What games do you play when lonely

What games do you play when lonely

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i install gentoo

persona 4


Anything distracting.
Usually with an added layer of noise in the form of internet people talking. It's pretty much the exact same thing the normals do to drown out themselves, except without involving real people.

>tfw 30 year old virgin
>start thinking about how ill never experience the warmth and softness of someone's skin

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Games where I can chat in text with other people, because getting on the mic is too hard.

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russian roulette

installing gentoo was actually pretty fun, messed with it in qemu before installing it for real and heavily customized it

osrs, I'll just play some minigames like pest control where there are always a ton of people around

how do I enter your super secret club girl who sniffs hair?

get bullied online

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I still havent installed it im lazy
F. I have and then I just want MORE. Tfw no bf
what does your voice sound like
there is no secret club

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but I am already bullied by everyone online

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Warframe when lonely, with friends, sad, sick, healthy, happy, sleepy, wake.

A bunch of my friends say that they like it or that it's cute, but it sounds nasally and bad to me. It cracks kind of a lot when I'm nervous, so talking to new people just makes it worse.

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the dashboard menu

kill urselves

Get bullied NERD
Post vocaroo right now

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Mass Effect, but the shit game won’t run at a decent frame rate on my laptop anymore. I know o had finally sound a fox and had it stable but now it’s always ~35 with dips into the teens.


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Just stare at my wallpapers that cycle through on wallpaper engine

hey keep it down in here
shut up

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This thread is gay, like REALLY fucking gay. Get fucked. No wait, you people would like that.

But I’m never lonely when I’m on Yea Forums - the vidya.

Now! Or else
huh huh hmm
No u

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angry anime girl is scary...

n-no I wouldn't

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Holy fucking based

Tales of.

I never play Tales because they're horrible games with one exception; comfy sunday afternoons with a glass of scotch and an existentially lonely vibe. They're distinctly warm, comfy and the character interactions and quirks are organic-seeming and well-written in literally almost every one of the games.

Nothing to write home about in terms of gameplay, but Tales really scratches the sadness and loneliness itch and makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside about the world.

I am convinced this is why they sell. I also buy them all as they come out, and often don't play them but one session every few months when feeling down on a breezy sunday.

Posting imageis of lolis doesnt make you cute

uhhhhhhh I think it does, user.

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unironically monster hunter, preferably one of the older ones. i played for 8 hours last night. if you find a good room with people of your skill level it's the best thing in the world. running quests, learning monsters, laughing at randos who come in, cart a bunch and leave in shame, getting that last mat you need for a new weapon and trying it out in the next mission. using gestures with your buddies. fluke and trick kills. taking a break to run gathering quests and going back to kick the ass of the hunt you'd been working on. exchanging guild cards with your new bros at the end of the night and looking at the cards of all the people you hunted with.

seriously at the end of a good monster hunter session it feels like i was on a different planet. for a few hours i almost understand what it's like to have friends, and ambitions, and accomplishments.

does posting shotas make me cute?

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Summer lesson.

All of them because I'm always lonely.

>tfw spend hundreds of hours on MH, between 3U, 4U, and Gen
>tfw never played online multiplayer

When lonely I play mmorpg and erp

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