Buy his gamr

Buy his gamr

Attached: astolfo swimsuit.png (1920x1080, 3.29M)

Other urls found in this thread:

thats a girl you blind nigga

Attached: 1541584627974.jpg (1302x1842, 1.36M)

Dude looks like a lady lmao.


only if there's a visible erection/penis mod for him

No as I am not gay

Imagine paying $60 for a shitty PS2 game because you're a weebcuck

puffy vulva

eyes too big

what gamw?

>those hips

Attached: 1550509777533.png (800x800, 563K)

as long as it's not any turn based shit that forces me to think what I'm doing instead of just playing then yeah, I'll buy it.

The new Fate game? I preordered it, it should download in a day or two.

*Cute bugle

don't buy this game full price you cucks

the story is short as all fuck and they removed the character endings. online isn't good either.

literal 20 dollar game

>every buying weebshit full price when it always goes on sale a month later on the ps store

>buying into any gacha franchise

Attached: 1547624079464.jpg (764x713, 309K)

i'm straight, but i'd renounce my heterosexuality and make him my girlfriend

it's a warriors / musou game

Attached: Astolfo.jpg (433x709, 27K)

Astolfo is HUNG

Attached: 5640621065460.jpg (587x680, 55K)

I probably will end up getting it. I enjoyed link and I'm in the mood for some mindless hack and slash.

>game body
>anime body

Yea Forums always wins bay bay

I did, for 60 dollars, and pre-order.

It better be good.

Attached: 1552729409381.png (640x898, 990K)

i want to suck his big dick so fucking bad

Hung traps/femboys are the best

Astolfo has a small, limp feminine dick and a hungry ass.

hungry for what?

Yea Forums user's dick

>so underage he only knows fate as gacha

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Astolfo is a chad.

Attached: Di3eNuvUwAAcJew.jpg (782x963, 141K)

Fatw/Extells Linj

>Still no name for the fucking game

Je*us fucking shit you shill really suck at your job.

Attached: 1507271507107.gif (320x287, 982K)

No way, fag. First game was trash.

>gacha franchise
Fucking secondaries...

Attached: Seiba_implying.jpg (587x539, 45K)

5cm tops

Fate/Extella Link

Attached: 1552014725237.jpg (693x442, 21K)

they stopped making porn picture books ages ago. they aren't who they used to be

I'm buying it for the best girl.

Attached: Drake_Extella.png (753x1582, 1.14M)

>unironic trap shill game
>people approve of it
holy shit nu-Yea Forums is even worse than i thought.


Ok /pol/

To be honest desu if I could give one advice to people stating to get into fate would be to just don't bother. The only worthwhile stuff are stay night and hollow ataraxia, the rest is just nukige and gacha or literal shit. And since the former are making billions of shekels we ain't getting anything good possibly never.

Attached: how2draw.webm (408x578, 648K)

don't you have a mass shooting to commit right now incel

Drake has amazing tits, would suck 24/7 but Astolfo still is the best girl

He's a faggot but you're an even bigger one

No. The first Extella was actual trash and I refuse to buy one that doesn't fix any of it's problems.

have sex


i'd make him one, give me a room and 50 minutes

*gets umu'd*

get laid polcel

What is this obsession with sex?

I hate this crappy western tumblr tier rendition that keeps getting posted. this picture needs to be deleted and a proper one remade. i'm sick of looking at it.

Thank god I found out Astolfo was a guy after I fapped to him. Because I fapped to him when I thought it was a her that makes me not gay.

Astolfo is a big guy

Attached: 1543828068151.jpg (1102x1631, 167K)

>fapping to non-nude shit

Attached: 1436418.png (413x437, 148K)

same, i fapped to Rin (Catherine) when i thought it was an angel too

i'm still straight



Attached: 1550843641265.jpg (5451x4000, 1.5M)

Astolfo is a tran icon!

The only trans icon out there is a noose

>a fucking board game

Attached: key-visual.jpg (1800x2498, 848K)

Trap =/= trans

Astolfo is a treasure

based and twinkpilled

>ywn massage his peepee

Attached: 1552309007525.jpg (895x1285, 216K)

that looks painful

>tfw prefer the more masculine anime body
i accept that i'm a fag

>big dick

just let me dream ok?

Based. The appeal of a trap is the contrast between how feminine they look in girls' clothes and how masculine their body is.

Attached: 1530551609537.jpg (237x330, 15K)

He's a little guy.

Sadly the game won't have a physical release in my country, so I think I will pass.

Funny thing is in that scene he looks boyish. But as soon as he wears girly clothes in the show, he gets curves.
Magnets, how do they work?

normal mate, there's nothing wrong with being gay

Femme Astolfo is all mine anyway

Attached: 1551381326207.jpg (686x1024, 180K)


Nah they should be at least smaller than the non trap pounding him

because the point of that scene was to show he was a male to Jeanne

traps and reverse traps change body proportions all the time in anime depending on the artist or what they're wearing

Doesn't really apologize inconsistency. But yeah, Apocrypha wasn't the best to begin with.

That's not scathach

i want him to pound me though.

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>He doesn't like dominating big dicked twinks
Real talk, I only fuck guys with a bigger dick than mine and I only let guys with small dicks fuck me. Seeing a big dick flop is cute, small dicks up my ass hurt less and feel better.

i wish i was as based as astolfo

I will for sure if it panders to my fetish like Extella

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What's it feel like, Yea Forums?

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>feminine hands
>much better waist-hip ratio

wtf i hate anime now

What game is this?

Although it's fine for the top to have bigger dick if he's otherwise noticeably physically smaller.

Pre-ordered the game for the mahjong set long time ago.

When was it releasing again?

Go back

Attached: resetera.jpg (590x332, 35K)

>her non true route ending

Altera had a hard life.

Yea Forums is unashamedly gay now.
Whatever, just don't cut your dick.

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Sauce? the reverse search gives nothing useful once again.

Attached: sauce.gif (250x188, 2.12M)

Aw yeah!

I wish that was me.

i want him to pin me down and raw my asshole

Astolfo is so cute and based!
I love cosplaying as him too!

Attached: 0b4cb726c915f495ec8d09e474f83c77-sample.jpg (447x1000, 64K)

like a thick slimjim

>you'll never take Astolfo's virginity

why live?

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i want it the other way around

Attached: __astolfo_fate_apocrypha_and_etc_drawn_by_aaeru__9d29b461cccce9fcd78667361368eb71.jpg (961x1500, 1.2M)

low test


Yea Forums has always been gay for traps.

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Astolfo has a gift for you!

Attached: 66a4917dcb736262a4c1036026e886ed-sample.jpg (519x999, 130K)

>no Astolfo gf
>no Ruka gf

why must i suffer so much?

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>Yea Forums has always been gay for traps.

some people here doesn't seem to remember linetrap

>Astolfo will never bully you

Attached: __astolfo_and_fujimaru_ritsuka_fate_grand_order_and_etc_drawn_by_morino_bambi__381433c7b2e3b59c49ff6 (800x566, 93K)

This is hell.

Attached: 1437708609018.jpg (500x500, 63K)

lewd shoes

>wanting to be bullied by Astolfo instead of bullying him
>wanting to lick Astolfo's love nectar instead of making him taste your sinful delicacy
>wanting to be Astolfo's bottom slave instead of making him your girlfriend and showing him his place

i'm at a loss for words

Attached: Astolfo Confused.jpg (1024x576, 63K)

only pirating this piece of shit so i can watch mooks get blasted by gate of babylon while im drunk as fuck

Most traps (fictional and real) are bottoms.
Astolfo being somewhat of a top is kinda refreshing.

Attached: 53a2391f02ca83831cb56b757d7d6f1c.png (1046x1034, 953K)

>Astolfo from legend canonically goes out of his way to get/trick Roland into crossdressing.
In a relationship with Astolfo, you're probably wearing a dress one way or another.

I'd be the padded bra trap

Attached: XmKyu94.jpg (568x525, 54K)

I'd do both.

god, Kaname is such a good girl (male)

Man i hate this meme, i literally just dyed my hair before this character came to existance and he looks JUST LIKE me. Right down to the build. People keep bringing it up and bullying me about it when im in public. Now im neet

>Charlemagne and his paladins were twinks or fuccbois
>somehow his empire run longer than Seibah and her autistic knights





i'm straight, but if traps like Astolfo were real i'd go full gay (minus sucking dick or bottoming)

My what?


Attached: flex.jpg (850x787, 118K)

Hey man, I fuck guys and I never suck dick or bottom, in fact a lot of guys prefer it that way.

Im not walking 871 selim.

>he cant just google type moon game and find it
whats it like being brain damaged

my t is normal but i wish it was lower as i am a sissy fag at heart

Attached: boypussy.png (1000x506, 391K)

Attached: astolfo extella link.jpg (1920x1080, 286K)

I felt bad for the bitch on the left. That was so mean.


Attached: Roman.jpg (312x276, 37K)

>tfw testosterone through the fucking roof, too much to ever be a sissy

And yet it's all I want. Go figure.

Attached: 1541667466733.jpg (406x431, 131K)

>astolfo will never nibble your ballsack

Attached: __astolfo_fate_grand_order_and_fate_series_drawn_by_sayshownen__0e153dbd3ee8cb02418c7dd0412884d1.jpg (600x800, 92K)

Maybe in our next lives, user.
That's what I tell myself at least.

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this girl of the male variety was literally made to take cock

Attached: __astolfo_fate_grand_order_and_etc_drawn_by_hanato_seonoaiko__4fa91dbed451f569082f5a0e4a384639.jpg (707x1000, 77K)

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iktf fagbros

Holy fuck the absolute STATE of repressed weebs

Attached: loh no no no no look at this guy.png (507x1336, 626K)

Astolfo needs to pee!

why do people keep saying london to my post

in my butt

Attached: 1551831931074.jpg (1231x649, 169K)

Just go get railed by a bear daddy. You fucking faggot.


There a number of anons on Yea Forums that would fuck a trap and wouldn't go anywhere near tranny.

They want to jerk off with you over the internet

However, you should jerk off with me over the internet instead

i love you

I want to fuck that girl

Fucking newfag get the fuck outta here.

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Choose your character

Attached: fate extella.jpg (1920x1080, 190K)

Traps are cute feminine boys who like to dress like girls.
Trannies are delusional retards who think they are girls.

Learn the difference, it could save your life.

>Traps are cute feminine boys who like to dress like girls.
>Trannies are delusional retards who think they are girls.

both are trannies (transvestites) tho

You know it

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Post that one image where he actually has a man's body.

Why does that mean that?