Is it dead boys?
Dwarf Fortress Transex dwarves
Other urls found in this thread:
There's no mechanical changes you baby.
Get over it.
Adding more monsters is always nice.
there already are gay dwarves
>Dwarves with a 40% suicide rate
Underrated post
>add in trans characters
>now you can put them in dwarvish concentration camps
based addition
>adding anything controversial to a game with mechanics allowing for infinite cruelty
this can only go well
i for one eagerly await the transexual death camps
Toady would implement them realistically and just incur more transexual REEEEEEing. Not worth it.
>faggot transy crying on Twitter
Imagine my shawk
You can just round all of them up in one place and get rid of them rofl.
You get over here and suck my Punished Sausage
>trans characters have a high rate of suicide, depression and mental illness
what did he mean by this?
>that avatar
Why do they all look like goblins?
Oh God damn it. This will only create a huge difficulty spike.
it means that he needs to have sex
KEK is that what pclardasses are playing? Transexual dwarf management simulators? PATHETIC
holy shit it's a goblin ploy to fracture the fort from the inside-out!
devious fuckin creatures
Bet that cunt never even played DF and won't play it either.
Because they're autistic and ugly men with no fashion sense trying to LARP as their ideal waifu.
It does open opportunities for fleshing out personality and behavioral traits though. We'll get our self-destructive, procedural temple shooters yet
Honestly, I don't even care if Toady decides to add content for these people or if the community does it instead. Toady has done so much for gaming already with his project that it's my opinion he deserves to make a good living off making it as great as possible. I can think of few modern games that have generated as much art and story as DF has.
>You can change your name to anything and you pick Star Gay Lily.
Wew lads, truly a balanced individual.
>Reach a certain level of prosperity and the Dwarves start degenerating into sloth and sexual deviancy
> worrying about furries and circus freaks being faggots in your game
Made a post on /dfg/ about it
It's a non-issue until some screeching SJW tries to get people on the forum banned for not using their prefered pronoun.
It's the same shit furries pull.
Ignore them and wait for them to get banned by their own retardation.
>it's not a fetish guys, i swear!
At least FPS death won't be as much of a problem.
It really unfortunate they felt forced to put it on steam. There are many great indie developers who don't want to work under big game corporations. They want to work alone or in small teams. If healthcare is one of the big reason they cannot do it, then govt. really needs to rethink the system.
>says this to appease the tranny supporting dollar just before the steam release
>never actually adds them
dorf fort is famous for taking years to do things, he has no intention of actually adding this
i'd fully support adding them since it's not like you have to accept them and let them live.
It's always white "people" asking for this type of shit. Really makes you think..
Trans rights are human rights.
It's always black "people" killing and robbing each other. Really makes you think...
Imagine being such an SJW that flavor text with no mechanical implications would piss you off to the point of wanting a game to fail.
>Ulric Longbeard, Fishery Worker will henceforth be know as Ulinda Longbraids
>Ulinda Longbraids, Fishery Worker has been found dead
If you notice, people like that mental case are about as deep as a puddle. The way it asked the question, all that matters to it is that it wants that garbage put in. There's no thought beyond it as to whether something meaningful would come from the effort of adding it. It's similar to a dumbfuck asking, "can I put this hula girl inside the car?" They clearly just do it for attention.
I would have just ignored that tweet completely.
They at least weed each other out, unlike whitei*ds.
LMFAO tell that to the mentally-ill schizophrenic incels who keep shooting up mosques on your reactionary containment board.
They at least smoke weed and don't get jobs, unlike whitei*ods.
Imagine being such an SJW that you'd want an ailing developer to waste time and energy on implementing flavor text with no mechanical implications
LMFAO tell that to the mentally-ill schizophrenic incels who keep cutting off their dicks on your coping fag containment board.
this is so fucking retarded
Basedpilled and Dwarfpilled
Yea Forums - Complaining about trannies
Yes all humans should have the same rights. Doesn't mean I'm going to bend over backwards to enable some tranny's mental illness.
(you) - a coping tranny
Trannies are an abomination to humanity
I too, remember Bataclan and the gutted, castrated corpses with testicles shoved in their mouths.
Do you think they butchered them alive on the spot, or kindly waited for them to die out of sheer fright before mutilating them in the most cruel ways possible?
I don't want him to do shit, stop projecting. I don't care about trans representation one way or the other. Besides maybe they view it as a coding challenge.
there are no trannies here only cute twinks fuck off you mentally ill retard
>Ignore them and wait for them to get entrenched within your community and change it however much they want
you are a massive retard
>black people killing other black people
>white person killing muslims
Both are a good thing.
What rights do trannies not have? Please list them.
why are women so stupid
Those transex count as monsters, you got your wish granted.
Why is wh*te genocide bad again?
I can already mod this in. The fuck?
>I don't care about trans representation one way or the other.
Why are you in this thread then? Lunatic detected
you're right we should instead sit on 4channel and complain
For when people try to claim puberty blockers are harmful:
There is extensive research about long term use of puberty blockers, and they have overwhelmingly been shown to be very gentle and safe.
This treatment isn't just used for trans youth - it has been the standard treatment for kids with precocious puberty for decades. Most kids with precocious puberty don't have any underlying medical condition, their early development is just an extreme variation of normal development, but it would still cause serious psychological damage to start puberty at the age of, say, 6. This treatment has no long term side effects; it just puts puberty on hold. Stop treatment, and puberty picks up where it left off.
Treatment of central precocious puberty by GnRH analogs: long-term outcome in men
Long-term effects of gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogs in girls with central precocious puberty
And for the lots of people regret transition bullshit:
Uhh, the right for other people to respect xir preferred pronouns
correct, meaning they have the exact same set of rights as the rest of humanity, and no others. That's the problem to them, tho--they want to be treated BETTER than the rest of humanity. Same problem all identity politics groups suffer from, tbqh
Persistent regret among trans surgical patients is about 1% and falling:
This 1% "regret" rate also includes a lot of people who are very happy they transitioned, and continue to live as a gender other than the one they were assigned at birth, but regret that medical error or shitty luck led to low quality surgical results.
This is a risk in any reconstructive surgery, and a success rate of about 99% is astonishingly good for any medical treatment. And "regret" rates have been going down for decades, as surgical methods improve.
Care of the Patient Undergoing Sex Reassignment Surgery (SRS) - Persistent regret among post-operative transsexuals has been studied since the early 1960s. The most comprehensive meta-review done to date analyzed 74 follow-up studies and 8 reviews of outcome studies published between 1961 and 1991 (1000-1600 MTF and 400-550 FTM patients). The authors concluded that in this 30 year period,
not to any sensible person sweaty
>but it would still cause serious psychological damage to start puberty at the age of, say, 6
Why? Throw that little bastard into sports and watch him fucking dominate.
>tfw your best friend has been grooming his beard into a cute feminine goatee
How do I save him?
just hurry up and kill yourself your existence is an affront to decency itself.
Do you recognise that trans people face adversity and discrimination in ways other groups of people do not?
Society would collapse without us. Other races need white people to keep things running.
Are trannies the new furries?
So do pedophiles, and I wouldn't want it any other way.
Dwarves would never do or support this tranny shit... what the fuck
Nah, polfags are. There's tons of research debunking your transphobic bullshit
Imagine how much time this tranny spent cherrypicking through all of the studies to find the absolute few biased studies that ended up saying transition is a good thing
Do you recognize that "not having to face adversity" is not a human right? you're literally not asking for a human right others have that you don't, you're asking for people to be forced to accept and agree with you. You're absolutely revolting to nature itself and you cannot legislate the natural human reaction of being disgusted by you away
Show him how prone the statistics show post-op Urists are to tantrum spirals.
You have to dildo a painful bleeding wound for the rest of your life. How is that any kind of a solution to a mental problem?
yes yes we are seething because we are fine with our bodies compared to you crazies that have a fit everytime you look down at your peepee
One day you might eventually realize it isn't worthwhile to be shitty.
How does that mean they are lacking any kind of legal rights?
>Trannies are mentally ill because of suicide rate
Oh no no no
Maybe its because they act out their fetish in public?
Way worse.
Do you recognise there is a difference between pedophiles and child abusers?
Assuming you were talking about child abusers, what is it intrinsic to being trans that is on the same level as sexually abusing children?
maybe becuase autistic bigots like you wont stop dehumanizing them
oh no non on o
This is what happens when you push underground games to the normie market
For the love of god I don't understand why every game needs to shove trannies and faggots into your face
one day you might eventually realize that encouraging children to mutilate their bodies and descend into absolute lunacy is psychotic and evil
Cope. Try not to shoot yourself.
>32% of old white men kill themselves
Do you actually think it is okay that some people are discriminated against in certain ways that are innate to their being and that nothing should be done to alleviate it?
>The Furry Chad vs Virgin Tranny
trannies are overwhelmingly white men
which is why that bar is so high
Yes. I absolutely 100% do you fucking pedophile
>/pol/ enters board where they are not welcome
>proceeds to get destroyed
Most trans people don't actually undergo SRS though?
Both are disgusting. Just because you don't actually rape kids doesn't mean you aren't fucked up in the head.
if only that logic worked, then niggers and shitskins would kill themselves for being dehumanized by autistic bigots like me as well.
Even if you are for transgenderism I don't know how you could possibly look at SRS and think it's ok let alone good for anyone.
It's a fucking butcher job, not a surgery, and the end result is nightmarish. If they ever devise a better method we'll look back into the past like it was one of Mengela's experiments. Hopefully they'll arrest the people who pushed it into the medical community.
I also like how it's the one mental illness we picked at random and decided we need to indulge the delusion.
I'm not a pedophile. Thanks for being transparent to how you possess no empathy.
What do you expect out of antivax and flat earthers
how long before japanese games are full of tranny-baiting like this?
Why is it disgusting and if it isn't on the same level as raping children why are you treating it as such?
>they're so prone to tantrums, it's better to go ahead and lock them in rooms to kill themselves in rather than risk the downfall of your people
what did Toady mean by this?
>you are /pol/ if you don't want to suck tranny cock
Where do you sit on the vidya spectrum?
Good, entertaining vidya, or trannies?
Just deal with it, not everyone is gonna cater to you, grow some fucking balls and deal with it.
You're /pol/ if you spam tranny threads on Yea Forums because you're a seething retard.
Why are you assuming every single surgeon who does SRS does it the exact same and always has the same result?
If they are complete shitheads, yeah.
>everyone making tranny jokes
>only you are getting butthurt and superimposing your power fantasy on the thread
Settle down, alright?
I possess no empathy to pedophiles. My only relief is knowing that you'll kill yourself eventually. I just hope its soon.
>We want the manlet tranny audience
did you even read the post I was replying to?
Why does the idea of actually trying to better society bother you so much?
And here I was thinking discord trannies were just a meme.
How would you feel if some creepy fuck was drooling over your kids at the playground? That's just fine because it's not illegal, right?
I have NEVER seen a tranny that wasn't funny in some way
based fucking retard
Sure but being a shithead is never something innate, it's always learned.
/pol/ does the same shit.
I honestly don't even fucking get why there would need to be specific 'genders' and sexes when Toady can simply redo the sex system and just make all the descriptors they/their for entity creatures but keep it for he/she/it for animals.
You got a hearty guffaw out of me that lasted a solid twenty seconds. Good show. You've earned your (You).
No matter how "well done" it's the exact same thing, a dilated wound or a sausage case pretending to be a dick.
regretting that surgery yet?
stick around Yea Forums and you'll be a believer in no time
they have to do something while they dilate their butcher jobs
>society is better when we cut kids dicks off
you're a literal monster
t. retard who can't tell the difference between pedo and child rapist
>Gets offended
>Wants to kill self
Grow some fucking balls, you are making a big deal out of nothing, ya fucking Yank.
Why are these people so butthurt all the time, Yea Forums?
Make Israel Great Again yet?
Ew use a high res
Some anons around here would legit get a swelled head thinking their kid was so lolihot pervs come to stare at them.
I know the difference, and I still think pedo's like you should be killed on sight
boy this guy sure is obsessed about people who cut their own dicks off
Are you trying to make some point that to be trans you have to stalk children at a playground? I don't really know what you're talking about.
>it doesn't matter how well a surgical procedure is executed
LOL wtf dude
this thread that exists because /pol/tards are mad about a tweet
>make fortress that appeals to trans dwarf migrants
>they kill their own selves on the way in to stop me from having to crunch them in the migrant grinder
Thanks, Toady!
thanks its always nice to be able to laugh when you just woke up
Big difference between whether they existed or not and it becoming the hot new trend for people to feel special.
It's just the goth kids for the zoomers.
SRS is a procedure that only informed and consenting adults undergo, you're arguing fantasy.
>The first widely known trans woman in the US in 1952, after her surgery attracted medical attention.
I guess that attention was attention towards studies of mental health!
They're laughing at the tweet. I was talking about you, discordfags.
If you get a Tranny that means is free game to tortute the fucker into doing something productive like being a training dummy.
you get lemons you make lemonade my friend.
>a cesspit of edgy teenagers and other assorted lunatics
>having some unconventional ideas on different subjects
what's your excuse? bad hormones?
Difference between Chevalier d'Eon and a modern transperson is he actually did shit and didn't define himself by gender.
Blessed post
>The statistics on transgender suicide rates prove they're mentally unstable."
It is accepted within the medical, mental health, and sociological communities that these adverse suicide statistics reflect a combination of minority stress and lack of access to affirming health care. When given access to supportive environments and medical care, quality of life for transgender people (including mental health) is not significantly different from the general population
This minority stress is compounded when you consider that transgender people are experiencing it in relation to a gigantic part of the human experience that has never really been questioned before, at least not in mainstream media like it has in the last few years.
Sprinkle on the fact that we still don't fully understand gender in the brain, and you have a recipe for extreme minority stress, self-doubt, self-loathing, and a sense of total hopelessness/loss of identity. The perfect recipe for an emotionally suffering human being.
Is he gonna also add incel dwarves who shoot up your fortresses?
If you find yourself in agreement with a cesspit, you should probably rethink yourself.
You got any "unbiased" studies?
>Are you trying to make some point that to be trans you have to stalk children at a playground?
Drag queen storytime reader once charged with child sex assault
lie more please
you mean like resetera?
And whatever gender you are is a defining part of your personality whether you make a deal about it or not. Who cares. You should stop making a deal about trans people's identity.
There were some real fucking high class frontal lobotomies back in the day. None of them were helpful. Same thing, you cannot look at even the greatest SRS job ever done and say it looks or functions normally with a straight face.
>sensible person
>Dwarf Fort player
I think you'll find the overlap between these two groups is very very small.
Let me know when Resetera starts shooting up places.
>You should stop making a deal about trans people's identity.
they do that themselves
you mean like the discord you came from?
As far as I understand and can logically think of, this means hermaphrodites and lack of genitals I guess. I have no real problem with this as it can be implemented to some creatures in the game anyway.
>New hard mode comes out
>All seven dwarves are trannies
>choppy choppy peepee off as a trend
fuck at least cringy makeup can be washed and stupid tattoos re-inked.
Drag queens aren't transgender, and even if they were this still doesn't mean anything. 'Stalking kids at a playground' isn't a defining element of being trans, your anecdote is meaningless.
I absolutely fucking hate trans people and their desire to fuck up everything for the rest of us normal people
by that logic then Facebook is a cesspit
Dwarf is taken by a fey mood
Because society at large seems to ostracise them so much for it, or do you disagree? Without some level of attention being drawn how would it ever be normalised?
The only take away from this thread, thanks based user
like twitter?
>In short, the people who literally wrote the definition of mentally disordered, 100% reject the notion that being transgender means being mentally disordered.
That's not even a remotely sensible reading of that passage. Trans people have gender dysphoria, and dysphoria fits both the clinical and colloquial definition of a disorder. You're terrible at this.
oh dear, so sorry about
child sexual assault is so much worse than that
Post >yfw discord trannies are now as obnoxious as /pol/tards that used to spam statistics and articles, and twice as butthurt.
In what way are trans people trying to ruin fuck up everything for you?
>These people need mental health counseling to fix their identity, not medical intervention."
Every major medical and mental health organization in the United States officially supports access to affirming care. This is because decades of peer reviewed research have shown it to be the most effective way of dealing with gender dysphoria.
It has been overwhelmingly demonstrated that affirming medical care is effective and of material clinical benefit to individuals with gender dysphoria. Follow up studies have shown an undeniable beneficial effect of genital reconstructive surgery on post operative outcomes such as subjective well-being, cosmesis, and sexual function (DeCuypere et al., 2005; Gijs & Brewaeys, 2007; Klein & Gorzalka, 2009; Pfafflin & Junge, 1998). GRS has also been found to lead to a quantitative decrease in suicide attempts and drug use in post-operative populations (C. Mate-Kole et al., 1990). In studies where affirming care was denied, patients showed significantly worse outcomes (Ainsworth and Spiegel, 2010; C. Mate-Kole et al., 1990).
>society universally agrees that you're a disgusting abomination
>n-no....its society who's wrong.....
good boy
Sexually abusing children also isn't a rite of way for being trans. Have you anything to say or are you just going to waft over these weak insults?
It's fucking scary. 10 years ago I knew a fucker who had the hots for this girl, found out the girl was a lesbian and would never be into him, and then conveniently discovered he was actually a girl trapped in a man's body. It was one of the saddest things I've ever seen so many people constantly laugh at.
Now I'm expected to accept this scenario as perfectly natural and not at all a bunch of horse shit, and in fact, people are doing it all the goddamn time and called brave instead of bullshitters.
Additionally, counseling to change gender identity has been found to be both ineffective and potentially harmful. The foremost body of medical and mental-health experts on transgender care, WPATH, has this to say about changing people's gender identities:
> "Treatment aimed at trying to change a person's gender identity and expression to become more congruent with sex assigned at birth has been attempted in the past without success (Gelder & Marks, 1969; Greenson, 1964), particularly in the long term (Cohen-Kettenis & Kuiper, 1984; Pauly, 1965). Such treatment is no longer considered ethical."
In 2012, as a result of past failures and the harms observed, the American Psychiatric Association issued the following statement on attempts to change a person's gender identity:
> "Psychoanalytic technique does not encompass purposeful attempts to "convert," "repair," change or shift an individual's sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression. Such directed efforts are against fundamental principles of psychoanalytic treatment and often result in substantial psychological pain by reinforcing damaging internalized attitudes."
>mfw d*scord trannies were championing apex legends as a victory over Yea Forums because it has black people four weeks ago and now it's already falling off because it's a generic battle royale
it's like these NIGGERS don't follow trends or know what flavor of the month means
>b-but muh tradition
Okay? That isn't actually an argument you know.
>Because society at large seems to ostracise them so much for it,
because your asking people to play pretend get over your need for pronouns and it wont be a issue
>how would it ever be normalised?
when technology becomes advance enough for all tannys to become passable and they stop calling themselves trans
Courts are recognizing this as well. Federal courts in New Jersey and the Ninth Circuit have agreed that the claims of the proponents of reparative therapy for gender identity and sexual orientation are not supported by science.
The district court in New Jersey is also allowing plaintiffs to sue for damages as a result of harm caused by reparative therapy.
Simultaneously, a new Williams Institute study on mental-health counseling for sexual minorities shows that those who sought mental-health counseling from a religious or spiritual adviser (who is more likely to urge them to change) were more likely to subsequently attempt suicide than those who sought no treatment at all.
Youd think so but GOOD OLD FUCKING LEAFS N SHIEEET are literaly making tranny child corps to help them transition.
No offense, but anyone with disphoria is nuts. You are nuts, everyone else in your social group, nuts, and you wanna lack your nuts so you can be blasted with nuts in your man ass for having a bagina made of your benis and nuts.
Consider which side you really wanna pick.
isn't this shit precisely what chris chan did
Wow. A single anecdote, truly enlightening. So brave.
I'm not talking about tradition, I'm talking about as a whole. You are right now still currently a disgusting abomination who's so hated by society you have to make it against the law to speak out against you.
everything they do is a cry for attention
there is a problem inside of them that they will NEVER be able to fix
>how would it ever be normalised?
It wouldn't. And that's good.
>when technology becomes advance enough for all tannys to become passable
That technology already exists. Open conversation and early recognition is what is necessary for your ideal to become reality.
even in anime, trannies look disgusting
Traps are not gay
>tfw you hate obnoxious trannies as much as /pol/faggots and whiteo*ds that kiss minority ass for good boy points
Again, appeal to tradition isn't an argument friendo.
We could have had some good laughs about the tweet like we were doing for a good bit, but instead they just had to get uppity.
People generally have a very limited number of personal anecdotes, which they then are able to look around and compare to what's going on outside their own circles.
"calling out" a single anecdote in your context is one of the most hurrdurrduh braindead retarded things a person can do, short of faking shit like that to get a girl who doesn't want your dick.
I didn't appeal to tradition you actual idiot. Not only are you a tranny you're legitimately fucking stupid.
they have been in the game for a while.
I use all my gay and transexual dwarves as my military dwarves and let them die.
They could've given 30 anecdotes, their point would still be just as worthless.
Why were nonbinary genders in ancient cultures more natural and accepted than modern ones? How the fuck are zoomers fucking up this hard?
Discovering these fuckers was not hard since the horny ones basically couldn't stop grooming other people and the damage control was shit.
Ah well at least some threads are still good even if the quality of the board is skydiving even faster and not because of some retarded trend but because Trannies can't keep it in their pants.
>society hates you so....(????)
Do you actually have a point or are you going to continue with the tautology?
cannibalism and child sex slaves were natural and accepted in ancient cultures too you absolute ghoul
post ids and flags might generally help
found anyone to fuck your wound yet?
Isn't this kind of a moot point because Dorfs reproduce using spores anyway?
You can call yourself a girl or a boy or a goddamn pony, doesn't matter when your fat boils inside your body because a giant naked skinless horseman with 23 legs, ten tentacles and five heads farts his poisonous gas in your direction.
Most trans people don't actually undergo SRS tho.
Considering it wasn't a "standalone" point per-se, but a point of agreeance with something else in the chain, you may wish to re-evaluate your ability to follow conversations, as it, too, is bordering on worthless.
Yeah but how the fuck transgender people gonna cry about how shit life is when transgender people back then were respected.
>so the dog being scared of my wife is invalidating
Can you explain how non-binary gender stuff is as bad as either of those things you mentioned?
my point is that humans world wide collectively and naturally decided you're disgusting. You're fighting against reality and nature itself. You have no authority to say society is wrong and you are right when the fact you are UNIVERSALLY treated as a monster means you're the one who is in the wrong
I just find it gross how they have to constantly insert trans culture into everything they consume. It's not normal. It's like if furries screamed at people to put furry shit in their games and movies. And why does it even matter enough to display that a dwarf is trans? I thought the entire purpose of being trans was switching your gender to either male or female. (I understand that some trans people like to call themselves "transgender", or maybe identify as a completely different sex, but that's autistic and no other genders exist, which is a proven fact). But no. They have to be TRANS so everybody KNOWS they're trans. It's bullshit conducted by mentally ill freaks and people just bend over for them. Like a parent making up excuses for their bratty kid's behavior.
I thought only lefty snowflakes got triggered by words, please say it ain't so Yea Forums
Could I explain to a child sex slaver owner why owning child sex slaves is morally wrong? no, because clearly they've deluded themselves into thinking its okay. You cannot be reasoned with because you deny reality itself.
The whole reply chain is stupid. If you think people are getting srs for a 'trend' it's easy enough to see how dumb fuck retarded you are
Okay so appeal to popularity. Not an argument, sorry!
Your a nutcase and deviant, stop being so hung up on not fitting into society
>>>>>>>>People never went for dumb shit as a trend
I'm half convinced the only trannies on here are falseflagging /pol/tards in disguise.
Hey, I asked a question, you could've at least TRIED to give me a reason instead of 'uhh ur too far gone lol I ain't trying'
"Fallacy" fallacy, try again faggot.
Because I can get fired from my job and sued if I use male pronouns for someone someone who looks male. I barely care enough to remember people's names why should I have to remember your stupid special pronoun in addition to your name?
>be American
>only days I don't work are Saturday and Sunday
>Stay up later for the weekend
>Yea Forums becomes discord tranny hellhole dead in the night
>get shot
I see you, Eurocucks.
Based and Islampilled, death to gays and trannies
you're literally too stupid to argue with. You're trying to tell me society needs to change and then use reference to the wishes of society as "appeal to popularity" you're a dishonest moron.
>people go through months upon months of therapy and psychiatric evaluation to slip through the cracks and have the genitals irreversibly changed for a trend
Don't you see this is another opportunity for modders?
To support tranny dwarfs, Toady will have to add mechanics for more involved mental illnesses, and depending on how grisly he wants to be, elective surgeries or transformation magic. That means more modding tools for radical shit like cosmetic surgery, removal of fat layers to make fireproof dorfs, implantation of subdermal armor, cyborgs, etc. Or fucking magic that can effectively transform creatures bearing certain tokens at will without relying on the hacky werebeast syndromes.
That means the autists can add in complicated mental disorders, edgefags can mod trans-dwarf elves and forcible ear clipping, degenerates can have transformation mods, magical girls, and futanari transformation along with erotic body modification.
Then compound that with, I guarantee you, the option to turn trannyshit off if you don't want it.
That shit is a net positive.
So you agree transsexuals are dehumanised and discriminated against?
Trans right are human rights
Because that shit was restricted to the opulent and decadent few who didn't have to work for a living, much like philosophy. Unfortunately the "don't have to work for a living" part extends to a lot more people in this day and age. When food and shelter are no longer a concern, sex is everything. Not everyone is born beautiful, not everyone gets the sex they want.
>Implying this will not add to the hilarity of the game
>Implying people will not make some kind of gay rape prison and send there criminals or some shit.
What's it like there in the past gramps?
Not my problem you are failing to make any actually addressable points in any single post you're making.
Next you will say GAMERS RISE UP posters are not honest gamers or revolutionaries but corporate dicksuckers hahaha
>tranny discord is in full damage control
and I used to thought that it was just a dumb meme by /pol/tards
>/pol/: will spam statistics and call you a nigger
>Discord trannies: will try to peer pressure you into accepting them, subvert your hobbies and twist them for their own interests, literally get off on abusing kids
At least /pol/ doesn't want me to take drugs.
You can bet your ass they do.
That gif... Butcha-U?
>tfw no FtM dwarf bf
I'm not saying society needs to change. I've only been saying the last several posts that some appeal to general opinion isn't some truth statement that can be used as a moral prescription.
>32.1 out of 100 000
Because it is a literal difference in their brain's chemistry and the way they think. Pedophiles and child abusers are just born that way just like trannies are just born that way. One is treated as a crime instead of the mental illness it is, the other is being championed as perfectly acceptable instead of the mental illness that it is. Why do you hate people who literally can't help themselves user, are you a bigot?
also the opportunity to herd trannies and genetic mutants into a camp
Not him, but you didn't ask a question in good faith. This what you basically asked of him. Literally any answer short of "yes, I fully agree with you and I have seen the error of my ways" wouldn't be accepted by you.
Good keyword to ignore a post
Trans symbol in dwarf therapist doesn't mean trans, it means bisexual
>Homo military
Just like real life
stop cherrypicking cultures. not all ancient cultures were always receptive to gays.
And you know this because how? Just your omniscient intuition at work? Your opinion is worthless in the face of widespread medical consensus, sorry bud.
>I'm not saying society needs to change.
and now you've back pedaled off a cliff. Goodbye.
>you replied so that means you got triggered!
Why is Yea Forums so obsessed with trannies? Even /lgbt/ doesn't have this much an obsession with them.
What are some games that didnt exist before 15 years ago? (Like trannies)
Toady could even edit/add creature raws so you don't even need the caste separation for sexes. Want some creature that reproduces by budding? Add [ASEXUAL:BUD] Want hermaphroditic creatures? Add both MALE/FEMALE or maybe introduce generic sexual characteristics? Want the creature's sex/caste to change? Fucking tag that shit too. I don't get why this shit matters.
Gassing all the degenerate dwarfs is already part of the !!!FUN!!!.
All I asked was how gender identity stuff is as comparably bad as cannibalism or child sex slaves. Like, really, that really shouldn't be such a hard question to answer if you feel so strongly about it.
If you can have mythical creatures like vampires and werewolves you can have mythical genders too
whe should murder all trannies
Or at least ban them from this site, they are now worse than furries ever were
I didn't say it needs to change, I said it would be in tran's peoples best interests that it does change so they face better treatment. Do you understand or do you have to learn the ropes of reading comprehension again?
>Ulric Bronzestone has canceled fighting.
>Reason: Dilating
Once again, I'm not the guy you were even talking to. You need to learn how to speak without being a passive aggressive pussy.
Perhaps it'll lead to some Elder Scrolls like lore?
Anyway I'd imagine that this would be but yet another game option that you can enable or disable.
here's one with plenty of females that trannies will NEVER EVER look like, not even on a good day
>transformation magic
Just like in my animes
whatever it is, I don't need them in my fortress working. They exit to die as fodder.
>people used to make mermaid farms that made Auschwitz look like a nice summer camp
>now he adds trans dwarves
Toady really knows no limits, does he?
I used to not care
Now I hate them with a passion and actively avoid them in real life
>Medical consensus
Oh yeah mane, boi, lets forget the fact you already got medicine that cures your condition and that your entire shit is like autism since its a brain deformity that ruins your ass and alters your cognition.
Drink gas and drink a car bomb.
>Yea Forums is now accepting transfags
Truly the darkest hour of humanity. I'm so glad that I live in a post-commie shithole and I will never have to see those abominations in person.
I know you weren't the person I was talking to, I didn't even impose onto you so strongly, replying to you was as good a place to make my point clearer as any. You need to chill with the victim-complex.
Just adds to the fun really. I'll just wall them off or feed them to kobolds.
They're right about the hypervisible part.
remember to man up and never fell for the tranny lies
Being manly is the most wonderful thing on earth, being a man is a gift
>medicine that cures your condition
Yeah HRT is great. Unless you were talking about something else?
Sick to death of "biological" this and "biological" that
That's always what TERFS or phobes say, that no matter what you do, you'll always be biologically male/female. Like, what the fuck does that even mean? It's such a generalization.
Biology is the study of living organisms, and if I'm a living organism, and I'm on biological hormones that biologically alter my body to be more like that of my preferred gender, and I'm BIOLOGICALLY presenting that way everywhere I go, and people are BIOLOGICALLY gendering me that way, how is that not my "biological" gender?
If someone is born with a hole in their head, and then has surgery to get it fixed, will they biologically always have a hole in their head?
This is just me venting but fucking seriously these people need to read a dictionary.
Everyone faces adversity and discrimination over some aspect of themselves.
Is that post-commie shithole of yours located somewhere in Europe?
I don't think you understand that Toady wants Everything to be in DF.
phoneposter reddit spacing
Good pasta, I'm saving it
>no other genders exist, which is a proven fact
>cures your condition
oh sweetie, I have bad news for you...
remarkably based
He needs to hurry up and make blood an actual liquid, so that blood-powered elf torture/blood generation machines can be realized.
You haven't read the thread have you?
Indeed. Eastern europe best europe.
Nah, your mannerism alone shows me that he made the right decision by not replying. "All I asked is x is that so bad" "like, really that REALLY". You're way too passive aggressive, if you're a tranny, an aspiring tranny, or a woman, I have some really good news, your estrogen levels must be through the roof. Feel free to have the last word in, this will be my last.
There's a small handful of incredibly butthurt discord trannies who spam the board with enough posts to make it look like they're not all friends with each other
The man has the amoral soul of a mathematician.
The freaks can enjoy transitioning their dorfs while Yea Forums is gonna make that mermaid farm look like a nice summer camp. These playstyles are both supported by the inherently unbiased mechanics created by an absolute madman.
Well, if someone is biologically born without a womb, he will always live without a womb, no matter how much surgeries he has.
wasn't long ago that widespread medical consensus was that lobotomy was a good cure for female hysteria
But really, I still don't see how my question was so hard to answer? The lack of any answer only shows how weak 'that person's' position was and how cowardly they are to support their position. LOL
>I didn't say it needs to change, I said it should change
Part of EU or wants to join?
>goblin love and friendship simulator turning into tranny love and friendship simulator
I'm okay with this
XX and XY are the 2 combinations
What if we took wombs from car crash victims and gave them to transgender women?
Or grew humans in a lab then transferred their womb to the transgender women?
What if we allowed young 20 year old women who don't want to have kids to sell their wombs to transgender women?
>trans people would probably like it if society changed to be more accepting of them
Do you follow? I can say it again if you want.
>wants to join
What you want does not matter, what matters is my plan
I thought crackers were the minority now though
ask and you shall receive
I falseflag as discord trannies, niggers, polfags, magafags, gayfags and straightfags. I'm the cancer killing this site.
Already a part. The EU doesn't like us very much these days though.
Sex and gender aren't the same tho. And that isn't even getting into the myriad of intersex and other genetic conditions that result in chromosome fuckery.
What if we just euthanized trannies?
Is that you, Mengele?
>Anons thought the tranny discord was a meme
Any tranny related thread is like flies to shit with them. They'll start spamming trap threads as a response to this thread too.
nah your bait is obvious as fuck and doesn't fool anyone
it doesn't sound like you like it
it sounds like you're a whiny bitch
which would make sense, sarcasm is a womans tool (because it's useless and stupid)
>I will change the definition of words around until I can't be argued against
delusion is the name of your game. Enjoy it, I'm not playing.
What does that have to do with what I was saying? And it technically did 'work', it was just because they had too much brain damage to experience hysteria. Which wasn't a problem to them since they treated women like trash then anyway.
These arguments are terrible. Discord was a mistake.
LMFAO, you guys really are a bunch of dumbass reactionary morons.
I am not a doctor or biologist, so I have to trust actual doctors and biologists about this kind of thing.
As far as "biological sex" goes, I find this article to be a nice summation:
In particular:
> “My feeling is that since there is not one biological parameter that takes over every other parameter, at the end of the day, gender identity seems to be the most reasonable parameter,” says Vilain.
There is no single biological feature that uniquely determines sex. And since there isn't, gender identity is "the most reasonable parameter."
Also, there are many researchers who consider gender identity to be biologically rooted, although we haven't identified the mechanism yet. In other words, it's all biology.
I think this is a case where we are hurt by separating the concepts of sex and gender. Since there is a popular (incorrect) conception that sex is unambiguous, it is easy for people to see it as more fundamental, more correct.
>add trann*s to filter
>thread is million times better
>words change and gain different meanings over time.
Keep up nerd, you'll only make yourself look stupid in the long run.
which is weird because the plural is trannies, not trannys
But perhaps more important is that most people use the notion of "biological sex" is a justification for their already existing beliefs. Here is psychologist Daniel Kahneman talking about this on the podcast On Being (
> When I ask you about something that you believe in — whether you believe or don’t believe in climate change or whether you believe in some political position or other — as soon as I raise the question why, you have answers. Reasons come to your mind. But the way that I would see this is that the reasons may have very little to do with the real causes of your beliefs.
> So the real cause of your belief in a political position, whether conservative or radical left, the real causes are rooted in your personal history. They’re rooted in who are the people that you trusted and what they seemed to believe in, and it has very little to do with the reasons that come to your mind, why your position is correct and the position of the other side is nonsensical. And we take the reasons that people give for their actions and beliefs, and our own reasons for our actions and beliefs, much too seriously.
People do not study biology and then come to the conclusion that trans people aren't valid. They start by believing trans people aren't valid and come up with rationales for those beliefs. This means that simply providing more facts likely won't change those people's minds (although we should continue to propagate what science really claims about sex and gender). It will also require social change, including people knowing more real trans people, more realistic representation of trans people in media, and possibly generational change.
I'd fuck a cute twink though. Not a gross tranny.
>The reddit spacing
Trannies are a plague
It's the most basic commie tactic. Just look at how they changed the meaning of Imperialism so it doesn't apply to the Soviet Union for an early example
>my feeling
opinion trashed
>Cherrypicking 3 studies
>Ignoring the distiction between the surgery and the lifelong use of hormones
>Ignoring the pleathora of problems and damage puberty blockers cause long term in all cases except the one you mentioned
Trans rights are human rights.
Edit: Wow, thanks for all the upvotes!
Edit 2: My first reddit gold, thank you so much!
Saving this too
>play video games
>go online to discuss video games
>go back to playing video games
What more proof do anons need that the tranny discord is real. Look at this shit for fucks sake.
>biological parameter that takes over every other parameter,
>One L away from being Villain
Cannibalism: People didn't practice this as a prank, it was mostly done by farmlets => foodlets. Necessary for survival. At some point it no doubt became unnecessary, because food production improved, but was still practiced for a while as a (pointless) tradition.
Child Sex Slaves: This could mean anything, but if the kids are female and in puberty, you can create more people with this easily. More people is pretty important for a lot of things.
Fags/trannies: ??? Seems like you self-sabotage so people wouldn't bother you about breeding? As you obviously no longer can. Seems terrible for society to promote. We don't really need eunuch-like entities with our low child rate. Sell the doctrine to africa?
Do you have non-cherrypicked studies?
Do you know what epigenetics means?
>>people used to make mermaid farms that made Auschwitz look like a nice summer camp
I'm a new fag here, what's the story on this?
Well problem is, you can't just transfer a separate womb inside another dude's anus, stick it to his ass and expect to function properly. That's not how it works, the tissue will be rejected and will most likely start rotting from inside out. That's not good for the health of the patient. What you're proposing here is impossible for the modern medicine.
based and grudgepilled
>literally defending child sex slaves in under the guise of 'uuh more people and more people is good?'
Do you?
put me in the screencap and don't forget to dab on trannies
Do you?
Well, just be careful. EU will certainly encourage the spreading all that liberal tranny shit among the youth. And it can spread like fire. Watch for your universities, man.
Epigenetics changes phenotype, not genotype. You are not going to lose your Y chromosome.
Explain epigenetics tranny
It's not rocket science
Nigger, what do you think the past 3.5 billion years were all about?
There's John Money that really frighten me the most and fucking hell he's a bloody Jew too.
Yeah, exactly. Why should I give a fuck about genotype in the face of the physical reality of a human being?
you can genocide people and other living beings however you like in Dwarf Fortress
So are discord trannies literally just lefty/pol/ considering they spam the thread full of their cherrypicked "studies" and "proof"
I'm sorry, that was really foolish of me. I forgot that genes aren't a real thing that exists.
>nnnnnngmmmmm.......... muh behbeeehs......... muh biomogical imberitave... must mage beaaabiess..........
>Why should I give a fuck about genotype
this is a person who's actually deluded themselves into thinking biology is on the side of their argument
I just hope they will have a 40% suicide rate and have to stop work every few hours just to dilated
tl;dr, someone found out mermaid bones are very valuable and created and elaborate system for farming them. IIRC, it got to the point where Toady nerfed it because it got too grimm
Yeah. How did they even become a thing anyway?
Whites are always top of the leaderboards.
based and screencap-pilled
Have procreational sex
You lost the point a bit there. Topic was originally about attitudes to various things in ancient cultures. See this post:
Mind you not saying child sex slaves is an entirely uninteresting concept! But I don't have plans or good ideas in place for modern society, unfortunately.
>Trannies on suicide wa-
Actually nothing's changed
>Creator puts in trannies
>Players create tranny holocausts
>Creator is subjected to a coordinated gaming media campaign to remove the ability to harm the trannies
Of course they exist. That doesn't change the face that a person's body in a place called The Real World can develop in unique ways with nothing to do with the genes they were given, especially when you give them a certain kind of hormonal treatment.
You were literally able to murder children for years now.
>genes exist but that doesn't mean I can't ignore them!
>genes aren't in the real world
It's you who ain't living in the real world
Every single trait successfully evolved, in every species, exists to give a reproductive advantage either directly or indirectly. You can not escape reality by mocking it.
>how can I educate my dog on trans sensibilities?
These people are insane.
I don't mind if a game about murdering refugees becomes a game about murdering potentially transexual refugees.
>All I asked was how gender identity stuff is as comparably bad as cannibalism or child sex slaves
The actual answer is that they were all practiced in some primitive cultures, and were all subsequently eliminated as these cultures progressed to more advanced and more succesfull ones. Thus showing there's either an evolutionary tendency, or a divine providence, that deemed them "bad" (of course the interpretation of "deemed" in case of an evolutionary tendency is pretty loose).
You can not escape reality by mocking and denying it.
>especially when you give them a certain kind of hormonal treatment.
So basedboys aren't men because they have low test and high e?
So female bodybuilders that take test are men?
so you enjoy being a biological dead-end?
Who are you quoting? I already said they exist, I'm just no so stupid to claim they are the be all end all of how our physiology works.
>Trannies really think they can move beyond the physical limiting barriers of your body that easily.
You know, I think it makes sense now that so many of you kill yourselves
please apply this to the next breath you're thinking of taking and just drop dead
Why should I give a shit about passing on my genes? I'd rather live a satisfying and fulfilling life of my own.
>mod dwarf fort so all elves are trannys
>go to war with trannys
>nothing to do with the genes they were given
Oh, ssince you don't think our genes affect us, I assume you believe we are god creation.
>I'm just no so stupid to claim they are the be all end all of how our physiology works.
You are stupid. Withdraw from your gender studies course and enroll in a biology one.
Both of those examples are incomparable to cross sex hrt.
>the face that a person's body in a place called The Real World can develop in unique ways with nothing to do with the genes they were given
>the blueprint embedded in every single cell of the body, telling that cell what it's supposed to be has nothing to do with how the body develops.
I mean, they are working on what they described as 'the most complex magic system ever' so perhaps it will happen through that
Imagine a 400 post thread dedicated entirely to shittalking the tranny boogeyman.
They only care about children if they are not allowed to molest them.
Female bodybuilders are literally taking more "hrt" than mentally ill trannies
>>the blueprint embedded in every single cell of the body, telling that cell what it's supposed to be has nothing to do with how the body develops.
Who are you quoting? I didn't actually say that, you know.
are you retarded
theyre literally the end all be all of us because they are what makes us who we are. taking hormones is degenerate and unnatural and if youre going to do it at least admit youre mentally ill
Non-transgender person does not become transgender because you try to raise them as a girl, news at eleven. Why do people think Money proves anything other than gender not being a social construct?
>a person's body in a place called The Real World can develop in unique ways with nothing to do with the genes they were given
>nothing to do with the genes they were given
but that's LITERALLY wrong. Holy shit you're arguing that 2+2=6 at this point
Because unlike what retards tell you passing your genes is an important part of living a fulfilling life. Why do you think pairs are always unreasonably desperate to find a cure to infertility? Because they don't have anything better to do with their time?
The feelings of satisfaction and fulfillment are a mental reward for success. The reason your brain rewards success is because it would benefit your offspring, or the offspring of those genetically similar to you. So, other humans. This is also why you feel empathy.
They literally aren't though.
And that's a good thing. Trannies will burn themselves out/commit suicide and fade away like the mistake it was.
>Trannies now tripfaging
Makes you easier to filter. Thank you.
People tend to get real, real fucking depressed if they get past their fertile years and don't have kids, even if they didn't want any previously.
I'm sure it'll never happen to you though, good luck with that.
I hope you've never taken panadol or you should just go commit suicide right now for your insane hypocrisy.
What do you think HRT is?
If that didn't happen over the past several hundred years it certainly won't happen now, sorry friend.
nobody needs a reason to make fun of the mentally ill. the majority of people making fun of trannies aren't afraid of them or angry at them or anything, it's just good fun to shit on them because their mental disease makes them react so heavily, and the core of shitposting is to get a reaction.
>the weimar republic lasted for hundreds of years
A far more rigorous powerful treatment than some body building shit obviously lmao
>a person's body in a place called The Real World can develop in unique ways with nothing to do with the genes they were given
Trannies just don't notice the depression from passing their fertile years because they are clinically depressed already.
>I'm just no so stupid to claim they are the be all end all of how our physiology works.
Wow... It's almost like epigenetics is a thing I already brought up.
It's literally fucking testosterone and steroids, same shit bodybuilders take.
All anabolic steroids are androgenic, and vice versa.
There's no such thing as an androgenic only steroid.
Bodybuilders are taking more in most cases than a HRT victim would.
Gene expression still has everything to do with your genes.
Explain epigenetics tranny
>bullshit from the 60s
Meanwhile in the 21st century, Dr. Kenneth Zucker was getting results that greatly upset trans activists because he was getting results at getting people to live with their assigned genders without transition.
This actually makes a lot of sense.
literally haven't. why are you projecting so hard?
Unless their voices start deepening considerably, they develop terminal facial hair, significantly more body hair, male pattern baldness, etc. Then no, they aren't taking more in more than someone undergoing HRT.
I'm not projecting though? I'm not holding up any pretenses about muh natural humanity as I communicate through the internet on my computer in the 21st century lol bro
why do you care so much about trannies
i genuinely hate how much internet has softened up. you cannot even make fun of trannies anymore without being screamed at about human decency and whatnot
You should direct that towards the people that make threads like these.
Lmaoing at amerilard 'scientists'. Same people who said that there are no races and that fags are normal.
Do these transfucks have nothing else going on in their lifes, other than waiting for developer to tweet and then harass them?
you're defending trannies for an hour
>Still hasn't explained epigenetics
That does happen though, retard
damn man you one lame ass cowardly faggot aint ya.
>transgender/intersex dwarves
what the fuck
Furries didn't entice people to do permanent damage to their bodies. They just put on a fursuit.
Yet you're going to fail in finding a source showing this as common trend among female body builders.
>tfw you have to defend being a tranny on an anonymous imageboard
Making good use of your time.
>y-you are doing the same
I have 30 extra years to live after you decide to kill yourself.
>as you can plainly see, I am simply pretending to seethe
what video game is this thread about?
Look, just because the steroids you take prioritize growing a beard doesn't mean you're taking more steroids than people who prioritize gaining muscle.
I find it hilarious that trannies would rather let a person stay as a depressed suicidal tranny than even consider the option of maybe getting treatment to live their assigned gender. It just goes to show they don't really care about the person in question or their wellbeing,they just want other suicidal depressed people like them. They groom others and prey on children into joining their group, like a cult.
Dorf Fort
You know FTMs don't take steroids for HRT lol?
>Trans dwarf
>Man but thinks is female, can't produce offspring and is always sad because nobody calls him by his pronounce
So it's just bad event and everyone will just exile this dwarfs asap?
It's like someone who has the unending desire to cut their legs off and be wheelchair bound getting angry that someone can make those feelings go away instead of actually cutting their legs off.
Insanity at its finest
Imagine looking like this
You don't know what a steroid is.
Testosterone is a steroid, that's the main male hormone and you bet your irreversibly female genetics that it's part of HRT
Scientists also claim that shrooms are harmless and expand your brain.
It just gave me dissociation and made me actually unironically consider suicide.
BTFO how will tranny lovers ever recover
Most trans people don't actually get surgery though?
>when you forget to study but go to the test anyway
and here's why twinks will always rein supreme
So what does that have to do with female body builders taking more hrt than ftms again? You admit yourself they are hardly comparable and the effects are massively different, what point were you originally trying to make?
Yeah, I have no idea what those scientists are talking about there. I ate some mushrooms growing outside earlier and it only made me feel sick.
We call them transvestites.
trannies are officially worse than brony fags and furries together. theyre literally a meme
Until they inevitably age into disgusting men
at least they can live that long
fuckin lethal
God you're dense.
Women on steroids get anabolic effects.
Women on HRT get anabolic effects.
Women on steroids get androgenic effects.
Women on HRT get androgenic effects.
They take the exact same stuff they just prioritize different effects of those same substances.
Jesus fucking christ
Hahahaha, my brother is trans and he went from doing crappy coding to getting a nearly hundred thousand euro job at an American company just because he pretends to be a girl.
so theyre just crossdressers
even more based
lol effeminate amerimutt soiboi
literally every aemrimutt dev bends the knee to sjws
Unironically, if you wanted to get legal steroids as a female bodybuilder all you'd need to do is hop on TRT.
Same fucking thing
Literally what is the point of even LARPing as another gender then? What, they want to feel special because a girl never liked them in school?
Trannies are hideous and should be gassed. But traps are cute.
EXTRA spicy.
How are trannies less than 2% of the population but make up almost half of Yea Forums shitposting.
My tranny buddy just commited suicide
they're to easy of a target
Did he take surgery?
Half Yea Forums hates them, half Yea Forums pretends to be them for shits n giggles, half Yea Forums is them because Yea Forums is a center for mental illness
video games and autistic mental disorders have a frighteningly large crossover. Just go to any midnight release of a game and you'll find turbospeds.
>dwarves which don't want to breed
Yeah right
Because HRT is a thing? Not all trans people get dysphoria over their genitals.
>video games and autistic mental disorders have a frighteningly large crossover.
We need a Venn with these two fields, intersecting on speedrunning.
Wherever this is.
did he drop any good loot?
Vanilla CK2 is enough for me with all the incest and child murder
Mods really are for degenerates
Because they are cancer whatever community the enter.
>I'm trans btw
>We really need more trans characters
>Please notice me!
>This is really problematic
They can't shut up about it. Just like vegans I wouldn't care but it's the only thought rolling around in their empty head and they absolutely must bring it up constantly. Everything is about them and everyone should change their way of living to not hurt their fragile ego.
Quick, steal his meds and get yourself some gains son
Oh and sorry for your "loss" LOL
This is what happens when you see strawmen on the internet and think it's how real people and act.
INTP/Js are also 4-6% of the population and make up almost the entirety of Yea Forums shitposters. The answer is clear, and it is autism.
when you dont actually interact with real people and think everything on Yea Forums is like real life
Yeah and? What was the point of comparing female body builders or men with naturally 'low' test (not still multitudes higher than a woman's level) and 'high' estrogren (multitudes lower than a womans level) with people undergoing actual hrt when the perceivable effects are so massively different?
You need to get out more. Seriously.
trannies are scum fuck you
>Its a mentally ill suicidal freak shows invade Yea Forums episode
>Except its a marathon
>That never ends
The perceivable effects aren't massively different, and they're taking the same things.
Fucking hell liberals are so goddamn stupid it hurts.
Don't talk to me or my son ever again
Its pretty much true, anytime you see them pop up its like a cancer that eats away at whatever community they forced themselves into. Its just another form of pic related.
>sowiously, u ned 2 git owt mo.
being a moral fag is not how you make friends user
>they're taking the same things.
And I took steroids for my ass disease yet still turned out a twink lmao. Reducing it all to 'the same thing' is just about the most moronic stance you can take on the topic.
That's a completely different kind of steroids, neither mentally ill trannies or bodybuilders take those
Ok... that was decent bait
>when you take mspaint comics on the internet for the token truth of how all communities develop
user, this is getting concerning.
Imagine your daughter seducing you and her husband finding out his wife's son is actually his father-in-law's son and they become rivals that plunge the kingdom into disarray as people take sides.
Oh, so they are different? Then why did you say they were all the same things and that the perceivable effects aren't different?
32% out of all suicides, retard.
we have like 50 years tops before the planet is uninhabitable, or at least too barren to support anywhere decent living standards. Who the fuck cares about passing on genes when we're the last generation?
Because HRT steroids are the same kind of steroids used by bodybuilders.
Exact same substances.
Neither use the kind of steroids you're talking about.
Absolutely based.
Just kill yourself already abomination.
What those boys need is testosterone replacement therapy, it would actually end their delusion and dysphoria and make them realize they are men, the whole delusion is caused by elevated female hormone levels obviously.
You people are literally poisoning those kids by giving them even MORE of the opposite sex hormone that made them mentally ill in the first place, when the correct hormone (testosterone for boys) would actually cure them.
But they aren't even the same kind. You said that yourself earlier.
user in the 70s we were told that humanity was heading for a second iceage. as an elementary child in the early 2000s I was told by 2012 NYC would be underwater. people making climatic predictions are full of shit.
based AND redpilled
It's 32.1 per 100,000. So 0.0321%
You realise the cause of anguish for people suffering from gender dysphoria is the exact opposite of delusion in that it is the self awareness of their physical body is what makes them fucked up? Giving them more test / estrogen for ftm would only make those feelings worse.
No he didn't retard, learn to read. He said steroids prescribed to you for your illness were different, which is correct.
HRT steroids are same as bodybuilding steroids, which is Testosterone Enanthate or other Testosterone esters.
You're exactly the kind of retard that will literally lead to this Earth going down the shitter. I hope you die very soon.
What the fuck are you on about? You clearly did not understand what I said.
The cause of their anguish is literally their mental illness and delusion that is mistakenly making them want to be of the opposite sex, that is not how a healthy mind thinks.
A boy who thinks they want to be a girl would be cured of such delusion with testosterone treatment, because they are suffering from low test and high estrogen.
It would literally cure them.
I suggest we remove the brains of transgender people until science can create female bodies for them... hopefully cloning will never be legalised
It's very unfortunate that humankind has no experience with facing new climate related evolutionary pressures. If only the history of our species had been a little different.
>Post yfw you will never be a mentally ill tranny
dont be mad because climatologists are the soothsayers of the scientific world.
I am trans and I haven't ever written this many words about it.
You really think people haven't tried that?
Are you aware you will never pass?
I understood what you were saying very much, certainly not the first time I've read it. You're actually completely wrong in every single way, so much so even if I did want to correct you I couldn't before the thread will archive. Your opinion and baseless theory is completely meaningless in the face of the widespread overwhelming medical consensus to what we know about gender dysphoria. What you're proposing will never be used as a treatment for trans people and if it ever might happen it would only serve to show how bad an outcome such treatment would lead to.
people have been regurgitating these same misconceptions for about almost as long.
I'm sure they're more aware of their situation than some random person who has never seen them before.
I'd be surprised if any attempts to do so would be accepted by progressives since they don't care about facts they just want to show everybody how "accepting" and "virtuous" they are
unironically want it, only because the reason dwarf fortress is cool is because you can do so many different things, even if some of them are fucking lame
>I have facts but I wont get them because I have feelings
Did you try pinning test before you decided to cut your penis off, or is this your mental illness talking?
Not really considering it's politically correct to call them "beautiful" and "a real woman"
they become misconceptions when they are proven wrong objectively