Bottom: Soul

Bottom: Soul
Top: Soulless

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I actually think both are pretty soulful. Top is the perfect blend of modern and old sonic IMO.

Nigga that's the same guy, the only difference is his shade of blue, and a little extra lank.

Both have a decent amount of soul

All Sonic is soulless. Literally created in a boardroom to compete with Nintendo.

Smash Ultimate did it better imo.

The animation on that Sonic Racing short is alot stiffer and slow. You can clearly see the characters tweening instead of fully animated like in Mania Adventures.

What got me was people eating that shit up. It's fine for what it is but it's nowhere near the animation that came out the Mania shorts.

Actually Nendroid of all things did.

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It might not have been Mania tier, but it still looked nice.

It wasn't Johnny Test-esque Toon Boom shlock.