Will this kill Sony?

Will this kill Sony?

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Sony will kill Sony

How so?

>those rumors
I'll believe it when I see it.

Not a chance in hell
Nice joke

No, But the basedboys in Cali put in charge of PS4 might

A wildly popular console this gen (PS4) means a dud in the next gen. Them's the rules.

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Yep. Like with the Ps1.

Neither of them have had a worthwhile exclusive in years so no.

he's right. it happened with the Wii, it only became popular because of motion controls and once that fad wore off the Wii U was a shit.
The PS4 was given a big lead because of Microsoft's insane anti consumer practices and now that they learned their lesson there's nothing to hand Sony the lead for the PS5.

The smaller Japanese devs are already jumping ship, so the "weebs" will follow, as niche as that audience is.

beat me to it

this is the correct answer

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t. zoomers whos first consoles were 360/PS3/Wii

most zoomers first console was the ps2/gamecube/original xbox. at least mine was.

This. Moving an HQ to Cali was a fucking retarded move.

>holy light of censorship every game
>Sony will kill Sony
unironically this

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I saw this exact "meme" at /pol/ last month, it was in circulation for god knows how long. There was still vibrant on the yaefh feshe man telodwww es eryh bot with a newer base at the bottom, I figured they were going to retire it but it's back now, must've forced it.They're the same kind of board that still posts knockoff reddit memes and fucked up frog faces.

>it's also available on playstation

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So was mine, early zoomers definitely started with those.

>post yfw Nintendo and Microsoft fuse
>next gen they release the most powerful console to ever be conceived that also happens to be a portable handheld
>it’s filled to the brim with Nintendo exlcusives, halo games and every theirs party game imaginable
>At the same time Microsoft is pushing PC hard
>Xbox play anywhere and cross play for every single game
>every new game on PC
>Sony starts struggling to compete
>with their vast new wealth microtendo releases a new game service that rivals steam
>the service is so good it kills steam and all other services like ea origin and uplay
>Sony finally dies because nintensoft is too powerful
>googles new console is DOA
>PC has been revived and now consolefags, portable fags and PC fags live in unity
>now the dream team targets mobile gayming
>they translate their steam service equivalent to mobile gaming and release a smart phone so sleek and so based that it kills apple and all other smart phones to ever exist
>people only buy their mobile games from the microtendo store
>finally gaming on all platforms has been fully United
>exclusives are dead and so are console wars
>micro tendo make so much money they no longer need to add scummy practices to their games
>developers have access to inifine funding and resources and the future is filled with beautiful, gameplay focus, creative games
>a new era dawns where gaming is good once more
>the based alliance between Microsoft and nintendo has SAVES GAMING and brought tears to both zoomers and boomer around the world
Thank you nintendosoft :’)

a better image would be nintendo games on an xbox

This, nintendo's consoles, controllers, and online infrastructure are garbage. i would play the hell out of Nintendo's shit on the xbox but i refuse to spend money on their consoles or their sorry excuse for an onlice """service""".


Have sex


holy shit based

stfu you stupid nigger

good post

>THEY'LL FAIL BECAUSE PS3 DID (PS6 would be the one failing going by your retarded pattern faggotry lol)
Yeah I'm sure that'll happen copers

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wow. the future looks good boys.

Honestly why does Yea Forums have so many delusion Anti Sony fags?

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Kys faglord. Microsoft will never reach 2B accounts.

>credits end
>screen goes black
>noise of footsteps grows closer
>a sliding door opens revealing Jeff Bezos
>a podium arises from the ground with a simple leather check book on top
>he reaches for the check book
>"Fine, I'll do this my self" he says as he walks away
>screen fades to black


But the PS3 is the only Sony console that has had any trouble. Also, the Wii got its sales from a temporary market of non-gamers, but has otherwise usually struggled with selling their consoles. Xbox has just been meh every year around. Not as bad as Nintendo usually does, but not as good as Sony usually does except the beginning of the last generation. I mean, your pattern has NEVER existed.

Read and form your own opinion.

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>it's ok when sony does it
Not even surprized desu

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what the fuck is this gayarse post? what the fuck are you talking about? learn 2 fucken spell

The sad thing is that PS3 still outsold every Nintendo and Xbox console besides the Wii.
Sony "failures" are mere setbacks at worst.

>The PS4 was given a big lead because of Microsoft's insane anti consumer practices and now that they learned their lesson there's nothing to hand Sony the lead for the PS5.
They don't have big enough support by Jap devs, whether you care about that or not doesn't matter. They also don't put out enough games so anyone would be hesitant to buy a new console from them. Finally, they also sold a weaker system so that can work against them again if they do it with the next console. There is plenty to hold them back.

oh the ironing

I wanna see another Ratchet & Clank on the next PlayStation if they haven't already started. Finish up the twelve year old arc already man.

There won't be a PS6, Sony will go full streaming after the PS5.

Kiddies always use this word without knowing it's meaning.
The main thing is that Sony isn't failing anytime soon despite the censorship thing. These buttmad weebs are a very small minority.

>Delusional leeching Xnigger

360 and original xbox had hardly any jap devs but still was on par with the PS3 with the original xbox outselling the gamecube. The Xbone was weaker because they spent time and money on the Kinect which doesn't exist anymore or isn't the main focus. the best selling games on both systems are 3rd parties like GTA, Call of Duty etc and there isn't much in the way of microsoft selling a more powerful system.

post yfw streaming becomes the only way to game

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LOL no, they killed themselves.

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Even with just PS4 backwards compatibility, Sony has a giant headstart on the next-gen, it's pure COPE if you think otherwise.

What's the Hebrew version of Blacked?

No it didn't. Official numbers for Sony and MS have the PS3 at 83.8M shipped, Xbox 360 at 84M sold.

>this thread
>52 replies
>30 posters
It sure is buttblasted in here

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Will I be able to play Halo on my switch?

>original xbox outselling the gamecube
Did you miss the part where I said Nintendo has had trouble selling their consoles? That doesn't do anything to help disprove that the xbox brand is middle of the road usually.

>360 hardly any jap devs
Actually the 360 DID have higher than usual jap support. The 360 was easier to program for so it actually got preferential treatment over the PS3 in just about all countries. They still managed to take this huge advantage and lead and squander it over the years to reaching a tie with a company that gifted them a victory on a silver platter. Fuck, Tales of Vesperia and Castlevania Harmony of Despair alone were some of the best jap games of the generation and started off as 360 exclusives with fucked up ports to the PS3 (vesperia being jap only and HoD was a fucking joke compared to the 360 version).


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>The worst selling PlayStation still sold as much as the best selling Xbox
>Xbox is totally going to kill PlayStation this time, I swear!

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Honestly this. Used to be Halo was the reason people owned an Xbox. Phil has graciously decided Xbox games should be shared with all, immediately devaluing the device, whether fan boys want to admit it. Meanwhile Sony spent an entire generation giving you a reason to own a PS5. All that needs to be done is announce one sequel to any game on PS4 and the hype train keeps moving.

No, but fuck will it improve the shit out of Nintendo's shitty online... I'm fucking tired of how horrible Smash's online is yet I can't stop myself from wanting to play it...

>Ip count didn't go up
I agree you are butthurt

Don't forget Phil wants to bring mircosoft shit to all devices including Playstation

Let me get this straight. You can afford cell service, yet choose not to buy toilet paper for your ass, Pajeet?

no it'll kill xbox
based nintendo, all of the big anti-consumer decisions that sony (and even eventually nintendo) joined in on were pioneered by microsoft
sony is a rival who fell under bad influence. The real enemy is microsoft

might be because i've samefagged several replies to my initial post

If you could smell this thread, it'd smell like shit.

PS3 sold 86 mil Xcoper.

>Did you miss the part where I said Nintendo has had trouble selling their consoles?
You didn't mention nintendo at all in your post.
>That doesn't do anything to help disprove that the xbox brand is middle of the road usually.
It was to disprove that not having enough jap devs will hurt them even though the gamecube being a jap console itself had more and still lost.
>They still managed to take this huge advantage and lead and squander it over the years to reaching a tie
Actually, this was due to the PS3's Blu Ray system. many people bought it just to watch Blu Rays much like the PS2's DVD player.

There was no bigger gift to anyone than Microsoft's anti consumer practices to Sony which, if the PS4 didn't get as big as it did could have spelt complete financial trouble for Sony.

>wants to bring microsoft shit to all devices
>has spent the entire generation making damn sure that there aren't many microsoft exclusives
Face it, the fucking retard still doesn't give a shit about games. XBL has just made them so much money that they want to weasel it onto more devices and deploy the official microsoft strategy of embrace, extend, and extinguish. Once the XBL money starts rolling in on all consoles and PC, expect games from them to just dry up and them to exit the console race. Of course, people won't believe me just like when I was saying that Microsoft wants to focus on PC thus they will sacrifice their console to do so, years before they pulled that shit with Xbone. I mean, its like you guys have never researched M$ strategies and don't know what type of company it is. Or maybe you just naively believe that the game division isn't subject to the normal operating conditions of the mother company.

>Screen fades back in.
> Hey you, you’re finally awake. You were trying to cross the border right? Walked right into that Imperial ambush same as us and that thief over there.

Wrongo buddy

It was fpbp but I feel like there is still enough about the op worth discussing that I would not call it /thread

Hey Yea Forums, is this related to microsoft making changes to their xbox stuff?

I noticed my xbox app on my PC now tells me recently played games, even ones that aren't xbox games. Like it tells me what xbox friends I have that have played TF2 on a Win10 device even if they only play xbox via an actual xbox.
Is this new or has Microsoft been doing this for a while?

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lmao what a twist that would be

>You didn't mention nintendo at all in your post.
Oh fuck I didn't follow the reply chain and though you responded to my other post >It was to disprove that not having enough jap devs will hurt them even though the gamecube being a jap console itself had more and still lost.
But having jap support DID help the 360. Looking at their own system shows the opposite of what you claim.

>Actually, this was due to the PS3's Blu Ray system
No... This is because just like with the original Xbox, Microsoft has a tendency to reduce their efforts with a system near the end of its life cycle. Look at Xbone. They are doing it all over again for the third fucking time... Also, why would bluray sales supposedly help the PS3 when bluray players are now more advanced and cheaper, but hinder the PS3's sales in the beginning when the PS3 was hands down the best bluray player and also the cheapest? It took them like a year or two to make a cheaper bluray player and it was the shittiest thing around. Unfortunately I'm talking from experience here.

>no bigger gift
I agree this was big, but weaker hardware, more expensive price, and loss of jap support due to both systems being easy to program for are all other big factors too. Hell, look outside of hardcore gamers and you would see shit tons of normalfags praising PS4 for being the 1080p system and not even mentioning Microsoft's fuck up.

No. Only Sunset Overdrive 2 will kill Sony.

>I-it's not censorship, r-really
>the women should be covered, you know
I can already tell you're a Muslim.

You must be crazy.....the Xbox controller and the cosmetics of the console are better than the PS4. You can’t even just turn off a PS4 without it spazzing out.

I was a an Xbox only fan until PS4 got Spider-Man. Then I started playing PS4. Then I got bored of the PS4 and bought a switch...

I have since removed my subscriptions for both PS and Xbox, fuck me if switch games aren’t exspensive though, even second hand.

>But having jap support DID help the 360
But wasn't the 360 a massive flop in Japan? i guess it could've attracted western weebs but i almost never met one on xbox live (i played on PSN and XBox live for awhile).
>Microsoft has a tendency to reduce their efforts with a system near the end of its life cycle
What do you mean specifically? less new titles? with the kinect introduction during the 360's life it seemed like they were still interested in trying to capture the same audiance who went after the Wii at least.
>why would bluray sales supposedly help the PS3
i assume the people who wanted a Blu Ray player chose the PS3 because it was like an all-in-one package. no other system allowed you to watch blu ray Movies and play the occasional game. it would've been many people's basic home entertainment system.
>but hinder the PS3's sales in the beginning
Did it? seemed like it would be the perfect choice for all in one entertainment. when you say it took them a year to make a cheaper blu ray player do you mean a stand-alone blu ray player?

I agree, That's what i'm saying. that's exactly why i think Microsoft should handle the console end of things in a Nintendo X Microsoft relationship.

>other pic gets deleted
>this one stays up

insecure kek

Report it


This, standards are higher for playstation because it's a better brand. Nincels and xtards treat the ps3 as a failure despite it selling among the highest sold microsoft/Nintendo console

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Woah 200k difference between Sony's worst selling console and Microsoft's best selling (inflated by RRoD garbage, no less). Microsoft will definitely finish sony

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Even normie shit like girlfriend reviews made fun of it retard

>in same anti consumer practices
>which are now becoming the standard anyway

>Nincels and xtards treat the ps3 as a failure despite
Probably because Sony, in their first 2 years of PS3, lost all the money they earned with PS2 which is, as you know, the best selling home console of all time.
...and that takes some skill.

Microsoft took advantage of that, invested in things they normally wouldn't (JRPGs, for example) but luckily for Sony, Japs don't like non-Japanese consoles, even if/when they have good games on them.