Post the hidden gem you played as a kid. Others judge

Post the hidden gem you played as a kid. Others judge.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Found this in a bargain bin one day.
It's one of the best Doom engine games.

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Far better than it had any right to be.

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Still one of my favorite adventure games to this day

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Still one of the best tactics RPG's I've played.

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Brave Fencer Musashi, Tomba 1 and 2, Threads of Fate, Lost Vikings

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Good game.

But I want this game to be remade.

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Azure dreams
Battle hunters

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>they fucked in her parents house


Also, pariah for the map editor.

>that Z0NE flash
god fucking bless

I wasn't able to play video games until my late teens because lolchildservices.

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This game was hard as hell. I still remember the scene when you get raided and the giant flying whale comes and fucks everything. Really cool game.

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I'm not sure how hidden it is but no seems to ever fucking talk about it.

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I loved this game, one of the first RPGs I ever played. The man festival is the best part.

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Covenant is a legit 10. Kinda strange considering the other two are really not that great.

This game on Windows 95 felt like playing something from 100 years on the future when I was a kid, also it was extremely scary. It got me hooked on survival horrors like Resident Evil and Alone in the Dark

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None can compete.

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Final Ninja

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Hidden gem, not really popular game that you played even though your a 18 year old zoomer.

my nigga. love this game

This game is actually incredible. Long campaign, plenty of bosses, ridiculous story, challenge mode that actually unlocks meaningful content like overpowered equipment, and pretty fun ship customization that lets you design the whole thing from the bottom up with increasingly more powerful hull types.

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this right here was my jam for several years, the procedural generation of the world, the fantasy elements, the rpg aspects, it really just had it all going for it.

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Comin thru ya fucks.

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>ship simulation


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Sixth grade computer class was basically just Bugdom hour. Used to play it on those fancy ass translucent iMacs back in '98.

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I actually liked it. it was a grind fest to get better loot and shinier, cooler armor just like destiny, warframe, diablo, etc, but everyone else seemed to hate it

I remember the control scheme was unlike anything I had ever played

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This game was one of my favorites growing up. Fantastic co op game.

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holy shit I remember that game but I was younger. same bright primary colored imacs though and the stupid circle mice

EGGBERT Niggas represent. Spent untold hours on the custom level maker with my friends where we just made cool or dumb maps for each other to play with

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Both the first and second Vigilante 8 games.
God I have some good memories with my older brother and his friends from these.
The second was better so I chose that image.

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Spin Jam

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Come at me

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I just finished the first and enjoyed it. The second one must be a huge improvement.

I also played this with my older brother
>Shooting fireballs into the air on the crater level
>Giant ants come down and fuck you up


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The fact that Capcom forgot this series even existed hurts me immensely

It's not a simulator at all, really, it's an arcade game through and through, like Ace Combat but with an even greater degree of ridiculousness and maybe just a little bit more depth in the controls, Like a boss that's literally two battleship hulls glued together and given wings that is sent off across the world to reduce London to rubble.
I can't recommend it enough, but there's absolutely no accuracy in the handling of ships to be found here.

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>unlocking the fucking drillship
literal no better feeling

I'm gonna keep my eye out for it, sounds fucking awesome

This is the game that got me intrested in Japanese history

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Unironically one of the greatest 3D patformers of all time

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Bullshit you played that game.

Fuck yeah
This game was the shit with its editor.

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Where my Chad's in the fast lane at

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it was much better than it looked. great co-op

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WHenever my cousin was over my parents knew it was time to go upstairs because we weren't going to let them use the big TV. I hope they found some way to entertain themselves.

Is the first worth playing?

I couldn't tell you user, I have no experience with the first one. I couldn't even tell you if it's the same style of gameplay, especially since the second one seems to be completely standalone as far as the story is concerned.

This game is fucking great. The only things I dislike about it are the wait times when defragmenting/disinfecting/downloading core caches, the really dodgy platforming, and the absolute bullshit cheating AI during light cycle matches. Otherwise it's amazing and I love it.

I played the shit out of this when it came out. did you know there's a PC version, they still sell it on their website.

I have never in my life seen or heard another soul reference Ristar. No idea if it's popular or well-known, but to me, it's basically nonexistent.

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My fucking dude. I loved this game. The open world setting was great to explore, and it had fun puzzles and gameplay, not to mention co-op. I will always cherish this game.

I used to watch this show early morning before school, it was meh

Somehow got this as a gift for my gameboy color and didn't really have any expectations for it but this game was actually alot of fun

Fuck mochi

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the midna one?

>it was meh

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Space Station Silicon Valley. It did odysseys capture gimmick much better too

I honestly don't remember a single second of this game, but I know I owned it and I played it a lot, so I assume I enjoyed it.

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THAT'S what that game was called, jesus christ I've been searching through random ass ps1 titles for over a year trying to remember.

"Comfy rural japanese fishing village with a vauge pokemon feeling" simulator a best.

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Dunno how hidden it is though, never heard anyone talking about it at least.

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Yeah I said it honey

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Bro exactly, the levels and characters in this game were cool as shit and we had a bunch of inside jokes about them

What was that one game on the PS1 called where you have to kiss girls else you die or something?

the only thing I recall from the game was my 8-10 year old self being absolutely unable to beat the bird thing that the little rabbit pissed off.

best NES side-scroller

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>going left on the beach and shooting the fruit and warping back in time to help gran pappy plok

I have no fucking idea what was going on in this game. My rom freezes up everytime I get to the flea stages.

It's based around kissing but it's PS2

Not sure if its a hidden gem or not, but I fucking loved Future Cop.

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Glorious multiplayer games like this literally do not exist, I hold team buddies, as with CBFD in the highest tier of multiplayer experiences.

Good, but the first game was much better.

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Based game


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Not sure if it counts as hidden gem since it was well received at the time but i never see it mentioned. simple game but it did everything right.

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Zero Tolerance for the Genesis. Why yes, there is an FPS for the Genesis. With different characters with different abilities.

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The peridot one. OP's image is a peridot.

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when i was a kid my pocket money didn't allow for me to grab something from the new and chart shelves, as well as the fact my hardware was always behind the times. so i was always trawling through bargain bins, buying old "gold" editions and multi-game packs, etc. plus the only thing to tell you what the big games were, was magazines, which obviously focused on latest releases. so i didn't really know if they were hidden gems at the time, or just old, etc. these days with the internet everyone knows every game or they were some novelty because of [e-celeb] coverage, etc. but lots of my favourite games back then were just brought randomly or found from shareware collections and the like. RotT, Ecstatica (which i brought because the boxart was metal as fuck), Beneath a Steel Sky, Sango Fighter, Omikron, Urban Chaos, all the old Apogee and similar PC platformer stuff (Monster Bash, Cosmo's, Keen, Hocus Pocus, Jill of the Jungle), lots of good shit. honestly more than i could ever remember.

more recently i think Mini Ninjas, from the x360 era, was really overlooked. it is basically a kid's game but it was really excellent. if it had NG+ it would be fucking perfect. a new IP that went nowhere, unfortunately.


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More Looney Tunes Kino

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I thought zone a degenerative disease that was impeding his ability to keep making flashes, was I wrong?

More PS1 stuff

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Yeah, that's it. I was just misremembering the console it was on.
Thanks user.

As far as I know, he has macular degeneration. No idea how severe by now, nor how much it affects his animation development.

Solid Beat Em Up that rivaled Streets of Rage

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Happy to help, user. I'm glad other people appreciate it too.

This was so comfy and yet so sad.. miss you grandpa

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>tfw zone might be forced to stop making animations within your lifetime

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What was even the last animation he did?
I honestly can't remember what and when.

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well the peridot one is new to me, so, I don't really know.

Sweet! God, I love this game.

>hidden gem

I was reading some of his old interviews and he mentions how he's been animating since the mid-90's. It's kind of amazing he's been doing it for more than 20 years.

Holy fuck I remember this. Was awesome

Looking back it was a pretty flawed game but damn if it wasn't a fun experience for the first RPG I ever played.

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Fuck Yes.

Capt. Ishii was the best character too.

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just checked, the peri loop is the newest one.

back on topic, does anyone remember the name of this one ps1 game? the premise was that everyone but your two player characters was magically forced into a deep sleep, while several creatures from their nightmares are set loose upon the waking world, it was an isometric, actiony game that may have had some light platforming elements, I haven't been able to recall the name for nearly a decade. I do however, recall enjoying it.

This and Maximo

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Dinotopia for gba

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Ring Soul dialogues were also adorable.

I loved the hand-to-hand combat guy. Just the fact that you could haul up and one-shot most things with your fist was hilarious.

This was good game but we/I could never get through more than a coupl levels because if you missed one “objective” you would have to back track through the whole level just the click one stupid fucking “objective.”
Still fun tho
>I always played as black girl with magnum and katana
> my best friend always played as the priest with the crossbow and sword
Good times t b h


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My favortie NES game by far. Too bad its cult classic status.

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If it means anything to you, ima also
and and ristars sound track alone is something me and my brother listen to and drink.

Not so hidden ribbit king

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That moment you realize you aren't alone in seeing something as kino.

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I played the hell out of this.

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I still own the cart. My favorite game. Love the music so much. Never beat it. Very challenging

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Top-tier music in that game. Unfortunately it's been forgotten in time with the only reference I can think of was in the Sonic All-Star Racing game

Picked this up because my mom said I could get a new game--I was looking for Final Fantasy IX, but they were sold out and I didn't want to "waste" my chance to get a new game.

Legit became one of my top 10 favorite games of all time.

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I love this game, I never could beat the optional stuff but I had so much fun playing it.

This game is dope

>You will never walk around Russia in a cold but peaceful and calm winter to this tune.

I want this to play in my neighborhood via local speakers set up throughout town during snowy days.

I played through this shit so much because I had nothing else to play

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This was rad.

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Loved this and Vectorman

I have yet to meet another person that's played this.

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It's not quite a hidden gem, since Landstalker was pretty well regarded, but my uncle fished it out of a bargain bin and it was one of my favorite games.

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I don't know if you can call it a gem, but I fucking loved it. Shame the pricing model for in-game purchases was so cancerous it killed the game.

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how hard would it be to get this running on modern hardware?

>That moment where they almost revived Alice

That Piano arrangement gets to me every goddamn time.

that scene is more than enough to justify a proper remake of the series on current hardware.

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I have, I love the boardwalk level, doing the minigames and shooting the freeze ray everywhere. I played this immediately after Tonic Trouble, so both games are immortalized in my mind to me.

there's a gog release

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Was going to post this. Played TB with my cousins all day when I was young

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Also the first game I remember playing in me life.

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I played it in sonic mega collection, it was kind of fun.

is this it user? i never played the game but i sure enjoy nice piano arrangements

This was such a good game goddamn.
Both gameplay and story was awesome.

Sequel never ever and we'll never get
to know who were those two twins at the end.

Whoops forgot pic related.

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I fucking loved that game so much. I've often thought about how great a sequel or even just a remaster of this game would be.

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Aw fuck is that some river king? Loved that game.

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thats the original version from the first game.

this version has a much sadder tone.

>You will never get to watch your wrestler vampire friend get raped by his indian teacher as a final passing for completing 100 fights in a tower of wrestling rings.

why fucking live?

came to post this
saw it posted
it's a good day.

also this

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This pisses me off. This fucking gsme never got a real true sequel and it so desperately needs one. The ability to make your perfect airplane was astounding to me.

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really great game that differed from Castle of Illusion

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I've been looking for this game for 10 years, thanks user

not hard at all on Windows 7, but I kinda got bored of it playing it for the first time, not that user you quoted

War of the Monters > whatever the fuck i used to do as a kid

gud taste

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Little Fighter 2
Elasto mania

>ywn go back

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You aussie because I had this exact same experience when I was in school

This game came with our family's PC, it was cool as fuck

would have been a Hewlett Packard then? pretty sure it came with that.
first time i was exposed to PTSD and the horrors of war.

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They also made other iMac games from that time like Otto Matic and Cro-Mag Rally.

Fun fact: according to a Wikipedia edit made in 2007 (later deleted for being "unsourced"), it's rumored that Peter Steele of Type O Negative sang the ending song to Cro Mag Rally. What do y'all think hearing this?

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I fucking loved this game. It was maybe my first rpg? Idk. I remember getting to the first town and I felt it was such a fucking achievement.

>writes a song about dying from heart attack
>dies from heart attack
He knew his fate, didn't he?

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Beyond Oasis (fairly well known among SEGA fags; incredibly solid top-down Zelda clone)
Adventures of Batman and Robin (on SEGA - surprisingly balanced and fast-paced bullet hell platformer with beat'em up elements)

The sequel is nice too, despite having nothing to do with the first game

Do you remember the chapter this pic is from? I got the source but really wanna know the before and after

oh damn, reminds me of duke nukem. but i know it isnt.

Made by the same people

Okay, I know Quintet wasn't exactly a small name back in the day, but I never see anyone mention this in particular. Nowadays it's always Illusion of Gaia, Terranigma, and ActRaiser. And these might be objectively better constructed games, but still..
Still, for me it'll always be Robotrek. I'll always remember this goofy little game about robots and hackers and time travel.

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Fuck, I miss this game.
>Someone was working on a private server
>NCSoft told them to quit it because they 'had plans for Exteel'
>it's been like 8 or 9 years
fuck you NCSoft

I'm not at all familiar with Peter steele, or even heard him before really but youtube'd a few songs and even played some side by side and can say they sound remarkably similar; enough so i'd believe it.

he liked to sing about dead things a lot apparently so much he decided to join them.

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Robotrek. I never beat that game. I recall early on not being told what to do at fuckin all getting confused and quiting. I did play it again when I was much older. It was pretty easy and quite funny.

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Good shit.

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The feels man, Covenant had lots of laughs but a lot of pain too.

My nigga.

Sand witch was my strongest.

Played that too, back then I would play any RPG I could get my hands on.
The toy system was interesting, but the game itself was kinda shitty (not that I remember all that much).

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One of the few games we rented multiple times. No clue why we didn't just buy it.

Replayed Glitch about a year ago, still godlike.

Legaia was amazing, and I think it was my first RPG as well.
I remember being blow away when the game didn't end with Zeto (the first big boss). Remember, first RPG.

Is that bootleg Rayman?

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Fucking amazing game, holy crap. One of my favorites as well.

Anyone here heard of Urban Assault? It was a 6/10 RTS but really good concept of diving into one of your units to join the fray.

Rented it once as a kid, I remember it to this day.
Amazing how they managed to produce these cool games from ridiculous concepts back in the day.

My friend and I loved that game growing up. I still have a copy. I even collected everything in it.

Never heard of Others Judge

Game? Is it Legend of Dragoon?

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Based as fuck

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Anyone played this kino before?

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great taste

My nigga

This and Taz:Wanted were my childhood

probably the coolest psx platformer i have ever played

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Jazz jackrabbit 2 on steam fucking when?? Fuck buying it on gog

can't forget about this acid trip of a game either

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i love gba

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Future cop was great. Shame ea has the license so it means its never getting a remake/reboot/sequel

Holy shit, this

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My nigga

does it support online

Rented it from Blockbusterand loved it. Then had a hell of a time finding a store actually selling it.

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I was seriously the only motherfucker I knew that played this game

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Shining soul 2 and Summon Night 2 were perfection

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Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg

This old RTS. Fuckin' mix and match robots!

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What did square enix mean by this? Are they redpilled?

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An old RTS called Theocracy. Pretty fun, even though I was too dumb to follow its mechanics, let alone appreciate them.

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Just got home from work so now I can post
Unique character creation tools, story is of a low-tier anime though
Seconding this

I think this was the closest thing to a hidden gem I played as a kid.
Didn't play any obscure games until my teenage and adult years.

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Metal Fatigue was my jam

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The whole series is fantastic, but Imperivm III wins the cake.
The first game is on GOG under the title "Celtic Kings: Rage of War"

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Cool game about being able to change into 3 different forms. Ends in a cliffhanger but probably sold poorly since there was never a sequel.

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Fucking Chromehounds

My dad wouldn't let me play one of the Campaigns because he thought they were Anti-US/Anti-Capitalist and that the US Government probably developed this game to see who played the commie campaign more often so that they could put them on a blacklist, so I played the commie campaign once and played the good guy campaign like 20 times.

Funniest thing is that we are brits....

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>fun platformer/third person shooter
>fun robutt designs
>cool level design
>had a neat mechanic of being able to hack/take over enemies
>good humorous writing
>had Rip Torn voice one of the characters
>came out the same week as Halo: CE so it was immediately buried by the media and forgotten because of the FPS craze

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>sequel was planned despite it not being super popular
>studio gets bought up by Blizzard
>they get reassigned to Starcraft: Ghost
>MAGitS sequel backburnered
>S:G never gets made
>developer gets dissolved

Future Cop LAPD
Azure Dreams
Jade Cocoon

Worst part is Sony owns the rights to TeamBubbies, after they bought Psygnosis.

All they need to do is get a team to make it less jaggy looking and have online MP, put it on PS5 and its a system seller for me.

Martin Mystere: Operation Dorian Grey
also Zone will get better, we have the technology to rebuild him. Better, faster, stronger, hornier.

Rygar: The Legendary Adventure (pic related)
The Mark of Kri
Champions: Return to Arms

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swordcraft story 1 was cuter and had better characters and story 2s combat was much better though the areas got more repetitive than the first also has a few good doujins :^)

No idea but check out 40 Winks, I remember playing it once at a friend's house and it had to do with staying awake or something.

I had no idea what I was doing when I played this game but it was loads of fun and I liked the garbage truck.

I wish this game was talked about more. Great shmup/dungeon craller. Awesome scifi setting

literally the best one

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the first Army Men game on the PC, playing versus bots

I fucking love this game, I only hate that the monuments build in what feels to be real time unless I never figured out how to make the laborers work faster/make more laborers work at a time.

One Must Fall 2097


People also seem to have forgotten about Wing Commander 3 & 4 which were pretty cool games.

Syndicate Wars
Such a nice scale of destruction possible but also a variety of strategies and some mission goodies.

True Lies (Sega Genesis)
Especially the Harrior mission - the only one like that. The game itself was nicely difficult and had satisfying and useful weapons - except for that bullet sponge boss at the end the game was pretty good.