Fix it
Fix it
No stunning, just stopping people in a place for seconds, they can fight back.
>he's in
delete it from the game
boom, fixed
Bring back the cleaver combo
Hey this one could actually work pretty well, also mark them for death and make the cleaver crit whenever it would normally mini-crit to bring back the combo
revert it back to how it was at release
stunning just gives them Natasha slowdown and take mini crits
This. I want to completely shut down ubers and yell DERE'S A DINGER FOR YA
At release the item was maximum bullshit, able to fully stun people and even ubered players. Just make it like it was right before the Jungle Inferno update.
Instead of stun or slow, ball marks target for death scaling in duration over distance. Like a fan of war that's more practical but not unlimited in use or as easy to land.
They did
revert all unlocks to how they were at release so everybody is on an equal playingfield of fucking horseshit
>pyros with 225 hp
>natascha slow the same from all distances
>targe resistances
>equalizer damage
>non-tracing ambassador
I miss the Ambassador. So much.
They didn't, making a weapon useless isn't fixing it.
>minisentries that autoheal in the building process
fucking ponyfags
it is if the weapon is pure cancer that doesn't belong in a first person shooter
and then the next game i join is full of bots and they vote kick me
One hit ko
aoe range should be the whole map
Hit's all no matter what
2000% critical damage
>prussian gives you 50% hp restore from any stray sg scrap
>tomislav before nerf
>red tape recorder downgrades buildings in milliseconds
crashed again, nice game
Free to play games and miserable fucks that only feel satisfaction from ruining other peoples' fun is a bad, bad combination.
Valve probably won't do shit but report him anyway.
>server crashed
>server crashed
>server crashed
>join a game where the server isn't crash
>the whole other team is sniper aimbots
That shit was the BEST
>Stopping an ubered Soldier repeatedly at close range until uber ran out
the salt was unimaginable
Who was asking for the sandman to be nerfed in the first place?
I can fix it!
make sure to grab a sign with your waifu on it
it will bring you great strength
At least we can still airblast medics out of range from the guy they were ubering.
Butthurt heavy/soldier mains and compfags
I think that guy or someone with the same name DDOS'd Scout's VA one time, shit like this is why horsefuckers deserve to be trashed
>you can spam a projectile for free that stuns players in a game that focuses so much in player movement
>this is somehow fun for the retards in Yea Forums
Kill yourself and go back to whatever the newest meme moba game is hip with you zoomers.
>5 second recharge
Pick one, retard.
Also, I love how you call people who want the old sandman back 'zoomers' when it's literally one of the oldest and most iconic unlocks in the entire game.
>5 second recharge
>not spam
Are you retarded? Don't bother answering, it's obvious when you defend this garbage.
Soldier mains seem to complain about a lot of shit, any class that gets a tiny leg up on them and they fucking flip
>Every pub game after MyM
You could pick up the ball for an instant reload in those days, Mr Expert.
Fix it.
>range limit AND falloff
what were they thinking
upvoted my fellow redditor
>Published on Jan 29, 2015
He knew. He knew pubs would be fucked long before any of us imagined it.
They were catering to casualfags. Feels bad.
Did they remove the dumb inaccuracy thing they gave to the weapon when they nerfed it? I stopped playing around the time this nerf happened and I remember thinking that was retarded even though I didn't even play spy.
No there is still spread like every revolver.
turn bonk into a debuff on accuracy to signify a concussion.
That never happened thank fuck. They scrapped that idea and went the fall off bullshit.
Return the stun, it was never broken or OP at all. Hitting a max range ball for the stun requred actual skill and planning for the reward. It was the ONLY stun in the game as well.
Ah that was in one of those patch notes they released before actually pushing them into the game to get player feedback? Was kind of long ago at this point and I forget but I'm sure I read they wanted to add more inaccuracy to it.
Isn't it still great at getting snipers with razorback?
Make it do extra damage from behind maybe.
It's not happening. Learn to hit meatshots and you won't need your crutch.
>pull out shotgun
>pyro panics and dies
what did pyro mains mean by this?
>Hitting meatshots (Hit scan at point blank) is harder then a max distance sandman
Enforcer does the job, but better. You just need to get that initial close range disguised body shot
Honestly as long you get the jump on a Sniper, you'll be able to win even with a L'etranger
Yeah it was the initial idea to nerf. But it was so God damn stupid, they managed to sway it to something a bit less stupid.
more like
>stunning that one heavy on the enemy team that keeps dominating you
>Waaah I can't avoid a ball!
>reinstall tf2 after 2 years
>join game
>see this
>server goes down
Bad timing, one of the few autists is mad about tf2 existing. Either try and get lucky and find a clean casual server or play a relatively vanilla community server like The Furry Pound #4 :^).
>Double jumps behind you
>Slaps you
Psshh... nothing personnel kid...
>join game
>almost everyone is a sniper but me
>constant votekicks with 5 instant yes votes
>get kicked after a few kills
what happened to this game
>The people stunned can no longer fire their guns for the duration of the stun
There, I fixed it.
Remove slow, ball applies marked for death instead
Same case with the duration being based on distance traveled
Remove headshot cooldown
That way it's comparable to the diamondback in terms of rewarding skill, but still keeping in line with valve's retarded range change
If you set a soldier on fire for half a second, you already have the advantage assuming you both whip out shotguns, since you have the afterburn and faster speed
>Sticky launcher with 40 ammo, higher crit rate, no damage ramp up
Here's how you fix it:
Revert it back to what it previously was. Why the fuck would you nerf skill?
>pyro reflects rocket and kills you
>don't have shotgun because gunboats
>next time you see them in a 1 v 1 situation
>don't fire a rocket and just strafe back and forth doing nothing
>they start panicking because you didn't fire a rocket
>you can literally see their brain melting
>after a couple of seconds he airblasts nothing
>blow the brony faggot into pieces
Hackers found a way to join servers alongside preprogrammed bots that block votes for kicking them and instantly vote yes on any other kick votes. Valve, as usual, has done nothing to circumvent this
I didn't say DB takes skill, I said it was an alternative to DB that takes skill
And I'm making a suggestion that valve would most likely agree with if they were seriously dead-set on removing spy's ranged capabilities
He's right you know.
imagine if this game wasnt infested with cheaters
>Remove slow, ball applies marked for death instead
that would make the fan o war useless
My bad, I misread then.
I have no idea where the idea to nerf the gun came from to begin with.
Surprisingly it wasnt the Compfags, so I'm guessing some casualfags and Youtubers might've started it.
Just a really stupid nerf overrall
Make it actually do something useful or remove the health penalty.
Eh, they would both have their uses
Either go with ranged marked for death and less health, or melee marked for death and more health
Also the fan would apply maximum duration
would be unironically based if this bronigger just did this to valve servers, forcing life back into community ones
>remove the health penalty.
That's a good fucking point, make it do something or get rid of the heath penalty
I miss FaN jump up ledges and comboing people with this and the guillotine. It was the only reason I ever played scout.
This. The closest thing i have left is the Wrap Assassin + Cleaver, 2 welp aimed shots and bleed em out, plus if one is a crit. Fun shit
Unironically this. Everything is OP = Nothing is OP.
this reminds me of that would it thing that could try maybe to be bettter. but i lkke to do bith things for me
What about lowering the distance required for max slow duration? Then its effectiveness at mid range would be relatively better without having to revert to the old design and taking away the ability to fight back. I don't think being able to pick up the ball and spamming is a problem, but if it becomes one, we can just make picking it up only restore half of the cooldown or something.
How do I get into tf2 competitive matchmaking? In-game and TF2c enter never seems to have players, and I'm not totally thrilled with having to join a team when I wanna play on the whim
Except there would still be plenty of underpowered weapons relative to those broken ones, so that makes 0 fucking sense.
You'd have to buff EVERY single weapon in the game to get up to the level of those broken old ones, and why would you go to that enormous level of effort when you could just nerf them instead?
Try thinking critically bro
>remove hp penalty
>end up with weapon with no downsides
Your melee weapon being able to attack at range for 30 damage every 10 seconds and slow enemies is something useful, and if there was no health penalty and all you paid for that was "no random crits", it would be cancer again.
Scout's melee loadout is more balanced than it's ever been. Sandman should be left alone.