Time to decide the best girl
Mass Effect
Femshep is best girl
Of those 8:
Kasumi > Samara > Tali > Liara > Jack > Ashley > Miranda > Morinth
This. it's not even a competition.
Tali or kasumi
Samara is best WOMAN.
For me its Jack
Three way tie between Liara, Tali, and Jack.
Where's Dr. Chocolates?
Ashley > Samara > Tali > Kasumi = Liara > Jack > Miranda > Morinth
but i know i'm one of the only ones who likes Ashley. i also prefer Leliana to Morrigan.
kai leng
thorian asari
>no krogan romance
ME1 Tali. I'm still stunned how they made an immature tech expert somehow more stupid and less mature as the trilogy went on. How do you fuck up a basic character arc that badly?
The answer is simple
Tali clearly
shes the best
Well, they did want the CoD audience. They did have to make changes to pander to them.
>she lost her blue
>let's give that to players balls
Miranda is pretty good. She's an Ice Queen who tries to mind control you, but you warm her up and she becomes some kind of sweet autist. Good pick.
Tali is ruined by ME3, Quarian stock art trash.
Laria is ruined by ME2. Emotionally dead murderess info broker instead of a cute and eager scientist. The fucking Thessia mission in ME3 is the killshot, bitches about the Alliance not helping while Earth burns, and then Javik spends like 10 minutes shitting on her entire race while the "Prothean Expert" stammers about it not being true.
Kasumi is an obnoxious coal burning cuck who gets over her dead boyfriend extremely fast after making you nearly die for that black box. Jacob made a baby with his beautiful wife while she watched, invisible and pathetic.
Ashley is ok, but ME3 completely shits on her design-wise by giving her a battle skirt, garish makeup, and long scalp-tearing hair. Completely ruins her ambitious soldier appeal. Personality is also kinda annoying.
Jack is best girl. Her appearance in ME3 is rare in that she actually massively improves in design and personality. Also rare in Mass Effect in that they copied her model excellently, gorgeous facial structure. Lots of good flirty and dirty scenes.
Morinth is a hipster slut. I wish making the paragon/renegade interrupt let you kill her yourself.
Forgot Samara.
Justicars are dumb cunts and you should feel bad for liking them, Christ Asari culture is terrible. Notice how the best one decided to live with human colonists. Also Samara will never fuck you.
Based and masspilled
For supposedly such a smart individual she really was being an idiot in their conflict. What was she hoping by pissing off more an already pissed off unstable psychopath that could destroy the whole ship?
For me as well.But I do like what she and Miranda have going on.
Trying to defend her status as an officer on the ship?
Nice lips, Geordi.
Morinth > Tali > Kasumi > Ashley > Samara > Miranda > Liara > entire fucking galaxy > nothing > Jack
Liara for me.
Also that.
Anyone who likes Jack is legit a faggot
for me its jack but only because you can't have samara because MUH CODE
Which is a shame since we all know krogan cock is so good.
Tali > Femshep > Jack > EDI > Kasumi > Liara > Samara > Morinth > Ashley > Miranda
from the thumbnail it looked like Kasumi was making this face.
Guy with the visor in star trek next generation
Imagine being such an insecure little pussy
I prefer ME2 Jack to ME3 Jack
Shame there was no ME1 romance option though.
Jak is degenerate trash.
i've played the trilogy 3 times and i intentionally kill jack off and keep everyone else alive. jack is such a dumb sack of shit it amazes me. filthy, broken whore.
Tfw Kasumi had way too little screen time. Total wasted opportunity.
Why is it that in Mass Effect waifu threads people are all over Samara and Jack while simultaneously DMC5 fags are busy attempting to prove that Lady is a man because of her facial bone structure? Why are there fewer closet tranny lovers in these threads despite the fact that Liara is always depicted with a cock in SFM?
A strong jawline can be an appreciable feminine facial feature.
This man hates fun. He is not your friend.
I completely forgot Geordie La Forge. Shame on me.
Me too.
Because Jackie is feminine as fuck while having strong jaw genes for our kids.
Meanwhile Lady took a sharp left turn in DMCV. In fact every single character in DMC V looks like woke hobo hipster feminist.
because you can't have samara and jack was the only romance with any actual effort of breaking through her ruff tuff grrrl exterior
people who hate strong jawline are objectively faggots
Do you think Jack only goes for gigachads and won't even look at a computer/tech nerd that would always love her for who she is?
>hating strong jawlines
>Do you think Jack only goes for gigachads
initially. after she gets over her past and starts teaching biotics she might fall for a dork
She goes for Miri to lez dom her.
>no chakwas
>no chambers
Shit list
Asari are for submissive femdom mommy fetish boys
Jack is for sĂ³yboys and men who were gaymolested as children
Miranda, Kasumi, and Ashley are for boring normies
Tali is for true patricians
Liara from the first game
Women who look like DMC5 Lady don't need to be woke hobo hipster feminists and they never are.
>Talifag thinks he gets an opinion
She wants someone who doesn't use her for her powers and looks
came here to post this
Either Tali or Mori, rest belong to the oven.
Imagine being this scared of a fictional character that might challenge your beliefs, if you actually interacted with her, so you resort to proclaiming what a huge faggot you are online.
She might still go out with a gigachad for to party and have herself a good time. But once the party ends, she will need to return to someone waiting for her back home. The gigachad will go off to get his dick wet inside ten floozies. Jack will come home to her sleeping code monkey and wake him up by sucking his dick, before riding him like he was a pale horse named Death.
Both Jack and Miri are subs, though.
Jack is the only time Bioware did a good facescan, or whatever it's called. Miranda looks like Michael Jackson.
>This entire post
Threadly reminder that Tali is for weak simpletons who are only attracted to things even weaker than they are and I'm in no way just insecurely attempting to project how pathetic I am onto hypothetical other individuals in order to pretend to have something at which to look down.
Haha, this kind of humor doesnt hit close to home at all haha
someone else's retardation is not an argument against anything
>Jack is a sub
at most she's a brat, and brats are the fucking worst. only bean slurpers tolerate brats.
>jack might go out and "party" with gigachads but she's cuddling with me at the end of the night and I'm ok with this XD
case in point.
I just wanted to come in this thread real quick and make sure no one ever picks jack
I didnt argue. I believe you.
>posting sĂ³yboy reaction memes when someone calls you a sĂ³yboy
Oh boy, arent you in for a surprise?
this board is not for you, billy.
So, they completely changed someones previously established model because fuck you and when someone makes a comparison how that model is SUPPOSED to look like they call them out for body-shaming.
Sometimes I love irony.
>implying I didnt google that shit
You bing using brainlets need to leave
Fucking plebs not picking the best of a bad situation, which in the end is really what all of Mass Effect comes down to. That makes her the quintessential Mass Effect Waifu.
>trying to start a flamewar over which CIA sponsored data harvesting engine you use
wew lad
Some bad situations are unsalvageable.
She is a brat. And that's part of the fun. I like brats. They're difficult to handle, but you can tame them. They will always be brats with you and they will always try to one up you. So you have to be ready for that and that's the exciting part about it. It works for me, because I don't like getting complacent, I want that excitement. And Jack makes it clear that she is not interested in finding just another guy to fuck, that doesn't work for her. She wants someone that can tame her. She is most definitely a sub, a submissive brat and she wants a dominant tamer. Although she might want to switch from time to time, just to spice things up.
That's a pretty low-T effort. Apply yourself.
Does Turian have pusspuss?
I'd rather fuck a cheese grater.
>Asari are for submissive femdom mommy fetish boys
feels good man
she is the only good this that made me finish ME:A
good why we did not got a sex scene or at least a nude.
>unironically liking brats
>having a legitimate "cuckold in denial" fetish
you could have just said "I drink sĂ³ylent for every meal" and your point would have gotten across the same.
>unit selection.gif
Fuck Miranda and make genetic miracle babies with her
Marry femshep
Send Jack to mental institute
Kill aliens
Ashley is dead anyways
>Fuck Miranda and make genetic miracle babies with her
based dumb normie opinions
Miranda is sterile lol
I wish they went with Blonde Miranda
You really don't
My theory is that if you fuck woman enough, her womb opens and takes semen, which re-activates her ovaries because she is so wet with pussy juices it falls on ovaries like rain and pussy opens and makes eggs again.
nice eye cancer enb
Your game looks weird, but the hair is pretty good. At least you wont mistake her for Michael Jackson anymore.
From what I understand she could get inseminated but her advanced healing or whatever destroys the embryo before babby has time to form.
>having a legitimate "cuckold in denial" fetish
So if I want to dominate and tame my submissive brat partner, that makes me a cuck in denial? Or does allowing her to switch between the sub and dom roles, either because I'm bored of being the dom all the time or she wants to be in charge once in a while make me a cuck in denial? As for my dietary preferences, fuck s o y, I only eat meat and dairy.
Every time I see this thumbnail and enlarge it, I always expect to see them seeing Potara earrings
Can the two of you insecure fucktards continue your cringy argument over PMs? Thanks.
She had ovarian cancer, is the subtext of that conversation. Or something to that extent. Miranda is more complex genetically, though, so we don't really know what her body is capable of.
Brunette is good, too
I am merely asking user about what looks to me like a logical fallacy. Perhaps, though proper argumentation, user could support his claims and I could see where I am wrong. Nothing insecure with that.
Ice cold
>Decide to do a Ashley playthrough
>Literally can't not romance Liara instead
Anyone else? I feel like she's the best girl by far, and on my main playthogh Shepard stays loyal to her until the end.
The answer is obvious.
For years I had the opposite problem. It had to be a glitch in ME1 but I couldn't romance Liara no matter what I tried. If I so much as said hello to Ashley once, she'd come and rape me in the end of the game. If I spent every possible moment talking to Liara and never went near Ashley, then I'd end up with nobody.
I feel ya. I know many don't like her voice but it just does things to me. Weird things. I need more.
>I feel like she's the best girl by far
Surely it can't be because she's the one where more thought has been put into, radically changes in between games, has an entire DLC dedicated to her and is the writer's pet...
>tfw ywn have a hanar gf.
I like Tali
Where does this artwork come from?
me too!
That was easy.
Just don't post this shitty photo.
I want to fuck that suit rat.
I cannot countenance Talimancers.
>Ashley top
My nig-
You aight I guess.
My nigga.
They are all pretty terrible. Bioware hasn't made a good waifu since they copy/pasted Viconia into Morrigan, while the ME female cast is all garbage.
Ironically, there's a few pretty cool bros to kill people with in ME.
Looks like that animated feature they did but I don't know whether or not Garrus was in that.
What did she mean by this?
It’s Jack
I only played the first two games.
Ashley = alpha male looking for a good wholesome wife tier, clearly the best
Liara = beta male looking for an equal insecure loser tier
Tali = pedobait tier
Miranda = retard tier, she's an obnoxious cunt and a confirmed slut
Jack = super retard edgelord damaged goods tier, stay the fuck away from this shit
I don't even know the rest. Are they from ME3 or were they just that forgettable?
She's 22.
Kasumi DLC>Shadow Broker>Overlord>Zaeed DLC>Firewalker>Arrival
Can we all agree on this DLC ranking?
Samara and Morinth are from 2, Samara is the Justicar you recruit who is hunting her daughter Morinth. Kasumi is a DLC character and wants to get BLACKED by Jacob.
Samara and Morinth are from #2, they are both 100% irrelevant.
Kasumi is from some DLC shit you probably didn't see because you pirated the game like a sane person.
she's krogan cock onl though
>never care about romance in RPG
>tfw jack in me2 and suddenly i'm captain save-a-hoe
i wanna protect that smile
Nope, Overlord was top tier for that ending and the option to explain a bullet will be waiting for the scientist if he even thinks about going near David again. Zaeed is next because I have a soft spot for that old fucker the way he does for his busted gun.
are kasumi and morinth companions?
never met them, where are they?
Kasumi is DLC. Morinth is part of Samara's loyalty mission. If you have high enough paragon or renegade you can have her replace Samara. Same powerset except her bonus power is Domination instead of Reave. Trying to sex her ends in game over.
ok thanks. guess i have to replay whole series with dlc included
Oh shit!
Report to the ship. We'll bang ok?
genetic perfection
>no veins
I'm sorry, this won't do.
what a waste of 160 posts
>no option to cuck joker with Edi
what a shame
Fuck lads I just replayed the series then other month
I want to again now, but that is an investment of over a hundred and a half hours at least.
Talo > Liara > Samara > Kasumi > Miranda > Morinth > Ashley > Jack
I find myself spending the most time with the first then 2 then 3 just to see my decisions come into fruition
>ashley dressed the sluttiest
That is just plain wrong.
I'm biased, but Liara and Samantha look classy.
It kinda makes sense. She's a military grunt that doesn't know what being feminine is like.
Still don't get it, did they imply that she actually has a vagina for joker to put his dick into, since he talsk about breaking his hips. Seems weird since she's all metal.
Either she got vegane installed or she rubs him between her tights.
That's why it doesn't make sense. She just plain scoffs at the idea in ME1. And she's clearly a conservative individual. To be fair, they could have completely changed her character in ME3 to a whore when they gave her the stupid make up and hair. I never played it.
Can't you see her camel toe?
Good you're a faggot then, have fun faggot.
No one knows how a womans mind work. Not even themselves.
Cerberus created Eva Core for the intent of infiltration so her having a fully functioning vagina isn't that far fetched.
that's just a seam but she might have a vagena made out of the a similar material to her hair
Except there's nothing like that on the exoskeleton when the skin burns off.
based goggle chad pinkshep
*endoskeleton. Whatever.
Kasumi looks good. Maybe its the short hair.
conregacio del goblinas....
>Mass Effect 1 Cerberus was a rogue black ops group
>Mass Effect 2 Cerberus was a mix between a terrorist cell and a fortune 500 company. It had resources but it was still limited.
>Mass Effect 3 Cerberus was a military power rivaling the Alliance.
Man of taste.
>wishing for a sex scene or a nude from the trainwreck that was ME:A
Believe me, a fade-to-black was for the best. You really wouldn't want her romance to be butchered with an awkward, horribly animated sex scene.
More like Manjawra
Story wise series took a nose dive after ME1. They should have ditched Reaper plotline after 1 and focused on galaxy exploration, squad, specter missions.
>it was still limited
>had the power to bring the dead back to life exactly as they were before
You should of just made one row if you were going to separate all the undeniably shit girls into their own row.
Manjaws can be hot.
I always mentally maintain this image of quarians when I play the games. achkshually quarians are the most humanlike species in the galaxy... -yeah no shit we can see the figure of their bodies through their suits. That doesn't mean the face of a species that evolved in symbiosis with the bacteria, viruses and plant spores of its planet should be identical to the face of a species that evolved to have allergies to pollination and immune mechanisms meant to destroy most microbes
Funny, since Cora's romance scene had the best animation in the game by far.
Which combined with the Normandy SR2 drained their entire operating budget.
artist is gobeur/epsee
Lets be honest here, main overarching story wasn't really Mass Effect's strong point even in the first one. It was character stories that were the real selling point.
They really should have used a piece of concept art for the photo instead of a shop.
Honestly, Mass Effect's finale with the reaper invasion could have worked perfectly in a similar manner to how it was in 3 had it been Mass Effect 4/5 instead. Then, you can use a game in between to further develop everything from the universe to character stories, perhaps solving some of the plot threads like the Geth and Cerberus. And of course having more than a years worth of dev time.
The SR1 was a frigate with the budget of a destroyer. The SR2 was more than double the size, with even more tech and luxury crammed in. It was stated to cost far less than the Lazarus Project. So while it wasn't quite unlimited, they probably had a budget rivaling that of some of the major races.