why are trackball controllers still not a thing?
Why are trackball controllers still not a thing?
I have no idea, man. Even gyro's a tremendous upgrade to dual stick. If people are going to insist on playing shooters on consoles, that really should be the standard.
I used a trackball once. It was awful.
obviously, you have to get used to it
That's because you're a shitter.
Because trackballs are the pointless middle ground between a mouse and a stick.
Used to have one on my PC, it was fucking great for Starsiege and Mechwarrior 3.
All this guys vids are with a trackball btw
and? you can't exactly use a mouse comfortably on a couch without lugging over some kind of unwieldy large flat surface
give me one reason it should be a thing
Superior accuracy to stick or trackpad in gamepad form factor. It's a no brainer.
Random things that may be a reason is stuff like body oil and being a choking hazard
can't be any worse than gyro
because using a trackball with a thumb, as opposed to 2-3 fingers when it sits still on your table, is just as much of pain as analog stick
It's a lot better than gyro. This guy made mods for Q3 and played competitively with a trackball,
Gyro, stick, trackpad all inferior to trackball.
cheetos hands hazard
>without lugging over some kind of unwieldy large flat surface
why do people who are wrong have to say things in the most obnoxious way possible?
Because trackballs are better the bigger the ball is. Honestly, they're still not competitive, anyone who is good with a trackball would be way better with an actual mouse because you're comparing precision control of a thumb or a couple of fingers with precision control of your elbow. Maybe back when people had mousepads the size of matchboxes, trackballs were viable, but they aren't anymore.
Doesn't stop them from being the best input device for comfort, though. If I'm playing anything that isn't an FPS, I'm using my trackball for it.
>no mousecam
Got a bridge to sell me too?
He has a mousecam and is well known in the trackball community,
Now if only he played a high TTK game where you needed to track enemies for longer than 0,01 ms
He doesn't seem very good.
Already posted such a player,
Quake is by far and away the most unforgiving game in terms of mouse speed and accuracy and he's not the only one
You're a fucking retard. He dominates in almost every video on his channel
But I just watched the video you linked and he wasn't dominating. He was losing gunfights constantly. Only ones he won were because of positioning that let him keep his aim boxed to a very small area. I imagine it's a nightmare for him to flick to anything with those weird, jerky, short movements.
Professional LoL player trackball,
He has hundreds of videos on his page topping the scoreboard
Then why did you post one where he was terrible? On on a premiere pubstomping map no less?
I posted his entire channel where he has hundreds of videos dominating with a trackball. That was just the first shoulder cam vid that came up on search and it's still infinitely better than any shit video you can come up with using a stick, gyro or trackpad.
Why in the world would anyone play that game on PC with a stick, gyro or trackpad?
Who cares?
I don't know. I didn't bring it up.
k well in terms of ergonomics it competes with the aforementioned devices but in terms of aim it shits all over those three devices and a good trackballer actually competes with a mouser unlike gyro, stick or trackpad.
I think it's because that's for the xbox 360, which was last gen.
So it's better at a particular task than things people don't use but worse than the thing we all use already?
No. A good trackballer can become just as good as a good mouser. The only reason it's not more common is because they're not as easy to get used to.
Can you give an example of someone who competes at the highest level with a trackball? 'cause a video of a guy doing mediocre in a BF4 pub isn't terribly convincing.
>casual game + public lobby
>topping the scoreboard
Wooooooow damn bro, weeed im high as fuck, gaming yoooo
I already posted a professional LoL player, a competitive Quake 3 player and a top tier Battlefield player. At this point you are being willfully ignorant.
Where? You never replied to me.
If you don't think his videos are compelling you're a drooling retard so there's no point in spending any more time on you.
dude, just don't reply to the guy anymore
don't even think about replying to this >454795667
What in the goddamn...
>euros are waking up
Ok makes sense
Read the thread dipshit
There's a "trackball community" evidently, and they're very proud.
And hostile.
>I come to trackball threads to make nonsensical responses
Way to spend your time retard
So are these any good for emulating arcade games?
What part didn't make sense to you? I'd be happy to explain.
Fuckin lol'd
Idk I could def see it being better than a stick, but not better than a standard mouse.
>try to warn user to stop taking other user's bait
>user won't listen
I mean, he is sitting here getting angry at people for not liking his favorite user input device. Did you expect him to have any sort of impulse control?
At what point did you think you had any valid contribution to this thread? You do not have a single valid argument and all your questions have been answered. If you do not agree that is because you're a retard. End of discussion.
you're being made fun of retard
Fuuuuuck both of you
>constantly running into teammates
>slow aim, losing gun fights constantly
I could trash this dude and I'm awful at quake.
>topping the scoreboard
lmfao I have screens of 17+ kda in various games, shit doesn't mean I'm god tier.
I came here to learn, not to contribute. I didn't even make an argument. You didn't answer all my questions and got hostile because I didn't think your favorite youtuber was very good at BF4.
What am I supposed to be agreeing with?
By whom? Where?
>lol well established members of the community
>i'm dumpshit user lol pls respond
here's your last You
What are you hoping to achieve exactly?=
own-age would tear you a new asshole
Nothing. I'm just asking questions. I don't have any particular agenda regarding HIDs and find it absolutely fascinating that you do.
Why do you find it fascinating? We're in a thread discussing trackballs. The information I have posted fits perfectly with the thread. You don't have anything worthwhile to contribute. Anything else you'd like to add your mental retardation and autism?
>trackball community
Come on now.
It's like discovering that there's a Thomas the Tank Engine fandom. You don't expect anybody to care about something so trivial, let alone build an identity and a community around it.
Niche fandoms are fascinating, especially when you get to observe the more rabid members who completely lack self-awareness. Right now, you're getting upset about a conversation about trackballs on Yea Forums and calling other people autistic. You're fun.
I'm pretty happy actually but I feel sorry for people like you who think they know something that they clearly don't, can't demonstrate it and then get mad when they're proven wrong. Buh bye tardo.
What do I think I know?
If you knew anything I'd tell you but it's clear you don't as has been thoroughly proven in this thread.
Sure, but that wasn't my question. You said I thought I knew something. I'm curious what you meant.
Also, what did you prove me wrong about?
You're now asking me what you know. Good question. That's a question we'd all like to know. You're a clueless retard.
Yeah this guy's definitely euro
Probably german or nordic, they have that special kind of autism only snowniggers have
>Using a trackball, can't even track
Fuck he scuffed a rocket jump in that video too
Sure man, sure. I'm the retard that fell for this bait though so I probably have autism.
No, I'm not. I'm asking you what you meant when you said, that I "think [I] know something that [I] clearly don't." What was it?
Why did spaceball controllers didn't work out?
Steam controller has gyro and the pad acts a virtual trackball. It's really nice
"Virtual trackball" just seems like a fancy way of saying trackpad.
The best Quake players in the world have miss timed RJ. You're rewriting history to try and say that own-age is bad. He's well known in the ESR community.
That's the point. You ask questions and they're nonsensical drivel. Nobody knows what you're on about but you and you can't articulate it so..
Which question was confusing to you? I'd be happy to elaborate.
It's not confusing. Your questions were answered. Nobody knows why you're still going on. The only question is why? You got nothing.
It is a trackpad, but with the haptics and acceleration it feels like a trackball. If you so choose to set it up as such (it's usually the default settings)
Steam controller is pretty great, my favourite controller for playing old games without controller support with a controller
How did you answer my questions if they were nonsensical?
Oh, neat. Never bothered to pick one up because I can't be arsed.
It is dummy.
>How did you answer my questions if they were nonsensical?
The nonsensical part comes when you don't accept the answer and just pretty much say "nuh-uh". Your critiques are invalid and your questions have been answered. Nobody knows why you still go on. I guess you just want to bump this thread? I dunno.
>It is a trackpad, but with the haptics and acceleration it feels like a trackball
lel no it doesn't not even close
When did I say "nuh-uh"? What critiques did I offer?
>please blow by blow the convo we already had
Your behavior is what happens when someone gets BTFO and isn't used to it so they won't to keep repeating the convo again and again hoping that if you keep repeating it the outcome will be different
I think i would be much happier with fps on consoles if controllers had trackballs
All you have to do is link the posts you're referring to.
Sticks are comfier and mouses are much faster/accurate. I'd like to see a pad with a good touchpad to replace the right pad one day though (don't start me with the DS4).
Also trackballs suck because they need to be cleaned like an old 90's mouse.
I don't need to. We already had them. Your questions were answered. You're a retard and need to have them repeated to you.
>The best Quake players in the world have miss timed RJ.
I don't know how I even fell for this in the first place. Your last (You) .
>trackballs suck because they need to be cleaned like an old 90's mouse.
If you buy one made in the 90s, maybe. I clean my trackball once a year or so, and that isn't even really necessary. If your trackball doesn't have metal rollers it's absolute garbage.
track pads are less accurate
the amount of your finger touching the pad changes the place of the pointer
and as your moving your finger on it different amounts of your finger will be applied
so a track ball is more accurate
>The truly elite Quake players have never missed a RJ
My questions weren't answered. I told you that already. In fact, you've just failed to answer a whole slew of them.
I think what's happening here is that you think you have some sort of point and think that I disagree with whatever point you're making, so you're angrily declaring yourself the winner in whatever argument you're imagining we're having. I'm just asking questions. You aren't answering many of them.
here, in fact a controller like that exists, I forgot about it. I heard good things about it, is it worth a buy ? I currently own an old Xbox 360 controller for PC.
Thank you for your contribution to this discussion.
I have posted several videos of top tier and professional players playing the video games of BF, Quake and LoL all using a trackball.
Anything beyond this is mental retardation and autism. Do you care to add anything? They're not really good but they're bad? Trackball is inferior to mouse? Nobody cares about your spin on what we have seen posted by me.
Did you have to clean your old 90's mouse more than once a year?
I only watched the video of the mediocre BF4 player. His play wasn't impressive, and it was a pretty bog standard pub stomp video which are usually made by just selecting successful footage.I asked questions about these Quake an LoL players and you got angry. I have no idea if trackball is inferior to mice. I asked, and again you got angry.
That's why trackpads would be used in trackball emulation mode most of the time, making them functionally identical to a trackball but with the added versatility of being able to do a lot more on top of that.
I love mine.
Some people hate them though, but I just can't go back to a stick, it's way too comfy to use the pads
Definitely worth it, I honestly use it more than my keyboard for everything but competitive games. The software has come a long ways and a shit load of functions are possible with the controller. The way I'd describe the controller is it's half kids science project, and half game input.
So you admit to being a clueless retard because anyone else can read the thread and see what I'm talking about but apparently you can't.
what the fuck does it doo
track ball emulation on a track pad would still have the same problem. I dont think you understood what i meant
I admit to being curious. Your insistence on using the word retard in nearly every post isn't particularly effective at communicating whatever it is you are trying to say.
Why should I do legwork to support whatever argument you're making? I'm literally asking the angry man arguing and he's refusing to make his own points. It's weird.
But the accuracy of the phones touchscreens is very good, which proves it's possible to make an accurate touchpad. Of course on a phone the ergos are fucked in a game like PUGB with lots of buttons, but I can aim just fine.
You might be a casual or something, but if you aren't wiping the crusty sweat off your mouse every couple of weeks then you're a shitter who doesn't play games.
You don't have to sacrifice basic cleanliness to no-life, my friend.
I am using a mouse, always have, but the way some of you are talking down to people who have a different preference is hilarious lol
What's the point of acting smug and pretentious just because some people prefer trackballs or whatever they are, than the standard laser mouse?
It does. I use both, by getting the right acceleration & friction setting dialled in the Steam Controller does feel like a trackball. You can pan quickly for a shot bu flicking the thumb, then tap to stop & hold the thumb down while using the gyro to get the headshot.
Steam Controller can definitely hold its own on pub servers at least.
>>Did you have to clean your old 90's mouse more than once a year?
I know you weren't alive back then, but yeah, that's what everyone had to do. The balls were removable for a reason back in the old rollerball days, they picked up dust and hair like motherfuckers.
Who are you talking to?
Born in '90, had a computer in the house since I was born. I picked the lint off the metal rollers because it was weirdly satisfying, not because I needed to do it. Never saw one get so bad it actually affected functionality.
Not even him but you're really fucking annoying dude, like you're just intentionally being dense as hell. Please shut the fuck up and leave Yea Forums forever
Why don't you try just not replying to things you don't like?
>that fucking A button
You can push and rotate it in every direction
I didn't notice that, but I did notice your numerals
Because console gamers are stubborn and resistant to change. So even when presented with an objectively superior device they'll come up with excuses to justify dual stick or whatever other shitty console thing they're defending
To be fair motion sensor stuff even in standard controllers has been more popular these last years so it's not like progress has completely stagnated, we just need Microsoft and Nintendo to do things faster since we all know Sony isn't gonna make any risks ever.
I can understand why people use controllers, they are a lot more comfortable than a mouse and keyboard and everything that comes with it, but what’s the point of using a trackball if you’re still sitting at a desk using a mouse and keyboard?
In those videos you guys posted, why didn’t he just use his mouse?
I use a controller in my left hand for analog stick movement and the mouse in the right at the computer, works real good for playing Doom
>yeah i guess just replace it with this... skittle?
Nice get