Playing the very first SMT game as my entry point in the series, how much do the sequels improve upon it...

Playing the very first SMT game as my entry point in the series, how much do the sequels improve upon it? Because goddamn I don't know how much I can stomach random encounters while exploring dungeons and the very trial-and-error demon negotation bullshit.

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Blah blah blah. Downvoted.

>how much do the sequels improve upon it
slight improvement in SMT 2 and then the series enters a mach 5 death spiral of casual normalfaggotry

Playing SMTI as your first entry is not advised. It shows its age and even people experienced with the modern games have a difficult time getting into it.

If you want I can give you advice on how to make it not as bad but firstly I would suggest just playing a more modern entry. Nocturne or IV are better to start with really.

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1 is as rough as it gets, 2 is better but it's likely going to give you the same problems.

If it's too much try Nocturne instead and explore the series from there if you like it, you can revisit 1 and 2 later when you're ready.

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>when you're ready
you will never be ready. they are the kind of games you have to put effort into to get something out of them, which is why SMT 1 and 2 are easily the best in the series by miles.

SMT starts with Nocturne

slit your own throat

You should start with SMT IV, older titles are heavily outdated.

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>gameplay is nerve or freeze your way to victory
Yea sure

can i emulate it

>Sit in SMT IVs start menu to listen to that banging ass track for a half hour then go play Nocturne

>they are the kind of games you have to put effort into to get something out of them
Ah yes, all the "effort" of knowing how to minmax to recruit enemies that break the fusion mechanic in half and lets you fuse whatever the fuck you want right at the beginning of the game. Such a well-designed and balanced game.

Sure. Download Citra.

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I love SMTI and SMTII but I feel you're being a little extreme. While they have great moments, the nukes dropping in SMTI is honestly one of the most memorable moments in any game to me they still feel too rough for me to be able to revisit them as often as I do the modern games. SMTI's archaic design and SMTII's insane backtracking make them worth playing in my opinion but I wouldn't deny that they have been improved upon greatly.

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lmao who cares about balance in a singleplayer game.

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lmao who cares about you

I'm still mad about SMTxFE.

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>that break the fusion mechanic in half and lets you fuse whatever the fuck you want right at the beginning of the game
user, there are a hundred things you can complain about with SMTI but why make up something?

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Your mom cares about me, lmao get rekt nerd

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This should be a Kamen Rider big bad.

>hurr i looked up how to destroy the game on gamefaqs and ruined it for myself because im too much of a casual faggot to beat it on my own. everyone's experience completing the game was the same as mine

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#FE is gorgeous.

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This is the gayest game ever made, fucking a man up the ass is less homosexual than this.

>play SMT3 as my first entry in the series
>get filtered out by that Specter boss in Amala Network
I feel bad I couldn’t even get to the point where I could be filtered by Matador.

The demons in SMTIV were designed by veteran artists who worked in the sentai/toku scene, it's why so many of them look weird. They're not terrible but they clash heavily with the aesthetic of megaten.

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oh no he's mad

mad and coping


SMT 1 is not a lot of fun.
Without a guide you will walk around for hours trying to advance the story.

Maybe so, but I expected more SMT and less fashion modeling. It's like expecting a rock album to come and you get fucking jpop.

>the game's design sucks so I'll ignore it because it's single-player
cope retard

It's not made-up. Human+Demon fusion has some crazy rules that pretty much allows you to break the entire game.

The very next sequel has far better pacing, storytelling, level design, and I think some of the menus are faster, I haven't played in a while. 3 and above drop the grid based movement completely, but there are spinoff titles that use it.

ur mom is mad about these nutz, neeeeerd

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You can get some crazy results thanks to triple fusion, yes, but even then you can't fuse stuff that is above your level anyway. Even if you have the demons capable of making a demon the 50's you won't be able to fuse it until you yourself are in your 50's. The fact that all demons have predetermined spells as well actually makes fusion even more tedious as you will will have to view various fusions just to see what demons not only have good stats, but decent spells as well.

SMT has not aged perfectly but I think you're either doing something wrong or that it's not really your cup of the if it's that much a burden. The battles are very fast, encounter rates and dungeons don't get terribly annoying until later on and mechanics never overwhelm you. Do you have the hacked rom with the mapping tool? Are you utilizing guns well? Are you indentifying yourself when asked?

I played the game legit you faggot. Doesn't change that the game's design is broken and saying that it "requires effort" is going full retard because this, just like most "difficult" old games retards like you keep praising on Yea Forums, are "guide-selling games" where 80% of the game's challenge comes not from clever game design or strategy, but due to bumping around blindly on its unexplained mechanics like an idiot because the creators either wanted to get an extra buck out of you or because they just wanted to prolong the game's length.

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