Daily reminder: Skyward Sword is a piece of shit!
Daily reminder: Skyward Sword is a piece of shit!
Daily reminder: this faggot is a divorce and failed transition away from ending himself
It's super flawed but I'd argue it has some of the best bosses in the series, and some top notch dungeons. It's just the endless hand holding and shit ton of filler that ruin it
>being obese
Daily reminder that Arin sucks at videogames.
until 3 mainline games from now, and all you lots will be slurping its fucking cock
so are e-celebs
smoothest fucking boss in forever
watching him play OOT and mega man x just completely invalidates all his opinions in sequelitis desu
How can someone whos job is to play video games all day be so fucking shit at them
also fuck arin, I prefer that nazi jontron
>man who can't comprehend 3D space
it probably took him hours to get past the tutorial and then blamed it on the game and not himself
Reminder: If you say you think something is bad, but you don't explain why you think it's bad, it's a low-quality post. If you're just saying it's bad for attention, it's a troll.
I don't like Skyward Sword as much as the other 3D Zelda games, because I feel it's a bit too linear, and I disliked the motion controls.
Watching him playing Majora's Mask was worse, the guy can't play anything that requires a tiny bit of attention.
People can talk shit about the motion controls all they want, but this both and Tentalus (despite it's retarded design) made them worth it.
Arin is only famous because of his cartoons, which he hasn't made in over a decade. Now he's just a lazy faggot raking in that youtube revenue. If you actually thought his opinions of games are worth a single shit you might just be criminally retarded.
Yeah, no. Skyward Sword still sucks dick. BotW isn't going to magically be hated, either, because it's actually a good game. There's not such thing as the "Zelda cycle", just retards with shit taste on Yea Forums.
This was like the only good boss in the entire game. All of them, literally ALL OF THEM aside from this one was complete shit. And he wasn't even that good. It's just cool how Link uses one of his big ass sabers to attack him when he's vulnerable.
that hoe wont leave him
So When will Arin go full Trans? I thought we were close when he wore that Sonic Dress outfit.
You guys realize hes obviously been purposefully bad at games to then complain about the game for most of the series like in sonic adventure how he just fucking sucks on purpose and blaims thea game for cheap laughs
This dipshit couldn't figure out for 10 minutes what to do in Pinna park in mario sunshine with the beach turtles.
The game has a major mechanic in interacting with the world by shooting stuff with water and couldn't figure it.
Total rube
>Game grumps lost all its Charm
>Oney plays will lose Ding Dong and Julian
FUCK Man, I got nothing new to hear for background noise. The Super Mega dudes looks ok but i don't want to get hurt again
ok arin
It's easy user! Just find ecelebs that will never have drama!
OneyPlays is unironically better with Zach and that other dude. SuperMega is fine but their live action videos are better.
Love the little gremlin named Zach but Lyle is a Bitch. Hehe you're trying to do a bit so I'm gonna de rail it and talk loudly
if they cut the handholding, motion controls and half the demise fights and made the characters not ugly as fuck it would actually probably be pretty good