Why is this game so _fun

Why is this game so _fun

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fun isn't allowed here

Installing right now.
I don't like games like Destiny or Warframe. Infinite grind simulators aren't fun unless the core gameplay is.
Hows the PVE/PVP?

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why is it so convoluted. i have no idea why 90% of the mechanics and menus exist, its a mess. they should have put more effort on the looting and shooting, since thats what its all about.

me liek big number too hehe
big number feel good

>Infinite grind simulators aren't fun unless the core gameplay is
>installs the Division 2
What? Warframe has better gameplay than this shit.

PVE is improved from 1 and AI is more agro and will flank you depending on position but
>didn't like Warframe or Destiny
>don't like the grind
you will probably hate it but that's up to you

This shit is litteraly Anthem 2.0.

Everything what Anthem did wrong Division 2 did exactly the same.

No raids at release - check.
Only 3(!!!!) gear sets - check.
Blunt and empty open world - check
No content overall - check.

You guys are just braindead mob of fucking cows who love to hate something by OPINION MAKERS mark and now you like this shit ONLY because you want it to succeed and overshadow Anthem

But these games are exactly the same and have SAME problems.

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Stop shilling for this pile of shit. No one cares

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But it does have content

>Stop shilling for this pile of shit. No one cares
you care enough to reply

As someone who has played both anthem and division 2 i say youre full of dogshit. Have you even played either of these games? Anthem is a hot fucking mess and division while stale is atleast complete at launch.

I'll buy it after a year just like I did the first. I'm pretty excited for it. The first Division is probably my favorite "AAA" game in a LONG time.

I don't like going through the same computer generated hallway a million times clearing out the same enemies over again.
I'm hoping that D2 at least has some fun PVE and PVP mechanics that add enough tacticool gameplay to make it fun with a dedicated squad. I play a lot of competitive shooters and want a mmo-lite shooter to play.

>I don't like going through the same computer generated hallway a million times clearing out the same enemies over again.
So you do or don't like the Division?

Every fucking time. Are looter shooter's supposed to be Diablo or WoW? Cause I think they should be Diablo, therefore raids are unnecessary

I didn't play D1 and only have D2 because it came free with my gpu.

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Well it's a more fleshed out open world that usually doesn't feel samey with it's locations.

who here famas bro

if you got it free then there is no harm in trying it. You lose nothing but maybe an hour of time to try. As someone who didn't like either Destiny or Anthem I found myself digging Division 1 and now 2

You can just go loot and shoot. There are side things like turning in resources and crafting but you don't really need to do that shit right away. Just go do all the missions and side missions and snag a few worlds events here and there. Lots of loot, lots of shooting.

famas bro, i am fal mate

at least, from my limited experience that feels the best so far. even an M4 with 10 more rounds in the mag and higher base damage feels shittier than a FAL.

Aesthetically its the worst RPG I have every played. Your loot is military shit or hoodies. Your level 1 dude looks like a hobo, your max level dude looks like a hobo with a mask. The game is fun but damn everyone just looks like shit.

just shoot and loot

That's what I figured. Overall, it seems like people seem reasonably satisfied with what they got, so I thought I'd invest a few hours into it and see if it's my jam.
From the comments in this thread, it seems comfy enough.

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famas, f200 or tar are the only ARs to good because they fucked up again and didnt buff low RPM weapons enough
RPM is still king

just get a famas/f2000/tar with +10% ROF and put the extended magazine (+30 rounds -10% rof) and you got a superior LMG

Division 1 had a more comfy atmosphere but this game has rain and other weather that still make it comfy.

>famas, f200 or tar are the only ARs to good because they fucked up again and didnt buff low RPM weapons enough
>RPM is still king

warframe is complete shit


not him but yes

t. 400 hours

Small time

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more like I got out before I got in too deep mr sunk cost

warframe isnt a looter shooter

Sure, just don't speak like you know the game.

400 hours is more than enough to know the game. I did everything and more.

>they are all grotesque plastic bullpups

guess i'll skip ARs as the gun class of choice, for once.

>Not looter shooter
>You get mod dropos
>You get resource drops
>You get blueprint drops to make stuff
Is there a national conclave of wizards that declared that if blue/purple guns don't drop every 5 min that its not a looter shooter?

famas isnt plastic tho

user specifically mentioned Warframe then complained about core gameplay. Say what you want about the shitty endless grind but Warframe has solid core gameplay. Way better than this cover shooter shit.

>I did everything and more
We both know you didn't but ok.

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t. shitter who never even touched post DEAC

i hate bullpups but that famas is the best looking gun ever unlike the other ugly ass famas with the carry handle, that is disgusting and thank god not in the game

>famas, f200 or tar are the only ARs to good

Not really. Those do terrible DPS and the only reason to use them is for their high stability. You can shred through a couple of elite's with a single AK mag. Assault Rifles are generally terrible though, you want to use rifles on PC because they have the lowest TTK or low RPM LMG's.

it's not, you are just tricked into thinking you are having fun :^)

>still undecided whether I should get this game or not

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Is $60 a huge commitment you need to sit around and worry about? Then you probably should not buy it.

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where u live?

I got a busted controller I could sell to gstop for $20 lmao.

>they do terrible DPS
>reommends low RPM garbage

More like $5

europe gets 20% off in ubisoft store if you have 100 ubi coins

Sounds like you never even played either of the games you're talking about.

>he doesnt know

what platforms are good? healing seemed meh because i have kits, mine seemed meh because i have grenades, pulse seemed meh because i have eyes and ears, shield seemed meh because there are walls. so i am just here with 2 auto-turrets like meh does this shit even matter.

Guess I don't

It's not that OP is having fun.
It's that he's inarticulate and vague in his posting.

>I'm hoping that D2 at least has some fun PVE and PVP mechanics that add enough tacticool gameplay

protip: it doesn't

it's literally the first game with a different setting and slightly better graphics

What contetn? Grinding 3(!!!!) sets and.... what?
Care to explain differences between these two games without content?
Because it supposed to be like Destiny 1 or Borderlands 2, both of them have raids and this is the main content of the game.

Also diablo\poe have almost infinite character progression while in division 2 and anthem you are capped.
Sound like that you can explain to me what content does division have.

get sniper turret, it may have to be manually targeted but it will throat-fuck whoever you point it at.

the purple dot goop launcher is good early

yeah thats what i'm using atm. and the basic shooty flyer. was thinking the bullet-absorb version might be good in a pinch. you get flanked and take (armor) damage way more than Div1. like even in cover you are getting chipped constantly.

NA doesnt get that?

Is survivalist and demo now viable in comparison to sharpshooter?

it does but in NA you cant use it on newly released games. terms and conditions are different outside canada and USA so you can

if you wanna avoid chip damage and peek around standing cover the riot shield is alright, just remember to not use it till you break it, put it away so it doesn't go on cooldown (4 fucking minutes come on ubi!) and let its hp regen (which you will see above your healthbar)

I'm only level 7 but having a lot of fun. I'm suprised by how good the shooting/cover system is, and the abilities are fun to boot (flamethrower turret and ball that splits into multiples). LMGs seem pretty strong.
Kinda funny how I've done like 3 missions in a row, and all of them were in museums. They were cool levels, but does it diversify soon? Is there, say, shopping centers and subway tunnels?

>having fun
You don't belong here, OP.

I do kinda like how LMGs are more viable with the health rework. They can actually mow enemies down instead of just be "SUPPRESSED" machines.

>I'm only level 7 but having a lot of fun

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You disgust me.

its pretty good. i dont really care for loot shooters and grinding, but playing it as a standard shooter with rpg elements its fun.


I'm weirded out that people are liking it, the beta was literally nothing.

I mean division 1 was pretty good its not like this is a new thing