Game heavily inspired by conflicts currently happening in the middle east

>game heavily inspired by conflicts currently happening in the middle east
>Security mercenary supporting local forces speaks english (American accent)
>Insurgent mercenary fighting local forces speaks Russian.


Attached: og_image.jpg (1200x600, 160K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Insurgent mercenary fighting local forces speaks Russian

Sure it's not Chechen? A lot of them went to syria

Attached: chechen-fighters-rest-beside-a-fire-during-a-break-in-the-fighting-on-picture-id127980571?s=612x612. (612x408, 55K)

>women soldiers
Why do you brainlets keep shitting up Insurgency threads with your retardation?

Women do fight in Iraq and Syria so they don't bother me in game.

A different case is BFV where women run around in the battlefield like soldiers but there were almost to none women in the german or commonwealth armies.

Attached: 76156a9579bb10c194ab78bbb83718dc.jpg (600x872, 81K)

There was only 2 community servers, and the whole game is based on matchmaking??? I instantly refunded.

Sad that the game was dead on arrival. The devs poured their heart and soul into it

but its you user
analyse this video critically, pay attention to shot angles (both from camera and "enemy"), the way that woman acts
You can do it! You can stop being a fucking retard!

reused assets from the cancelled single player which was pretty much what is happening in Syria.

I don't get it. If you're talking about Syria, it's the other way around isn't it. Russia supports local forces of Assad, US tries to defeat local forces.

it was supposed to be one woman, see but everyone chooses her cause they are fags. Don't bother me much cause burning people alive gives me a stiffy.

>player count now equal to a 4 year old game three months after release

That's what happens when you make a game with only 6 tiny maps
It's not as bad as Rising Storm 2, which dropped from 22k players to three digits in less than 3 months, because Tripwire was retarded enough to launch with only 3 64 player maps.

Granted, Rising Storm 2 has recovered at this point and the same will happen with Insurgency: Sandstorm, but if the only addition in the first update three months after release is a few guns they may simply not have the production pipeline to produce maps as fast as Squad or RS2

Attached: thonking.png (725x497, 190K)

>muh turds
The entire muh female turds thing is just propaganda to make you support turdistan that would tear up syria, iran and iraq and cause a new war.

no they didnt

If they opened the game for modding and added the workshop it would be a great improvement already... Right now the game runs stable and smooth for me on vhigh and 1.25 super sampling on a 1600x and GTX1070 which is really good considering how bad the betas ran but the maps are boring as fuck and since the community can't shit their own there is very little to do except the endless grind for a pair of new sneakers.

>failing for propaganda shoots

I'd actually play the game if it ran well. But it doesn't. It ran like absolute pure shit when it got released. In fact, I don't think there's a good way to actually describe how bad it ran (and probably still runs) because that's how bad it was.

I doubt the devs are fixing anything and take their sweet ass time doing so if they are going to fix anything. When even fucking PUBG (another game that notoriously ran like shit) runs better and gets more updates, you know you've fucked up.

Seems to me they rushed the release and on many levels the game is soulless, it all feels very generic including the overly emphases on being politically correct with character design and voices. RS2 has good character customization, this is just bullshit. Maps are boring and look very bland as well. They really just need to make the game moddable as fast as possible before everyone is gone and get rid of that tedious grind for pieces of clothing...

>thinking that isnt a photo op with with some dumbass that wasnt expecting someone to shoot them as they have their big ass Dragunov sniper sticking out the window to larp so dumb retard actually think women fight for teh freedom of teh kurds.

Don't be a retard my son.

Loved the original insurgency, played it a ton. Just can't get excited for this sequel, like the guy above me said it feels "souless" somehow. Why does it not have workshop support? Are they going too micro-transaction it to death, weapon skins being free mods made Insurgency the best at the time. Now what do they have that sets it apart? Rising storm 2 has a lot more content, weapons and maps.

>tfw you are one of the few that played the original Mod.

They’re more or less supposed to be chechen’s.

I’d like to see some Spetnaz voices and equipment on the security side, tho (considering irl Russia’s involvement in the fight with isis.)

This, and there’s also no women on the insurgent side, so it avoid the dumb shit like black female nazi’s in COD WW2.


Ps4profag. I've been so hyped about this game, there's been such a drought of good tactical shooters on console. Its pretty disappointing to see that it's so dead on PC. They might not even have the funding now to deliver on consoles, it's pretty alarming we haven't heard of a release date for months on end.

Attached: 1512549537208.jpg (458x682, 158K)

Its dead

Not mad. Just disappointed.