>Want to talk about Epic Store
>Steam user comes in
Want to talk about Epic Store
Good meme. If i had a shopping cart i'd put it in there. Give me 4-6 months
Tiananmen square
Psst! I'll give you 100 percent off all purchases!
Show me one thread about Epic that didn't begin with shitposting about Steam.
They're paying people to make memes now.
I guess the community is more powerful than the man wants us to realize.
You need to go back
The first person to mention steam in that thread was someone defending epic
Clearly not or you wouldn't be obsessing over Steam.
That's not the OP post, so nice try
I don't understand why Steam is doing absolutely nothing, like just offer the devs some money to keep the game on Steam, why is Valve so goddamn cheap?
>Want to log into Epic Store
>Sends my browser cookies to the Chinese government
And a ching chong nip nog to you too user
>Steam gets the game a year later.
>A year later the game is now on discount sale cause nobody bought it and all the bugs are worked out.
Sounds like a good call to me, curve spending habits.
Because it's not profitable. Operating storefront is not cheap. Epic is losing money.
When has a non-shitposting thread dedicated to the epic store ever been made?
They don't have to do anything since Epic really isn't as big as the shills here are leading you to believe. They might have 1% of Steam's market share of people that actually buy games. They inflate their numbers by being a launcher for a free to play game.
Why do you think they need to do anything? Epic is bleeding itself dry by shelling out money to devs to stay exclusive on their platform, but overall it's losing those devs sales.
And sales isn't just about the money; if a developer/publisher can't show shareholders/stockholders/investors amazing sales figures, why would they continue to invest money?
This whole Epic shitshow is crashing and burning, and Steam doesn't have to do a dammn thing except wait til the exclusivity deals end.
Epic's strategy is a simple one that's been done several times before.
>offer incredibly cheap service with incredible benefits at massive personal loss to try to capture the market
>capture the market
>raise prices and fees and fuck over everyone
steam doesn't have to do anything because it's already dominating, they're not about to start a pissing contest with a company willing to bleed itself dry.
dont forget they also steal information about the user's steam account
>bleed itself dry.
Pretty sure it's tencent's money.
>mfw all these shills think the 18% cut is permanent and won't go back to 30 or higher the moment it's convenient
someone post the chinese copypasta
bees'd poyrets
Epic pays devs for minimum amount of sales. So they bought my pirated copy for me
I don't even think about you.
Enjoy having more malware then.
>Want to talk about Epic Store
Whats to talk about?
Sweeney has already said 12% isn't sustainable for them. They are losing money to do this user. There is a reason why they are getting as many investors on board as possible. They just want market control at any cost.
They are already late on many of these as well.
>more malware than the Ebin Store
not possible lmao
>no controller support
Absolutely worthless
>They are losing money to do this user.
No, they don't. They charge extra to the consumer in certain regions.
>Improved DLC support
That would imply having DLC support. The Ubisoft games on there are currently missing all of their DLC if I'm not mistaken, not that it's much of a loss.
What's there to talk about
are you 50 or something? does piracy scare you?
T-thanks for the malwares and viruses bro! BRB, gonna reinstall my Windows because all these malwares and viruses are slowing down my PC, haha.
>epic hires star citizen devs to make their game client.jpg
me on the right, fuck china
>Long term
>Shopping cart
Jesus they really shipped this thing out as quickly as possible. Fucking Tencent.
>like just offer the devs some money to keep the game on Steam
Do you actually want storefronts to do the same retarded shit the Epic has started doing? Nobody fucking wants that
It's early access
Because they can't compete with Epic with Epic in a bidding war and they know that so they're not going to start one.
Epic has the most popular video game of all time, the most popular engine of all time and makes a cut of every single game that uses that engine on every storefront itw available on. They also have multiple quadrillion dollar companies like Disney and Tencent as investors to draw from. Valve can't win a straight up bidding war with them, which is why all their drones are in such a shit fit about them.
>Everyone blaming Tencent
Honestly Tencent is fairly hands-off in the foreign companies that it holds so long as they're profitable. I'd much rather just blame Epic themselves for being greedy as fuck and getting too cocky off of their success with Fortnite
>Steam focus on buyers
>epic ignores buyers
guess who mandates the market
>shopping cart last on list
reminder that the Epic Game Store looks at your Steam games and friendslist information and catalogues all of it on boot, even if you don't ask for the friend list search
>there are actually confused souls so salty about steam they are using this blasted out carcass of a service
Dude, you're posting this in a thread where people like this exist But I appreciate the reasonable reply for once
Galyonkin and Sweeney are quite shady themselves indeed
Gotta get as much information for when they implement their Chinese social credit system into Epic.
Why would they? Epic's market consist of nothing but 8 years old and deluded retards that have an axe to grind because muh censorship/muh lack of curation/muh monopoly.
In terms of infrastructure, Steam is so ahead of Epic that only retards that don't play games would consider buying at epic's.
I wanna say it's either contrarians, people booty blasted that Valve never made Half-Life 3, or honest to god viral marketers for Epic
I'm just waiting for whatever new form of"Piracy hurts developers" argument develops now that we know via primary source that Epic pays developers for exclusivity via guaranteed sales and recoup if they don't make full quota.
At this point if you pay for ANY game on the Epic store you're a fucking moron.
That fuck claimed that Valve had a "moral obligation" to provide an API that allowed for rough estimation of sales data (when it wasn't known that he's been working for Epic for years). Where the fuck is that API for Epic's store Sergey?
Sweeny was already caught lying
I'm just hoping Satisfactory has private servers, so I can pirate it
>Want to shitpost on Yea Forums
>Chinese shill spams the board with Steam threads.
It's garbage anyway, you aren't missing out.
>Phoenix Point
>All games I was looking forward to heavily
>All games that Epic bought out exclusivity for
It's like Tim's trying to just fuck with me
oh god no not my friendslist now Epic knows my friend changed his name to poonjouster696969696969 once
It is people booty-blasted at valve and fueled by people who just hate DRM in general as they have always hated steamfags.
I only "care" in that I am fully aware this will not breed any competition that actually benefits the consumer.
I would say 10% contrarians, 10% ass blasted Half-life 3 boys, and 80% Epic marketing niggers in my estimations.
>pretending to be retarded
They steal your friendlist, the name of any mobile devices linked to Steam and your emails associated with games.
>its another Epic is shilling the board and I'll ignore the same exact posts made by Valve shills thread
Steam is large enough to not even need active shills mate.
The community will more than happy to do that.
it's worse i'm like 90% sure the guy spamming the steam hate threads is one of Yea Forums's most insidious resident autists
he obscessively spams completely mundane threads and the mods can do nothing about him, he ban evades like a motherfucker and his threads are so innocuous you can't actually identify them easily
he fixates on different topics every once in a while
he's doing it for free
If I'm not mistaken your fucking login tokens are taken too
so they steal a list of usernames that mean nothing, my name from a cell phone run by either google or apple that everyone already has because I've over the age of 18 and have a debit card and a list of the games I own. The horror.
Hey user, whats your steam name and phone number?
Everyone already has it :')
Wow so all these steam drones are defending this multi billion dollar corporation that doesn't give 2 shits about them for free?
I'd hazard that Valve cares more about its customers than Epic does since it has fuck you Fortnite money to last years, and that Valve actually incorporates things that benefit people, rather than take away things
my phone # is not publicly available nor did I say it was. why are you so bad at sucking corporate cock?
people like thing
people would prefer to use thing over other thing
Pretty simple
Correct. They take everything that steam caches about you on your local machine.
Valve is actually currently looking into this and Epic may be in hot water legally if Valve proves they are breaking the law by accessing this data and copying it over or parsing it.
It's there, but only for developers
The thing I can tell you about Galyonkin, is that he is pro-developer, and doesn't give a fuck about consumer as long as they pay. He isn't anti-consumer, he just treats consumers as sheep.
>I'd hazard that Valve cares more about its customers than Epic does
is that why they had to be forced by multiple nations governments to institute a refund policy and don't even let you own the games you buy?
The only possible kind of ownership it's on physical releases.
>if Valve proves they are breaking the law by accessing this data and copying it over or parsing it.
I mean Tim Sweeney and Epic's VP of engineering outright admit to copying over data from Steam's files without the user's consent, which is a violation of GDPR. It can all be done on the user's computer locally and it's still illegal
Valve changing their API was pretty silly and served little purpose, really.
It was the only transparent digital distribution platform and now that's basically gone.
But I own my GoG games
Refund policy on digital goods was actually unheard of at the time. Valve was also the first to implement it, even if Australia made them do it.
Why the fuck would Steam need to do anything about this shit?
They make bank from being #1 and Epic's strategy is going to burn itself out
>Pay out the ass for exclusivity that pisses people off and won't generate sales
>Pay out the ass for games to be put out for free, meaning a majority of users will play the free games until they get bored and then go back to Steam for their library
And they gave no actual sales figures and considering Epic already lied about the spyware shit, there's no reason to trust them
I doubt more than 1% of those were not on Uplay since people wanted access to the private beta and Epic Store would be a pointless middle man with none of Steam's features
Can you sell it used in the second hand market?
Oh man oh man don't remind me.
Getting a refund on steam before governments pressed them was a fucking chore. I'm still salty about that one game they refused to refund me. Fuck Valve
>and don't even let you own the games you buy?
That applies to nearly every digital storefront
>Valve changing their API was pretty silly and served little purpose, really.
Becoming GDPR-compliant is serving little purpose?
>Refund policy on digital goods was actually unheard of at the time. Valve was also the first to implement it, even if Australia made them do it.
Fucking EA had it for 2 years before fatboy was forced to and even then puts hilariously strict limits on it like 2 hours of playtime
niggas made me buy division 2 off uplay and I realized how pointless my steam defense has been desu. fun game btw.
What's objectively the reason why i should install the epic game launcher?
>Refunding Phoenix Point
>Not just taking the Epic key they're going to give you along with a GOG/Steam key in a year and selling it to fuck Epic's bottom line harder
I admit it benefits the fucks at Snapshot to not refund, but Epic's the bigger evil overall
Guess I don't own the food I just ate :^)
>Becoming GDPR-compliant is serving little purpose?
Was that the only reason? There are multiple ways to get around that.
Valve, obviously, tracks all your purchases and can share that information without any of your other data shared with it.
Epic already paid them for money copy user. I do not care.
Day 1 pirate
>pre-installs malware
>price reduces by 20%
I call that a win
>comparing food to physical media
Epic meme.
EA offered store credit, not refunds. They had to change over as well shortly after steam.
>defending steam
Epic meme
Oh I know. I'm gonna seed Phoenix Point like a motherfucker when it comes out. Can't have my friends on the high seas getting bad download speeds
>Food analogy
>And the most retarded to date
Unlike food, your copy of game doesn't go through you and turn into shit
How the hell I'm defending Steam? I'm saying real ownership only can happen with a physical copy with no DRM that requires online activation (Fallout 3, for example, can be played with an local profile).
>8/19/13 10:09pm
>Usually, if you buy software online, you're kind of stuck with it. But today, EA has set a new policy for games on Origin: you can return game downloads for full refunds within 24 hours of the first time you launch the game, within seven days from when you purchase it, or within the first seven days after the game's release if you pre-ordered.
>Want to talk about Epic Store
No you don't. you fucking nigger. You want to make the 300th fucking bait thread because "uh oh we've run out of things to spout stupid shit about haha need something to get mad about haha board culture".
No one gives a FUCK what digital store you use. No one gives a FUCK what games are exclusive to which program.
The only reason this "Topic", and I'm being generous about calling it that, is for endless shitposting about literally FUCKING NOTHING.
Fucking off yourselves.
>with no DRM that requires online activation
so GoG
You can't sell your GOG copy. That's why it's not a real ownership.
You forgot to add the part where it refunds into origin store credit there user. They didn't allow you to refund to credit cards or debit.
wtf bros jim sterling told me epic store is better than steam
Because that was never a stipulation and it didn't happen you lying faggot
You havent been able to sell most PC games since the 90s when the concept of CD keys became widespread. You're a fucking retard.
It did not give store credit via the normal method.
It was a shit method that made refunds a very quick decision on your part...but it did help make steam fully transition to the system it has now.
Nevertheless, this would require one to use origin...which is the shittiest part of all.
Said this, obviously "No DRM Digital > DRM Digital".
I doubt you'd get that much money back, I think one is better off just getting the full amount back compared to waiting for 1-2 years and selling it at a reduced price. They got a shit ton of money for them to say that even if everyone who crowdfunded gets a refund, they'd still be positive so not getting your money back now is plain retarded if you disagree with their decision.
>You havent been able to sell most PC games since the 90s when the concept of CD keys became widespread
Are you dumb? There was nothing stopping you from selling games that had CD keys
>About Your Refund Under the Great Game Guarantee Refund Policy
>When we have received and processed your request for a refund, Electronic Arts will request the appropriate refund to the payment method used for the original order. All refunds are subject to the Terms of Sale and the Returns and Cancellations policy. View completed refunds by visiting My Cases. If your refund doesn’t appear on My Cases and the processing time for your payment method has passed, contact Origin Help.
Kill yourself Valvepig
Wanna start another rape game controversy to attack your competitors, Uncle Chen?
Let him believe that digital has no downsides whatsoever.
>waiting for 1-2 years and selling it at a reduced price.
I'd be selling the Epic key the day it comes out and keep the GOG/Steam copy for myself when it comes out a year later. I honestly dislike both companies, but Epic starting this trend of buying up exclusivity is something I hate more for the long-term potential of PC as a platform
>Hey faggot rent this game from us, You have to be online, download it from our servers only, have no ability to play 99% of the games you rent without our client, and if you don't agree to any ToS changes we make your entire library will be locked from you forever with no way to retreive it until you do agree.
>Heres an offline installer you can use on as many PCs as you want with 0 obligations have fun.
>"These two things are exactly the same!"
Eat more of Gabe's shit and thank him for the opportunity
I literally said DRM-Free Digital > DRM Digital, but that doesn't changes the fact that it's not real ownership.
>your entire library will be locked from you forever with no way to retreive it until you do agree.
You do know that DRM-free games do exist even on Steam right? You can launch them straight from your Steam files without launching Steam itself
Imagine being so out of touch you include the word "epic" in your company's name, thinking it will draw in the cool hip gamer crowd.
On his defense, they're by far the minority and Steam doesn't acknowledge their DRM-free status.
>have no ability to play 99% of the games you rent without our client
Haha oh man you totally got me, you can play Indiepixelshit Adventure 44 without Steam running based fucking gabe. Totally make up for him locking the other $1500 worth of games I have if I disagree with his ToS which lets him sell my info the advertisers
>Epic guarantees sales by paying out of their pocket
So not only do I not hurt the developer by pirating, I can also make Epic spend more money. Being a piratechad is great.
Not him but
>food analogies
Dead giveaway for a retard. I don’t even necessarily disagree with you, I just think you’re argument is invalid.
You're clearly a retard who doesn't even know what the parts in his computer do, enjoy being in the dark forever.
What do you want to talk about exactly?
Fuck mobile posting from my moms house
First they shill Trump, now Epic Store. In 1 year, Yea Forums will be contrarian epicdrones.
>I bought 1500 worth of games before being concerned about the ToS and my privacy
Technically shilling trump isn’t contrarian because he won the election making him the mainstream victor who dunked all over your ass
>t. I stay on Windows 7 cause Microsoft doesn't track me that way
>[funky bass stops]
Someone remembers "Order of War: Challenge"?
>What are examples
How does it feel knowing Gabe can literally install a rootkit on your computer if he wants to to monitor all you internet activity and you have to agree with it if you want to play games you payed for?
[spoilers]he already did its called steamwebhelper
>fails at spoilers in 2 wholly different ways
Woah if I knew I was communicating with a retard I'd have just left you alone.
Epic has DRM-Free support?
>A rootkit
Now this is reaching
>the state of the bethesda launcher
How retarded do you have to be to get malware from piracy? You'd have to be an outright retard who's never touched it before and hasn't done even a modicum of research on what's generally trusted and what is to be avoided.
Doesn't change the fact that almost everyone stuck at home reading the Internet all day becomes the drones of whatever opinion is spammed the most, real or fake.
The Bethesda launcher is the shittiest of them all. I hope every day that Rage 2 bombs hard on PC so they don't force DOOM Eternal through that garbage
I don't know about you user, but my copy of DOOM will be the Repack
See lots of red spots how hard is it to be pro consumer? Inb4 steam was shit when it first launched ect.
I mean is anyone excited about fucking Rage 2? Nobody bought that new Far Cry so I don't see people buying the off brand version of it on a platform nobody uses. The marketing on that thing has been horrendous.
>he think you have to close spoilers if its the last thing you post
what a retard
A friend of mine is super excited about Rage 2. But he's mainly a consolefag and has a massive boner for Rage 1 for some reason
It is literally, by definition of a rootkit, a rootkit.
RAGE 1 had really good split screen co-op, but that's all I can say positive about that game.
I only use epic store to present such screenshots to gabes dick addicts.
Also this game will be my goty.
>Buying the game even though the dev will see no benefit from your sale
>Buying games on Epic store while living in Russia
Wow, you're really presenting a strong case for your side there, hubby. You know you could have gotten at least three times as many games on the Steam store for that cash, right?
Why vavedornes are so insecure about epic store? Do they feel that without their shilling services steam gonna die?
I dunno, why are Epicdrones so insecure about Steam?
Why does chinkmoot let this blatant shilling continue?
This made me laugh about the Phoenix Point shit.
Epic paid them for 100k copies.
The game only got 10k backers and is a pretty niche game. If it even sold 100k I would be decently surprised.
they pay him to advertise here m8
hello it was hard to understand the meme can you change epic for a smug pepe so it gets more clear?
>imagine shilling for free for Epic and Tencent
Epic store is just Chinese spyware.
>>want to talk about getting fucked in the ass so that CEOs can buy an extra yacht
>get called a chink shill
And Steam store is just American spyware.
>Defending storefront exclusives
This is why you aren't mature enough to get Dwarf Fortress
wtf bro you weren't supposed to point that out.....
>none of these I ever heard about
Timestamp or it didn't happen. I refuse to believe that there is more than one piss drunk ruski who's willing to shell out four months salary just to meme on the internet
you're a retard if you don't think torrents contain malware.
hint hint, every single torrent does. some are literally just so hidden that no amount of scourging around in the datafiles with security programs can detect them.
It has subscription service, it just not store-wide because Valve think developers should manage it. A few games on store use subscription model which brings goodies to you.
And you could say they badge crafting is their loyalty program because you get lots of coupons
I'm a dirty white nigger and I can confirm this guy is correct - no sane ruskie fag will pay 799rub for a game
> I refuse to believe
You can believe whatever you want. Epic store is here to stay. Steam dominance is about to end, maybe not because of epic store alone. It will be death by a 1000 cuts, I expect that Origin and Gog will have sudden rise quite soon.
So why do you use the epic store?
Because it pisses you obviously.
Apex turned out to be a fad so nah
>I expect that Origin and Gog will have sudden rise quite soon.
GOG is fucking dead
I legit only see Epic store coming out on top
Division 2, haha
>Want to talk about Epic Store
No you don't. There's nothing to say about a retailer that stocks only a handful of products and has no noteworthy features compared to its competitors. Don't lie.
Well, I would be really, REALLY pissed off and buttflustered if you put a 12-gauge in your mouth and pulled the trigger, please don't do that user.
>I legit only see Epic store coming out on top
this. tim may not know a lot of things but he does understand that steam is nearly an impenetrable monopoly and that other stores are hitting points, thanks to market research that may or may not have been ethically done, and he knows that he cant get users without getting games
Ultimately steam is in the place it is because everything that has tried to replicate it sucks at it.
So is it a pve game? What makes it fun?
Chill. No need to be so upset.
>steam cancer
>resurrects anything
Keked. Steam is responsible for killing pc gaming.
>No empire could be as great Rome - Rome will never fall!
You're taking this too personally, maybe you need to step away from your computer and calm down with a nice glass of bleach.
Well when Rome's competition is anti-consumer, that's still true
I never though actual SteamDrones were a thing until recently. Apparently they hid among themselves in the Steam forums, using it as social platform. Now that their microcosm is in danger, they are out screeching.
You are literally a cuck if you support the Epic Store. I don't even like Steam
Let me know when there's a better alternative to Steam then
Why would you want to talk about a storefront?
Sure, tell me how/
Is ResetERA really going to boycott Epic Games, THQ, and Deep Silver like they did to boycott Catherine: Full Body until it's censored?
>cuckera for once based