Remember how everyone began using Steam because it was "such good service"?

Remember how everyone began using Steam because it was "such good service"?

Yeah, me neither.

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Other urls found in this thread:

what a cool saturday night you must be having

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This everyone used it because it was the best service and it still is excluding gog

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Are they called Tencent because that's what you get each time you spam this?

>good prices
but they're the same prices?

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It was a good service
Better than going to the store and buying a boxed CD that's going to sit around taking up space

i never thought there would be anything more retarded than console wars but with them basically all being shit, people have resorted to digital download store wars.

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Metro Exodus is $10 less than it was when it was still on Steam.

post yfw you didn't install the Epic Spyware Store

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You know you could just pay Hiroshimoot to make you a cycling pinned thread instead of making a new thread over and over.
He'll do anything for enough money.

Remember when Epic didn't mine your data and sell it to china?

Yeah, me neither.

Fuck off, chinese shill.

>Steam vs Epic platformwars General #59
Shouldn't this be on /vg/

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Why would you bother offering better prices when you have exclusivity? Seems redundant. When you have exlusivity, you're not in competition so you don't have to offer incentives.

Fuck your social credit score.

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I've never had a single problem with Steam, not one, ever, and I've gotten games on insane sale and been able to try hundreds of games for free. I also have access to friends lists, a shitload of reviews, forums, and customer support.
Literally the only thing I could possibly bitch about is the entire concept of licensing games as a service and DRM bullshit, but most of Steam's games you can play offline anyway unless they're, of course, online-only games.

You guys are straight fags. How is some other service going to be so much better? Please, tell us.


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sage, stop making this thread

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>mental illness

How many times are you gonna make this thread?

Exodus is $60 on Epic

>muh steam is a monopoly!!!
Steam doesn't have to buy out exclusives, they're the biggest kid on the block because for a long time, Steam was THE launcher and marketplace for PC. That, combined with all the sales, made them the titan they are now. People installed Steam because it WAS a good service, you could get games for half the price of anywhere else.

Epic does the same thing Steam did, just a decade too late.

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>they're the biggest kid on the block because for a long time, Steam was THE launcher and marketplace for PC.

Wow totally not a monopoly

It's market dominance, not a monopoly. They were the first, became the biggest. Being the biggest marketplace was a reasonable argument for publishers and consumers to use it alone.
They never forced exlusivity for any games, except their own games, which is obvious.

Being a monopoly isn't wrong if your competition literally doesn't exist.

Then compete with them you fucking faggot. Oh shit you failed by every metric it is possible to fail in? Tough fucking luck that's the market. Your contract will expire and we'll be rid of your shitposts

why do you hate the free market? oh wait you're a chink, they don't like capitalism

>good prices
when is epic doing 50+% sales on a significant portion their library

The desperation is real.

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throw down some 70% sales and maybe someone will give a shit. thats some real advice. no one will give a shit until that happens.
those so into the worlds issues arent that large of a populace. the ones who want to buy games at 70% off are much more powerful in numbers.

yeah because they didn't. literally everyone hated steam when it first started and didn't want it to be a thing either. then they got used to it and in time it grew to become a good service. now it's basically got a monopoly and valve became fat and lazy off of it and know they can do whatever the fuck they want and not ever have to make games again because idiots will cream their pants seeing a 30% off deal for games they probably won't even play even after they've bought them.

>what is Origin and Uplay (not) trying and fucking up for a decade.
GOG may have been on the sideline, but at least it's a good alternative whose existence isn't vehemently despised constantly. And even IF Steam was a monopoly, they're a pretty shitty one by money-grubbing investor standards. That's a good for us, in case it needs pointing out.
Clear signs of a moron who acts on labels instead of context, fuck off Chang.

Steam's a monopoly!
>except Blizzard exclusively published through since the start
>and EA exclusively publishes through Origin for the last decade
>and Bethesda are trying to publish through, whos fuck-ups should show that Valve actually does have to put work into the back-end of Steam
> sells indie games but it's pretty much a porn games on their store, I think, because it's the last/only resort for a certain kind of game
Now, of course indie shit won't be sold on those stores since they're actually curated storefronts and free of indie SHIT so they scream Gaben is to blame that their greenlit indie games don't sell and it's all his fault. And then Sweeny comes up and says DAYUM YOU SHITTY LOW-EFFORT PIXEL SHIT GAME YOU LOOKIN' SO FINE RIPPING OFF MEATBOY OR XCOM, IMMA PAY YOU AN EXCLUSIVITY BRIBE TO MY STORE. OH SHIT IS THAT A SHITTY LORE-BREAKING OPEN WORLD SANDBOX CRAFTING GAME BUT WITH 100% MORE EUROJANK? YOU KNOW I GOTTA GO PAY A BOTTLE OF VODKA FOR THAT Fallout76/Ark/RUST CLONE, METRO EXODUS.

no? I remember using it because it had half life 2. No other reason and you're probably a zoomer if this isn't the case for you.


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I started pirating because of Steam, fuck paying for digital distribution. The only games I pay for are the rare DRM free physical release PC gets and sometimes I buy a physical copy of an old game I pirated if I like it enough. I tried to get people to boycott Valve into bankruptcy after they launched Steam but no one listened. Steam was the consolization of PC.

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Woaaaaahh! Devs get more money! That means that they'll sell their games for less!!


I only started using Steam when physical media was hard to find. I'm not going to start giving Tencent money for buying exclusivity, I'll just wait or not play the game.

>I started pirating because of Steam

Whoa bro, you're not allowed to say that.

>Steam was the consolization of PC.

Hilarious given that if Steam hadn't gained a foothold publisher likely still wouldn't consider the PC a relevant platform and would have still seen it as dead. The 90s were never coming back

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And you're different from OP how?

t. gay nigga from twitter

Winnie the Pooh

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Console marked is at it's deathbed despite all those exclusives (don't listen to snoyfags), getting exclusives is literally a crime since you are monopolizing a product and it starts to fail pretty damn fast because there are so many alternatives that you waste more money on having the exclusive rights than actually gaining from it.

>look mom I posted the same thread again

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t. retard who knows nothing about this business

>Remember how everyone began using Steam because it was "such good service"?
Well i did.

The fact that there has been numerous competitors to steam but this one, one of the objective worse ones that is also owned by a company nobody even likes, gets so much totally not shilled crap supporting it is reason enough for anyone with a brain not to use it.
Obviously there's fags just trying to stir shit pretending to shill it but besides that this is one of the most blatant viral marketing campaigns Yea Forums has seen.

>I posted it again!

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This is the first legit competition to Steam

When Origin gave out free games? I didn't make an account to get them.

When Epic Store gave out free games? I signed up first day.

quick rundown about what's so bad about epic? selling what to China?

>This is the first legit competition to Steam
just stop

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You weren't old enough to remember when Steam was just a shitty DRM to play HL2

>if you aren't partying and fucking whores every week you're a loser
I remember being 14

>quick rundown about what's so bad about epic?
Here's a decent explanation about the negatives of Epic's store that avoids dumb mentioning of China
>No cloud saves
>Only basic controller support
>No modding platform
>Ironically, actual Chinese customers can't buy games on Epic's store
>No Linux support whatsoever
>No free key generation for publishers to sell to third-party distributors which will result in competing prices (and it won't ever happen given that someone directly asked Tim about this and he dodged the answer)
>Scrapes your Steam data without your permission (which is a violation of GDPR) and claims that it's for if you ever want to link friends lists even though Epic takes all of your games played data as well as your wishlist too (and other things)
>Instead of using its vast Fortnite money to directly fund new studios and produce new games that wouldn't have existed otherwise, Epic moneyhats already existing games to take them away from other storefronts

Well, Steam is a service that isnt owned by fucking chinks who force spyware onto your computer.

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>He posted the thread again
No I don't want to install another launcher, and I don't care about exclusives. If I wanted this sort of experience I would buy a console.

Hanekawa is the best girl and it's the fact

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>rare DRM free physical release PC
You only find those in Europe and definitely not by mainstream publishers.

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Reminder that there is still absolute ZERO (0) evidence that Epic is being controlled by China and that Epic Games Launcher is Chinese spyware. The only spying that Epic has been proven to have been doing is spying on all of your steam data so that they can inform their business decisions. no where in that equation is china involved.

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at this point, it doesnt really matter who controls the spyware.

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>its spyware, but don't worry, its not chinese so its okay!
Lmao, whatever you say

Epic Shills are truly pathetic pieces of shit

there's a big difference. yeah, its still really shitty of Epic and you should not be using the Epic store until they get their shit together, but there's a world of difference between taking your steam data and analyzing it to inform business decisions and taking literally every bit of data of your computer and intercepting your network traffic and sending it all to the Chinese government so that they can use it in their conspiracy to undermine the West. rhetoric matters, and the racist rhetoric is misleading and has no place in this thread.

Some of that will be added

yeah because you totally did that at 14

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You only push Epic because you know very well it's killing PC gaming.


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you should not use it even after they stop spying, because 100% they will only say they stopped while still doing it. epic is untrustworthy

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People hate shitposters like you. Fuck off back to China. GoG is 1000 times better and nobody is talking about it however. A shity client with viral marketing comes in and suddenly it's the best thing ever

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shut the fuck up chang

GoG is better and Epic is literally stealing Steam info and login tokens

>nobody is talking about it
because it has no users lmao

Why you doned it?

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Epic Store is useless to me. I need to know which games are shit. Because most games are infact shit and I want to know this information quickly from both a culture and technical perspective. If you do not provide a review system similar to Steam (if not the same as.) I simply will not use it. No other incentive matters to me. Answer my demands or be forever relegated to the back of my mind.

spoken like a true shill

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Has epic made any games besides UT2004, GoW and Fortnite, lol?

Remember how steam bought out exclusivity on games that were already being presold on other platforms? Remember how steam then gave companies the option to disable reviews so their game can't look bad?

Yeah, me either.

>Distributor with several different competitors like Uplay, Origin,, Bethesda Launcher, gog,, etc
>Is the most preferred for consumers thanks to it's library and features as it's competitors can't deliver

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Using wikipedia is so complicated.

Epics main focus isnt game studio. they put much more effort into unreal engine.

Valve is now machine removing reviews they consider offtopic such as complaints about drm and eula. They say "general" gamers don't care about such things so it's offtopic. They decide what the "general" gamer cares about.

Which is coincidentally things publishers get butthurt over and thus have to be removed from the store score.

>Remember how steam then gave companies the option to disable reviews so their game can't look bad?

This new change is just as bad

>Fortnite Battle Royale

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In this situation I would prefer a monopoly. I don't want to have 6 different game library applications installed on my computer, and have to remember which games are in which libraries.

This is what happens when you make an actually decent engine devs want to use

Japanese devs have taken to UE4 like ducks to water - I can easily see Japs selling on Epic Store soon, removing Steams only advantage of selling good weeb games

valve only is doing this now because they know they can get away with it while all their valve drones are busy calling everyone chinks and in full valve defense mode. i cant wait for them to provide free damage control to your reply

>This is what happens when you make an actually decent engine devs want to use

Forgot to mention, unlike Source

And unlike Steam, UE4 has competition with Unity.

The ideal thing would be having no game library apps installed at all.

I hate Epic Gay Store but at the same time I want to see Steam get BTFO a little bit so they strive to improve it. Of every single program I have on Windows, Steam is the most pain in the ass when it comes to resolution changes, scaling, and multiple monitors. It just goes wherever the fuck it wants, sometimes it's blown up to 4 times sometimes it's 4 times to small, zoomed in, zoomed out, doubled up, unresponsive to where your mouse actually is, I can't fucking stand it. Yesterday I was playing DMC5 and since I wasn't playing the game on the screen that Windows started in, someone sent me a message and the Steam overlay bugged, my game literally froze until I minimized and maximized again. If any program should work well switching between multiple monitors, it's this piece of shit.
I've come to love it over time, but I'll never forget how it all started for me, forced to use it just to play Counter-Strike only to be greeted by a broken friends list that wasn't fixed for three years.

im sure japs would want to sell their games to fortnite audience, yeah so much sales. i wonder if epic will even allow anime lolis on their store

>"lmao, nobody cares about having a usable client with good features, we're just going to buy out as much of the software as possible and try and cuck valve out of the market that way."
imagine thinking epic are the good guys in this equation.

the biggest studios always choose Unreal over Unity.

>Which is coincidentally things publishers get butthurt over and thus have to be removed from the store

It's cool, It's sort of like wack-a-mole for people like me. I can read all these crazy reviews and user feedback before they clamp down. Inturn I learn if a game is shit based off that moderation behavior. It's meta as shit dude. My system of finding good games is flawless.

>In this situation I would prefer a monopoly
wow shills do exist. yes, a monopolyy is such a great thing to have

>while all their valve drones are busy calling everyone chinks and in full valve defense mode

Why do Valve drones hate competition? Also they keep bringing up exclusives, but Diablo is exclusive to GOG and not on Steam, yet Steam drones don't freak out. Here's why:

They don't consider GoG real competition - and they shouldn't.

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the biggest studios have their own engines

If they're looking to compete, they should meet minimal standards, valve has raised the bar for 'minimum' simply by virtue of existing longer and developing said features over more than a decade.

Imagine not knowing Steam was awful, shitty DRM with no features back then

not always. borderland 3 is in unreal. street fighter 5 and dragon ball fighters are in unreal. from soft is also learning unreal engine.

Unless they're shitters like Obsidian with the Pillars games.

>Own hundreds of games on Steam already.
How do they expect someone like me to switch to their service unless they offer something undoable like a full library transfer? I'm sure that goes for most people here too.

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>no forums so I can't even talk about any issues I have with their exclusives and get some help

>valve has raised the bar for 'minimum' simply by virtue of existing longer and developing said features over more than a decade.

Like the thing Valve drones claim is a necessary minimum: Steam reviews?

Reminder that, Humble Bundle, Fanatical, Origin, Bethesda Launcher or uPlay don't have user reviews either.

Yet I've seen tards on Yea Forums claim uPlay or Origin are better than Epic Store - and I don't see it.

I can't wait to smear my dick into the faces of Steam users that have made this claim when Epic Store adds user reviews in a couple months

>Humble Bundle
They do feature Steam reviews.

>I can't use Reddit, Twitter or Gamefaqs or god forbid - Yea Forums, the very site you're posting on

I feel redpilled all of a sudden

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But not the user reviews that they have to moderate like Steam has to

Epic could do this with using the user score from Metacritic, yet you'd still bitch.

thats what they are working on dipshit. thats why they are buying exclusivity,

You don't need to switch any more than you would need to exclusively switch to buying from walmart and never using amazon.

It's more about the chink thing, it's geopolitical. For decades chinamen have pulled similar investment schemes in other industries. It's why you've heard bitching from middle america since the late 80's. Now you're hearing bitching from their children. Not saying I think there is anything wrong with china sticking its dick in everything, but we do have to acknowledge the patterns and behaviors.

Nice that you're spouting false information. They won't remove any reviews, periods that classify as "review bombing" will just not show in the overall score. On top of this you can also opt out of that system.

notice how the valve drones ignore this post

>On top of this you can also opt out of that system.

You could opt out of Steam hiding your games, but that still screwed over the Steamspy guy because a huge swatch of Steam users just left it as default settings.

Epic store sucks

Call me when they have prepaid cards to add cash

At least i can gift my pc gamer friends those for thier birthdays with steam

I didn't ignore him, but he ignored me. He's being kind of a cunt

No one is going through the hassle of going into their preferences to see reviews Steam removed. This is done so 99% of the population go on the store page and see the Valve approved* score.

>Call me when they have prepaid cards to add cash

This. Would also stop crying from Steam spergs about stolen credit card info

They have those fortnite cards at 7/11, just make that the Epic Store money

Hell this is the third thread with the same op and image. Dude needs to buy ads.


Steam and Origin have them

Why not epic?

probably less then 99%

everyone loves some good outrage, it's why twitter is so awesome and cool. Steam wants to be twitter... kek


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Ohh noooo, not the Steamspy guy, who obtains Steam sales data while not providing any for EGS, which he actually works for. Not to mention he locked any useful data for Steamspy behind patreon, so you'll have to do with worthless VGChartz-tier guesses otherwise.

You are a dickhead.

Damn how sad RIP steam, reminds me of that time Google ruined Facebook with their own social network and that time Sony killed VHS.

Seriously if they are new as fuck in this business and don't really have much to offer as a platform yet why is getting so shilled? it only makes it look worse than it is, Steam didn't get decent in years so why should we expect Epic to suddenly be any good when it just launched?

>brags about spending half of his monthly gulag salary on Chinese spyware service

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you can rip on nearly everything about the Epic Store but the one thing that tim does understand correctly is that it needs games, and if devs aren't moving over voluntarily then hes going to need to provide a little "incentive"

The best part of early steam was the integrated servers for TF2, CS, DoD, Ricochet and what ever. The friends list was better then and supported a lot more games.

>so why should we expect Epic to suddenly be any good when it just launched?

This is literally the point I've been arguing that Steam drones have been denying "hur it should be good at launch!!!1"

If Epic didn't want it shouldn't be trying to swipe for every game trying to make it their store exclusive like they've tried with Cyberpunk.

Maybe people slowly realize what hey are giving up for these one stop shop services.

You're either a moron or a child. A monopoly is merely a concept, one that is only easier to exploit given it's nature. That doesn't magically suggest monopolies are inherently bad, nor does it equate to any inverse scenarios where they're exempt from the same potential exploitation. Context, nigga.

I just hate having to download fucking launchers. Between Ubisoft games requiring me to have Uplay downloaded, steam, origin, proprietary launchers for MMOs, launchers that launch other launchers l,and now epic store exclusive games. I feel like the fucking grinch. This shit is getting insane and making me just want to pirate everything from now on just so I can have some semblance of organization.

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>giving your cc info to chinks
you are asking for it

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The exclusives are why Steam drones are freaking out in the first place. First there's denial


Then Steam drones enter the anger phase


Then Steam drones enter the bargaining phase


Then soon we'll be in depression and acceptance

Exactly. Why should I use Epic when the existing alternative, Steam, is already available.

>Yea Forums
>Yea Forums of all fucking things being ever useful when you need it to
Steam at least tries to offer a service that is more likely to give you exactly the help you need if you have a problem with a game they have, even when I pirated the game I have found useful info there that is more easy to find on Google than a thread on gamefaqs, not my problem that Epic can't keep up with the times and make the experiences of their users more convenient

I'd bet a thousand bucks that fucking nothing is going to happen.

Theyre not a monopoly by nature or by market manipulation, theyre a monopoly because nobody has come close to being able to compete with them.

Every other store that has tried is just fucking abysmal, offering like 20% of the features steam has and hardly offering sales, meanwhile on Steam there is literally hundreds of sales and deals per day. Other stores also run like shit and respect customer privacy less.

They wouldnt be a monopoly if somebody made the effort to fucking compete with them

>replying to the shitposting steam drones

that was automated reply from spic store malware

>On top of this you can also opt out of that system.
The dick move on valve's part is making the switch mandatory for everyone without a direct notice. If users were notified and presented the options immediately upon viewing their next game, there'd be less reasons to bitch about it. Instead, people will be affected by this without them knowing. And that's just very sly.

Oh no! Anything, but our self-published indies! Metro Exodus is the only genuine exclusive people wanted.

No one removed your posts. Everyone else just won't see your posts because it occurred during a period of other posts we deemed off topic but everyone can see it by sending a request to opt out of our new anti off topic initiative via post mail to Yea Forums INC at our Missouri offices. Again no one removed your posts. :) That is just false information.

Oh that's reminds me...
REMINDER: Epic obtains their exclusives by offering devs a minimum guaranteed sales amount. This means that if the game does not sell as much as promised then Epic will pay them the difference.
In other words you can pirate any Epic exclusives and the devs will still get the money.

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>Metro Exodus is the only genuine exclusive people wanted.


Also you act like Epic is done securing exclusives

You mean opt in to actually see the reviews that are removed from the general view.

Want to hear a weird opinion Yea Forums?

Well too bad, you're going to hear it anyway.

I think services such as steam, which make digital downloads such as games eminently easier to manage on a single platform, constitute a kind of infrastructure of the Internet. GabeN has been an amazing custodian of the service, but who's to say the next CEO that comes in after him isn't going to be some cunt like this 'Tim Sweeney' character? As a result, I think the role Steam performs should be considered a public commodity in the future, where it is directly accountable to the serving the needs of the public rather than a company's shareholders.

What do you expect from coders who work as designers and designers who works as coders?

not interested
>Also you act like Epic is done securing exclusives
Epic failed to acquire Cyberpunk 2077. You can keep your Souls-Like Ashen and Not MH Dauntless. I'm not seeing this happening to Shenmue 3.

you pretty much described a monopoly

I think rising of epic store will be very handy for smaller stores. People will stop consider steam as a default game library and start making libraries at other stores.
Best thing is that it would help stores that sell erotic games, jast, mangagamer, fakku etc. And who knows, it could give some push to h-games.

As much as I want to have Steam rubbed face first into the dirt, it's still not going away for a long time

I just want a Spy VS Spy scenario, where you have Steam and Epic fighting for customers - yet Steam drones don't want this

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Thread theme

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>>I'm not seeing this happening to Shenmue 3.
>Trailers switched from Steam logo to generic PC logo recently


I think only Rockstar could make Epic store actually relevant, I mean imagine the shitstorm if they got RDR2 on PC.


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>Pull down her panties expecting a pussy (Steam)
>Instead, there's an Epic Store (penis)

What does Yea Forums do?

Steam and Epic are both penises in this case, the pussy would be pirating.

Epic hasn't done shit for me excepted swipe a game i wanted from my usual store So i would go to theirs.


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>I just want a Spy VS Spy scenario, where you have Steam and Epic fighting for customers - yet Steam drones don't want this

I don't have a problem with this, except Epic's terms of service make me leery as fuck along with their involvement with Tencent. I don't want my personal information handed over en masse to their investing companies. Compared to Steam their users have far less protections.

I honestly expect RDR2 on Epic Store purely because of the gold bar microtransactions

Steam takes 30% of all DLC/MSX, which is why EA left Steam in the first place with DA2, because EA didn't want to give Steam 30% for the DLC

Hey idiot:

ching chong epic shilling is rampant

Just because Walmart has everything doesn't mean it's a monopoly.

none of that is spyware, you agreed to all of this. i didnt agree to epic stealing my steam info

Just don't use Epic Store then and wait for them to appear on Steam - what's wrong with that?

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when you wanted to play cs but valve was like hell no

Jesus fucking Christ, you niggers have to be falseflagging. If you're not, I'm glad I pirate and don't deal with Steam or Epic games' faggotry

>i-i consent to valve have all my information in exchange for them l-letting me use their wonderful platform!
>f-fuck epic! i fucking hate those guys!

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>no offline play

>pre Steam
>devs and publishers don't release most big budget titles on PC because most people pirate them
>only established series with a long PC history get released on PC while everything else is exclusive to Sony and MS consoles
>Steam comes in
>offers a service which makes it easy for people to get what they want
>people start buying things on PC
>publishers notice this and start releasing formerly exclusive titles to PC
>even japanese games join after some successfully tested the market
>nowadays pretty much everything gets a PC release

Yeah Sweeney you chink shill.
Everyone only got into Steam because of Half Life and Counter Strike and not the service.

yes you consent by agreeing. epic didnt even ask if i want to share my info. stealing is breaking the law

Nah, Steam didn't solve everything, and there's a reason bullshit like GFWL and Securom survived as long as they did.

Hell, we have Denuvo now - Steam hasn't solved shit.

T-That's right! We the gamers swear by Steam.

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>Just don't use Epic Store then and wait for them to appear on Steam - what's wrong with that?
Are you referring to games? Nothing really, I usually wait a year after release to buy a game anyway. I just think exclusives in general are bullshit.

then I hope Shenmue 3 wraps up the story because I'm not seeing a Shenmue 4 in it's future.

/g/ thread up:

OP here about to get BTFO.

Attached: 1536356509942.gif (640x360, 98K)

Exclusives are why Steam is around today


An exclusive is an exclusive like a horse is a horse, of course of course.

Attached: Half-Life_2_cover.jpg (264x376, 18K)

>/g/ aka "Everything except Gentoo is a botnet" the board

>only valve is allowed to spy on me! i trust valve, i swear by valve! they swear by me!

Attached: 1451952417140.jpg (920x900, 207K)

I am going to say the T word


lmao im an epic "shill" but i've never seen people so paranoid and mentally ill as yourself. all of that stuff that supposedly makes steam "spyware" is normal stuff that most companies do. oh shit i guess my university is actually a spy organization because its knows my home address. these companies are using this stuff for purely business purposes, and they need this stuff to provide a better service.

>yes you consent by agreeing.

agree to the tos or lose access to all the games you bought


I actually remember stop pirating due to steam. I only pirated because game shopping experience sucked, and when steam became popular I slowly stopped using torrents and started buying games instead, to support devs I appreciate and because it feels safer (even though I never got any trojan from cracked games - I never fully trust the crackers).

So yeah I unironically switched to steam because it was good. Today I pirate only games I specifically don't want to support but still want to try out. If I change my mind I buy them later

>Yeah, me neither.
That's because you are underage. Steam is the first service that was able to fight piracy with quality, so even Russians and BRs buying games now.

>when you allowed it
chink gonna chink. take your spyware on gtfo

>make my epic game only release on the epic store because it's an epic game and I don't want to pay a big cut to fucking cheapass steam
>make it cost 10% less on epic games store meaning I make almost the exact same amount in the end after epic takes their share than just leaving it on steam


Attached: nicerest2.png (1270x669, 801K)


Don't pretend like this isn't a valid reason. I wouldn't bitch and moan about Epic making games that they developed exclusive to their platform.

*agree to TOS*
*still lose access to your games because you're not using the right OS*

Reminder that WinXP was the dominant OS when HL2 was released.

windows os is also spying on you and your goverment is listening to your phonecalls
and your isp is recording your history even if it has no need to

same shit with epic, but additionally you have spyware on your pc

Attached: 1481657230113.gif (286x258, 2.51M)

The part the gets me about this image is that most of those features weren't even available when Steam started. Hell, not even half of those were around after they settled in as the go-to store. Quite a lot work from a oh-so terrible monopoly, eh? Funny.

I had it installed from before (UT luncher...) but after the profile data theft was exposed I removed it.

fuck China.

Except you would if it was the right kinda game - I saw the bitching over Bayonetta 2

Plus PC niggers complain about console exclusives like Spider-Man all the time. I want to play that too and I'll have to buy a PS4, which I will if the PS4 gets a Spider-Man 2 or something

Half life 2 still released on consoles.

Steam drones hate being reminded of the history of Steam

Hey youngfags: Valve had to patch in achievements to Half Life 2 because Steam didn't support achievos then

Attached: epics road map.jpg (1646x917, 78K)

>willingly allowing yourself to be spied on
You valve cucks are so braindead stupid lmao.

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It's not a valid reason. RDR2 is not a console exclusive, but I still see bitching from PC niggers at not being able to play it.

Rockstar will double dip for you when they feel like it, PC nigger - and you'll buy it (GTA5 is one of the top played games on Steam right now)

Attached: 1552691360763.jpg (1680x945, 296K)

>didnt allow spying
>they spy on you anyway
worst cucks ever

You are the cancer that ruined PC gaming.
Before Steam we had PC games and nobody cared about console ports.
Since Steam PC games have more or less died out and the PC audience has degraded to be vermin like you who just want console ports.

>but I still see bitching from PC niggers at not being able to play it.
Sounds like their problem than it is mine, home slice.

Jesus have Sony and Microsoft EVER done something even a bit nice for their own costumers?

>Yeah, me neither.
So you're underage who don't remember what it's like to pirate before steam

Gearbox, Capcom, and From don't exactly qualify as "the biggest" though. Generally, whenever a major publisher already has an engine, they'll use it the majority of the time over an engine they have to pay for.

See Frostbite with EA and Creation Engine with Bethesda.

You're clutching at straws quite badly there. Any closed source software run by a literal billion dollar corporation will always spy on you, idiot.

You're just fiercely loyal to Valve. You love them and hate Epic with a passion, because Epic is a threat to Valve's profits.

>plebbit tries it again

Attached: default.jpg (1024x683, 239K)

any can but only epic store does,. what else are they hiding from us? bitcoin miner? id not be surprised at this point. their store is less than year old and there is so much shit already in it. you cant trust that company

Attached: 1483355812870.jpg (992x744, 302K)

People who bitched about bayonetta were retards then and retards now, the game wouldnt exist without funding and a condition of said funding was to be exclusive.
Its a shit situation, but its something we just have to deal with.

A game being bought out post-development in order to be exclusive is a different matter, as its pure greed / selfishness.

and the devs and publishers got into steam for automated patching system
I sure dont miss downloading patch version 1.0005e off some website at 5kpbs

>This is the first legit competition to Steam
Where do they find you idiots?

Attached: I still hope he's just baiting.jpg (615x384, 33K)

yeah but gog isnt steam competitor as long as they keep to the drm policy

Gearbox was using an inhouse engine before switching to unreal, weren't they?

still all of this is irrelevant to the original post, which was that unreal is competing with unity.

good luck trying to build trust in your customers by spying on them

Attached: 1501798292560.jpg (1280x720, 106K)

Exactly. Also part of the service.

>PC game gets released
>no way to buy it digitally so i have to order it from one of the few online stores or move my ass to a local one
>buy the game
>install it
>agree to the Securom 3-max activation limit
>turns out this is the 1.0 version and i have to manually update the game
>only sites that offer the patch have installers which also install a bunch of malware on your system
>forced to get a working crack as well because Securom breaks the game
>can't play with 50% of all people online because Gamespy has issues again and not everyone is using the updated version

Oh yeah. I miss the good old days sometimes


Attached: e641fw61f6w5e1dc1631g3f.jpg (512x448, 29K)

You're betting everything in your account that nothing will happen

>Yea Forums thinks epic is the only company that spies on you
>while posting on Yea Forums
>while most likely using windows 10
>while most likely using intel
>while most likely using (((pisscorp)))
>while most likely using chrome
Now try doing that for steam. Suprise! It does the same things!

>Also you act like Epic is done securing exclusives
I guess Epic will give Randy "Pedobyte" Pitchford the funds for Borderlands 3 just so Randy can steal money from asians again!

Attached: randy-pitchford-2015jpg.jpg (768x432, 25K)

>Now try doing that for steam. Suprise! It does the same things!
so do it and prove steam is the same. or stfu.

>It does the same things!
No, it doesn't chang.

Democratization, Xinjang ughyur autonomous province, republic of china, winnie the pooh

and we call them all shit. epic store belongs to that shit group

Attached: what did he mean by this.jpg (780x438, 25K)

Do it yourself, you drooling retard

That was less of a jab at valve and more at the 'monopolies are terrible' narrative. I don't believe it's acceptable for Epic to start the way it did as if it's 2003 again. Standards have changed. They can't just pretend otherwise, nor will the consumers disregard it.
Not to mention, it's hard not to be critical when Epic has the advantage of hindsight, or just plain observation. A lot of features should have been implemented day-one. I mean, come on. According to this roadmap they don't even have shopping cart functionality. What online store doesn't have a shopping cart?

At least there IS a roadmap. I'll give it that.

Why this "debate" even exists? We all get how the store is shit and it isn't getting better any time soon since it's new and they are too busy being the Netflix of games or whatever with all the exclusivity rights to improve it right now and anyone that denies this is a shitposter since you retards get baited so easily, there's nothing to discuss about this, maybe in a few months/years this shit will be worth downloading but Steam at this point is like the Facebook of PC gaming, it's not too big to fail but for that same reason the competition must try harder and do something else apart from taking short term shortcuts like Epic is doing.

I don't get the privacy argument either, specially when using Hiro Yea Forums.

Does nintendos store have shopping cart?

steam doesnt steal from epic or their users. maybe you should do it and prove it does, oh wait you wont because you know you are wrong

When you make a claim, you provide the evidence for it.

Yea Forums reading comprehension in a nutshell

Attached: 1519838277408.png (620x472, 214K)

GoG has been in business for 10 years, done none of what EPIC has done, and it's basically dead now.

>Why this "debate" even exists?
Because not everyone learns information at the same time, there could be newfags who only just learn about this shit today.
Its the same reason the shills are constantly posting.
That and you shitposters baiting for (you)'s as usual.

Anyone else the chink shills have become a lot more aggresive then when they started? Not by the amount but by the tone of their posts.

*you have shitposters.
Sorry friend, didnt mean to call you a shitposter.

Attached: dante ok.jpg (857x971, 78K)

>it's dead
Except it isn't? Weird how an irrelevant store still lives rent free in the head of every steamfag in any thread about buying games online.

Also fired some employees

GOG is in anti growth period now

only in usa

Attached: download.jpg (278x181, 7K)

Good joke.

Lot of assumptions there, bro.

free tibet the tiananmen square protests of 1989 massacre winnie the pooh etc

They are correct for most of Yea Forumsermin

nice malware

What happens when they end up dominating the market?

They are going to take a bigger cut and become the villain

This anti Steam spam in these threads is atrocious.

Imagine being so against the free market that you actually support the idea that a company like Epic should be able to just brute force their way into a market by throwing money to secure exclusives, while the actual quality of the product/service they're offering is totally irrelevant.
Would you think it was a good thing if Microsoft used their £100 billion to just buy every studio under the sun and forced everyone to use Xbone/Windows store on W10? Because it's competition to Steam at least right?

I can't tell if people who support this are actually Chinese astroturfers or if this is just what your brain looks like when you have some weird axe to grind against Valve to the point that you don't care about anything else

Attached: 1421505813488.jpg (545x473, 25K)

neat, new words and md5 for the filter gods

Based namefren

Attached: 310741628312642148012800941294.png (1366x768, 880K)

>I can't tell if people who support this are actually Chinese astroturfers or if this is just what your brain looks like when you have some weird axe to grind against Valve to the point that you don't care about anything else

I have an axe to grind with Valve/Steam... so? There are fucked up retards ITT that have weird axes to grind with Epic.

>I can only grind my axe with Steam/Valve by sucking Epic's dick

Except I'm not - I just say they're the first competition Steam has ever had. For some reason that really, really, bothers Steam drones (and the few GoG drones that still exist)

Yeah because it's clearly nothing but Steam vs Epic. It's not as if it's Steam versus every other platform out there.
Fuck off you China shills.

yes, it was around the time I stopped using xfire

epic is not first and not last
by taking games hostage, 100% free market

Didn't GOG hire more people than they sacked, as they sacked them?

Attached: 1552600725148.jpg (594x600, 152K)

>by taking games hostage, 100% free market

Steam could do it too

So you could bitch about it?

but they dont, no one does except epic

Your precious Steam spyware is also censoring/controlling reviews now, so no more "REEEEE review bombing" for you Xchan nutjobs as well. Steam is always secretly collecting your data btw. So yes I really don't remember it's "such good service".

>having something to hide
um have you tried not being a complete freak? it's pretty fun

I'd actually be excited - and they need to be real games though, unlike the Campo Santo dreck Valve paid for

... because Epic actually wants to win

>firing on the brainwashed libtards in trainning
Holy shit China in more based than I thought.
Saved for later use.

Also Steam even censors the word "Yea Forums", for a very long time already. I presume you fags already know it.

Why do Epicdrones think that refusing to use their chinkware makes me a Valve fan?

Attached: 1535122907402.jpg (304x412, 48K)

we know they want to win, but you cant win with anti consumer practices. take your spyware back to china

Nobody is saying that. Just respect the only competition to Steam or you ARE a Valve drone.

Doesn't seem like they are winning. Just buying self published indies and trying to swipe AAA games bigger than them and failing at it.

Who said you're Valve fan? I haven't seen one.

>Just accept getting fucked in the ass or you're a drone
Nah fuck off.
>only competition to Steam
Only you and your fellow chink shills believe this

hit submit too soon.
& pissing everyone off in the process.

They're only winning publishers. Not consumers.

By using Steam you voted for games to be digital only
I ordered a DRM free physical release a few weeks ago in the US, indie game obviously
It always pisses Valve drones off when I tell them I started pirating because of Steam
>Valve saved PC
Imagine letting yourself get brainwashed by a fat Jewish man that popularized most of the cancers plaguing gaming

>It always pisses Valve drones off when I tell them I started pirating because of Steam

Based - most Steam drones these days don't remember old school PC gaming where you just put in a CD, installed it and played it

Hell, they barely remember CD drives.

Maybe when they do something worth respecting? They haven't done or even tried literally anything to earn the respect of players.

Burden of proof lies on the accuser, faggot. I have no incentive to prove steam are bad. You do. If you not gonna do the minimal effort to prove your claims, you shouldn't be making them you sperg.

The only way they'd ever surpass Steam is with a better refund policy and bringing flash sales back to the table. Otherwise, they can fuck off. Im already well established with Steam and I see little reason to switch to another platform.

I uninstalled epic. only reason I had it was for unreal but fuck that shit doesn't worth chinks spying on me.

I have a blu-ray drive. Bringing up the fact the devs could release their games on flash drive for all the zoomers and casuals that don't have an optical drive is the finishing blow, their brains fry and shut down.
>b-b-but the devs would get less profit
Standard priced physical copies for PC before Steam existed were better than today's collector's editions, now the only legal way to play new games is to pay for a download through some scum console wannabe platform like Steam. This is not the PC gaming I thought we were going to have in the 90s and early 00s before Steam existed.

we will remember epic spyware for a long time, dont worry about that chink bro

tim sweeney has the face of a most dishonest man

So what's the point of shills calling Epic competition just because they are hoarding games? Do they think the only way Valve can win this """"war"""" is if they became worse than them? Valve could do it if they wanted to since it is the easy way out but that also sounds like an extremely desperate move. What would Valve need to do to make the shills happy?

you agreed to this by installing their launcher on your computer, it's not a salad bar, you can't just pick and choose what you want and what you don't

Technically you were spying by Americans. The data goes to America or Europe and the software belongs to Americans. They're the best on such thing.

when will epic store start being a good service?

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Remember the Huawei spying scandel.

no, they didnt mention steam anywhere. also they start spying before you even can accept their terms

>Access to exclusives
>Good pricing
>Literally who cares about revenue share unless game dev is actually worthwhile, but in that case you can just donate to them or some shit
Literally pirating

Attached: 1547366152103.gif (375x375, 168K)

I started using Steam because it meant I didn't need to get dressed and leave the house to buy a game anymore. It was a novely in the mid 2000s.

no he didn't. no where does it say in their TOS that they are allowed to steal other programs data and personal details. there's a paragraph about collecting data but without specifying what data it is implied data related to using the software (for example you can't say you are collecting statistical data and still someone's bank account number - unless it was specifically used in your software)

>What would Valve need to do to make the shills happy?

Not an Epic shill, I just believe in competition

Valve would make me happy if they actually curated the store like they've already done with Rape Day

It's clear they're willing to remove games - so just go full hog on the bad ones.

Also pay for some quality exclusives from the console - Valve could afford porting some games and make them exclusive to Steam - I mean Steam shills keep telling me they're rich, but I never actually see their use of money in action

Okay fag

but if valve started doing it there would be people blaming them from using their leading position to reinforce their monopoly
its ok only if youre the underdog

>by fucking over consumers
>and introducing console style platform wars
I can't wait

fuck off

>Epic needs to buy off producers so that they can sell their games and steam cant to force people to switch
Yeah fuck off with that

Yeah, except Huawei is a real Chinese company unlike Epic and most accusations on them still have no solid proofs so far, just random labeling/defamation made by US government.

>its ok only if youre the underdog

Yes? Hate to sound SJWish, but there's a reason that nobody in comedy attacks black people except other black people. Punching up and punching down, look it up.

They’ll never reply to this because they literally have nothing to say.

>>and introducing console style platform wars

Steam already did that, youngfag.

Modern Warfare and CODWAW gave out its maps free in patches because they legit couldn't sell the content to people that owned the retail copies

Steam allowed selling of DLC - MW2 started selling DLC, and thus, was Steam exclusive

>valve should become as anti consumer as my epic store, then ill like it
fuck off chink

>yfw you fell for the Epic meme

Attached: 1491411709494.jpg (1536x2048, 348K)

>It's anti consumer to remove bad games

What? Steam/Valve already fucking does it.

>unlike the Campo Santo dreck Valve paid for
Not like Epic was buying anyone else. You've seen their catalog? Metro Exodus is the only high tier one in the list. The rest are self published indies and crowdfunded shit like Phoenix Point.

I would have never known about Operencia if not for Epic Store or Phoenix Point

I bought Operencia and will buy PP if the reviews are good

Difference between DLC and entire fucking games, bugman

No that's actually what publishers do. Like Activision with TMNT games and others. Just like Square Did with that one game. Or that one time with Allan Wake because music license.

>Not knowing MW2 being Steam exclusive introduced P2P matchmaking

A retarded youngfag Steam drone - no wonder you worship Valve

then you must be new.

removing porn is not the curation you are talking about. they dont remove indie shits but thats your problem, not mine. epic doesnt curate either, they allow any indie shit they can. they will even pay you if you make it their exclusive lmao. also exclusives are anti consumer

>valve should become as anti consumer
They already did, honky. Censoring reviews, filter words(like the infamous word "Yea Forums"), collecting users' data by default...etc

The steamspy guy was the one who got hired by epic right? And now the launcher does invade enter and looks at files it isn't supposed to?

still not as bad as spyware, exclusives and lack of every feature steam has. epic has literally no advantages over steam

>they will even pay you if you make it their exclusive lmao. also exclusives are anti consumer
and the best part is: You can pirate it with 0 guilt in your conscious knowing that Epic has paid more than enough to cover for it

> epic doesnt curate either, they allow any indie shit they can.

All the Epic indies look decent to great - none of them look outright bad like some of the greenlight titles

Then again, how new to Steam are you? One, two years?

Attached: greenlight steam.jpg (1438x1320, 102K)

>Valve is anti consumer, they made dlc exclusive!
>Yeah, but DLC is not an entire game, and Epic bought exclusivity rights after the game had been announced on another platform and people had already paid for it
>Nuuuuuu! Valve games also came up with P2P and its hip to hate valve!
Keep moving goalposts, Chang. Doesnt change the fact that Epic is just anti-consumer slime and you communist insects think it is glorious because you have no idea how markets work

How do you guys find this shit anyway? I check the store fairly frequently, the algorithm buries shit like that so fast.

you have to literally try to look for these kind of games.

so they curate themselves? wheres the problem? oh thats right, it was your game that got curated out

Attached: 0320797746728041991.gif (267x212, 2.91M)

If Epic started a game store in 2003 you may have an argument but they are starting a store in current year.

>Also pay for some quality exclusives from the console - Valve could afford porting some games and make them exclusive to Steam - I mean Steam shills keep telling me they're rich, but I never actually see their use of money in action
why would I want the store of my choice to pay extra money just to fuck people from the store next door? that's like wanting your pizza delivery guy to run over a cat on his way to deliver your pizza. like wtf why would anyone ever want exclusives except for the store itself that so it to force customers?

I swear chinks can be weird sometimes.

>you have to literally try to look for these kind of games.

Nope, just clicked the New Releases tab

Can't wait for Tree Simulator 2020!

Attached: steam store.png (661x1021, 95K)

no skin off my taint if some indie dev wants to give Steam free money to throw their trash game in a store that I won't even see through my filter.

Attached: 1426824573736.png (255x255, 80K)

>Steam drone posts a pic referencing his love of black dick

Oof. I love dunking on you fags.

how do you know he loves bbc? did your spyware told you so?

>New releases
the only unfiltered category. we can literally see the "popular new releases" right next to it, what you should have pressed if you weren't a massive faggot.

Watch Airplane, Steamdroid

the peak of chink humor

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 86K)

ok, now i have to watch over them too. nothing is safe from chink spyware, thanks bro

Yes, install our spyware, I mean software stupid Baizuou

Attached: 1537998672529.png (210x240, 13K)

>but Diablo is exclusive to GOG
But it's not. I can chuck my Diablo CD in and install it right now if I wanted

>when your game store has more spyware than games

Attached: 53483611044871.png (179x200, 18K)

>most of those features weren't even available when Steam started
So? Epic isn't competing with 2004 Steam

>China dindu nuffin

Alright I know this thread is about arguing, but you did make me laugh.

Still, fuck Steam

And Steam isn't competing with a storefront that doesn't buy exclusives - my how times change

Deal with it. Epic shills are on suicide watch as we speak and faggots who actually fell for the meme are crying because their personal information got fucked.

Attached: Smug Bastet.jpg (184x184, 51K)

This whole debacle is great because it exposes the fact that all Steam ever had was the largest number of games. Its community features are all barely functioning, easily abused, and the actual library management aspect is still complete trash. It's 2019 and you still can't properly manage your downloads and installations, and all the extra software like Proton or Dualshock 4 support are things that the community has been doing for years now.

It's a choice between Epic's chinkshit or Valve's DRM-client that's barely changed from 2004. People can't defend either so now it's DRM-free solutions that get a time to shine.

Attached: 1533401300972.gif (480x360, 447K)

What's that got to do with Epic not having basic fucking features?

That's not really 100% true though, the bigger someone's library on one platform, in general the more reluctant they're going to be to buy a game on another and the more resentful they're going to be at another platform for trying to horde exclusives. It's much more important to capture the new generation as they start reaching the age where they'll be buying games, which they're in a great position to do with fortnite anyway.

>It's 2019 and you still can't properly manage your downloads and installations
How so? What's missing?

What's that got to do with Steam drones complaining about Epic buying up exclusives? (That they also say look like shit, yet they'll pirate them all at the same time, or that they'll buy them once they're on Steam at a reduced price... I wish Steam drones could make up their minds)

>Have to probe your ass to get a refund
Its obvious why a consumer would chose Steam over Epic

Hey, Sonytards. Don't you have games to play?

I've no idea. That's not what we were talking about. The topic was about features that Steam has that Epic doesn't. Try to keep up.

More like you need an esl class. Cause god damn are you pulling ultra hard like a faggot simply to pretend that as written that shit does not simply say something that would first and foremost be taken as that.

you dumbass faggot.

>all Steam ever had was the largest number of games
Thats a pretty big thing in favor of steam though. The majority of people who play games on pc have 80%+ of their games on the steam client, and you have to offer a significantly better service to drag people away from their existing library (which epic isn't doing)
Epic offer a great deal for publishers / devs but the end user is still going to choose steam purely out of habit and convenience

Steam is a flaming pile of shit with heavily outdated half-implented features that are arbitrarily abandoned, but they're still going to be the most consumer friendly platform for a long, long time, regardless of how much of their base they lose.

Attached: 1526511944965.jpg (450x332, 24K)

Let me tell you something. The whole debate about 20 to 30 percent cut from Steam vs 12 percent cut from Epic is a farce. Its a stunt pulled by Epic. Its not about the percentage cut. Its about Epic giving these greedy publishers a bag of cash to sign exclusivity deals on their platform, either on day one or a certain time afterwards and Epic lining their own pockets in the process. All the while trying to strong-arm customers to submit to this forced exclusivity and other anti-consumer practices while providing virtually nothing

If it was only about the cut then, these publishers would've moved to other platforms that has lower cut than Epic, who've been into digital distribution platform a lot longer than Epic. Platforms like Discord, which reduced their cut down to 10 percent after Epic store's announcement. Humble Widget through Humble Bundle, which asks for 5 percent of the cut., which asks for basically whatever percent of the cut you want to give them, which is lower than all the others combined. And yet a lot of developers and publishers choose Steam over any of them Why ? Because none of the other platform provides the massive visibility / discoverability of games that Steam provides and the subsequent big sales potential. Not to mentions vastly inferior features and services towards customers compared to Steam. Its because Steam provides THE most features and services to both developers and customers more than any other platforms in the gaming industry, PC or consoles.

Honestly Steam IS a great service, but it's not perfect and there's plenty of room for competitors. I really like GoG because it offers something different to steam.

Epic are trying to be Steam 2, when Steam basically has a monopoly on PC gaming, it's gonna be an uphill battle unless they find a way to differentiate themselves. That being said, all the retards shitting on Epic need to stop sucking Gabe's cock since all the arguments against Epic seem to fall back on nothing more than brand loyalty to Valve.

>can't change download order outside of "Download Now"
>forced to set up predefined libraries for installations
>overall lack of control with downloading workshop items
>no download scheduling outside of outright restriction
>little or no control over installing the contents of included Redist folders
It either lacks features that competitors have or those that even the most basic download managers have had for over a decade.

Attached: 1398364354667.gif (200x200, 1017K)

Cont: For the record, other major platforms like GOG, Microsoft, Sony, Nintendo, Amazon, Google, Apple and a lot of others also take the industry standard 30 percent of the cut while providing significantly less features and services to both customers and developers in return. I wanna emphasize on Sony and Microsoft (Playstation and Xbox) who are the biggest gaming platforms next to PC, Who've been taking that 30 percent cut from developers and publishers for decades now while doing business with them. They don't provide nowhere as near as many features and services as Steam does. And yet, developers / publishers happily put all their games on those consoles and make huge profits. Now with Epic, while they do take 12 percent cut, they also provide virtually nothing in terms of features and services for customers. Steam on the other hand provides numerous features and services for customers for their 20 to 30 percent cut.

To give you a rough idea of the amount of features and services Steam provides, take a look at the following chart. It lists all the major features of Steam compared to other platforms on PC. These are just some of the features and services that are public knowledge and / or have been revealed by Valve themselves. There's a whole host of other infrastructures that Valve operates and maintains on a daily basis. All of these combined costs a lot of upkeep on a day-to-day basis. At the same time, Valve regularly innovates, improves and expands on all of these features, services and infrastructures to give customers and developers a better gaming and business experience.

Cont: When you look at all these features and services that Valve / Steam provides and are continuing to provide at an even greater capacity every single year, it is clear that out of all the other platforms, only Steam gives back the most to both consumers and developers. Unlike other platforms, Steam earns their cut AND they're adding and improving new features and services every single year for no extra charge. Not only that. Valve has also reduced their 30 percent cut to 20 percent for those who meets certain sales milestone.

In conclusion, what Epic is doing is using the 12 percent to undercut others using money generated from Fortnite, then trying to get developers / publishers on board with cash incentive and subsequent forced third party exclusives, and then trying to strong-arm customers with said forced exclusive deals and other anti-consumer practices while providing us virtually nothing since they cannot compete with Steam on fair grounds or match Steam's level of features and services with that 12 percent cut. Its all about greedy developers / publishers getting paid by Epic for exclusive deals while shoving down all sorts of anti-consumer / anti-competitive policies on us customers. Epic does not care about customers as they've openly proved it time and again but only care about lining their own pockets since they realize the money they generate from Fortnite is unsustainable.
Lastly, its about publisher getting a bigger share of profit while developers sees virtually no benefit from it. Most of the profit a publisher generates does not go to the developers but straight to the higher-up CEOs, CFOs, board members and the likes. If anything goes wrong, its the developers who suffers either paycuts or getting fired from those companies, while the higher-ups enjoys their every increasing profit margin.

>even using a digital platform will require a monthly fee
>games will be full retail price
>sales events will never have anything worth actually buying
>integrated dlc everywhere
>getting a refund will be impossible

This will be the norm when steam inevitably loses its crown and it will be shit in every conceivable way.

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>I have no proof so I must deflect insulting you and trying to get you to bring me proof of what i said
>If you were to disprove what I said i would call you a steamdrone

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Really hoping to see what happends when the fortshit bucks dry up

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>guys, a service that started 15 years ago didn't have these features, so it's okay to not have them now!
would you buy a brand new car without airbags, abs, aircon and seatbelts?

How in the fuck do you launch an online storefront in this age without that many features?
Fucking hell its pitiful

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>all the arguments against Epic seem to fall back on nothing more than brand loyalty to Valve.
You can't be serious.
Games are cheaper with steam, thanks to third-party websites and sales. As long as Epic doesn't go around this i will never support them.

>6 months
>shopping cart

Always gets me.

>company releases a game that makes them bilions
>wants to expand its focus
>makes a store front
>no basic features, desipite being able to literally throw cash at the problem to make it go away
there is no excuse

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Epic are announcing stuff on Wednesday, what are we expecting? I'd put it on borderlands 3 or the outer worlds as exclusives.

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>take a look at the following chart
You really shouldn't. It's outright wrong about the status of features like Community Forums/Discussions on other platforms, it's disingenuous about features like TV mode that other clients like Uplay just don't separate, and the few features Steam has wholesale over the others like Workshop are poorly curated and barely functioning. It's not a relevant piece of information when it's either incorrect or the features that are exclusive don't work, and as such isn't a good example for Valve's supposed innovation and maintenance that you're trying to show.

>PC needs console war

It'll probably be another indie game they bought out

unreal tournament being cancelled

Borderlands 3 for sure.
Maybe Shenmue 3 now that I think about it. With Deep Silver being the publisher that accepted the Metro pay.

Last I checked Epic and Steam both have the same standard industry prices. Granted Steam has sales, but Epic really hasn't had the chance to even hold a sale.

UT4 is already officially canceled.

There is only one argument against epic, and that is exclusives are cancer and will irreparably damage pc gaming for years to come. Why support this shit? Tim said himself that he knows people don't like it but he's doing it anyway, do you really want a future with him in charge?

>Borderlands 3 for sure.

If that happens, I'm going to spam the literal hell out of Yea Forums. I've loved shitting on Steam, and the amount of Steam normies that'll have to use Epic Store to play BL3 will make me orgasm.

>Thinks anybody gives a shit after Randy Pitchford was found to be an embezzler as well as pedophile.

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>and that is exclusives are cancer and will irreparably damage pc gaming for years to come.

How? Origin has existed for years.

>Corporate bootlicker
Jesus, you shouldn't post here with an IQ of less than 90

>pirate game
>1% its has malware
>install game from epic store
>100% chances of getting spyware

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Oh my god dude you have no idea - I've already seen people say they'll buy BL3 day one. I don't get loot game fans, but they exist and post on Yea Forums

Hell I didn't even know so many Halofags existed on Yea Forums until it was ported to Steam.

Such a punchable face, makes it even more punchable when you hear the retard speak

Kind of a difference there, being that the only exclusives on origin are the ones published by EA itself. So its more a propietary launcher more than anything.
Inconvenient, but not as scummy

Origin only have first party exclusives. Epic are the first to come along and bribe devs into not selling games on other stores including 3rd party keysites, something even EA or Ubisoft were always fairly lax about. This is all going to lead into an exclusives arms race where valve and epic have to snipe games from each other or risk losing out and we're going to be paying for it because we'll have no other options.

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Stop spreading misinformation you retard. Epic Store has no spyware.

So once again you're proving exclusives aren't bad for anyone (except Steam drones and Steam's monopoly)

And EA used to publish games on Steam until Valve screwed them over

Wouldn't you prefer EA games on Steam?

he said wednesday, not 6 months ago

You and your fly eating retard friends maybe.

Nobody is saying Steam buying exclusives would be a good thing.

More likely it'll lead to loss in sales for both as people on one platform are more likely to just pirate the game exclusive on the other rather than deal with that bullshit.

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Okay, go ahead and ignore everything to copy paste from your script liang.

yeah it has, its actually a hot topic lately, lurk moar newfag

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why does it seem that Epic Shills want Steam to buy exclusives like Epic?

>And EA used to publish games on Steam until Valve screwed them over

theyre cometeing against modern steam, bot 200s steam you mong

Yes they are fucking bad for the consumer. Now i cant make a choice on the platform I want to use for my games. I would love to have titanfall on my steam account, but since its literally EA's property, they choose to sell it in their laucher.
Which is way fucking better than throwing wads of cast at other publishers to force one year exclusivity, even if they have to break promises made during development or fund raising

They'll announce a mobile app that constantly sends private data to China.

No it isnt you dipshit. Its all made up bullshit from Steam shills. Gabe is desperate.

its literally proven, keep crying chink shill

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All the zoomers on Yea Forums are too young to remember how absolutely fucking atrocious Steam was for the first few years, and how cunty it was being forced to download shit, buggy, slow software in order to play Half Life 2.

Anyone have the old Steam update gif from years ago?

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95% of Yea Forums certainly will

>I can give money to this digital platform using shitty, predatory practices
>or I can just pirate the exclusive i want, play it for free and not give my money to a shitty company

Because begging companies to go with you instead of the other guy is healthy competition apparently

Tim Sweeney himself admitted the Epic client snoops on Steam information without your permission.

>exclusives aren't bad for anyone

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>exclusives aren't bad for anyone
except, you know, paying customers

So we can assume Epic store will be atrocious for a few years as well?


>guys, old cars don't have airbags, so it's okay to die horribly in your new car because they didn't install any
u wot

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No, unlike Steam, Epic will do it under one year

Cars are not DRM storefronts that can be updated with patches

Congrats on a worse analogy than food

>Cars are not DRM storefronts that can be updated with patches
but they still get on with the fucking times, you daft cunt. why can't epic?

Fuck off Chan nobody is falling for your lies you insect. Your country could be wiped of the map tomorrow and the ONLY thing of value lost is a country to make our shit.

Extremely based

>have to download a 5mb exe

Fuck off.

>new introduction to online store for game
>new digital distribution
>improving over time

>still stuck with 2004 era
>still lacking features
>still want to have muh exclusive

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>they will definitely do it guize

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Guess what, Zamasu? It ain't 2004 anymore. Get with the times or eat dust. They have infinite amount of Fortnite dollars to have launched their service properly and still fucked up.

>all these nervous steam shills
Your time is coming fat fuck. Now matter how many lies you spread the Epic train cannot be stopped. Valve will be the dead in 2 years.

>nervous steam shills
i don't even spend money on steam you cunt, all i got there was free, i'm just laughing at idiots claiming that product monopolization is actually fighting with a monopoly. the fucking audacity.

>They have infinite amount of Fortnite dollars to have launched their service properly and still fucked up.

Programs require users to get better as they beta test it

Steam won't die, but they will no longer be relevant in a couple years and possibly be considered a platform for alt-righters only.

And Steam's client is still an absolute piece of shit that runs like dogshit after 15 years and Valve don't even make games anymore because they're so lazy.

Stop sucking Gabe's cock, this isn't about Epic being shit (they are) it's admitting Steam and Valve are fucking niggers too.

Epic shills also like to ignore that the launcher itself has been around since 2015 and they did NOTHING with it in that time.

>Steam won't die, but they will no longer be relevant in a couple years and possibly be considered a platform for alt-righters only.
>Steam won't respond to competitive pressure because i did some experiments in my head and decided it is so

A copypasta that causes China to ban the site with said pasta

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

I can agree with you on that, but they probably had never considered being a store

Hell, at this point, they should be using Fortnite Vbucks as Epic Store money - so you can buy prepaid cards

Its €10 MORE on Epic, stop being a lie-spreading shill cuck faggot

I understand hating Steam but why in the fuck would you go for Epic? There are many better alternatives.

Where's the competition? Artifact? VR?

It is a good service. It offer plenty of amazing sales. quite often, good prices overall, amazing user support, plenty of community tools for people to use, very open to many types of games, even tho, more recently that openness started causing some conflicts between Steam and the media.

The thing is, you can always do better than what Steam is already doing. You can give games for free, lower prices or even support the studios making the games by offer a bigger share of the profits compared to what Steam gives.
The problem is, how sleazy Epic is regarding their strategy. They aren't offering a good service compared to Steam. Their digital store is far inferior to Steam, but they are taking users by paying for exclusivity. That's not consumer friendly. That's sleazy. They are stealing consumers by holding hostage new games instead of actually making a service good for consumers

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I've heard Gabe is pretty much just there for show at this point and doesn't actually run anything anymore.

i dont remember steam having a spyware

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Thing is you can't start selling a product or service and compare the you of today to your competitor years ago even if it's the same respective point.

Like, if a new electronics company made a new phone, would you give a shit if it had marginally better specs than a 2007 iphone? No, you'd question why it didn't have the functionality and specs of a 2019 smartphone.

Early steam was dogshit. I bought the collector's edition of Half Life 2 and I put up with steam to play it. But it's come a long way in features and functionality, and if Epic wants to compete people aren't going to accept that "Steam didn't have ___ when it came out" as a real excuse.

What is Epic offering? A Zoe Quinn game?

>There are many better alternatives.

Not for what I want

>Steam won't die, but they will no longer be relevant in a couple years and possibly be considered a platform for alt-righters only.
i'm going to screenshoot this post and come back here in 2 years to laugh at it

No no no no, I didn't say 2 years. That was the other guy. I said a couple. My actual prediction is 4-5 years

They had the spying elements in around the fortnite days, Tim himself said that.

Remember when everyone had to install Steam for the first time just to play Half Life 2?

i'm going to screenshoot this post and come back here in 4-5 years to laugh at it

You have to excuse Epic shills. Their boss, Tim Sweeney, legit thinks he actually is competing against Steam from 15 years ago. He still thinks Steam only carries Valve's own games.

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> using chinese spyware

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pirating is safe than using epic store now. devs got paid already so its not an excuse

I fucking hate Epic because they're making me defend Steam. I hate Steam and everything it did to PC gaming, but Epic somehow managed to come in and be even fucking worse. That is embarrassing as shit and they should be ashamed of themselves.

Most people did exactly that you special snowflake.

>"You don't understand guys! Epic wants to win so it's okay when they fucks over the customers"
>"Mr.Winnie the Pooh, may I give you 5-star rimming after I am done gobbling your cock like a fucking good corporate shill I am?"
When did we go so wrong?

imagine being an epic shill. your company that you shill for, fucks up so many times and so often and you have to damage control it. i hope they are at least well paid

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I will suck Gabe's fat stumpty dick for as long as he wants if it means chinks get less money.

Whats wrong steam drones? Scare your service will shutdown in a few years?

>t. 10 year old

noob here, why is Epic store worse?

overwhelming lack of features and active data collection, for one.

Nothing will ever convince me to put that chink spyware on my computer. If you put your game on the Epic Store you lose mine and hundreds of thousands of other potential sales. Tards.

this whole debate is pointless because you people keep going around in circles
HEY, remember when you had to install steam for half life 2?
yeah, everybody remembers and no one liked it, and nowadays everybody has their own first party games exclusive to their own client

the issue here is epic paying for timed exclusivity for third party games, phoenix point was promised to be delivered on gog and steam, but now because of epic you have to wait a whole year to get to play it on the aforementioned platforms, how do people think this shit is ok? you're purposely ignoring 3rd party exclusivity and going back to talk about half life because you simply can't defend it

Its probably the closest thing to a system war PC users would get to experience. Let them have their fun

Competition on the market and lack of monopolies is a good thing so I dont get why they are making a fuss. Maybe they believe Gabe is their friend or something and they feel the need to defend him

remember when you had to install spyware to play hl2?

Oh yeah, such a joy it was to fill your desk with hundreds of gaming disks, paying extra for delivery, increased price in retail and waiting days to arrive!
Couldn't way to put another box in my wardrobe and never take it out again.

>overwhelming lack of features
>waaaaaaaaaah why cant I turn my profile into myspace? wtf epic?

This is your brain on Valve. Epic having less is actually a good thing. Its a straight up pure gaming platforming.

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You dont have to buy new hardware to play Epic exclusives, you just have to make an account.
Its hardly an issue and you are blowing it out of proportion

>Epic having less is actually a good thing.
fucking LOL

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I am especially thankful to epic, that if I want to continue a game on my other pc that means I have to manually put my save data on a USB stick or something and copy it over. The extra effort really makes the videogames more fun.

Why do you guys care about steam or epic anyway?

if it's shit it will die, end of story. None of those companies are your friends, you are their customer, just like MS, Google or whatever.

Don't jump into corporate bandwagons, don't be idiots

You still have the option to buy the game. It's not like they are removing it from the PC. If you don't like the client don't buy the game. Developers have a right to try and make as much money as possible. If the client is really so bad that it decreases sales and those sales aren't compensated by increased revenue per unit on the Epic store or a simple cash handout from Epic then the client will die. Whining isn't gonna achieve anything.

Because all of this shitflinging with exclusives hurts the consumer

None of them are what you'd call a friend, but some of them are measurably worse than others.

Ever heard the saying ''less is more'' retard?

>I am especially thankful to epic, that if I want to continue a game on my other pc that means I have to manually put my save data on a USB stick or something and copy it over.

Wanna know how I know you are a zoomer who starting gaming last year on steam?

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>hurts the consumer
How exactly?

>we did it 20 years ago so it's okay

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>Ever heard the saying ''less is more'' retard?
they should ve think about this when they implemented the spyware

I know what a memory card is. What I don't know is what your point is. You want to go back to paying exorbitant prices for low capacity storage for fucking saves or something? It's okay that gaming on epic is about the same standard as a mid to late ninties console in 2019? Pls explain.

Because it's consolewars launching a full scale assault on PC gaming. Fuck I'm ready to go back to the time launchers weren't a thing and CDs were. Fuck Steam and Epic and all of the others.

Somebody will fall for this

>Windows Store
>even fucking bethesda has its own store

>spy on your users
>wonder why they are mad

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>Epic having less is actually a good thing

then i guess the devs will appreciate having less sales when i pirate all of their games exclusive to epic

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Because if buying exclusives from third parties is the future for competition in PC according to shills then it's gonna be quite counterintuitive to buy games digitally in the future

>less is more
Then why it's bloated with spyware?

Companies would literally have to invest tens of millions of dollars in to a digital software that people may or may not use before even starting their platform. What's the point then?

>physical version
how is that pirating and not shoplifting through use of a time machine because you sure as shit haven't been able to find physical versions in stores in this decade unless you want to pick between ultimate mahjong collection, diablo 3, or 800+ digital puzzles

I don't really know what you want because it is extremely barebones with some very important features missing. Also it only has Fortnite, Metro and a bunch of literal who games besides couple of games you can find on pretty much every other platform. I just don't understand the appeal.

I think it means distribution of unofficial physical copies? That's actually my definition of piracy.