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Why was this apparently such a requested thing? Who wants to watch Egoraptor play the games he's the absolute worst at?

To further insult him and get more "this is how you don't play" kino


>wathcing GG post-Jontron

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So will they finish this series?
Place your bets.


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Yes on a stream

>that shadow part

To watch Egoraptor get mad at the game because he never bothered to learn how to play
*cough*holding down on the analog stick to secure the line to catch froggy*cough*

>unfunny man who is complete garbage at video games
>boomer who is confused and uninterested in video games
How is this channel still around who even finds them enjoyable anymore.


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I guess when you put it that way, it makes sense. I dunno. SA 1 and 2 aren't exactly masterpieces by any stretch, but it's just so weird how he can manage to be so bad at them and still think it's the games fault. You'd think after him hating everything from Mania to Unleashed and back that maybe he'd realize he just isn't good at them, instead of the other way around.

It's almost an event just to see how bad arin is anymore.

But I'm with you I don't understand how.they still have followers when.they make every possible wrong decision.

Yeah. Like Skyward Sword too, it's not the best Zelda or great by any means, but all he does is bitch and cry about nonissues so much that it makes ME want to defend the game.

He's such a douche that even when he holds the same opinion it makes you want to argue against him.

I argue it's Dan's charisma. The guy's just naturally positive, and even when I hear about something of his I disagree with, I can't bring myself to be even mildly annoyed at the guy. He's just too likable.

Do people actually still watch Game Grumps, even after Jon left.

I had forgotten they existed if the sonic twitter and this faggot op didn't remind me of them
When did Jon leave? It's been ages since the channel made anything worth while

Dan is really the only reason to watch anymore.


No thanks.

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Strange they didin't commented on that.

Fucking years ago. GameGrumps has been on auto pilot for years with most of their viewers going to OneyPlays or SuperMega instead.

>claims to hate sonic
>yet 100%ed SA2B

>watching any cancerous youtuber shit at any point

>Arin claims to have 100%'d the game
>doesn't even know how rail grinding works

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SA2 is the Sonic game every not-fan of Sonic seems to like for some reason.

This. Reminder that Arin literally couldn't get past Gomess in Majora's Mask.

eceleb shit is not vidya

Chao Garden and battle mode.

>trying the claim the graphics are awful within the first minute
fuck these faggots

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Even Arin keeps depressingly self admits to people leaving to watch them and Dan has to cheer him up.

Arin needs counseling seriously. Cant admit to being gay and is always depressed or angry.

Anyway are oneyplays or supermega any good?

It looks rough user

great i cant wait for more you hate sa2 because some youtuber said it sucks, instead of the game being trash


Dan just regurgitates whatever Arin says. He doesn't know anything outside punch out

Seems like this time Arin's at least not going to try and purposely break the game every episode to make it look like his criticisms are justified I hope

That's Matt and Ryan from SuperMega adding weird editing jokes even when Arin and Danny don't ask them to

I've seen people say OneyPlays captures Jon era GameGrumps better then GameGrumps ever did. Just a bunch of friends shooting shit and playing a game in the background.


it's a fucking gamecube game
it looks perfectly fine

Oneyplays is at its best when they're coming up with outlandish scenarios and discussions, less so when he and Julian are just doing baby noises. It kinda varies from episode to episode. The ones with Psychicpebbles are always worth watching.

>h-he’s trying to make the game look bad!
Sonic tards everyone

>unfunny man who is complete garbage at video games
They purposely suck so they can stretch a game that can easily be completed in 3 hours into +40 videos to get google bucks.

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Remember when Egorapter and Oney were talented animators and not selfish sellouts?

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Really any of the series with just Sleepycabin members are best, though Ding Dong is still fun to have around. Julian's disdain for what he's doing though gets so tiresome.

tbqh, Oney seems like a pretty ok guy still. At least he admitted he's a bit of a sell out.

Egoraptor maybe, Oney was always a retarded hack

At least Chris still does creative endeavors. Arin is just a lazy bum.


Yeah, despite his quirks, DD's pretty great. You're right on the money with Julian though.

give me the best oneyplays videos

No because he played Ocarina on a Stream before Game Grumps and he still sucked ass. This damage control won't work. You can look up the full stream yourself

I don't even like SA1 but by the second episode it's clear that he's just there to half-ass most of the gameplay and tell everyone they're wrong for liking it

I like their Mario 64 playthrough. Also any of their Crash Bandicoot playthroughs.

Marble Blast Ultra was pure gold

No I'm not damage controlling for him, I just believed he was greedy more than he sucked, but apparently I stand corrected. Remind me again why Yea Forums takes his word as gospel why Skyward Sword sucks this much?

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I'm just waiting for the 3 hour long Youtube video that points out how wrong Arin is all the time, how he's a hypocrite, and how he is complete shit at the game.

Vinny is where its at.

bomb bowling

On his defense, and believe I don't want to defend him all that much, it takes months to make an actually good 5 minute animation, meanwhile it takes a couple of hours to record a game and upload those same hours on that same day.
It's awful trying to make animations on youtube when the algorithm redirects everyone to the guys that upload daily

I hated Skyward Sword from the day I played it at launch

I'm not going to defend Egoraptor on this at all, he has plenty of downtime he could be using to work on animations, but he clearly doesn't care anymore and has moved on. He is a sellout.

I don't think Yea Forums has taken his word as gospel for a very long time, not since the OoT let's play at least. For as fall as nu-Yea Forums has fallen, at least they stopped defending Arin.

>hate Egoraptor so much at this point that I actually love seeing people criticize him and laugh when he fails
Am I the true monster?

Who the fuck is taking his word as gospel? His complaints are all pretty stock complaints people have against it. Also I don't think you're wrong, I think he plays how much he sucks at most games because that's the joke or some shit, but he also sucks ass. So while he's pretending to suck more ass than he does, when he actually tries he still fails because, again, he sucks.

Thats a lot of people. He brought it on himself

It's damn near impossible to defend Arin because he is a massive cunt. Dan for all his faults seems like a genuinely nice person, who seems to love his fans. Arin's thin veneer of giving a shit and listening to what anyone else has to say kind of falls apart the moment he opens his mouth and a stream of constant, selfish shit spews out. He's probably one of the biggest cunts on youtube at this point. It's actually kind of amazing how much of an asshole he is.

No. Dont let it expand to anyone else really, or else the abyss will have gazed back though.
Taking the pleasure in a single person's pain is just natural, especially if you feel that theyve slighted you.

Honestly, Egoraptor stopped existing after summer 2012 and I think everyone else would be better off thinking this as well.

>claims to have 100%d the game before
>tried to homing attack the boxes
>took like 5 attempts to grind a rail
>fucked up on every trick ramp apart from one
What did he mean by this

Daily reminder that he was completely wrong on OoT and deserved the hate he got for that obviously biased bullshit video. People act like Sequelitis used to be good and point at the Mega Man X video, but it was literally just him going very in depth on how the developers taught the player through a tutorial level. This is not a new concept. Many devs other than Mega Man X did that. It's not even a MMX exclusive thing since pretty much any given Mega Man classic game before it taught the player through gameplay. People act like pointing out that MMX teaches its player through gameplay is some grand revelation or that Egoraptor did fucking anything. It's just stupid. What a game design expert! He's outlined the obvious!

Lmao do people still watch this shit?

How did he miss every jump? Also wow, the audio mixing on the GameCube version is fucking awful.
Marble it up was fun.

>They will make maybe 20 videos
>arin is going to lose his shit
>they will stop releasing videos for a few days
>one or two more will come out
>arin will get mad again and then they will stop

Just like MM, and SS.

Nah because he always acts like he's some kind of professional expert on game design as points out

One thing that pisses me off about Arin is his cardboard ally to women persona, 5-8 years ago literally all he did was draw super model chicks with massive bouncing tits groping each other and girls in his spare time, now whenever he plays a game in the public eye with swimsuit girls in it he always acts uncomfortable and makes jabs at how it's objectifying, there was one game in particular that Dan wanted him to play and he was really being a little bitch about it, it's the most hypocritical shit I've ever seen and never fails to annoy me.

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This, I could come out of a 10-year coma and blaze the shit out of City Escape, such a liar

Is this whole playthrough just going to be Arin desperately trying to make the game look bad by intentionally trying to fuck it up or break it by forcing sonic in the opposite direction of where he's meant to be going, and then screeching "LOOK LOOK! OMG LOL THIS GAME IS SO SHIT!!" ?

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It's Arin playing a Sonic game. So of course.
No idea why Sega flew him of all people out to the Japan studio to look at Sonic Team Racing insider shit.

>Watching goyimgrumps

He's catering to his audience. Make no mistake, most of his fans are young kids and slightly old kids, but they're kids none the less. And the ones who have stuck around this long do it because they find Arin's screeching rants to be hilarious. That and his charming sarcasm about the fondness people hold for X game. X game? In 2019? Wake up sheeple. It wasn't THAT good.

I actually figure they did that because Game Grumps is one of the more supportive youtube channels when it comes to Sonic Team, since they gush about the meme-y twitter. Which is ironic to me because they won't stop shitting on said games. Apparently the positives they said outweigh the negatives of literally all the videos they ever put out for sonic games.

>Sonic Adventure 2

He just loves attacking those autistic sacred cows, doesn't he?

Literally free views. Getting SA2's autistic fanbase to hate watch him is a great idea on his part.

>that groan at the start
Arin has been doing these lets plays for ages, he should know that regardless of whether he likes the game or not, Sonic Adventure 2 is a constant stream of good material to work with if you're doing some sort of Youtube video game couch commentary, the game doesn't have a dull moment, for better or worse.
Arin's really trying to force his narrative onto everyone.

Are there any actually good Let's Play channels out there? I stopped watching Let's Plays about five years ago and haven't watched a single one since. I don't even care about the 'hanging with buddies' genre, just wondering if there are any actually worth watching LP channels at all.

It's always funny to me when autists get butthurt whenever people mock Sonic Adventure 2. Ya'll should be used to it, that game has been a laughingstock since the day it came out. If you're gonna insist on enjoying something that terrible, at least embrace the game as some sort of ironic meme thing.

I'm watching it now, I can accept Arin not like the adventure games, but if he disses City Escape I'm gonna find out where he lives and glass him.

kill yourselves

SuperGreatFriend is still going strong. Helloween4545 is also pretty good.

>watching Game Grumps

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Wiiliketoplay was a group of 4 friends sho had good chemistry and notvhamming it up.for views. 2 of them have since left though.

Then uberhaxornova is usually good, always on twitch now though. Downside is his taste in games is pretty bad

Old Something Awful ones like Supergreatfriend and Diabetus. I enjoy TippingForties quite a bit too but those aren't traditional let's plays.

>for the past 10 years my weekends are sitting at the computer, posting on Yea Forums, and watching AVGN

I've probably seen each episode over 200 times.

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I watch them to listen to Arin get angry at crap games like Ocarina of Time or 3D Sonic. It's hilarious.



Is this an accurate representation of Game Grumps?

Kind of, it fits OneyPlays better though.

Redpilled based

OG Gamegrumps with Jon was great because he was there to keep Arin in check, you know like to make sure he doesn't just run his mouth about anything.
When Arin said something stupid, Jon had the balls to actually say something and often that would make Arin go irate because he's having a hard time dealing with the fact that his (often shit) opinions are in fact, not objective.
Dan doesn't know dick about video games so he just laughs along and gives in to every narrative that's force fed to him.

I thought that was an Oney Plays rip. I remember DD saying he found it and thought it was pretty much on the money.
Then Chris went and actually played Croc anyway with Zach and Lyle. Pretty short and sweet series.

Who was in the wrong in the GUTS debate? and why is it Arin?

Both were given equal opportunities of victory, Arin just simply didn't have the wits to win, allowing his opponent to defeat him.

Yea but Jon was a bit autistic. He really liked a lot of cringey shit like N64 Rare garbage and other similar shit.

N64 Rare is peak vidya kino

I also started watching the episodes again.

>cringey shit like N64 Rare garbage
Fuck off PS1fag

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Considering Jon figured it out while playing he had no obligation to tell Arin anything. They were on even footing when theyvstarted, having not played the game before.

If and only if Jon had played the game before and/or knew what to do before starting would he have some obligation to tell Arin so they are on the same level.


Lol, that's the only system that's aged even worse than the N64. Take off your nostalgia goggles.


They say it because it's true. Even when it's just Chris making silly noises it's more entertaining than what Game Grumps is shitting out because you can tell that he's genuinely having a laugh with his mates instead of trying to force himself to be "le whacky funny man" like Arin.


People liked that shit before? I mean actual people not escaped mental patients and literal retards.

Because Chris can be "le whacky funny man" without even trying. He's naturally very witty.

Usually i can't stand egoraptor, but I think he was bearable and pretty nice in this episode

It's the best Sonic game.

2D > 2D

>pretty nice

Really? That's disappointing to hear. I was hopeing he would tear this game apart.

SA2 is so many Gamecube kiddies' only real Sonic game, aside from maybe playing the 2D ones through one of the collections.

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he might be taking a more complimentary approach since he just recently met up with Sonic Team

What's even the point of watching then?

I used to be an unironic sonic was never good poster because of these memers, I actually played 2, 3andk and this a while ago and they were actually very fun.

never. like always

It got really got reviews when it came out, zoomer

I remain quite impressed to this day that he managed to time this all out so well. It can't have been easy to play all four and know what was happening in game at the same time. My head hurts a little trying to think about how it was done.