These are so fucking bad

These are so fucking bad

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are you surprised? it's a videogame movie.

Monster Hunter isn't going to stand a chance. I'm so sorry Hunt bros

They don't have to be terrible
>Then why hasn't there been a good one yet??
Same reason there wasn't a good superhero movie for decades after they appeared in comic books. New mediums take time for different entertainment field creatives to understand.

Resident Alice game when?


1st Mortal Kombat, and Silent Hill are good.

I unironically like the movies.

she's hot though.

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Yeah they are. I'm going through my media library and updating old files to 1080p and I just straight up deleted those.

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>1st mortal kombat
literal meme
>Silent Hill
the man had passion, can't say much for his talent

No they're not.


Most financially successful video game movie series ever.

Most financially successful horror movie series ever.

Also, feminists will never recognize it as an example of successful movies led by a woman because Milla is hot and chill with men.

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No they're not.

>there are normalfags out there who hear "Resident Evil" and the first character they think of is "Alice."

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I'm not a big fan of the movies but you know what?

The guy who made them is one lucky son of a bitch being married to that hottie

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my favorite thing they do is that after the first sequel, the next movie completely undoes whatever happened in the previous movie, its INSANE

>extinction starts with alice by herself and the world has gone to shit even though in apocalypse she was with a group and the outbreak was still self contained
>afterlife gets rid of her powers introduced in extinction
>retribution gets rid of chris redfield from afterlife and he is never mentioned again
>final chapter literally undoes the ending of retribution by making wesker betray her and making the villain of retribution help alice at the beginning of the movie

characters are in one movie and then never show up in the next ones. it boggles my mind

She's a massive Mary Sue created by her husband, the director. I would hope feminists aren't so desperate they consider that a win.

The last one though is funny as fuck for the sheer amount of retardery present in the movie
>T-virus created as a solution of crises. First one not-birkin posits is GLOBAL WARMING
>the whole scene of pic related

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There was definitely visual talent

Imagine being such a bad actress that the only way to get a role is marrying the directors.

They were special desu.And the last movie was pretty funny.It was also satisfying seeing the story finally end

I liked it when you could see her pubes in the first movie.

Yes they do. Writing in video games is incredibly basic.

first one is good and after that is downhill