Does it hold up?
Does it hold up?
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"Hold up" to what? Pathologic was always absolutely fucking weird, even back when it was released.
Uhhhh idk?
what's weird about it? never played it
Pathologic is to most other games what Franz Kafka is to most gardening articles:
I bit of a fucking different league in every way, and not necessarily something you want to experience.
It's an incredibly clumsy, and absolutely, 100% anti-fun game that actively tortures the player.
It's also the best piece of videogame narrative you'll ever play.
This really isnt a game that should hold up to anyhting, it has its own category.
does this game have jumpscares
no, it's not even horror
While it's not really a horror, it has some of the scariest moments I had ever experienced in a game.
it holds up the same way Hard To Be A God holds up to Stalker
I don't know what you mean by that question but I think the game is fascinating and I really enjoyed it.
It has the best waifu.
First encounter with inflicted and that time you had to spend time in the infected house both spooked me good
Yeah, the plague itself can be unnerving (visiting Burakh's house for the first time as Bachelor is legit terrifying). But the game really absolute horrified me in a different moment. The first encounter with the Albino actually freaked me out more than pretty much anything else in any game ever.
Though The Void's first visit to Surface got very close.
>no jumpscares
>he doesn't prefer herb wives
Yeah, none. Unless you count the plague clouds / nodes, which can pop up right before you and give you a tiny shiver, but I really would not count those as actual jumpscares.
It absolutely holds up to its strong parts, that is, atmosphere, amazing writing and all the meta symbolism going on
But gameplay was always clunky and frustrating(partially by design) and graphics were meh even at release.
It's not a game for everyone, but if it's for you, you're going to have one hell of an experience. It pretty much single-handedly made me change the way in which I look at vidya and served as an inspiration for many different projects
Yo where the fuck is it
>It's an incredibly clumsy, and absolutely, 100% anti-fun game that actively tortures the player.
>It's also the best piece of videogame narrative you'll ever play.
sounds like Rain World on steroids
That's meant to be a light comedy moment the Tragedean is a comic relief character.
It's being made. Give them time, the whole studio has like around dozen people only. They announced they'll be releasing it one campaign at a time to push it out faster because they know that people has been waiting long already. The alpha was fucking fantastic so they have my full trust
maybe sometime this year, who knows
>sounds like Rain World on steroids
It's very different in how it achieves what it achieves. Rain World is harsh but it's mechanically incredibly polished.
Pathologic really blurs the line between "intentionally frustrating" and just straight up badly done. It's also not the kind of game where mastery changes things too much. It is hard, and there are some things you have to learn, but mostly it's just incedibly clumsy.
It's most notorious for how slow it is. People don't exaggerate when they say you spend 70% of all of the time with this game WALKING. Very, very slowly walking from one end of the map to another.
Severally crippled by financial issues (and IPL's trademark insanity), they had to cut the project up into three episodes, with only one being somewhere close to release (we were hoping for Q3-4 2019), and the remaining two's fate being largely up in the sky as of now.
That said, the beta build was really promising. So it's not like they have no clue what they are doing. It's just they don't have the money or the organization competence to do it efficiently.
Pathologic 2 is gonna be fucking amazing.
if they dont change the writing and story too much and just improve the visuals and gameplay it is gonna be the masterpiece the original was trying to be
I would not call it badly done. Yes, it is somewhat clunky, but all the frustrating gameplay elements are there for a reason, each of then serves a purpose. Which is to help creating a stressful, oppressive and feverish atmosphere and to boost immersion up to the sky. And the game does that great, there are really very few other titles in which I felt so much in the shoes of my character.
Also, although it is true that the game is mostly walking and it generally is rather slow and monotone, I personally find it somewhat enjoyable, relaxing even. Walking the streets of the Town has became almost a meditative experience for me.
In general yes, it' definitely not a game for everyone and it will probably be pretty frustrating and straight out unenjoyable for many, also a bit of an acquired taste, but I'm personally completely in love with it. Bought it last year, completed all 3 campaigns and will probably replay soon
Judging from the Marble Nest and the open Beta, they actually changed quite a lot of the writing and story, but in all honesty: it feels like the improvements were for the better for the most part.
They really seem to be on the right track, the alpha was very promising with not much you could criticise in it. The writing and atmosphere are still top tier, the city feels much more alive and organic, the gameplay is tighter and more fluid, there seems to be more choices, consequences and alternative paths now which is great and they've added a bunch of cool new mechanics. If it actually comes out it's going to be great
i just want better optimization than in beta
it was completely unbearable, saving took minutes, loading even more
Yeah, the optimization is an issue. Like, a massive fucking issue. And while I assume some things, including the massive saving times will be improved, I would not hold out for miracles. IPL aren't good at the whole technical side of things, and they are definitely not a optimization-focused studio. More importantly, they admitted that performance has been a MASSIVE problem they had been fighting against from the start. So I'd make peace with the game running like shit when it's released...
Anyone here played their next game, The Void?
Amazing game, really, shame it doesn't get as much credit as Pathologic.
Also it's a fucking hell to beat, especially that I'm playing the original version with translation(the localised western release has lots of changes and was heavily casualised among other things). I'm currently at like my 4th or 5th attempt. But I love it nevertheless.
Is the demo still awailable?
Not through steam, but it can be found elsewhere online I think. Don't have a link though
you're better off just reading the wiki or a recap of the story
maybe their remake will be enjoyable
I played the Void a lot, actually too much for a game that in many hours playing I had no fucking idea what I was doing or what I had to do.
In a lot of ways it plays like pathologic, and what I mean is:
>a lot of time wandering around not doing what you should do
>as you didn't know what to do you spent all resources and you are stuck and have to roll back a few hours or start again
But of course:
It is the main resource to travel between zones, what you use as health, what you use to attack enemies, what you use to harvest more, what you use to give it to the sisters to advance the story.
BUT, you can't have too much or the game becomes harder, more enemies spawn in zones with a lot of color, enemies are more aggressive if you have too much color.
And while pathologic world is a little bland, the void zones look like paintings.
>you're better off just reading the wiki or a recap of the story
You really aren't.
I had finished it a couple of times. It's good. Pathologic is better. I think The Void really pushed the envelope in the whole "telling a story through gameplay" department, and it had some insanely beautiful moments, I think it's little too abstract and as a result it isn't quite as memorable and gripping.
No, you're really not and I don't even mean it in "just play it you fag" way. The wiki is barebones as hell and the story itself can't really be summarised well. It works on many different levels, it's heavily symbolic, it can be interpreted in various ways, it has lots of small side plots and lore bits that come together and become important to the whole picture and most important of all, its a heavy meta commentary for vidya and uses the gameplay to enchance its storytelling. It's not some linear cinematic game you can just summarise, it's an experience you have to get through yourself
I wrote about it once before all ready, but just wanted to say it again, because I've never seen anything like that elsewhere in vidya and it really shocked me. The Void has the most fucked up localisation I've ever seen. Allow me to elaborate:
I'm a Pole. I've recently got The Void and played through it in English, because I kinda dislike Polish dubbing in games. However, after beating it I've heard that Polish translation is supposedly the closest one to the original Russian version, so I've decided to give it a try.
It's a completely different fucking game when you change the language, I'm not kidding
>There is a shit tonne of additional dialogue, including some really important lore info that got completely cut off in English version
>Most sisters have strongly different personalities
>The game plays out in a different way, many events are changed or removed, your objectives at various stages of the game differ
>Some locations and even character models look slightly different
>The game has a proper fucking tutorial
>Many glyphs work differently and all have changed locations
>Many values are adjusted
>Many mechanics are outright changed, the colour processing and the bonuses you get from it work differently know, donating to sisters work differently, unlocking chambers works differently, planting trees works somewhat differently and more
>The "the more of single colour you use, the more effect it has on the void" mechanic which was disabled in the western release is actually fucking on here
Seriously, if this version is more faithful to the original, then what the actual fuck happened with the localisation to the west?
Also, I have to hunt for some more screenshots of this game, it's fucking beautiful at places
Playing this game with appropriate atmospheric music like Autechre or Aphex Twin is actually comfy as fuck if you enjoy wallowing in a kind of abstract misery-inspired derangement sort of feel.
Pathologic in general has this amazing comfy-unease combination of atmosphere which very few media manage to achieve
Actually, there is a bit more to the story there. But I do agree that while everyone was talking about the Pathologic's translation issues, The Void had equally big ones, but they got overlooked.
However: what you are talking about is not just an issue of localisation: it's an issue of you playing two entirely different versions of the game. The polish version is actually TURGOR, the original game they released in Russia and translated into polish, but that was severally broken in many ways.
A year after they released Turgor, they massively changed the game (and to be frank, in many ways for the better), re-released it as "The Void" and translated in English and German. Again, most of the changes they made were to polish the experience (no pun intended) and fix some straight up broken element.
Also, the global effects of particular colors on the world ARE present in the The Void.
As for the translation, the biggest issue of the English version is not the cut text or changed mechanic, but the fact that they did not actually translate MOST of the actual poetry in the game. Original Turgor / Russian version of The Void speaks MOSTLY IN VERSES. Not just the opening and ending poems, most of the game is actually talking in poems. The english translation, however, apparently just gave up on being faithful in that respect.
Yeah, I agree that most pure gameplay changes they've made were for the better, but the translation is completely fucked. There is a lot of information basically crucial to the proper understanding of story and lore which straight out isn't fucking there in the English release. For example, I don't think the whole backstory of Ino's escape and death is mentioned at all in the English version, Montgolfier mentions her name once and that's it. And this whole event is the very reason for most of the laws enforced by the Brothers and their behaviour, it puts the whole thing into context
I played it for 30 minutes because and died because I tried to do something in between the worlds? i dunno its really fucking weird but I really liked it so i'll try it again eventually
>Also, the global effects of particular colors on the world ARE present in the The Void.
Are you sure about that? I've read in quite a few places that although the menu explaining them is still there, it does not actually work. Also the effect of Azure pretty much can't work in the western version, since you don't have to wait to exit the chamber there
Som is it possible to get Russian version with eng subs somewhere.
I don't think so. And the devs clearly did not think so as well.
The one major shift that happened between Turgor and The Void is that they actually cut a lot of the needless crap that was distracting from what was really the core message of the game. It's a lot like if Blow would cut down most of the text in the Braid: it would probably improve the experience in many ways.
The developers concluded that all of the plurality of interpretations, the intentional contradictions, and even the world-building they have established is actually not all that valuable, and in fact, can be distracting and misguiding.
And I kinda have to agree on that with them. The game is ultimately not about world-building, the whole world serves as a metaphor. Excess speculation just draws the attention away from that.
this fucking game
I played it and was blown away but also put off by how difficult it was. I also heard about the game being spoken in verse and wanted to try it with German or Russian voices with English subs but there is no option for that in the steam version.
I've wanted to come back to the game for a long time now and was curious if I should stick with the steam version and miss out on all this stuff or try to get another version to get the full experience.
I do not think the cut actually helped in relying the message though. Having played both versions, I've only really felt I properly understood what's going on and what it is all about after switching to the original one
There is actually some sort of mod or project that places the english translation in the original version of the game, some user posted it a few months back. I don't know how good it is though.
Really though, it's a great and unique game nevertheless, it's worth playing even with English version.
What is up with slavs and this bizarre ability to create fucked up, alien, melancholic worlds?
Pathologic, Darkwood, and Stalker all have this very distinct air of both fear and sadness that I get from nothing else
Who's your favourite sister anons?
>Are you sure about that?
There are other things the game does lie about though. Namely the fact that you can't over-fill trees in The Void anymore, yet the Nameless Deciever still claims that you do, and that it will result in spilling colour all over the place...
But yes. The more Red you spill, the more damage enemies will do, the more Green you spill, the more durable they are going to be, and so on. My Predators were hitting like three times harder by the end of the game than they were at the start. Hell, the whole function of Silver in your heart is to mitigate the global ecology impact of your glyphs and spillages. Azure, I think, actually gradually increases the speed at which colour is burned in your hearts instead.
I think you may be looking for a very different idea of "what is going on" than the devs though to be vital. Literally the entire core message of the game is spelled out in the intro cinematic, everything else is actually kinda superficial dressing.
We have it in the genes I guess
Although I have to give it to the Russkies, they have always been top notch when it comes to surrealism
>I think you may be looking for a very different idea of "what is going on"
Fair enough, I guess I got this general message well enough the first time, but I really like to understand the whole picture thoroughly, really delve into the lore even if I realise it's supposed to be just a metaphorical vessel for a more general moral. It may be true that the western version is more "focused" on what's really important come to think of it, but it leaves an impression of having something missing. I still felt like the original allowed to me to feel it better, more fully
Try living in Russia or any shithole near it, great things only come from suffering.
I would not say it's uniquely Slavic thing (Bastion, Shadow of Colossus...).
But I have a theory (which might be completely biased since I'm a slav myself) that is based on two main pillars:
A) slavs take games as a medium more seriously, because they do not have the tradition of mocking fantastic fiction and IT technologies nearly as ingrained as most Western countries (US in particular) have. It feels to me that Slavs generally embrace fantastic / surreal more openly, and welcome the Enlightenist "tyranny of realism" much less than their western counter part. Ironically it makes our mentality more akin to that of Japan or South America. (This is no joke, there is actually a good evidence that genres such as Magical Realism have gained massive popularity in South America, Central/Eastern Europe and Japan, but much less in US, UK, France or Scandinavia).
The second is that Slavs generally have been through a lot of shit lately. Harsh experiences are still very much alive in many of us, while much of the west has not really experienced totalitarianism and fucked up situations in four generations or more. Slavs are more used to think in lines of "coping" rather than changing, more sensitive to the negative and ambiguous elements of life (and in how to learn to accept them and live with them), while the west usually feels far more "optimistic" and obsessed with "fixing" things rather than learning to live with them. Which has it's benefits (I think the state of services and infrastructure speaks for itself), but when it comes to art and narration...
Well, that is at least my explanation of this phenomenon.
Bump. IPL threads are rare, may as well give it a little nudge
I didnt know the same guys who did the void did pathologic, though it does make sense. have these guys done anything else?
2 games as far as I'm aware, but I've played neither of them yet. Knock Knock, which is I think sort of a 2D horror adventure, supposedly pretty good and Cargo, which looks fun but is supposedly pretty bad. From what I heard the second one is basically a prime case of their artistic approach backfiring at them, since the whole game is sort of a satire of your average gamer wanting dumb fun and easy gratification before all else
Yes. They made four games so far: Pathologic, The Void, then CARGO! Quest for Gravity and Knock-knock.
>CARGO! Quest for gravity
This game is a fucking trashfire. It really, really isn't good. It's basically a massively inflated joke, mainly a satire of their critics and commentary on people who think games have to be only about fun.
Which would be fine, if the game itself wasn't absolutely fucking horrible. Like - crazy bad. It has a light-hearted tone, musical features, and mechanically it's a sandbox all about Nut's and Bolts style making vehicles plus a ton of various minigames, but my god NONE of it works as intended, and it ends up just being frustrating, boring, and annoying. And without strong atmosphere, you really can't overlook the mechanical issues anymore.
This is their first kickstarter game, a very low-budged... uh.
It's fucking hard to explain. Knock-Knock is basically a psychological experiment. It's a horror 2D stealth game, basically, but the whole point is to test subconscious impact a hidden gameplay mechanics can have on the player. It's a game that - I shit you not - causes nightmares and panic attacks in people and they can't tell why. It's not scary in a direct, obvious sense, but it literally messes with your psyche.
It is damn interesting, but also very small, short and not particularly amusing in the grand scheme of things.
Now they are working on the sequel / remake of Pathologic.
Not una, that's for sure.
Well I know what's going to the top of my "to-play" list right now, thanks user
I find it hard to rate the sisters, because I've played 2 different language versions and the personality of some of them is so different between the version that after replaying I've come to hate some I really liked before and vice-versa
not really - Undertale has taken the crown of 4th wall earthquakes and good survival games have taken up the rest (also Plague Inc. for epidemic aficionados)
What's left is poncy-ass writing that's been poorly translated by slavniggers
>The Void really pushed the envelope in the whole "telling a story through gameplay" department, and it had some insanely beautiful moments
This so much.
Each color has a mood behind it, and they don't just tell you, they grind it into your brain with mechanics. Each color has huge implications on how you use it, how you waste it, how much you harvest, how much you hold in your heart.
Most games narrate for 5 minutes how oppresed you are, and the moment you start playing, you mow down hordes of enemies.
In this game they just tell you "There is hunger", and as a player you actually feel it by getting fucked with the lack of color, which you need to survive.
They don't tell you stuff, then don't even show it to you, they just make you suffer it.
I love it.
There is something about Uta that really makes me just look at her for minutes.
Maybe its that she already gave up, and I want to bring her hope. Or how she lays there looking up at nothing until you move to her position and look up too, seeing that creepy giant eye
Devs actually released a quite long and interesting design document on Uta and few other sisters as well. Shame that not for all of them(or at least I could find the docs for only a few)
Too much walking
You get useful information about game mechanics only day after you needed that information.
Rarely dialogue choices can be unclear and lead you to dead end because of that.
>seeing that creepy giant eye
IIRC, that same eye/moon already appears on a painting in Pathologic.
Atleast I seem to remember seeing it in another IPL game, and I don't think it was Knock-Knock.
>Undertale has taken the crown of 4th wall earthquakes
I don't think I have a reaction image that's smug enough for this.
Isn't there actually a painting of Uta's Grotto somewhere in Pathologic? Or am I misremembering things?
Mark should do the job just fine
>Too much walking
This point cannot be argued with. Even though I'm tempted to try and push something how that is also part of the narrative intention - in reality, there is just too much walking. It gets tedious.
>You get useful information about game mechanics only day after you needed that information.
Now this, on the other hand, this I will defend to my death. This is clearly a completely intentional design decision that has a major fucking narrative purpose.
Also, if you don't like this, DO NOT. PLAY. THE VOID.
Because that game takes this concept of intentionally witholding vital information from player and fucking runs with it.
>Rarely dialogue choices can be unclear and lead you to dead end because of that.
I played the game back in the OLD translation, so... this did not really bother me. ALL of the text in the game was unclear to me.
I don't remember Uta's grotto necessarily, but a lot of the paintings in Pathologic feel very forshadowing for the style that The Void would go for.
Also, there is the damn sandbox where the children play as a secret location in The Void. And there is this major conspiracy theory that claims that all four IPL games actually take place in the same universe. I find it pointless, but it does exist.
Well, I realise that it's just an Easter Egg, but I think that the Kids in the Sandbox actually fit Void's lore quite well, seeing as it can be seen as a game about creation and creative burnout. I doubt that such connection was intentional, but it wouldn't be far of a stretch.
>there is the damn sandbox where the children play as a secret location in The Void
There's also a room full of Twyre hidden in Ole's house.
>quality posts
>on my Yea Forums
Cool, I have about 50 hours in The Void and O didn't know that one
Also fuck me, Twyre really does look like Marijuana on such closeup
Welcome to the IPL threads, we also have mild hallucinogens and scantily clad women, if that's your thing.
Why couldn't we save her bros?
WTF was up with her being in the cathedral on the last day too?
>there is the damn sandbox where the children play as a secret location in The Void
>Watch a review to get an idea of what to expect
>Reviewer tells me not to play it because it's not worth going through the tedium
Melancholy is as Russian as mayo and vodka. Just look at something like Dostoyevsky's works. Its all over Russian literature The gritty melancholic realism vs the spiritual seems to be a theme the slavs mastered
If you're interested in video games as a storytelling medium, you should absolutely suffer through it, but it's not fun in the conventional sense of the word. Although, If you do get into it, it's very engrossing for some reason.
It hates you, you hate it, the gameplay is shit but eldritch slav magic makes it one of the best games I ever played.
Fuck the Polyhedron.
fuck you
I want to Fuck the Polyhedron!
I'm glad to hear people actually talk about The Void. I've always wanted to have discussions about it but absolutely nobody played it
My main reason to live is to play Pathologic 2.
Her soul got trapped in there or something like that, Basically the big goal of Stamatin brothers was to create a building with a soul. Cathedral was a failure because it was just an empty vessel. However, Ewa liked it so much that her soul actually merged or got trapped in it after her death. Or something like that anyway, been a while so I don't remember it clearly, might have messed something up
A secret location. You have to drop down to a ledge in the very first mine. It's quite visible actually if you just look down
Fukken saved, thanks lad
Haruspex best protag
>, seeing as it can be seen as a game about creation and creative burnout.
I think that is a very narrow interpretation of the game, but I also think it's entirely intentional. The subject of creation is CENTRAL to Pathologic and very important (though I would not argue central) to The Void. The overlaps are very obvious and I think very much an intention.
It's implied that her soul got trapped (which is something she WANTED to do in the first place), it just backfired because even though she "poured herself" into the Cathedral, she did not really manage to make a miracle happen. Something was missing in her plan. We could debate what it was (I have my theory)...
Anyway, she was also there to give you a fun (actually horrifying) further insights into her own personal story, I think. Kinda like they had her story written down, but realized there isn't enough time to convey it to the player, and eventually "hid" it in an easter-egg-like thing.
Wait, she is physically in the Cathedral in last day? God damn it, I played through the game 3 times and never noticed it if that's true. Is she upstairs?
Yep. Not sure if I'd say she is "physically there", but you can meet her and talk to her on the last day. You need to take the staircase to the highest floor. Not the balcony, but the one that leads all the way up right beneath the roof.
Small advice: DON'T mention Maria's name in front of her. Or at least save before the conversation.
Well, guess I'm loading my saves right now, thanks
Totally unrelated but I really didn't like the forced romance thing both in Haruspex and Bachelor. It felt very underdeveloped. Hopefully Pathologic 2 will handle it better.
Sorta true, but that strengthens the feeling that they're actually individual characters, not just player self insert. Although come to think of it, I'm not sure whether that's a good thing considering the game's meta narrative. But yeah, that could definitely have been done better, or at least more optional. Sequel's alpha seemed to have much more choices/consequences and alternative paths than the original, so maybe it actually will be optional in 2
Speaking of which, I really loved how it established that Haruspex and Lara were childhood friends, it was extra cute, especially with them calling each other their childhood nicknames
I'm not sure what you mean by forced romance. Care to remind me? It's been a long time since I last played the game, and frankly, I only played Haruspex exlusively in the older translation, so it's very possible that I missed something.
With Bachelor, you mean the implication that he fucked Eve on the first day? I always though the "romance" elements were ultimately so complicated and blurry that the player hard to ultimately decide himself what he thinks is relevant.
The only thing I made out clear is that when it comes to both Eve and Maria, they are merely manipulating / playing with Bachelor - leading him on, but in reality their hearts lied elsewhere.
And then there was this ONE weird line about "going back to Eve's bed" that I just thought was... confusing as fuck and nothing more.
>Speaking of which, I really loved how it established that Haruspex and Lara were childhood friends, it was extra cute, especially with them calling each other their childhood nicknames
God damn that was glorious. Generally Lara was my favorite character from Bachellors point of view in the whole game. And I thought what they have done to her - both her appearance, her house and the interaction she has with Haruspex - were absolutely fucking AMAZING in the alpha. Actually much better than the original game. I hope they can actually keep up the quality at comparative level through out the episodes.
Eve is one thing, but there is a heavy romantic subplot between Haruspex and the Inquisitor(she even calls you "my beloved" on the last day and in Artemy's ending they're standing together, as a couple).
Also I think there was something about Aglaya seducing Bachelor to manipulate him as well and him later being really salty about that, but I don't remember this well
I played the new remake demo and I liked it, so I'll be waiting for that since it apparently tones down the amount of walking
Algaya is always extremely straight up with Bachelor, so that does not sound well.
Both Maria and Eve are CLEARLY leading Bachellor up, but with absolutely no intention to actually conclude it somewhere, though again, there is one line that implies that Eve straight up fucks Daniil on the day he arrived.
I don't remember AT ALL the subplot between Haruxpex and Inquisitor, but that is most likely my memories being hazy and the translation getting progressively worse at the time. We'll see how they handle it in Pa2.
My favorite IPL game.
Agreed, Lara was one of my favourite characters as well and I loved her new iteration as well. In general there really isn't much bad I can say about the alpha, I love pretty much everything they've done with it. I'm very optimistic for the sequel.
Eh, not really, there is still a shit tonne of walking in the alpha. There is technically a quick travel system, but it's very limited and basically only for very specific situations and emergencies
>abstract misery-inspired derangement sort of feel
story of my fucking life
Quality fucking post, slavanon.
I miss IPL threads
If I can keep the illusion up that the walking is lessened in the Remake, I'll trick myself into thinking it's fun
Knock-Knock which was a fun short little game. And cargo, a game they made just because people said their games were too serious.
>In general there really isn't much bad I can say about the alpha
You mean OTHER than the insanely poor performance and the god-awful saving times.
There are some other things I was dubious about. First of all... I'm not sure about the darkness. On one hand, I really like the super-dark nights. On the other hand, there really has to be something to counter-ballance it. At least diminish the number of attackers on first days. The game made it virtually IMPOSSIBLE to go out at night on day 1, and that makes no sense.
Also, while this is going to sound like a RIDDICULOUS complaint about essentially a remake, at times things felt a little TOO familiar. Like - within an hour I just kinda settled in a Pathologic routine - it felt like a graphical update, but everything was even a little too "true" to the original. And I'm not sure how to feel about it.
Oh yeah, and I did not really like the dreams.
But yeah, those are very minor issues in the grand scheme of things.
Walking quite honestly grew on me, it becomes quite relaxing and comfy after you get used to it. Although I played a shit tonne of Morrowind and similar slow games, maybe I'm just more used to it
This one is pretty good. And there are people actually talking about The Void, something I almost never see here, definitely not in such numbers. Keep it up
For those who finished the entirety of pathologic, did you do it all at once, or finish a character then wait a while to do the next one?
no wait for the remaster
>strengthens the feeling that they're actually individual characters
sure, I'm totally on board having relationships during the gameplay that are beyond my control for character development's sake but romance was just bady done overall. I don't care if they become optional or not I just want well written and invested romance sections if they are going to be any.
>virtually IMPOSSIBLE to go out at night on day 1
Sure combat is hard but I never had problems with handle thugs 1v1. You shouldn't really combat two of them anyway.
>but everything was even a little too "true" to the original
But gameplay and narrative tempo got so drastic changes overall. It didn't feel like that for me at all.
one by one
>You mean OTHER than the insanely poor performance and the god-awful saving times.
Well yes, that need fixing. Although honestly it did not bother me this much simply because I've played it on such a toaster of a PC I was surprised it was playable at all
I personally really liked the dreams. One thing I'm not sure about are minigames. They're not bad per se, but I'm not sure whether they're really needed, they may become annoying quickly. Also although I really liked what they did with the town in general, I disliked how overdesigned some of the important buildings are now, like The Theatre or Eve's house. They stand out and not in a good way.
I had a 1-2 month break between them
Beat the The Void after like 8 tries, then heard that if you select the Polish translation on Steam, you can download the alternate older version of the game, Turgor, with a lot of different gameplay and a lot more dialogue.
>Slavs are more used to think in lines of "coping" rather than changing
yeah, I think it's a kind of mentality which was quite diffuse among URSS artists since they couldn't openly criticize anything and thus they wrote stuff like Andrei Rublev or Hard to be a God , which are basically books/movies where the intellectuals just watch the world around them burn and they can't do anything about that.
I know that in the post-URSS scenario Russia is also quite unhappy and people are dying or leaving at alarming rate, but apart from Zvjagincev I literally know no other artists which tries to portray the state of modern Russia unfortunately.
>Sure combat is hard but I never had problems with handle thugs 1v1.
I did not mind the combat system. It's meh at absolute best, but I honestly did not expect that to be something where the game would shine. Though I was hoping for a little more unconventional approach, maybe something messier, where you can actually grab enemies and end up rolling on the ground... but as it is, I think it's sufficient.
My problem was that it was impossible to go more than few meters without being attacked, and fighting in darkness was a nightmare, even if day-light battles were fine enough.
I also thought the matches were just WAY too scarce. I understand they should be scarce, but I actually found myself out of them completely, and basically fucked.
And I think that is a bit too much for first days.
>But gameplay and narrative tempo got so drastic changes overall. It didn't feel like that for me at all.
I dunno, I did not feel that way. It felt polished, for sure, and the progression was much more organic (it's a small thing, but I did love how the other characters are slightly more active - like Lara going out while you sleep to improve your reputation), but ultimately the tempo and rythm felt very, very familiar. After a while, I forgot I'm playing a remake and not the original. Well, almost.
Minigames did not bother me too much. I did like how they expaned on some of the lore, and how they introduced more complex economy.
And I did genuinely like how they redesigned the Bound houses. I think that when it comes to environments, it's a flat out amazing upgrade. The only thing I don't like are the river banks. They look odd. Too unnatural. The weird massive cliffs are just... off.
Yeah, I've beaten it in English and then discovered it, now replaying in Polish. The amount of differences is quite stunning, like I've written here However, the gameplay in the English version is generally better, it's much more polished, the mechanics are more streamlined, better balanced and generally more sensible. It's just that lots of dialogue is either missing or quite poorly translated. I recommend beating it in Polish(or even better Russian if you know it) once to see the differences and learn the cut info and then switch back to English for further playthroughs for more enjoyable gameplay
Siemka kto pl? xDD
Is english even necessary ITT?
Remember that the beginning of Haruspex campaign is supposed to be hard and extra scarce when it comes to resources, it was like that as well in the original. Although it's true that it might scare people off when it's the "default" campaign now
>kto pl?
Man. Just no.
Well, yes but that should be due to his reputation being low. But once you fix your reputation, it makes no sense that in a city that is still perfectly functional, you could not get your hands on a single match in entire town. Or that the streets are a literal death trap after sundown. These things make sense once the quarantine is up and everything descends to hell, but not on first two days. It's also something that was a non-issue in the original. You barely ever needed the lamp to begin with, night was not really hampering your exploration in any meaningful way, there was enough light out.
Again: I think it should be either dark nights but less early days thugs, or lighter nights that allow you to avoid the thugs. First option seems more sensible to me.
Oh yeah, and on an unrelated note:
That was so good. I fucking hope there are more major rain storms like that through out the game.
I've only ever completed the Bachelor's playthrough. Does the story make sense if you play the other two? I feel like I was able to understand most of the plot concerning the plague and all of the political factions, but a lot of the town's mythos and the child puppetmasters controlling the world confused the shit out of me.
Tell me thrutfully Yea Forums
What was the lowest you sunk in order to survive?
I went guns blazing a once in a home because I was starving to death. Still feel like shit because of it
Yes, you should play the other scenarios to get a more complete picture of the story. I can assure you, if you played only as Bachellor, you may THINK you understood the plague and politics stuff, but you probably didn't. That is intentional, to make you feel like you mostly got it, and then eventually reveal that you were still skimming the surface.
With that said, Pathologic does not offer clear-cut answers. EVER. You'll get to fill in a lot of gaps, but mostly, you'll just learn new angles - new possible interpretations of events. And they often contradict themselves, it is actually up to the player to make choices in which angles seem more relevant to him.
As for the kids and the sand-box... just don't let yourself to be too carried away with it. It's something that most people don't get... It's more of a joke, an easter-egg than really a conclusion or a twist. The game makes fun of it itself at one point.
It's there to provoke questions, but it does not actually provide answers. Or at least not absolute ones. You can in fact completely ignore it, call it a pure easter-egg and you would not be completely wrong.
Tried to steal from a house, they caught me in the process, so I pulled out my revolver. I killed three men (had to stab the last one to death with a dull scalpel, because I ran out of bullets).
The moment I stabbed the last guy, I noticed there were two little children that walked into the room, staring at me.
I continued to loot the house.
Found a few pieces of dried bread. Literally one portion. For what obviously was a family of 6+ people, with two children.
That is what they were defending.
I walked out, turned off the game, and did not touch it for three weeks. Then I started a completely new playthrough.
I don't think any game has ever made me feel as miserable as Pathologic. Though this was not the worst thing.
The worst I ever felt was at the end of the Hunchbag daughter quest.
>What was the lowest you sunk in order to survive?
save scumed
tinyBuild becoming the publisher and butchering the game into 3 pieces just to get money out of it as soon as possible killed all hype for me.
I'll wait for the complete edition, but seeing how things are so slow I'll be waiting a few years for it.
>tfw Pathologic 2 will make save scumming impossible
Embrace the plague shitters
That's what I want.
That is a straight up, bold-faced lie. Why would you lie about something like this? Or are you dumb enough to actually believe someone else's lies?
it's a meta game about how only way to win is not to play the game.
What the fuck do you mean what's weird?
Try to split the game's narrative to different levels then isolate and interpret them Normal story, theatre, sandbox, video game. Most people try to logically tie in these leves together while it is just useless to do that. IPL games' stories are always gives you a broad topic to talk about and there is many ways to comment about it.
Used cross walking while doing Oyun's challenges.
I don't really give a shit anymore tbqh. I always say I can wait but goddamn it every day I prance trough SteamDB, Twitter, Reddit and Yea Forums to find some news about the game.
My only problem with Pathologic 2 so far is that they're starting with Haruspex, which I feel like is going to ruin the experience by explaining some of the weird shit early as opposed to throwing you in the deep end like the Bachelor.
Yeah, Haruspex is actually both my favourite protag and campaign, but I agree with it.
On the other hand though, Danil's route has much more info about the political affairs between city's ruling families and the nature of Polyhedron, so it's not like nothing interesting will be left for other campaigns. But the original order was better
I think in general splitting the experience is not a good idea. Though I understand why they went with Haruspex first, I'm not thrilled about it either. Alas, the decision seems to be a mixture of multiple different factors aligning. As an old fan of the game, it does not impact me negatively, in fact I'm looking forward to finally finishing Haruspex who always felt like the "runt" campaign in the first game to me, but I don't think it's ideal for newcomes. I think one of the factors involved might be that they are still thinking of the old audience a lot and know that they mostly know Bachelor like the back of their hand. But it's only one of the factors, I guess.
Speaking of the void, if you were to spend the rest of your existance with on of the sisters, and their world, which one would you like to be with the most and the least ?
Most: Ole, her world looks the most normal, if not roughly slavic, but it's okay I'm Polish, i'm used to these.
Least: Una, not only her world is creepy, hellish, but so is she, ever only blankly staring into shit.
Sister Death, I have a thing for pale girls and her voice is very soothing.
So I've decided to play this game for the first time. Is there anything I should know going in?
Most: Ire, looks pretty comfy.
Least: Ima, her area freaks me out. Too open, has enemies, and is a weird torture dungeon. Not great honestly.
But user, they don't actually exist as independent material beings
Really though, it's kind of hard for me to decide, since I've played it both in Polish and in English and their voices and personalities are just so different between the versions that I basically have 2 separate sets of opinions on both of them. But I would say:
All in all probably Eli, she's intelligent, likeable and respectful towards you, also the interior of her Blimp probably has at least decent living conditions. Ire has the nicest garden, but she's an annoying thot.
Quite honestly probably also Una. I even somewhat like her, but living with her in her chamber seems like a really cold, sad and lonely experience, even for Void's standards
This is by the same Devs that did the void right?
I was too brainlet as a kid to finish that as a kid (plus the issue of the game giving you bad instructions of how to do the doner glyph) but I have been thinking of going back and giving it another attempt.
Is the original version subtitled?
A lot actually. Anyone has this image with the most basic shit written down?
In general though
>Start with Bachelor's campaign. It's way easier and more accessible for beginners and I mean it
>always finish your daily quests before midnight, they expire after that
>If you fail your main daily quest bad shit is going to happen, so don't
>Failing side quests usually doesn't have consequences, other than missing on the reward. Not all of them are worth doing, but most are
>Don't waste time or resources, always have a plan of where you're going next and keep an eye on your vital meters
>Keep attention to dialogues, your journal and the letters you receive
>Loot trash cans like a hobo, things useful for bartering are often there
>Learn what to barter and with whom. Do it on every occasion. Barter is the best way of aqquiring most resources
>If you're short on cash or rep, hunt bandits at night. Always aim for the head to save ammo
>To heal efficiently take some painkillers before sleep
>Visit the theatre every night
That should cover the most important stuff I think
Anna Angel is canonically a horrific looking gremlin child who stole the appearance and life of the real Anna Angel.
Shit, meant Uta not Una. I actually quite like the latter
How dare you!
Are there multiple endings I need to worry about?
In Polish by default, but a dev from IPL I believe posted the English translations of the Polish that were used for E3 builds. Fully translated, as I understand it, though I haven't beaten it yet.
>that moment when you realize the map of the Abattoir looks like a heart. Kind of the biggest mind blow in a game full of mind blows.
How the fuck does one interpret the theater? It seems like the narrators are just recounting the day’s events, but the actual plays are like a goddamn fever dream.
they're local HBO late night show
I didn't like the game very much. maybe I'm a brainlet
awful game. loved it
>Are there multiple endings
>I need to worry about?
There is a "default ending" for each of the 3 protags. As long as you don't fuck up any of your daily quests, your protag's ending should be available(if you do fuck up a few of them you can still fix it up, I don't want to spoil too much, it should become clear in the context of the game when you get to it)
If you help one of the other protags(they will detail how in a letter late in the game, but again, this should be pretty obvious by this point, since it's parallel to what you have to do yourself), their ending will also be available to choose, should you prefer it to your own. They will also be present in the ending sequence for some extra dialogue, so it's worth to help them anyway, if you have resources for it. Doing so will also unlock some secret scenes and conversations.
There is also a "bad" ending for when you fail to reach the requirements for any of the 3 main ones
What didn't you like about it?
Nameless sister is obviously the kindest of them all, though I have to say: the insane kindness, self-doubts and martyrdom complex - let's say I'm recently learning from private experience that those things can really start getting on your tits after a while.
As for Chambers, I always liked Ole's Flat the most, second by that other sister in that same part of the world. Ole's flat really fucking plays on my nostalgia and weird comfy strings.
Ole also seems like the second most reasonable of the sisters, admitedly probably because she does not know JACK SHIT and actually asks instead of ordering you around or smugly not really explaining herself.
So all and all, I think Ole would be my choice.
This good old infographic that someone else made based on my own posts should get you going.
As for alternate endings... yes, but don't worry too much. It will become apparent eventually. Just... try not to fuck up too much.
Man I need to properly replay The Void. The OST is absolutely bonkers.
True, it's pretty damn great
First track sounds like poor man's Faunts
Both soundtracks are awesome.
But I especially love Human Orchestra, the Twin Peaks bass is great.
It's more just really really oppressive and stressful to play than scary, though I was expecting jumpscares at points in some extremely claustrophobic areas
Heh, I never really noticed the similarity to Twin Peaks theme, nice
IPL must have some fans on board seeing how Pathologic is pretty much Russian Twin Peaks on 40C fever in many aspects
Пocт-poк здopoвoгo чeлoвeкa
Пocт-poк кypильщикa
There is a very interesting net of similarities and influences surrounding the works of IPL. You can draw a fucking web of connections between Borges, Kafka, Bradbury, Twin Peaks, Master and Margarita, Poe, Pathologic and any number of other works that seem to have some kind of shared substance or elements. It's very interesting to track.
one should play Mop and Typгop only in Russian
you can't play this on (lol) english
>aware of the state of the game
>quoting Q3/4 instead of Q2
Is there news I haven't heard of?
Is Russian hard to learn? I already speak Slavense and can read Cyrillic.
The quests really gets to you. The one early on with all the men that was jailed had ne seething with the bail. Sat there wondering if I should really help those guys out.
As the playthrough continued I had severe money issues which made me less and less helpful to people.
The game gets to you man
>Is there news I haven't heard of?
Probably not, I'm just being realistic. I've been following this company for well over a decade. When they say Q2, expect at minimum half a year delay.
Full release itself will probably take more than Q3-Q4 2019 but the haruspex release will probably be in Q2 considering tinyBuild's last tweet about the game itself.
yes it's hard - don't listen to that ebuchiy vatnik, the game has a perfectly playable localization (briefly tried out english version and, whilst some phrases were insufferably poncy sounding, the main narrative is mostly there).
Although i'd stick to the slightly closer to original russian Impostress than Changeling, which only implies that the child is not of this earth instead of having a supposed doppelganger behind her back (or even being a doppelganger herself)
>Hunchbag daughter quest
what happens there?
>It's an incredibly clumsy, and absolutely, 100% anti-fun game that actively tortures the player.
>sounds like Rain World on steroids
Git gud lmao. Rain world was none of that unless you're only used to playing mario-type platformers for kids.
two main characters need her, but for different purposes. You can connect the dots from there yourself.
Not that user, but
The hunchback is a scumbag. However, he's a human scumbag, and he really cares for his daughter. His quest for Bachelor is to find her and bring her back home, since it's dangerous for a young girl to be outside late at night. What with the looters, and plague clouds and all.
At the same time, Haruspex promised to bring Bachelor a human heart to study the infection. He's the only one *allowed* to cut open dead bodies, but he still needs a fresh corpse. Ideally, a young and healthy body. Someone that no one, or atleast no one important, will miss.
Guess what happens next ?
Oh... it's kinda hard to explain. It's a pretty damn twisted set of events. I'll try.
>A local pariah, a woman named Angela, is out of money, but has devised a plan to make some more. There is a man, called "Hunchback" in the city, who is very rich. Angela has some serious blackmail stuff on him, and can blackmail him to hell and back, but he also has also shit to blackmail her with, so she can't do it directly.
>She offers you a deal: she'll tell you the dirt, you will blackmail hunchback, then you'll split the profit 50-50.
>Meanwhile, you have another quest - you need freshly cut heart of an infected person. So you stop by Haruspex (the only person allowed to disect humans in the town) to get you one.
>He'll tell you that he'll get around to it, and that you should stop by him around 10-ish in the evening.
>Back to Hunchback: he laughs at your attempt to blackmail him. Turns out, he has a daughter, the daughter ran away from home, he is worried she'll get infect and die, he does not care about anything else.
>He'll tell you that if you get his daughter back, he'll happily throw ALL his money at you. Even fucking gives you half of his fortune up front.
>He also promises that if something happens to her, "He'll burn the whole city to the ground".
>You'll track the girl to a local pub, where she is entertaining the guests.
>She eventually reveals that she hates her father, that he actually isn't her father at all - he was a criminal who killed her parents, but kept her and raise her as a dancer to make money for him, before they eventually both settled in the Town.
>You can still tell her that better living with a crook than dying of plague.
>She agrees, but says she has obligations, asks you to meet her at 10 PM sharp near the pub and take her home.
(cont in a second...)
>As you head to the place, you notice a small group of people, milita men, standing around something lying on the floor.
>Oh fucking no...
>Yep, she has been murdered.
>Actually, someone literally cut her heart out.
>Haruspex sends a message: "About that heart you wanted... you can pick up if you want."
>The next day, Hunchback starts handing out petrol and ethanol to thugs and entiting them to burn the fucking town down.
>The arsonits are now a new major enemy in the game.
Wait, but if I remember correctly Haruspex didn't kill her, she was already dead, he only found a fresh corpse and cut the heart out... or am I remembering it wrong?
I'm gonna be frank - I absolutely do not believe we'll see Bachelor released any sooner than a year after Haruspex. IF at all. From what they said, they have absolutely no resources to spare, they have been working only on Haruspex for months now, the two other episodes are nowhere close to being finalized, and they entirely depend on the sales of the Haruspex campaign to even start financing the other two ones. So... We might get lucky (or unlucky, if it gets pushed out prematurely) and see Haruspex released on Q2 2019, but I absolutely doubt we'll see anything until more until Q2 2020.
In Haruspex campain I think she is dying, not dead. But it's worth remembering that things differ (like in Haruspex, you excape the prison yourself, while Bachelor releases him...)
From Bachelor's perspective, it's actually communicated clearly that he murdered her. He kinda had to, because he very specifically needed a heart of a living infect.
Fucking hate the state of the industry. Devs who make actually valuable and interesting games barely have the money to release anything, while corporation shitting out copy-pasted lazy trash are drowning in money.
I mean, I know that it's partially also a problem of Russian economy and quite possibly IPL's chaotic approach, but you know what I mean
>they have absolutely no resources to spare
this was before they had the tinyBuild partnership. The reason why they looked for investors was because they didn't have resource to spare.
>they entirely depend on the sales of the Haruspex campaign to even start financing the other two ones
I've never read or heard this from anywhere do you have any source on this?
>we'll see anything until more until Q2 2020.
So you are telling me that tinyBuild just tweeted two days ago about release date to be announced soon just to say that the game delayed once again to Q2 2020 is that it? Makes no sense to me my onyon.
what a beautiful thread
thanks for keeping me trapped in this hellhole for another 6 months at least.
I really would love to replay The Void again but I've done it so many times it's losing the magic. I hate to beg for /rec/s but is there anything similar to IPL's stuff to tide me over until Pathologic 2? Something that invokes the kind of awe that seeing the surface for the first time in The Void does, or more recently for me the stretch leading up to Five Pebbles in Rain World.
>they entirely depend on the sales of the Haruspex campaign to even start financing the other two ones
Source? Their statements didn't suggest anything like that, just that there is a shit tonne of work to do still and they know that people have been waiting for long already, so they want to release at least something. I mean, sure, additional cash will surely be useful for them, but I don't think it's that bad.
The release date that will soon be announced is for the Haruspex campaign. The user you are responding to believes the next campaign will be massively delayed.
How much do you think they'll be able to fix the optimisation?
Because if they'll patch it up decently my toaster should run it well enough, at least judging by the alpha, but if not. Well, guess I'll have to save up and buy myself a new PC because I'm not missing out on this one. It's not going to be on consoles, is it?
Don'tchu die on me
>Fucking hate the state of the industry.
To be honest, this is one of those cases where blaming industry isn't the right thing to do. What they are doing is absolutely fucking insane. And they are terrible at actual organization of work, managing money, and making things that sell. People like them will ALWAYS be in these kinds of situations, regardless of the state of industry.
Well, unless you are Tarkovski. But I don't think going back to the art financing model of Soviet Union is a good idea either.
>this was before they had the tinyBuild partnership.
No, this is almost a year after the tinyBuild partnersip. TinyBuild is irrelevant in this. They don't finance their partners. They are not stuffing money into the development. It's not an investor at all.
>I've never read or heard this from anywhere do you have any source on this?
The Dankovsky's statement in which he announces the decision to split the campaigns.
If TinyBuild announced a close upcoming statement on release date, that is cool - (or really, really bad), but it has DEFINITELY been for Haruspex campaign only.
God knows how long will it take to release the second and third one. Provided they will be released.
Pathologic threads and the discussions in them are always good
Again: their official statement video on the division. He straight up says: they don't have any money. NONE of the "barons" actually ended up investing, they all backed out. TinyBuild is not an investor, money from kickstarter has been gone for well over year: they can't continue developing the whole thing, they have to release what they have closest to finishing, then they'll see.
>How much do you think they'll be able to fix the optimisation?
Hopefully yes to the most glaring issues, but I would not expect the game to run very well. They have been desperately battling Unity from start. I doubt they made some kind of magical breakthrough in the last half a year.
>The Dankovsky's statement in which he announces the decision to split the campaigns
You're thinking of Dybowski.
>people are reposting your screenshots
I lost my big folder and yours are all I have to go on. Helps that they're really nice, good quality.
Just watch the damn Mandalore video on it
I've been putting off playing this shit, I'm thinking of sitting down and trying it tonight, any tips? Is there much of a difference between this and the new one?
you mean vanilla and HD? HD has better translation, improved graphics and few others things probably, but its basically the same, so get that one, for tips, always rummage through trash even on first day and try to buy as much food on first day as u can, good luck
HD Classic has a vastly improved translation among other things and should be played specifically for that reason.
As for tips, hole yourself up, grab a handle of vodka, bar the door, turn out the lights, best pair of headphones, and don't get up until you've at least cleared the first day.
Gameplay tips is pretty solid. The first day is the only day you can get a game over from failing the main quest though, be sure to complete that one. Try not to savescum outside of combat, make your choices and live with the consequences.
I meant with the remake, should have specified. I heard the original has a awful translation that is very unclear in what it actually wants you to do, while HD is also that but it's better written and more done on purpose.
remake as in the upcoming one pathalogic 2? well u should still play the HD one, the new one looks like it will have a bit different story and new mechanics, so i think playing both will be worth it
>Don't save scum
>Day 3 Bachelor
Good fucking luck with that day haha
>outside of combat
yeah no when it comes to the actual combat bits, by all means, savescum as much as you want. there's no call for trying to do shit like the warehouse full of muggers on a save from 3 hours realtime ago.
Was talking more about Day 3 bachelor since everyone lies to you on that day and sends you off on a wild goose chase. personally I only barely solved that day with 10 minutes left.
I died as bachelor on the first day because i didnt know what to do. I followed the main quest until someone told me to meet someone at this church before midnight, the one near the polyheadron I believe. I went there but there was no one for me to meet and I died. Am I retard? what was I missing?
You have to go see one of the male Kains I think since that is when you meet Rubin who tells you about what is going on.
Are there ant Polish or Russian Void playing anons still here?
Do you guys remember whether there are any hearts in the gardens next to Yani and Ole? I'm not planning on ascending either of them, so i I would prefer to not waste colour on opening their chambers if there aren't any hearts there. Well, maybe I'll do one, since those gardens are good for late game, but not both
Cool, thanks user.
Ah right it's been ages since I did Bachelor, some of the earlier days are a bit fuzzy. I think I barely managed to finish that one in time as well, you really have to book it from one side of town to the other multiple times. which I guess is the point
On day 1, you'll get killed at midnight if you don't complete the Quest of the Day. It's an IDIOTIC decision that makes no sense (on any other day, you can fail the main quest, plus this is just confusing).
I don't remember meeting anyone on day 1 at the Cathedral though. There are several tricky moments to Bachelor's first day quest, namely the fact that you have to follow an Odong from Fat Vlad's house that will lead you to Young Vlad hide-out, which is incredibly poorly telegraphed. Young Vlad will I think give you instructions how to get to Rubin, and Rubin should give you the final vital info, which you then report to one of the Kains - and that should conclude the quest. You can have it done before 6 PM if you hurry a little.
You can tell a quest is concluded when you check the diary and see it ending with three asterixs.
>launch date announcement coming soon
About time, I'm not sure how much more of this I can take.
Just think: the entire remake will be out before we even get a release date for early access for Bannerlord!
If something happens to IPL without them completing this game. I'm afraid what I might do.
Go easy on the twyrine Grace. This shit gets into your head
Go easy on the twyrine Grace, we don't need another Polyhedron.
Damn girl, you really need to go easy on the twyrine. You'd be my third most favorite character in the town if you weren't fucking off your rocker high all the time.
I don't mind he waiting at all. I just worry they won't get the chance or option to make the best thing they can make. To me, the game being half-assed or broken beyond repair would be FAR worse than having to wait another five years.
And we know that can happen. I'm looking at you, CARGO!.
The alpha did do a lot to reassure me though. First Mable Nest, then the Alpha - both felt like they know what they need to do. That is why even the easily misterpretable talk about making the game more accessible did not really worry me.
CARGO was a retarded idea from the beginning to the end, their whole approach was wrong with this one. It wasn't just a matter of being rushed or underfunded
You're being pessimistic, they have the map and all the 3D assets done, and from what I can gather most of the story is already written. Once the performance issues of the first episode are fixed and its released the next two will probably follow soon after, it's not like there's much difference in the gameplay between the three characters.