Why is this game so frowned upon? Everyone seemingly circlejerks OOT, MM, ALTTP, WW & BOTW but forgets that this game exists. Why? I loved this game, what makes other Zelda’s more beloved then this one
Why is this game so frowned upon? Everyone seemingly circlejerks OOT, MM, ALTTP...
because people were dumb enough to buy the wii version instead of the gamecube one
The Zelda Cycle hasn't kicked in yet. It needs one more Zelda title before TP is considered "an amazing experience" and everyone blows their load to it.
TP is a good game, but it's also a formula clone of OOT. If TP had come out first, it would be preferred over OOT. As it stands, it was a bit uncreative and derivative because it was such an imitation.
Couldn't handle the fact that WW was getting shat on, could you WWcuck. :)
> Horrible Graphics
> Tries way too Hard to be Dark & Edgy
> Discount Okami Wolf Sections
> Worst Opening Level in Gaming History that almost ruins the entire game
> Takes place in boring Hyrule when it should have taken place entirely in the Twilight World
> Copies too much from OOT, causing it to lose it's soul in the process
> Writes Zelda as this "Le Strong Princess" but gives her no screentime when she should have been Link's Companion
> Horrible Overworld & Towns that literally break all Immersion
> Literally No Worthwile Side Content
> No Replay Value due to the Horrible Tutorial & all of these reasons
> Lackluster Music outside of Midna's Lament
> Story is absolutely ruined when Ganondorf is revealed
> Shit dungeons outside of Snowpeak Temple
> Way too much tedious Bullshit
> Clearly Unfinished & Half-Assed since Nintendo originally planned on Making Wind Waker 2 but changed it to pander to Western fans wanting Edgy garbage
> Develops Side characters like Illya only to throw them aside only to reinsert them back into the plot several hours later & expects us to care about them
> Horrible Character Designs, Link looks the worst he's ever been
> Disgustingly Ugly Color Scheme, not enough vibrant Colors
> Awful Sound Effects, Gone are the awesome & badass Sounds from OOT, WW & MM
This is irrefutable objective criticism & comes from someone who loved this game growing up. This game was a complete mess from top to bottom
Hi OP, still asshurt?
Why does every fandom rely so heavily on a respective Boogeyman?
> Final Fantasy - Barry
> Metroid - AC Fag
> Smash - Grinchies
> BOTW - Snoy's
> Sony - Ninbabbies
> TP - WW-Kun
> DMC - Barry
> KH - Barry
You are literally unable to criticize these wthout being labelled one of these, it makes no sense why Yea Forums is so obsessed with this
Boogeymen are fake, shitposters like sybb and ACfag are real, faggot.
See, literally can't even attempt to refute any of those points without crying about boogeyman or another game that isn't even relevant to discussion. This is why Nintendo fans are so fucking autistic
>dark and edgy
Kill yourself, Wind Wanker subhuman
>taking OP's shitty pasta seriously
Zelda cycle is bad->good->classic. SS and BOTW should have already pushed TP into classic status, like how when TP released WW stopped being shit and MM became objectively flawless.
Because people are retarded. That's all you need to know. TP is a huge pleb filter, best atmosphere in the franchise and the most subtle songs after BotW except with actually good songs
Have you played my game, Yea Forums?
It's the pleb filter of the Zelda franchise. Everyone who dislikes it can be disregarded.
No one reads your autistic shitpost, you ADHD child, calm down.
TP's only legit objective flaw is the piss easy difficulty. You could also say too much money but that just proceeds from too easy difficulty as you barely need to buy potions or arrows or bombs.
>> Lackluster Music outside of Midna's Lament
Wrong, there's some baller tracks in TP.
>WW stopped being shit
Never did stop.
See, once again TP Babbies are so retarded that they cannot address any of the points & simply disregard it because they refuse to see flaws in their piece of shit game. They always deflect all critisim onto WW, like what FF8 fags do with FF9
The artstyle was fucking garbage. I shouldn't look more attractive than fucking Zelda.
>once again TP Babbies are so retarded that they cannot address any of the points & simply disregard it because they refuse to see flaws
Don't you look like a cuck now?
It's not TP's fault it's better game than WW OP.
Maybe don't start your shitpost with "SHIT GRAPHICS" when you want people to read the rest of it. it's factually one of the most advanced and best looking GC/PS2 games of its size.
>the series' peak in fishing
BotW should've done something with fishing, there's so many rivers and lakes itching to be fished.
It was the best Zelda ever made, although the Wolf parts were....eh....
>leaves floating on water
Maybe if you changed your faggot bait pasta to include less shitty buzzwords people would stop shitting on you
It bugged me a little that there are real boats that can't be moved and oars that can't be used as oars.
>Clearly Unfinished & Half-Assed
Suddenly turned into a WW pasta
I don't think BoTW qualifies as a Zelda game. It's more like Dark Souls.
Based shitposter
Did the devs even give an explanation or was it too slow paced for their taste?
Souls doesn't even have actual level design, gtfo
>Souls doesn't even have actual level design
>never stormed the Latrian prison
While we're here what's the best way to play it? I don't think I ever finished it back in the day
unironically the best 3d Zelda game from an objective standpoint
>Souls doesn't even have actual level design
Why do Breath of the r*dditors always find new ways to embarrass themselves?
I've never seen anyone touch the subject.
>While we're here what's the best way to play it?
NGC for MAXIMUM COMFY, PC for time/money restrains.
>unironically the worst 3d Zelda game from an objective standpoint
fixed. even ss is better than tp
If you have a Wii U, just track down a used copy of the HD version, wait for it to get ported to Switch, or emulate it
This man gives me stomach aches.
the divine beasts have fantastic design and you're a fucking pleb if you believe otherwise
>fixed. even TP is better than SS AND WW
Fixed your shit taste OP, no need to thank me.
I have no idea where my gc or Wii u are, what's the best gc emulator? Or should I emulate the hd version instead
>easiest game in the series
>pleb filter
>>pleb filter
>implying the intro alone didn't filter a million or so BASEDAfags
Wii version of TP is fucking horrible
Forced shitty waggle controlls ruin the game
Gamecube and WiiU versions are based tho
>Souls doesn't even have actual level design
because they don't have physics puzzles in self-contained areas? fuck outta here
TP is a perfect example of how realism ages like milk. In terms of art direction it's really strong, as Zelda always is, but the entire game screams late 2000s and it only gets worse when you put it in HD. It's not just the technical elements either, it's the artstyle itself.
>because they don't have physics puzzles in self-contained areas?
No, because they just have random corridors with no thoughts put into them at all and no gameplay, no verticality, zero interactivity.
>but but shortcuts
Yeah, like the shitty soulless new Tomb Raider games, that's not what constitutes good level design
You just posted the best version of the best Zelda game. Congratz you win Yea Forums today
You're just a retarded zoomer if you can't appreciate 2000's aesthetics
>integrated the most fun weapons (double claw, spinner, b&c)
>never see those weapons again
honestly, I think its just people being contrarian. I really enjoyed it myself.
Double Clawshots were in SS at least, and Spinner (and I think Ball and Chain) were weapons in Hyrule Warriors
Twilight Princess is my favorite 3D Zelda honestly
As a zoomer I got to play this game when I was young so I absolutely loved it. I played it when I was 12 and I still consider it one of my favorite games of all time. I'll never play it again because I would almost certainly be let down entirely.
All Zelda games are bad, people just forgot to pretend for this one.
>zoomer reeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
it's one of those things that was immediately apparent in TPHD. At the time it felt cool and cutting edge and really btfo'd Wind Waker but looking back one still feels fresh and one does not.
People are literally incapable of defending this game without crying about the "LE WIND WAKER" boogeyman. Which proves how shit the game is, because whenever someone praises Wind Waker, TP-Fags immedietely attack them & cry about the cell shaded graphics, and spam the same WEBM that's been posted 100 times
Whether or not you like TP, WW is still shit. Games not even fucking finished.
>spam the same WEBM
Funny thing is that WWcucks can never explain it, it’s fucking great.
Yet it still managed to get a 96 on MetaCritic & win most of the GOTY awards. Pretty amazing for a game that literally isn't even finished
Just like how TP faggots can't defend any criticism of their game without crying about Wind Waker
>I don't think BoTW qualifies as a Zelda game
>It's more like Dark Souls
Like a give a shit about MetaCritic. The triforce fetchquest is goddamn terrible.
The dungeons were tight, midna was a great character, I enjoyed the gorons society and designs, and the Spinner in the Temple you found it in was actually enjoyable (useless outside of it but good inside of it).
fight me fegget.
>Just like how TP faggots can't defend any criticism
There’s nobody more open about the flaws of TP then TPfags, they don’t like the ease of the game rendering the special skill useless, the removal of magic, Wolf Link getting eclipsed by Human Link or the bughunts. They know the limits and peaks of their game well and know it could’ve been much better as do WWfags. Then there are cucks like you who hide behind metacrtic like a faggot.
>tfw you enjoyed every zelda game you've played
they're all pretty good idk why you guys can't get along
>I don't think BoTW qualifies as a Zelda game. It's more like Dark Souls.
More like a Uibsoft open world game. Dark Souls world design is like a varied giant dungeon whereas BotW is a massive flat plane with five dungeons. Saying BotW is like Dark Souls is an insult to Dark Souls.
It shares a lot of the same strengths and weaknesses with Wind Waker, the main difference is how much it overstays its welcome.
Well that's what it closely resembles.
Because boomers are the only ones who like this piece of shit, most gamers are Zoomers now.
> Zelda's ranked by Age demographics
> 1. OOT (1st)
> 2. MM (29th)
> 3. ALTTP (31st)
> 4. WW (36th)
> 5. TloZ (59th)
> 6. TP (69th)
> 7. SS (141st)
> 1. OOT (3rd)
> 2. ALTTP (6th)
> 3. TLoZ (10th)
> 4. TP (33rd)
> 5. MM (34th)
> 6. WW (38th)
> 7. SS (78th)
Gen X
> 1. ALTTP (4th)
> 2. OOT (6th)
> 3. TloZ (14th)
> 4. MM (44th)
> 5. WW (58th)
> 6. TP (82nd)
> 7. SS (Unranked)
My only gripes with TP are the slow beginnings
>Hour plus long tutorials are common thin for Nintendo nowadays though
And the wind waker body proportions
>But TP used WW engine to begin with
because most people have no taste
>overstays its welcome
TP of all things overstaying it’s welcome while WW gets subpar sequel after sequel and spinoff.
People with bad taste, user. TP is up there with OOT and MM as one of the greatest games of all time.
TP was easy but it's far from the easiest in the series.
Imagine BoTW if it wasn't held back by being designed for 12 year old hardware
WW had a big change to jump off for sequels, where you going to go with TP?
Reopen the mirror for more midna?
>Tries way too Hard to be Dark & Edgy
name one moment, faggot
>Reopen the mirror for more midna?
Try to fix what went wrong. The difficulty, the lack stuff to outside of dungeons, more enemies to make use out of the special movies, focus on Link after Midna had her spot in the light, etc.
>literally "not bing bing wahoo enough"
die in a fire
I don't want a sequel to TP, I want a spiritual successor, in the same way that TP was a spiritual successor to OOT
Not that user but I would have loved a sequel with an older Link wandering Hyrule and trying to find a purpose in his life
The sequels are nothing like WW and they aren't even bad the way this board likes to think.
This guy gets it
I can. ’s post
Sequel to WW nonetheless.
Zelda's a childrens series & the gaming equivelent of Ghibli shit. Going out of your way to be needlessly edgy & dark will result in a garbage game that nobody wants to play. Like Bioshock Infinite it was literally sold on the pre release hype alone
Show me a completed file of Zelda 2.
That has nothing to do with what I said. WW and TP are both their own games meant to be judged individually.
This, when people discuss WW they are always bombarded with TP fans who will dismiss everything they say out of sheer jealousy. But when they are faced with critisim for their game, they simply cry about Wind Waker as if that's somehow relevant to a game that has nothing to do with TP in any way
The more important question are why the GCZeldafags are so fucking sensitive and jealous of the N64 chads? It's like everyone knows that OOT and MM are universally accepted as great games and can't touch it so they usually just attack WW or TP respectively.
It's like asking which game from that era was the least smelliest pile of shit.
Yeah sure, one might be less smelly, but it's still not worth your time compared to the actual good Zelda games.
This is the third time you've posted this today, user we get it