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Other urls found in this thread:

reported to FBI

AMA for the next five minutes about the title, and I'll deliver.

Don't care. Kill yourself.

are you ashamed of halo 4/5?

The chorus Saga was a great ending that made the show feel a bit going back to their roots. Season 15 and 16 are why God doesn't talk to us. And now for season 17 DOUGHNUT IS THE PROTAGONIST

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Sorry, the five minutes is up you cock-gobbling mongoloid :3
4/5 were such absolute clusterfucks that we realized the only way to make any money is to re-release the competent titles.

Release date?
Release Quarter?
Preorder date?

Fucking anything?

This information was already stated

Link it then

>4/5 were such absolute clusterfucks that we realized the only way to make any money is to re-release the competent titles.

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reach customization?

its a good thing this is FUCKING FAKE


Do you have a SINGLE SHRED of evidence to establish any sort of credibility?

Customization will exist in the way it does for all the other titles in the collection

Nope, I like my job. I also like Yea Forums. I don't expect anyone to believe anything posted here, but when it eventually gets announced -- maybe you'll remember this thread.

controller aim assist?

I don't know anything about this one. Sorry

Well in that case, I have to assume you are full of shit, so fuck off you larping faggot.

But in case you're not, make Cortana sexy again in the next Halo you worthless cuck, what the hell are we even paying you niggers for?
That halo 5 shit was a fucking disgrace.

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It will be windows 10 only.

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Fuck sake why five minutes? How many people are going to see this in five sodding minutes? Are you honestly so busy that you can only spare five minutes?

>Season 5 ending was decent
>Keep going anyways
>Season 8 ending was decent
>Keep going anyways
>Season 10 ending was decent
>Keep going anyways
>Season 13 ending was decent
>Keep going anyways
A good ending can help make up for a weak story. That's why you end your series before it becomes completely unbearable like RvB is now

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I agree with this completely. Unfortunately, 343 is composed of leftist faggots that believe the female body is beautiful in every form, and that they are responsible for making the next generation of retards attracted to lgbtq bbw women. Because of this, cortana will probably never be remotely attractive again.

What's going on tomorrow? Is one of the games being released or what?

That's fair enough because my computer turned itself into windows 10 while I was asleep one night.

bump for this

I refuse to upgrade for one game

Will there be cross play between Steam and Windows Store?

I know it's st patricks day tomorrow if you're interested in that

What's happening tomorrow

Well fair enough but I'm already upgraded so might as well get something good out of it.


Yeah, sorry about that. I don't post a lot so I didn't know how much time to allot, last post btw
Reach will be after SXSW, yes.
Technically, yes. All MP is handled through XBL. Get it on steam unless you like UWP drm protection

I agree

Fuck I know you're right but I refuse to upgrade.

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Y'know, I honestly forgot about that. Thanks for that!

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>watching any non-spinoff/PSAs after "why were we here"
A great mistake that I made.

>Because of this, cortana will probably never be remotely attractive again.
..........................well then alright, let's get this party started then

remember lads, subscribe to pewdiepie.

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Oh, so nothing interesting then

Where are you guys located? I want to go down the pub but I'm not sure any of my friends are going

50/50 shot either way i will be playing halo on 7 or I'll be playing it on 10 when i'm forced to upgrade in the next 1-3 years or when companies stop supporting windows 7 in mass.

When you first saw the MCC PC announcement, were you blinded by its majesty?

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do you know TheHappieCat? Her twitter says her name is Anne, no last name.
She stopped making youtube videos 10 months ago in favor of working at 343, allegedly on Halo. If you know her, what is her job? which game(s) is she working on? thanks.

RVB is still going?

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it has a plot now.

O shit, I need to wear green so i don't get my ass kicked again, thanks m8.


I harass enough employees for them to know me quite well. None of them post here, or I would've been assfucked by employees at this point for posting pirated content.

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Paralyzed? Dumbstruck?

But it's always had a plot! Fuck you!

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The plot was the problem from the start you mouth breathers

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why even bother then?

Yet the PCfags were able to evade the console-faggotry, bring the game to PC... AND DESECRATE IT WITH THEIR FILTHY FINGER TIPS!

Are we gonna do this in literally every thread?

I'm in Idaho right now, but I'm going back to Cali tomorrow

The counsel demands it

Damn you're too far away. I'll drink a pint on my lonesome for you tomorrow anyway.

MASTER CHIEF? You mind telling me what you're doing on PC?

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>MCC is coming to PC
>First game released is Reach
>The game that doesn't feature Master Chief
>The worst of the Bungie Halos and the one responsible for turning the series into CoD

I'll have a drink for you though irregardless. Cheers mate

Finishing this fight, again.

I wonder how much they're going to charge for each individual title.
On console it came in one bundle at full price. Are we going to get absolutely fucked, and be charged near full price for every title they release one after another?

Then they're going one by one releasing them so expect Halo 3 two years from now.

Using logic, anyone can come to the conclusion that it won't be that way.

It'll be the same thing, one bundle. The steam page is up already.
Except on PC reach comes with it while xbox will have to buy Reach separately. Wont be free for xbox like odst was

Noble Hierarchs, surely you understand that once the announcement was made..

The thing I'm most excited about is playing a true remastered Halo 2.

The Halo 2 remastered that was on the Xbone was 720p. Yeah, seriously, it was fucking 720p upscale because the remaster looked too good and the Xbone hardware couldn't handle it.

Can't wait to play it in 1440p.

Master Chief is visible in the final scene of reach. He's technically in it.

If they announce release is in September-November like every other Halo game's release was including original MCC, I'm gonna bust a fucking nerve.

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>Reach will be after SXSW, yes.
please god be true, i'm starved for a fun multiplayer fps

fuck that bro, I wanna play this shit now

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>fun multiplayer fps

It comes out on 4/19 You heard it here first. Echo 419 out.

Nobody's saying much but i'll bet something big's about to happen.

I saw this echo thing in another thread, it was probs you but whatever i'll bite, where is this Echo 419 thing coming form? Obviously not the halo ce pelican but why is it coming up now?

Because they have that one website and they probably don't want to change it.

Microsoft employee here who has leaked a bunch of shit on Yea Forums already. Thus guy is LARPing.

Guys what if I have a shit PC and can’t play it?

Not really, they said they're releasing them one at a time, so who knows.
So we'll just get them handed to us one at a time, without paying any additional fees?

Heh, nice try retard but we know who the fake is here

ODST was never free for Xbox. It's $5

it was free for people who had the MCC while it was a really shitty port, as opposed to just a shitty port

Both of them, neanderthal.

ODST was free for people that played MCC while it was broken for the first few months.

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It was free for anyone who played MCC before a specific date.

Can someone link the latest ep? I'm curious to see how they wrap up this dumb post-Chorus plot.

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Played Halo 3 when I first got my 360 way back. Got into the custom games a lot and had a ton of fun. Fast forward to dewrito being updated and learning about it. Download it and play it. Its just as fun as I remember but the pop dies down after they announce no more updates. I wanna buy the collection but I dont know how well it would run on my PC. Dewrito ran fine but MCC has enhanced graphics. I just wanna play stupid custom games again

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Why spill the beans on Yea Forums Yea Forums of all places? This is Reddit 2.0, so I am not surprised

They should have just ended it in Chorus. S13's ending was fucking K I N O

What even happened post Chorus? i think the last thing I saw was the end where they're all defending a room while Church does something as an AI and finally dies.

You should have been a PC gamer after the 360 died. If not you're retarded.

Like I said earlier, he's LARPing. I work at Microsoft, there are heavy NDAs for these sort of things. If it were releasing tomorrow, don't you think you'd know by now to maximize sales? Based on my guess with some insider knowledge, next month seems more likely.

They fight their way out, arrest Hargrove, then retire on some moon for Blood Gulch shenanigans.

Ill be buying it for free.
I just want to play 3.

4 was okay, 5 is garbage

Watch this episode at 2:25 and end it at 9:00

and yet he manages to be more compelling than your "I WORK AT MICROSOFT SUCK MY DICK" statements

Easily the strongest episode Joe wrote.

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RVB 15 and 16 were so fucking insane, 16 was literally just "dude what if we did Thor Ragnarok lmao"

17 is "le Blood Gulch callback" for like the 5th time in the series history.

Should have just struck with the action dramedy instead of trying to go full cartoon with it

You forgot your nametag.

Mannnnnn I can't wait! I feel stupid but this shit shot straight to my #1 most anticipated release.

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FUCK Rooster Teeth for actually crippling my Favorite character after Sarge

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17 has some potential for interesting stuff. Though god knows we're not getting anymore Tex

>what about malarky
They can still do some decent jokes. Are the new seasons post chorus worth picking up or is this as good as it gets?

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Tfw when he slit his palm and throws his blood at an invisible baddie.

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They got lightning in a bottle with this character

The whole point of the first decade of the show is arguably that Tex's entire existence is an insult to her, I'm kinda glad they're leaving her out

you can just customize armor so you look like Master Chef

shit u right mb

where we droppin?

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14 is an anthology by multiple people and was widely loved by everyone

15 is...not great. Easily the worst season, though not unwatchable

16 is...insane. Like, full cartoon. Most people don't even understand the plot of the thing. It's...weird

Well I don't want her in the present day plot, but that's not what we're at. Dead characters will likely be popping up and it'd be weird to ignore her completely. (York, Church, Meta, Felix)

Just based on that image, Halo 2's maps look so visually diverse

But that's Linda

Except 1 on PC way back, never played any halo games. Is reach a good starting point for reintroduction to the series ?

>widely loved by everyone
>the worst season
Yeah. It's bizarre because the Carolina/Wash is so grounded compared to the rest.

All this for a pinch of attention from strangers who don't even like you to start and wont even like you if you weren't lying

yea halo 2 is the best

Story wise, yeah considering its a prequel.

I haven't watched 14 but literally everyone I talked to loved the shorts they did

I'd say just go in release order. They all build upon prior mechanics.

Its got some of the best and worst RvB content in one place. I don't dislike it, but quality control was nonexistent. That Game Grumps episode was insulting.

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So what, there'll be like 5 separate onlines to play on?
Not saying this isnt sick as shit, but the online will be split 5 ways, or is everyone just going to be playing Halo 3 online?

This. If you play reach and come back to combat evolved you will feel like the game hasnt aged well in gameplay mechanics. Better start from CE .

>have flag
>try to get in passenger seat of Warthog
>Warthog moves an inch
>lose flag

I had no idea RvB was still a thing. I haven't seen anything since Season 5.

>the pit

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These latest seasons are my guilty pleasure. I'm one of those idiots that if they kept making this show I'd probably keep watching it.

"The PC version of the Halo: Master Chief Collection will arrive in stages and even in chronological order. This means the first game we’ll see is Halo: Reach followed by Combat Evolved, Halo 2, Halo 3, Halo 3: ODST and finally Halo 4."

if it doesn't come out tomorrow we riot

It won't come out tomorrow autist. Get over yourself.

Then we riot.

Didnt they mention that Reach wont be out by october?

>being autistic

If it means taking their time not fucking up the ports, then it's completely fine with me

shadowdrop today screencap this

Got ya' covered.

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If Reach doesn't get an ETA today they're going to lose a lot of money

From who? I'm buying that shit whether it comes out today or December.

Just want to let you know that I am very grateful that you guys are doing this. You made some mistakes with Guardians, but you seem to be on the right track now. Thank you.

Will there be PC specific balance tweaks to account for the fact that mice aiming will make up for the lower bullet magntiesm/aim assist that specific weapons have on console? Like the sniper rifle and other precision weapons?

tfw throwing stickies up the Construct elevators and getting sticks

>chronological order
>ODST after 3

It was 900p, though it could dip down to 720p to mantain the framerate

>responsible fore turning the series into COD

THe only Halo game that's fucking anything like CoD is 4.

Reach's "loadouts" are litterally just armor ability selection and nothing else, and while that undermines the series's core design by breakiing even starts, it's not anything like Call of Duty. And 5 removes like 99% of the shit 4 added that ACTUALLY made it like CoD.

Calling bullshit, Reach doesn't have specific armor sets, beyond helmets and shoulderpads, everything else is attachement base so there CAN'T be done the same way the other games are.

It's time, boys

We are going home

>We are going home

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>about the title
>the title
You dipshits

I marathoned the last few seasons on a whim one day and Season 15 and the whole conflict with Temple was probably the most that I enjoyed the series in ages. It's the only season in as long as I can remember where they actually played around with the different reds and blues as individual characters with their own story arcs, as opposed to having them just being a bunch of interchangeable idiot tag-alongs in the background of the rest of the plot again.

Everything after was a bit forgettable though.

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I love Cortana!

Don't see how, since dx12 is coming to 7

Did somebody say no scope?

please explain

I didn't know you guys posted on 4channel, based, so can you drop some hint at Halo Infinite's gameplay?

You're too honest to be a 343 employee. Doesn't check out.

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Anime Cortana is best Cortana

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Then thankfully i'll be a huge faggot who sucks balls all day because i like it so much and not have to upgrade...yet.

Why are people excited for this? Halo was on PC 15 years ago.

So all in favor of killing her off again as intended?

I mean... fuck.

I r guy

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they never should have done that in the first place, it was a stunt by 343 to make people care about the plot when their ancient evil awakens and wants to kill all humans plot failed to grab anyone.

It’s all Halo games and will, presumably, have a large player base due to hype. Why are you asking such stupid questions?

Only downside is more cheaters

microsoft gonna drop reach at the gdc conference tomorrow?

Not the best one aka ____3

Okay, so you're not a 343 employee, good to know.


Shout out to whoever felt it was imperative to code Cortana with a belly button.

Smart AI's choose their own appearance when they are "born" from scanning and digitizing a human brain, they aren't programmed

So Cortana has a vagene?

an bobs

most retarded machinima series.

fucking toddlers stuff.

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>inferior arby and the chief

Halo 2 unironically best map set with the exception of fucking Backwash

Shhh dude, you're embarrassing us in front of bungie, you fucking idiot! Talk normal, you piece of shit.

some of you guys are alright.
don't go to rooster teeth tommorow

Bloodgulch/Coagulation. Quite possibly the greatest multiplayer map of all time.

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aerowalk is the greatest map of all time

yes it was also stated that you are a giant faggot.

remember the secret Portal in the cave that opens in coagulation if all 8 players shot gauss hogs at the wall?

Damn, you're the only person on Yea Forums that I've seen mention her working at 343. I actually am interested in what she is doing there aswell - my guess is she is probably a diversity hire.

I hate to say it but that seems likely. She's young and knows some stuff about game development but her track record is
>tutorials and comp sci videos on youtube
>working at microsoft in god knows what function, probably not even related to games
based on this her job at 343 can't be anything senior unless she has a business degree (and then I don't care as she won't design or really create anything herself), and if it's an entry level position then it could be anything but I'm not aware that there is any particular skill she excels at. she never made a big deal of her own activities in the videos I saw.

the only argument against diversity hire is: if she were, wouldn't they want to leverage her youtube background and use her for marketing? instead it's total radio silence from her social media accounts for months on end.

any idea on sys req?

Unless they fuck it up a toaster should be able to handle it. The games aren't exactly new.

>>working at microsoft in god knows what function, probably not even related to games
if you know about game development and you've worked as a programmer in any field then you can be a game programmer
thats not a 'diversity hire'

bloodgulch is the GOAT of maps

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was "programmer" her job description at MS? that would be a relief.

that's what software engineering usually means

oh, it says that on her twitter. I had missed that.

Would this game be better with a controller or k/m

don't assume someone is a diversity hire just because they're a woman

>is is better with a controller

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we weren't assuming, we were speculating. don't strawman a post just because it made you uncomfortable.

>Not buying 10 season edition
>Not stopping there like god intended.
RvB died with Monty and season 10 was the perfect finale for the show. Nu-canon isnt canon and you cant change my mind.

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if it has the controller aim assist it will be better

an hero

I'm not going to lie, I'm probably going to be getting Reach for both PC and Xbone X when it drops. I'm really in the mood for a campaign marathon.

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Usually it's pretty safe to assume with western studios desu

>+aim assist
Jesus Christ, consolebabs. Even with the ridiculous auto aim m/k will blow you out of the water in MP.

Can someone explain to me why I keep seeing Halo described as an arena FPS despite not playing anything like it?

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What time is the SXSW stream tomorrow? I'll probably sleep through it but I wanna know just in case.

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Being back armor abilities and remove sprint in every form

No and yes

Nope, only remember hunting bigfoot in San Andreas.

Halo 2 really does have the best maps in the series

So when will we get new info today?

9/10 are Prequel-tier trash.