Itt: useless consumable items in vidya
Itt: useless consumable items in vidya
Throw it in the fire and the boar bacons himself lol!
You're not supposed to eat it fat fuck.
t. died to Pontiff so much he forgot about the stairs before it
It is used pretty often in 0 hits runs
all the throwing knives in every iteration
So, useless to anyone that isn't an autist
you can throw those at homing soulmass chumps to cuck them for a few seconds, pretty funny watching them panic when they realize their spell isn't firing off
>on the rape simulator section of a Taiwanese hentai trading imageboard
>thinks he isn't autistic
They have a tangible benefit when used correctly so they're by definition not useless.
holy shit that actually works?
yeah, but it's not any sort of real counter since the duration is so short and it doesn't dissipate the spell, just prevents it from launching
they also work to guide npc phantoms, except for patches in ringed city i think
particularly useful in demon ruins if you're getting sadganked by cuculus and tsorig
Literally useless and was left in the game by mistake
I probably didn't use 95% of DS items. No weapons buffs, no cures, no throwing thingies,, no character buffs, no soapstones.
Only items I used were embers/humanities/effigies and souls.
>non existent lore
>emo npcs everywhere
whats the point?
those are quite nice for early levels especially on /players 8 user
Me and my friends thought the version of it in Demons Souls made it more likely for invaders to join, so we threw them around a lot in 4-1.
>all the throwing knives in every iteration
They are pretty useful in PvP tho
You're a turbo shitter if you don't know the value of bombs and knives in the souls series.
How would you improve those anons?
Instead of making them consumable, make it an equipped weapon, make it a class similar to throwing spears or some shit, have some assassin skills scale with it or some shit
but then they'd just be another weapon
there's nothing wrong with having different things in a video game
you can cheese so much shit with these
hardly useless
It is, if being different makes it useless. You use them for like the first maybe quarter of act 1 set to max players, then never again, they're never useful again, you 100% ignore them. At least if they had stacks and modifiers like throwing spears they'd be somewhat noteworthy. Alchemist / potion throwing classes are cool as shit, and criminally under-utilized.
pretty good for undead and demons, I think it also worked on ghosts
now here is a fucking useless item
if you seriously used this item then you got brain problems, pyromancy is fucking stupid and is outclassed by crossbows, miracles, and magic
you just admitted in your own post that they're not useless
I'm really surprised that during the entire duration of the Souls series there was never a level for item scaling.
>power within
You can also use your bare fists to get through the same portion of the game, or throwing spears, or literally any bow, on any class that can use them. I want them to be good too user, but they're not.
>user didn't do a pyro only run
Son I am disappoint
Alluring skulls work on the Deacons of the Deep, useful if you're rushing through without an upgraded weapon. On high NG+ there's plenty of annoying areas with fast aggressive enemies that sometimes you just can't be assed to bother with so you can just run past.
They're dirt cheap and have a flavorful niche use idk what more you expect from consumables. You're gonna be spending 500k souls on piles of black firebombs, poison knives and grass if you do any pvp
no, not everything has to be good all game.
What's useless about it? If you're doing a pure STR/DEX build and want a magic option Pyro has no requirements
Also this for the love of God
It's the power that comes from within, user. Maybe you can't use it because you're full of shit.
IIRC in DS3, some items do have scaling, like bleed knives and the dragon stones.
pretty useful in a few situations where you can get items early on way easier.
you're a moron. Pyromancy requires zero stat investment (Dex increases cast speed but nothing else matters) only souls which means every single build can make use of a maxed flame. Power within alone is worth using but flash sweat and iron flesh can both trivialize certain encounters
Pyromancy scales with both the bellowing dragoncrest ring and crown of dusk allowing you to destroy shit with great combustion the entire game.
Because pyromancy requires no stats you can trivialize the entire game even at SL1, which in turn means low level dickwraiths can invade anyone in the game
flame surge and black flame are great for PVP too, how much of a mongoloid do you have to be to hate pyromancy.
In 3 all spells are fucking worthless because they got rid of attunement slots and brought back a fucking mana bar, plus spells cost stamina too
Just use a simple weapon bro.
>spells cost stamina
Then they're useless.
>rancid gas potion
t. didn't find the shortcut right next to sillyman's fog door
so you like to use an editor and start at level 90?
absolute retarded post
All of the direct damaging items (outside of inflicting toxic, I guess).
I like the idea of an arpg where you loading up on a toolbelt and using items as you're going through, but it's a delicate thing to try and balance.
>use thawing potion
>frozen again before the drink sound finishes
I use those to get past the crownigger in painted world every single time
He scares me
Though it's the worst expendable item, it's the best vendor trash possible
You might be retarded.
What are you refering to?
This is the mongolian basket weaving section
They're pretty good for classes or builds which don't have any AoE early on when you're getting mobbed, the damage on them is pretty good for their level too. I remember at least using them a few times throughout Act 1 and 2
at least I know what the word useless means
mad cuz bad
this makes deacons of the deep mindless
They're not entirely useless. They just really only good for one part of the game like the armored warpig near those flaming corpses.
You know what's REALLY worthless? Those bleed reducing weeds.
No one used those ever.
Literally walk through the upper levels of blighttown without having to fight a single enemy.
Dark Souls 2.
Bombs for days.
They're pretty useful in DaS3 desu
>the maggot monsters in the Cathedral of the Deep
>Carthus swordsmen
>flies in Ariandel
I recall there being an enemy that inflicted bleeding with projectiles as well, but I can't remember exactly.
No he's right, the effect of bleed isn't strong enough to warrant bothering to gear up for it, even if those monsters weren't also weak and shitty
Lower the requirement of a single spell by 1 intelligence/faith in the souls game where soul levels are worth much less than any of the other games and being level 150+ by the end of one playthrough is normal.
This is useful for keeping below a certain SM threshold, but it'd be even more useful if DSII used SL matchmaking. Fuckers.
Good for early game gold?
Throwing pots are actually pretty nice.
Throwing knives are great for luring enemies
>doesn't know how to manually aim bombs
>aha I see you you sneaky fuck hanging off the ceiling
>knife to meet you, now come on down and let's have a chat
These are useful for the spells whose INT requirement went way above the soft cap. Why bother blowing 10 near-useless levels into INT just for one spell when you can just blow 10 of these and use those 10 levels hitting ADP/HP/Stam cap or increasing equip load?
Also good for
>blowing up fire-weak enemies like slimes
>quickly knocking players out of estus in PVP at range as a melee character
>status knives can be used to cheese some bosses/encounters
Throwing knives are surprisingly powerful in DS3.
Makes the church boys bossfight in 3 way less annoying
>I never tried it on anything just presumed it was useless
Honestly, 90% of consumables in Souls outside of very specific situations.
>but look at this one example haha isn't that cool
Okay sure nigger.
The maggots can be removed by just equipping a torch.
Wrong for both.
>Itt: useless consumable items in vidya
>oops i meant consumable items that do have a use but just dont see regular use like health potions
That's every consumable retard
Pretty damn necessary in PvP
Mandatory for no-hit runs
There is not a single useless item in souls 3
>There is not a single useless item in souls 3
Throwing knives are supplanted by Painting Guardian Shivs.
If you're talking about things that literally never get used or have no actual effect at all, then almost nothing fits the definition. Look at transient curse in Dark Souls 1. Use one and you can easily clear out all of the ghosts in New Londo before the effect expires, then explore at your own leisure until you've cleared all the areas with ghosts so you can just run through in the future. Even if you do need to fight ghosts again, you will almost definitely get a jagged ghost blade the first time you use one, and even if you don't you could just get cursed. There's even an NPC that lifts curses. So from then on transient curses are completely useless and they were barely that important in the first place.
Make less of them, add unique debuffs (slow, stopping regeneration, reducing damage etc., probably should not work on bosses) and scale damage/chance for debuff to proc with char level. Maybe add some skills for them too.
ITT: Literal casuals who have no idea how to play Dark Souls
Might as well be saying keys are useless because you only use them once
>transient curses are useless because you can just clear out the entire level on your first try within the 5 minute buff time
>and even if you cant you'll almost definitely get this 1% drop rate weapon on your first clear and you can just sacrifice your primary weapon slot for that
>and even if you dont you can just backtrack half the game and lose half of your max health pool instead
>btw useless consumables almost dont exist
ok retard
>does shit for damage
>costs FP
yeah no
>Gank city
>Host has tears of denial like a faggot
>Tears goes off
>Shiv while he runs and tries to turn
Knife doesn't curve and is less optimal for these.
Bug Pellets
I mean, I guess they're useful for selling
But you're not going to be collecting dozens of the same key. Besides, we're talking about consumables, things that are generally meant to be used multiple times throughout a game unless they're some sort of story related unique item. If it's going to a one time use it might as well be a permanent upgrade or an item or something.
You can know the "practical" use of something and still think it's useless. Most throwing weapons in Souls have plenty of alternatives that are just outright better and aren't going to clutter your consumables.
>you can just clear out the entire level
The ghost section of New Londo is fairly small and linear. Also never said "first try", obviously certain things are going to be more useful to people playing a game for the first time. Doesn't change the fact that once you know where you're going you will almost never use it again.
>1% drop rate weapon
Admittedly I didn't know about this but that's because I've gotten one every playthrough without fail.
>sacrifice your primary weapon slot
>what is the extra slot
>you can just backtrack half the game and lose half of your max health pool instead
Half the game is a fucking ridiculous exaggeration and you know it. If you're having such a hard time with fucking ghosts of all things transients probably aren't gonna cut it anyway.
>btw useless consumables almost dont exist
Okay you disingenuous faggot, name some consumables that literally have no function.
Black Bug Pellets are useful for those faggots who buff the Mad King Crucifix with dark.
>name some consumables that literally have no function
>literally no function
But that isn't the point of the thread? Useless consumables are items which are pointless. A potion of '1% attack speed for 1 second' would be regarded as useless, but doesn't have literally no function. You're the one being disingenuous here
The thing about a lot of the consumables posted ITT is that they do have very niche but useful applications, ie. Alluring Skulls to trivialise certain encounters.
>but look at this one example haha isn't that cool
Useful for mundane where you have to level everything equally
neat how the bottle looks like both a dick or boobs
>But that isn't the point of the thread?
That was essentially my original point. I was saying that consumables can have a practical use and even be useful in specific circumstances but still be regarded as useless. I said "name some with literally no function" because I'm trying to highlight how dumb it is to constantly say "hey that's not useless look at this one specific instance where you could use it" when you know damn well why the poster is calling it useless.
Yes, alluring skulls can be used to trivialize some encounters, but I don't use them. I have never felt the need to use one when I could more quickly and more effectively do the encounter normally or with whatever tools I've normally got at my disposal. Therefore the item is useless to me.
>its useless to me as someone who either chooses not to use them or wasn't clever enough to think of a reason to, so it's useless
Oh, it was autism
We're done here
>it's not useless because I use it
Now we're just going back to the "define useless" argument.