

Attached: Sekiro-Shadows-Die-Twice-Activision.jpg (1460x821, 259K)

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Fuck you, Activision

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who gives a fuck about activision


>only 2 monster bosses, rest are humans

Comparing this game to bloodborne will be an embarassement

I don't get what you mean by that

I'm still behind on DQ11 and Nioh

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Not on steam, anyway.
Unless you have

Can't wait to try this game sold as a "souls-like" despite not being one

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That white shit isn't in the game, right?

Also, who the fuck cares if it's labeled souls or not. The only thing that matters is if it's a fun game or not.

Sold by WHOM you insane faggot?
>this gif again

think of it this way, you're useless and gay, but you market yourself as a straight hardworker

We, gamers


Fuck, just got re2 and kingdom hearts 3. Fucking aye man, 2019 is the goatest

Are we sure trophies arent like dks2? It only has trophies for a few important bosses not all of them. I'm really worried most of the bosses are gonna be bland looking jap humans and not cool monsters.


Activision are only handling distribution in the West. Everything else is From. Activision have zero input into the game itself. That is all.

Didn't one of those girls make it with a dog?

They won't on steam until pretty late because of data miners.


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Steam preloads are encrypted, which is the entire reason it takes 6 years to unpack them.

>kingdom hearts 3
>not absolute garbage

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>falling for bait

You really this stupid? The white effects are edited in by some edgy youtuber who thinks there's something wrong with the cool grappling system

More like Soulsfags Buy Twice

who /Ashina/ here?
>blows out Skekijobber at least twice
>doesn't get a revival gimmick: still on top of it
>doesn't need underhanded ninja tricks, beats his enemies head on
>relies on the Sword and the Bow, does not need dishonourable Gadgets
>fights for his Clan, not some esoteric "Divine Heir" bullshit
>wears proper armour instead of a hobo jacket

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as a huge soulsborne fan lemme say I dont give many fucks about this game

>The only thing that matters is if it's a fun game or not

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sony btfo out again

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Game looks like shit, I have no idea how you guys can look at this and not see it.
The environments are big, empty and boring. Not a single zones in the game shown looks interesting. Its all the exact same shit besides the boss rooms.
Sneaking isn't even half baked: you can't even climb up ledges to stay stealthed instead having to jump up which unstealths you, no point in sneaking past enemys since you need to kill specific ones for items and kill the mini bosses to level up, can't sneak passed boss fights, and theres no point in sneaking in the first place besides getting back stabs but you can just run up to enemys with the bloodmist jutsu and chain backstab hordes of enemys without them being able to do anything.
Rott is trivialized because you can just undo it with a consumable.
Only people hyping it are youtubers who make their living off making videos about souls shit and were flown out to play the game. The definition of unbiased.
Both are on PS4, retard. The only multiplat you should play on a console is a fighting game.

already pre-ordered my dude

>That white shit isn't in the game, right?

Snow? What are you, a dumbass?

probably more like 7 days, will take a bit for the crack to happen and for me to download


Then don't play it.


>no point in sneaking past enemys since you need to kill specific ones for items and kill the mini bosses to level up, can't sneak passed boss fights, and theres no point in sneaking in the first place
it's an action game. stealth helps with picking out single enemies.
>bloodmist jutsu and chain backstab hordes of enemys without them being able to do anything
damn, better tell From about an oberpowered ability in a game that's not released yet
>Rott is trivialized because you can just undo it with a consumable.
no, that's not how it works.

Reminder that one of the bosses is literally a giant dragon as per the trophy list

No I’m not talking about the snake. How kino will that boss battle be

It probably will be bad. The posture system doesn't work with a huge enemy that only does unblockable attacks. Either they'll let you block most attacks, which will look dumb (stopping a claw that's bigger than you by raising your sword), or it will revert to souls combat but you don't have iframes so it'll have to be very slow.

Another alternative would be to make it a QTE battle: you grapple around the level and then take out the dragon in a single hit, like ancient wyvern.

PS. cue the sekiroshills telling me it will be good because a game they haven't played can't do no wrong.

Actually only 4 if you think about it

give niffers a day

God I wish it was.

Why are people taking that name literally? Divine dragon could just as easily be a shogun or samurai.

hmm where have I seen this exact fight before?

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Why is knee/waist high grass the most kino setting for a duel. Only thing that comes close is in front of a neon sign in rain.

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>static grapple points instead of being able to launch yourself at any point you choose

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>*teleports behind you*

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this shit annoys the fuck out of me

>preload DMC5
>sit around for like an hour waiting it for unpack
>could've just downloaded the unpacked version faster

yes because that would lead to fantastic gameplay where you just find the best grapple route around enemies, like every open world shit level design

>katana cut in two
That's what happens when you only fold the steel 999 times

wow welcome to basically every samurai movie ever

Why implement a half-ass feature if you're just going to use it to railroad the players in a different way?

No he just folded his 1001 times

it is kino as fuck, there's something about the lightning in those as well, a sunset works with almost everything

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What other games have duels in this setting?

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imagine trying to prevent out of bounds pathing/sequence events with that shit. This is Fromsoft were talking about

Is this movie worth watching or is it just this fight that is good?

>still aiming at the empty air

Upon it's release I shall plunder it.

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Bloodborne gets close with its Gherman fight. Ghost of Tsushima has the same white flowers that Sekiro has, although it of course remains to be seen if one of the games "duels" will actually take place in a field with those. But the red leaves is pretty top tier as well

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damn too bad about what happened to Kojima and Konami

I guess Sekiro is the closest thing I'm going to get with katana-on-katana weeb parrying action

Dont you fight a Hayabusa clan in a similar setting in Nioh?

The thing I liked about MGR (and that is also in Sekiro) was that parrying was the main mechanic of the combat.

I did play Nioh but I kinda just dashed around like Bloodborne and slashed people in the face. Rarely did use the parry mechanic.

is this game worth playing if I haven't played metal gear games before


yeah, especially since its currently free on xbox

If you like action games, yes. It's barely a MG game and is only loosely tied to the series story. I've never played any of the MG games outside of this and 5 and wholly enjoyed this game.

>Yea Forums
You are not serious, right?

There is 4 monster bosses acording to trophies

Dragon, Carp, Serpent, Ape

It's not so much a parry in Nioh as it is a counter. And I completely understand your love for partying its satisfying from a visceral stand point and a gameplay.

Is this a Bloodborne reference?

Yeah, definitely. It makes you much more involved in the combat and forces you to really learn and react to enemy patterns. Parrying an attack just feels way more satisfying than using your dodge button that has 500 iframes on it.

This with the workshop burning in the background is top tier.

Dumb fucking niggers, I swear

kys nigger

>another duel in an open field

These hacks don't have original idea between them

thanks guys I've had it on steam forever but never tried it because I thought I might need to play the others first
firing it up now

Kys nigger shit

kojima didn't make mgr

>Five days until DMCucks get another face fucking


yeah but with his departure from the company, chances of MGR2 ever happening have dropped to basically zero.

>shitty nioh clone with dumbed down combat

The thing im excited for is the bigger more open map design. I love finding hidden places to explore. On one gameplay video the player fell off a bridge and into a river and showed that you can in fact swim. He swam around and found they random scale items. He continues swimming and finds a large barrel with a grenmlin like hand sticking out like in a begging kind of way. Goes up to it and its an NPC with dialogue and apparently you can barter and sell stuff to it. So random it was hilarious. That's the moment I was like I'm getting this game.

Konami still owns the IP right, as long as Platinum is willing. What's stopping them?

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It's pretty much the best samurai movie

This motion looks retarded

speak english

>some edgy youtuber who thinks there's something wrong with the cool grappling system
He's just joking around you autist

t. guy who tells us the game is bad because a game he hasn't played can do no right

Just wait until its out

Why should I buy it when it will be free on Day1?
No denuvo lol


Literally had a dream about this game last night. That's never happened to me before but I think my subconscious is telling me I need this game.

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It's because you just want From to pump out the same thing over and over

>no custom character creator
yeah have fun with your "game"

>resuing gehrman's ascetic for a boss
lmao, fromsoftware is a one trick pony

Cosplay virgins
Designed Character Chads

>Another Dark Souls with different skins and a couple of extra gimmicks

When will this die? It is as bad as the battle royale genre

Yeah I will

>activision is fine when it's fromsoft!!

Grappling shouldn't be in the game

DMCfag spotted

Every day I think about how cool some of the late-game stuff will be. Im really hoping for some j-horror shit
Dont give me any hope, please

+ interesting combat mechanics
+ stealth looks kinda fun
+ grappling has some appeal
+ music isn't bad from what I heard
+ looks pretty
- boring aeshetic (literally just got nioh last year)
- boring gameplay (Infinite stamina, why?)
- a lots of souls tropes and cliches
- reused ideas and content from souls games
- 90% humanoid enemies, reminds me of ds2
- no player customization at all
- no custom builds
- no multiplayer support
- expect a dlc/GOTY edition in a couple months/year

I'll wait for the GOTY version with the extra DLC packs and not fall for the same scheme I did with DS3.


Last boss is Buddha.

>Im really hoping for some j-horror shit
Same. Even if it's something different I just hope it's wild

If only Sekiro's setting was as interesting as Bloodborne's.
Shame it isn't.

>generic fantasy Japan (but abandoned with barely any life because From)
>pagodas, temples, wooden buildings
>samurais, naginatas
>japanese castles with cherry blossom trees around it
>sky lanterns and grapple hook

This is so creatively bankrupt I'm falling asleep already.
But wait, there's gonna be an EPIC TWIST in the second half because Miyazaki is such a God (like Kojima, he plays us all like a fiddle constantly!)
Suddenly stuff becomes evil and weird and demonic and there's all kinds of monsters and weird supernatural forces at work.

Oh btw, zero multiplayer of any kind and no items you can find or different weapons for you to use whatsoever, all you can find is different prosthetic limbs.

Fucking hyped yet?
Yeah me neither. Leave it to diehard drones to praise it to the high heavens though despite the generic trope-filled setting and overanalyze its missing lore for years to come.

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Literally agree with everything you said. Who are you? You're pretty based. Glad someone else is seeing Sekiro for what it is.

It doesn't look like it belongs in it, and the maps aren't huge. Places feel larger if you can't fly above them.

Going to download it for free. Thanks FromSoftware.

There were faggots who were complaining about BB's setting and enemy designs before release as well. This shit is so tired

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You know they designed the game with the grappling hook in mind right?

Look user if it’s not a carbon copy of Dark Souls I’m not buying it.

Wow you think Sherlock? Damn you are so intelligent you should make some hidden lore videos on Sekiro.

>It doesn't look like it belongs in it


Serpent is a gimmicky encounter and not a fight.

Based off what we’ve seen at least. We could go down to fight it later still.

shame, coudlve made a dark fantasy feudal japan dark souls

We already know that some bosses arent listed in the trophies like that drunkard

Why do one trick ponies try to branch out?
just stick to what the fuck you're only good at, nobody gives a fuck about your shitty "artistic" vision

Don't most From games have a few bosses that don't have trophies/achievements tied to them?

My uncle works at Fromsoft. He says Sekiro is set in the Bloodborne universe.

>mfw we literally turn into a wolf at the half-way point and fight vampires an shiieeet

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