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Other urls found in this thread:

>more options are bad

Kul tiran dudes look nice because big fat pirate. The women look like shit.

there are some fat autists who lose weight to look more like there video game avatars. i guess fuck them right. they should die from heart disease at age 50

>realism and relatability

lol Americans

Attached: ok.gif (500x364, 982K)

Didnt we have pandas ages ago

>they didn't push some of the fat into the tits

Battle of the Bulgeroth

American is a race now?

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kul'tiran males are peak performance

“Options” would be to let races have multiple body types, not restricting a whole body type to its own separate race. It’s actually kind of funny that the clickbait hackjob “journalist” in OP’s image is trying to spin it as a positive for “___ rights” or some shit, when all it’s really saying is actually “fat people aren’t normal humans.” Just further proving they don’t know what the fuck they’re championing.

Plus, if they wanted to play a fatty so bad they’ve had years to be pandas.

Add some fucking Ogres already for fucks sake.

I can't play as a character that isn't like me. That's why monsters, and furries, and non-whites in videogames are bad.

Its funny zandalari are like 4 days old and they are one of the most played race now and ofc fat fucks are the least played.

Kul Tirans have more in common with circus strongmen than fa/tg/uys. Prove me wrong (you can't).

Attached: strongman.jpg (736x1360, 79K)

that would remove the charm that each race has and would make modeling gear a pain in the ass

I am still waiting for a game that lets me be grotesquely obese. The closest I have gotten is APB and San Andreas but they cap out to fast

They can't even use that body type anymore since they've assigned it to KT humans. They're even taller than draenei ffs.

I won't argue with that, but I imagine that's a problem with the engine itself maybe, or how the races are made since its a pretty old game.

People that like roleplaying as bears, slobs and over the top doms with smegma-ridden cocks must be so happy.

I thought wow was fantasy

I like them.

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Fuck modern WoW but this is fine. Option to play as an old man, fat guy, midget, etc. All good.

Not only are Zandalari great their racials are ridiculously good, so that's probably contributing

Weren't dwarves already in the game?

Zandalari look fucking cool. Like a retard I never trully finished doing the three zones in horde side and I am locked out of them still even after having all the other requirements done by now. Once done with that shit I am making one too.

They are new, they have arguably the best looking druid forms in the game, they can be druids in the first place, and they have very strong racials (one of which can be freely tailored to your spec).

Attached: racials.png (776x158, 35K)

it is a good thing
i'm a big dude, i like playing as big dudes not dyel bishonen manlets

playing RDR2 as arthur and then switching to marston was a letdown

why didn't wow just add body sliders so you can play as a fat (or big boned undead) whatever race you wanted?

They are Drust, the race from which humans emerged.

Attached: joel-laqua-netunuscasting.jpg?1550775969.jpg (1920x1357, 501K)

Because body sliders make it impossible to make armor look even remotely good

user, it's WoW, do you think that a game this old was built to accommodate large differences in the builds of races? When all the armour sets are basically textures?

WoW armor doesnt look good regardless

No boob, ass, hip, and thigh sliders, no fucking buy.

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>modeling gear
90% of gear is a literal texture.

What, they’re not descendants of the Viking guys anymore?

WoW humans emerged from Vrykul you retard.

Drust were Vrykul

I actually don't mind this. More games need more variety in body types because it makes them feel more real and immersive.

Yes it does.

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nice headcanon


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>this clusterfuck

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>Make Kul'Tiran the fat race
>Make none of the main Kul'Tiran characters use that model

I'm loving my thicc Shaman

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kind of unfair comparison

left is like a secondary trait while regen is primary.

The men do, yeah

Attached: kuling.png (1286x377, 98K)

You're right, it's actually pretty epic.

pic not related

>Kul Tirans can't be paladins
>trolsl can
Uh blizzard? Did you forget your own lore again?

I hate mmos so much.

>who is lady ashvane

I would have greatly prefered the actual lordaeron knight armor concept from WC3

But blizzard would never be able to implement it.

Blizzard said they have no idea how to make or introduce female Ogres which is why they're a never-ever.

What did it look like?

>Litterally who

The Zaldalari trolls can be paladins thanks to being imbued with the light from a holy tyrannosaurus loa
Which, I don't give a shit what people say, that's fucking great.

does new york times put itself in high culture? im not from new york nor do i live there so i dont read magazines or newspapers pandering to places i dont live in

>from a holy tyrannosaurus loa
You mean the one that was turned into an undead dungeon boss?

Except that loa was turned into an undead monster and then killed by the players at the end of the Zuldanar questline, which means there should be no more holiness and no more Troll paladins.

>Wanting to play a fat guy in a mmo where the class's would all be at the prime of their body type

Oh Blizzard does your pandering never end?

Similar to that, but less retarded

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just make them male ogres
They already have tits

Still better than XIVs design

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>game of thrones and harry potter that high up

Jesus titty fucking christ, pathetic.

And Cenarius was killed by Grom Hellscream, and look how that turned out.

God I hate what WOW became

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Moonkin are fat and they've been in the game since Vanilla

Fat people are unironically the one group of people who deserve to be mercilessly bullied and ridiculed at all times.
Unless you have a medical condition, there's no excuse to be fat in this century. Doesn't matter if you're young, old, rich or poor, everyone can chose to not be fat.

Doesn't matter where you are on the political spectron or what skincolor you have, we should all band together as thin bros to show fatties that thei existence is not appreciated and bully them into submission.

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>gay pandering


But panda have been playable for years?

You do realize that fat people are stronger.

More bodymass =/= strength

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Reminder that you have to fight Jaina even as an ally in the latest raid.

Actually yes. Fat people are disgusting but they lard that fat everywhere they go. Had a friend that started squatting 2 plate easily when he first started lifting and I barely could do a plate as a twig.

To build muscle you need fat

Cenarius could come back thanks to Elune and Emerald Dream shenanigans. Loas don't have that luxury.

That literally just looks like the T2 set with T3 helm

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You get turned into Horde to do it.

Even worse.

I was like halfway through Revered with the Proudmoore Admirality before I stopped playing, and I never did the quest that involved doing a Mythic dungeon

How much would I have to do to unlock Fat Humans?

Until they suddenly do. That's Warcraft for you, lad, everything is possible if it serves the narrative. You can play as a troll paladin and there's nothing you can do or say against it.

This pissed me off
ideologically and socialogically, the night elves have a whole lot fucking more in common with the horde races than they did with any of the alliance races
The main reason they did not ally with the orcs was because they killed their demigod cenarius, which, yeah, thats totally a reasonable decision for them to make
but then it turns out that Cenarius could have just come back whenever, getting killed inconvenienced him at most, so what the fuck

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Well, they did let an Asian supremist keep her job despite saying that all white people should die so I don't know.

What, you're angry that Alliance gets to beat up that bitch?

When did I say it was a bad thing to have Troll Paladins? I'm just discussing the lore aspects of it. Though I'm surprised we haven't had mass retardation over it like we did when Tauren Paladins were introduced, everyone back then was throwing massive shitfits despite the lore behind it making complete sense.

Just get to Exalted with Proudmoore Admiralty and do the "Ready for War" pre-raid quest line. Really easy, actually, it just takes a bit to grind the rep.

Based. Asian supremacy is legit.

Vanilla factions would have made a lot more sense if they were:
>Alliance: Human, High Elf, Gnome, Dwarf
>Horde: Orc, Troll, Goblin, Ogre
Night Elves and Tauren are better off neutral and pretty much always are outside of players

The Orcs were also decimating Ashenvale's forest, which pissed the Nelves off.

Does that involve doing that Mythic still?

I have literally no Mythic dungeon experience and record on or whatever, I don't know how I'd find a group since I'm also guildless.

Grom ran a whole campaign of slaughter and raids against the Night Elves. Not just simply killing their 'god'.
>but then it turns out that Cenarius could have just come back whenever, getting killed inconvenienced him at most, so what the fuck
So? Why would you side with someone who spat in the face of your deity.

the tauren allied the orcs in Wc3 though

It looks like absolute shit, wod babby.

I didn't have to do a Mythic dungeon for it, so no.

My point was there is no point to discuss the lore aspect of the new class / race combination. If the Holy Space T-Rex is dead now, well too bad, they'll pull something else out of their asses to justify it. It was interesting at some point, but now you have to expect the same level of retardation than the Solar taurens or whatever they are called

I'd have been pretty damn happy with this lineup. You've got the original races that made up the Alliance of Lordaeron there, and the original WC2 Horde races as well.
Then you could've had neutral night elf and tauren zones.

The Mythic dungeon is how you get the A Land United achievement, and how Jaina actually becomes Lord Admiral.

I figured that might be necessary or something.

standard wow humans are fucking manlets would you rather be 7'0 and fat or 5'4 and swole

Kul Tirans and Zandalari both have ridiculous racials
A fucking Kidney Shot with a knockback for every class on a 2 minute cooldown, jesus. I can only imagine Tauren players feel real shitty about War Stomp right now.

Oh, that, you don't have to do it in Mythic, any difficulty works. I did it in LFG.

The mythic is neccesary but it is a +0 thing and you can pretty much be carried through it. Once done in a character you don't have to touch it ever again but the clear is needed to complete the whole alliance scenario.

>Kul'Tiran and Chadalari get brand new dances
>the other half-dozen allied races so far don't

Your jelly is palpable.

As far as I know (unless it was changed), Siege of Boralis (that's the name right?) was a mythic dungeon only. There were no normal nor heroic modes of it.

Back when I was playing you couldn't do Siege of Boralus through LFG

>carrying around loads of extra weight every single second of every single day
>simply more mass behind a fist hitting you etc
it makes a difference, an obese person whos just a blob wouldnt be much of a threat but a fat/chubby dude who isnt TOO overweight would probably be significantly stronger because he could move still
good luck trying to move a fatass if youre a twig too

Do people do +0s still? I can't imagine the kind of people who do Mythics would bother doing one without a Keystone

The other allied races are straight copy-pasted animation rigs. These races are not wholly original rigs but different enough for their own dances.

I'd rather be tall and fat but not 7'0, that's just ridiculous

You can fix fat but you can't fix manlet

Just put a pf saying +0 in desc and someone is going to do it. It is an easy dungeon by now with all the gear changes.. not like it was hard before, but you get what I mean.

Finally I can ERP as a slob who just abuses women

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It's mostly the head slot, they have to bend or alter every head piece in the game to look correct on every player model, they are probably able to automate this somewhat by now but somebody has to look through all of them and fix the ones that are fucked.

So, every time they add a race, they have to do this again, twice, for every head slot mesh ever.

Honestly I'm having a really hard time trying to convince myself to do anything this expansion. The incentives just don't feel worth the effort.

It also doesn't help that as long as there's no precedent for more than 2 races per model, the odds of my Shaman being an actual Wildhammer are slim to none.

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>realism and relatability
Does this incessant need to shape reality as you see fit through media really need to extent to things where it makes absolutely fuck all sense? Is nothing sacred? I dont care if you think filling a world with fat asses and calling it "realistic" will somehow shape how people see things in the real world. It's fucking fantasy.

I just logged in and checked and it's under the list on Heroic

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Yeah they changed it in 8.1, but I stopped well before that

It's nice that they did that, at least. People in the actual LFG tool can be extremely unforgiving.

>somebody has to look through all of them and fix the ones that are fucked.
Have you seen of the clipping in the game with helmets? I doubt they pay much attention to it.
If they haven't developed a way to automate at this point, then their team is more incompetent that I would have thought. There are ways to morph complex realistic headgear in video games now that developers are implementing in games, they don't need nearly that level of detail because a poorly morphed helmet won't look remotely as bad when it's so cartoony.

High culture just means generally acceptable entertainment for rich people to enjoy and discuss publicly. It doesn't speak to artistic merit at all.

slim and pretty white people are bad too

Can I play as an obese, glasses wearing, purple-haired dykecut xhemale?

There is nothing realistic about a fat adventurer.

I'm all for customization, but wanting to play as fat people for realism and relatability is hilariously pathetic.

fat people are disgusting

why is it journos reflex to suck the dick of every single descision any developer takes that doesnt reasonate well with the community.
are they contrarians?
is it for monetary gain due to gamer baiting?
Is it some retarded thing lodged into their brains that makes them want to stand out from the "plebs"?

>it's a glowing clown suit with literal energy wings and massive retard pauldrons

You just know a woman wrote this

>literally has strongfat physique only achieved by the worlds top 3 strongest men

controversy creates attention

They're not fat tho. They're bearmode. The women are fat.

imagine the work blizzard had to put in to stretch the armor models over the guys belly!

lazy fucking pricks, naga race never ever

The wings are a pally ability, tourist.

Just make all ogres asexual?

These are useless options when there are SO MUCH more essential things to be added to the game which they still haven't added yet, dumbass bitch

>emily dickinson is high culture
This is the most roastie thing I've ever read

Calm down you sperg.

serious answer? they side with the companies so they can get 'scoops'. look at jason schreier, the most recent and obvious example. diablo immortal controversy happens, he backs blizz, and then not 3 weeks later there's a big 'scoop' by guess who jason screier. it's a symbiotic relationship, the journos boost company PR, the company gives them perks and scoops and in-ties. they all need to be removed, every san fran or new york talentless hack 'journalist' needs to be removed

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You first trannie

Marston is every bit a badass as Arthur. He's probably even more badass. Take a look at how good Arthur's handwriting and drawing is compared to John's

America is just full on cuckmode at this point, spewing its IRL politics into things like gaming needlessly. Not even the "manly" president Trump can't curb the current trends and the liberal fortress that is called California.

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Who would want to play as a tub of lard with legs?

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>Yea Forums can't read

it literally says right next to the picture that the arrangement is "highly arbitrary" you cretins

>Arcade, an establishment that needs to pay rent, machine maintenance, wage of the staff, etc is the same platform as a mobile phone
Jesus these people are fucking retarded.

>bara posting

>not wanting to play as a big fat cunt

Classic can't come soon enough

how is that anything new?

Attached: 1498914347205.webm (462x640, 1.6M)

I've seen about 12 of you with these retarded slutmogs so far.
You are not as funny as you think you are.

>Game of Thrones
What the fuck is this shit?

Attached: WoW PVP.webm (288x360, 672K)

>manly president Trump

Trump is a 72 year old child.

>just "ballet"
you just know there's actual people who think like this.

Attached: 1527788113087.jpg (640x480, 49K)

>Can't play as sticc Kul'Tiran human.
Barafags ruin everything once again.

They got rid of the slider, but they made the tits on your avatar max setting as default.
i'd say it's a win.

The children are the people who kept turning their nose up at every compromise he proposed during the gov shutdown. Trump is an asshole. The dems are children.

>GTA this low

GTA 4 at least has merit as a study item, and for its own meaning, not for any meta study about teen violence or some bullshit like that. There has been at least a publication by a sociology professor in France about it. I'd definitely put that at least above Fifty shades of grey which is about as trashy litteature gets (fan-fiction of a poor romance novel series spun off into its own series).

Kul Tirans are literally smelly obese Walmart Americans and that's a good thing!

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>Jason Schreier
He's still a cuck.

>not high art



>every san fran or new york talentless hack 'journalist' needs to be removed
Youtube is making them all irrelevant. You can already see it happening with news sites like buzzfeed and the like.

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ho Lord

me on the left

Just look at that face.
Somebody got PAID to shit out that turd of a character model AND THE PLAYERS EAT IT UP!

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>ho ho ho, mom said it was my turn to play Wow on the PC!

Resetera loves it because for once it's not a "sexist" male fantasy but a "real, body-positive" woman

Yeah, you just have to get max level then exalted with a faction and complete a quest chain in order to play them then you have to level that from 20 to 120 to experience the current content with it.

That's not even fat.

I’m ready!

Regularfats are disgusting. Musclefats on the other hand...

>the current state of america

Attached: crazy robot.png (481x355, 384K)

Ah yes. The code word for fat fuck.

Left is from XII tho.
Way to out yourself.

>Tfw your whole race is made of fatties
American way of life was a mistake.

They are coming to 14 as a playable race soon.

If big fat fucks put even a fraction of the effort they put into whining about being called big fat fucks into exercising instead then they wouldn't be big fat fucks.

Attached: 1537701568263.gif (512x288, 2.62M)

Fat people are fat because they're lazy, lack self control, and are sedentary. If they were able to exert any amount of real effort, they wouldn't be fat.
t. fat fuck


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>He didn't pick Zandalari Troll Paladin

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This is what happens when you're literally the best country in the world. Having the most personal freedoms means you're free to eat nothing but fast food everyday. Obesity is a real problem.

>telling fat people that being fat is acceptable
>lying to fat people that being fat is healthy

There will be a deep ring of hell waiting for all faggots that do this.

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One thing tho Horde has been so comfy for now since they purged every single faggot out of the faction either by crying that they feel evil for the lore or by giving the Alliance the fatties.
People just play the game for fun and it feels close to that bro attitude of the past.
At least until they add the fucking foxes i guess.

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>euromuslim hates thicc women
figures. If it was a goat you'd be ok with it.

I have nothing but contempt for people who tell fat people being fat is totally okay. When it's a fat person doing it, it's a mix of contempt and pity. I know how it feels to be fat. It's not fucking good. I know, and I know they know. They lie to themselves, saying it's okay to be fat.


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My dick after watching those webms lmoa

Kinda tempted to make a DSP fatass and grief in dungeons

This looks worse than an IMVU model


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post the panda webm.
You know the one.

make way for ogres next bois. The fat human model is prep for them.

>oi mate, you have a licence for that extra head?

They are literally going to use the same model and skeleton and just swap textures.
Calling it now.

do you people even read?
it clearly says "highly arbitrary" on the left

Dios mio la creatura americana

>retailcucks think they matter

the male Kul Tiran is the ideal male body. he's taller than night elves (so over 7 feet), cannonballs for arms and a massive gut of muscle and fat that can absorb a hundred bullets and metabolize the strongest rum

>ufc that low
I'd heem whoever wrote this trash.

>stand around orgrimmar on my undead
>a majority of the playable races are now 10 feet tall
>look like an ant surrounded by tauren, orcs, nightborne, other tauren and 2 kinds of troll
what the fuck

Attached: Untitled.png (422x436, 37K)

>men are strongfat bara bait
>women are just disgusting fat and not chubby qts

T-Thanks. Also, self insert fags are the worst.


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What's the furry bait on the left supposed to be

>Right: Soul
>Left: Soulless

isn't that plate armor

men actually look bearmode strong and its actually cool
its cunts that look extra-retarded

I still don't get what their dances are supposed to be references to

I mean yes, it was embarrassing how little options for characters WoW has

They actually look fucking great though, slim pandas when, I want more body types for races like this.



Especially in a ROLEPLAYING GAME. Maybe I want to roleplay on moonguard as a fat guard that is basically Carl from Aquateen?

Some fags just want to cry about ANYTHING.

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Truly they were, an Aqua Teen Hungah Force

>being such a lorelet you think a Kul'Tiran native would be a town guard in Stormwind

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They're not hairless pandas in lore, too. There's been Kul'Tirans all over the place since the game began.

>A wakfu rip-off and what should be a customization option for the human race
Where does Blizzard get all these cool race ideas?

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Point flew right over your head, didn't it?

so is it confirmed that there not going to be a skelly KT? I know its just a reskin of undead but the models and full customization is already in game.

Why is a whole race of humans all fat?


Final Fantasy 12 Rihanna Rabbit.

WoW should've had bodysliders ten years ago already. And the ability to customise your character's stances and animations, too.


>Vidya should cater to fat autistic retards who can't take care of them self

I still cannot stand to make a human male because their idle stance animation looks so wierd, I dont know what it is, they stand like they are really awkward looking, and their legs are too close together.

>Thank god! I can finally be unhealthy and unattractive in both real life and IN GAME!

were does gundam fit on here?

dudes are peak performance tho

you could play as a rotund panda since 2012, article guy

the audacity of these kikes is reaching levels never seen before...

>male KT human
>looks like a cool dude, feels like they were planned to look this way from the start
>female KT human
>has the "Can I speak with your manager" look, feels like the design was changed at the last minute

I was playing as fat guy in Saints Row, is this person new to video games?

>Bloatmax posting

>GTA that low
>When it's the best parody of American culture and society
>Harry Potter, TBBT, TFA and Modern Family are higher

This, they're straight from /plg/.

i dont know why everyones just calling them fat, theyre supposed to look like they have insane functional strength like strongman competitors, same with the females

Why the fuck is this a new race? why not just add the body type option to humans


Always thought games were shit for not letting me make skinny or fat characters.

>Game of Thrones higher than Fargo

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>Yea Forums in charge of literacy
Literally read the left side

Looks like a steel dumpster with trim on it.

>asshurt Zogstar fag

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world of warcraft : known for beautiful player models

>Grom ran a whole campaign of slaughter and raids against the Night Elves. Not just simply killing their 'god'.
Turns out he was helping the demons and the rest of the orcs literally helped the night elves save the world. The Night Elves went to Thrall's wedding. Dumb Blizzdrone

>Resetera loves it
Why don't you go back there

They should have just expanded character customization for body types.
An entire race of fatasses? That's just retarded.

I know that you only got this because you went on your phone and it was in your articles for you page you fuck because it was there for me this morning too

You poor coping faggots...

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OP mad cuz fat

Insightful commentary

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do you think other western countries somehow restrict your freedom of eating whatever you want?
do you think that's a privilege of burgerland or something? lol

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>game made in 2003 looks bad in 2019

Is ending the faction conflict like it looks they're doing going to be the final nail in the coffin, or would it actually be a good thing to avoid stale rehashes of the same story over and over again?

>world of warcraft is the first mmo to let you be an old fat baldman with a 10 inch dick to mindbreak fantasy races

For the most part it's a perfectly acceptable list, just with Game of Thrones too high (political 'drama' doesn't make up for unimaginative writing), and GTA and UFC too low despite them being 'smarter' (they're probably there because whoever wrote this just sees them as 'violent').

>wow bad

>Finnegans Wake at the very top
O boy I am laffan

>The original "Intelligent, nihilistic, and a wicked sense of humor"
>High art

At least they could have gone with MacBeth or Julius Caesar. Shakespeare was only ascended to "high art" long after his death anyway.

is it better now or what? did they fix anything important?

I actually wanted this back when I played years ago because disgusting fatbodies are my fetish, but I feel at this point they added them for the
wrong reasons. Body positivity just kills it for me. I feel like I'd get banned for fat shaming.


more hilariously GTA is under GoT.

I don't play the game anymore because the expansions are fucking shit, but it's great that we have playable Americans now.

>I feel like I'd get banned for fat shaming.
reported for sure

B-but when I call them fat fucking pigs its a term of endearment.

Not true. I'm 300 pounds and 99% of the time I'm sitting on my ass or laying in bed. Just going grocery shopping once a month makes me sore for 2 days and joint pain is a bitch.

I'd recommend sit ups and pushups, at least 10. But i'm afraid you'll die of heart attack.

I too cannot immerse myself in something not directly related to myself and my immediate reality. That's why I only play forklift simulator after a hard day of work in the warehouse

Can he absorb my seed though?

Orcs are americans. Kul Tirans are quintessentially welsh.

Skyrim with a unique set of mods. Visit some sites and you'll get what you need.

>Ultimate Fighting

>Implying Heem is not a fine art

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here i was thinking rpgs were about the fantasy of not being a fat fuck

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>think putting highly arbitrary in as a disclaimer shields you from putting this abomination onto paper

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The WOW aesthethics should have died in the 90s

>Let's add sexy bunnies and uh, what classes were fans asking for? Fungi are, dancer, and blue mage? Eh, add 'em all, why not?
>stretch the human model and call it a new race and call it good lol

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>zootopia that low
Shit was the only good thing WDAS put out in like a decade and a half.

Yeah, but anyone putting the New York Times that high needs to be shot.

there is so much wrong with what you just said

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>Voluntarily playing as Alliance post WotLK


It is now allowed to legally kill Leif Johnson.