Valve Turning Off "Review Bombing"

Is Yea Forums such a Valve shill board that there's no active thread talking about this?
>Some time ago we made some changes to how we presented the User Reviews for games, and their resulting Review Score. We talked about those changes in this blog post. As we describe in that post, we want to ensure that players who've played a game can voice their opinions about why other people should or shouldn't buy the game, and that our summary of those opinions into a single Review Score should represent the likelihood that a future purchaser will be happy with their purchase.
>Since that post, we've continued to listen to feedback from both players and developers. It's clear to us that players value reviews highly, and want us to ensure they're accurate and trustworthy. Developers understand that they're valuable to players, but want to feel like they're being treated fairly. We've also spent a bunch of time building analysis tools to help us better understand what's happening in the reviews across all titles on Steam. With that feedback and data in hand, we think we're ready to make another change.
>That change can be described easily: we're going to identify off-topic review bombs, and remove them from the Review Score.
Oh, and remember, thinking a company has shit practices, over-priced DLC, or even DRM that slows down performance to a crawl isn't a reason to leave a "bad" review. And all these "bad" reviews that Valve algorithms will consider bombings are hidden by default.

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Other urls found in this thread: Newell

I forgot the link.

LMAO! and people said steam was consumer friendly!

>click checkbox
>see millions of shitty ASCII copypasta reviews
Wow, that was so hard, amirite?


But it is.

>>click checkbox
That the majority of users won't know exists? Why would it be left on by default?
Dumb Pcbro. No doubt if Epic included this you'd be foaming at the fucking mouth, but it's OK if Gaben fucks people over.

>implying those aren't the best reviews

It is just that criticizing Valve for clicks has become the norm
last year, they were complaining about Valve not censoring some school shooter assets flip, and that made worldwide news
now that Valve literally censores Rape Play or whatever is called, we had news hit pieces about how Valve IS CENSORING THE PLATFORM, AND HOW BAD THAT IS
now the review bombing was the same deal: they added a way to detect a review bomb scenario, and you can either enable or disable the incident... and blogs complained
now Valve literally spend money on having people study the review bomb case to please those fucks, and now they complain about once again muh censorship
it is pathetic... all they want is clicks, Epic shilling, and (You)s...

Based steam.

Shill alert

Shilling for what? GOG? Absolutely. Fuck Gaben and fuck Epic.

>censoring negative reviews
Fucking hell, Valve, you were supposed to not be huge corporate sell-outs like Epic. Sure the meme reviews are a pain, but negative reviews are important if the game is a huge scam, doesn't work or genuinely bad.

>censoring consumers
>consumer friendly
pick one

What does this have to do with anything at all? If the implication you're making is that it's the fault of SJWs for influencing Valve as if they somehow work at the fucking company, then you're out of your mind. This is Valve's call. And they designed this in the worst possible way.
But it's not even meme reviews. They literally do not accept complaints about DRM as a valid review despite there being tons of proof about DRM affecting performance to an insane level.

Come back when egs has any kind of reviews, Cheng.

Unironically having no reviews might be better than censored ones that are only supposed to show you the positives. What Valve are doing is Twitter-tier.

Did they explain what the flags are for what a worthless review is?
I didn't notice any of my reviews get removed, and I wrote a fair few controversial ones, or ones that dogpiled on a pretty bad game that was already getting dogpiled.

It's literally in the FAQ.
>Q: I care about some things that I worry other players don't, like DRM or EULA changes. Review bombs have been about them in the past. Do you consider them unrelated or off-topic?
>A: We had long debates about these two, and others like them. They're technically not a part of the game, but they are an issue for some players. In the end, we've decided to define them as off-topic review bombs. Our reasoning is that the "general" Steam player doesn't care as much about them, so the Review Score is more accurate if it doesn't contain them. In addition, we believe that players who do care about topics like DRM are often willing to dig a little deeper into games before purchasing - which is why we still keep all the reviews within the review bombs. It only takes a minute to dig into those reviews to see if the issue is something you care about.
>Q: Does this mean you'll be going back to identify and remove old off-topic review bombs?
>A: Based on internal conversations and consultation with some of the partners that have experienced off-topic review bombs, we decided not to unilaterally grandfather in what's happened in the past.
tl;dr: your reviews aren't getting removed like in the past, they're basically shadowbanned from appearing

I always check the recent and top rated comments, and how the reviews have changed over time.
Usually, if there has been some fuck-up somewhere along the line by the devs, it't easily identifiable. Or if there is something profoundly broken in the game that isn't immediately obvious.

Take the 3D GTA games for instance. I was just about to buy them until I read in a review that they were missing key tracks in the soundtrack. The radio is such an integral part of the games that it was a no-buy for me. Would such a bad review have been identified as a review bomb?

This, epic said they are going to do a star review system instead that can be enabled/disabled.
Meaning if it is disabled you know that the game/devs are shit.

They would probably ignore it if it was only you, but take action if the game got bombed because missing a few songs isn't relevant to new players or whatever.

also the thumb down is not counted into the review, meaning most controversial games will get an upptick in positive reviews.

So... games like Total War which got bombed because they included literal spyware in their software get pardoned, because apparently such a thing is not "interesting to the average gamer"?

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It doesn't add either to the rating, that's the point.

I am answering your question about this board not giving a fuck about another political decision in muh vidya
journos create outrage on the regular, and many people already know it, and stopped caring a while ago
Valve also always gives the choice to activate the system or not

>They literally do not accept complaints about DRM as a valid review despite there being tons of proof about DRM affecting performance to an insane level.
Source for those reviews being invalid?
The shilling against steam has made me wary about just trusting claims like this.

Sorry, but if it's not about the gameplay, art design, or soundtrack, it's not relevant :).

>Unironically having no reviews might be better than censored ones that are only supposed to show you the positives. What Valve are doing is Twitter-tier.
that is not what is happening
they are going to remove obvious reviewbomb reviews like the ones on the Metro games

While shitty they're not wrong. The average gamer is a moron.

Have you ever seen a positive review bomb?

This will still result in average reviews increasing because most raids are about people being displeased with something.

Why do you not just click my link?
Scroll down or read what I posted here Gaben is fucking us over with this one.

>mention mosque in a twitch chat
>streamer is aussie
>starts shivering and requests a ban
thin skin i tell you,maybe steam is right for doing this people are getting too sensitive.

Disregard this i suck dicks, took me two seconds later to read the faq.

>Fucking hell, Valve, you were supposed to not be huge corporate sell-outs


That doesn't really affect the quality of the games that much though. Imagine your favorite game, now imagine it runs 10% worse, would you suddenly hate the game, I doubt that, it would be a bummer but it's not really worth tanking the review scores. People just use steam reviews as a soapbox which defeats the purpose of the system.

i dont really care too much about reviews because so many of them are:
>the game started for me so that's good.
>0.9 hours played
>800 people found this helpful

>2.4 hours played
>12 million people found this helpful
>the entire galaxay found this funny

most games i'll just peek at the forums and if most of the threads are about how the game is fun, challenging, we want a sequel, great music, etc. etc. i'll go start looking at youtube footage from yo whats up its yo boy youtuberfaggot99931 and mute it and watch as much gameplay as i can.

>release shitty game
>it gets nothing but negative reviews
>have them all deleted because it looks like "review bombing"

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id take that over epic store spyware

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Or you could try using your head a bit and type an actual review, instead of spamming low quality shit. Jesus fucking christ, ti's that easy.

You are only making a stronger point as to why review bombing is the only useful thing about this feature. It allows you to see that something is deeply wrong with the game (or devs) immediately. Reviews are helpful to find out whether or not a game has been abandoned/supported, or is full with shitty DLC and malware. That is its main utility. And that's what Valve thinks isn't relevant criticism and are taking away.

>Have you ever seen a positive review bomb?
All the fucking time, basically every chink shovelware.

every major release has a buttload of hired shills bump up the score on day1, yes

>Have you ever seen a positive review bomb?
games have been banned because of that. a bunch of animu shovelware was banned for manipulation only a couple weeks ago.

People like the Chinese go through and drop tens of thousands of negative reviews on games for silly reasons, if you're going to have a review system that plasters scores on a game then it needs credibility and too many retards abuse the system for giggles.

I wish this would mean the death of threads on here that are just a screenshot of a mixed/negative score for a recently released game with "OHNONONO" on it, but I know the 'people' that make those threads will continue no matter what.

It takes a whole second to scroll down and see what the reason behind the bombing is. Why are you pretending that's not the case?

>the majority of users won't know exists
Vale pushed through a notification to every steam account for this post. If you actually read reviews (lol) you'll know it exists.
Why are you so intent on creating conflict?

I never once in my life considered a Steam review.
Thats oe of the things Steamdrones add to the list:

Who takes them seriously? Most of the time its some fucking autist with 2000+ hours saying:
>Its not bad
with other autists giving him 1000+ upvotes because its so LE RANDOM

Why not just add a flag to 'review bomb posts' and allow the user to decide if they want to see them or not? Really not that hard.

Because reviews aren't meant for people like you and I that have a brain and do our own research on a game, reviews are for the masses who have no patience and just want to buy games based on score and hype.

You can't let the sheep out there be influenced by a horribly abused system like that. A game like PUBG is still completely flooded by Chinese/Asian negative review bombing and a stigma exists around it now that makes people think it's a broken mess when it isn't.

>Vale pushed through a notification to every steam account for this post.
Most people won't see it or understand the implications.
>Why are you so intent on creating conflict?
It's conflict that people on Yea Forums are universally Valve shills that refuse to criticize Gaben in any way? You're called an Epic shill for saying anything bad about Steam.

Because that would make it very easy for people to see them and decide not to buy the game. By hiding this in preferences, something most users never fucking check and later won't know the existence of, they get to eliminate these unfavorable reviews permanently. If they were truly sincere they'd have a toggle on the actual page of every game. But they aren't.

imagine judging a game based on what some literal who says.
steam reviews are a cesspool of retardation and you should only judge a game by seeing gameplay or even abusing steam's refund feature.

>>Why are you so intent on creating conflict?
lmao. just look at every epic store thread ever. chinks cant defend epic so they all attack steam. defending epic and attacking steam is synonym for being a chink now, and its all your own fault

>Most people won't see it
If you open steam, you will see it. Don't be disingenuous.
>or understand the implications.
The implication that you press a button and nothing changes for you?
>It's conflict that people on Yea Forums are universally Valve shills that refuse to criticize Gaben in any way?
It's clear intent when you try to bring up Epic Vs. Steam Shill Battles where they don't apply.

>its all your own fault

>You can't let the sheep out there be influenced by a horribly abused system like that.
Okay, but you're pretending as if them being negatively influenced momentarily is a big problem. It's not. In the very WORST CASE SCENARIO, they won't be spending their money, and they will later when they read some more on the game.
On the other hand, without this enabled, it will be super easy for someone to buy a game, play past the 2h mark, and then find out the game is a pile of shit - in which case their money is gone permanently.
So how exactly can you defend there not being negative bombings when they are (at least for consumers) basically harmless?

>If you open steam, you will see it. Don't be disingenuous.
Yeah, they'll see it, and ignore it. It's a fucking tiny thing at the top, not a major pop-up, and you have to read the full thing to get an idea of what this means. Not to mention that it's only going to be the most recent update TODAY. So that means that starting next week that's GONE.
FUCK YOU with this blatant shilling, you dopey fucking cunt. There are more than a million people online right now. That update has maybe 20k views, going by the comments and votes, maybe. But yeah, I'm sure EVERY USER is suddenly informed and will turn that off.

I'd rather people see a more fair assessment of a game and base their purchasing decision off of that. What does anyone, ANYONE gain from review bombed scores?

There is absolutely no point to even having a review system if it's not going to be policed and provide meaningful information and opinions on a game, if Valve isn't going to go through and get rid of all the garbage clogging the system it's harming them, the devs, and the consumer.

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>can't write valvedr*ne
>suprised vavle bootlickers don't talk about this
how new are you really?

>Yeah, they'll see it, and ignore it.
Bit presumptuous. I find it odd that you assume someone who ignores site updates is making extensive use of community features and researching their purchases on the platform. Do you assume that everyone who isn't you is daft?
>FUCK YOU with this blatant shilling, you dopey fucking cunt.
Settle down. There is no need to lose your temper over a banal discussion of review metrics.
>That update has maybe 20k views
Do you have any facts whatsoever to back that up?
>But yeah, I'm sure EVERY USER is suddenly informed
They literally are, as you well know.
>and will turn that off.
Most wouldn't care enough to turn it off because it doesn't impact their experience at all.

I chose to keep things as they were because I appreciate people who point out DRM / EULA changes. I assume that most people don't care terribly, but that's just an assumption.

when are they going to bring back user tags

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Sadly, Valve had been getting too much flak from gaymen jurnalists lately, so they've been forced to act.

>There is absolutely no point to even having a review system if it's not going to be policed and provide meaningful information and opinions on a game, if Valve isn't going to go through and get rid of all the garbage clogging the system it's harming them, the devs, and the consumer.
Ah, yes, because having the same repetitive reviews saying "GREAT STORY AND MUSIC" without any extensive explanation isn't garbage? They definitely are.
>Bit presumptuous
How is that presumptuous when this story is barely getting any coverage? Unless you're seriously implying people don't care.
>Settle down. There is no need to lose your temper over a banal discussion of review metrics.
Eat shit, dog.
>Do you have any facts whatsoever to back that up?
Considering how many upvotes and comments there are, I'm fairly certain this hasn't been seen by most people.
>They literally are, as you well know.
Now I'm going to ask YOU to back that up.
>I assume that most people don't care terribly, but that's just an assumption.
Whether they care or not is irrelevant considering you can give direct examples of both those things impacting the experience and performance. They are ABSOLUTELY valid reasons for criticism.

Im upset they are gone. Now tags are just what genre the game is like strategy or fps. Which makes them pointless since games were already filtered by that.

>they are going to remove obvious reviewbomb reviews like the ones on the Metro games

It's not exclusive to review bombs. It's a system that detects if a game gets unusually high reviews and then shadowbans those from influencing the review score. Those reviews might be a result from it being review bombed for political agendas OR it might receive a lot of negative reviews due to the game not working properly after a patch. It doesn't and can't distinguish between legit and activistic reviews.

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Aren't they already are user-defined? The only problem with it is that some categories are left unavailable, like Samurai instead of Ninja.

>How is that presumptuous when this story is barely getting any coverage?
It's possible that not everybody wants this to be as big of deal is you want it to be. "STEAM FILTERS REVIEW BOMBS" doesn't make for a great clickbait headline.
>Unless you're seriously implying people don't care.
I'd say that's more likely than the alternative, which is that everybody mysteriously decides to ignore the alert for a site update.
>Eat shit, dog.
>Considering how many upvotes and comments there are, I'm fairly certain this hasn't been seen by most people.
...I see. You believe that this is a reliable metric? I'm curious where you conjured up the "20K" figure from.
>Now I'm going to ask YOU to back that up.
The blue glowing icon at the top of Steam, next to your messages and your name. Citation delivered.
>Whether they care or not is irrelevant
This is incorrect. Whether or not they care is salient, because if they don't care about "off-topic" reviews then the lack of them appearing is demonstrably not negatively impacting their experience.
>They are ABSOLUTELY valid reasons for criticism
Sure. I get the feeling that Valve will quietly reverse their decision that EULA / DRM reviews are off topic in time.

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>only reads the highest rated reviews on the game page itself
It takes a grand total of three minutes to click into the reviews to find actual information.

It's because of your beloved Epic that Steam had to disable review bombing. THINK ABOUT THAT, FAGGOT.

Would it not have been simpler to disable reviews from China, since 95% of all actual bombing on steam is done by butthurt chinks?

>brainlet normalfags get to be innoculated from legitimate dissent because of a hidden feature that's on by default

Which one of them is the tightest of them all?

>Obviously, there's a grey area here, because there's a wide range of things that players care about. So how will we identify these off-topic review bombs? The first step is a tool we've built that identifies any anomalous review activity on all games on Steam in as close to real-time as possible. It doesn't know why a given game is receiving anomalous review activity, and it doesn't even try to figure that out. Instead, it notifies a team of people at Valve, who'll then go and investigate. We've already run our tool across the entire history of reviews on Steam, identifying many reasons why games have seen periods of anomalous review activity, and off-topic review bombs appear to only be a small number of them.

>Once our team has identified that the anomalous activity is an off-topic review bomb, we'll mark the time period it encompasses and notify the developer. The reviews within that time period will then be removed from the Review Score calculation. As before, the reviews themselves are left untouched - if you want to dig into them to see if they're relevant to you, you'll still be able to do so. To help you do that, we've made it clear when you're looking at a store page where we've removed some reviews by default, and we've further improved the UI around anomalous review periods.

tl;dr - the system just flags it for people to review

>It's a system that detects if a game gets unusually high reviews
>and then shadowbans those from influencing the review score
something you made up

i guarantee you reviews like pic related will never be affected by this system

That's a good idea, it will filter out all those "game is good but company did X so I give it 0/10" reviews.

I don't care about Valve much, too. I'll install Epic Store if they ever release a game I'm interested in.

I still can't tell if people are just really greedy and pretending to be incompetent to cover for more serious shit or both greedy and incompetent.

>release good game
>it's broken or dysfunctional because of DRM
>delete all reviews calling it out
>normalfags keep buying

this has to violate some advertising law clause

Reminder that Steam dronse brought this on themselves

Reminder Steam drones try to bury anything (and anyone) negative about Steam

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>chinese spam for retarded reasons
>Yea Forums spams against anti consumer practices
hmmmm which could be better

literally nobody ever buys a game because of a review, and I doubt anybody but the most toddler of children did 30 years ago.

Get the fuck out, Sonyfag.

i dont have a problem with this, review bombing seems a bit... asian to me.

pretty sure the game being broken is considered on-topic
DRM/EULA being invasive isn't considered on-topic, which I think is the only actually valid critique

Tell me user, is there a single person who even reads those reviews on Steam? Does anyone even care? If I want to read other peoples opinions, I come here

Both are retarded holy wars fought by retards - one just doesn't speak English

show me a game worth buying with a "mixed" review tag

This is a good thing

I want to see if a game is good, not if people are butthurt because it has women as generals in Rome or something.

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monster Hunter world

It's a blanket system that takes the average review per day for a whole week of a game's release and if it exceeds a certain percentage threshold it will hide your negative review from the score. It would be unrealistic for valve to manually veto every review. What they do is have the system present a game as a case in its entirity and if the moderator determines that there is a review bomb happening, then it will shadowban all of them. They don't review each single game review at all.

Monster Hunter World was mixed for a long time because it would disconnect you from lobbies, it was/is still a great game

MHW if you're into that sort of thing

Amusingly, the review on the left is more eloquently written.

>I'd say that's more likely than the alternative, which is that everybody mysteriously decides to ignore the alert for a site update.
It's not mysterious at all. Very few people read the updates to ANYTHING, you disingenuous rat piece of shit.
>I'm curious where you conjured up the "20K" figure from.
I assumed that the best case scenario for how many people looked at it given how there's only a few thousand likes.
>The blue glowing icon at the top of Steam, next to your messages and your name. Citation delivered
Which most people don't click and will conveniently be gone tomorrow, but that's okay, because you're just a paid shill here to do your job and defend the people paying you.
> Whether or not they care is salient, because if they don't care about "off-topic" reviews then the lack of them appearing is demonstrably not negatively impacting their experience.
It's going to impact their experience negatively whether they care or not, as we already established above. Do you have anything apart from PR-tier defenses, you disgusting filth?
>I get the feeling that Valve will quietly reverse their decision that EULA / DRM reviews are off topic in time.
Yeah, just like they cleared up Episode 3 and are going to fix Artifact :).

Nier Automata

>who is louis ck for 100

also a lot of reviews "it doesn't run above 40 fps on my laptop!!!"

right on
so you don't think that, after the problem has been fixed, those reviews should be discounted?

>. Those reviews might be a result from it being review bombed for political agendas OR it might receive a lot of negative reviews due to the game not working properly after a patch. It doesn't and can't distinguish between legit and activistic reviews.
where are you getting all that? the system is already in place, the difference being that now there is a review team, in charge of "the news" such as the Metro case, that got all the franchise reviewbombeb because chinks

>game introduces a female in an update
>suddenly 10000 angry virgins who've never played the game leave bad reviews
>somehow this isn't bad

partly this
this fucking board think it is beyond shill video games journalist but it just seeth as hard as them

I'm not really sure if removing review bombs is the right idea, I don't trust that they'll be able to identify genuine off topic review bombs in the first place.
If they did, I think I'd prefer to have a system where they showed both the general score, the score we'ved had in the past, and the score with the review bomb removed. Like, "Mostly Positive/Mostly Negative", WithoutBomb/WithBomb.
Then maybe show when the review bomb happened, and clue the people into why it happened, and from there you can determine if their grevance matters to you

>holy wars fought by retards
a war against anti consumer practices is indeed holy

You need to have the game to review it

Louis CK never actually talks shit about blacks like how they're dumb and instead talks about how great they are, how big their dicks are, etc

The typical hacky comedian thing to do - can't believe retards like you worshiped this guy

>remember, thinking a company has shit practices, over-priced DLC isn't a reason to leave a 'bad' review
That is correct, zoomie. Game reviews should review the game, not complain about the company.

that distinction is going to be way too ambiguous to enforce, it'll end badly
>because it has women as generals in Rome
but that's not what people are ever angry about though is it

>It's not mysterious at all. Very few people read the updates to ANYTHING, you disingenuous rat piece of shit.
Your habit of dramatizing your sentences with capslock is getting tedious. Again, I'd like you to make literally any support of your argument.
>I assumed that the best case scenario for how many people looked at it given how there's only a few thousand likes.
Alright, so you made it up out of thin air to be dramatic. You could have just said that.
>Which most people don't click
Are you projecting, or do you just assume everyone who isn't you is daft?
> because you're just a paid shill here to do your job and defend the people paying you.
The rest of your post is more manic drama. I don't think I have much to gain by speaking with someone who refuses to be honest. If it's all the same to you, I think this will be the last (You) I throw your way.

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>game is nonfunctional
>you get spied on
seems pretty cut and dry, unless there's a serious hypothetical that I'm missing. always a possibility because im basically a retard

>Valve shill board
yes, you can't even say valvedr*ne here

a video game is a product. if customers are not satisfied with it for any reason then that should be visible to everyone else. protecting the corporation behind the product is not the way to go. if people would protest outside because their government is banning access to Yea Forums through a ISP block, then the government wont dismiss you either and wont say its fine because youre pedophiles.

>so you don't think that, after the problem has been fixed, those reviews should be discounted?
But removing 'review bombs' doesn't happen after the problem in question is fixed, it just happens whenever Steam notices a large influx of negative reviews and sends it off to the publisher to decide.

>in a world where cut content is resold as dlc, dlc being overpriced is not a valid reason to leave a bad review on the game the dlc is for
you don't get to call anyone a zoomer user, if you're a 30 year old boomer you should be bitter about the state of the industry and detest the very existence of modern dlc models

yeah but who gets to say what's "dysfunctional" that's completely up to the standards of the consumer, one could argue that a game being capped at 30 because the DRM is tanking performance isn't technically dysfunctional because you can still play the game

>Nothing like this will EVER happen on Steam again

Based Steam blowing the FUCK out of consumers

Attached: jc4 reviews.jpg (1640x948, 97K)

Reminder to all anons that this faggot is an Epic shill

i think you're sidestepping my point
the specific instance im talking about is the bug which prevented people from playing the game and was then fixed
if the problem had a short-term existence with short-term consequences and was subsequently fixed, should that define the way in which the product is received for the duration of its lifetime?
>defending corporations
idk man im mostly thinking about the people that put time and effort into making a game and then someone fucks up a line of code and then poof sales drop on that platform because a bunch of people got pissed for the short while it was affecting gameplay
not really a "defending" X or Y issue so much as I think it contributes to a culture of homogenization of taste but that's a conversation for another thread

>removing 'review bombs' doesn't happen after the problem in question is fixed, it just happens whenever Steam notices a large influx of negative reviews and sends it off to the publisher to decide.
did we read the same post? thought it explicitly said that the publisher is notified after valve's team decides it was off-topic and removed it from the metrics

>Your habit of dramatizing your sentences with capslock is getting tedious.
Suck COCK, you vicious cock-gobbling NIGGER.
>Alright, so you made it up out of thin air to be dramatic. You could have just said that.
No, I made a generous estimate based on the amount of feedback shown on the page. Which is a lot more realistic than your "EVERYONE WILL SEE IT" ridiculous bullshit which you have zero proof for AT ALL, you fucking retarded APE.
>Are you projecting, or do you just assume everyone who isn't you is daft?
The majority of people don't read EULAs and don't read updates. That's not new, and stop using fucking daft, are you 14?
> I have much to gain by speaking with someone who refuses to be honest
Ah, yes, I'm so dishonest by pointing out facts to the shill that's trying to distort those facts with wishful-thinking like all people know what's best for them or read EULAs. Stupid motherfucker.

Attached: STOP (1).png (600x600, 5K)

>game has a Winnie the Pooh reference
>Chinese hivemind review bombs game because SUPLEME LEADEL JINPING GOOD CAPITALISM BAD
>game removed from Steam
>this is somehow a good thing to allow
You are retarded.

Attached: 1550583119875.gif (815x815, 818K)

>asks for a non-black comedian that makes jokes about blacks
>moves goalpost and wants a deranged racist instead


>idk man im mostly thinking about the people that put time and effort into making a game and then someone fucks up a line of code and then poof sales drop on that platform because a bunch of people got pissed for the short while it was affecting gameplay

not that guy but that's the responsbility of the company, those people are paid salaries, they're not victims of anything and in house builds exist to cover exactly these scenarios

the customer is always right even when they're not

>You're a deranged racist if you make jokes at black peoples expense

Now you're getting it, punching up and punching down. It's already ingrained in your system.

>Valve forced to kowtow to devs over consumers

>non-black comedian that makes jokes about blacks
does louis ck ever make a joke at the expense of blacks? most of his stuff seems to fit into the modern white guilt paradigm perfectly fine

I don't think you understand what's happening. It doesn't matter if he types out an actual review or not. Why don't you stop being retarded?

>Butthurt Chinese players can just buy a game en masse, barely play it, and leave a negative review for anything that even vaguely criticizes their Dear Leader
>will get ignored by default now
What’s the problem?

>idk man im mostly thinking about the people that put time and effort into making a game and then someone fucks up a line of code and then poof sales drop
If you make a videogame and put it on steam, then your intent is to make money off it. Stop making incompetent devs sound like starving entertainers that do it for free. If your assets are garbage and you can't code, then choose a different vocation or get good at your craft. By the time a videogame hits retail, developers were already paid for their time and if you don't write a review then they are being rewarded for not fixing anything.

>did we read the same post? thought it explicitly said that the publisher is notified after valve's team decides it was off-topic and removed it from the metrics
Well all that does is remove one link in the chain, but that doesn't stop my original point - negative reviews aren't squashed when the issue is fixed; they're squashed when ~someone~ considers them to be a review bomb. A game could very well NOT fix the problem and still have the negative press hidden from 95% of users

Maybe you retards shouldn't have review bombed that total war game that added female generals.

Street fighter 5
Latest Monster hunter
DOA6 (its free to play now)

Attached: fat VS flat.jpg (1920x1080, 208K)

>then poof sales drop on that platform because a bunch of people got pissed for the short while it was affecting gameplay

There are statistical smoothing techniques to automatically account for shit like that, this isn't an argument. And if a serious bug is in the game for longer than like two days then it deserves whatever bad reviews it gets. Bootlicking retard.

desu i care more about the product than either consumer or developer
might be an autistic side effect of collecting music for so long and realizing that creator and audience can both be retards while a product remains good and underappreciated

capitalism is bad though

What the fuck does that have to do with anything? Maybe Creative Arts shouldn't have retroactively shoehorned in non-optional fantasy elements to a setting that attempts historical verisimilitude.

>There are statistical smoothing techniques to automatically account for shit like that
>Bootlicking retard.
am i speaking to the hacker known as Yea Forums?

that's not a bad attitude desu

though in some scenarios i would argue it's worth slamming one good / decent game to make way for the ones that could come after

Or the Metro games.

But hey, Steam drones, it's your funeral - I'm only just attending it

Attached: metro reviews.jpg (1362x1017, 83K)

That game would have been removed whether or not it was review bombed, idiot. The chinks will not lose any power from this, only legit consumer issues will be affected.

>Based on the Cold War
>has a female soldier literally called the Mother of Special Forces who gave birth on the battlefield
>this is fine
>Total War 2 has some female generals, with the frequency of it varying depending on the faction
>this is going too far, reviewbomb them

>defending review bombing
>caring about steam reviews

Attached: 1550813940825.jpg (500x371, 48K)

>game removed from Steam
this was the problem, not the review bombing, fuck the chinese, valve are pussies


No it wouldn't, retard. It was removed automatically specifically because it's review score was so negative from the review bombing.

We need to update this image with the the 2019. development of things...

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Are people like you just fundamentally opposed to the concept of artistic integrity or what?

Name a single solution to this, then
>buy game
>barely play it
>leave a negative review because something about it tertiary to the gameplay made you butthurt

>one is made my a completely apolitical jap that makes silly fun games that are classics
>one has it's decisions informed by real world politics
hmmmmmmmmm what could be the difference geee wizz

don't think this applies the way you think it does

MGS3 is not an accurate depiction of anything - it's an anime game.


Are you really that fucking stupid? This entire thread is so full of retards it's hurting me. Did you all come here from tumblr and neofag?

How do you know what is informed by real world politics and what isn’t? All that is is you projecting onto the devs.

Dissenter for game reviews now?

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>How do you know what is informed by real world politics and what isn’t? All that is is you projecting onto the devs.
because of the opinions expressed by employees working at the company? lmao

It would make recent reviews more impactful to the score than old reviews. The discussion was about how old outdated reviews would allegedly affect the score too much. Seems like it applies to me.

"WAHHH DEVS SHOULDN'T BE PUNISHED FOR FUCKING UP" is a retarded argument anyway.

Developer is butthurt. Intern manually dumps your review and several others in an email to Valve. Says the general gamer does not care about whatever you said in the review thus it is off topic. Valve says I agree this off topic, clearly our review bomb machine missed it, and removes it because 2k you make us good money don't go to epic. Mostly positive instead of mixed on the store page. Smiley face emoji.

>It would make recent reviews more impactful to the score than old reviews
do they apply it to overall with that in mind? because they already split them up between recent and overall
>"WAHHH DEVS SHOULDN'T BE PUNISHED FOR FUCKING UP" is a retarded argument anyway.
see weird obsession with punishing people over accurately representing current quality of a product imo but it is what it is I guess

gonna go to bed, nice talking to you

it will happen if your game is shit

Honestly, all this does is make me trust Steam reviews less and see it as another marketing tool to be filtered out in my mind.

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>if you just ignore all the problems it causes and only focus on the one niche thing it fixes, its a good idea!
Ok retard here's a solution: read the reviews in question. You can click on the negative-review peak in the histogram and look to see what people are complaining about. If it's Chinese shitposters chimping out over no translation, you can simply ignore that review bomb.

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this, youtube is the only avenue left

Well, thank fucking god.

I'm an indie dev and I don't want my game's score being determined by a bunch of fucking neckbeards reviewbombing me out of petty spite.

Thank you, based Valve.

>removing review bombs like Metro
what the fuck steam, why are they submitting to the fucking chinks.
all hope is lost for pc.

>have features that puts you vastly above Epic and makes you an essential part of the PC experience
>'fuck that, let's remove it instead'
Incredible reasoning from Valve yet again. It's almost like they want to lose even their consumers' trust and become a glorified platform for mods and porn games only.

Gamers rise up! We need a new pro-consumer revolt now!

unless EA pays a guy you follow for positive exposure and content flags all EA content they have if they don't agree*

You can't be serious. Name one guy that does serious videos that aren't just whining about perceived SJW shit. There's Ross, but he only cares about dead games.

Give me an alternative to steam and I'll use it provided it isn't more expensive.
I've never like Steam

This. It's not hard to find cocksucking SJWs working on games

And then when you play them, oh would you look at that, faggots, trannies, blacks, women in leadership positions, etc

Attached: optimized-hg2u.jpg (1144x1027, 76K)

this is the only post i will make about e celebs
mandalore is an absolute lad who just chats about games and doesnt throw in le epic Yea Forums memes everywhere
although he is most certainly a Yea Forumsirgin on account of that one vid he forgot to scrub about shazbowl
cant speak on his opinions themselves but he gets down to meat and potatoes and i appreciate it. just a dude who likes games.
ross is also good.

hope u appreciated this post because in never engaging in e celeb cancer again on this board

Mandalore is boring
Seth is better

They are including an option in the settings to show all reviews regardless.

Buy older games and new releases from GOG, and if you must play DRM shit like Ubisoft games just buy them directly on their service and avoid having to use two services to play a single game.
GOG has been WAY AHEAD of Steam for years and is only now getting a real hit by taking away the bonus cash you get for regional purchases. For example, if you pre-order Imperator on GOG you get 5 euro in your account (at least I do) for ordering from a different country. A permanent 5 euro that you can use to buy other games. When has Steam EVER done this? Never. Sadly they can't keep supporting it and they'll remove it, but it does show that CDPR cares more about consumers than Valve ever has. Every good thing Valve does was pushed on them by literal governments threats.
The only games to buy on Steam are those that use a lot of workshop integration. That's IT.

Do they count towards the overall count though?
This bullshit is a perfect example of a company reaching late stage and doing shit they don't need to do just to keep their employees busy

>Game companies be like
>LOL negative reviews wont do a thing
>V valve they are review bombing us please delete them plox! r russian bots! r racist trolls!

Attached: fem.jpg (715x1133, 161K)

I already use GOG as much as possible, but they lack most modern games

fuck u not gonna engage

The option is hidden, and there's been no store-page announcement which means most people aren't even going to know a change even happened

No reviews are being removed, only the effect they have on the overall rating of the game. You can still see all the reviews made during a review bomb

It's true though.
I'm sorry for supporting someone who isn't ashamed of being an user rather than a guy who pretends to be a regular guy to appeal to the mainstream normies

>Be Valve
>Remove games that offend SJWs
>Remove negative reviews of games that offend Yea Forums
Really makes you think

>my computer is shit and this game doesn't run because im an idiot
this is the most common review I read on stream

well review bombing is something only man children do so who cares.
If a game is only getting bad reviews becuase some man children think theyre making a difference and not because they actually dislike the game then fuck them

>consumer friendly
nice dogwhistle

I mean, then what can I tell you? Pirate them, use Epic or Steam, or get yourself a console. Not much else to say, really.

You bigots are on the wrong side of history.
Progressive values are just the future's common sense

Honestly, it sounds fair enough to me. I think developers are maybe overstating the value of steam reviews, but if a game's review score gets bombed with some shit like "DEVS ARE SJW" or it gets negative bombed in protest of a small recent change when the rest of the game is solid, I can understand moderating that.

Developers are apparently sensitive sallies that hate consumer reviews, so they're trying to play both aisles.

No, no no no no no.
You see, SJWs do this all the time but worse.
They bombard advertisers of websites like Yea Forums that they want shut down with emails telling them lies like Yea Forums is a haven for nazis, they mass flag youtube channels for being politically incorrect, and write hit pieces about people like pewdiepie for making edgy jokes.
This is just using their techniques against them, but for some reason when they're on the receiving end it must be stopped.
Fuck, either allow it or stop acting like cunts yourselves

>perceived SJW

there's two classes of good youtube game reviewers

it's some of the anti sjw's and there's ross, mandalore, sseth, civie

Is it not already a thing that you can only review a game if you have a copy? Make it to where if you leave a bad review, you have to wait till after the refund time limit. Boom. That way people can mass bomb it all they like since they have to put however many dollars on it just to have it stick.

Fuck off you off topic retard.

we've finally reached the day where people start being contrarian about Yea Forums core youtubers, you motherfucker

both mandalore and sseth are old Yea Forums, just like hyperbit, clemps and gamingbrit


Cringe - he's an SJW cuck who still hasn't reviewed Duke 3D despite reviewing every other major build game and fucking Doom.

>youtube game reviewers
>anti sjw's
You realize that monetizing propaganda on a daily basis with minimal research or facts is not a "review"?

he's mide precisely 2 trump jokes and that is all, i wish he wouldn't but it's completely irrelevant and his videos are lots of fun to watch

Civvie is a what now?


It's literally the same guy with different channels. Are you retarded?

it's not propaganda though it's objective truth as admitted by developers themselves

though fair point i should've used a broader term than "review", maybe comentator

>Believes in the Russia interference conspiracy

There's being a leftist and being a full retard

He went full retard

His shitty cancer mouse skits only attack right wing ideas

>pretends to be a regular guy to appeal to the mainstream normies
Ok but which one of them is doing this, because I'm pretty sure Mandalore really is just a normal guy that happens to browse Yea Forums

I can ignore it just fine, but the negative reviews negatively impact the devs because of all the other retards who depend on it

but it's an opt-in thing
you can still see review bombs

>Is Yea Forums such a Valve shill board that there's no active thread talking about this?
>162 posts and 20 image replies omitted. Click here to view.

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>>Believes in the Russia interference conspiracy
>There's being a leftist and being a full retard
>He went full retard
post proof

do you understand the concept of time?

The consumer doesn't deserve a say, only professional paid reviewers and check marked twitter users do.

Terminator Skynet video, now I'm dropping it because I want to stay on topic and not discuss your favorite eceleb faggots.

Brooo, lol. Please. Just the other week I was getting endless reccs about CAPTAIN FUCKING MARVEL from these cucks's gaming channels because Brie Larson said mean things. Or when Dragon Age 4 was announced, they went on a shit-flinging fest because a dev on Twitter made some innocuous statement about the games being inclusive.
These people are nothing more than money-grubbing cockroaches that nave nothing constructive to say and that blow out everything out of proportion with their abysmal reaches.
Like, there are some OK channels like LaymenGaming, but for every one of those there's 1000 Jeremies.

suit yourself

>Bu-but you can disable it
I tried to opt out, the reviews stays just as positive, same % too. Doesn´t work.

Dissenter extension for steam when?

Not only that but it's clear that the majority of new users or just infrequent ones that don't log in daily won't see that and will instead be forced to see the facade put up by Gaben and devs. Fucking hell, people are gullible.

>I can't believe nobody on Yea Forums made a thread about this!
>Is on Yea Forums
>Made a thread about it

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Who is actually getting offended over these reviews? I'm pretty sure it ain't minorities.

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>that nave nothing constructive to say
but they do, and captain marvel wash so shit it has a 63 on metacritic from professional reviewers, as flawed as they can be they are a valuable source of dissent

yeah but one came after the other user haha see what i mean with time?

Now what's stopping them from removing relevant [negative] criticism and just say it was off topic?
This is the good old censorship snowball.

What? I don't even have a dog

>The Steamshill being so goddamn blind to what Steam is doing cause muh chinks
You faggot are so dumb you dont even test the features. You can not go out of the echo chamber, no idea if the option is broken or not, but currently everyone is stuck with review censor.

It's the devs of course

>publisher feels the negative impacts of bad press
Oh good heavens no! Now how will they get a away with making terrible, anti-consumerist decisions?

>DRM, missing content, none working gameplay modes, online not working = REVIEW BOMB
This is crazy shit. When you either can give a like or dislike and the dislike is not an option, then review might as well be dubbed = Positive comments

> and captain marvel wash so shit it has a 63 on metacritic from professional reviewers
Oh yeah, which is super relevant to mention on a gaming channel, because...? Oh wait, there is no reason, they're just trying to get more views by hitting all the controversies in their reach for that day and pretending it's a big deal. And suckers like you eat that shit up.
>are a valuable source of dissent
Do you know what dissent even is, motherfucker? You think some disgusting fat fuck in his 30s whining because some actress said a mean word is dissent? HOLY FUCK. NONE of these channels cover real stories that focus on the real causes of games being trash or that spend their time researching anything. They find anything that they know their gullible tools that follow the "culture war" will engage with and go with that. Get a grip, son. These people are frauds of the highest caliber. Go look, for example, at how Bellular covers stories in his new news channel and then go look at the Quartering leaving out the majority of that info and focusing instead on political bullshit.

Back to your sweatshop, Chang

Civilization 6 has spyware built into it that works even when the game is not running.
Reviews that mention it get deleted.

>write a honest review
>mention the game has a high price
>sorry this is review bombing
Shit system


Steam is spyware but I've been banned from Yea Forums several times for mentioning it

>Reddit realize the problem this is creating
>Yea Forums too dumb to realize this and suck Gabens fat cock
What a world we live in right now.

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The mods on here are all boomers that think Valve and Nintendo can do no wrong. You can post cunny and bestiality, but criticizing Gaben is one step too far.

Serioulsy? That's pretty bad

Fuck off chink

Reddit has been better than Steam for a long time, unironically. Yea Forums and especially /vg/ have become a way worse echo-chamber now. Reddit is still made up of unfunny normies, but they won't ignore a company fucking them up the ass because they sell loli VNs at -20% for one day.

I hate Valve but I also feel a little bad for them. Greenlight, curation, user tags, user reviews, etc., etc. They really had faith their userbase is not just a bunch of retards but you guys proved them wrong again and again and again. Well done, everyone. Clearly Valve is no longer of the opinion people acting like selfish little brats is a "service problem".

tbqh after the China thing I can see why they'd do this

Why is there a thread on this? You can turn the option off.

They should never had faith in their users not being retards because their users were willing to install steam spyware on their system, they're dumb for even using the platform

>Oh yeah, which is super relevant to mention on a gaming channel, because...?
you're the one that started speaking about all anti sjw's channels, not just those handling gaming
>Oh wait, there is no reason, they're just trying to get more views by hitting all the controversies in their reach for that day and pretending it's a big deal. And suckers like you eat that shit up.
Yeah haha the biggest cinema review aggregate site in the world sabotaging itself over politics is totally unimportant haha
>Do you know what dissent even is, motherfucker?
do you?
>You think some disgusting fat fuck in his 30s whining because some actress said a mean word is dissent?
that's adhominem, a loaded question and still technically true yes
>HOLY FUCK. NONE of these channels cover real stories that focus on the real causes of games being trash or that spend their time researching anything.
but there's bunch of games that became trash because of the politics involved though
>They find anything that they know their gullible tools that follow the "culture war" will engage with and go with that.
well this shit is constantly taking place so
>Get a grip, son. These people are frauds of the highest caliber.
no that would be the established gaming press like eurogamer for instance
>Go look, for example, at how Bellular covers stories in his new news channel and then go look at the Quartering leaving out the majority of that info and focusing instead on political bullshit.
yeah bellular covers a single game and then the quartering cover all of creative media and yes politics are very relevant because some people keep inserting it into their products which ruins the fucking fun

Good goyim are programmed since birth to give away their liberties, humanity and soul in exchange for comfort and convenience.

I posted my hosts file here a few weeks ago and a short guide on how to edit the hosts file, but the average tool here is too retarded to even consider it.
I imagine most are directly connected to their home router, with a windows 10 system, steam, chrome with user sync...

Like headless chicken.

Attached: 1508516704048.png (492x512, 270K)

whats sad is that people actually believe this

9/11 The Westington House Scandal Latin American Puppet Dictators Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein CIA Agents The Clinton Blowjob Scandal Nixon Watergate Scandal The Fake Tibetan Protest of 2008 Staged Coup of Colombia The Guantanamo Bay Illegal Occupation The Cuban Missile Crisis and the Turkish Missile Crisis American Cover-Up Trials of Unit 731 The Bombing of Libya Yemen and Syria The Intervention on Yugoslavia The Philippine Genocide of 1900 North-South Agent Orange and the Loss of Vietnam War Area 51 Richard Nixon Andrew Johnson the Illegal Colonialism of American Samoa Guam and other Pacific Islands the Economic Embargo on Mexico The Rape of Okinawa Operation Gladio

Attached: 1537623280773m.jpg (1024x576, 70K)


You think the problem are all the edgy teens going over and drinking the /pol/ koolaid or do you think that the average Yea Forums poster are just dumber consumers than the average reddit poster?

I honestly think that most people here are burgers, and they really do have a hate/fear boner for China, which they are letting themselves be blinded by.

How did we prove them wrong?
>have an option to write a review and say if you approve or disprove
>but you can only disprove of something in parameters I think are right
Off yourself.

Because it's like youtube cutting relevancy. It's a movement to shield devs if they mass piss off the steam users.

Have you all forgotten how steam wanted to monetize mods? Nice goldfish memory Yea Forums

Sand terrorists
>Bind laden
>Clinton bj
Not even going to adress the rest chink

How about this? Jews control USA!

Not even Jews, but this is what you are complaining about. London got muslim mayor cause he is the smartest of the bunch of OILICENCE ON THAT. Off yourself chink.

Well fuck.

Well Yea Forums is a chink site so gtfo! Reddit is that way ------>

>PUNISHING A DEV FOR MAKING A SHIT DECISION, like running to your competitor
Steam is beyond retarded.

hello commie

>9/11 The Westington House Scandal Latin American Puppet Dictators Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein CIA Agents The Clinton Blowjob Scandal Nixon Watergate Scandal The Fake Tibetan Protest of 2008 Staged Coup of Colombia The Guantanamo Bay Illegal Occupation The Cuban Missile Crisis and the Turkish Missile Crisis American Cover-Up Trials of Unit 731 The Bombing of Libya Yemen and Syria The Intervention on Yugoslavia The Philippine Genocide of 1900 North-South Agent Orange and the Loss of Vietnam War Area 51 Richard Nixon Andrew Johnson the Illegal Colonialism of American Samoa Guam and other Pacific Islands the Economic Embargo on Mexico The Rape of Okinawa Operation Gladio
notice how no ones cares because free speech is normal here

Devs are fleeing steam because of epic gamestore. There are talks that rockstars next game will be epic store exclusive

1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre

valveminions lost the capacity of thinking.

>you're the one that started speaking about all anti sjw's channels, not just those handling gaming
The overlap is significant.
>Yeah haha the biggest cinema review aggregate site in the world sabotaging itself over politics is totally unimportant haha
It unironically is, yes.
>but there's bunch of games that became trash because of the politics involved though
Not really, they're trash because they're trash. Not catering to SJWs wouldn't change that they are bad fucking games, now would it?
>no that would be the established gaming press like eurogamer for instance
They both are. How much of a partisan hack are you?
>yeah bellular covers a single game and then the quartering cover all of creative media
Hardly changes the fact that Bellular is objective and does research when they cover the exact same stories as opposed to FEMINISM BAD over and over for the entirety of a 10m+ video. But I guess just like SJWs, hard work and objectivity eludes these cucks.
>>yes politics are very relevant because some people keep inserting it into their products which ruins the fucking fun
>tell people to make their own games
>devs insert the politics they want in the games they make which other people agree with and buy
What exactly is the problem here? Do you not believe in free speech? You want censorship? Like, you are so fucking dumb you're unable to see you're as much of a pathetic snowflake as those SJWs you spend all day criticizing. Let them play their games and go play your own. What's the problem here?

the butthurt would be glorious

Yep, they're also censoring profiles.

And because Fortnite isn't on Steam, they get a free pass from all the cum-guzzling valve drones on Yea Forums.

Attached: VALVE.png (804x235, 23K)

May your tribe and bloodline perish, kike.

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the answer to this is for them to start taking a lower cut than epic, not to piss people off by becoming more like epic's bad ways

>multi billion dollar corporation makes product
>people unhappy with said product
>"anyone who reviews our game badly because we lack a sense of responsbility is a troll or bot"

Imagine if the united stated of america dehumanized its citizens by claiming that different political groups are trolls and therefore not have the freedom to assembly.

Attached: 4536123123.jpg (1280x1453, 956K)

Nobody cares of your chink boogymen.

>Epicshills actually think this

Welcome to the threat matrix goy...

clearly you do, bitch

So instead of lowering their cut, they prefer to piss off their userbase?

I'll probably just go back to pirating now. I found Steam reviews were pretty accurate, and I'd rarely get burned on Mostly Positive games. Now that isn't true.

>off-topic review bombs
Boomer here, I don't read reviews for a living. What the fuck does this mean?

Well, when you consider these "humans"

Attached: 1552290169092.jpg (807x767, 106K)

>have option to write review of game
>instead use that space to engage in bullshit slacktivism, often slacktivism unrelated to the product you are ostensibly reviewing

That is how you proved them wrong, retard.

It's probably true. Still, a company like Rockstar would profit more if they created their own distribution platform.

>Q: I care about some things that I worry other players don't, like DRM or EULA changes. Review bombs have been about them in the past. Do you consider them unrelated or off-topic?

>A: We had long debates about these two, and others like them. They're technically not a part of the game, but they are an issue for some players. In the end, we've decided to define them as off-topic review bombs. Our reasoning is that the "general" Steam player doesn't care as much about them, so the Review Score is more accurate if it doesn't contain them. In addition, we believe that players who do care about topics like DRM are often willing to dig a little deeper into games before purchasing - which is why we still keep all the reviews within the review bombs. It only takes a minute to dig into those reviews to see if the issue is something you care about.

Attached: Honkhonkhonk.png (463x242, 29K)

>deleting spam and shitposts
Don't you have a tuxedo pepe thread to make?

Review bombs are the most important type of review. Most reviews are just LE RANDOM XD or "i got VAC banned! This game sucks". Review bombs are when thousands of people all agree a game sucks for the same purpose

>you can only disprove of something in parameters I think are right
Pottery. Off yourself.

>you can disable the filter to see the reviewbomb statements
>Only the review score is affected by steam policing
>Earlier reviewbombs not going to get cleaned up
I fail to see a problem with this. Everybody knows that scores are bogus anyway, as absolute shit like s;g0 and god eater have high positive scores, and you can find the reviews and read them. Do Epicshills even read? Are they so pathetic that they need to look for the tiniest excuse to throw a shitfit?

tl;dr, it means that if the expected amount of reviews is exceeded (due to any sudden change or PR), they will stop negative reviews affecting the review score on the store page. Say if a game stopped working after a patch and people would make negative reviews en masse, it would only show the score before the negative reviews happened.

I think it's mostly a result of the fact that people on Yea Forums all operate under the same consensus. Though this website is supposed to promote free speech and dissent, it does the exact opposite and the majority of people either cling to one narrative or at best get split up into two different factions with a few lost voices here and there. It's really sad. Yea Forums is almost an exact opposite of what it should be in theory.

Amazing isn't it that you can't talk about the thing before you make a thread about the thing.

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Yes, high fees and reviewbombing in GTAV left a sour taste in rockstars mouth.
Red Dead Redemption 2 will be an epic store exclusive.

>>That change can be described easily: we're going to identify off-topic review bombs, and remove them from the Review Score.
And what's the problem with this, chink?

>Make good game
>get good reviews
>Make shit game
>Get bad reviews
Its that fucking simple

>>Imagine if the united stated of america dehumanized its citizens by claiming that different political groups are trolls and therefore not have the freedom to assembly.
>implying this hasn't happened already countless times
Do you just believe whatever CNN tells you?

>If all the parameters exist only in my mind then nobody can tell me that I'm wrong

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That's not true. If there is a review bomb, it's forwarded to someone in Valve who will judge whether the review bomb is about problems with the game itself or something ancilliary to the game (i.e. some sort of social media outrage)

One could argue that no matter how well written review you give, if its negative the devs will mark it as off topic and 99% of steam normies wont even seen it and it wont be coubted towards the
>overwhelmingly negative
>mostly negative
>mostly good
>overwhelmingly good

But on other hand people buy call of duty every single year in premium preorders anyway so really: does anybody think we can protect
>the fools and their money?

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>Finally, we've also enabled you to opt out of this entirely, if that's your preference - there's now a checkbox in your Steam Store options where you can choose to have off-topic review bombs still included in all the Review Scores you see.

Anyone screaming about this is retarded. As usual Valve is making it a user preference.

It's better in that now I can filter review bombs for social issues I don't care about. Such as a Chinese leader looking like a gay honey eating bear

>Gaben is fucking us over with this one.
How? I don't want to see retards like you bombing reviews just because you don't like the developer. Fuck off.

Take that crap to twitter. Steam game reviews is not a space intended for your political bullshit, it's a space intended for REVIEWING GAMES, retard.

>Sonyfags defend censorship
>valvetrash defends censorship
>Nintendo doesn't censor any more
What the fuck is going on?


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A single negative review isnt a reviewbomb, fucking imbecile. Also, reviews also get filtered as most helpful, most recent, etc.

It means that when devs release a patch to censor a game, or start banning people for using single-player mods and the community is pissed off, Steam will delete all the bad reviews so it doesn't hurt profits.

Nintendo became consumer friendly

Only the extreme minorities are always the vocal majorities on Yea Forums and anywhere else. You have false-flagging resetera posters doing their GAMERS RISE UP and on the other side you have ultra conservative people screaming about immigrants. Somewhere in the middle are the 98% of normal people who post here who lean liberal progressive on some things and conservative on some other things. People who can probably lead a fair discussion on things until the 1% keeps samefagging NIGGERS and shit. Yea Forums hasn't been operating under one consensus ever since zoomer consumerism took over. Be the first to consume every kind of media and have no involvement yourself or producing anything back into that community.

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The real problem is, much like on Yea Forums, there are no repercussions for what you post online. This is the main difference between assembly as we know it and bandwagoning shitflinging from attention-starved incels.

If a game is being review bombed it is almost certainly related to the game itself. When Rome 2 increased the rate of female generals to 90%, then how is that an unfair review bomb?

They shadowban reviews that complain about spyware, high price and shitty dev practices

Is Epic drones memory so bad they forgot that a game was driven off steam recently by Chinese review bombing? How pathetic you are to bow down before your chinese overlords, is it your fetish to get run over by tanks?

>I fail to see a problem with nerfing review bombing
If review bombing didn't have weight, we wouldn't have stopped paid mods or gta blocking modding.

You are not welcome here, chieftain split-cock.

>It unironically is, yes.
>Not really, they're trash because they're trash. Not catering to SJWs wouldn't change that they are bad fucking games, now would it?
yes it would make them better because involving politics in your games inherently makes them worse games
>They both are. How much of a partisan hack are you?
how much of one are you? the youtube scene is nothing compared to the established press lmao
>Hardly changes the fact that Bellular is objective and does research
so is the quartering
>when they cover the exact same stories
go ahead and post an example
>FEMINISM BAD over and over for the entirety of a 10m+ video
see know if you had actually ever watched a video by any of the prominent anti sjw comentators you'd know this isn't true
>devs insert the politics they want in the games they make
except they don,t they've nearly exclusively changed pre-existing franchises to their will, they haven't actually produced any of their "own" games
>Do you not believe in free speech? You want censorship?
they can make whatever game they wanna make im just going to say it's because it's shit and i won't buy them
>Like, you are so fucking dumb you're unable to see you're as much of a pathetic snowflake as those SJWs you spend all day criticizing.
you are the definition of a radical centrist that doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about
>Let them play their games
they don't play games
>go play your own
of which there are fewer and fewer
>What's the problem here?
that the industry is being shaped by a set of people more concerned with the politics of videogames than producing entertaining video games

Because it's a lie

>One could argue that no matter how well written review you give, if its negative the devs will mark it as off topic
One would be a fucking retard for assuming that developers hold the final say in what reviews can be shown.

>Somewhere in the middle are the 98% of normal people who post here who lean liberal progressive on some things and conservative on some other things.
You are vastly overestimating your numbers, if one were to compare the factionalization of the real world to here, which would be a fair thing to do, the "centrists" are almost fucking extinct.

Business owner here. Consumers aren't all good. Some of the most disgusting, vile people you'll ever meet are bottom-feeding consumers. If it were up to some of these subhumans, every methhead stacy with 5 bastards deserves free shit just for gracing your establishment.

You never stopped GTA 5 blocking modding, it's just very very hard to do as Rockstar changes the API every single update, which is bi-weekly. The entire modding community save for a few guys has quit because of this.

Oh please user. We all know this is because Rockstar got salty. Gaben doesn't give a shit about this game, in fact I wouldn't be surprised if they considered this on-topic bombing for chinese bucks.

>there are no repercussions for what you post online.

the law applies online as well. you dont really think you're anonymous, right? if someone talks shit to about you then you can sue anonymous for defamation, which leads to a subpoena that will force the website and the ISP to see which resident the IP was assigned to at that time.

>rise up was a restera meme
you guys really don't understand how much everyone is sick of your shit. Just because you're loud doesn't mean you're right.

No prosecutor, LITERALLY no prosecutor would actually jump through the hoops to fucking order a subpoena because someone was "defamed" online by an anonymous poster.

Not him, but they sort of do by being able to ban your review. I just don't understand why a company would do this and not just listen to their customers.

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>Yea Forums hasn't been operating under one consensus ever since zoomer consumerism took over. Be the first to consume every kind of media and have no involvement yourself or producing anything back into that community.
I guess that's kind of true, it's certainly gotten worse over the years. I remember in '08-'12 if someone told me they're from Yea Forums I'd think, okay, great, a person I can have fun with. Now if I see a person that's even jokingly identifying with anything Yea Forums-related I end the conversation and seek some normie that isn't a dumb hysterical ape obsessed with SJWs and Trump.
I think you hit something very well with the consumerist thing. Now, every retard thinks they have to play every game that comes out.
The very notion of talking with your wallet is lost on these people. They'd rather pay 60 euro to have something to bitch and be aggrieved about than just, you know, not buy a game and read for that month instead. Like, holy shit, it's incredible how unironically toxic gaming culture is, from the shitty Tumblr fandoms to this /pol/-tier whining about diversity in a random game.

>Free speech
I don´t think you have attended a uni in a long time.

In some cases, but not always. There is no punishment for posting retaliatory fake Steam reviews, for example. There's also no punishment for acting anti-social on Yea Forums. Imagine all of the beta white incels who would be shaking in their boots if they were all alone surrounded by black men.

boy you're in for a surprise. where im from people get sued left and right for leaving subjective reviews on ebay or amazon.

well yeah sure it's under attack but it's a far cry for chingchongland

It means, say that a game stop working cause DRM or the devs fuckup in some way, and everyone give the game a negative review, all those negative reviews will be censored.

>single review isnt a reviewbomb
So if many people buy the game at the same time, find out its utterly broken and give negative review, it will be marked as review bombing?
>batman arkham night
>simcity (2013)
>fallout 76
>just cause 4
Will all of these trash shit be protected from review bombing if many people happen to buy it because of its famous name?

Will you have to watch out reviews and time your negative review right to not it fall unto shitposting category?

Yeah they say Valve employees will do the final decision, but we all remember how valve keeps everything hidden and it takes months before they do any rection. Valves universal problem solver strategy is: lets hope people will forget / stop caring with passing time.

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Good post my man.

The devs are steams customers

Where is that? China?

just opt out you dumbass

at any rate regardless im done raging and arguing, whatever you type next have a nice day

"Finally, we've also enabled you to opt out of this entirely, if that's your preference - there's now a checkbox in your Steam Store options where you can choose to have off-topic review bombs still included in all the Review Scores you see."

>banned by a steam moderator
Proof that devs are removing reviews?

>*deletes ascii man taking a shit named after the game*







you can literally just still review bomb but write an otherwise entirely fair review based upon personal tastes, what are they going to do? apply conjecture? no, they can't fucking do shit

scenario: game goes to shit because of personal politics and / or DRM fuckery

outcome: people just mass review bomb with reviews that talk about exclusively the gameplay of the game

Because you're fucking obsessed?
>yes it would make them better because involving politics in your games inherently makes them worse games
True or not, I fail to see why you would have a say in this. You aren't developing that game, and you aren't forced to buy it. Why are you trying to police what content creators do?
>how much of one are you? the youtube scene is nothing compared to the established press lmao
They're pretty much as bad, though obviously the press is government propaganda and has vastly more influence.
>so is the quartering
>go ahead and post an example
I will when I'm home if the thread doesn't die. But basically the Diablo stories from before were a great example of that.
>see know if you had actually ever watched a video by any of the prominent anti sjw comentators you'd know this isn't true
You're right, it's true for their entire channels. And if you think I've been here for a decade but haven't watched that content, you're sorely mistaken.
>except they don,t they've nearly exclusively changed pre-existing franchises to their will
Considering they own those franchises they can do whatever they want. You are allowed not to buy them. If you take issue with copyright laws you're free to address your corrupt and shitty American lawmakers.
>>they haven't actually produced any of their "own" games
>person makes game from scratch
>this isn't their game
The mental gymnastics necessary, fuck...
>im just going to say it's because it's shit and i won't buy them
Exactly, so why would you spend your whole time giving them the spotlight?
>you are the definition of a radical centrist
Not only are you incorrect, but in what way do I not know what I'm talking about?
>they don't play games
Yes, those thousands of Dragon Age fandoms on Tumblr and Twitter are fake.
>of which there are fewer and fewer
That's your problem, you don't get to whine about being a minority. You are a minority by your own choosing. Live with it.

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Every other industry:
>make thing for money
>client complains and disagrees on some things
>change thing to suit the needs of the client

The videogame industry:
>get paid in advance to make thing that is going to make us a bonus afterwards
>userbase strongly disagrees on some of our choices
>instead of improving or changing things we keep it the same because we already got paid anyway
>steam becomes complicit by not valueing "problematic" reviews

I'm a software engineer in my day job and the most valueable thing for me is feedback from clients. It can be asinine, useless or not constructive and it's still valueable to me, because it lets me gauge in what directions I have to go and what to improve on. Because you know, I make my fucking money with this, why shouldn't I listen to the majority?

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>b-but you can opt them out
Doesn't change that it's a corporatist move which the purpose is to hide review bombs from less aware users ie the majority.

Sure, but remember, the storefront belongs to Valve. If you can't remain civil, you're free to shitpost literally anywhere else.

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people fighting the culture war through bullshit reviews. has become especially relevant recently because of chinese government organized 'troll armies' utterly devastating reviews of taiwanese games.

You can write a review that is completely unrelated to the reason of the review bomb, but it's still going to be flagged if you've made it on the same day where an unusual amount of reviews have been detected if those have been categorized as a review bomb. Moderators don't go through individual reviews, they will look at it as a whole.

That can be easily solved by making Steam region-locked like is. There was a time when I thought region-locking was awful and stupid. Now I literally want everything to be region-locked. Burgers are subhuman and chinks are an army.

>Moderators don't go through individual reviews, they will look at it as a whole.
good point but this is a scenario which will lead to a crisis in consumer trust

>Have bad meal
>Get food poisoning
>Diahreah and vomiting for days
>Teeth dissolve from stomach acid exposure
>Stomach ruptures from constant vomiting
>Get rectal cancer
>Die in agony

Define civil. Why reviewbombs aren't civil?

You know that if the review is shitposting it can be flagged right?

>storefront belongs to Valve
Yes, doesn't change that users can complain about changes. And even better, leave if they aren't happy.

Still not as bad as playing Artifact.

>why isn't a hunched-over man taking a shit in ascii civil?
If you don't know the answer to this, then you'll never understand.

>be an anti social fuck and do everything, except telling the chef of the restaurant that you didnt like the meal

Holy shit I haven't read anything more socially detached from society as this and yet this is a perfect reflection of our society ever since millenials have become a meme. Why wouldn't you just tell the chef that you didn't like it or that you found it exceptionally tasty? It's his job and he wants that feedback. Don't fucking avoid direct contact with people.

After a decade or so, I left Steam because of this.
Now I'm only using TPB and GOG.

I feel sad.

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Why do you think reviewbombs are only this? Review bombing is several negative reviews from several users in a very short timespan. Nowhere it's implied they are low effort or trolling.

Could be worse, user. I went back to my consolefag roots.

>artifact flopped so bad valve's changing their review system

In case you haven't figured it out yet, Valve isn't about expediency. They always pursue perfection.

Why do you think reviewbombs are only legit reviews posted in close proximity?

This really concerned me until I realized you can opt-out. Epic shills at full force again I see.

Ah, yes, letting the Chinese attack the Taiwanese online and letting companies get away from criticizing by shadowbanning your reviews. Perfection.

Hasn't this been the case for a while? There's a reason why the big four and most other companies don't have a phone support anymore or anything you can call in an emergency, because they know that people will resign to their problems and if they leave/boycott the platform they get replaced by another number anyway.

>>Nintendo doesn't censor any more

I'd usually sya this is a bad thing but then I remember faggots spamming AC7's store page because muh hotas

OK, name one thing Nintendo has censored this year.

It's on by default, which means the publisher won't be notified if it happens and won't wake up some poor sob at 5 am to figure out what went wrong to call in an emergency meeting. Sure, the users that opt-out can see it, but the people you're trying to reach will essentially remain in pure bliss.

>I went back to my consolefag roots.
Now that's just retarded.
You don't flee a cancer by getting AIDS.

Say what you want, m8, I've been having a blast. No way to alt-tab and jerk-off or glance at Yea Forums, no Steam or Discord friends to bother me. I am starting to feel immersed again. Just cuddling in the bed with my dog, drinking a cold one and playing some vidya. Nobody knows I even own a console, let alone my profile name. It's like being a kid again.

how about you reach for a knife and go to town with your wrists and throat

>No way to alt-tab and jerk-off or glance at Yea Forums, no Steam or Discord friends to bother me
You can only blame yourself for that, you just lack self-control like an autistic kid.
Buying a 300 USD dumbed down PC because you don't know how to control yourself isn't a solution.

What you do, you can do the exact same thing with a PC, but better.

you should fuckin leave the board and your mom's basement

yeah I hate what Epic is doing too
rotten company

>you should fuckin leave the board and your mom's basement
you shouldn't learn to actually argue the fucking point zoomer

>What you do, you can do the exact same thing with a PC, but better.
You're getting very upset for no reason, brother. I still use my PC for playing Star Citizen, DOTA, Dorf Fort, CK, etc. But I would never play AC on the PC now, for example, or any singleplayer game that didn't have significant modding. And I love many of the PS4 exclusives, so it was a total win-win for me.
>You can only blame yourself for that, you just lack self-control like an autistic kid.
Doesn't in any way change the fact that I'm having a way better experience as a consolefag. At least for SP games.

>LMAO! and people said steam was consumer friendly!
That's precisely what this change is for based retarded Tencent 50 cent army shill.
>we're going to identify off-topic review bombs, and remove them from the Review Score
Not that hard to parse, LMAO!

like always people cant read or dont want to read before typing comments.....

Devotion got removed because the publisher was mainland Chinese and cut ties with the developer, dumbfucks.

I know some people have good intentions behind this, but I assure you that this is going to be abused somehow and cause more negative and less positive effects that what it was previously.

unironically good. nobody cares if some game didn't get localised for some shithole backwater, doesn't mean the game is bad

Whats always with trannies and their penchant for slashing their wrists?

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Hello Hofman.

What does this have to do with the thread? Why are you so obsessed with trannies?

>Whats always with trannies and their penchant for slashing their wrists?
- Attention whoring (slashing is not very effective)
- Untreated mental illness
- Chemical imbalance because of the hormones
- The realization that they will never be normal
- The realization that they have mutilated their dick
- The realization that they'll never have children
- The realization that they will never be accepted

Take a pick. Or several picks.

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Incels constantly shame themselves for jerking off to trannies, after a session they'll come to Yea Forums and start talking about them in literally any thread they can find

That theory actually makes a lot of sense.

My biggest fetish is cucking a guy so hard that he becomes a tranny and an even better slut than his girlfriend and my new main whore.

You're becoming a degenerate.
Stop watching porn and masturbating.

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Off by default, you can turn it back on.

Funny enough, I've become more of a degenerate by not watching porn. If I watch porn I just jack-off to some vanilla shit and go read a book. But when I'm sexually frustrated and stare at chicks outside I come up with the most wild fetishes.

One google search to get devs are abusing review bans, wake up cocksucker

Are you really that autistic that you don't get the joke that trannies have a ridiculously high suicide rate through slashing their own wrists, which that person suggested?

I'm too old to be insecure about fapping to trannies, in fact I fap to twinks as well. I would welcome if all the other males became trannies because its less competition for me then.

Total war got bombed because they included female generals for certain factions and people with 0.1 hours decided that it was time for GAMERS to RISE UP!
Honestly they should just make it so you can't review a game until they have a minimum of 4 hours in it.

To be fair though, this is good. People often review bomb good games to hurt a company that has made a bad decision. That's fucking idiotic.

Why would you do that? How the fuck does that make sense? You're basically ruining other people's potential experiences because you want to send a message. Akin to shitting in the village well because you're pissed at the village chief. Unbelievably short sighted.

Good, reviews should be based on the quality of the product and nothing more.

>Slipping down the hill of no return
>Haha, at least is not worse than X right now
Hear yourself my man

You're the one with the autistic obsession here, not me. Someone talks about slashing wrists and your mind immediately defaults to thinking of trannies? Get some help.

Time to RISE UP

Didnt work yesterday cumslurper, give it a try now and post results.

Is an algorithm dumb fuck. They are not going to browse through thousand of reviews just to let your honest one through, the system is going to hide everything bad during a certain high traffic date and time.

WE talked about this the second it was announced, faggot

Telling people about DRM = troll review
Telling people about whats in the EULA = troll review
and im willing to bet alot of just plaiin negative reviews will be caught up in this for a bullshit reason like "not enough substance"

epics shit
uplays shit
origins shit
battlenets shit
steams now shit
gog has no games

making it really tempting for me to just say fuck it and go back to piracy.

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40 year-old NEET incel detected

How has nobody caught this Serbian terrorist yet?

The target audience are brain dead white teens and kids, manchildren and boomers too dumb to think for themselves, the fucking consumer base are trained defence dogs for the video game industry, is a corrupted form of love and worship. Is sad and insane. You can almost notice how everyone woke up for just one second during that redshirt guy during Blizz-con. While the rest of the world reacted accordingly (plummeted stocks), a min later, a fat worshipper whipped everyone back into drone state.

>Have you ever seen a positive review bomb?
yeah its called journalist reviews

I just figured they were making this change after all those bugmen went apeshit over a Winnie the Pooh joke in a horror game.

like rt?

very sjw friendly. the old piece of shit gabe shitwell totally bent the knee to sjws with the big companies.

I posted one yesterday and it got many replies, but shillmods deleted it. Looks like (((they))) only want to manipulate morons on Yea Forums to oppose Epic only.

>hey nothing's happening so just pretend steam is going to auto remove all negative reviews kthx

Can't you find something better to do with your time? Personally I enjoy playing video games

at least it doesnt have a spyware like epic

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>Steamshills are trannies and uncivil

Can you even read? They just said joke reviews won't count for the "review score" you idiot

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>Leave bad review
>Same as shitting in public
This is the mind of a corperate sucker

It's probably more related to your average honky Xchan nutjobs/Stormniggas raiding on Steam such as famous Metro Exodus, Rome 2,...etc. Many people never even heard of that shitty indie horror game.

Why do game developers and shills think they are entitled to good reviews and profit simply for making a product? In lots of other industrys companys go bust because their product is shit, why do game developers feel like they can release the stinkiest shit and then be entitled to everyone elses hard earned cash

just because you put time into making a game doesnt make it worth buying.

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>steam removing reviews from retards who think denuvo matters when their cpu util is 20% and gpu is 99%
>Steam removing chinese/indian bot reviews
This is a good thing assuming you ever use or read Steam reviews, but who the fuck does that?

Yea Forums - ignorant children sperging out over literally nothing

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I find it hilarious that Steam went the route of copying Epic Store policy cause they are afraid of the dev exodus happening right now. Yes, let us be more like our competition that seems to suck just one or four of our many many devs for one-year exclusive deal.

I wonder what it will take to break this camel´s back for steam consumers.

>GAWD WHY DOES *insert thing that doesn't happen outside the mind of a child* THIS WORLD ISN'T FAIR

>Why aren't we talking about this now????
What a stupid fucking question retard

If you're waiting for a company with almost complete marketshare domination to lose customers apropos of nothing you're gonna be waiting a long time

Total War got review bombed because the devs were being SJWs and then flamed their customers.

so when is this coming?

>Epic games starts competing with Steam on the Publisher level, trying to incentivice by minimizing consumer rights
>when i predicted that Steam might feel forced to do the same to stay competitive, anons called me paranoid

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Seeing how it's not only the former or the later, then the ideal is to simply allow they be as they were before.

>game platform revises user reviews to reflect their intended purpose
>Yea Forums keyboard activists get mad that they have one less platform to shit on people behind games rather than games themselves
You should have known this was coming. You forced this change to occur.

Why do retards think this will only apply in those cases? In fact, when Steam didn't even say they would apply in those cases.


Yeah, steams will also remove Yea Forums white supremaicists' spambots reviews, which is even greater. Now all you can do is going mass shooting in real world like your kinsman did in New Zealand.

Nah you retarded faggot. You think taking side in video games is a thing? By breaking, I mean start using Epicstore. They will keep Steam, but they will also use Epicstore, which is not what Steam wants.

>remove/isolate china
>remove/isolate russia
>problem solved

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Okay that's not bad on principle considering reviewbombs are absolutely a thing, but how EXACTLY are they planning to "identify off-topic review bombs"?
I mean when the review is just "The publisher tweeted an opinion i don't like 1/10" then yeah sure, remove it.
But when the review lists a number of grievances it shouldn't be removed just because it's a 1/10.
The only way to really identify the difference would be to have somebody read every single review because i can't imagine an algorithm reliable recognizing a difference.

There's no way in hell Valve is planning to hire a small army of people to read every review posted every day.

>you can currently turn the option off
No doubt you will also be defending them when they remove the option all together in a year or so

Good. Meme reviews need to end.

>he believes the official story
based retard

Read the civ 6 reviews retard, some people are still complaining about the spyware bullshit even though it's not present anymore

>Steam doesn't want a situation where they lose no marketshare and continue to have by far the best and most used platform
You're pretty fuckin' stupid

>Oh, and remember, thinking a company has shit practices, over-priced DLC, or even DRM that slows down performance to a crawl isn't a reason to leave a "bad" review. And all these "bad" reviews that Valve algorithms will consider bombings are hidden by default.

Review bombing and raids is what killed this site for me 8 years ago. When DA2 came out and you niggers review bombed metacritic and then posted the user score saying "LMAO IT'S SO LOW" it made me lose all hope for you dipshits.

Posting reviews on a game day 1 the minute it comes out is not valid or even real criticism.

You've got to wonder how, for example, Amazon doesn't have this problem with reviews of all their products, but apparently the Movie Industry and Videogame Industry is on the verge of collapse because their costumers are all so mean.

Are you braindead?
>review bombs aren't only low effort asci shitposting
>well they aren't all only high quality posts
>since we cannot generalize, better keep as it were

Nah. They have to remove/isolate America and Yea Forums first. "Yea Forums" is already a censored word on Steam btw.

Except DA2 is Atari ET levels of dogshit
At least get mad about something undeserved

Oh boy, I'm sure nothing bad will come of this!
What the fuck are they thinking?
If anyone in this thread cares in the slightest don't forget to email Gabe Newell about it.

I will be. Newell

>if I shit on you but apologize and remove the shit, it's fine

ET for Atari isn't a bad game brainlet. Stop spreading this meme

>no proof
Thought so

No it got bombed because of /pol/tard fragility.

I would take Russians over burgers any day.

epic chinamen and gog shills don't have anything better to do, they're unemployed

Imagine unironically making a thread defending juvenile review bombing

Metro Exodus had one

Yea Forums has this weird relationship with companies, where they'll equate companies to the government so they end up seeing this stuff as a violation of their free speech or something.

ITT: A bunch of people thinking reviews are a soapbox
There is nothing wrong with what valve is doing here, I wish they did it sooner. I'm really tired of you babies tanking a game's score because of shit their publisher did or something a dev said on twitter.
This isnt what reviews are for, move it to discussions.

Can we ban shitty joke reviews while we're at it. reading x/y, too much/not enough z makes my blood boil.

>*ruins your steam trading*

they arent removing anything
honestly everything valve is doing is thought through and correct

t. braindead capitalist drone
Good goy, go retweet some more funny Twitter posts.

does the truth sting shill?

>user being unable to see that this is another way to lower consumers ability against developers
And we cannot move it to discussions, since the devs can delete and ban willy nilly. May as well scrap the review system like Epic, that's a good way to make people move there.

t. braindead epic drone
Good bug, go shill some more chinese ploys.

>dev makes mistake
>gets review bombed
>fixes mistake
>game still sits at mixed because people never update their reviews

Thank you, based GabeN. Now people won't have to deal with inbred mongoloids review bombing game X from dev/publisher A, because the dev/publisher did something bad to their game Y that is also on Steam.

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>fixing a mistake means that I should be forced to update my review, without regard for how much trouble that mistake can have caused to the consumer or even if the consumer feels it's really fixed

>call you out for being a dumb capitalist
>accuse me of being an even bigger one and supposedly supporting epic

do you even know what you're talking about or do bugmen often just blurt out whatever

If you cannot get that fixing a mistake doesn't really undo that mistake, have fun with puberty.

Yep, user reviews were a mistake.

More overly-critical and meme reviews means lower sales, less risk-taking and more homogenized casual-foward "safe" games. Core gamers became the cancer they hated for so long and killed themselves off.

What the fuck redanons? How can we redpill the masses from sjw games like we did during operation nuke-a-laylee for removing our great ally jontron just because he spreads TRUTH??

have fun being a fucking retard
do it someplace else

Will my negative review from when GTAV banned single player mods be removed?

No, but it won't count for score anymore.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-03-17 Mz UnPRedicTAbLe.png (481x271, 74K)

>lower sales, less risk-taking
If you haven't seen by now, it's completely backwards to what you are thinking.
Just look at:
Bunch of different shooters
More sales= more casual audience = more casualization

Nobody said you're forced, but you can't pretend like it isn't dishonest to knowingly keep false information published if it's been fixed/changed just because you have a chip on your shoulder and want to keep it around so you can get back at a company. This behavior is toxic and not beneficial to anyone. Instead, why not encourage positive changes by showing that you're willing to forgive?

>haha what are you dumb? competition as a market force is infallible and monopolies are hitler

You've proven my point.

Is this because of artifact bombing or is Valve trying to shill for devs who get butthurt about low ratings like Rockstar to keep them from Epic?

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>dev makes mistake
>review bomb gets hidden from most viewers
>essentially zero repercussions so the mistake doesn't get fixed

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So your point being?
That devs want to get rid of people who really care about their games?

Ahh yes, because they are so very willing and able to stifle dissent. Without their say-so you have no way to view videos ir reviews of a game nor a way to express your opinion freely

If only there were some kind of "board" or "channel" dedicated to the discussion of video games. We could call it "Yea Forums." Bit alas, Valve owns everything an everyone, so that-s just a pipe dream

Retards acting retarded, forcing a retarded solution. I'm getting used to it.

It's not false information if that happened user.

Toxic? If this was in any other industry I would fucking get a box of free goodies. Only in videogameland retards keep defending scummy companies.

I will forgive the dev if they actually make a work to be forgiven, which isn't just 'look my game was broken and now it isn't. approve me!'

im not sure why it has to go beyond that.

That the casual landscape today exists in part due to overly-critical core gamers who don't support games designed for them which need it the most.

bleurblarb le olr hbmbelaurblar glebhretblaeblrer?

the casual landscape exist because of a surplus of consumers, its not any more complicated than that.

>This game has gamebreaking-bug "X" Aug, 2018
>Bug X fixed Sep, 2018
>Billy reads review from Aug 2018 and decides not to buy the game because of gamebreaking-bug "X"
If you don't see the issue here, then I'm not sure you have the mental capacity to understand.

>who don't support games designed for them
Because they hardly exist.
The ones that do exist and are known are being supported. Fighting games are a good example of this.
There just is no variety for games with more depth then a puddle.

the game was boring

don't they have a separate frame for recent reviews?

This is the competition everyone on Yea Forums wanted
The competition that drives them to improve their service for their customers

oh you thought you were the customer? HAHA good joke
No the multi million dollar companys that sell their product on steam are their customers, you are that companys customer not steams.
You're literally a 2nd class customer

everyone got what they asked for on Yea Forums, steam pandering to their customers.

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This. Basically PC gaming is now mobile 2.0.


>RottenTomatoes tries to contain the damage control for Captain Marvel through censorship by deleting reviews
>Ahhhhh, gee wickers, this is only a one time thing. This was necessary since we needed to stop fat alt-right neckbeards anyways! This will never happen again, I promise you!
>Steam does the same thing.

>giving a shit about movie and video game reviews

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This. It's all regressive left wing nut talk that gets the most attention.

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funny that review bombing wouldn't be such an omnipresent thing, had they leave a review usefulness percentage visible.

but cant that also be manipulated?

>defating your enemies is now toxic masculinity
Civil war should be easy just call any leftist who fights back toxic for fighting

yes, but to a lesser extent - i mean, self-policing and empowering both sides of the argument makes it fair play, but now, due to whiny bitches who couldn't stand being criticized for their snowflake review opinion, people are free to wank themselves off on how many have praised their review + disable the review comments altogether.
That's exactly the environment that encourages uncontrollable review bombing, whereas with two-side feedback (reviewer+reviewer readers) it would be less prominent by discouraging some reviews with marking it as useless. So that the review bomber would be less encouraged to post another negative review with criticizing something that has nothing to do with the game or gameplay itself.

Metro games that haven't been updated in years got review bombed over the last few months over the Epic Store shit.
You're an idiot if you think review bombs can't be based on grudges. Yea Forums literally used to organize threads to fuck the review scores on metacritic. Lurk moar

I'd give all 3 of them my meat flute

>criticizing something that has nothing to do with the game or gameplay itself
What are some examples of this? I can't think of any
All of the big review bombs are about game-relevant issues, usually negative changes
>GTA permabanning single player mods
>PD2 adding lootcrates as the final reward for the money drive
>Red Shell games being revealed to include spyware
>Bethesda fracturing the modding community with paid mods

Chuchel review bombing was about SJWs mostly.
I hope Valve is just talking about that kind of bombing, not when people mass post negative reviews for game-breaking stuff.

Subnautica was also experiencing review bombs for firing their audio engineer based on sjw complaints... Fuck, seems like the only fuckers who have problems with offtopic review bombing are tranny fags

Because when you fuck up you cause strife to the consumers. You should be blood grateful they didn't instantly refund the game or sue your ass.

>recent reviews

Disgusting to see that the only decent store front is becoming worse, I might just start pirating

>i dont care so no else does either
that's not how propaganda works

Farewell, blessed thread. AND FUCK GABEN.

>not seeing the full picture

Thank you for proving my point, LMAO

based thread, will make a new one

>the full picture
enjoy getting mad over nothing


How can you expect someone to do extensive research on a game while in the same breath defending someone's right to keep their reviews inaccurate, outdated and misleading?