You may press as many of the four buttons as you like, or none at all.
Your goal: save gaming.
Buttons Thread: Save Gaming Edition
None. It would only make things worse.
Destroy fandoms is really tempting
Make a "Destroy Eastern Games" button. I'd smack that shit nonstop.
There really is no better answer than the orange button, is this a joke?
Some of these positives and negatives seem like whomever made this had some insane biases.
Shit tier buttons.
>Yea Forums deleted is a negative
>loli is now categorized as cp and is punishable by death
By the way, since VNs aren't videogames as you all so claim all the time, it's exempt from these rules right?
Destroy Jews. Holy shit, that was easy.
>By the way, since VNs aren't videogames as you all so claim all the time,
Nice try VNfag but the Loli ban applies to everything even anime and VNs.
Good on you for admitting that VNs aren't games though.
Yes, because VN's are not in fact video games
Okay then I push the red and green button
A great depression for games would last for 5-10 years, meaning during that period almost no games would be made, and current online games would have their servers pulled. You also need to consider that DLCs being free discourages them from being made in the first place, and no console exclusives means high-budget passion-projects would no longer exist (bloodborne/cuphead). So no, destroying Jews is not a good idea. Just like in the real world: when jews die, the economy collapses.
Red and yellow is the objectively correct choice.
>the "more microtransactions" red con becomes moot because of yellow
>vidya market will eventually recover
>e-celebs die off like god intended
I destroy Yea Forums so that the alt right loses one of their breeding grounds dealing them a significant blow that will probably cost them the culture war.
>economy collapses
And so does evil as we know it. It's for the greater good.
And through its ashes emerges a new era. One where humanity will prosper
>And so does evil as we know it
In your dreams goy.
/pol/ will still exist
I don't remember when I last time played western AAA product, so obviously yellow one for more air for small developers.
If you destroy jews, chinks will take their place
yellow has no real negatives lmao
Microtransactions and gambling and other such cancers would increase, which is unacceptable. People can simply live with or ignore ratings and controversy, learn to judge games on their own merits and quality instead of the spewn shit of others.
The gaming market crashed after E.T. and Atari, and it recovered into quality afterward. The same can happen again. All the pros are the best pros, the cons aren't really cons. 100% worth it.
No SJW propaganda, fatties BTFO, furfags and lolifuckers gassed? Perfect. Absence of NSFW could be a breath of fresh air, encourage people to not be as degenerate and be more rounded as individuals too. Modding community being low might not be so bad. SJW rage spam can simply be ignored or lived with. Sign me the fuck up.
No. Just no.
Turn 360 degrees and walk away
blue. i fucking die and vidya is saved
But at what cost?
All buttons are shit except for the yellow one.
>but muh depression
We could easily play older games for the rest of our lives, you can wait for a few years. Finish your backlog fagget.
>A great depression for games would last for 5-10 years
Great i can finally finish my backlog!
All buttons. Hold nothing back.
its a better idea than every other button op gave desu.
>5-10 years, meaning during that period almost no games would be made
Indie and low budget games have never been stopped. AAA game makers shitting out sequel after sequel barely contribute to "gaming" as a whole aside from the whole streamer fandom and shoveling out the next big meme.
>and current online games would have their servers pulled
Everything with a community worth a damn has been offline for years, at worst you lose current MMOs but that's been a decaying genre for over a decade anyway.
>You also need to consider that DLCs being free discourages them from being made in the first place,
Gee like how DLC used to not exist at all, and instead they were called expansion packs, or they were just free content updates? Pull the plug my man i'm still smashin that orange.
>and no console exclusives means high-budget passion-projects would no longer exist (bloodborne/cuphead)
The two aren't related at all, console exclusives have nothing to do with passion projects. If anything that'd just mean PC releases for passion projects like Cave Story that has existed for many years until (((they))) decided to port it everywhere recently.
I notice a distinct lack of the "Destroy SJW's" button, OP.
yellow has literally no downsides
Green button is the high IQ choice.
Yellow has the best upsides and no real downsides. In fact, a depression with a guaranteed recovery will legitimately make games better. E-celebs are cancer anyway, and the only good ones do it out of passion.
Red is basically the same as doing nothing at all, at least for us at Yea Forums. Considering most people here including myself pay more attention to game content than score, and don't purchase microtransactions, there isnt any real effect this button has.
Blue (which should be renamed to "destroy degenerates) has some amazing upsides, but the really shitty downside of killing the internet laughing stock which other gamers/losers can laugh at to feel better about themselves. Bronies and furfags would die out, and then we would be left without any comedy or projection. its a 50/50 for me.
Green is objectively the worst. It is second to yellow for having the best upsides, since online vidya would become 1000x better and their lifespans would quaddruple. Killing ingame voice chat however ruins the experiance, unless you use discord
>Yea Forums is deleted
Done and done
>Implying the Yellow button wouldn't be for the greater good.
Imagine no EA or Blizzard or Valve or Activision. Would be glorious
Literally none of these options are good.
>pushes the blue button thinking lolifags will get their just rewards
>Suddenly police burst into my house to arrest me.
>I'm sentenced to death because they found cp on me
>meet hundreds of people while on death row who where arrested at the same time
>All because an random user decided to draw 2 stickfigures fucking with 1 figure labeled as 12 years old.
Should Have just pushed the orange button lads
All of them except toxicity. If there is no negative, positive has no meaning. Being told to kill yourself is better than being ignored.
Most people in this thread aren't thinking this through hard enough. Here is what I would do:
> Press green button
> Press yellow button
> Wait until the depression start to recover
> Press blue button
> Create a global statistic: vidya economy falls against right-wing censorship. rises back up with leftist censorship.
> Media picks up on the statistic and begins reporting on it.
> Sway the results of the next election in favour of my chosen party.
> Wait until investigators begin suspecting my tampering and using it to change public opinion
> press red button at the height of my investigation
> even if im caught, my damage is already done and any chance of it becoming public news is now impossible
destroying critics would by FAR be the best choice, followed closely by destroying jews
>no faggot critics paid to play games for 1 hour and give them a number
>Yea Forums and other forums still exist
> Be overweight, bribe-taking e-celeb game-reviewer who browses Yea Forums and has a hidden loli collection.
>Lack of review scores encourages style-over substance for larger companies. Innovative and/or high quality games become much rarer, even though they still exist.
How is that different from now?
Does anyone have the time travel potion pic saved?
Does the orange button go by genetics, greed or adherence to Judaism? Because if the former, most of the Middle East is gone too.
>E-celebs no longer receive sponsors as a result of investors pulling out
>Reliance on ads forces them to either pander to kids, shill their own merchandise,
But they already do this? Even with a sponsor.
There is literally nothing wrong with being jewish
>Should Have just pushed the orange button lads
I'm not anti-Semitic user.
This only goys would disagree.
>Yellow doesn't lock the Maximum Gaming company employee Salary to 100X the Median Salary in the company.
But Why, though?
All it does is prevent fake reviews and makes everything worse
Prevents fake reviews and more, e-celebs being kill is a positive and gaming crash is also a good thing
>removing NSFW
worst by far.
Literally pointless. Yellow solves almost every problem there.
>You also need to consider that DLCs being free discourages them from being made in the first place
Which is why before DLC we had so many great expansion packs right?
>5-10 years
Good joke we went through a gaming crash already and that didn't happen
>and no console exclusives means high-budget passion-projects would no longer exist
They would be made for PC instead. Most games during the crash will be passion projects.
>and current online games would have their servers pulled.
>always online games as a service trash
good riddance
nothing better.
I can't cope with a gaming crash, video games is one of the only reasons I havent kms yet
*Are great
>I can't cope with a gaming crash,
Get to work on your backlog and the crash would be over before you know it.
Most games that are actually even worth playing would've came out during a crash too. a crash just removes most AAA games that are only created to make the next big buck. Indie games have completely taken over as the best games of the year almost every recent year and the people that support indie devs would still support indie devs during a game crash.
*at destroying their host nations
*and being a great people
Yellow literally doesn't have any downsides. Another crash wouldn't stop good games from being made and decent vidya exclusive ecelebs don't rely on sponsors.
There's not really any reason to hit the others. Red would kill dumb metacritic posting and the nonstop SJW shit in vidya journalism but reviews can be useful and killing vidya journalism would also kill previews and press events. Blue is pretty much entirely negative unless you're one of those retards who lets a cancerous fanbase dictate his opinions on things, and green is just completely insignificant. I personally wouldn't press it because the chat filter would be stupidly obnoxious, but I haven't had a serious issue with hackers or botters in over a decade.
Can I just press the yellow button repeatedly? You know, to make sure.
>but I haven't had a serious issue with hackers or botters in over a decade.
They're mostly in the underage kiddie games because most are underage kiddies or chinese farmers selling to underage kiddies with their moms credit card.
a gaming crash would remove them so it's a redundant button. the only reason to push would be to kill Yea Forums.
Yeah, that was basically my thought on the green button too, but I decided that if Yea Forums died I would probably just find some other way to be completely unproductive with all that time, so I figured I'd just keep the chat uncensored and live with the cold reality that I can't escape this place.
wtf all of these are terrible. Critics and Jews actively make games way worse with no way to make up for it, Fandoms just turns games into a giant fucking no-fun zone and Toxicity doesn't actually do anything to destroy Toxicity.
Zero. None. No button presses. Fuck you.
Toxicity does nothing for toxicity itself, just for surface behaviour/words that are already punished/restricted. Bots and hacks are minor for the industry at large. Fandom is a mixed bag without consistency, the positives aren't positives and none of it would help gaming except maybe the first (hint: they would find other ways to shit things up).
Critics is mixed. Scores are good for getting a very broad feeling of someone's opinion of the game's quality. It makes it possible to filter all the shit games that come out, and to easily see which games have gotten really good receptions and may be worth having a look at (both user and critic scores, the latter with tempered expectations because of criticbait).
For making games better, I press it. For making the industry larger and the userbase (largely casuals) happy/interested, I wouldn't.
Jews is just a lot of positives. The moment a creator starts relying on streaming/whatever for money they largely turn to shit, and AAA crashing is more good than bad even if they never recovered (assuming the devs would go into indie etc.). Mega console would remove competition but since this is a magical fantasy world I guess that wouldn't happen to a great degree, and consoles may finally be competitive to PCs for high end hardcore gaming beyond exclusives.
>remove all SJW propaganda
Yikes, imagine being such a sensitive snowflake that you'd want to censor anything you disagree with. So much for free speech I guess.
Yellow has no downsides
You guys are a bunch of sociopaths. Another crash would ruin a shitton of people's lives in one way or another.
Forgot to address negatives of critics. I don't believe that lack of numbers would lead to less originality, if anything it would be more because people would be forced to read reviews and learn what the game does that's notable, while now it can just be good or criticbait and get attention from that. Days Gone will have a higher score than a lot of other games that have far more going for them. The other is made up by for the second button.
Sacrifices need to be made in order to advance gamers to the next level.
Yellow button all the way. I have a lifetime of old games I haven't touched and this will be a benefit in the long run. I'll also rise from the ashes of this industry crash as one of the few e-celebs to stick with video games through thick and thin.
Yellow is the only option as it has no downsides.
With games being stuck at $50 and no microtransactions, budgets are going to be significantly smaller. Still, that might be a good thing too. Too many games these days rely on a massive pool of resources and don't think about where and how to cut costs. Then again, it'll likely force game devs to play it safer too.
Who gives a shit about something as inconsequential as video games? Push the yellow button and save humanity.
Wooden doors?
All 4.
Having games provide infinite revenue streams mean you make them appeal to the broadest possible net to catch as many whales as possible, make sure it appeals to the lowest common denominator. Less infinite money means less need for extreme marketing campaigns and marketing is a big part of budgets anyway.
*'s culture subverter
Bye bye kikes
Destroy jews.
>E-celebs ... forces them to pursue a real job in favor of their internet career.
They already pander to kids and shill their merch anyway.
I press the Destroy Jews one. Thats the source of all problems, even the "negatives" are positives.
That is the only way things can get better, and if those fuckers that in any way are affiliated suffer, all the better.
Destroy jews. Answer to all world's problems.
The jew answer is too enticing