Well Yea Forums? are you a pro or are you a noob?

well Yea Forums? are you a pro or are you a noob?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Who the fuck doesn't do the left?


Attached: c1hU1Rjh.jpg (583x616, 28K)

thumb on side
index on M1
middle on scroll wheel (also operates M2)
ring on side
pinky on side

CAD Engineer here. being quicker on mouse is nothing compared to being quicker on keyboard

I don't think I've ever heard of anyone doing the left

At least my fingers aren't that fat, jesus.

Only literal neanderthals/Americans put their fingers that far down their mouse

>mfw playing Apex Legends with a wireless Microsoft mouse combo

Attached: 1548973996789.jpg (779x640, 91K)

Pic related is how I hold it

Attached: mouse.jpg (1190x1390, 110K)

People that think the battle royal genre is for skilled player

You've given me something to think about OP

I have spiderfingers fuck you

Enjoy your wrangled hand bro

I pick neither

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There are people who don't do fingertip grip? What kind of computer illiterate retard holds a mouse like this.

Attached: 1541286701949.png (580x720, 340K)

>Not using the side of your finger to scroll the wheel
wow you actually need 3 fingers to properly operate a mouse, whats that like?

you hold your mouse sidewards with two hands?

damn, guess i was working the piano this whole time

>taking away 3 easy keybinds

found the noob

>anime poster
like clockwork

>switch primary and secondary
>right index finger on right mouse-button

You can't shame people into doing things the way you like. It doesn't work that way, you're not 13 years old anymore and you won't know if you have any effect on them anyway. Sort yourself out, son.

>implying every test done since the Lost Planet cross play massacre hasn't been the same
cope :v)

>3 keybinds
what? you use the side of your index to move the mouse wheel, what kinda autism fueled weapon is using the thumb macros to scroll?

I keep 3 fingers on my trackball. Does that count?

>joysticks are somehow more precise
go on explain how

inb4 "deadzones"

Only difference for me is my thumb is on my mouse buttons and my ring is on a groove meant for it. Fucking love the CM Storm Spawn but mine's shitting itself and the only ones on Amazon are selling for 400 fucking dollars. Not sure what the successor of it is, if any

I use 4 fingers
2 on each mouse buttom

I use subtle, undetectable even by other players cheats like 90% of everyone else who plays good on PC. The only time I ever played legit was during Halo days and I'm pretty good I guess.

that smile looks kind of wrong buddy :^)

toddlers usually do

>corsair mouse
>wow meme pad
just choke with the cord


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>aim assist
try harder with your bait next time

G600 Chad here. I use 4 fingers.

If I'm working playing on PC with kb/m, where's my fucking paycheck?

>not fingertips

I do right, purely because I have never played mouse wheel heavy games
even these days I only play shit like grand strategy games

There's a reason why PC and consoles are generally not allowed to play together in FPS' and why each time the PC crowd shits on the console guys even with their aim assist.

I'm playing like that. Because only scrubs use mouse but not gamepad.

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>it's 2019 and people are still downplaying the superiority of the mouse
Imagine being this retarded.

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Who the fuck uses the wheel?
And even if you have to just bind it to something els

>tfw 3 finger mouse grip feels unnatural and I use the 2 mouse grip but in some games you have to use all 3 buttons at te same time and I cant do that

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Left, but with claw grip.

I don't lay down my entire hand, but just do it with my fingers. Also, I'm pretty pro.

What's the preferred typing method of everybody here? I just kind of peck at it

there is no way people use left unless they are utter shitters who need to scroll through their inventory and cant use the numbers keys

It’s bait you guys. Yea it’s really fucking stupid bait but it’s bait nonetheless.

I've been using three finger as long as I can remember and always thought it was what everybody did, until a friend saw me do it and said he'd never seen it before. Seems like it's the obvious way to hold a mouse to me and it blows my mind that people do it any other way, but maybe it's just natural for me because I grew up with actual three button mice like the old Logitech Wingman.

mousewheel is only ever used for bhopping if you are a pro

>he doesn't know how to use the three sea shells

Attached: large.jpg (960x540, 36K)

Who the fuck constantly has an extra finger on the mouse wheel?
What kind of goblin hand do you have?

Why wouldn't you use left? You can bind all kinds of useful shit to the scroll wheel, and holding the mouse the way on the right just means your pinky drags around on the mousepad uselessly.

I open links in the browser with the middle mouse button.

yeah but you do that with your index finger by slightly moving it right from its usual resting place on the left mouse button

I grew up with 2 button mice.

I don't. I use my middle finger.

I don't play games that use zoom so what's the point of a three finger mouse grip?

You are a freak

>not using the pinky against the mousepad for more precision

What about gunslinger grip

>side of your index to move the mouse wheel

Attached: Vomit.jpg (680x680, 85K)

Three finger is retarded. Two finger leaves your ring finger on the side giving you far more control when moving the mouse left. Otherwise you have only the pinkie which is just imbalanced compared to the thumb on the other side.
Just put your middle finger on the side of the wheel so you can press either by pushing it down and to the side

I use a trackball & Steam Controller for everything

Fuck mice

>claw seizure cripple

You mean if you’re a faggot? Real bunny hopping is done with right click cs fag.

>not using the scroll wheel with the knuckle of your index finger because you don't have a pinkie and ring finger

>Just put your middle finger on the side of the wheel so you can press either by pushing it down and to the side
i do that but it isnt always as smooth

Fucking scrub.

>they don't use a flight stick

>using the shit wheel in video games
>playing competitive multiplayer vidya that require using that shit
>not anchoring your hand properly to have your muscle memory work in your favor
>mouse pad and hand isn't perpendicular to the keyboard
>elbow doesn't rest on the table

Observe any Quake 3 pro that uses the lower keyboard upper mouse setup.


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I only use one finger

only girls hold mice like that

People with hands that are not the size of a girls

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Patrician: 1 Finger

fat people

If you aren't using a lightweight mouse at 400-1200 DPI, with a claw/fingertip grip and have atleast a 40cm mouse pad you make full use of you are literally a casual

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I'm 5'3 and I have really tiny hands(and feet for that matter)

if I try using three finger grip, my thumb and pinky can't grip the mouse well enough since my fingers are shorter than an average person's fingers by quite a bit

I need my ring finger to be on the side of the mouse for an actual reasonable grip on it

Me because I don't play videogames

I never did that.
Only Russians did.

>shills a mouse that's not even available yet

I have a weird fucked up semi-claw grip, so not me

I need that 3rd finger to grip the mouse better

I'm 2 finger fuck you.

>nintenkiddie nostalgiafag
Does he even play anything in first person view?

Fuck this would have come in handy with MMOs.
This is the first time on Yea Forums i've realised i've been doing something wrong my entire life. Anyway, time to change how i hold the mouse. I'm hoping i get the muscle memory within a week. Wish me luck

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>trusting a WoW player on how to handle a mouse

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I'm going to be nice.

If you're going to be on here, don't post saying that you're new, or post images with silly or epic captions. You'll just get made fun of.

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>2 finger grip
>all 5 fingers are gripping the mouse in both photos

This is why I don't play multiplayer shooters. There's always a batch of faglords using shit like that.


I just tried to do the right and I realized how dependent I am on the mouse wheel. What a great invention

This, it's also feels like a more natural way to position your hand

wow i did the right one before but the left one feels more comfortable.


Who the fuck uses left? Right gives you better grip and the wheel is never important enough to justify trying to avoid the barely existent delay of moving your finger to it. The back/forward side buttons any proper mouse has nowadays are more reliable and are enough for anything you'd specifically want to bind to your mouse for quick access.

>Near breaking your index fingers to clumsily operate 4 buttons at once
Yikes, why are controllers so horribly designed?

Attached: Yo-o-ob-tvoju-matj.jpg (1280x720, 499K)

People who grew up in the 80-90s when the middle wheel wasnt a thing

We’ll geberally people play the piano for money which is work.

fukn newbs

>squashing all your fingers together like that
women are idiots

I choose the THIRD POSITION:

i've never played a game that forces you to use all 3 simultaneously what are you talking about

>using high sens with little wrist movements
join the superior arm movement race

Yeah, I didn't have a mouse with a wheel scroll until 2009 or 10 or so. I still have trackball mice around here somewhere. We used to steal them from school for spare mice because Diablo would eat your mouse in about a week.

some shooters force MMB for other common actions, like say in apex where it's used for pinging
I dunno it feels unnatural, thank god i bought a mouse with buttons on the side. Two finger master race

I never saw someone do left.

then remap it to a key, like left alt which sits comfortably under your thumb when you're playing wasd games
it sounds to me like a better solution than having to recreate muscle memory for your hand

Yeah, I remapped it rather than having it stay at MMB. And it does sound like a better solution, better keep to old tricks than learning something that feels very off

Get pwned n00b

I always buy a mouse that has a side M4 button where my thumb is because the left feels awkward

So pic related is something iTards wipe their but with before using?

I react slower if I use my ring finger for right click

I do the thing you don't like just to piss you off.

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>not having three mouse buttons
lmaoing at ur life

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My fingers hurt just by looking at that nail stretching the skin

Yes literally yes

user please stop biting your fingernails

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I sub-consciously switch off between one or the other depending on what I'm doing, and it happens so fast I can't really explain it

Same with how I type, usually my hands pivot with thumb on spacebar, and they dart all around the keyboard, crossing paths sometimes

I'm a fortnigger and I've bound middle mouse to stairs, scroll up to reload and down to the shotgun.
Only really fortnite needs that many binds with the build shit tho. At least with what I play. With most other games you'll have enough buttons around your wasd to make it work.


Actually left is for normies. You don't need the right click button for browsing facebook so most likely the middle finger is on the scroll for scrolling most of the time.

xbox controller whenever I can, mouse is fucking shit

normies dont use mice. its touchscreens and trackpads

More like zoomer vs boomer
If you grew up doing the three finger option you were born during the 2000s
By the time the scroll wheel became a thing I was well into using PCs with two button mice.

I use my index for both the wheel and left click. Most of my hand is on the table rather than on the mouse.

claw is the most retarded of all


noob. never got used to the 3 finger grip, just felt incredibly uncomfortable. Which is fine since i don't actually play video games

I do the right because when I scroll Down with the middle finger all the others fingers go down too.

use a vertical mouse for more finger button access

>using manchildren console

ITT: we are pretending we are using the left pic grip

get out normie, people like you ruin this board

k+m is objeclively the best controller for almost everything
holow knight, dmc5 ,dark souls they are better to play on k+m

Attached: tier.jpg (445x1245, 141K)

Pros don't use mouse wheel.

Literally check the config of any csgo/quake/r6 pro, almost none of them use the mouse wheel.

I use touchpad

I have a giant hand and my middlefinger rests on the scrollwheel. I only use my ringfinger for right clicking
>scrolling with index finger

Even if a game doesn't use the wheel at all, it's way more comfortable to rest your middle finger between the buttons

How??? This shouldn't be the case if you're using a mouse that fits your hand size....

Thanks based hardcore WoW Cataclysm gamer!

Holy shit I thought I was weird for using left. My friends said I was crazy but it's so comfy and having another 3 buttons is amazing. Playing tf2 you can have all your weapons on just your wheel and never have to use numb keys so you can pull off retarded stuff while air strafing

yeah I enjoy right clicking with my ring finger no thanks

s󠀀oy󠀀boy test

I used a mouse that was way to small for years so I started using claw and still do to this day.

I'm 6'3 with hands of proportinate size and use an MX518
If I keep my hand completely relaxed, the index finger and ringfinger naturally fall on the left and right button
I do claw grip though

bait but
>plays shadowrun cossplay with the controller Yea Forums loves most the x360
>gets dumpstered by pc players on logishit mice

fingertip god tier for gaming

Attached: err.jpg (476x352, 18K)

I do fingergrip but my hand doesn't hover
>rest wrist on desk
>grip mouse in fingers
>very rarely need to move your wrist at all because high DPI
>no risk of carpal tunnel ever

neither. im hacker god

always irked me that i'm only using two (2) out of my ten (10) fingers with a controller

inb4 ring finger for trigger homos come barging in

what kind of handlet you are to be able to use 3 fingers with a mouse

Yeah if there's one thing that's well-known about human anatomy, it's that only middle fingers can right click
Totally not a matter or preference

Yeah was thinking the same, but I realised you use your computer for other stuff too and having a finger used exclusively for scrolling is much better so it kinda became my default position.
Doesn't change anything about many games tho, depends on what you're playing but can't see what advantages left really has on most games.

Enjoy your arthritis and carpal

I bought that mouse to replace my razer naga, but never got around to actually using it. the third mouse button is set to be a modifier button by default; you actually use it like that?

The size of your hand doesn't matter, because long fingers doesn't mean that you can't fit them on a mouse
What matters is the width of your fingers, you fucking fatty

t. Andre the Giant

No difference

sorry i dont have kid hands like a fucking zoomer

Bros, what do I go for when my MX518 dies? Last time I checked, both the replacement and the replacement for the replacement have also been discontinued

>resting your hand on the desk
Both are shit, enjoy your carpal tunnel.

but that's the most likely way to get carpal tunnel

Based and redpilled as fuck

Dsmfix was a godsend.

No, it's repetitive wrist movements. My wrist stays still, pleb

How would you play SSX without using your middle fingers on the triggers and index on the bumpers?

there are games where I will adjust, but in 99% of the cases I'll only use my index fingers for the bumpers and triggers.

I'm guessing that's what most people do, unless you otherwise need to hold the bumper at the same time as the trigger.

Attached: Controller esports.webm (960x540, 2.93M)


Have instant knife kills been added to most online FPSes to make sure consoleplebs can kill each other at close range?


Attached: Controller2.webm (720x404, 2.65M)

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>use MB5

>professional player

Attached: file.png (230x220, 127K)

instant-melee kills are console-garbage that was necessary due to the abysmal FoV making anything that gets withing 1 meter range completely impossible for the consolefag to locate, so you have to have some sort of quick way out of the situation.

>mfw they added damn near Halo 2 energy sword lunging to some of the old CoDs to help consolefags cope

Attached: 1437165917354.png (317x392, 134K)


Anyone who likes to be comfortable

>flat mouse
Enjoy your RSI

Disable aim assist and let's see how far you get.

I use it as my middle click. Clicking the mouse wheel is my modifier, which swaps the numpad keys to F1-12

>pro or noob
>not elite

Attached: elecom_HUGE.jpg (224x224, 9K)


And they say games don't create monsters..

Both are shit you should hold your mouse only with your fingers so you won't have to move your whole arm to move the mouse.

Fingertip is best. It gives to most precision and feel for the mouse.

Ah the Dark Souls grip, not bad actually.

You're supposed to move your whole arm. Only noobs who play only retaredly high sensitivity don't

>keep your palm still and move the mouse around with your fingers
fucking wristcucks lmao

Attached: file.png (600x532, 464K)

I get sweaty games very often when I play using mouse. Any tips to keep my hands dry?

please tell me this is bait, the claw grip is ancient

Basically this. I do left because I didn't have a mouse with a wheel until college. Would be different for zoomers though I guess. I'm probably in the wrong thread.

who took the picture???

is that a white power symbol??

keeping finger on middle mouse button is like pressing breaks with your left foot and keeping right foot on gas pedal.

Anyone that doesn't want their hand fucked up over time

Used to be noob until somewhere past my 20~22 year when it suddenly became pro one day. I dont know what happened.

name 1 (one) game where this is actually relevant at all

That looks like hiro

>suddenly one day

Attached: file.png (592x423, 461K)

>using the mouse wheel instead of keyboard shortcuts
fucking noob

am i being memed or do people really play with their middle finger on the scroll wheel

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Sorry op, I don't play fps shit, I only ever use my trusty Xbox One controllers

not serious...
are you?

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yes i am

not everyone has tiny girl hands user

Ring finger is the weakest, left makes no sense.

My man. #ClawGrip4Lyfe

Claw grip makes no sense in my mind but I've noticed that I use it every time without even realizing when playing

Right way is superior. The middle finger has more strength than the ring finger. Also weapon switches are slow enough in most games where a slight movement of your pointer finger to the mouse wheel really isnt a hindrance.

How did it take controller manufacturers so long to realize paddles on the back was a good idea to avoid this shit

I know it's bait but you need smaller hands to do palm grip or claw grip effectively.

>The middle finger has more strength than the ring finger
thats what i immediately thought when i tried it

don't play shitty fps's and there hasn't been a good rts since WarcraftIII so neither

never used the 3 finger one even with 3 button meece