Do you play one game at a time and try to power through it until the end?

Do you play one game at a time and try to power through it until the end?
Or do you play multiple games at once and rotate between them as you get bored?

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Power through unless the game is absolute shit, then I drop it and move on.

power through 90 percent of the time but not always. need to beat BOTW I'm right at the end.

Power through 50% then give up because something small bothered me enough that I'll consider it shit.

I need help beating games. I've only beaten maybe 15 in my life and all I do now is analyze graphics and performance

I tend to get bored and quit towards the end. Never finished the last dungeon in ALTTP.

Apply for a job at eurogamer.

Usually one at the time


I dont like to jump between games so I finish one before starting another.

play it for 3 hours, ignore it for another year, then get really into it and get sad after I beat it.

I get a game, play a little bit and forget about it and never pick it up again.

The former.

Usually one at a time, but for some games (like long-ass RPGs) I’ll take a break to play an action game

Power though, if I swap around I know I'll never beat it.

This and powering through are the only acceptable answer

>implying boomers even now how to turn on a pc

I usually play more than one game at a time, it just depends on what I feel like. Unless a game is short, very captivating, or both I don’t usually play through it all the way in one run.

Plus if a game is really fun, I hate the feeling of knowing I’m going to finish it and the first time experience that makes it so much better will be gone. I do this with tv shows too, it took me months to finish the last season of House because I couldn’t bear for it to be over.9

I try to stick with one game but I find I'm able to actually finish most of them when I'm rotating. I'm not good at sticking with one thing for a long time

Used to power through

Now I rotate and its its really difficult to finish single player campaigns. I just don't have the free time I once had

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Usually power through unless it is taking forever or if it's just god-awful like dragon age 2 and final fantasy 13 were. Only games I've dropped, I shouldn't be falling asleep playing them. Even woodcutting in runescape is more engaging.

I rotate them. I usually beat the games I play though unless I dislike them

If I can sink a bit into a game and stick with it I get obsessed until completion, like once I got through the school in the OG silent Hill a few days ago, didnt stop until I beat the game