Just finished Ultimate DOOM, what should I expect in DOOM 2?

Just finished Ultimate DOOM, what should I expect in DOOM 2?

Attached: DOOMep4.jpg (1024x640, 133K)

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I long to go back to when I had time to just play DOOM all the fucking time

I still have my plutonia quicksave that I left off on

just more doom
gimmicky nonsensical levels
more enemies
super shotgun

I hope you like Sandy Petersen. He didn't hit his stride until Quake.

A better game

Chaingunners and archviles

more mods

Shittier level designs and a gun you'll use 90% of the time.

>A better game

Attached: 1544316202297.png (340x359, 183K)


>More Doom.
>Blowing things away with the super shotgun.
>It's just really one really big game with no episode breakup
It's good.

Maze-like clusterfuck levels.
New annoying enemy types
Chainsaw is good. But you'll be using the super shot gun the whole time anyway.

Expect a puzzle game but with a DOOM reskin

Play with pistolstart only.

Bigger better version of doom.

Super shotgun

Doom 64 a best

Shitty level design.

name 5 (FIVE) shitty levels that aren't The Pit, Chasm, and the Catacombs

the citadel, needing to find a secret to finish the level is a shitty idea

well, you tried.

Which secret?

>holding a rabbit head fastly
is doomguy autistic or just a sick fuck?

I'm excited for it Yea Forums

Attached: doom eternal.jpg (800x450, 41K)

That is the head of his pet rabbit, Daisy. The reason his is so mad is because demons killed her.

i know the lore, but the way he's holding it (a severed head, no less) doesn't seem to look too honoring towards a dear lost pet, is all i'm saying

the yellow and blue keys have hidden door secrets to get them
