreal is so jammed full of them), which is pretty crucial for smaller startup studios.

Folklore is one of those games I will remember for the rest of my life as "that PS3 game I kept seeing but never bothered to look into"

What would a Song of The Sea game be like?

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I remember this game being expensive as fuck and now it's 20 bucks on ebay

While not fully set there, one of the rare instances of Ireland appearing in a game.

See also the level with teen Lara from Tomb Raider: Chronicles

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Yeah, game was made on a tiny budget and it shows. Technical performance is also pretty lackluster; you're sometimes looking at 45 second loading screens just between rooms in the hub base. Still, it's kind of notable as a historical curiousity. Was the last non-mobile game that Cozy Okada ever worked on.

Still, there's good elements there. The soundtrack and original character designs are pretty baller.


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Happy Patricks day.

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character design reminds me of xenoblade. Where the hell did Gaia and Okada even go ?


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Mobile hell. Last time Okada was heard from was a consultancy role for some mobile gambling game that Konami were doing.


This was one of the first PS3 games I played, almost forgot about it.

Make be big nostalgia :(

I tried really hard to like it but dropped it in the last level cause I just didn't care and felt like I wasted my time. The levels look nice but are empty and soulless. The gameplay in the town is boring because you're on rails and there's nothing to do, just talk to one NPC then the other. The combat and monster collecting isn't deep and requires grinding.

Any games about destroying gaelic kingdoms retard tribes and uniting Ireland under Britain instead of the island being 50 independent shithole countries if we hadn't civilized them and got rid of their caveman language.

You're not very clued in on your own history, are you?
>caveman language
True, the Irish language is very old. It's the oldest vernacular language in Europe, in fact
>50 Independent shitholes
Ireland had more advanced laws than England and very few large wars until the 9th Century or so, user. Of all the places in Europe, Ireland was a relatively great place to live whether you were a soldier, a king or a peasant.
Considering it took England almost 500 years to actually conquer Ireland and they almost lost it completely several times, I wouldn't say they were destroyed.

>civilised them
But it was the Irish who civilised you; the Christianisation of Britain and Scotland would have been very hard without the Irish.
Where did the paddy touch you, user?

the level of seething in this post

We need more Irish characters in vidya.

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