Post some Boss Fights from Western Games that don't suck.
Post some Boss Fights from Western Games that don't suck
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It's really not, it's basically just a series of context sensitive attacks that you can only use once.
I'm not weebshitter or anything, but for some reason western devs just cannot into bossfights, I think they fundamentally do not understand how bossfights are supposed to function
This might go down as one of the shortest threads in existence.
>posts all of furi
There's no other.
Boosfights are too gamey.
No, really, that's the main issue for most western developers.
Bossfight are like the crown jewel of gameplay-based narrative. It's a moment where suddenly an enemy refuses to die in a realistic way (for example a single bullet to the head) for the sole reason of fun and stressing a moral or physical difference between the player and the enemy. Bossfights show conflicts with pure gameplay energy. They just don't get that.
I enjoyed most of the boss fights from Vermintide 2. Both the random ones (spawn, rat ogre, stormfiend and troll) and the end of level ones (the chaos lord, skaven warlord and grey seer, fuck the sorcerer though). They are all fun to fight, and when you get one of them in the middle of a horde attack they can really fuck your party up.
>vulcan raven but in a smaller arena with a completely blind idiot
Yeah, this. Probably like half the ones from Salt and Sanctuary/The Dishwasher games, too.
"A predator is often blind to its own peril"
He just fucking shows up when you're being too jewy and I love that it can easily go either way; there's been times where I killed him without him ever touching me, other where he's ruined an entire quest. Great visual design too.
God of War series has some pretty good boss fights.
Who is this?
There guys were absolutely insane on GMGOW difficulty.
D44M Cyberdemon is pretty great
Devs didn't cop enough shit for this.
Most salt and sanctuarry bosses can be beaten by just having a good shoeld and high stamina. The only ones that can't that I can think off are the dragon and witch.
That's the Valkyrie queen isn't it? She was pretty tight boss, but learning that you can knock her out of the air helped a lot. Shame she was pretty much the only good boss in the game.
Mah nigga.
>Speed is life
Then you get DMC5 and 3 which can perfectly merge story and gameplay in a bossfight that completely blows away any western games in terms of storytelling
probably the only fps boss fight I enjoyed
does DmC count?
Compared to eastern boss fights where you just spam your standard moves at it for 30 minutes and hope it doesnt hit you with its massive damage attacks and infamous OHKO you just know it probably has?
Yes, because every eastern game is a NES-era RPG.
But it's bosses were fucking boring shit. The only ok boss was still PS1 platformer era level complexity
The DKC2 bosses are good.
You hear that ringing in your ears son?
But that's just how most Eastern bosses are. Theres hardly a turn based rpg that you can honestly say have fun and interesting bosses, but this also applies to games like DMC, MH, and DS.
>Spamming basic moves
DMC is not dark souls.
Unironically some of the bosses in Boshy should be good enough to count. There is something super satisfying about them when you get into the rhythm of it.
>not spamming basic moves
DMC isn't Ninja Gaiden.
I'm not even sure what these threads want.
I could list off a bunch of bosses from western platformers and action games, or even RPGs. They don't really differ mechanically from their Japanese counterparts.
A God of War boss functions the same way that a Devil May Cry boss does
A Fallout (original) boss functions the same way a Final Fantasy boss does
A Crash Bandicoot boss functions the same way a Mario 64 boss does
This was the most pathetic thing ever. How the fuck was this piece of shit well received?
The style ranking is entirely optional. You don't lose for getting a low rank, so hitting the boss and not getting hit works every single time.
>Ninja Gaiden
>Not spamming super moves
The points is to post boss fights that don't suck. Do you actually think anybody remembers Crash fondly for it's bosses? Not that 64 is either except for SO LONG GAY BOWSER.
>get a low rank
>lol this boss design sucks
One bad boss fight does not invalidate a good game.
You can shit on a lot of other aspects of SoM, though.
It's just weebs and their delusions about Jap games being vastly superior to western games.
>get a low rank
>still beat the boss
whoa, it's almost like ranks don't matter.
Are you implying DMC bosses are full of QTEs? Nigga, no GoW boss has anything on Vergil 3 or Credo on DmD
What makes a boss fight "not suck"?
Is Plague Knight from Shovel Knight good enough?
>Use summons
>wow dark souls is shit
We can agree that any boss who calls in adds is a piece of shit, right?
l2situational awareness
nobody is saying boss designs suck except you, retard
doesn't change the fact that style rankings aren't enforced by the game at all.
Name one
Boring environment, extremely repetitive and non-challenging gameplay, completing survival "challenges" doesn't even give you anything besides xp, very poor and unimaginative use of the vast tolkien lore etc. etc.
>Eastern bossfights fights suck because you just spam basic moves
Are you literally unable to follow a train of thought without derailing, you fucking retard
What the fuck is with this, I can't be the only one noticing a huge influx of people who plain just don't understand the shit they reply to, is it some influx of ESL posters
Meanwhile any other boss:
>intro cutscene plays
>unload my core on them
>"heh, nothing personnel... pilot"
>posts all of Hollow Knight
>things don't matter if you purposefully ignore them
oh what a day
A good boss fight is composed of couple different things, all depending on what kind of a game the boss is part of.
First and foremost a boss needs to be mechanically challenging, making the player feel like the boss isn't just another mook but an actual challenger the player has to put effort in to defeat. This is so that the player feels like he has progressed by being able to defeat the boss.
Secondly a boss needs to be thematically strong if the game is story oriented. If the game hypes up the boss by having some NPC's talk about how strong they are before or them being someone the player knows immeadiately makes the boss be better. Of course if mechanically the boss is a joke then people start to hate it even if it's hyped up. Also bosses that appear put of nowhere and are never mentioned again are almost always shit.
Good music and visuals are the third thing you need for a good boss. If boss has a banging theme people will remember them and their fight a lot more fondly. Visualside if the boss fight looks like pure sex, again people will remember it much more fondly.
Shovel Knight actually has pretty good bosses that fit it's style and are also fun to fight. Sure you can cheese them with the amulet which takes away from the fights, but don't do that.
Only good western game boss fights are those made by devs who are heavily influenced by classic Japanese games. Most AAA and AA western devs seem to hate Japanese games.
Retro Studios is one of the very few western studios who actually get how a boss fight is supposed to work.
Exactly, if they're just going to let you cheese the boss then what even is the point?
Traitor Lord isn't fun. Nigga only has three or four moves and hardness of the fight comes from the tightness of the area.
Is the game literally supposed to retard proof for you?
After like an hour it reached the point I legitimately thought I'd have to quit and restart the entire game on a lower difficulty fighting these fucking cunts in that mode.
Most satisfying victory since doing solo defiled chalices in BB.