One copy of Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers please

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Other urls found in this thread:

And a jar of chin wax.

nice femroe cosplay

>ywn never be physically overpowered by a femroe
why live

There's so many gay folks on here. Is primal data center any less gay?

i'm on primal and can guarantee we're 100% gay, please fuck off

Primal is full of waifufags and regular fags.

stop making threads tranny

>Savage Clear Rate: 6%
>Eureka Cap: 11%
>BLU 50s: 18%

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better jawline than 90% of Yea Forums

Does this game have no in built voice chat? I'm pretty sure wow had that years ago

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>That Eureka cap and Blu 50

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If anything this shows that Anemos was the right design choice.

No sir, that's just everyone hopping on to try out the "new" content, that's the only reason the % is so high.

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>by stage
You are aware what those Eureka numbers mean right user? Add each region's percentage and they all add up to 100%. That means in NA 55% of people who did Eureka are still in Anemos, 20.7% are still in pagos, 9.9% are leveling in Pyros and 14.44% actually got to Pyros Cap.
>can't realize each one adds up to 100%
The 11% number is probably adding up all the Capped Player numbers divided by the active population. So in this case you would have JP being 41.947, NA being 15,168 and EU being 8,033 at Pyros cap which divided by 597,100 which is the Active Character count then you'll get 0.10911 or about 11% at Pyros Cap.

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What are these percentages from? All characters made? Are bots and whatnot excluded from this?

>why live
good question

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Any post-35 Character, meaning they are not Free-Trials, that have had any kind of update on their lodestone page are counted in this census. Not completely accurate but without anything from SE is one of the closest bets we'll have. It doesn't count if you're an Alt or not as its character based. Then I'm more than certain it uses achievements to gauge where you're at in Eureka proper.

just because you cut your dick off and made yourself miserable doesn't mean you have to make us miserable with your garbage posts

trannies are a plague

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I've read Shadowbringers wrong.

Eureka's number is only that high because it has the relic tied to it.
Blue mage is so fucking easy to level anyone not braindead had it 50 day 1 and all the shitters had it to 50 at the end of week 1. The content is dead after that.
Meanwhile savage and ultimate fights are still meaningful content, that people still do regularly.
K i l l y o u r s e l f.

spot on, ffxiv is a game enjoyed exclusively by women and faggots.

Can you do anything with player commendations?

Unf I want to lubricate her butthole.

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Sure thing, ms Bogdanoff.

Depending on the amount of player commendations you get, you can get rewards. Talk to the achievement award guy in Old Gridania. 3000 gets you a fat chocobo.

give me an uwu clear reee
stop messing up mr messy

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>implying that 11% is worth bragging about
Its a reminder to the amount of shit content this game added and how little of it can even pull in the community at hand. Eureka couldn't even pull twice of all Alphascape Savage in the end, that is horrible for content meant for the casual player and the "crowning jewel" of Stormblood.

Stop causing wipes.

Shad Owbringers™
Directed by Yoko Taro
Coming soon

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XIV is the biggest meme i ever seen.
Fucking /v force it, but never tells you that it is ONLY for gays and trannies.
I am, as retard, bought this game and only AFTER that i realize that there are no content at all and every player is fag.

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wow only 15% people on average participate in content
I guess that means we need to cancel all content
delete the game nothing matters

t. armchair Yea Forums game designer

How the fuck is 11% in casual shit content like Eureka considered high?

Forum Posters are truly retarded
Had you browsed Yea Forums's threads you would have noticed the long complaints about content longevity. You only have yourself to blame for not researching both sides of XIV argument.

fuck off fujoshit, this is a tranny only site

Only 10% of this game's population plays MCH and DRK. This means we need to get rid of MCH and DRK.

>15% is acceptable for content that drained most of Dev Resources this expansion
Kill yourself senpai. The numbers would have been worse were it not for the Relic.

reminds me of Butcher Block WARS.

aint the boss of me

Replace heavy shot and quick nock with Fire and Fire 2 and you're golden

here ya go mam have a nice day.

Can someone explain to me why FF14 has so many trannies? It's literally THE Tranny Fantasy. Even fem-characters have tranny faces.

>automatically assuming negativity off those numbers
You're the only ones adding the negative connotation with the info you were given
>Delete MCH
As a MCH main sadly I can only thing this is the best fate we'll get since I have no faith in Yoshida ever fixing the class, at the very least it didn't suffer the fate that BLU did.

>cat faces are tranny faces

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That OP is never gonna live this down

It's too bad she's going to meet haurchefant in the 77 dungeon

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Why was the Conjurer story so bad? It feels like everything could have been resolved if the Guildmaster, from the start, told the dumb bitch why her mom died.

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It's the offical Yea Forums MMO

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i'm (relatively) new to BLM, when am i supposed to be using fire 2 over fire? fire 2 doesn't proc firestarter and i've been using fire because none of the tanks i've seen while leveling have been able to keep me from pulling aggro if i don't use diversion.

Lyse and Yugiri are going to get gassed to death by the empire.

>Lyse and Yugiri are going to get gassed to death by the empire.

I fail to see a problem

It can't come soon enough

It's the biggest clue of "Use all your abilities and DPS you fucking idiot" that a player will ever get, Sylphie is legitimately a prima-donna healer

Bros, didn't know if you knew this but apparently you can learn blu spells in the arena. Just found out by fighting azulmagia for the quest.

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There isn't, fuck off with your forced meme, tranny.

Yugiri, probably. Lyse, unlikely. She is the "heart and soul" of Stormblood, and the leader of Ala Mhigo.

why are you doing dead old content

>calls me tranny
>defends tranny fantasy 14

Ok roe tranny, alright highlander tranny, sure thing boneydemon tranny

This is your average XIV thread people, just garbage that's not even welcome on /trash/ anymore.
Honestly every XIV thread should just be autosaged/deleted until the fanfest maybe as there is nothing to talk about anyway untill the fanfest.

t. seething tranny

Fire/Fire III for single-target or groups up to 3 units, Fire 2 for groups of 4+ monsters. If you're a high enough level to have Flare, shift gears to using that instead, and use Convert to get off another Flare.

Because I recently resubbed since my friends wanted to so some content. It's kinda fun, but not sure what to do with it once I beat all the challenges.

Arena's your shitter check for if you have certain abilities or not, you can learn loads of BLU spells through it that you may or may not have. If you don't have Eruption from Ifrit you can just farm it from the normal-difficulty fight, by the by, doesn't have to be hard or EX for that one.

>Wok on By
So was there any reason to do this quest? I think I remember reading somewhere that a goldsaucer item would become available if you completed the ivalice quest or something but they weren't talking about that one were they?

t. Actual tranny calling others trannies.
Just admit that you like to take it up your ass and stop defending this shit game
Just a little over 5 days until we can have a decent fucking thread.

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>what to do with it once I beat all the challenges
You shelf it till 5.1 when it'll get another content update so you can play for another week. It literally has nothing else to do that other jobs can't do better.

>he's still spouting this lie

>implying things won't just get worse

Umm sweetie the trannies here like girls
Why do you think they became girls in the first place?

holy moley projection bat man

thanks for the advice, pal

Fire II bigger pulls onry.

As an addendum, Fire 2 is marginally better for AOE when you're burning groups of like, 12-13+, but that's pretty rare. I also think there was an optimal rotation that threw in a Fire 2 amid Flares but it's been a while since I did BLM.

>la Hrothgar
One week.

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Dunno. But that quest chain is where lord of the fetch comes from. Maybe there will be something else at the very end of SB with the final story patch?

>thinking the shitposting will get better
>thinking anything that is revealed won't be finished in one hour of conversation before shitposting begins again
Here is your content reveal. 7 new dungeons that are just reskins of the leveling dungeons at the mechanical level with no shake-up to the tunnel design. 2 EX Primals that will be easy as hell to do with a 3rd that won't have an EX till patch 5.1 or 5.2. Raid delayed by 2 weeks and Savage by 3.

Imagine thinking we're getting both male and female Hrothgar

Fuck off Bless faggot. Every fucking thread you post this shit

Imagine thinking we aren't.

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I've heard primal powers are really low learn rate.

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all furries must hang

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Imagine thinking the dev team would do that much work

I believe XIV is gonna die in year or something like that.
I bet SHB will flop terribly.
Cause their release date is too close to WoW Classic.
And believe me - EVERYBODY would play classic. Like it is the most important release of the fucking decade

Just image Yoshi's face when he will see the numbers! Like, huh, i believe he'll gonna kill himself

And plus SE doing pretty fucking bad, they don't have any successful and profitable IPs.
KH3 floped
Left Alive flopped hard
Tomb Rider flopped.

Only XIV was profitable, but they gonna cut the costs for more earnings and anyway SHB gonna flop cause of WoW Classic

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There's no way you've played this game for very long without knowing how much this dev team cuts corners.

It's even worse since if you're taking frog's fuckups at face value then it means we're getting 2 full races since the male female pronoun thing exist for both race.
And of course since we're getting 2 full races Yoshi only revealed half a race at EU fanfest.

They are, being able to cheese their learning by going on a lower difficulty than stated in the spellbook is just to make it go a lot faster. It can take quite a while to get primal skills because of the low learn-rate. Still less obnoxious than some XI BLU skills on the whole though.

>finally join that damn BA discord
>one billion roles and one billion channels

How exactly was this supposed to make clearing Baldesion's Arsenal easier again?

I never understood why people are hyped for classic. Like how much of a cuck must you be to be hyped for a literal release of an older version of a game. Is wow such a pile of shit now that a game that is nothing more than a nostalgia cashgrab would have people excited for it?

>tank makes pull become the big pull
>foul, triple flare, foul
>no diversion, no lucid
>"healers adjust" as I respawn

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You could probably pull up the numbers for how many people cleared the 4.5 MSQ and it'd be less than 50%. Your first mistake is assuming that all (or even most) active characters are max level characters. Your other mistake is assuming everyone interacts with the game the same way you do i.e. playing for hours every day and devouring any and all content as soon as it releases.

"Active characters" doesn't mean people logging in every day, it counts basically any character that has so much as touched the game even once in the last month. It's moderately useful as a judge of active subscriptions but for judging player engagement, it's about as useful as steam achievements where it's common for only like 10% of players even have the "finished first level" achievement.

How hard it is to use flash/unleash/overpower once in a while? It's just a dungeon not a savage raid so no need to care about tank dps.

You don't even need to compare it with active population, just fucking compare it to savage clears, and it's not even double of that.

ok dude

user the issue with those numbers is Eureka being the casual content didn't even pull twice of Savage. BLU is a given since it was easy to level but turned off a lot of people with its Limited status.

please don't bully khimari, it's not his fault they made him a bad character

Im pretty sure overpower spam direct hit crits are the meta for warriors in dungeons.

15% is absolutely acceptable outcome for endgame content for a themepark MMO, you'd know this if you weren't this fucking new
>The numbers would have been worse were it not for the Relic.
The numbers would have been even worse if it wasn't what it is, wow, what a shocking fucking revelation

Kill yourself, idiot

its mam

Man, this DRK Job quest really was overhyped crap after all. Never listen to Yea Forums.


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you suck dicks

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When did Chad become trans?

I cant tell if you post this as bait or you're actually dumb enough to believe this

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How low IQ do you have to be to get intimidated by group channels? Just use the fucking bot command in the LFG channel you're after then scroll down to the group channel it tells you when your queue pops, you absolute dullard.

so what am i supposed to do after i hit lvl 35 in pagos concerning the relic weapon

Wait what the fuck happened? I haven't been lurking for long.

Hate yourself and grind NMs or dragons in the forge cave until you finish that step. Honest to god, they need to add a way to trade Pagos Crystal for light on that step at this point, it's absolutely fucking painful.

I have a stack of 999 Pagos Crystals and can't do shit with it because in no way am I doing all that light grind.

Try to get an instance that becomes locked, and use the level sync trick to farm light on the wolves and jellyfish monsters around the south bunny fate. The fewer people around, the easier of a time you'll have doing it.

>Giving gooks a monthly fee

>15% is absolutely acceptable
Get back to work Yoshi-P, you need to get the disappointment ready for Saturday

Will the next raid series even get a field theme? It's a shame that the Alexander one was lacking and that Omega basically didn't have one.

elezen and roe bros what are you going to do when viera come out

Fantasia to Hrothgar unless they look like shit

I'll make one in the character creator and maybe make a viera retainer but other than that I'm elezen for life.

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Nothing. Elezen are precious and must needs be protected.

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I want Shadman to see this image.

There's a quest around lvl 18 where you're meant to talk to the head of the Archer Guild.
OP interpreted it as JOINING the Archer Guild and lvling it up because he couldn't into quest markers

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same i dont plan on changing though im not looking forward to the mass amounts of shitposting from all the catgirls and au ra who switch over

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Reminder that Kaiser Oblivion uses this fairy as a fleshlight daily

Tell me what to main.

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I'm gonna play both on launch
I'm gonna try WoW Classic for at least a month
See how it is

How can anyone be excited for classic, it's still modern Blizzard working on it.

Dab on all the edgy fucks coming this July and become Paladin/Gladiator
If you want big numbers, do Black Mage/Thaumaturge
If you want your party to love you, do either Bard/Archer or Ninja/Rogue
White Mage/Conjurer has big dick heals with spells like Medica II and Assize and AoE damage with Holy and again Assize
Don't listen to metagamers and parsers who shill Scholar, it's a braindead job

Keep playing the lanky overlords

Please don't fanta, Roes and Elezen are precious Eorzean resources and should be protected and preserved at all costs

I would be excited for classic, but Blizzard has fucked up so many times, I don't care if they did put something good out at this point. They won't receive another dollar from me.

>play all these unfun jobs trust me user

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>ur a tranny
>no u r
>no u
>wow this projecting

go back to NBGO

Well what ARE fun jobs then

war sam ast

Damn... male viera look like THAT??

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This. Anyone who has played the game any period of time knows how much they like to skimp out. Would not be surprised in the least if Viera were female only and another race was male only. Work equivalent of only a single new race with the marketing ability of saying two new races.

Are they canon lovers?

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Need the benchmark so I can tinker with their character creation and such before I decide if I'm going to switch. Haven't used a fantasia before so it'll be a bit of an adjustment if I switch. Been an Elezen since 1.0.

Will be weird to have a not completely fucking trash run animation though.

That's a dude

Alisaie is WoLsexual

No, Alisaie is WoLsexual. Same for Yugiri, Aymeric, and Haurchefant.

>giving money to modern blizzard
I unironically can't think of how you can be a bigger cuck. Its like fucking stockholm syndrome.

I'll give you WAR, but I personally never saw the appeal of SAM, and didn't really care for the rng aspect of AST. Plus I assumed they were a new player and they wouldn't get to SAM and AST until they beat ARR

Eureka/Relic has always been the extreme PvE poopsock edition for people who just want to keep playing the game. Considering the % of the playerbase are Endgame, aka. like 20% of active players to begin with, half of them doing Eureka is indicative of the high level of engagement.

Urianger's one of Alisaie's oldest friends, like an uncle or an older brother, but not only is Alisaie WoLsexual, Urianger is Moenbrydasexual but was too autistic to act on it.

>BLU 50s
>something that takes literally an hour to do at most and zero effort
wow it's fucking nothing

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>didn't even pull twice of savage
It pulled far less when you consider that "savage clears" means "cleared O12S", not "cleared any floor of savage"
If you did the stats and included people who had cleared any number of floors of Alphascape savage the number would likely be way higher than Eureka. I'd wager the number of people who have entered Ultimate fights more than once (indicating that they've at least tried them) is probably higher than the number of people who have entered Hydatos

If we get shota viera then become a cute bunni boi and marry a bara roe.

If not then I'll unsub, uninstall FFXIV, trash my PC, buy a plane ticket, burn down Square and that shitty chink company they outsourced XIV too, and nuke Japan a third time.

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Imagine we we had WoW balance.

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Hey I saw that dude on grindr

are demon hunters really that good?

More like they're OP and able to cheese shit.

Honestly the number should be higher given how little time it takes to get to 50 and the fact that its not locked behind an expansion.

Well at least in WoW each class feels unique (even if much less so than before). Frankly I'd advocate for this in XIV more because in XIV you can just swap classes at will.

All dps in XIV feel extremely unique compared to eachother.

yeah man let me just cast mudra's on dragoon while learning the best optimal set up for fell cleve on white mage

Except every single melee feels the same to play, I have the same hotkeys on all my characters because they do the same thing.

XIV at least has different mechanics from what little dps i've played.

>wow class feels unique

Imagine if you couldn't just switch class to what was meta too. Imagine being benched because lo and behold, you run fifty rogues on Mythic KJ and your class is worthless. It's laughable that people complain about this game's "balancing" issues at all. The game is 90% skill over gear, a good BLM in i360 can out-dps most shitters at i400 in dungeons. A excellent BRD can beat 80% of SAMs in Savage without a DRG. The actual difference in roles only arises at literally 99th percentile, the top 20 or so speedruns for content. Even DRK is better than PLD if you don't understand why PLD is used in the first place. If you overmitigate Ion Efflux to ~25k damage via Passage+Veil, you're doing it wrong.

They can mass stun and have great aoe
Literally op for mythic+
Rogues can skip entire packs
Others dps? No needed

shit my heart, i m having sudden pain on chest laughing

No idea what that is tranny. Why hasn't this thread been pruned.

Is this a manly ass girl?
Or a dude trying to look like a girl?