What's the best JRPG of all time and why is it Dark Souls?

What's the best JRPG of all time and why is it Dark Souls?

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For me it's The Witcher 3

Because DS has a combat system with an engaging combat system and requires a modicum of skill.

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It's still Chrono Trigger, user.

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>Dark Souls is a JRPG

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because its not degenerate weebshit

Dark Souls is a WRPG

lol no

Idk if I’m sad or happy about this
I guess it’s like a Beethoven Symphony, rests in its perfection

>Dark Souls is not a Japanese RPG

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Souls plays like a typical Japanese action game, in terms of both combat and level design, with stats tacked onto it. Its not a WRPG. Name one WRPG its similar to.

All those japanese Wizardry and Bards Tale clones are still JRPGs. Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest were inspired by WRPGs but are still JRPGs.

Dark Souls is a JRPG and its no question. JRPG doesn't mean what you think it does.

In your dreams, westcuck.

>westniggers trying to take credit for souls

Time to take a geography class user.

>replay dark souls
>you have obtained the lord vessel

why didnt those retarded japs fix bed of chaos

Dark Messiah, hell it plays more like Oblivion than any JRPG.

>Medieval Europe - inspired setting
>Real time action instead of turn-based
>Realistic aesthetics and characters designs instead of anime aesthetics
>No anime tropes
>Magic system based on D&D's Vancian system
>Lore-based narrative which uses tis own cosmology system instead of the cliche evil empire -> evil church -> evil god used by JRPGs

Dark Souls is a spiritual successor of games like Baldur's Gate, Dark Messiah of Might and Magic Legacy of Kain and The Witcher; it has nothing in common with Japanese games.
The only Japanese thing about Dark Souls is its developer's country of origin.

Demon's Souls.

>developer's country of origin.
Ohhh He's getting warmer guys
Maybe he'll finally figure out what J means in JRPG.

>Dark Souls is a spiritual successor of games like Baldur's Gate

This. Doesnt overstay its welcome. It's thematics is strong, its barely grindy, has strong character focused endgame sidequests that wraps up each character's subnarrative
And it just folds together nicely.

Lets not forget it does it all within 20 hours and has a killer OST.

I can only see a remake just bloating up the time to 50+ hours and killing what makes it so good.

The only Chrono Trigger version worth playing is the SNES one. The rest are worthless because they introduce a bunch of bloat and stupid shit with the sole purpose of linking it to Chrono Cross.

None of that matters, also plenty of non-medieval and turn-based WRPGs.

>The only Japanese thing about Dark Souls is its developer's country of origin.
And all its game related influences. Ico, DQ, Zelda.

Dark Souls is more like Zelda than anything.

Literal brainlet

Shut up Arin