KH2's prologue was _______

KH2's prologue was _______.

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pointless. after kh3's disappointment. couldn't care less about the stupid series now. fuck disney.

too long

Xehanort was a misguided good guy all along

boring as shit, and I'm amazed all the up and coming millennials who managed to get past such a terribly paced, plodding mess of an introduction. Come to think of it, KH 1's intro was so fucking bad too.

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not nearly as good as people pretend it is

>t-that means movie theater!!!
fuck off boomer

the only good thing about this pile of shit series

>KH3 makes it's introduction fast and to the point
>ends up being the most forgettable intro if the main KH games

Really makes you think

KH2's prologue is Pictures?

Photos, retard.




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Amazing and provided a very strong juxtaposition to the beginning of Sora's journey.




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Very intresting narrative wise. I can only imagine all the shitposting if it release today though
>Imagine waiting X years to play a game, and you don’t even get to play as the main character for hours



Nigga it's the best part of the game for about 25 hours


user BTFO

Confusing as hell for mooks like me who didn't play Chain of Memories back in the day, but I still think everything about Roxas's character establishes him to be more interesting and sympathetic than Sora as a protagonist.

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>T. System Shock 2 Protag.


God going from suffering through clunky KH1 combat and then suddenly getting Dual Wield and button mashing Axel to death was amazing.

Aqua's long slender legs!
Aqua's armpits!
Aqua's strong heart!


>tfw no childhood friend gf

Not nearly as long as you remember it. It was only long when you were a kid because you were retarded back then


but why?

i am darkness

Why not light?


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i like darkness





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Okay, I believe you

I'm playing 0.2 right now and trying to get the last trophy for the 51 objectives and how the FUCK do I beat Zodiac boss rush Phantom Aqua with the style move and no damage on Proud? I get combo blitzed to oblivion every fucking time.

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Okay I believe you.

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Okay. I believe you

better than KH3's

Will we ever get a kino villain like Ansem SoD ever again?

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a summer vacation that ended.

Vanitas was great


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We already did.

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effective at building an emotional connection to a character that the audience had no prior knowledge of in a short amount of time


So Sora was physically there in destiny islands before he thanks snapped tf out of there debate me

Why was BBS's story so fucking bad? Was it the Star Wars story? Did it take itself too seriously?

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>Xehanort had nothing as cool as this

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Did Nomura lose what made him based? KH3 was quite a disappointment but I feel that a couple of updates and a Final mix release can undo some or most of the damage.

Its mostly because they didnt handle Terra's side all that well to give him a proper motivation and refine his character dynamic with Ventus/Aqua. He spent most of his time aimlessly wandering around and being led on by others to make messes, just to find some old man for most of his story.

The chair thing was pretty cool, but it should have been used as the climax like Xemnas's light show.

Alrighty faggots. Time to argue with the real questions around here. In terms of potential story and immersiveness, better to go from KH1 to KH2 or KH1, CoM, to KH2? I originally felt today KH1, CoM, to KH2 was better but now I truly understand that Nomura wanted at least some of the player base to be as clueless as Sora. It truly was a magnificent idea to have Sora be just as confused as you are and if you were interested in the organization characters enough, to go back and plsy CoM or Re:CoM as a "gaiden" type of "spinoff".

I understand that there are failsafes written in if someone happened to go right from KH1 to KH2, but I really can't think of any media franchise in history where it's not ideal to watch/play the entries in release order.

I agree
>Fully fleshed out and explorable Olympus
>Finally let off the leash a bit to fight new heartless
>Lots of verticality
>The Deep End OST reprisal during the first encounter with rock titan
>James Woods tired of Sora's shit
>HD Megara
>Tornado titan was okay
All in all a good first world. I did not appreciate the Kingdom Hearts 2.9 shit though.

watch stickman shams video.

Devil May Cry, user.

I didn't play CoM either but KH2 does a good job of explaining everything anyway.

KH2's intro was pure kino and more memorable than KH1's fetch quests and KH3's literal nothing.

Even then you're just skipping one completely, not taking them out of order

Completely pointless because they could have just shoved his soul in a replica body?

KH1 - ReCoM/CoM - KH2 was always the intended order and was released in that order as well. You have to be retarded to not play CoM before KH2. If you hate the card system so much then just watch the cutscenes since nothing important storywise happens in the memory worlds.


But then so was the rest of the game.

I mean only if you have future knowledge that Nobodies can grow hearts, which no one did at the time. Sora needed Roxas in order to be a full power and back then being a Nobody was considered a meaningless existence anyway.

>and back then being a Nobody was considered a meaningless existence anyway.
That was never the case. Even characters in KH2 questioned whether or not Nobodies were actual people with hearts of their own as seen with Ansem the wise and his regret with fucking over Roxas.

user there are still people who argue in the threads whether you whether you can just play 345 or go 3145 or 1345

At the time, the only ones with access to the Replica shit were Vexen and anyone who worked with him, most likely, and Roxas himself still held Sora's memories needed to complete him. The replica shit only worked out because Ansem the Wise had enough Data from Roxas' simulation to re-create his memories/some of his heart that could serve to house his actual (grown) heart later once a connection was made between the two.

meant for

The peak of the entire series and a testament to how good it could be if it mostly abandoned the Disney stuff.

It was great but Toy Box almost immediately surpassed it.

I'm not hating on the card system. It's enjoyable on the GBA. There's slight intricacies in the story that you don't see in the rest of the games nor stuff that are really touched upon because of the series plot still being written; such as Sora murdering "people" and smelling darkness. It really gives a different tone and mood that feels more like something from a light novel instead. Unfortunately this view can be deemed too heretical for some people, but I feel that some day there will be people who can truly understand what I mean.

>how good it could be if it mostly abandoned the Disney stuff.
The Disney villain plotline in KH1 was good, fag.

Very, very gay. But that's the whole point of the series.

KH2 wasn't bro-

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Is "But it mattered all the way back in KH1" really the only defense of the Disney stuff you can think of? I'm not even saying they should get rid of characters like Donald, Goofy, Mickey, Merlin or Yen Sid that actually contribute to the story but spending more than half of each game going through kids movies that don't move the plot forward is a waste of time that takes away from the things that actually work about the series.


Complete and utter garbage, who gives a fuck about these boring ass oc characters and doing boring ass jobs, which eventually lead to nowhere. Thanks for wasting my time shit intro

based...and cute!

git gud
Seriously, she telegraphs all her attacks and there is at least one counter-measure for every one.

>I didn't play CoM either but KH2 does a good job of explaining everything anyway.
no its not
playable riku have his DARKNESS moveset from kh1, you cant have this shit in any other kh


>There's slight intricacies in the story that you don't see in the rest of the games nor stuff that are really touched upon because of the series plot still being written; such as Sora murdering "people" and smelling darkness. It really gives a different tone and mood that feels more like something from a light novel instead.
especially riku playthrough.

the only good bit of story in the series