In retrospective, thoughts on RDR1?
In retrospective, thoughts on RDR1?
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10/10 game.
Pretty good
great game, mexico is kind of a slog but one of my all time favs.
Its dripping with atmosphere, detail and things to do. I remember after getting the lasso, the first time i really started free roaming. for hours i was instigating fights in armadillo, hogtieing prostitutes, running into people to watch them stumble into the street.
Breath of the Wild and RDR2 pale in comparison to this masterpiece.
Much, much better than 2
I wonder if John's daughter died as an infant sometime before the Blackwater massacre or in between the epilogue of 2 and 1. I kinda like the almost cel shaded look of it more than the realistic look of 2 more for some reason. 2's multiplayer is dogshit while the first game is way better.
I like recurring events like whores trying to set you up for ambush or the occasional stranger that doesn't try to steal your horse but actually needs a ride. I know in the first game the enemy ai always aimed for my horse and I had to reload so many times because I liked that blonde horse so much.
I still like it way more than 2. I just really prefer its faster pace/response, amazing atmosphere, environmental music and just general feel of it.
>stranger that actually needs a ride
I just finished this game, I've never seen someone who really needed a ride for a change, it's always someone trying to steal my horse
I could be bothered to finish it unlike 2 which gets mind numbingly boring trying to be a film constantly.
Both have gameplay which is ridiculously hand-holdy.
Also has the usual minigame rockstar crap with races etc
I wish John could fucking swim in 2 god dammit cause I don't know where to find boats at.
how so?
i like how the first game actually has recurring events. pretty much all the events in 2 seemed to happen once, and thats it, and every time you ride through an area again you don't see anything. granted there are much more unique events, but i kind of missed riding through somewhere and seeing something random happen like someone needing help, or being held up. the world of 2 feels more staged in comparison.
They always have you get attacked by bandits when you pick them up. I like the encounter when the nun gives you a cross or the random lady gives you a rabbits foot to avoid damage.
10/10 when it came out.
Still 10/10.
Better than RDR2.
Beautiful homage to the genre.
the towns in RDR1 are smaller, but for some reason it just felt like they had more going on in them
I often stopped to quickly shoot the people ganging on one guy, but they never asked for a ride, or I just rode awya too quickly before they asked, odd.
The narration was more novelistic and less sentimental and ham-fisted than RDR2.
In RDR1, I could ride around for hours doing nothing but dicking around and having fun.
In RDR2, I can't even do that for five minutes before getting bored out of my mind.
Blame GTAV for that, I can understand it in RDR2 because the map is so vast that I can see why it's not chock to the brim because you'd never get anywhere if they popped up as frequently as RDR 1. Now GTAV that shit was unforgivable because of how small that map was and you'd see a lot of random shit happen in modern times. Irl I saw the aftermath of an accident where it looked like a dude got his car crashed right in front of a KFC drive thru window and was amazed it didn't go through the wall.
Better than RDR2.
i dont know what exactly changed, but riding around in RDR2 feels like a tedious bore whereas riding around in 1 was more breezily enjoyable. i never fast traveled in RDR1 but i virtually always do in 2.
It's usually just a random npc just out in the wilderness for me but 90% of the time it's a prostitute.
That's not the game's fault. You just got older, jaded and your attention is shorter as you got whipped on streamlining.
Go back and try that again in RDR1.
yes, Red Dead Revolver was awesome.
RDR 2 aka Red Dead Redemption was also nice.
I thought Tumbleweed being populated was so fucking weird in 2 and Armadillo being a shithole was creepy.
I haven't played RDR1 since it released. Were the missions just as easy as they are in 2? I mean its barely any effort. There is no challenge. Missions in RDR2 are just big cutscenes with bits in middle where you need to waste time shooting (which isn't challenging at all)
why does Rockstar still get their arse licked? GTAV was just as guilty
not him but i can still freeroam in RDR1 and enjoy it. it helps when every action doesnt feel delayed and when the music is really awesome.
Good game, but it has a big problem of having really same-y and repetitive missions, it becomes really visible when replaying
Who the fuck thought taking out bounty hunting like in the first was a good idea to replace it with GTAV's bullshit bounty hunting? RDR1 reminded me of that game Mercenaries Playground of Destruction.
The reasons you mentioned is exactly why they get their asses licked. Impossible to fail rail roaded games.
Ironically I think the missions in 1 often had a more cinematic flavor and feel despite a less obviously cinematic presentation. That mission where you ride with De Santa across Mexico and try to take back that supply train was really fucking cool. Made me feel like I was in a classic Western
Dicking around in RDR1 was fun because you could be an asshole and as long as you had the bandana on it didn't affect your honor.
Step outside of righteous holy cowboy in 2 and your honor be damned. I understand its less of how others see you but an internal morality system of sorts but come on. Let me rob a train god dammit.
The missions were mostly the same just you riding the horse with exposition being spouted at you. I liked hunting and random side content in 2 more than the first and I liked the characters in 2 slightly more.
That's how it goes in games. The less you control your character, the more hands-off it becomes and less engaging. Just recently played Ace Combat 7 and that game is a text-book example on how to nail "cinema-like feel" while preserving the player's sense of control. Rockstar dropped the ball with RDR2, putting too much weight in narration, and narration that is told through a very stale and uninspired manner.
horse riding simulator.
Being a good person in 1 had far more tangible benefits and 2 it was kinda the same but at the same time you could be an asshole and not get completely fucked over for it. The prices in shops in the first game are sky fucking high if you play as an asshole where 2 money doesn't really matter.
I hope if they ever make Bully 2 they keep that games mission structure because that had so much variety.
>Bully online
dont give them ideas
A 10/10 game, just like 2
This is going to seem contrarian to the point of trolling but I actually think the dialogue in RDR1 is a lot more interesting. In 2 most of the dialogue kind of just feels like exposition from your dry camp members and it always relates to the mission you're doing. In 1 the characters are more colorful and, like in Mexico, they'll often talk about stuff outside the exact mission like the politics of what is going on and how they felt about it. It was cool riding with the mexican army, and also the rebels and seeing how they felt about the war and why. And riding with Ross and his men and their views on politics. RDR2 feels a lot more self-contained where nothing about the outside world seems like a concern to them. It's really noticeable when replaying both games.
well it's the wild west, you wanted cars or what?
aesthetic as fuck game that captures the classic western feeling better than 2 (2 is good in other ways and it captured the wilderness perfectly), story dragged on with too many convenient escapes by the antagonists and it has one of the best ending missions in any game.
mexico is my favorite part
retarded post.
How else would you suggest making an open world old west game?
The hype and community around this game on Yea Forums was way more great and shows how shit had changed. I have to agree with a lot of the negativity around RDR2 on Yea Forums. While I still find it fun, that game is a mess to control and the fact that rockstar has turned into another greedy AAA developer is a fucking shame.
But yeah man I miss the 100 cougar threads a day when RDR1 came out.
>ywn experience for the first time again luring a wild bear back to town and watching it maul unlucky civilians
Shit was so cash
not be boring
horses are going to be the primary way ot traveling
well at least in RDR1 the horses feel as fast as cars
idc,haven't played it yet,cause i dont have ps3 or xbox360,but i'll probably play it if it will be playable on pc with emulator or ps4.I think that this game is a lot better than 2 tho in terms of storytelling and gameplay
I wouldn't mind a game like Call of Juarez 2 again but a bit more expanded in terms of story/missions and if they could add some bro-op against competent bots opponents it would be fun.
I'm pissed I never thought of doing that.
Excellent game with an excellent sequel/prequel
>tfw still no RDR1 remaster announced
I played the PS3 version recently, and it felt bad. The image is so blurry I couldn't easily spot the plants and small animals like armadillos.
when are rockstar gonna wake the fuck up and fix their controls????
>mfw RDR2's multiplayer
Whoever decided to make it just like GTA Online needs to be tarred and feathered.
When they stop making more money than god with every release.
One of the best games of that generation, if you're going to do a story-driven game, this is the high water mark and the proper mix of story and gameplay.
and 10/10 music
>ywn ride into mexico for the first time again
the environmental music was amazing
False. I played RDR again 6 months ago and it was exactly how I remember it. RDR2 is slow, tedious, and constricting
What's wrong with the controls? Outside of having to aim with a controller sucking but it's a given.
Its ok but its a ripoff the the 1990s game GUN
>tfw no single player dlc for RDR2 because they're still trying to salvage the shitheap known as RDRO even though it's crashing hard
Fuck nu-Rockstar, sucks worse knowing we won't have a new game from them until 2025 at least.
GUN sucks dude
How can you judge it to be better if you never played it? Retarded.
It came out in 2005
Rockstar games have gotten only worse when it comes to gameplay, they have way too many little minigames and not enough content to make the world feel more alive. I think in the first RDR the random events got a little repetitive. They have to find a way to make their worlds seem less scripted, perhaps roaming packs of criminals, or more events like an ongoing train robbery, or in GTA places being robbed or some hostage situation. I like how Mount & Blade games have this world where all this shit is going on regardless of what you are doing, Rockstar should try to implement persistent elements of roaming enemies and shit to their games.
>Unironically being a bad guy in 1
You just missed the entire point of the game
>Inb4 b-but it's a game reeeeeeeeeee
I dislike the Robin Hood shit John pulls constantly. "I rob but from the rich" is such a retarded warped morality, try helping people with your own shit. Helping people with other's peoples money is too easy, any shitty criminal can do and organized crime often does this to gain popularity with locals.
He got it from Dutch who's a blowhard hypocritical crook. Of course he has a warped worldview.
positive cash shop experiences ruin companies, Valve went to shit when TF2 got a cosmetics shop, then it's always MP-only cash shop driven games from that point and on, after Rockstar tasted the shark cards, it's gonna be a cash shop ride from now on
This is the stuff right here. Takes me back.
RDR remaster when bros
Whatever happened to that news we heard maybe a year ago about the entire map of rdr being found in some game files? Was that true?
Mexico's heightmaps are all there and you can see it from the other side of the river it's just completely empty besides a low-detail El Prisidio. There's a way to glitch your way over there and explore too unless they patched that out since. The music plays and everything.
I dont want a remaster. RDR1 still looks really good and I still think it plays/controls better anyway, so why would i want it with 2's engine?
you can make it control as the original and I would like mouse controls to aim better, I hated playing it on PS3, and lemme turn off the fucking vaseline
So long as it's just a remaster with better resolution and frame rate and not a remake done like RDR2.
Rockstar doesn't seem to like remaking or remastering things though. GTA V happened bvecause it was an upgraded port to the new generation back then
my #1 favorite game of all time
I like it only slightly more than 2 just for nostalgia and it has a certain true western charm that 2 doesn't since 2 goes for a different feel. people that act like 1 is better are retarded though.
Spent the whole summer of 2010 playing it and had almost all the achievements. The online was pretty damn good and I exploited to get max level. Good times for sure.
The MP in RDR1 was the best of any Rockstar game. It had just the right amount of everything.
red dead revolver existed before GUN lol
Maybe I'll give it another shot sometime, but both times I've attempted to play it I couldn't finish it.
>Cynical black-comedy rockstar writing pervades the entire experience which actively plays against the western atmosphere, usually a romance- I know that's the point and they beat you over the head with it, but I don't really enjoy it.
>Almost every interaction can be summed up as "John is forced to deal with a ridiculous person, he gets mad but ultimately puts up with it because he's forced" and thus you go through the game hating just about everyone
>Autoaim sucks, but there are no controller settings and the default freeaim settings are 90% deadzone so you just randomly arbitrarily go from not moving to moving at full blast halfway down the stick
RDR would greatly benefit from a PC port, till then, there's always the Xbox 360 emulator
Pretty overrated compared to 2 in terms of story
Why? Please elaborate