Do we welcome our new overlords?
Do we welcome our new overlords?
Fuck no. Streaming is trash and always will be.
Might be true but honestly Project Cloud wasn't really that bad, with all the $$$ google has they can probably create something actually working
i know streaming is coming but that doesn't mean i like it.
If streaming will actually work close to local gaming then i'd welcome it for Single Player games, i mean even in my garbage country Poland my internet gets cut-off like 3 times a year, i can live with that
are you going to give an actual reason you'd welcome it?Q instead of bargaining that it won't be so bad
>the death of modding
Fuck off moot.
No need to upgrade PC/console sounds good
The only good thing that would come out of this is that their streaming client would support Linux and all games it can stream would work on Linux.
The backend processing and rendering of the game would be done on a super computer in some data center, and then the frames would be sent to your monitor from over the internet.
I don't think this is feasible for a very long time, and personally I think this will always be shit no matter what, due to latency and lack of freedom.
But yeah, if I'm looking on the bright side, this would mean 100% Linux supported games.
The Google client is the only thing they would have to port to any platform, which would handle controller/keybboard/mouse input, and video/audio playback, which would be relatively easy for any platform.
This is a shill thread made by someone who makes 1$ per reply.
>Potentially 60$ an hour just to shill some shit to an audience that doesnt care
Shit wouldnt you
I also just realized that these super computers in the data center would either have to run Windows (lol), or developers making games for this streaming platform would have to develop the games themselves for Linux anyway (lol).
Over 99% of super computers and almost all high-performance computers in data centers run Linux, there's many reasons they don't want to run Windows on these.
Just another big problem with this.
Whatever, streaming won't happen. Consoles sell.
It's almost makes sense now why sageing was dropped.
good lad
Is there a mmo that renders on a supercomputer and everyone streams the game? So we could have stuff like destructible environment and huge landscape changing event. This would be the only advantage I would look forward too.
how so?
No, they are the evilist.
It makes no sense to buy a new console anymore when true exclusives don't exist.
Xbox has no games, so no there's no buying of new consoles.
Explain me how this streaming work?
Like this has any chance of success anyway.
Google entered its end-stage stagnation years ago, any streaming service they offer will be fraught with incompetence and dated anti-user practices that will kill the service before it even has a chance to live. Even microsoft is more innovative and clued into markets these days than google.
Can someone give me a quick rundown on what is going on?
You know how you stream a movie on Netflix or a video on Youtube? Same shit,but with games
>or a video on Youtube?
I suppose? But how does that work with games? Also, I suppose that would be bad for modding? Frankly, I don't see the point.
That was said about netflix for some time.
And I still don't watch its trash shows.
>But how does that work with games?
Literally the same but with input
Let’s see the games first. If it’s just a big ass Android tablet?
You install a streaming client, imagine basically a video player, It also handles your keyboard/mouse/controller input, and sends it to a super computer in a data center,
The game is processed and rendered on a super computer in a data center, and it sends the rendered frames and audio back to your computer as a video.
You could run any game on a toaster like this, and on any OS that supports the streaming client.
But why would I want game data to be streamed from some server (if game is sing player)?
Can run any game on a toaster and any OS.
Meaning any game would work on Linux, Mac, etc.
That's where the benefits for you as a user end.
Otherwise it's just latency issues and lack of freedom.
This. Remember to report all FEMALE American based streamers for unpaid taxes
I suppose it's not that bad then, unless they start to make and distribute games just in this fashion, that would make me quit playing games most likely.
That project will fail and join google+ and few other failed projects in garbage bin.
the difference is that you don't have to interact with movies/tv shows, cloud gaming has been tried multiple times, OnLive, PSNow and such and single player lag is always shit
Who cares it will be DOA. Only way they will get me interested is if they allow plasystation and xbox games. If its just pc only who cares I already have a pc.