Is there ever a reason to prefer the graphics of an original game over a remake, other than nostalgia?

Is there ever a reason to prefer the graphics of an original game over a remake, other than nostalgia?

Attached: vermillion.png (1408x638, 129K)

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Some games have legitimately better art direction despite the lower fidelity (Spyro, Crash, Silent Hill). There's exceptions, like HGSS, but for the most part it seems devs have a lot of trouble separating what was an explicit artistic choice from what could be improved.

Yes, soul.

The glitches. Have you never been down the Pokemon Blue/Red/Yellow glitch rabbithole?

If a game goes from 2D Sprites to 3D models there's probably a case to be made and one may also argue artistic style. I don't think Gen 1 or Gen 2 had an artistic style and Gen 3's artistic style is basic as fuck at best but there could be an argument for whether RSE or ORAS looks better, I can't really see an argument for whether RBGY vs FRLG or GSC vs HGSS looking better.

I think there's something to be admired with how much detail Game Boy developers were able to fit in with just a 4 tone monochromatic palette.
The new versions do look objectively better though.

>bollards replaced with rocks and bushes
That is a soulless change. Its far more logical that artificial bollards would be used as barriers in the water and not convenient rocks.

Sometimes, I think less is more...

Attached: cianwood.png (1031x852, 174K)

The original's graphics were developed with the game in mind.

yikes, GSC really looks like trash

Unless it's a huge deviation from the art style of the original, no.

I think it has a simplistic charm

Attached: Violet_City_C (1).png (640x576, 38K)

People can fuck up art direction pretty badly

Attached: disney-devoile-enfin-le-nouveau-genie-interprete-par-will-smith-dans-aladin-547125.jpg (1280x960, 86K)

What exactly do graphics have to do with glitches?

sure! just look at games like Monkey Island 1.

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Soulless vs Soul

Attached: soul.png (2200x874, 1.5M)

Sometimes a remake doesn't have an art direction that reflects well on the original

Attached: SoM.jpg (1280x720, 128K)

>pokemon center graphics are out of place with the rest of town, making it look like a gaudy toy shop in a shanty town rather than an essential service in a port city.
>Gym doesn't have the shrub, ruining the balance of content of the original, which was its purpose
>Gym manages to look worse, smaller and flatter
>Additional trees and incomprehensible ground tiling reinforces the shanty town vibe. The empty space made it look like the city was larger, just inaccessible. A perfect example of achieving more with less.

Attached: kyuyong-eom-soon-art2.jpg (1920x2407, 714K)

I feel like people vastly overestimate how bad these look for being Vita tier ports

They're definitely not on the level of FF mobile

Attached: 36381169870_bd6c7c6c2c_b.jpg (1024x576, 290K)

>Is there ever a reason to prefer the graphics of an original game over a remake

Yeah, if the newer graphics look tacky and cheap ie. Super Mario All-Stars.

Nintendo remakes have a weird tendency to make things seem fancier than they have to be. Like look at that stone path leading to the dock with a nice awning above it. Is that really necessary?

Not sure what it is, but the cities look smaller in the remakes

Attached: pewter.png (1408x641, 123K)

>the voice acting

dual audio

Much smaller buildings and less trees

the cities definitely look better in the remakes.
the space in the original games look unused, too open.

I don't know why it isn't shown in the pic, but the bush is still there.

Attached: Pokemon.png (820x1184, 119K)

>getting rid of those weird rails on the road

Attached: route11.png (1143x607, 73K)

Attached: Pokemon2.png (820x1184, 63K)

>better sound
every move after gen2 sounds shit
>better sprites
yes, red blue venusaur looks better than every other
>bugs, glitches
Anhilating everyone in the game when you know which pokemons are op is fun as fuck.

>>Gym doesn't have the shrub, ruining the balance of content of the original, which was its purpose
So you haven't played either of these games then?

Technical limitations forced developers to be more creative, which sometimes in turn made for more interesting graphics than the remakes

It entirely depends if the remaster or remake adheres to the original artstyle or not. There's a lot more to making a game look good than just having better graphical fidelity. And while it's hard to fuck up a 2D remake/remaster because you can simply have better sprites or artwork than the original, 3D remakes/remasters tend to fuck up the most because you can't just slap modern graphical techniques on the original and have it look good.

Attached: WWHD comparison.png (852x472, 639K)

Is it unnecessary? It's just decoration to flesh things out a bit. No real reason to have it, no real reason to not have it.

WW"""HD""" is the most atrocious example of how to fuck up a basic artstyle.

Only one of those pertains to the topic, and it's by far one of the weakest points of Red and Blue's graphics, especially the back sprites.

Because they're weird.

autists on Yea Forums take everything to its extreme as always, just because graphics dont matter they think old graphics MUST be better

its hilarious really

Attached: 1552081186423.jpg (1024x903, 70K)

I feel like the left, the graphics are incredibly symbolic. Like a map on a table where a certain icon means something but doesn't look like it literallly.

It's easy to take the left's graphics and imagine what it might look like in real life.

The right on the other hand has much better graphics to the point where it literally looks like what it's supposed to be representing. You can't imagine what it might look like because it literally is an orange house with flowers on the porch. It's actually a bit uncanny in places where it doesn't make sense like 90 degree turns on dirt paths, etc.

Game Freak shouldn't adhere to such symbolic maps of old now that graphical fidelity is so high and able to achieve what the original artist actually had in mind.


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I don't know what the hell Aonuma was smoking to look at the Nintendo Land engine tested on both TP and WW and then pick WW, saying that the realistic bloomy lighting fit WW better.
Pic related, we could've gotten this.

Attached: tp-img-9449-1488404689199_1280w.jpg (1280x960, 265K)

They probably realized TP sucked dick

Both games did, but the simple fact is that the lighting fit TP significantly better.

But we did, didn't we?

Which one is which here?

The right looks better

TPHD is basically just a texture pack. They cleaned up all the textures and reduced the blurriness of the original but it didn't get any lighting upgrades like WWHD got.

Right is the original game.

Attached: TPHD midna comparison.jpg (1366x1452, 798K)

For some unknown reason the Chinese Nvidia Shield version got another HD texture pack

This time Nvidia did the meme AI upscale on every texture in the game and it looks trash

Attached: (1920x1080, 1.71M)

The weird part is in that version they USED the HD Link textures that were made for TPHD, but everything else is the AI generated shit.
So that means they very well could've used the TPHD textures.

HGSS worked aesthetically speaking because they just fully accepted that Gen I-IV take place in Japan with the visuals and audio, on top of adding a load of content. It still has the problems of poor Pokémon placement and awful level scaling, however it’s still a very very good remake.

i love the pallet of gold/silver. the colors are so odd

Attached: 500px-AzaleaTownMap.png (500x225, 99K)

Weird. I play Gold/silver 3-4 times a year when I was a kid.. yet I have zero memory of this location.

More like the best remake so far.

Maybe some masochist enjoys getting headaches?

HGSS is peak comfy

Attached: HGSS.gif (500x375, 55K)

so comfy and brings back so many memories.

that's where you get Shuckle and fight the gym leader with a Poliwrath so you can use Fly outside of battle
in Crystal Eusine is up at the top and you battle him because he likes suicune or something

Attached: 1341802617348.jpg (495x757, 94K)

Going to have to look at a gameplay video on youtube. I have zero recollection of this place. weird.

I played exclusively at night time so this sticks in my mind. Night looked amazing in GSC

Attached: 1410122157860.jpg (531x361, 67K)

I just get sad looking at it. I'll never be in primary school again eating spaghetti hoops, watching Recess on the TV with my gameboy advance SP in hand.

morning is also pretty comfy

Attached: morning.png (480x435, 16K)

fucking zoomers

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Attached: TVG.jpg (312x283, 17K)

is that red dot on his face supposed to be his mouth?

SP came out in 2003.

I didn't even realise there was a colour difference in the morning to the rest of the day?

It's basically just colour. The problem of the remake is that everything seems so small. That town only has like 6 buildings. Back in gen 1 it was just the limitation of the system

I was too young to realize why this stuck out so much, now I finally get it. What a clumsy mistake.

Soul is nostalgia

Most remakes look like trash, your picture is one of very few examples of good looking remaster.

>implying soul exists

Attached: 1368815927369.jpg (515x614, 61K)

What do you mean?

was the original game really this green?

Attached: oo.png (480x438, 28K)

Yup. Contrary to popular belief game boy was not black and white but different shades of green.

It was actually a darker shade of green in real life because you didn't have a back light.

Theres a yellowy orange hue in the morning

It wouldn't have even looked like that on the original Gameboy.

In Pokemon games, the writing names it clear that you are your character. It's part of what makes the game so personal to each player, which is an important aspect of it, as everyone will have their own unique Pokemon team. Anyway to enforce this, it always says 'You got a potion', 'You threw a Pokeball', 'You caught A Pidgey', and so on. But in that one instance in the lighthouse, they accidentally separated you from your character, where he speaks for himself. It's no wonder why this was so jarring to me, because it's actually such an effective displacement technique, it's done on purpose in Undertale.

this is what it looks like on my emulator, definitely a different color from normal day

Attached: morning2.png (484x432, 16K)

i thought the games were black and white, but the screen simply made them seem green? i had a game boy pocket so the games just looked black and white for me

it had a dimmer switch. you better have an AC adapter if you want to be able to see the game and not pour through 4 batteries
my gameboy pocket only took 2 batteries and I still used an AC adapter

Yeah I had a pocket too, all my games were black and white.

The game bot pocket screen was just black and white, yeah.

Eternal peak of the franchise

Here's daytime for comparison

Attached: Screenshot_20190317-121207_John GBC Lite.jpg (1080x991, 403K)

On the original gameboy, no. When you plugged it into the SP all sorts of funky colour shit happened with original gameboy games.

Interesting. All these years never spotted that

What romhack is this and is it into English or danish?

normal black and white makes more sense to me. thats how i remember it

Attached: bw.png (480x432, 14K)

Morning only lasts a few hours so it makes sense you maybe didn't play it enough in the morning to notice.

Maybe you just never played in the morning? I know I didn't cause I was in school on weekdays and I slept long on weekends.

absolutely fucking this

Boobs and ass physics

that was so fucking cool. on gameboy advance you could hold a direction before turning on the game and it would be different colors.

>those long car trips where the fucking sun would wash out everything on your screen every other turn and you'd have to play with you torso twisted

I was just about to reply saying that. M-F I simply wouldn't play in the morning as I was in school and weekday mornings/afternoon were when I could hop on dial-up and play runescape without interfering with the phone too much.

This is probably a dumb question. But you know how when you played Red on a GB Color, the game has this shade of red? How did they do that? I mean they didnt design the game with colors in mind

GBC added a shade of color to the pokemon games, no idea how. If you pressed some buttons in the start screen that says "game boy color" you could change that shade, even to black with white lines. I always thought it was a cool addition.

My blue version had a shade of blue.

Google "gameboy color" and read the wiki section on this specific point you lazy fuck

Eh, when you're actually playing and its not zoomed out like that it looks way more natural. They definitely could have done more with Cianwood though. I mean they werent even trying to do a 1:1 recreation if we're going by the fact that they moved the gym, so why not go all the way and give thw town a little more space.
I do love the "fishing village"-esque aesthetic for HGSS Cianwood though

Apparently, the data for the palettes was integrated in the GBC itself, but only for a handfull of titles.
>For dozens of popular Game Boy titles, the Game Boy Color has an enhanced palette built in featuring up to 16 colors - four colors for each of the Game Boy's four layers.[13] If the system does not have a palette stored for a game, it defaults to a palette of green, blue, salmon, black, and white.

I also always wondered about this as a kid but I never thought of looking it up on the internet. Neat stuff.

Attached: Hu169CZ.png (377x344, 14K)

how do I do that?

You're not there for very long and once you finish the 3 or 4 things there are to do there, theres no real reason to ever go back.
You fight the suicune guy(crystal only I think?), do the gym, get the medicine, and get HM Fly.

That's Green Version. Red, Blue and Green had different tints you'd only see on the Game Boy Player or a GBC and up.

which one is supposed to look better?

sotc colors got so scuffed in the remake. Which kind of sucks because otherwise, as far as I can tell, its a pretty good/faithful remake.

CS 1.6 play better then CSGo simply becasue it has less flufin the levels to distract you.

>four colors for each of the Game Boy's four layers
>green, blue, salmon, black, and white

In the case of FR/LG and the remakes on Super Mario Allstars, no, not even nostalgia, it's just pencil dick zoomers trying to fit in.

wtf is 'google'? is that verb

I love how zoomer-Yea Forums despises the word fun as a descriptive word, but suck eachothers cocks over 'soul' a word so fucking meaningless it's laughable.

Its a meme...

White probably doesn't count as a color, since it's just "colorless".

i hate all-stars aesthetic. it's so rounded

People shit on MM for killing atmosphere but WWHD is truly something else, doesn't even look like it tries to feel like the original at all, at lower res comparison like in this pic it looks like a beta version of the original game

it doesn't sound like you love it. are you a woman? is that why you think sarcasm is effective?

Are you an autist? Is that why you replied to me?

some remakes have terrible art styles and aren't just upgrades of the original.

Heck with FRLG for example, I thought the graphics of RSE were better

Came here to post that particular example of shitty remake

answer my question first

>replacing bollards with rocks
that makes no sense at all.

but the original SMB has a way cooler aesthetic than the remake

Depends on the game. Here's an example of a game where the original is unarguably more aesthetically pleasing than the remake.

I'm aware the left is from the remake too, don't be autistic.

Attached: wonderboy-comparison.jpg (1160x331, 226K)

When I was a retarded 7 year old I thought this guys sprite was a fish.

It also took me ages to get out of moms house because I didn't realise I had to go to the doormat and press DOWN

Fresh out of (You)s

American mario 2 looks pretty good, my favorite version of that game and Mario 3 it's just fine, I really don't get what they had in mind with the first 2 games though, they have this flat shiny plastic look that just doesn't make sense for that game.

it was just le irony my le boomzoom'st'd've broski

The left is from the remake.

Shut the fuck up

>I didn't realise I had to go to the doormat and press DOWN
Age doesn't fix that kind of retardation

>It also took me ages to get out of moms house because I didn't realise I had to go to the doormat and press DOWN

Attached: nnn.gif (550x382, 2.57M)

You sound like my dad who thought our new PS1 didn't work because he didn't know you had to press down on the disc until it locked in place. he just rested it all wobbly on the top and thought that was good.

Not him but that sounds like my Uncle. He got stuck alot in pokemon. To his credit its now been like what 16 years since yellow came out and the dude FINNNALY beat it like 2 years ago. Dude would show up at family gatherings to show off what hes done in pokemon. Never knew a man to take 15+ years to beat a game but god damnit did he do it.

If you had GBC, you could change the color scheme

Your dad sounds inbred.

Tell your uncle I can beat Yellow in less than a day and he's a fucking failure of a man.

>I didn't realize I had to leave the house by using the door which is indicated by the doormat
Fucking how, user

Forgot the picture. Thought this man was a giant fish. Look at me look at me and laugh

Attached: Screenshot 2019-03-17 at 12.42.03.png (754x394, 175K)

My uncle killed gooks in vietnam. Did you?

No, but I beat Yellow in less than a day

But... the game calls him "old man" or something. Wtf dude

Ah, the Missingno glitchman

I was a really fucking dumb kid.

>Is there ever a reason to prefer the graphics of an original game over a remake, other than nostalgia?
Yes, when you don't like it, the only remake i particulary dislike becouse of the artstyle is the Phantasy Star 2 remake, maybe also the remakes of Fire Emblem for the DS becouse of the ugly generic 3D animated fights

Attached: 1455083986904.jpg (540x472, 54K)

>Phantasy Star 2 remake
It made Shir cuter

Wonder boy wasn't that great because it was just a 1:1 recreation but with pretty graphics I guess. I guess that's why I prefer Monster Boy even though it didn't look as pretty since it was a new game and not a remake

The remake included extra hard areas for each transformation hidden in the game, with a new tier of enemy, yellow.

Or, you know, like he grew up in an era that used gramophones, you narcissistic, unempathic, zoomer fuck

I think he's inbred, that means you're inbred too bro

>that gen 2 soundfont that burns into your soul

Attached: reflection.jpg (653x490, 95K)

the graphics are what cause the glitches

The minimalism of the low definition version is tastefully done and holds up pretty well but I actually like when a remake look good in its own way no matter how different and this one does the job. Sure it might give less to the imagination but that's not necessarily a bad thing since it still does justice to the game world in a new way and that's all a remake needs.

Honestly, I think it depends on what you're used to. I've never heard of this game but I'd choose the right style everytime over the garish palette on the left, but with Pokemon I slightly prefer G/S aesthetics over HG/SS.

>those times you played when it was a rainy night, the power went out, your parents were fighting, but you just wanted to go through one more cave, one more town, one more forest

Attached: 1446941759638.jpg (396x385, 101K)

I also like gen 1/2 graphics
Never played them as a child and still prefer the originals over the remakes

The palette of the beach area is deliberately meant to look bright and tropical, other areas have tones suitable for their themes.

Attached: WonderBoyIIIInline_1257837933.jpg (480x364, 84K)

Crystal looks just as good if not better than HGSS. More vibrant colours and sprites with tons of energy. Technical limitations are usually never a hindrance for making a game look good. This is why remakes are not an upgrade in most cases. Because the world of Pokemon Crystal was designed with the limits of the Gameboy Colour in mind, so when you put it on the DS you haven't used to the DS graphics to its full potential. It's like transfering to a different medium, it's not better.

Attached: sex2.png (274x396, 206K)

>with tons of energy
What the fuck does that even mean?
I'm not even disagreeing with it looking better but that's a really weird argument, if you can even call it that.

Emerald is where the series peaked.
Best enviroments
Best sprites

Attached: 60018-pokemon-sapphire-version-game-boy-advance-screenshot-cool-water.png (240x160, 10K)

I had a LOT of fun playing Sapphire and there was that one really really long route that was fun as hell. The environments were also pretty.

I never worried about the number 1 compliant (the sounds) as I rarely played with sound.

water and trumpets. also the pokemon designs got lazy by adding stripes instead of character

Attached: GSC-Johto-EcruteakCity.png (500x362, 381K)

The weather effects were so nice. Comfy rain and those reflections in the puddles... Made those dumb mud sections worth it.

A game can be technically better but artistically worse in a remake. Aesthetic satisfaction isn't decided by simple spec-based metrics.

>stripes instead of character
Gen 3 has the best pokemon next to gen 1
Half of gen 2 pokemon are blobs with smiley faces.

Attached: 250px-302Sableye.png (250x250, 44K)

the towr on the top left was always weird. I might install the emulator on my phone and explore every nook and cranny of these games

circle on the chart where the pokemon hurt you

Attached: 1296629325142.png (2976x2016, 749K)

Literally which gen 3 pokemon does that?

They look alive, they have energy, soul, life animation, whatever you wanna call it.

Attached: sneasel.gif (500x500, 50K)

Depends, is nidhogg II a remake?


For comparison. here is Sneasel in XY, ORAS, SM and USUM

Attached: sneaselXY.gif (47x72, 106K)

That was a game feature tbqh. We had lots of fun with the missingno glitch, duping rare candies in the schoolyard.

I love every generation. I think gen2 has the most bland pokes, and gen 4 has the most overdesigned pokes

Attached: A25D5B54-C06B-4090-886E-DFDB57D2C962.png (500x566, 100K)

>phone posting

Bland is good with this series. Pray to god for bland.

These are beautiful. Got any for the other gens?

But that's because of more varied animations in 3D. The sprites have more dynamic poses and such because there is only one animation. You can't compare a 3D idle animation with a 2D battle sprite.
For 3D you need the contrast of idle animations and attack animations. If the idle poses would be as dynamic as the 2D sprites it would look ridiculous.
If you want a fair comparision you should take a frame from the attack animation.

the left is a remake? what does the original look like

>Bland is good
What the fuck dude

Someone post the Dig and Mega Kick webms

With Pokemon, it's either bland or this garbage.

Attached: 1200px-647Keldeo.png (1200x1200, 642K)

Soul is just the new mix of comfy/aesthetic, when you have one is nice but when you have both then it's a reflection of the SOUL of the developer.

Nobody right in their mind uses legendary pokemon (which are objectively the most overdesigned mons), so who cares?

welp looks like I'm booting up another playthrough of silver

this is the shittiest pokemon i've ever seen
it's got the stripes problem, the human eyes problem, a rejected retarded mega man boss isn't a pokemon

Attached: 689Barbaracle.png (410x410, 147K)

look at this overdesigned sack of shit. fucking ice birds, feathers just make things complicated and busy looking

Attached: Articuno.jpg (180x180, 19K)

It is as much overdesigned as Keldeo desu.
>unnecessarily long tail with stupid stripes on them for no reason
>weird ass horn things slapped on head for no reason
Take off your nostalgia goggles

Keldeo is too rounded and the design doesn't make sense

Attached: 1430315081813.png (967x651, 146K)

>the human eyes problem
It's funny cause the eyes are almost identical to the way they looked in gen 1 on pretty much EVERY pokemon, the stupid Vegeta eyes that every genwunner loves so much.

Attached: 100Voltorb.png (431x431, 173K)

>there are people that didn't like Gen V's sprite work
Literally why? It's shit had been asking for since Gen 1, sprites that move at all times. It's nice seeing Pokemon actually move in an idle stance, even if it's only two seconds of tweening.

Attached: 215.gif (59x51, 45K)

they were still working it out in gen 1.

Attached: the mouth is a voltorb eye.gif (384x379, 16K)

>weird ass horn things
All of the legendary birds in gen 1 have some forehead crown thing going on. Moltres' fire, Zapdos' spikes, and Cuno's horns

I wish you could turn it off. All the moving back and forth just makes the black outlines and themselves pixelate, it doesn't look clean

Attached: Raichu.png (253x224, 45K)

What kind of cope is that?

Dammit I also didn't know what you meant in your mother post but yup... Now I see it

It can be thoughts. Remember in the Red/Blue at the beginning you can check the TV and you think/say it's a movie about 4 kids walking on railroad tracks?

let, he kinda does look like a fish user

I really hate tweening animations on small pixel sprites. The one you posted is relatively okay but look at this shit. All the distortions on the tentacles and the head, yikes.
I get why they did it, because tweening is so much faster to do and they had to animate over 600 sprites. It wouldn't have been possible to hand-draw such lengthy animations, but I still don't like how they look.
I also didn't like the overworld sprites for human characters, they looked so stiff and stickmanish compared to gen 4.

Attached: Pok%C3%A9monsprite_073_SW.gif (84x85, 98K)

Gen 3 will forever be my favorite Gen. Going from playing 1 & 2 to Hoenn was amazing.

You misunderstand. None of my posts were taking jabs at gen 5, only gen 6 and onward. BW2 has the best aesthetics in the series

Don't Red & Blue have Super Game Boy compatibility, and that's how the Game Boy Color knows how to add in more colour than what it does for the standard GB game? Then Yellow version had the special palette built into the GBC, which is why Yellow has different colours for different areas and such. Or am I misremembering the details on this shit?

Granted there no possible way we'd get SFIII or KoF quality sprites, but it's the fact after all that time they finally took the extra step which makes me appreciate it. They're not the best, but seeing individual limbs distort is a hell of a lot better than just having the Pokemon stand there doing nothing. They're organic and autonomous beings, a little bit of movement goes a lot way.

I know, I'm just speaking in general. Lately I've been seeing a number of people say they heavily dislike Gen V's sprite work.

Attached: Alex-ts-stance.gif (113x111, 35K)


Left is better
Right looks like fisher price shit

Funny considering it's a kids game you fucking goon

>I played pokemon when i was a kid therefore 8 bits are superior
Most of the people that use "soul" as an argument are just nostalic

How can you be in primary school in 2003?

Because I was 11.

>Thought this man was a giant fish

>gameboy advance
Found the zoomer

>comfy sunday morning
>wake up
>go to /vp/
>talk pokemon
>ok let's see what Yea Forums's up to
>first thread is this one

ahh.. gonna be a comfy morning lads

Attached: sleepachu.jpg (600x450, 31K)

So you're a zoomer?

I'm 26 years old.

They probably redid the mountain to accommodate for the new area. Both look fine.

Yeah, so you're a zoomer. You should have been 26 in the 2000's not 2019

funny word for great

The big problem with the new titles is that the locations are so much detailed that it shows just how empty it is by comparison. The older style, simple and "abstract" makes more sense.


Attached: 1550629706800.png (1066x1066, 597K)

FYI for all ITT: If you never played a romhack, I highly, highly recommend Drayano's Version of HeartGold/SoulSilver called "SacredGold/Storm SIlver". I never played a rom hack before but wanted to revisit HG/SS and this is such a fun, refreshing take on the game.

He was probably born in 92/93, He isn't gen Z. Also doesn't follow with the ebin 4chinz meme anyways.

Ok grandpa, maybe read up on your definitions. Sorry I'm not approaching 40 reminicising about pokemon.

Look up what gen z means, dummy

The GBA games have aged better than anything else.

boomzoomwoomdoomyoompoom ehehehehehe

Fuck people who don't realize the greatness of the first two gens. For all I care GameFreak could have simply remade them over and over again, expanding on them, and I wouldn't mind.

But Gamefreak does remake them over and over again :^)

FR/LG are great remakes BRO

This. user is a dummy.

Doesn't mean they are flawless tho.

left or right?

Attached: fuschia.png (1530x595, 134K)

The ironical thing is: you're proving exactly what "soul" means for a lot of people and why many modern games don't seem noteworthy in the design department.

Back in the day graphics were always handcrafted and even those who tried to emulate realism as best as they could, still looked unique enough due to limited technology to have a certain stylistic impact.

Nowadays, with the technology to make everything actually look (more or less) realistic, most game enviroments are just nothing special to look at. Sure, buildings and towns in AC games look realistic, but I won't remember them more than I do the buildings in my own hometown.
The more realistic something looks, the more bland and forgettable it'll be too.

Gen 3 looks amazing, but can't say I enjoyed the content. I tried to get back into it with Alpha Sapphire, but no dice.

I'm pretty sure that's Saffron City, not Fuschia.
Fuschia is Koga's one with the safari zone

Attached: celadon.png (1758x642, 132K)

>he's 44 and frequents a video game board on a mongolian BBQ trading card forum

ORAS is worse than the originals in a few aspects, though. Like, relatively objectively. It's far more handhold-y and they changed the story.

>mongolian BBQ trading card forum
This shit isn't funny, stop.

left image unironically has more soul

>ou're proving exactly what "soul" means
It's a meaningless buzzword use by pretentious faggots that want to appear deep and intellectual without being either of those things
While this actually has a definition, it ultimately doesn't matter. If I handcraft a house and it falls down on top of me, it's not good just because it was handcrafted.
>Nowadays, with the technology to make everything actually look (more or less) realistic, most game enviroments are just nothing special to look at.
Not even remotely true

Attached: uraya.jpg (474x266, 35K)

in fairness, oras is an excellent example of an inferior remake

Fuck you, I had a laugh
Humour is not universal you autist

Not gonna like, I think I might unironically prefer the left. It's kind of weird seeing Cinnabar look so colorful and fancy.

Attached: cinnabar.png (810x439, 64K)

It's not funny to me, so I will put an end to it.

This chart made me realize how much I love Gen II's Pokémon. A common complaint people have is "you are mostly catching Gen 1 Pokémon". But that's not only false, but it's also a good thing that the region balances Pokémon from both gens, as opposed ot shoehorning an entire cast of new Pokémon. Old favorites are still favorites, like Pidgey. What's important is that you could still catch Hoothoot.

The only thing I can complain is that, as much as I love nearly EVERY design, my issue is that I didn't use a lot of them because the Pokémon were one-stage or fairly weak. By comparison, a lot of Gen 1 Pokémon I didn't use because I simply didn't like them (Muk, Magneton, Rapidash, Jynx, Raticate, Beedrill, etc.).

This is immediately apparent for even normalfags when you bring up color theory. Most major companies now do not know even a single jack shit about how to balance contrast or how hue shifting is.
You can argue about how a game itself as something to be played is or isn't an art, but the actual graphics and atmosphere of a game is 100% art and requires an actual understanding and education of artistic philosophy, math, audience logistics, strategy and a huge amount of presence in some form of community which deals heavily in art or design.
You need to know down to a formulaic level how well certain colors work with certain colors, how to use illusions and tricks of perception to make something immediately recognizable to the average brain. There is an incredibly massive amount of thought put into even the crappiest of older games, even if it may not seem like it. Huge amounts of talent and intelligence were wasted on forgotten pieces of crap, and not only does the audience have the absolute gall to shit all over it without a second thought but companies think they can just replace these people with shitty pajeets and payless fat women interns. Look at how crappy the color palettes in newer games are, even the best look like they were eyedropped from something on deviant art.


Attached: The Wii Man.jpg (1280x720, 72K)


show how it looks in gen 2 kek

why don't you come over here and make me big boy

alot of the original games had a specific vision, some of that gets left out in the remasters.

id say sonic mania is probably the best example of how to do a remaster while still keeping its original charm and vision.

Attached: Cinnabar_Island_GSC.png (320x288, 13K)


The problem is people who criticize the first two gens usually do it from a gameplay point of view. The issue is that the newer titles aren't "Gen 1 and 2 but with better gameplay". They add retarded Pokémon, awful new regions, and so on. Genuine improvements are usually dropped in the Pokémon series and picked up later on, as opposed to becoming a mainstay.

Johto is easily my favorite region in any Pokémon game, and it would be amazing to see it realized as a HUGE map someday. Instead, we get more and more small maps. Mostly because fucking handhels.

Depends. For example I prefer the original graphics of the original Ruby/Sapphire over OR/AS because while OR/AS may be in 3D, the FOV is extremely zoomed in and you can't see shit compared to how much you could see on the original GBA versions.

Why do you think the new regions are awful, though?

what's the third image from? is it crystal only content?

e.g. is a damn empty city. And this is Pokémon nowadays too. A few houses (at best), your standard Mart and Pokémon center, a gym, and nothing more. That was okay for Gen I and II, but you would expect something else from the later games. Gen III did add a few things I really loved, like secret bases (I just wish they served some purpose), Battle Frontier, the dive mechanic (and the wonderful Sootopolis), and a really varied region.

Regarding Pokémon designs: you can only have six Pokémon in a team. There comes a point where I had rather have Pidgeot or Noctowl over any bird Pokémon that came later in the series. Same with most types. Variety is nice if you hate Pidgeot or Noctowl, but because I love them everything else feels like filler.

Thanks for shoving Tailow down my throat, GameFreak.

Because I don't like them. I prefer the first three Gens. The only reason I'm not madly in love with Gen III is because, despite the graphical advancements (rain, reflections on water and steps on sand, etc.) is because the artstyle itself is fairly ugly. And it got worse with Emerald, somehow.

That lake drove me nuts as a kid.

How the fuck can you complain about empty cities when you prefer gen 1 and 2? Gen 1 suffered the most from this. Only 3 out of 18 normal houses are accessible on the example you linked. It's not much better in other Kanto cities. It's slightly better in Johto but newer gens definitely don't have that problem as much.
And if you love variety then you should complain about gen 1 pokemon showing up in every single fucking game (including gen 2)

>How the fuck can you complain about empty cities when you prefer gen 1 and 2?
What I'm saying is that the newer titles are shit because they still haven't improved (considerably) on games from the 90s.
>And if you love variety then you should complain about gen 1 pokemon showing up in every single fucking game
I never complained about that, retard. In fact, I said it's a good thing that Gen 1 Pokémon show up in every game (even better if they are available from the start).

>Regarding Pokémon designs: you can only have six Pokémon in a team. There comes a point where I had rather have Pidgeot or Noctowl over any bird Pokémon that came later in the series. Same with most types. Variety is nice if you hate Pidgeot or Noctowl, but because I love them everything else feels like filler.
This is the most garbage opinion O have ever seen.
If you want to play KANTOOO again then just replay RBY or LG.
Hell they made a game just for you called let's go pikachu and let's go eevee there you can play with pidgey and get bombarded with zubats all you want.

Attached: 1552761195112.png (357x361, 62K)

>it's a good thing that Gen 1 Pokémon show up in every game (even better if they are available from the start).
Why are you saying "variety is nice" when you clearly don't actually think it is? Gen 1 shitmons showing up early in every fucking gen is one of the worst fucking things GF keeps doing because of nostalgia fags like you.

Yes, most remakes do too much (like the example you provided). Pic related is one.

Attached: super-mario-all-stars.png (550x478, 354K)

>If you want to play KANTOOO again then just replay RBY or LG.

Attached: 346136156.jpg (499x481, 28K)

>Why are you saying "variety is nice" when you clearly don't actually think it is?
Because in that sentence I say
>if you hate Pidgeot or Noctowl
But moreover
>but because I love them everything else feels like filler
And I should clarify
>because everything else looks like shit, it is filler
Nearly ALL bird Pokémon after Gen III look like absolute shit.

remakes aren't made for people who already played the game. you guys really need to rethink the purpose of remakes. they make remakes for the youngsters who haven't had the opportunity to play the game when it came out. youngsters aren't gonna play a 10 years old game, they're gonna play the remake.

Then don't fucking play these games. Play gen 1, 2 and 3 and stop complaining, Jesus Christ.

That's literally what you are asking for.
You want to play the same game over and over again.
It's cancer like you that made this abomination possible.

Attached: pokemon-lets-go-pikachu-en-eevee-hands-on-gespeeld-op-e3-2018-133855-4.jpg (970x545, 145K)

Your retarded opinion is why the franchise has been on a steady downhill for over 10 years already.

Attached: 1549444753699.jpg (1440x1080, 784K)

>That's literally what you are asking for.
No, I want GameFreak to get good and make good regions and Pokés (which they haven't done), or just rehash their old shit but do it well (which they aren't doing). HG/SS was a step in the right direction. But it was just one step.

No, your retarded nostalgia goggles is what pests all newer gens, making them stagnate and keep featuring the worst aspects of the franchise.
Have fun using fucking Pidgey for the 15th time in Sword and Shield I guess since you love it so much.

>Have fun using fucking Pidgey for the 15th time in Sword and Shield I guess since you love it so much.
1. I don't buy GameFreak shit.
2. I would love to hear your suggestions about the brilliant bird Pokémon that have been coming out during the last decade.

>Intelligible post
>On my Yea Forums
More often then you think

>There's exceptions, like HGSS,
HGSS has a worse art direction than crystal

>Don't Red & Blue have Super Game Boy compatibility,
Yes. Actually if you play Red and Blue on a Super Gameboy they have more colors than the Gameboy Color allows. Each town is colored with a particular pallet.

Super Gameboy's color capabilities are actually a bit more impressive than Gameboy Colors in certain respects. It can color individual sections of the screen in a particular pallet so you can have more than 4 colors on a screen at one time. It doesn't work well with games that have a lot of movement though so the colors are usually used on a frame around the game and/or the score and life meter and not much else

>only likes the gen2 remake.

Attached: 1539549173030.png (249x253, 94K)

>1. I don't buy GameFreak shit.
Then why do you even care about pokemon? Go play the old games on an emulator and stop whining. You won't buy it anyway if they make the game of your dreams.

>2. I would love to hear your suggestions about the brilliant bird Pokémon that have been coming out during the last decade.
Gen 6 did a step in the right direction and FINALLY made the fucking early area bird mon not a fucking normal/flying again. How the fuck are you not tired of using the same types every fucking game?

It's the same reason why most video game remixes sound odd.

When the remake some how looks or plays worse

Can't say about the actual games, but at the very least on your picture the remake looks MUCH more aesthetically pleasing than the original.

garbage game but wonderful use of color

There's some nice warmth to the colors in GS, especially that grass and trees. I prefer it to the almost glowing bright greens and blues you see in newer Pokemon games.

Attached: PONDERSA_PINE.jpg (2068x1320, 643K)

SE for Monkey Island 2 looked fine. I agree that Monkey Island 1 looked like ass though.

>Then why do you even care about pokemon?
Because I would like it to be good again? Do you have brain damage?
>Gen 6 did a step in the right direction and FINALLY made the fucking early area bird mon not a fucking normal/flying again
Too bad the designs are shit.
>How the fuck are you not tired of using the same types every fucking game?
Because type combination is the least of my problems when it comes to Pokémon gameplay.

>Because type combination is the least of my problems when it comes to Pokémon gameplay.
You don't give a shit about one of the core elements of pokemon gameplay? Seems like they are just not your kind of game honestly. You're just riding nostalgia dick.

if gen 3 had morn/day/night it would easily be best

>You don't give a shit about one of the core elements of pokemon gameplay?
Are we talking about the same franchise that rehashed fire/fighting three games in a row, and didn't rehash it a fourth time because they went for "Dark" when the Pokémon itself is a fucking wrestler?

No, rehashing a type combination is not one of the "core elements" of Pokémon. The core elements of Pokémon, catching, training and fighting have been stale for quite a while already. As a matter of fact, the games play pretty much the same as they did back in Gen 1.

they look like characters you would find on a box of candy or something. or a toy in a kinder surprise

Attached: nupokemon.jpg (1264x664, 136K)

Simpler graphics leave more up for imagination. People with more imagination can fit in the gaps easily when it's simple and straight to the point.
The more graphics evolve, the more they turn into 'realistic' territory and don't evoke the same imaginative feeling.
It's the same thing why turn-based RPGs worked better in the past when they didn't have the technology.
Now every turn-based needs a camera that's all over the place and characters feel like they were really there and there's nothing to fill the gaps with because there are no gaps, just weird people taking turns hitting each other. No longer feels like true battles, only the mechanics themselves.

You complain about rehashing types, but you want them to rehash the same fucking bird pokemon again and again? Fuck dude you make no sense. I don't even know what kind of pokemon game would please you, honestly. You seem to want "gen 1 and gen 2 but uuuh like different but also the same"

I still stand by my opinion of Reiginited being an ugly and rushed mess. The originals pushed the boundaries of the hardware it was on at the time, vs a cynical cash grab made using Unreal assets, because it is quick and easy. The art-style was generic fantasy, because "dragons n shiet." Reignited has barely left an impact because it was mediocre, and is pretty much forgotten at this point. Spyro deserved better.

Attached: IcyPeak.png (1994x1118, 1.67M)

The first time I actually saw soul or soulful use as a term was by scarf wearing hipsters around 10 years ago.

Shit dude it's almost like Pokémon is for kids. Can you fucking imagine?

Attached: tumblr_mic3hv8ppA1r94tjzo1_500.jpg (500x500, 185K)

>those pokemon lunchables with the cut out cards

Attached: spurdoclap.gif (482x800, 29K)

I don't understand why they chose to block everything off with TREES in the ROCK city, when in the original MOUNTAINS blocked things off. Mountains make way more sense there.

>nostalgia babbs are why the bad, old things stick around
>zoomers are why the bad, new things suck
I agree with the boomer though - the new games should be much more fleshed out. The large empty cities with nothing more than a mart, rest, and a gym are tired and boring

Attached: 1334750533520.jpg (810x780, 70K)

they are both cancerous non-arguments

But the cities in the newer games are much less empty than the Gen1 and Gen2 cities.

God damn I love looking at vidya maps and tilesets.
Its so comfy.

Attached: 1416032369080.jpg (1920x1080, 266K)

GSC still looks better, it just has a timeless charm to it.

Attached: cerulean.png (1409x641, 126K)

If its a faithful remake that keeps the art style the same while upgrading the graphics, no, remakes will always be better
If the remake more or less throws the original artstyle out the window or tramples all over it, then the original could possibly be better depending on individual taste

I went straight from Red/Blue to Sun/Moon. I'm sure I'm missing out on some good ones in between but the new games don't do shit for me

Attached: 1388247071058.gif (257x232, 2.91M)


>designing a city like a maze

SM fucking suck so it may be that

>I prefer it to the almost glowing bright greens and blues you see in newer Pokemon games
But retarded kids prefer bright colors

Attached: violet.png (1661x1151, 252K)

Talk about cultural appropriation lol

Johto is one of the smallest, dullest regions in the series you absolute mongoloid. Gamefreak has been shitting the bed for more than a decade, but that doesn't mean your retarded genwunner views are anything other than pure delusion.

caribbean and mediterranian port towns tend to have labyrinthine designs to keep pirates away from the important stuff

Left is like an old picture that brings good memories, right is better because of gameplay and details, but reusing assets from a previous game which is unoriginal.

>You complain about rehashing types
When did I ever complain? I used your argument against you: that thing you complain about Pidgey and Hoothoot, GameFreak has been doing with the Fire starters.

You appear to be genuinely retarded.

Johto is pretty cool, for its time. Every Gen past III has been pretty shit, for their time.

Sun/Moon features obly small island villages, that might be the problem. I would say check out X/Y cause they feature actual cities but they aren't good games lol.

Even B/W and B/W2 have that fucking huge city that actually feels like a big city

yes, it's in the dragon cave after beating the 8th gym leader, the dragon lady with a temper.
in gold it wasn't great, it took a massive boost in crystal, also you could win a unique minidraco.

I almost choked on one of those poptarts when I was 6 years old.

each map has a 2x2 border tile that fills in around the visible map. unless the map was expanded so that the visible border of each map was within the bounds of what the player sees, that 2x2 texture would be visible. i'm not explaining it every well, but the default in FG/LG was that forest tree for basically every map besides caves

Attached: olivine.png (1914x858, 351K)

those poptarts were fucking nasty
fruit poptarts a shit

I never understood why they made the olivine lighthouse so short, especially when there's all that empty space above it. It's a lot bigger when you're actually going through it, IIRC there's a point where you go outside and it makes it feel much bigger.

>that boat on the left

Those DS games had a pseudo 3D effect and anything super tall in the overworld looked ridiculous

I seem to recall hearing that the original Conker is better than the remake

Attached: mtoonsquare.png (1297x397, 102K)

>that area had its own bgm too
It's small stuff like this that made gen 2 so kino.

you are one massive faggot good sir

this is what black looks like on emulator. does it look this bad on DS?

Attached: 66.png (439x324, 38K)

you are one seething so(y)ulcuck good sir

>reduced the blurriness
They ripped out the lighting engine and then didn't bother to replace it with anything. It looks way worse if you ask me.

We joke around a lot about SOUL vs SOULESS but I think there is some credence to it. On the left you're looking at OG Vermillion. A person or team of people sat down and crafted every pixel from scratch to represent an idea in their mind--pure imagination realized and fulfilled. On the right is fine, it looks better objectively, but theres something special that the left has that it doesn't. Its just a replication, someone had a map and were told "make this."

As a creative myself, I don't take joy in being told to "do what this guy did," I always want to make something new myself.

You're aspect ratio is off retard


nice one faggot

That's why sometimes I can actually get behind the idea of a "re-imagining" versus a remake. A remake usually implies they went through and tried to copy the original but "update" it. This often results in soulless designs where someone was definitely told to "make that but in modern graphics", whereas a re-imagining takes elements from the original, but adds new artistic direction to it.

not really, because they had to sacrifice the original artistic vision in order to fit within the limits of the hardware.
when pokemon moved to more powerful hardware, its cities started looking like actual cities, not just a handful of buildings arranged in a square.

Attached: casteliacity.png (256x192, 21K)

Totally, and that takes into account a certain creative passion. The idea of someone understanding why the predecessor was special and meaningful, and being able to distill those ideas down into tangible, recognizable elements.


>On the left you're looking at OG Vermillion. A person or team of people sat down and crafted every pixel from scratch to represent an idea in their mind--pure imagination realized and fulfilled.
do you really believe that they wanted every "city" in kanto to look like a small favela? it's pretty obvious that they were constrained by the limits of the game boy's hardware.

How high on nostalgia do you have to be to make posts like this? GSC looks objectively more empty by comparison. Quit fooling yourself.

>pokemon center graphics are out of place with the rest of town, making it look like a gaudy toy shop in a shanty town rather than an essential service in a port city.
It's supposed to be easy to find.

I prefer violet city but the hgss style does look better on the beach imo, while the colors bring charm to little villages in gsc

do you even know what that word means

Yeah, but both are as empty.

god the ds 3d looks like shit

Personally, I like most pokemon. If I had to pick a generation whose designs I liked the least, it'd be gen 5 since a lot of the Unova pokemon felt too complex in general. I also didn't really care for the Unova starters, either.

Limitations breed creativity.

it probably doesn't exist and is just fake screenshots

Yea Forums is just filled with fucking dipshits who love being hypocritical. Its the same reason they laughed at twitter for saying OOF and YIKES even though they started doing it unironically here. They can't help themselves with some words, its like they need a handler.

It needlessly closed off some areas of grass.

Or play with a Shark Light or some other 3rd Party Light tool

Fucking amazing, Yea Forums sucked HGSS off for years spouting SOUL and now you fags are like "um no xD THIS game has real soul!"

I don't think you people even play video games, you just pretend you do.

Attached: 1537651160839.png (640x320, 149K)

Fire Red/Leaf Green has more "soul" than the original games

>was up at 4AM this morning and managed to catch a Teddirusa and a Phanphy
Crystal is so fucking relaxing to play.

Yes, if the remake turns a 2d game into a 3d game, a la Cave Story.

>the 3D models don't have so-

Attached: 1552751437603.gif (400x225, 1.88M)

>imagine being so ugly that having a single line of text indicating your character is looking good disconnects you from the game

Attached: 1542540903316.webm (640x360, 539K)

Bad attack animations have nothing to do with the quality of the 3D models, dummy.

>he doesn't play as the female avatar

Attached: 5501a839c7bc88c2162d5edc486c8a9e.gif (490x660, 125K)

In BW2 though you can date a cute girl

user, I AM the cute girl

You could walk over them though.

>I don't think you people even play video games, you just pretend you do.
No shit, this is Yea Forums. This place is crawling with kids trying really hard to fit in with the previous generations. That's why they cherish these old games so much. Same fucking kids unironically loved that garbage vaporwave meme.

>Play pokemon
>End up a tranny

No, we finally just opened our eyes. HGSS were the shittiest entry in the series.

Pokemon was never good

>HGSS were the shittiest entry in the series.
This, you mean to tell me that they couldn't fix the core issues of the original after a decade of experience, after Platinum, Emerald and FRLF to show them hows it's done?

I liked Emerald


If Reignited tried to push current hardware capabilities you'd be complaining as well. There's no way to please the soul/soulless people.

Yeah some remakes, like Halo Anniversary, the aesthetic and mood of the levels is completely ruined. Some just kind of miss the mark, some are better. Usually both games are good despite differences. Play whichever version you like.

yea, when the idiots who made the remake dont understand art

Attached: remake_rainbow1.jpg (2220x1540, 606K)

No it really wasn't but HGSS are the worst.

5 star post


Pic related? I don't get it

Speak for yourself, faggot. Been playing this franchise since you were in diapers and HGSS was chock full of SOUL.

t. Someone who started with Gen 2

>that fuckhuge pokemon version of NYC
>had a system of just npc sprites walking back and forth down the main road
gen 5 was cool as fuck

Attached: 1537666495349.png (1024x726, 1.2M)

man according to Yea Forums and /vp/ literally every generation is completely irredeemable and absolutely bad

Attached: 1544934233887.jpg (724x755, 222K)

Brah, just accept it, the leveling issue, terrible gyms, pokemon distribution make it one of the worst in the DS era.

I'm willing to fight anyone who disagrees with me

Attached: gen 3.png (683x438, 491K)


Is that Puar?

>one area looks better so the whole game must look better
I fucking hated staring at that blue-green grass for 90% of the game

>t. Someone who started with Gen 2
So someone who quite literally is blinded by nostalgia. Gen 2 is shit Johtoddler.

t. someone who started with Red.

Yes HGSS looks better than GSC, dumb fuck

the only good game you posted was Colosseum friend, the rest of gen 3 sucks shit

Attached: remake_adv_cliffs.jpg (1427x570, 247K)

Give me your address

>If you explore the sewers you can get to a hidden area where you can catch rare mons like eevee

Attached: Castelia_Park.jpg (369x273, 37K)

let me explain it like a non-autist
the text shifts from second person to first person for that line

It's Oolong, the pig.

the pseudo-3d is fuckugly and the colors are garbage

brap brap brap

Attached: ark-wave.jpg (500x372, 59K)

do the old games run well on the 3ds?

holy shit I completely missed this on my playthrough

Attached: 1544460358182.jpg (186x145, 12K)

Yeah, I agree, that change made the mechanics and a lot of pokemon so much better, I can´t go back

>50% of the routes in the game are wingull and tentacool encounters

The non-square pixels definitely happened on original hardware


Developer server for graphics

Johto is the original KANTOOOOOOO

Its a nice little spot. The sewers in Castelia are pretty cool in that they change their layout with the seasons, with more or less water being present.

Attached: 1538354565115.gif (500x375, 472K)

Attached: modern feminism in 1998.gif (320x286, 181K)

howd they get away with this?

Attached: remake_SMB3_bush.jpg (1438x820, 226K)

Boomer here. Right looks much better.

What's souless about the right pic? It's the same thing but more detail

I liked the sewer exit where you defeat a punk gang and become their leader instead.

>more detail / clutter is always a good thing

Attached: remake_SMB3_all.jpg (1472x2792, 946K)

Kanto was not meant to be a region full of forests. It was mainly mean to be industrial with plains mainly separating towns. You had viridian forest bit that is the majority of woodlands in the region. I don’t really have a problem with the changes, but I does feel like the themes and personality were lost a little.

Attached: 5E902035-3AB1-41EE-9D17-AA0C2B9A77EF.jpg (1280x720, 124K)

>more detail good
>more detail bad

gen 2 misty is so good holy fuck

there's nothing "creative" about rgby's cities. they look like every generic village from an 8-bit rpg ever.

Attached: leprit1.gif (529x402, 71K)

>virgin getting excited over a drawing
get laid, user

I think the right looks better

reddit leave

i actually like gen 5's aesthetic.

Attached: 85.png (256x192, 29K)

>m-muh safespace

Shame gen 2 is mediocre and gen 4's take on gen 2 is dogshit.

I want Sabrina to step on me


>Posts RB vs FRLG when LGPE looks worse than both.
Top tier bait.

I think you're in the wrong place, instagram is that way --->

So why bother posting it? The point of the thread was to have a discussion. If everyone agreed, then there would be no point in having a thread.


I know this is a meme, but as I'm going through my yearly SMB 3 playthrough, it really has a flattering pop-culture aesthetic that's extremely pleasing to the eye. There's no question that the All Stars remake completely misses the point and reduces it to looking like a generic platformer. There are so many details that this image doesn't even show that makes SMB 3 a beautiful game; for eg. the pinstripe baby blue and white background that compliments the ice blocks in the ice world.

I'm convinced that outside of nostalgia, old games instill a lot more imagination into your mind than new games do. Especially due to their lack of detail. Not sure how you would rank this in terms of importance but I really like to replay the first titles of DQ and FF from time to time because of the snug graphics.

Yes. Many remakes add unnecessary visual clutter that just distracts from the gameplay.
I think dunkey made a video outlining this problem.

SoM's sprite work is terrible on the whole. The remake's only some are closeup overlay cutscenes and no lighting.

Mana 3 and 4, however, are gorgeous.


Attached: what the fuck are you doing.png (481x432, 85K)


>instagram is that way --->
Shut up! I don't use instagram. Also it's not that way, it's just blank space. Retard can't even insult right. Dumb virgin. I got laid 3 times yesterday by your mom. Fuck you.

>modern game freak
>"expanding upon" the old games
kek, good one.

Attached: evolvewiththetimes.png (888x1050, 1.18M)

Fucking hell, why haven't we gotten a game this good in almost ten years. Just look at this shit, so good.

Not only that, there are also different mns available to catch in the morning. For example you could get Tedisura before 1st gym in Crystal.

To be honest, if there was some actual proper lighting and animation, this wouldn't look so bad. Instead they copied the original game way too much and yet grossly misinterpreted "super-deformed by limitations" into "horribly disproportionate and inconsistent not-chibis". I can bet you that if Square cynically remade Chrono Trigger in 3D for a quick buck, it'd probably look like this, albeit not quite Vita since the Vita is dead now.

The rearranged soundtrack's the real tragedy, though.

This looks alright, but this looks pretty trash

The remake lets you switch between the classic graphics and the new ones with a single button press, Halo Anniversary style. So those are the original graphics on the left, but in widescreen and without the usual cropping pixels and such of the original.

>arguing about soul
>in a Game Freak game

What? Have I wandered into bizarro Yea Forums by accident? Pokemon games have never had soul, they've literally always been soulless cashgrabs meant to exploit children. Here's a hint, just because you played it when you were little doesn't mean it has soul.

Crap games

>level curve was shit
>pokemon distribution was shit
>johto leaders hardly even use johto pokemon
>meta was just boring stallfests

Gen 2 was shit, HG/SS was a nice attempt but couldn't salvage it.

>any pokemons map design or horrible sprite art for the overworld

its not a meme you dip. anyone with a brain knows all-stars looks like generic ms-paint puke

Attached: remake_SMB1_001.jpg (952x1260, 300K)

Attached: 1538275381248.png (1316x474, 293K)

what the fuck were they thinking?

Attached: remake_boss3.jpg (1684x596, 349K)

>they've literally always been soulless cashgrabs meant to exploit children
So the entire video game industry?

and yet for the remake they are not using their full potential. they are just updating it with spiffier graphics but not actually re-conceiving it

SMB3 had some ugly art direction choices, like those ugly dots on the grass in pic related, and I know it was a hardware issue at the time, but the sprite flickering really took away from the visuals.

Attached: World_1-2_Start_-_Super_Mario_Bros._3.png (256x240, 31K)

no one is saying it looks less empty

i genuinely think GSC on the GBC looked better than the remakes in terms of art style

>sold two almost identical games with slight alterations in order to drive sales
Truly he is a man of honor and Pokemon is a project of passion. inb4 muh friendship muh social aspect, yeah and the Battlefront grind was made with the intent to provide players with a sense of pride and accomplishment for unlocking different heroes.

No, there's a lot of devs who actually make games they care about, there are even devs that manage to turn soulless concepts they were ordered to make into soulful games full of passion. Game Freak is not one of them, and neither is Nintendo lately.

The simpler the art, the more your brain has to make up the difference, the more abstract it is.
I'll take shitty pixels over high res 3d all other things being equal.

>sold two almost identical games with slight alterations in order to drive sales
He never expected people to buy both versions. He wanted kids to pick one and then play and trade with their friends who picked the other one.

Attached: 1552419894810.png (1289x516, 83K)

But the end result is to make cash, making it soulless by definition

>Game is dark and gritty.
>Years later they release and HD port on a new system.
>Various textures replaced with bright expensive looking building materials.

Thinking of Bully.

Attached: 1446096984991.png (500x640, 162K)

that not ugly. the dots look nice


Attached: promocgi_64_10.jpg (1083x673, 564K)

>Uneven rock line
>Copypasted trees to fill up the open area
>random mountain
>Tree no longer blocking the entrance to the gym like before
Fucking kill yourself if you like this remake

not saying your point doesn't stand but those are all sequels not remakes

Attached: Switch_PokemonSwordPokemonShield_screen_09_png_jpgcopy.jpg (1920x1080, 379K)

>Nintendo lately
and if you're a third-party Nintendo's been soulless for a very long time

i couldn't read english back when this game came out and i thought he was a giant fish too, don't worry.

I don't agree, I think the grass in SMB2 looked better. Yes, I know that the game was not originally a Mario game. I still stand by that statement on the basis of the art direction being generally more pleasing.


Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 118K)

GOD I fucking love the GSC palette. Idk what it is but it's just so cozy.


>tfw Nintendo hired this man

Attached: 1511854287289.png (1088x768, 210K)

Why would you try to get back into gen 3 by playing a gen 6 game? That makes no sense.

That's the wrong palette, that's the palette used indoors, for houses/etc. You didn't even fucking spell "palette" correctly. This is what it looked like during the day. Though during morning hours, the white was replaced with a mild yellow, which may be what you're thinking of.
It still glowed bright green.

Attached: Pokemon-GSC-Johto-AzaleaTown.png (544x368, 22K)

>tfw my mom broke my DS lite way back then and DS emulators still aren't good enough

>That hairstyle

Damn I really want to play Super Mario 64 in this style

Your pic related is not at all what the game looked like when playing on a GameBoy's LCD screen. Colours were more saturated internally because they would be dulled when played on the actual hardware.

Pokémon Red < Pokémon Fire Red

I thought it was pretty aesthetic DESU. That scaled/rotating pixel art in gen 5 was kino

the fact that these are not chronologically in order is triggering me a little bit

Yes, almost always.

i have to wonder which sold more

everyone i knew had red because red is a cooler color when you're a little boy

>hgss were the shittiest entry in the series
this was a good intelligent and constructive thread until you opened your shit false-flagging 'boomer' faggot mouth and expelled your blasphemy.

Attached: live by the sword die by the sword.gif (360x276, 2.42M)

yes, if original graphic are better. high resolution textures do not automatically mean better graphics


I read some time ago that in the US, Blue sold more. Not sure about other regions.

If you're playing old games you have a PC anyway, so resolution arguments are null

I know. I almost addressed that, but I can't give GF credit for that, because they're fucking retarded and I highly doubt it was intentional.

I like these colors, anyway.

>red is a cooler color when you're a little boy
Blue is pretty consistently the most popular colour around the world among both genders and across age groups. There's probably some evolutionary reason.

>I know. I almost addressed that, but I can't give GF credit for that, because they're fucking retarded and I highly doubt it was intentional.
It absolutely was intentional, it's the same reason why GBA remakes of SNES games were bright as fuck; to compensate for LCD limitations. They were of course play-testing these games on real hardware, if the grass was made dimmer it would end up looking extremely muted.

I think the remake looks great. But it's because they went with an art style and stuck with it

>It absolutely was intentional, it's the same reason why GBA remakes of SNES games were bright as fuck; to compensate for LCD limitations
>thinking Game Freak is competant
I want to believe

>didn't know what a parcel was
>Farmed ratattas and pidgeys until I got a Venusaur
>Start new game and do it again
I think this went on for two weeks until someone told me to talk to Oak. Fuck

>your parents were fighting
I don't know how they managed to do that every single fucking night over any trivial bullshit that ever came up or how I dealt with it. I don't think I'll ever get over it, any kind of yelling or stomping or loud noise makes me want to hide.

I did this in a ROM hack in 2010. GF fucking stole my idea.

>remake ruins the lighting/tone of an area
>remake indulges in other VFX and doesn't allow players to disable them
>remake over-designs characters/locations by adding unnecessary features rather than sticking to the intended (simple) look of the original

A lot of times it is nostalgia, but in others, developers behind remakes are too adamant to "add" their own take on something when it's seldom needed/requested.

Gamefreak can be competent under the right directors.

You are a FUCKING retard. Kill yourself immediately.

Unironically left, because it has streets. Don't know why they got rid of those.
Tailow is based.

Looks fine to me. They could've done it.